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Capítulo 3: Chapter 3

I do have more than just the mark.

Hinokami Kagura.


My bokken – a traditional Japanese wooden training sword – swings down, in an arching vertical slash.

It's mid-afternoon now. We had only just recently woken up, and I managed to convince Kuroka to make this for me.

Clear Blue Sky.

A seamless transition into a horizontal 360 slash. Don't forget to breathe.

Don't ask how I managed that. Let's just say, she's laying on her side watching me right now, and not on her rear, for a reason.

Raging Sun.

Like a perfect dance, I move into flinging two consecutive arching slashes around myself right after.

I will say, the craftsmanship is pretty good. And in my preferred style, too. A Dai-Katana, more often known as an Odachi, is a Japanese great sword. My preferred length is about that of a bastard sword.

Burning Bones, Summer Sun.

I step forwards, unleashing a singular slash with a spiraling motion. Perfect.

Though the sword's length isn't standard for Sun Breathing, or in my case the Kagura, it works just as fine. It feels much more natural this way, regardless.

Setting Sun Transformation.

I backflip, kicking off the ground with the forward momentum of my last slash, only to perform another horizontal slash, spiraling as I do, my blade creasing through the air with ease.

It's strange, though, I specifically have the exact knowledge on how to use the Hinokami Kagura, not Sun Breathing. Which I remember Tanjiro himself stated was an imperfect version with unnecessary movements, some sloppy footwork, and perhaps more.

Solar Heat Haze.

I land, and dash forward in a burst of speed, delivering a strike with my bokken at speeds that would boggle the senses.

But, really, I don't truly mind. I doubt my body could handle the full and true Sun Breathing Technique as I am now. I'll take whatever I can get.

Beneficent Radiance.

Like clockwork, I'm in the air again, performing a spiraling upwards slash at some imaginary foe.

But this knowledge of how to perform the Kagura isn't all I got. I also discovered I have a secondary power system, separate from the beating star in my heart that seems to be the source of my demigodly powers. I recognized it almost instantly from my memories.

Sunflower Thrust.

When I land, I lash out with the tip of my blade. Even as I feel the force of my landing, the way the air shifts from the movements I make, the leaf atop my forehead doesn't fall off.

I have a chakra pathway system and chakra with which to fill it. I honestly couldn't say how much I actually have since I don't have anyone to compare to, but pooling my physical and mental energies is giving me what I consider a good amount.

Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance.

With a bit more strain, I burst forwards into a whirlwind of movement, slashing at multiple imaginary foes with multiple full power swings.

I've got knowledge of chakra theory and manipulation, as well as a jutsu I could learn, but no control yet. Gotta start from the basics, then rush B for Shadow Clones, of course.

Fire Wheel.

At my last imaginary foe, rather than slash them, I jump over them and then slash them in twine with a singular vertical slash with a circular motion.

As for everything else? Well, I've got knowledge of several Japanese weapons in my head, though I have a preference for an odachi as already stated. I have knowledge of two Martial Arts styles I never heard of before; Sendo and the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist.

Fake Rainbow.

I land and immediately spiral into a burst of motion. Twisting, turning, rotating my body every which way. I blur across the grass and see the afterimages left in my wake.

Jeez. The name on that last one though. Isn't it kind of overcompensating for something?

Flame Dance.

I screeched to a halt, my blade already raised. Two slashes spur forthwith, one after another, a vertical into a horizontal.

I watch as the tree I just struck with that last attack slowly falls apart at the cross-shaped attack.

And I breathe. Sweet, fresh oxygen fills my body, and I can almost feel it as it ripples throughout my veins, bones, and muscles. Rejuvenating them in ways I didn't think were possible.

Sendo, that other martial art I mentioned before, also involved breathing. Through self-controlled respiration, it manifests some kind of energy called Hamon – or the Ripple, Wave Energy. Power like that of the Sun.

The Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist is more a defensive, counter-attacking based style, that also involves breathing and the flow of energy. Though my physique is unfortunately not up to par to handle diving into it yet, I can tell it'll work well with everything else.

I'm starting to see a theme with my powers.

Just as I'm about to continue my dance, a voice stills me.

"Ah, Nori-kun~?" Kuroka half yawns, half calls.

I turn towards the laying cat, a frown mounting on my face, I actually feel myself about to snap at her, anger quickly building in my gut.

