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1.2% Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED! / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Yuuto Sakurai, Part 1
Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED! Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED! original

Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

Autor: Hazy_0832

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: Yuuto Sakurai, Part 1

DISCLAIMER: Hello! Author here! This story isn't your typical NTR or Anti-NTR type. In this story, I want to focus more on the characters rather than the act itself. Their thought process, and their personalities. I feel like a lot of these aspects are overlooked in NTRs. Just imagine... A shounen-type novel about Anti-NTR and character growth at the same time. How cool would that be? This is my attempt to create this. In regards to the action and fights, they will come in the later chapters, but not too late - don't you worry. This doesn't aim to be something incredibly profound. Just a fun idea I thought would be cool to manifest. I also don't intend to offend other races, beliefs, or sexes in any way. This is a story that started for my own amusement and I decided other people should read it. So with that being, said - Enjoy! AND PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSEEEEEE Comment! I want feedback more than I need rankings!


" - speaking out loud

' - thoughts.

--------------NOTES END----------------

They say the greatest attributes of the human race are willpower and love. People are driven by the motivation created by those feelings and forces.

But if you were to ask this story's protagonist about his opinion on the matter, he would tell you something you might find disheartening and bizarre...

This young man isn't your average person by any means. He also isn't extraordinary in any way. One day, he woke up and he decided that he would help people... Help them with a very specific topic, to be precise.


N.T.R!! Netorare!

A genre creeping its way into the mainstream, thriving on the miseries and vulnerabilities within relationships. It celebrates deception, manipulation, and the overpowering of the charismatic, physically superior men and women. But amidst this rising tide stands a beacon of hope.

The Beacon of Absolute Justice!

The nightmare of evildoers and the hope for victims. He is the avenger who exposes deceit and brings the truth to light. The hero who liberates the victims of manipulation, intimidation, and drugs. To many, he is a savior, a miracle!

That is... Anti-NTR Man!!!

'If only I had clients to vouch for that,' he groaned. 'All my savings, all the training, all the courses, and not a single client?! Come on, you fucking pussies main characters, does NOBODY want to have those blonde haired gyaru boys get their asses baseballed!!? Ooohh, I get it - You all have NTR fetish!! You WANT the blonde haired douchebag, the ugly fat middle-aged man, the sadistic shouta or the buff foreigner to steal your girls (or guys, I don't discriminate)!! It's in your BLOOD to wanna get cucked... ESPECIALLY WHEN MY SERVICES are only 10,000 yen per case, no police involved!!! It's practically a public service I'm doing here!!!'

Meet Yuuto Sakurai. A good-for-nothing 19-year-old high school student, repeating his final year, twice. He's poured his twisted heart, wretched soul, and savings that have dwindled to near non-existence into one grand mission: Eradicate all NTR and its followers from the world!

Truly... The most retarded and delusional quest to have ever existed!


In his frustration, Yuuto smashes his computer desk. His precious baseball bat clatters to the floor.

'Six long months ever since I built this website... I used so much money for the advertising, but no ever clicks the link! I even shaved my head, so that people would see how badass I am... But no one even LOOKS at my website!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED?!" He cries, his screen's glow accentuating his bald head.

Being a high schooler has its advantages. His parents' house is close, and he's financially supported, allowing him to indulge himself in his sick delusion. His wig and glasses are his cover at school, alongside his long-sleeved outfit he always wears - concealing his bulky and sturdy build he had worked on specifically for this, ensuring his secret identity remains safe.... Not that it matters, since he will never get any clients!

"SHUT YOUR TRAP!!!" He bellowed, pitching the mouse against the wall nearby the door to his dark room; the mouse, now in countless fragments laying on the carpet near the door, as if it was ordered from Ikea, served as a testament to Yuuto's ire. He paused, regret instantly filling him. 'Damn it! Too loud!!'

A concerned voice permeated the paper-thin walls, "Honey!!? Is everything alright!?"

