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10.74% One Piece: Emperor of the Seas / Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Capítulo 11: Chapter 11

Ace and Vash snuck inside the mansion grounds by jumping over the wall that surrounded the perimeter of the large property. It was only twice as tall as a normal person. With Ace and Vash's physical prowess, it only took one jump to get over it.

They crouched and used the natural foliage of the bushes along their path towards the Zein Family's mansion to avoid the patrolling guards. So far, they were successful in sneaking undetected.

"This is a lot of patrols." Ace observed how there were more guards patrolling than the reasonable amount needed. "Looks like he's expecting us."

"Seems like it. I've made a lot of noise following leads these past three months. He must've found out what happened to the assassin he hired by now."

"What does this Minister Zein look like, anyway?" Ace asked Vash so he could try and locate where their target was.

"A tall old man with graying hair. He's rather well-built from his days in the army," Vash described Minister Zein.

Ace closed his eyes and used his Observation Haki to find someone that matches Vash's description in the mansion. He soon found the only one that could match it. He also found a lot of marines waiting for them, but decided not to share it with Vash for now.

"He's on the fourth floor, ordering servants. He's packing up. He knows we're coming." Ace relayed the information to Vash.

"You have to teach me that trick."

"You probably already know it."


"I'm not sure, but I feel like you do," Ace said before detecting something with his Observation Haki. "Let's hurry up. He's done packing. He's leaving already."

"Then I guess there's no need to sneak around anymore," Vash said before taking out his two revolvers. He jumped out from behind the bush, shocking the two patrolling guards in front of them.

"Hey!" The guards were about to aim their rifles to shoot Vash, but he was quicker. Vash shot the rifles off their hands with two simultaneous shots from his revolvers. He then used the butt of his revolvers to knock out the guards with two clean strikes at the back of their necks.

The gunshots were loud enough to alert the patrolling guards as well as the ones inside the mansion, as far as Ace could see with his Observation Haki. He wasn't like Enel who could 'hear' along with 'seeing' faraway things using his Observation Haki.

Ace followed Vash and watched him deal with the guards without offering any help. He wanted to clearly see what Vash was capable of. Most of the attention was on the gunslinger. Those who do shoot at Ace would only be disappointed to see their bullets brush off him. He used a combination of Advanced Observation and Armament Haki to nullify the impact of the bullets on the area they will hit.

Vash didn't complain when he noticed Ace wasn't doing anything. He just focused on the task at hand. Ace noticed how Vash moved around seemingly erratically, but he knew that wasn't the case.

'Is he… subconsciously using Observation Haki? I was right!'

That was the only explanation Ace could think of. Vash didn't just move randomly. He avoided the trajectory of every bullet shot at him. The way he moved his body in a seemingly unnatural way was so that he could avoid every shot with minimal movement.

'What kind of life did he live to learn something like that?'

Vash quickly dealt with the guards by shooting them on their thighs or shoulders and continued onwards to the mansion with Ace close behind him. Ace detected Minister Zein disappear through a secret door on the fourth floor library. Ace widened his range to see the secret path end in the basement of a building outside the property.

Ace saw that the main entrance doors of the mansion were wide open. That looked like a terrible sign, but Vash was getting impatient. Just as Vash was about to rush inside, Ace saw a bad future. Vash would enter and meet a Marine Lieutenant, impatiently shoots him, only to be shot to death by the marines hiding along the stairs balcony as well as the others rushing in from adjacent rooms. Vash would be caught off guard and die.

"Hold on, Vash." Before that future could happen, Ace put a hand on Vash's shoulder and grinned. "Captains enter first."

Ace entered the mansion, followed by Vash. They were immediately greeted by the Lieutenant Ace saw in his vision. The Lieutenant stood proudly as he faced Ace and Vash, no doubt encouraged by the fact that he had a whole crew of marines behind him.

"Mind telling me why a marine Lieutenant is here?" Ace asked Vash.

"Gunsmoke Kingdom is the largest weapons manufacturer in East Blue. The Navy, of course, is the biggest client. Didn't you know?" Vash answered.

"Oh, really? That makes sense. Neat," Ace said, trying to annoy the Lieutenant in front of them. It seemed to work as the marine shouted immediately after.

"Stampede Vash! You and your subordinate are hereby under arrest for breaking and entering the private property of Minister Zein!" The Lieutenant raised a hand. Marines emerged from their hiding spots. They marched out of the rooms they were hiding in, and quickly surrounded Ace and Vash on all sides. "You would be wise to surrender."

Suddenly, Ace laughed. The loudest Vash ever heard him laugh. His laugh rang in the room where everything else was silent. The marines were strangely silent and unmoving. They just watched Ace, as carefree as one can be despite having dozens of rifles aimed at him.