That reaction actually shocks me enough that I pause, and am able to push it down before responding in a much more neutral tone.


She points, an amused look in her eyes. "The leaf fell off your head, didn't you notice? Right at the end, nya."

I blink, then slowly look down to see the said leaf.

I let out a much longer than usual sigh, probably as a result of all the air I just took in, and reach down and pick it up.

"Thanks for telling me, Kuro-chan." I murmur, still holding back my sizzling anger at being interrupted.

Why does that piss me off so much? She was just trying to help...

I promptly stick it back to my head, and with the Seal of Confrontation, focus the chakra needed to stick it atop my head.

"Nya?" Kuroka tilts her head, "You know, Nori-kun? Those moves of yours looked very cool, like a dance, actually! But I gotta ask, what are you doing, nya~?"

"Training." I reply simply.

Dance, huh? Well, it was a kagura.

She pipes up, "Training? While sick? That can't be good, nya!"

I shrug, "Course it doesn't, being sick doesn't help, but that's kind of the point." I turn back and begin practicing some basic sword swings. Overhead vertical strikes right down onto the tree stump in front of me.

Damn, this thing is really well-made, huh? Not even a crack on it.

"Being sick makes the training harder, more effective, at least in my mind anyways." Though my swimming head would really like to have a word with me on that.

Kuroka pauses for a beat, "Just seems like a great way of getting yourself hurt and put out of commission for longer, nya."

I snort, "Says the lazy kitty with only two tails."

"What was that!?" I can hear her sit up from the ground as she shouts. I smirk.

"Two. Tails. Kitty~!" I speak it out slowly, and a tad louder.

"How do you even know about that!? Multiple body parts denoting power! You just learned about this world yesterday, nya!" She responds, exacerbated.

"That's how it works in anime, yeah?"

"We don't live in an anime, nya~!"

Okay. At that, I almost keeled over and rolled around the ground in a fit of giggles.

"C-Can you prove we're not?" It was a hard thing though, holding myself back from breaking out laughing.

"Well, I mean..." Kuroka pauses, and I can almost feel the gears turning in her simple catlike mind as she tries to come up with a counterpoint.

I can feel the moment she gave up, huffed, and started whining. "That's not the point nya! Using the Underworld Ranking System, I'm an Ultimate Class Devil!"

Ah. Just ignore me again. Fine, be that way.

"Okay? And? What's that prove?" I counter, "Just because the Devils rate you one way, doesn't mean you have power still to gain elsewhere! I mean," I stop smacking the poor tree stump, and fully turn back to her, "unless you think you hit the limit of your potential?"

I can see the conflict on her face, or what I think is conflict. Kind of hard to tell, but it's not anger, fear...maybe sadness?

Eventually, Kuroka speaks quietly, "No, I don't think so...maybe?" Kuroka shrugs, "Never really thought about it much, to be honest, nya..."

Ah, maybe this all ties back to the experiments performed on her back then?

Well, it's not my place to pry right now, but I know this can't be her limit. Her sister gains a third tail in the normal future. And there's a Nekomata out there with seven tails.

Maybe those experiments did something to stunt her potential or growth, but I seriously doubt it. More likely, Kuroka has room to grow stronger than her sister and the Nekomata I mentioned before, but simply doesn't work to attain it.

Likely due to feelings of guilt and depression, which would be my bet.

Well, in due time...I want to see her reach that potential.

Oh, you poor kitty. Not only do you have my attention sexually, but now you have my eye on your potential!

Ah, all in due time.

Suddenly, Kuroka shakes her head, brushing all those thoughts off and powering on, "Oi, back up a minute! This isn't about me! We were talking about you training, while sick, nya~!"

I hum, "Were we?"

"Yes, nya!" she shoots back. "I don't think you should be doing it, really. Besides, you still have that Senjutsu book to read, you know!"

Hmm. Stay inside, and read? Or dance?

The answer is simple. Easy. Automatic.

"No." I reply evenly, "I'll do it once I've exhausted my body."

Kuroka frowns, "Noriaki-kun. I'm telling you, this isn't good for yo-"

"Kuroka." I cut her off through gritted teeth. "I don't want to stay inside, in a bed. All alone, again. Reading some book." By the time I even realized what I was saying, my voice had up ticked in volume, and that anger, was bubbling in my gut.