Panic gripping him, Yuuto mustered a response, making sure his voice was juuuust loud enough for his mother to hear "Y-YES MOM, I'M FINE THANK YOU!!"

His brief moment of relief was interrupted by a familiar, gruff voice, a storm in its own right. "DONT GO AND BREAK MY STUFF, GOOD FOR NOTHING DUMBASS SON!!!"

Rolling his eyes, Yuuto retorted, each word dripping with venom, "SHUT YOUR TRAP-HOLE YOU DEADBEAT OLD MAN, I HOPE YOU FALL OFF A CLIFF AND DIE!!!" The entire neighborhood might have heard that one.

The subsequent crash, his door giving way, sent his heart into overdrive. A behemoth of a figure, his father, filled the doorway, fury evident in his every feature. "INSOLENT SHUT-IN TRASH!!!! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR DAD LIKE THIS!!!"

Before he could react, Yuuto was airborne, his dad's powerful punch sending him into the wall, the exact spot his poor mouse had met its fate.

His dad smirked, the satisfaction evident, "Now you know how that mouse feels li-blrgh!!" His triumphant declaration was cut short, a harsh cough seizing him.

Yuuto smirked internally. 'Managed to land a good kick before flying across the room… Damn, the old man got stronger again!'

Taking a shaky breath, Yuuto's father mustered a genuine smile, "Hoho… You've gotten better, good-for-nothing son of mine…"

Yuuto used the wall to prop himself up, chuckling, despite the taste of iron in his mouth. "Not too shabby yourself… DEADBEAT OLD MAN!!! Imma Baseball your ass!!"

His father, eyes widened in surprise, shot back, "YOUR MOM JUST CLEANED THE RUG YOU SULLIED WITH YOUR ROTTEN BLOOD!!!" Lunging forward, the next round began.

The muffled sounds of combat served as a distant background for Yuuto's mom, who was in the kitchen. "Every day with these two… My my… Finding every little excuse to fight." The sentiment was shared by every neighbor.

The Sakurai household had become a paradox in the community; concern when they heard the fighting, but deeper worry when silence prevailed. The police had practically put the household on their daily route.

Yuuto's Mom's voice sliced through the tension, "Dinner is ready… When you're done bleeding to death, come to eat, you two!" It was eerie how normal this felt.

From the floor, Yuuto managed, "Yes Mom…"

His father, sporting a similar palette of bruises, mumbled, "But of course, my beautiful wife…!"

The soft click of the door and the gentle hum of the light revealed the aftermath. Both fighters, now victims of their own tempers, lay sprawled, nursing their wounds.

"You're a mess, old man… Years getting the better of you, eh?" Yuuto teased.

His father's response was punctuated by a wince, "Speak for yourself!!"

Yuuto grimaced, as his father seems to rise up to a standing position before him, "Are there reinforced metals in your rotten body or something, deadbeat old man!?"

Before his father could gloat, Yuuto's foot connected with his leg, sending him crashing onto the bed.

"Like I said… You're a mess, old man…"

A momentary pause, filled with the weight of their rivalry, was broken by his father's subdued voice. "So…?"

Yuuto, still catching his breath, glanced quizzically.

"Have you… Made any friends at school yet?" The concern was clear.

But Yuuto wouldn't let that facade down. Not now.

Yuuto, with a dramatic roll of his eyes, declared, "Friends are for weaklings, old man. And last time I did a self-check, I didn't have a pussy's tail on my ass. Sharing my heartache with someone dear? Spare me the drama. I don't have time for this shit." There was an unyielding certainty in his voice, leaving no room for doubt about his stance.

His dad countered, trying to inject some perspective, "You might feel that way now, but friendship isn't always so profound. For most, friends offer simple joy. Like an eternal water slide, offering unexpected thrills at every twist."

"You mean a fleeting pleasure, right?" Yuuto cut in, ice dripping from every word. "A transient bonding that fills them with a temporary euphoria, only to go back to their mundane existence once the high is gone?"

