/ Movies / Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU] Original

Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

Movies 211 Capítulos 1.5M Visitas
Autor: Mad_verse

3.68 (18 valoraciones)

Sobre Tabla de contenidos


In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe.
Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse?


Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below.
Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change.
If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on
Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse.
This is where I read it-
so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

General Audiences


  1. Ghiin
    Ghiin Contribuido 86
  2. Rogolath
    Rogolath Contribuido 63
  3. Sedahodis2
    Sedahodis2 Contribuido 57

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También te puede interesar



  • Calidad de escritura
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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It’s a good book.The translation is quite well done.So far the story is interesting mic of MCU and DCU.

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can someone give me the Chinese name for this as cannot seem to find it

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First time seeing such a mix of different stories. hopefully author doesn’t screw this up.

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Can you provide the link for the original work, cause i tried to find it with the name you gave it didnt work so just me the link pls ........

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What is the chinese name of this book bro??

Ver 4 respuestas

The translation is pretty decent but the story its self is god awful. Ignoring, the cultivation, ignoring his actions, ignoring his ideas. it still is just dog water. And the MCs name being said 50 times a chapter. Nothing really good about this story except the attempt at translating but someone paying to read a translated story isn't something I can fathom. people will ask for money about anything these days.

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No introduction, no set up. I immediately have no idea what's going on this book.

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I’m shocked, but this is 4 stars!! although in this ff, every chapter they pour a basin (sometimes in barrels) of water on you and repeat the same paragraphs - it’s quite interesting to read. It’s like an anime mashup but only with films.ds , Marvel, Potter, King Kong, Hellboy, etc.. if I ever come across it again and there are new chapters, I’ll re-read it!

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is the child of Mc and black widow died.

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сразу принять нового незнакомого человека за папу, автор ты ешь гавно на завтрак ? аддададааддададададададададададададададададададададададададдадсдсдадсдсдсдсдсдсдсдсдсдададададададададададададададдададада

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Very nice translation from the translator but the story development is not really well off and adding the fact that this is probably a harem fanfic doesn't make it any better The mc seems to hold back so much on the girls that even his brain regress to 0.01% introducing a movie known as lucy isn't really a good plan for a Chinese author as you can see, The main thing that disgust me is the fact that its a harem+chinese=super downgrade syndrome the chinese authors of harem tend to held back and downgrade their mc and it didn't help that the author keep trying to integrate chinese vibes ,I didn't even want to see the child as I know im gonna have heartattack if i ever read it but i can say that the translation is good and refreshing

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This story is translation with some editing. Bit it doesn't change the fact that the story is too convoluted. Especially by the inclusion of so many verses without giving the proper amount of attention to them. So a good translation meh story. 3/5

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LV 4 Badge

Good, the translation is fast and good. I am looking forward to the next chapters. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

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if you like a story with a cocky young master Chinese MC then this one is definitely for you.

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The story is good , I just don't like the way all the characters speak or project their thoughts , it seems extremely clinical and overly explanatory , most of the time I hardly feel any emotion when I read it .

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Average writing. But interesting story and world building

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უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ უუუუუუუუუუუუუუ 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Última versión:
Chapter 211: Destroyer 1 days ago