"I would much rather be out here, not locked in a damn house, stifled again! With barely any room to move, no one to see what I could do! I..." I blink, as something catches in my throat.

Oh fuck I forget to breathe.

I gag, my knees hit the ground as bile rises in my throat. Liquid streams down my face as I – wait, liquid?

Am I crying?

I stifle back a gag, and force down the bile, as I reach up and touch my face.

Pulling it back, I see the clear streams of tears, painted across my fingers.

Huh. Why...?

I freeze as I feel a hand gently, almost hesitantly, pat me on the back.

Ah. Fuck. I just...damn it.

"Sorry about that..." I refuse to look at her, instead staring down at the ground. "I don't know what...any of that was about."

Slowly, carefully, Kuroka rubs my back in a circular motion. "It's okay...amnesia, right? Did I perhaps trigger something? A memory, nya~?" she softly purrs in my ear.

But it didn't sound seductive, more soothing?

I don't like this. Being consoled like a baby. It's pathetic.

But, I hate this feeling more.

"I..." I trail off slowly, forcing that feeling back to the surface, and along with it, the nugget of memory attached. "I was always alone," I stated fact, "in a big house, somewhere. I–" the tears came again, Kuroka patted me on the back, and I forced it to continue, playing out like a film in my mind.

"I was always alone. So I, cooked for myself. Kept the house clean, for myself. Played games, by myself. Read by myself." Why does the list feel endless? "I have, a guardian." I hiss suddenly, nearly making Kuroka jump. "She'd come by, from time to time...I...the smell of alcohol." The smell pisses me off, just thinking about it.

"She'd either be or get drunk, then trash the place. I'd clean up, and throw her in a room. She'd always be gone the next day. Repeat, over and over..." Purple hair fills my mind. A figure of a woman, with a bust equal to the cat girl next to me, flickers through my mind.

Ah, the perfect definition of what it means to want to hate fuck someone could never be described more succinctly as her.

And yet.

"But one day." I perk up, "She showed me how to dance." I smile, a truly wide smile, a tear-filled smile. "And I never wanted to stop. I wanted to show everyone, including her, I wanted to just dance."

My smile wavers. "Somehow. I don't get the feeling I got that as much as I wanted, huh...?"

"There, there, Nori-kun~..." Kuroka slowly pulls me into her bosom, and I blink. "As long as your out here, you can dance as much as you want, nya~!"

"Ah?" I smile, weakly. "But?" I add on.

"But not if you'll hurt yourself doing it! There are always ways to heal you, of course, like the bedroom method, for example, ~" she purrs out seductively, "but, well this is still serious, nya!"

I chuckle. "I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Especially since just from the name I already have a feeling I know what the bedroom method is all about?"

For my comment, I get a bat on the head. Ow. "It works most effectively when you can use your ki too you know~!" But also a sultry reply?

Damn it cat. Stay consistent! Are you trying to seduce me, cheer me up, stop me from overworking, or work on something else? Pick one damn it!

"Are you trying to get me to study that book, so I can learn how to access my ki just so when I inevitably strain myself too far we can use the method better?"

This time, Kuroka just sighs, "Maybe?" she wearily replies, "I get the feeling you won't stop working, and I can't watch you all the time, even if you do look dazzling training as you were~..."

She continues rubbing my back.

My exposed back, because I've been doing this all with the torso portion of my yukata down to show off.

Hey? If it works, it works!

"Still, Nori-kun!" She perks up, "I invited you to my home–"


"Home," Kuroka pressed on, "and I want you to leave better than when you left, nya~!"

"Still don't fully get why you kidnapped me in the first place." I tack on, blandly.

I don't even need to see her face, to feel the glint in her eyes as she stares at the back of my head. "Hmm, who can say, who can say, nya~..." she continues patting me on the back like I'm a sort of goddamn puppy.

"I hate that you have to see me like this." I suddenly say, and before she can quip, or say it's okay, I press on, "I don't like it. Being vulnerable like this. I hate it. You shouldn't have to deal with my problems, they're mine. No one else should have to suffer for my issues. Me being all snappy. Which is why..."

I pull back from her and look her straight in the eyes. "I'll pay you back. Somehow, someway. I don't know quite yet what I'm going to do, but I'll do it. For everything you've done here for me. For all you've seen–"

I stop, flinching back slightly in shock as Kuroka suddenly puts a hand on my cheek gently. "You don't have to." she says softly, almost pleadingly, "I get it. I was in your place too. It's fine, really!"