His father nodded thoughtfully, "In a way, yes. Friendship can be exhilarating, but it's not just a fleeting thrill. It's not some cheap fix or-"

Yuuto, impatient, waved him off, "Yeah, yeah, spare me the lecture, old man." Slowly, he rose from the debris on the floor, brushing himself off. "It's all about warm fuzzies, heart flutters, and cliched anime power-ups. Count me out. When I need life advice or some 'fix,' I know where to find you." With that, he started for the door.

His father's voice softened, tinged with concern, "Just... let people in once in a while, you idiot." He remained still, eyes fixed on the ceiling, lost in thought.

Inside, Yuuto had a moment of introspection, 'This is my path. I must bear this burden of being the enigmatic anime protagonist. It's both my curse and destiny.' The melodramatic teenager with a textbook case of "chuunibyou" (eighth-grader syndrome) mused, leaving his father behind in the dimness of the room.

On the days Yuuto manages not to come across as the universe's most cringe-worthy spectacle, he assumes the role of a high school senior. Always in disguise, he dons a wig, glasses, and long-sleeved shirts to appear less broad. This is his way of ensuring no one connects his shaven-headed online persona from his niche website to his real life. It's akin to a hero with a double life, maneuvering between worlds...


Yuuto, without any prompting, mutters, "shutthehellup, immabaseballyourass"

His sudden outburst causes the teacher to fix a stern gaze on him.

"Care to repeat that, Mister Sakurai?" The teacher called, raising his eyebrow as he looked at the youth.

Yuuto, feigning nonchalance, responds, "Ah, my apologies, teacher. I was speaking to someone over my earphone."

The teacher's eyebrow shoots up, disbelief evident in his voice. "What are you talking about!?"

Curious, the students glance over, searching for any trace of the alleged earphones.

A collective thought sweeps the classroom: 'There are no earphones in sight!'

Trying to navigate his way out of the blunder, Yuuto quickly says, "I misspoke. I meant to say I sneezed."

A wave of incredulous looks engulfs the room, students thinking in unison, 'Seriously? How do you mix up sneezing with talking to someone on earphones?'

With a tired sigh, the teacher warns, "Keep your outbursts to yourself, Mister Sakurai, or you won't pass this exam." It wasn't the teacher's first rodeo with Yuuto's antics. This was the same uncouth, unpredictable student he'd been putting up with since the semester began.

Adjusting his glasses with an air of indifference, Yuuto replies, "Understood, teacher."

Yuuto's peculiar demeanor often masked his potential, a potential that could pave the way for groundbreaking strides, maybe even preventing a future crisis. Still, the room's atmosphere shifted drastically when the teacher brandished a sheet of paper, voice dripping with shock. "WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS ABSURDITY, MISTER SAKURAI?"

Yuuto, pausing before his exit, took a moment to review the paper in his hand. A realization dawned. 'Oh, mixed up the script with the test.' Swiftly, with an almost practiced ease, he reclaimed the sensitive script from the teacher, swapping it for the actual exam.

His steps were brisk and measured, aiming for the door. But he was halted by the steely grasp of the teacher. "I demand an explanation for the monstrosity written on this, or else authorities will be notified and this test will be an automatic fail," the teacher threatened, eyes aflame.

Yuuto's face betrayed a moment of apprehension as he faced his teacher.

The teacher's mind raced. 'Is this the proof? Can I finally unveil the darkness lurking behind this enigmatic student since the day he first stepped foot in my class?'

Yuuto's body tensed, his voice hesitant. "I... hadn't intended for everyone to know, but…"

The class leaned in, eyes wide with anticipation. What twisted secret did the peculiar Sakurai hold? Was he truly someone to be feared?

Clearing his throat, Yuuto began, "The document I inadvertently gave you…"

The teacher's thoughts jumped to the worst possible conclusion. '...Is it evidence of an impending act? A plan for a sexual assault you will commit on some poor, innocent girl?!'

Yuuto continued, "... A scenario page I work on in my free time for my adult-doujin artist friend, he gets it and makes an adult-doujin based on it."