Volumen 1

  1. 1
    Ivan, Black King, Magneto 1 years ago
  2. 2
    Traveler Ivan 1 years ago
  3. 3
    News Around the World 1 years ago
  4. 4
    Hitler's Summon 1 years ago
  5. 5
    Research Task 1 years ago
  6. 6
    Future Red Skull 1 years ago
  7. 7
    Tesseract 1 years ago
  8. 8
    Strengthening Red Devil 1 years ago
  9. 9
    Testing New Abilities 1 years ago
  10. 10
    CPH4 1 years ago
  11. 11
    Cooked Crab 1 years ago
  12. 12
    Disguise 1 years ago
  13. 13
    Ether particles 1 years ago
  14. 14
    20 % 1 years ago
  15. 15
    Unreal World 1 years ago
  16. 16
    Increase in Strength 1 years ago
  17. 17
    Return 1 years ago
  18. 18
    Red Skull 1 years ago
  19. 19
    Cause 12 months ago
  20. 20
    Erskine's Doubts 12 months ago
  21. 21
    Successful Plan 12 months ago
  22. 22
    Black Widow 12 months ago
  23. 23
    Relaxing 12 months ago
  24. 24
    Steve Rogers 12 months ago
  25. 25
    Black Widow in Action 12 months ago
  26. 26
    Child! 12 months ago
  27. 27
    Fetus 12 months ago
  28. 28
    Captain America's Rage 11 months ago
  29. 29
    Impressed 11 months ago
  30. 30
    Escape 11 months ago
  31. 31
    Dark Wizard 11 months ago
  32. 32
    New Task 11 months ago
  33. 33
    Magic 11 months ago
  34. 34
    Prelude of summoning 11 months ago
  35. 35
    Wonder Woman 11 months ago
  36. 36
    Confrontation 11 months ago
  37. 37
    Ivan Vs Wonderwoman 11 months ago
  38. 38
    Accident 11 months ago
  39. 39
    Antarctica trip 11 months ago
  40. 40
    Fortress of Solitude 11 months ago
  41. 41
    Harvest again and again 11 months ago
  42. 42
    Skull Island 11 months ago
  43. 43
    Primitive Tribes 11 months ago
  44. 44
    King Kong 11 months ago
  45. 45
    Star Whale 11 months ago
  46. 46
    Operation Whale Rescue 11 months ago
  47. 47
    Operation Complete 11 months ago
  48. 48
    World War II Ends 11 months ago
  49. 49
    Access to the Magical World 11 months ago
  50. 50
    Evolution 11 months ago
  51. 51
    Albus Dumbledore 11 months ago
  52. 52
    Classes Begin 11 months ago
  53. 53
    Wands 11 months ago
  54. 54
    Trading and Conspiracy 11 months ago
  55. 55
    Slave 11 months ago
  56. 56
    Marauders 11 months ago
  57. 57
    Werewolf research 11 months ago
  58. 58
    Experiment 10 months ago
  59. 59
    Ivan's Advice 10 months ago
  60. 60
    Huge Harvest 10 months ago
  61. 61
    Tom 10 months ago
  62. 62
    Ghost's Evolution 10 months ago
  63. 63
    One Man Army 10 months ago
  64. 64
    Smaug and Simba 10 months ago
  65. 65
    Cradle of Rebirth 10 months ago
  66. 66
    Going home 10 months ago
  67. 67
    Spar 10 months ago
  68. 68
    Everyone gets what they get 10 months ago
  69. 69
    Kung Fu Teacher 10 months ago
  70. 70
    Going Home 10 months ago
  71. 71
    Conspiracy in progress 10 months ago
  72. 72
    Spiritual Water 10 months ago
  73. 73
    Dragon 10 months ago
  74. 74
    Ambush 10 months ago
  75. 75
    Hidden Castle 10 months ago
  76. 76
    Hellfire club 10 months ago
  77. 77
    Azazel's Strength 10 months ago
  78. 78
    Ivan Skills 10 months ago
  79. 79
    Shaw's stubbornness 10 months ago
  80. 80
    Battle Armour 10 months ago
  81. 81
    Ivan's depression 10 months ago
  82. 82
    Abusing Magneto 10 months ago
  83. 83
    Logan 10 months ago
  84. 84
    Visiting Skull Island 10 months ago
  85. 85
    Before the war 10 months ago
  86. 86
    Seeing Wonder Woman Again 10 months ago
  87. 87
    Battlefield 10 months ago
  88. 88
    BattleField 9 months ago
  89. 89
    Shaw's death 9 months ago
  90. 90
    Ivan's Anger 9 months ago
  91. 91
    Bombing 9 months ago
  92. 92
    Father and Son Talk 9 months ago
  93. 93
    Suspicious Red Devil 9 months ago
  94. 94
    Magneto's Faith 9 months ago
  95. 95
    Prince from the Dark world 9 months ago
  96. 96
    Magic Spear 9 months ago
  97. 97
    Treant 9 months ago
  98. 98
    Mystery of the Golden Legion 9 months ago
  99. 99
    Ghost Grows Stronger 9 months ago
  100. 100
    Wakanda Business 9 months ago
  101. 101
    Mephisto 9 months ago
  102. 102
    Small Town Battle 9 months ago
  103. 103
    Reality Dagger 9 months ago
  104. 104
    Reality Gem 9 months ago
  105. 105
    Trading Rules 9 months ago
  106. 106
    Golden Balance 9 months ago
  107. 107
    Devil's Cabin 9 months ago
  108. 108
    1st trade 9 months ago
  109. 109
    Jon's lucky day 9 months ago
  110. 110
    Tina 9 months ago
  111. 111
    Kyle 9 months ago
  112. 112
    Wind Blows 9 months ago
  113. 113
    All Parties Gather 9 months ago
  114. 114
    Agent Carter 8 months ago
  115. 115
    Dark Lord 8 months ago
  116. 116
    Boggart 8 months ago
  117. 117
    Rewarding henchmen 8 months ago
  118. 118
    Time Flies 8 months ago
  119. 119
    Superman Descends On Earth 8 months ago
  120. 120
    Clark Shaw 8 months ago
  121. 121
    Logan's Back 8 months ago
  122. 122
    The Dead 8 months ago
  123. 123
    Chaos begins 8 months ago
  124. 124
    Red Devil VS Magneto 8 months ago
  125. 125
    White House Battlefield 8 months ago
  126. 126
    Dr Henry Morgan 8 months ago
  127. 127
    Black Witchcraft 8 months ago
  128. 128
    New Housekeeper 7 months ago
  129. 129
    An Another One 7 months ago
  130. 130
    Gift 7 months ago
  131. 131
    Doraemon 7 months ago
  132. 132
    General 7 months ago
  133. 133
    Children's Future Path 7 months ago
  134. 134
    Asgard 7 months ago
  135. 135
    Battle at Asgard (1) 7 months ago
  136. 136
    Battle at Asgard (2) 7 months ago
  137. 137
    Battle at Asgard (3) 7 months ago
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    Phoenix Blood Elixir 7 months ago
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    Ivan's kryptonite 6 months ago
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    Victory 6 months ago
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    Loki Invitation 6 months ago