I narrow my eyes at her. "I'm gonna do it," I state succinctly, "I'm stubborn like that."

For a moment, we stare into each other's eyes.

A beat, or two, or more passes in tense silence.

And then, finally, Kuroka sighs.

"I can see that..." she trails off wearily, and I smile.

"I'm sure you have, pet~!" I chuckle like a madman, even as Kuroka suddenly locks her hands around my shoulders and squeezes.

"Alright, that tears it!" She suddenly stands up, "Inside, nya!"

"Study time?" I ask bemused.

"Yes! Study time! For a very naughty demigod, nya!"

Look. Kuroka, if you say shit like that, you're going to make me think of other sexual fantasies involving you.

Oh well. I could use a break from all this sappy stuff anyways.

Maybe after this, I should work out a schedule. Demigod/chakra training during the day, physical conditioning in between, study when physically drained, try and dance the Kagura all night from sunset to sunrise?

Hmm. Could use a bit of refinement, but I think I'll have the time.

Kuroka seems pretty intent on making this a long study session after all.

~ A New Sun ~

I was correct, Kuroka did indeed force me to study the rest of the day.

Although her method of trying to make me learn isn't really helping though.

As I sat there reading the book Kuroka gave to me on Senjutsu, she had her arms wrapped around my neck, and her tits placed formed on top of my head.

"It's to help you focus, nya~!" She would say.

It did indeed not help me focus.

Luckily for me, I have something like an overcharged eidetic memory, so I can just pull up the mental image of the book's pages whenever I need.

Now, I'm going to be honest, going into learning Senjutsu I was a tad bit...hesitant. Mostly because I have chakra, and a chakra pathway system, and if my memory serves chakra is technically a type of life force, much like ki.

I was afraid that trying to learn DxD Senjutsu might make me accidentally absorb natural energy far before I was ready, and cause me to turn into a stone statue on the spot.

Or, even worse? Make me turn into a cat.

The one thing keeping my fear in check was the fact that humans in Naruto did exist before the Sage spread chakra to the world, meaning those people had to have had some other type of life force.

Now, if only I could find it!

"The most basic method of learning Senjutsu is via mediation~! Concentrate on your state of mind, find the ki – the life force that sustains your existence – and quietly release it into the world, nya~..." Kuroka purred hotly into my ear, her arms wrapped around my neck, bust pressed against my back.

State of mind, huh? Well. I think I'm very horny. But also very pissed that the sickness running through my body hasn't abated enough yet to let me get it up so I can not so quietly release something at her.

I swear, she's doing this shit on purpose. Maybe she's holding a grudge over the pet thing?

Fuck it, I'll double, and triple down if I have to.

First though, trying to find my ki is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

I've got a couple of different power systems already to juggle, my chakra pathways, and the beating sun in my heart, so trying to find a new one that I have no idea where to even start really isn't going great.

I figured my being half-spirit or kami might actually make this process easier, but I guess not. Maybe my human half is fucking everything up? My other power systems? Kuroka being a cock tease?

Maybe I'm just shit at Senjutsu?

Only time will tell, I suppose. Not like I have anything else going on.

Senjutsu is supposedly the 'magic of the body', right? Pretty sure Kuroka said that herself in the Light Novels of this world.

Maybe, rather than looking for my ki in the same place I've been feeling out my chakra and holy spirit powers, I should look for the place where my body and spirit meet?

Is that even possible? How would that even–

"Nya~..." the cat girl leaning against me suddenly yawns into my ear, causing me to shiver and drop my train of thought like a rock. "Ah, Nori-kun~...look how long we've been at this, nya~!"

I open my eyes and crank my head to look out at the now night sky, the moon echoing its dirty silver light across the world.

I blink. And casually choose to forget I called the moonlight dirty. Seriously, what the hell?

"Huh, guess it has been a while." I move to stand up from my meditative pose, causing the cat girl still clinging to me to fall back with a yelp, "With no progress so far. Can't help but wonder why...?" I intone, whilst giving the big titty kitty a glare through my side-eye.

"I think the answer is pretty simple, actually!" she winks and sticks her tongue out at me, "You just suck at Senjutsu, that's all, nya~!"

This fucking cat.