He may not be a criminal, but his reputation was undeniably tarnished.

The classroom was a mix of astonishment and revulsion.

Teacher, befuddled: "What?"

Everyone, echoing in disbelief: "What?"

Yuuto took a deep breath.

"Your threat of involving law enforcement isn't something I can take lightly, Teacher. This isn't just a hobby; it's how I sustain myself…"

Yuuto coolly remarked, pulling out his phone.

"See this? It's our official website. Those doujins? They're our bread and butter. And if you need more verification, here's my staff access…" But Yuuto's defense was cut short.

"Hold on a second," The teacher interjected. "Setting aside the questionable choice to work on that... piece during an exam, care to explain why you've got a phone on you to begin with?"

His anger palpable, a vein threatening to pop on his temple.

Yuuto blinked in surprise.

"It's the digital age, Sir. Everyone has phones. But given your reaction, it's almost like you've got some vendetta against me or something…"

Yuuto's gaze landed on the teacher's desk, where a container for confiscated phones lay.

"Ah, students surrender their devices during…"

Yuuto's face contorted in realization, "…An exam. Right."

"Well, looks like I'll be seeing more of you next semester, Professor!" With a grin, he sped out of the classroom.

Teacher, shouting after him: "GET BACK HERE, YOU DELINQUENT! THIS ISN'T OVER!"

What Yuuto said, was in fact, a complete lie as you'd expect from the scum that he is. That page was 1 incomplete scenario page out of hundreds of others that he'd write in his 'free time'. Those are hundreds of different, sickening scenarios where the main character gets his beloved persuaded, manipulated, drugged or raped by other guys and she begins to like it, while the main character is too scared to do anything about it.

In those scenarios, he writes himself in as the hero who saves the girl by exposing the rapists and beating the shit out of them with his baseball bat and saving the main character's relationship with his girlfriend.

Yes… In those stories, he calls himself Anti-NTR Man - The NTR antagonist's greatest threat and the savior of humanity.

It is this ridiculous delusion, that someday he will become that hero for someone, which makes him get out of his bed and do what he does best: Nothing useful at all!

'Tis a good thing I pay for that artist in exchange for admin permissions to the website. I knew it would be useful someday…' He thought.

Despite being a useless outcast, he would study when he could - and a lot. Yuuto always had to get good grades. It was only this way that he would not be expelled because the teachers had a hate fetish for him, understandably.

Despite being a senior, he didn't join any clubs or make any friends - by choice. His argument is that it would just be a waste of time to his waste of time of a hobby. He wasn't one who liked to rely on people, either - or have someone rely on him when that someone didn't pay for it through his vile website.

Apparently, having a club president who waits for him to show and show results while having expectations from him fits well into that category.

Yes, Yuuto Sakurai was a complete loner. He would also purposely offend people if it meant they would stay away from him. It is a good thing for everyone around him. Such a personality would only worsen and hurt the people around him.

Lunchtime came. Yuuto came back to the classroom after the teacher left, most likely in pursuit of Yuuto himself. He sat on his seat and opened his lunchbox, starting to eat his neatly made lunch.

In front of him sat a student. That student, every day without fail, went outside to have lunch with his loving, beautiful girlfriend whom he had been dating for over a year. They all share the same classroom.

Recently, however, two male students from a different classroom came over here every break and began small talk with the two, primarily with the beautiful girlfriend, preventing them from spending some time alone.

It seemed that one was being the wingman of the other. Yuuto had even caught a glimpse of those two starting to walk home with them. The boyfriend didn't tell them to leave them alone, maybe out of discomfort or not wanting to be rude - which did not help at all.

At first, the girl was hesitant and was clearly uncomfortable with sitting and spending time with those strangers instead of being alone with her boyfriend. Yet, seeing as her boyfriend wasn't telling them off, and a clear, growing lack of communication between her and her mate, she had grown used to the situation - as a result, day by day, you could see how the boyfriend becomes less active in the conversation and eventually becomes somewhat of a fourth-wheel while the girl seems to enjoy talking to the confident two as the boyfriend's anxiety seems to rise.

