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40% Blood King of BloodHeaven / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2

Tom 1, Chapter 2

The Fat Minister, after Viegord's order, with indignation visible on his face, went towards the entrance gate to the Throne Room. However, before he completely left the room, he whispered something to a group of nobles standing at the back, dressed in green noble clothes, to a man. This man was not distinguished by anything special, except for the fact that his black long hair was fastened in a hairstyle called "Ponytail". Viegord looked at the green-clad nobleman and remembered his appearance. And he remembered him as a potentially dangerous person.

The nobles on the left did not dare to speak, but Viegord felt the many scrutinizing looks they gave him.

Now having a moment to think, Viegord analyzed his current situation and actions so far. At this point, he would like to start exploring the environment, looking for more information. Even his full name, or at least the number of relatives he has to watch out for. After all, there are countless stories of stepbrothers, uncles wanting to overthrow him from the throne.

However, such an environmental study will have to wait for the time being. Now there's a more important thing. Viegord mulls over potential scenarios and what to do, albeit based on the lack of opposition when he threatened to cut off a limb. His power seems absolute or largely unlimited. Which is good at the moment. Viegord loved the feeling of dominating, but over the stronger. This is the bane of his past, or rather the result of standing up to the bullies who tormented him during his school days. However, now he had to develop strategies on how to proceed in order for the result to be satisfactory for him.

With the plan more or less completed in his mind, Viegord changed his expression for the first time in several minutes. Until now, he had been staring sullenly at the front door in complete stillness, with an expression that easily showed that complicated thoughts were running through his mind. So his sudden change and a glance at one of the guards caused a little stir in the surrounding people. The guard's reaction in particular seemed full of panic followed by a moment of composure.

The knight at whom Viegord's gaze was directed, having regained his composure, changed his position and, standing in front of two steps of the stairs, knelt on one knee on the purple carpet and waited with his head down.

Viegord smiled in a slightly proud but pleased way, and without taking his eyes off the knight, he said.

(Viegord)-Your posture was almost perfect.

(Guard)-I beg your pardon, Your Majesty.

(Viegord)-As my guardian, you must present yourself in an organized manner. I will have to pay special attention to you. However, you did read my instructions correctly. What am I satisfied with. However, a moment's hesitation on your part makes me sad....Name!!

The last words from Viegord's mouth were spoken in a completely different tone. How calm his tone was at first, as if he were teaching someone a very simple yet complex subject. Thus the last word was uttered in a tone of command, and his tone was full of irrefutable command. The knight reacted almost immediately to the sudden change in tone of voice. However, before any words left his mouth, his whole body shuddered, accompanied by the clatter of metal audible throughout the throne room.

(Richard)- Richard von Bonert, Your Majesty.

(Viegord)-First, take off your helmet when you talk to your king.

Viegord said this in a hurt tone, though some of the feelings he was currently feeling were his own, mixed with those instinctively felt through his body. There, he himself had to exercise self-control to emphasize the tone of his speech. Now Viegord thanked God for the short phase of watching a lot of videos on YouTube with videos showing the correct gestures and facial expressions, as well as reading them. And now he saw that his memory was much better than it had been in his previous life. But he didn't have time to think about that right now.

The knight hurriedly took off his helmet, showing the King and the surrounding noblemen his face. Richard had long red hair and a bushy mustache in the style of the Polish Nobility of the Middle Ages. Viegord remembered, albeit imperfectly, the appearance of the actors in the movie "By Fire and Sword". Not exactly, however, this Guardian's mustache brought back the aforementioned memory. Richard's eyes showed a slight panic, and despite their green color, Viegord had no problem reading Richard's emotions.

Viegord saw said fireman in his mid-40s with multiple scars on his face with one running through his right eye. He seemed to be struggling with his emotions, and he managed to control his voice with difficulty and said looking into Viegord's eyes.

(Richard)-I beg your pardon, Your Majesty.

(Viegord)-Make eye contact with the King when you're talking to him. Hmm... . Your transgression is forgiven. Now. Your task is to bring a competent person to me within five minutes, specifically I require that they can write at a very fast pace. Now go and bring her to me.

(Richard)-Immediately, My King.

Viegord watched the Warden for a while and as he walked away he wished he had told him not to talk to anyone but the person he was supposed to fetch. But it was too late, so Viegord sighed and went back to contemplating the current situation.

After a while, Viegord spotted a familiar Guardian who had apparently given a brief instruction to one of the guards guarding the entrance to the Throne Room. To move towards the King after a while. Behind Richard, Viegord saw a slightly muscular young man, he seemed to be about 22 years old. He was dressed in light leather armor with the emblem of the State on his chest, and he had a one-handed sword strapped to his belt. And he followed Richard with a calm, composed step. The boy in question was clutching a thick book with a dark binding, a bottle of ink and a pen.

This boy had dark brown hair, green eyes and you can see with the naked eye the similarity between the boy and Richard. So Viegord guessed what was going on here, but wanted to hear what Richard had to say about it. And as they both knelt before the king, Viegord said.

(Viegord)-Richard, introduce your companion.

(Richard)-Yes,My King. This is my youngest son, Derek von Bonert. He is currently a member of the Order of Knights. However, he is also an amateur writer, and his handwriting and speed of writing. He is well known to me. And I am confident that it will meet the requirements, Your Majesty.