"Don't worry about it though, Nori-kun!" Kuroka quickly adds, "Most humans are like that! It'll take a little bit for you to find your ki, but that's just natural! Even if you're only half, nya~!"

I click my tongue, "That's...fair." I admit begrudgingly. "Still, isn't there another way? Like, physically working myself to the bone until my ki manifests?"

Kuroka frowns slightly at that, "That could work, technically. But that doesn't just happen after a single back-breaking workout, you know? That could take months, even years, of dedicated body breaking to happen." she points at me at that, "That kind of time isn't something you have. Not only that, you're sick," she stresses, "and even still, this method – although tedious and very boring – is still the fastest."

Well. Shit. Better trust the ki and Senjutsu expert here. Plan grind like Sai The Man is a bust.

"It's also ripe for opportunity to tease you, nya~!" Kuroka giggles slyly.

I fucking knew it!

I take a deep breath, in and out, roll my shoulders, loosen my body and just take a second to chill.

Release the anger, release my lust – holy shit there's a lot of lust – and get back to the task at hand here.

Training? Training. I want to see how long I can last dancing the Hinokami Kagura tonight. It's well past sunset, but I don't think I could make it from sunset to sunrise as I am now anyway.

Ignoring the still giggling cat, I go and pick up my bokken, and head out the door.

Kuroka suddenly stops, "Eh!? Nori-kun! Where are you going, nya~!?"

"Outside." I respond simply.

"For what!"

"To dance?" I tact on.


I sigh. "Train." I grumble out.

"Nori-kun..." Kuroka begins, in an almost accusatory tone.

"Would you like to watch?" I quickly interrupt her to add on.

Kuroka pauses, I can feel her grinning faintly at my back. "Sure nya~! Your dances are actually pretty amazing!"

I chuckle slightly, "You've only seen me dance once, though?"

Her grin turns cheshire, "That's all I need to see to know you're amazing at dancing Nori-kun, nya~!"

I'm so, so glad I'm not facing her right now.

Because judging from the fact that my face is burning right now, I'm actually blushing from that little compliment!

By the dead god whose name I said the other day, just how starved for attention am I that what got me was that!?

Not the killer curves, the massive breasts, the pretty face. None of that. A compliment.

Fuck, I'm really not looking forward to getting the rest of my memories.

"Well, come along then, kitty." I try to keep my tone as neutral as possible, but I don't think it's really needed. I don't need special sensing skills to know she probably already knows of my state.

I will remember this, kitty. And I will pay it back severalfold!

~ A New Sun ~

Kuroka really did mean what she said, his dancing his beautiful, but also somehow...fierce? Is that the right word?

Spinning, spiraling, kicking out, he moves. Stops, strikes a specific pose, then flows back into another set of foot work.

Each movement has some purpose she can't quite divine, regardless, it's stunning to watch.

Managing to captivate her attention even now, as fatigue from a long day's 'work' seeps into her body.

She honestly can't remember the last time she had this much fun. Can't remember the last time she interacted with one person for this long.

Can't remember the last time she held someone in a bed, either.

It's kind of absurd, how in just a day or two, life could feel so different.

Kuroka doesn't think of herself as a bad person. Oh, she knows she's made massive mistakes and fuck ups – Shirone – but she isn't intentionally malicious.

When she took in her dear Nori-kun, it was for two main, he actually legitimately needed help. Amnesia, sudden powers, no combat experience, and on top of all that a monster beacon that drives people to want to eat him.

Yeah. She couldn't in good conscience just leave him there.

But the second reason was much less altruistic, she can admit to herself.

That being simply, helping a deity or demigod – or whatever Nori is exactly – is a great way to gain their favor and respect.

Seducing them is also a great way to get in their good graces, turns out.

Having more friends rather than enemies would be a massive boon for her nowadays. Hell, her only friends right now are technically in a terrorist organization, so any other friends would be nice in case that path explodes.

What with the way the leaders are running the brigade, she wouldn't exactly be shocked. Vali is already selling them out and planning to go solo, and she and the rest of the team are along for the ride.

Ah. Vali.


She bit her lip at the thought.

Do demigods...kami...whatever, have some sort of mind-reading power? Because that hit right on the marker so hard it actually kind of hurt.

Honestly, there was a small traitorous part of herself that was starting to think men didn't find her attractive, especially after Vali rejected her advances.