Yuuto could see it clearly on the guy's uncomfortable face.

Today, however, this took a step forward… Right in front of Yuuto who was minding his own business, eating his lunch… Right…

"By the way, we're going to Karaoke tonight with Miku from our class. We're kinda short on girls, we don't want to make her uncomfortable being the only girl. How about you tag along?"

The first male student confidently said with a smile, as the boyfriend clenched his fists in silence, while his girlfriend smiled casually.

"I-I guess it wouldn't be too ba-.." The girl stammered, before the second male student interjected.

"Hey, don't be rude, man! Mr. Boyfriend - could you pleeeeease lend us Riko for tonight?"

Male1 and Girlfriend all turned their eyes to Boyfriend.

'Ho ho… A 'If you refuse my innocent offer, it means you think of her as your object and not a person with feelings.' technique, a classic C-grade technique. If a person is well-educated and well-mannered - but is a bit lacking in confidence and relationships, or social interactions, he will not be able to refuse - as he wants to respect his 'significant' other. One could only wonder how these two last a whole year as a couple with him being wussy like that… Either way, well played, 'Male2'... It's probably too late for the two lovers even if he is going to transcend himself right now.'

"I… I…!" The boyfriend stuttered, as if struggling to let his words out.

As the Boyfriend seemed hesitant about his answer, his girlfriend's eyes glistened for a second.

'She's hopeful?' Yuuto noticed.

"I guess… If Riko is f-fine with it, there's no reason for me to o-over-think it…" He said, his eyes looking down in defeat

'...What did I expect…' Yuuto thought as he facepalmed discreetly.

"Aw great bro! Thanks, we're gonna have some fun!" The first male (male1) added, as Riko, the girlfriend, quickly rolled her eyes in frustration.

'And just like that, the fire burnt out from her eyes. Nice one, Boyfriend.' Yuuto thought with a small sigh.

"Hell yeah, it's gonna be awesome! We're going to eat with Miku right now, wanna join, Riko?" Male2 said, excitement evident on his face

".... Yeah. This classroom's a bit boring. Air is too thick here." She answered with a forced smile as she got up from her chair.

"Oh, right - Hey man, don't you want to join us?" Male2 2 said, his eyebrows flying upwards as if he had just remembered something and turned around to face the boyfriend.

'This male2 guy is good. The 'We are not the bad guys here, look we even remembered YOU, HER BOYFRIEND. It is you who is the problem and doesn't want to be with your girlfriend' technique. He seems to be experienced with this… He notices the flow of the conversation and the people involved… It's been a while ever since I've seen it with my own eyes… A B+ grade technique!!! Who is this guy!?' Yuuto thought as he pressed his finger against his glasses unnecessarily dramatically while looking at Male2.

"…. I'm not hungry…" He uttered as he looked down dejectedly on his table.

"Aw, that's too bad. Maybe next time…" Male1 muttered, sneaking a leering smile to male2.

"...After we fucked your Riko senseless…"

Yuuto mumbled loud enough so that the boyfriend could hear.

But all he did was show he was slightly startled as he kept staring at his desk shamefully.

"Eh, did you say something?" Male2 asked boyfriend.


"I sneezed. Sorry if I interrupted anything interesting." Their attention turned to Yuuto as he casually spoke.

"Who're you? Never seen you before." Male1 said as he furrowed his brow.

'Never noticed is more accurate.'

"He is a transfer student… I think his name was… Sakurai...-senpai?, was it?"

Riko asked in curiosity.

"Senpai? But you're in the same class?" Male 1 asked, baffled at the weirdo with the fake glasses and why would anyone call that scum a senior.

"Well, it's out there already, so I don't mind sharing. I've repeated my senior year twice. This is my third time so I'm 19 years old, in a way, I'm your senior." The classless mess of a human being uttered proudly.

