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The Watchtower and meeting a lost person

I was going to upload earlier but I was late in the medical check-up, I'm very sorry I'll upload the chapters of Percy Jackson: Son of Odin and Harry Potter: Grindelwald's grandson shortly


"Now, child, why did God send you into the world?" Batman asked, looking at me intently.

"Because he wants me to live with humans and protect them. He also wants me to lead a common life and enjoy it; after all, I'm still half human," I replied, settling into the chair.

Several of the men looked at me. "So, where do you plan to live and with whom?" Clark Kent asked as he stared at them.

"My grandfather prepared a house near Monte Justicia. He remodeled a church, and I haven't seen it yet. I'll be living there alone," I said calmly, with Batman fixing his eyes on me, as if trying to see through me.

"Another thing, why did you say that my parents saw me?" Batman said, recalling something he had mentioned a long time ago. In truth, the Waynes did catch glimpses of Bruce from time to time in heaven.

"Because you are in heaven. All your mothers or fathers are proud of you and what you have done. Although Mrs. Martha is always complaining about when you will have children with Selina Kyle and other things," I said calmly, while Batman looked seriously at me and Superman started laughing at his friend, with many of the members looking at me seriously.

Batman looked at all of us and fixed his gaze on Superman, who tried to stop laughing but still couldn't help himself, visibly tempted.

Batman massaged the hundred darts of the mask. "Is there anything we should know, especially if you want to report something God sent you because something is going to happen?" he said, with a slight change in his voice.

"Nothing really. My grandfather only sent me to do those things I told you, help the people of the land, and live my own life," I said calmly.

The League looked at me seriously. In the end, Batman touched the table, and a computer emerged from it. He began typing. "Well, it seems that God even prepared your identity on earth. Ethan Asher Morningstar, born on November 2, 2000, including your address," Batman said, then tensed when he saw something else on the screen.

"We have a situation. Someone entered the League's computer and accessed the Project Cadmus file. The intrusion occurred in the rest room of the Hall of Justice, using my security key," Batman said, looking serious at the intrusion warning on the system.

"The kids must have gone on an adventure. Those rascals! We have to go and rescue them. That place belongs to Luthor, and nothing associated with him is a good sign," Green Arrow said.

All the members nodded. "Do you want me to go with you?" I asked, seeing everyone getting up as if they had forgotten about me.

"You come with us, and then we'll go check out the place God prepared for you," Batman said, mistrusting the location.

They opened a Boom Tube, and we found ourselves back in Washington DC. A building that seemed burned was in front of us, and the noise of a great fight was heard.

"It seems that someone is demolishing the building. Who is the one with super strength?" I said, hearing the sounds.

"None of them. It must be the one they're fighting with," Flash said, getting ready to take a look, but Batman stopped him.

"Let's see how they handle it. The boys were right. We are not treating them as we should. If they are capable, let them be a team like us," Batman said. A sound of something collapsing resounded from the building.

"I'm done. Four people are leaving," I said, looking at the building as four boys came out and one who looked like Superman but in a white suit, puzzling part of the League, and they went down to see them.

"I didn't know Clark had a son," I told Zatara, who stayed with me and The Martian Hunter.

"He hasn't, not that we know of," J'onn said, watching the boy as he lifted up part of the torn suit, revealing a red S and Clark's angry face.

My eyes took on a golden glow, and I saw Superboy. "A half-human and Kryptonian clone. His soul is developing, luckily, it's white, although there are hints of red," I said, with The Martian Hunter and Zatara looking just as intrigued.

"What do you mean, hints of red?" said The Martian.

"The emotional spectrum of anger. Kryptonians were known to be quite prone to anger at the beginning of their culture, but as they advanced genetically, they lost it. Only those in the military branch kept it, which is why things like Doomsday are so violent, due to the anger in their genes. For now, he will be fine since his human part calms the anger, but he needs treatment or a focus. He also has some more DNA that I don't know about," I said, looking at Superboy.

"This is serious. We should take it into account and inform the League," J'onn said, looking at the boy, who got angry with Superman.