Though that part quickly got thrown into the sun, literally, when Noriaki here came into her life.

Kuroka can't help but shiver at that thought. It's been probably a day, maybe two, and he's already said he'd take her. Fuck her. Just all without outright saying it.

Or, as he aptly put it, make her

The brass balls this guy has to be hiding under those robes to say that to her...even though she admits that the thought makes her more than just shiver.

Damn near sent her into a matting frenzy, that did. Kuroka didn't know she had that type of kink, and she probably could have gone her whole life without knowing it.

The only reason she hasn't likely experienced it yet is because Nori's body is too sick to actually get it up. She feels it through his aura, all the time when they do this song and dance.

She is equal parts disappointed, but also yet kind of relieved at the same time?

Him knowing she's a virgin makes her kind of afraid of what he'll do to her once he finally can get it up.

Ultimate Class being she may be, but she doesn't have sexual experience, shamefully. Something Nori here seems to have despite not possessing much of his memories.

The thought of his memories briefly makes Kuroka recall what happened early today, making her sigh silently.

When Nori could remember something, it didn't seem to go well.

Admittedly, when it started, Kuroka didn't have a single fucking idea what to do.

After all, she can't even figure out her own issues! Much less some demi kami's with amnesia!

She sort of just, defaulted into big sister mode when it started, and it seemed to have worked? At least it didn't make anything worse, so she'll call it a win.

She's glad he didn't look at her face through it all, the pained expression she had during the ordeal probably wouldn't have helped.

Kuroka could feel her eyelids starting to get droopy as Nori's dance continued on.

She didn't want to fall asleep quite yet, though. She wanted to commit as much of this as possible to memory before she goes.

Ah, right.

Soon, perhaps within the next day or two, Vali is calling the team together for a meeting. Maybe a mission.

She doesn't know how long it'll take, but it sucks because she was really enjoying her time with him!

That, and well, after his little breakdown earlier leaving him alone feels like kind of a dick move.

On top of all that, he is still sick, and she'd rather be here in case anything happens. Not because Nori is too weak to defend himself, no, it's just that she can totally see him doing something stupid to try and push himself.

As he's said, and she's seen, he loathes being pampered and vulnerable.

She gets it. Really, she does. But there's a line between being bold and being stupid, and she'd really rather not see him cross it.

Originally, she thought that maybe she could take Nori with her to meet the team...but something deep in her gut told her to stop that line of thinking, fast.

She doesn't know where it's coming from, but that awful premonition she got from just the idea basically told her all she needed to know about that.

On the opposite end, not going would get the greater brigade to look at her and her team more closely, something nobody would want, so that's also out.

In the end, she decided to go, but not before casting a spell and weaving Senjutsu in the area to lock down his scent from escaping.

Gently laying her head down on the soft grass, Kuroka briefly hoped that when she returned, his illness would finally be over.

Gods, both Pagan and Abrahamic, know she needs to get laid after the cluster fuck that is her little terrorist organization's meetings and structure.

That thought gave Kuroka a smile as she finally drifted off to sleep.

~ A New Sun ~

Kuroka told me she had to leave to join up with her master and the rest of the peerage for a rating game, or something along that line, not long after we woke up the next morning.

I knew she was bullshitting, but I accepted it with ease regardless. Honestly, I was kind of surprised she wasn't called away sooner for something or other.

Ah, by the way, a result of my training that night? My internal clock told me I could dance the Kagura for just under an hour, going full throttle the entire time, before getting tired.

The results honestly kind of made me feel like shit.

Like, seriously? Barely an hour? Am I a demigod whose parent is a head of an entire pantheon, or not? And on top of that, I also possess chakra! It's just, really!?

Every breath energized my body, I felt like I could go on forever, but my body itself, my muscles, my bones, gave out on me eventually.

That lit a fire under my ass, hard. And with Kuroka leaving? That gave me much more freedom to go all out.

Of course, the morning after she left, I woke up to a very infuriating yet nice surprise.

My illness just straight up vanished sometime during the night, and I finally found out how painful morning wood gets when I am overwhelmingly horny.

I'm fucking that cat when she gets back, mark my words.

I can't actually believe that's a sentence I thought, what the hell is my life anymore?

Anyhow, I decided to dedicate my time to training until Kuroka got back.

During the daylight hours, I trained my physical condition.

