In the entangled world of a dark and twisted romance, "Circus Doll" unfolds the tale of Giselle, known as "Doll," a submissive beauty in the circus, and the sadistic Ringmaster who holds power over her heart. For them, the circus is not just a job but a playground where the darkness of their desires thrives.
Giselle is the perfect doll, yielding to her dominant Ringmaster's every command without question. She finds a strange allure in his twisted version of affection. Behind the closed curtains of the circus, they explore their darkest secrets, which have been locked away for years.
Their relationship is complex, filled with intense passion and hidden darkness. As the story unravels, the boundaries between pain and pleasure blur, pushing both of them to their limits. Their encounters involve humiliation, abuse, sex, and coarse language, and the narrative contains triggers and self-harm.
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it's so intriguing, all of the scenes are so intense to read