"Oh, you're a useless punk!" Riko said innocently, followed by chuckles from the two and a small snicker from the boyfriend - contrary to Yuuto, as his expression became more curious.

'Oh? So she had that kind of spunk in her? Curious… Perhaps due to all of them being near her, she feels confident and safe…? Doesn't seem that way, it came across as something natural for her. She didn't even look to see their reaction, so it most likely isn't that...' Yuuto thought as he scrutinized her.

"My, aren't you rude? Why shouldn't I report your insult to the teacher, to have you punished properly?" He shamelessly replied, startling the three… Except Riko.

"Because the worst punishment I'd get from insulting YOU, would be a pat on the back." The clever girl retaliated with a snicker.

The good-for-nothing knew that he was hated by the teaching staff, much more so after the doujin incident. This was, in fact, a clever burn, one which Yuuto was unable to process - as the two placed their palms on their mouths while squinting their eyes and smiling.

"OOooohhh…!" Male1 and 2 let out as Yuuto sat with his mouth wide open.

"...Ah… I…. A-... A pat on the b-back c-c-can be considered sexual assault, s-so you're s-saying you would rather g-g-get rap-ed…" Yuuto mumbled.

'THIS SHITTY BRAT!!! I KNOW, I'LL JUST KILL HER, THEN SHE'LL BE UNABLE TO CHEAT ON HER BOYFRIEND, RIGHT!?' The dumbass thought, as his smile twitched from anger as he closed his eyes in shame.

"Haha, what the hell was that pathetic attempt? You know what, I allow you to write it as a script for your doujin artist friend, I'm actually really interested in seeing a girl moaning from getting a pat on the back." She added while laughing menacingly.

Yuuto's expression suddenly turned serious and every shred of shame disappeared.

"Wouldn't be the weirdest thing people get off to, really. Might actually sell well..." Yuuto solemnly replied.

"EH..?" She uttered in dread while looking at male1&2, who both sorrowfully nodded to her in agreement with Yuuto's statement.

Male2 shook his head.

"Wait, so the rumors about you were true?" Male2 inquired.

"Rumors?" Male1 and Yuuto asked.

"Well, no offense, but you're well known as the Weirdo of Class 1 because of the doujin incident and… Is it true you believe your anime body pillow has a real soul inside of it?" Male2 aske as he intently looked at Yuuto.

"What the hell, you a freak or something?" Male1 chimed in as Riko looked at Yuuto with her brow raised.

"Heh… You're well informed considering you're students from another class." Yuuto uttered seriously as he raised his fake glasses with his fingers.

'You literally advertised it in front of the entire class, in the middle of a test, how is the rest of the school NOT gonna know before the end of the lunch break!? Wait, body pillow with a soul?' Boyfriend thought to himself.

"Since you so curiously asked, may I interest you guys in some high-quality doujins? Only 500 yen a piece…" Yuuto offered, forcing a slick tone.

"Senior… Yeah, you don't deserve that title." Riko concluded.

The two looked at each other and snickered.

"So not worth it man…"

"True, true… I prefer real life instead of a painting that is purposely made to be perfect and appeal to everyone…"

Male2's gaze turned to Riko.

"Although sometimes, it's kinda hard to tell the difference from something like that to real life… I guess."

He said as he closely, yet swiftly, examined her with an innocent smile.

"PSH, knock it off, you idiot!" She said playfully while gently pushing male2's face away from her as she blushed.

"wat wat did I say lol" He innocently let out.

"Ah, knock it off you two… Anyway, Sakurai-san. What do you think about this school so far?" Male1 asked.

Yuuto's expression was hidden away beneath his fake glasses that were being hit with blinding sunlight rays that invaded the classroom from the wide window.

"You could say…"

"...That I think that I got a clear image of what's going on around here."

He said as he examined their almost childlike innocence, completely blinding everyone away from the clearly distressed Boyfriend.

"Ookay.. If you say so. Well then, 'till next time!" Male1 replied casually.

Male2: "Later."