Batman, Flash, and Aquaman took the young heroes, who should be their proteges, while J'onn, Zatara, and I went to the church my grandfather told me about.

Upon arrival, we saw that it was a stone church with oak wood and several windows with golden decorations. Zatana stopped at the entrance.

"Wow, your grandfather doesn't mess around. He's loaded this place with divine protections," Zatana said, looking around, puzzled.

"Yes, sometimes he can be a bit overprotective, you know," I said, opening the entrance in the wall. Passing through the stone wall, we found a garden full of fruit trees and bushes.

"A Garden of Eden in a house," J'onn said, somewhat amused by the reference.

As we reached the door, it opened as soon as I touched the knob. Inside, we saw a large room with a fireplace, television, books, and other things. The living room was about 4 or 5 times the size of the church, well-furnished in white with silver ornaments and gold flowers.

"This is surprisingly white," Zatara said, looking around the room.

"Like the Silver City. I decorated it to be a replica, but the black leather armchairs, the table, and chairs have changed," I said, seeing everything.

We checked the rooms, bathrooms, and a fully equipped kitchen with appliances.

"I added heavenly deer, rabbit, and fish, as well as soft drinks," I said, when I saw the fridge full of food.

Suddenly, the house vibrated slightly. "I think the others tried to enter, and the barrier rejected them," Zatara said.

Coming out, we saw Batman, Wonder Woman, and Flash attempting to get through the door. Flash tried to get in by moving his molecules quickly.

Zatara looked at him and sighed, "Barry, stop doing that before you kill yourself. It's not an energy field; it's a sacred barrier. If the owner doesn't invite you in, it will push you out," Zatara said, with Barry stopping.

"You should have said that before. This looks like an ordinary church," Flash said, withdrawing his hand in pain.

"I told you it wasn't. You should apologize. This house is loaded with enough wards to rival Themyscira or Mount Olympus," Diana said, touching the barrier.

I sighed, "You are invited to my house," I said, and Diana's hand went through the barrier. After Batman entered, Superboy followed him.

"I see that you also brought Superboy," I said to Batman, noticing Superboy entering the house.

"What is this? Some kind of super-advanced camouflage technology?" Superboy said.

"Easier, call it a miracle," I said as we walked in, and everyone was looking at the house. Barry ran over, looking at all the books.

"Barry, try not to touch the golden books. They are sacred and would blow your head off for what they contain, especially the Book of Genesis that you were about to touch," I said, seeing how Barry was about to touch the Book of Genesis, a book in white, silver, and gold.

"What about Superboy?" I said, looking at the clone.

"We expected you to stay here while we fix Mount Justice, the base of operations for the team you'll join," Diana said, looking at me.

"Mmh, that's fine. You can stay until Mount Justice is ready," I said, looking at the boy who was extremely upset. After a few minutes, the heroes left.

"Oh, Superboy, take a seat. Let's have a little chat," I said, sitting down on one of the personal sofas.

"I prefer to go to sleep. I don't need anything," he said, going up the stairs. But after a short time, he came back down, seeming confused.

"Moebius band, take a seat and calm down," I said, making my eyes shine with a golden tone. He went back up and appeared at the beginning of the stairs. This was repeated a dozen times.

I had gone to the kitchen to prepare something to eat after several minutes and brought two plates with grilled meat and two cans of cola. "Interesting fact: Kryptonians are extremely weak to magic, divine power, red suns, and all types of existing Kryptonites, believe me, there are many, some quite funny," I said while eating.

"What a damn magician I was missing. Now you'll tell me that magic exists just like other things," Superboy said, stopping trying to climb the stairs and sitting on the couch.

I passed him the plate with meat and the soda. "Magic exists. There are some good things and some bad. Just like aliens. If you exist, then magic or other beings can't be impossible," I said, eating one more bite of meat.

"Great, you're an alien magician or one of those things," he said, cutting the meat and eating. Although it seemed like minutes, he spent 2 hours walking through the Moebius band without stopping.

"You can say that what I am has existed from the beginning of creation, but I am half and half like you. Half human and half angel," I said, releasing my wings, and behind me, the halo of silver and gold.