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    Trade 6 months ago
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    Knowhere 6 months ago
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    Collector 6 months ago
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    Stakar Ogord 6 months ago
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    Spear of Light 6 months ago
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    Celestia shows its might 6 months ago
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    Back to Earth 5 months ago
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    Black Shadow Mercenaries 5 months ago
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    Alert 5 months ago
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    Chaos 5 months ago
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    Gaia, Alaya, Eli 5 months ago
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    Earth's Secrets 5 months ago
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    3 Small Shots 5 months ago
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    Wheel of War 4 months ago
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    Apocalypse's Ferocity 4 months ago
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    Magneto Changes Sides 4 months ago
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    General, Simba Fusion Technique 4 months ago
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    Ivan Makes an Appearance 4 months ago
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    Fighting Wonder Woman 4 months ago
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    Apocalypse's Soul 4 months ago
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    Subdue 4 months ago
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    Experiment Results 4 months ago
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    Battle of Titles 4 months ago
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    The First Ant-Man 4 months ago
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    Trouble with the Mercenaries 4 months ago
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    Confronting Thanos 4 months ago
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    Negotiation and war 4 months ago
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    Fighting Thanos 3 months ago
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    Darkseid Appears 3 months ago
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    1VS 2 3 months ago
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    Stalemate 3 months ago
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    Recovery 3 months ago
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    Signing the Starks 3 months ago
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    Dumbledore's visit 3 months ago
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    Curse 3 months ago
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    Phoenix 3 months ago
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    Surprise visit 3 months ago
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    Magical Battle 3 months ago
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    Trade 3 months ago
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    Lucky Day for the Ancient One 3 months ago
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    Time 3 months ago
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    Seven Gods of Chaos 3 months ago
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    Monster Contract 2 months ago
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    Hulk 2 months ago
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    Fight 2 months ago
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    Superman is trapped 2 months ago
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    Superman vs Wonder Woman 2 months ago
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    Feud Ends 2 months ago
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    Operation Save Tony 2 months ago
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    Tony 2 months ago
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    Ten Rings 2 months ago
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    Skeleton Lizard VS Extraordinary Dragon 2 months ago
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    Tony returns 2 months ago
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    Careless 1 months ago
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    I am Iron Man 1 months ago
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    Fight the Hulk again 1 months ago
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    Red Giant - Betty 1 months ago
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    Harmony 1 months ago
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    Gifts 1 months ago
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    The Arrival of Kryptonians 1 months ago
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    I Am American 1 months ago
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    Zod strikes 1 months ago
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    Clark, Zod 1 months ago
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    Truth 27 days ago
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    1 vs 3 25 days ago
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    Clark's Outbreak 23 days ago
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    Scary Tina 7 days ago
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    Thor 5 days ago
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    Loki 3 days ago
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    Destroyer 1 days ago

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