"Oi, Ace! This isn't a laughing matter! Be serious! We're surrounded!" Vash said, poking Ace with his elbow.

"No, it's not. I can easily get us out of here," Ace said to Vash as his laughter died down.

"Well then, you better do it now. Before we die."

"We? Since when was there a we?"

"What?" Vash was confused.

"I still didn't hear you say it," Ace said before asking the question he wanted Vash to answer. "Vash, will you stay here and die? Or will you join my crew and rise to the top with me?"

"You're devious, you know that?" Vash sighed before grinning. "I'll be in your care from now on, Captain!"

"YES! YAHOO!" Ace cheered with a laugh as he patted Vash on the back. "Finally! My first crew member! Okay, Vash! First question!"

"What is it?"

"Does that Lieutenant fit your criteria?" Ace asked, wanting to know if Vash could kill him.

"No, captain."

"That's good! What a relief," Ace said before taking the flintlock pistol he had on his hip. He handed it to Vash. "Shoot him in the head."

Everything went silent. But then, the Lieutenant spoke up.

"Enough with the insults! Marines! Shoot them!"

"We're busy. Shut up," Ace quickly interrupted with a burst of Conqueror's Haki. All the marines collapsed, foaming at the mouth. The Lieutenant only knelt down. Just as Ace intended. Vash widened his eyes after seeing what Ace could do.


"You heard me clearly, Vash. Shoot him in the head."

Vash slowly took the gun in Ace's hand before aiming it at the kneeling Lieutenant. His hands weren't shaking, but it was obvious that Vash was hesitating.

"You're a pirate now. You're to obey your captain's orders and defend his dignity," Ace said before pointing at the Lieutenant. "That man said I'm your subordinate. Will you let that fly?"

Ace watched Vash slowly harden his resolve. There was still some hesitation. Seconds later, Vash closed his eyes and squeezed the trigger.

The audible click was heard in the silent room, but no gunshot sounded out. Vash opened his eyes and saw the Lieutenant still alive. The gun was empty. Ace laughed for the second time.

"Vash! You good man!" Ace patted Vash on the back before genuinely saying, "Thank you for trusting me. I'll be sure not to break it."

"You're a devil, you know that?" Vash sighed in exasperation and relief.

"If things go as I planned, I'm pretty sure I'll be called that soon," Ace forebodingly said.

Ace walked up to the Lieutenant and squatted in front of him.

"Tell me, marine. Who's the captain?"

"You are," the kneeling Lieutenant quickly answered.

"Good. At least you know now. As for who I am?" Ace stood up before continuing. "You'll know soon. Just tell whoever your boss is that Stampede Vash got himself a devilishly handsome captain!"

Ace laughed before knocking out the man with a solid kick on his solar plexus. The Lieutenant flew and crashed on the wall behind him from the sheer force of Ace's kick. He was still alive, albeit injured.

"Let's go, Vash! Our prey is getting away!" Ace ran slow enough to match Vash's top running speed.

"I'm right behind you, captain!"

Ace and Vash ran along the hidden path hidden by the fourth floor library. They were currently underground. The path was surprisingly clean and well lit. The sound of their running footsteps echoed along the path.

"They're just walking. How confident. They'll be in front of us soon," Ace said.

Vash seemed to have suddenly gained a boost in energy. He sped up, and Ace matched his speed. Soon, they saw Minister Zein along with his entourage of guards and servants carrying his luggage.

Minister Zein and his entourage turned around to see who it was running towards them. Ace and Vash saw their faces slowly pale when they got closer. Ace stopped a few paces in front of them, holding back Vash.

"Minister Zein! My crewmate here wants to have a word with you," Ace spoke to the tall old man that could only be Minister Zein. From what he looked like, it seems the old man still has some fight left in him.

"And why must I entertain you?" Minister Zein ignored Ace and Vash. "Take care of them."

Minister Zein ran away alone. His guards and maids faced Ace and Vash. The guards unsheathed their swords. Surprisingly, the maids took out weapons as well. They had two daggers each.


"I know. You take him on. It's your fight."

Ace took out his own cutlass, eager to practice his swordsmanship on the guards and maids. Vash ran forward before jumping to a wall run. The guards tried to cut Vash down. Ace interrupted them, easily parrying their attacks.

Vash easily avoided the maids swinging their daggers at him. He ignored them and chased after Minister Zein. The maids wanted to chase Vash to prevent him from reaching their master, but Ace used Flicker and appeared in front of them.

"Hold on. Your fight is with me."

Ace raised his cutlass at the group in front of him. The servants of Minister Zein were surprisingly competent. Ace felt each of them could match the Lieutenant he dealt with earlier.