"Great, a dove! You won't be a Thanagarian like Hawkgirl," Superboy said, chewing the meat heartily.

"You offend, but neither my grandfather nor grandmother gave birth to my father and his brothers at the beginning of everything. Thanagarians only have rigid bird wings. These are of pure divine power," I said, showing how they moved at will and gave off a golden glow, calming everyone down.

"Let's say I believe you are an angel. Then your grandfather would be God, and who would your father be?" he said, interested.

"Ha! If you think you had a bad one, mine is worse," I said seriously.

"Of course, what could be worse than being ignored as soon as you come out of a tube?" he said, annoyed, knowing that Superman had rejected him.

"May your father be the Devil himself, the one who provoked the rebellion of half of heaven, who slept with Eve, who commands the infernal hosts, Lucifer Morningstar himself," I said, laughing as he stared at me in silence.

"Okay, I admit that's too messed up, but you're not half angel, so you shouldn't be half demon," he said.

"Well, Superboy, Lucifer is an angel. His name is Samael Demiurge, the strongest angel of God. I inherited that part of him and not the demonic part. By the way, you should give yourself a name like that. Instead of being called Superboy, what about Conner Kent? 'Kent' after Nelson Kent, Dr. Fate," I said calmly while he looked at me for about 10 minutes, contemplating it.

"Conner Kent, that's what I'll call myself," said the newly named Conner, to which I nodded.

"Well, Conner, first of all, something you have to know: whoever created you was a monumental idiot. The Kryptonian DNA they used was pure, which leads to your anger problems. Your race was quite violent in its origin, but the human DNA they used was to stabilize it. You are still young, only a few months old. I know from your soul that it is still forming. In a few years, those problems will lessen, but I recommend that you find ways to channel your anger into something productive, like training or other activities," I said, looking at him seriously.

"So I'm a time bomb with super strength, an incomplete creation," he said, snorting at the information I just gave him.

"Yes and no. As for being a bomb, you just need to channel that anger into something productive. Training helps, or meditating in the sun. Your race grows stronger with more exposure to the sun. As for the other issue, no. Your soul is young, and as time passes, it will grow with you. It's kind of weird. Clones are a kind of special case in Grandpa's book about life, Androids, or AIs alike," I said, tossing him a soda bottle.

"In special, you mean?" Conner said, taking the soda.

"That they gain a soul through sinning, but in your case, it's a white soul, since you have a part of it given to you by my grandfather to grow and mold with you," I said calmly, finishing my breakfast.

Conner stared at me and huffed, "Well, it's already late, and I want to sleep. I think you should too. The first room on the right is for guests, and the bathroom is incorporated. The Moebius tape won't stop you anymore," I said, and he got up and left.

I also went up and found a bed made of clouds, jumping into it. Seriously, sleeping in one is the most comfortable thing in the world. I woke up early at 6 in the morning and went to shower. When I looked in the mirror, I saw my body covered in scars up to my arms. They were the only things that couldn't be healed in heaven, and I didn't mind having them because they were proof of my life. But it was better to hide them, as they were terrible.

I went to the closet, finding several sets of clothes. In the end, I chose a dark blue T-shirt, jeans, and leather shoes. I went down to the kitchen and made myself a breakfast of cereal and milk.

I was eating when I heard

Conner's voice on the stairs, "Damn, that was like sleeping on a cloud. As soon as I put my head on it, I fell asleep," Conner said.

I started laughing, "Advantages of being a half-angel. My uncles don't sleep because they never tried, but I can. Although I haven't been to that place in a long time," I said, remembering that I hadn't dreamed in years.

Conner sat down and helped himself to cereal and milk, "By that place, do you mean where the angels go?" Conner said, eating.

"A somewhat special place. Maybe one day, it will reopen its doors to everyone," I said, thinking of Lucien and the others, as I continued eating breakfast.

"You know when the League will call us for whatever they're preparing for us," Conner said, finishing his cereal.

"I have no idea, but I know that you wanted to form a team so that you can enter the league after you are ready. You lack experience as a team and individually," I said, looking at him while feeling the barriers vibrate.

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