Lifting whatever heavy or large things I could find, fully sprinting in circles around the shack, digging big ass holes and refilling them by hand, whatever I could do, I tried it.

When my body finally got worn out, I'd meditate to try and find my ki, and pull double duty by sticking leaves to my body and training my chakra while I was at it.

As it turns out, not having a cat in my ear turning me on the entire time did help, and using my chakra passively in the background helped me distinguish it from any other powers, and made my search just a tad bit easier.

I still haven't found it, but I feel as though I'm actually getting somewhere.

Somewhere, deeper beneath chakra, and even physical and mental energy, there's something there...

Once my body recovered, I'd repeat my conditioning training, until I tire, meditate, repeat, and so on.

Until night comes, when I draw my bokken out and dance until I can't anymore.

Then wait until I recover, dance some more, and repeat.

Repetition, it's all about repetition.

Throughout this entire process, I'm practicing my breathing whenever I can, trying to force myself to use Total Concentration Constant.

As I found out after my sickness left me, I truly don't need to sleep, so training for Constant that way is worthless, especially without someone there to spot me and make sure I can maintain it in my sleep.

Let it be known, changing 18 years of breathing habits is a bitch and a half to do.

Ah. Another thing.

After my sickness abated, my memories are coming back bit by bit, every day.

I know my age, I'm remembering more and more of a very lonely and uneventful childhood, and I now remember the name of the purple-haired woman in my memories, my guardian.


Ah. I can't wait to finally remember where I live, and see her again.

Now, I know that sounds very suggestive in my head, but I promise, I won't force her.

Just seduce her and then fuck her into a slobbering mess, no alcohol needed!

At least then I could save some yen, and have some fun at the same time. Be a great stress relief and a way of paying her back for all effort and hard work she put into taking care of me.

It would be better, at least, than staying in this shack for god knows how long.

This routine of mine lasted for days after Kuroka left, a week and a half to be specific.

Honestly, I was considering leaving the shack for civilization, but I didn't want Kuroka to come back and see I ditched the place.

That would be a dick move of the greatest proportions. After she basically saved me? Helped me figure out the start of my powers? When she hasn't gotten her well overdue pounding?

Yeah, not gonna happen.

When I leave, I want to take her with me.

She is my new pet, after all. Besides, I could still use a Senjutsu teacher, and I still can't suppress my scent myself.

Beyond all that though? This shack?

It's so fucking lonely.

I was actually assuming, and actually kind of hoping, that my scent would attract some monsters or something for me to fight and get real experience against.

Fucking hell, I also admit that it's because not talking or seeing people for a week and a half sucks and I'm kind of desperate.

So desperate that I consider interacting with literal monsters that want to eat me better than no social interaction.

Once again, I ask. What the fuck is my life anymore?

It was well into the evening that I was pondering this type of stuff.

Going stir-crazy already, only around ten days in. Joy.

At least night had recently fallen, which means I can begin my dance soon. That always helps.

I felt the vibrations of movement before I heard or saw anything.

The weight of the vibrations indicates a thing much larger than the occasional small animal that scurries into my temporary small part of the world.

Familiar, disgusting vibrations...

Oh, son of a bitch!

I turn and face the direction of the movement, and not so long after that I finally hear it, the slithering and brush and grass being parted.

With a final burst of speed, my dear old friend, the fucking danger noodle blasts through the foliage, and into my clearing.

"There you arrreeeee!" It screeches, sounding like several broken cans rubbing together, "I sssearched for, everywhere on that mountain! All through the foressst! I followed your ssscent! You're new, delicious, sssssscent! For daysss! Not even the barrier around this place could ssstop me!"

Huh. Guess that answers that question.

The thing shook every which way as it blabbered on,"Don't think I forgot the humiliation you dealt to me on the mountain! I'll have you pay! Pay with your brainsss and eyesss! I even hid from the Golden Angel of Heaven to get to you!"

Oh. OH.

An Angel? On that mountain? A golden one?


I believe I may have made a mistake.

But that's for future future me to deal with.

"Cool story bro." I casually reply. "Don't think I much like having a stalker though. Didn't your mother ever teach you bett–"

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT I'LL EAT YOU!" it screeched like Palpatine high on crack cocaine.

And then, the world's ugliest and most dangerous rubber hose flung itself at me, bone arm extended.

I smile with glee. It's rematch time!

Here. We. Go~!

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