Ace just used Observation Haki and his cutlass in dealing with the group in front of him. If he could, he wouldn't use Haki. But at this point, Observation Haki came naturally to Ace.

Ace used his cutlass to parry the blades swung at him, but he used his fist to attack. There wasn't much sense to mindlessly killing those who weren't a threat to him at all.

"Come on, you guys. Try harder! You're supposed to help me practice!" Ace teased as he easily dealt with their attacks. They also offered little resistance whenever Ace attacked.

In the end, Ace effortlessly dealt with the enemies. He sheathed his cutlass back on his hip and sighed in disappointment at the downed guards and maids.

"Well, whatever. There's stronger foes in the Grand Line, I guess."

Ace used Observation Haki to feel where Vash was. He and Minister Zein were at the end of the secret path, in the basement of a building outside the property. They were fighting there. Vash looked like he couldn't find an opportunity to reload his guns as he was busy dealing with a slightly wounded Minister Zein in close combat.

Ace quickly Flickered to catch up as fast as he could. Less than a minute later, he emerged from the secret path's exit to see the fight was over with Vash victorious.

The gunslinger stood over Minister Zein who was lying down on the ground, his blood pooling around him from the gunshot wounds he sustained on his shoulders and thighs.

"You," Minister Zein coughed. "You're that Living Metal Experi-"

"Shut up!" Vash shot a bullet in Zein's bulging bicep, making the old man scream. "I'm not here for that. Answer me! Why did you order a hit on Verna?"

"Verna?" Minister Zein recognized the name. "That scientist? That's what this is about?"

"Answer me!"

"Fine! Damn it all!" Minister Zein gritted his teeth. "It was for the good of the kingdom!"

"Stop with the bullshit rhetoric, Zein! What did Verna ever do to you?"

"Nothing!" Minister Zein screamed. "Her blood was the price! DELTA wanted her dead! She betrayed her organization!"

"Who the hell is DELTA?"

"Are you really her friend, boy?" Minister Zein insulted Vash. "DELTA is a group of scientists. Your 'friend' worked there."

"What the hell could they offer to make you kill a citizen of your country?"

"A weapon. One that would make Gunsmoke strong."

Vash was silent. He gripped his revolver harder, finding it difficult to come face to face with the fact that his best friend was killed like a sacrificial goat.

"Where can I find this DELTA?"

"I don't know," Minister Zein said, seemingly honest. "All I know is they're a worldwide group mainly based on the Grand Line."

"Give me names, and you'll get to live." Vash pressed the end of his revolver on Minister Zein's forehead.

"I only know one. He's the one that wanted your friend dead. We talked through a Transponder Snail." Minister Zein paused, clearly feeling dizzy from the blood loss. "He called himself Knives."

Ace watched Vash pale as if a bucket of cold water was poured over him.

"That's impossible! Stop lying!"

"I am not!"

Vash gritted his teeth in equal parts frustration and confusion. He punched Minister Zein on the face, knocking the old man out. Vash stood up and ruffled his hair as a way to deal with whatever he was feeling.

"So that's what she meant…"

Ace heard Vash mutter some words, most of which he can't make out. Ace let him take his time and regain composure.

"Sorry you had to see me like that, Ace."

"It's fine." Ace reassured Vash. "I'm guessing Knives is your brother's name?"

"Yeah." Vash sighed. "I didn't want to believe it. Verna literally meant my blood brother."

"What did you think it was?"

"I thought she was referring to other bounty hunters and assassins. You know, my brothers in the same trade. That's how I found Moris."

"In a way, it's good you assumed incorrectly," Ace commented, which made Vash shrug.

"I guess."

Ace exited the building with Vash behind him. It was abandoned, fortunately. They didn't have to deal with further troubles.

"So, you ready to go to the Grand Line?" Ace asked, clearly excited.

"I heard it's a treacherous sea," Vash voiced out his concern.

"It is. But we'll be ready. We just need to prepare a few things."

"I think this is the best time to confess that I have never gone out to sea."

"It's fine, it's fine," Ace said before remembering something. "By the way, besides being a good shot, what other skills do you have?"

"Well, I was a licensed doctor in the past," Vash confessed. Ace did a double take.

"You're a DOCTOR?" Ace laughed. "I've never heard of a gunslinging doctor! You're weird! That's great! You must be a genius! How old were you?"

"I'm 28 this year. I was 15 when I was licensed," Vash shared. "My knowledge helps a lot. I know where to shoot to not let my targets die."

"Wow, scary," Ace said, not really scared. "Alright! From now on, you're the doctor of the Ace Pirates!"

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