'Is what I said, but what the hell is up with the sun today!? Couldn't see a damn thing!! Am I gonna go blind!? The fake glasses magnified the intensity of the rays too!!' Yuuto momentarily panicked as he rubbed his eyes.

For the unbiased eye, Boyfriend here had always hidden away in the shadow of Riko. She was a successful and smart student - alongside being one of the most beautiful girls in their school.

When she was not a student-council president and a class president - she was helping other clubs and other school activities, somehow making it work as she dated her boyfriend.

She was active and was hit on more than she let up - but guys at that age are restless and impatient. They would always "confess" and she would always refuse. Usually, after a single turn-down - the guys would quit and never bother her again as she hangs out with that wimpy boyfriend of hers that she loved so much.

Apparently, they knew each other more than anyone in the school. Childhood sweethearts, if you may. You don't see that a lot...

Many people, including Yuuto, were confused about her reasons for choosing that guy. He wasn't a looker, nor buff or smart in particular - if you account for all of his qualities, he would come up short and even less than average.

But that stunning girl, for all that time - was with him, which almost fascinated people. It was a hot topic in the school... Until recently, of course.

Yuuto waited until they left the classroom before packing his bento and putting it in his backpack. The Boyfriend buried his head in his arms on the table, not uttering a word.

After a few seconds of silence, Yuuto got up from his seat and left the classroom.

There is a man who, despite his faults - knows when to intervene, to investigate, and to be a hero. He isn't a creep who would spy on a high-school student's love life for no reason or solid evidence for a crime. A man who is truly passionate about his odd ambition to be an Anti-NTR Hero.

A man who knows to identify with a quick glance when a girl is being forced to do something she doesn't want to or is being lied to and manipulated. And that man could see that this is not the case here and that this does not require any form of intervention whatsoever. That man knew that it is what it is… A girl who grew tired of her wimpy boyfriend and wants to hang out and meet new people. That… Is a man who knew that he should stay out of this.



He left the girl's bathroom.

'This is the 56th piss sample of Riko Takashima that I've collected ever since she started seeing those two guys 2 months ago, on the 3rd of January, 10:37 AM - Class 3-1 - Time and place of initial contact. After sending each sample to over 8 labs across the country anonymously, I still see no signs or indication of drug involvement. KNOWN drugs, that is. Just to make sure, I've broken into both of the guys' houses and looked in every corner, nook, and cranny for something suspicious. Besides some used condoms which didn't yet include Riko's DNA signature, I haven't spotted anything worth mentioning. Not even in their browser's history. But of course, there's the possibility of private browsing, so I installed hidden cameras all over their houses while they were asleep, just to make sure, still nothing worth mentioning. But then of course, if you're a smart criminal, you'd hide your stash anywhere but your own house. So I placed a GPS tracker in both of their shoes, just to be safe. But over the last two months, they haven't gone anywhere suspicious besides some arcades, a mixer, and an adult video store. So far, no notable criminal activity.'

Besides Yuuto's own notable criminal activity….

'I thought I could find some more clues if I looked into Riko's house… But nothing suspicious… However, I did come across a… WORN vegetable in her drawer and a very pornographically unclean browser history dating since January 6th. Just about 2 months ago. She didn't think to use private browsing or delete her history probably because she became frustrated and looked these kinds of things up recently… Meaning she is new to this. She was probably sexually frustrated but didn't do anything beyond making out with her boyfriend. My guess? She grew tired of him not standing up for both of them and acting like a man should act in a relationship… She must have felt… Yeah. It has to be it.'

Yuuto clapped twice.

"Alright, I have my conclusion… And a possible fix..." Yuuto uttered as a wicked smile stretched across his face.


Howdy! Author here. I hope you enjoyed it! I plan to upload at least the first story in its entirety regardless of the rating! Of course, if you liked it and want to see more - by any means, showing your love with a review or a comment is very appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

Hazy_0832 Hazy_0832

This has been on my mind for a while. Time to let it out and see if it works... Image is from DALLE * 3

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