(Viegord)-I'll judge it, but if he fails me, I'll punish him and then you. But if it works... I'll have some use for it.

(Viegord)-Richard, go back to your seat, and you, Derek. Come to me and I will explain what I will require of you.

Viegord then explained to Derek what and how to record. Viegord wants Derek to keep something like a file, for now, of course. If Derek can keep up with writing at the required pace, he'll be very useful. However, if there is magic, Viegord is already wondering if there is one that prevents him from betraying or divulging confidential information. However, for the time being, Derek is tasked with filling in the data. Like name, surname, what he did wrong, say it as a defense. And then the punishment he will inflict.

Viegord wanted to have everything written down, but he couldn't openly write everything down, and he didn't have a System or anything like that. And relying solely on memorization may not be foolproof. So a scribe is something that is a solution to such a situation. And additionally, it testifies in the eyes of the subjects to the increase in conscientiousness of their ruler in many areas.

(Guard)-Your Majesty, Junior Knight Victor von Trest reports the arrival of a prisoner.

(Viegord)-To introduce.

The guard's voice was slightly shaken, which meant that despite the correctness of the statement, Viegord's face showed dissatisfaction. What Richard saw, now wearing a helmet, looked at the aforementioned guard with distaste. However, he said nothing.

The two guards were literally dragging an emaciated young man to Viegord, dressed in a lined, almost brown peasant robe. Who was looking at the Nobles to his right with disgust and hatred in his eyes, but when his eyes fell on the king. A man's face, emaciated, dirty with blonde hair and cat ears, one of which was probably injured, which made it look terrible. In general, the smell emanating from this citizen was nauseating, but even though Viegord was one of the three most exposed to the undeniably awful smell.

Viegord in his mind was shocked, only for a moment, because of the fact that there were races other than humans in this world. And from what he remembered, from the words of the surrounding people. This half-man half-cat was not a slave but a peasant. That is, a full-fledged, although at the very bottom, citizen of the country. However, this also raises many questions. Are nobility only people, which can be inferred from the nobles present here. Are other races also members of the elite, but not present. There are many questions, however, now is not the time to get the required answers on this topic.

(Noble??)-Dirty Mud, how dare you...

(Noble??)-The king will skin you, dirty half-man.

(Noble??)-I regret the decision of our King's great-great-grandfather to introduce....

Even though they were insults, Viegord had gained some valuable information from it. Apparently, his ancestor established that other races should be treated the same as humans. And besides, the Nobles, or at least those present here, do not like other races. Or they put on a little theater now to please him. Never mind, now Viegord decided to give them an extra lesson.


The crowd fell silent immediately, though Viegord could see that some reluctantly, and with the exception of a few expressions of displeasure, showed an extreme composure that showed no emotion.

(Viegord)-I remind you. That in the Throne Room or simply in the presence of the King. If you want to speak up and speak. Please be brief, unless I am already having a conversation with someone. And if anyone wants to speak on this matter. Let him perform, and after a while I'll give him the floor. Failure to comply with this rule by anyone without exception. He will be punished, and then even the greatest amount of gold will not be able to alleviate the punishment, but will intensify it. Is it clear?

(Nobles)-Yes, Your Majesty.


But by the time Viegord finished his sentence, the Peasant was about to fall at the King's feet and beg for forgiveness. But he was stopped by two guards guarding the entrance near the throne. However, the very attempt caused anger, and the Nobility was indignant, but they did not utter a single word.


>The sound of a stomp.

(Viegord)-Are you deaf... Okay. Thank the Guardian, because one more step and you wouldn't have a hand. Before we start the hearing, I'm going to punish you for breaking the rules. You are lucky, you will be an example. Take off the top half of his coat, hold his hands and lead him to the empty space on the right and give me a whip.

As the Peasant was dragged to the indicated place, he begged for forgiveness in panic actions. And as much as he tried to break free from the Guardians' grip, it was useless.

(Viegord)-be silent! You were to be punished with two whips for two words spoken without permission. Now you will get as many as 12 of them. This is not up for discussion and I remind you that I did not give you the right to vote. So don't prolong this procedure, I've still got a lot on my mind. Derek writes under his profile what punishment he received and for what.

Viegord turned to say it gently, looking at Derek standing on his side, who quickly wrote down what his king had asked him to do.

Viegord took the Whip from one of the guards, but he didn't know how to use it himself, so he looked around the Guardians. And Richard seemed the best built, and he hoped that as he got older he got a better feel in his hand. So he called.

(Viegord)-Richard. Come over here.

As Richard approached, Viegord handed him the Bat and spoke calmly.

(Viegord)-Richard, you are to perform twelve strokes on this citizen's back. He broke the rule laid down by the king. However, his luck requires him to be awake. So do 12 strokes so he can still answer my questions and stand... reasonably straight.

(Richard)- Yes, My King.

This will be followed by a series of terrifying screams, and the surrounding Nobles initially had smiles of satisfaction on their faces. However, this faded as they looked at the King, who with an icy slightly sadistic smile looked at Richard punishing the prisoner. The nobles had already developed fear, but when the punishment was over and Richard was slightly out of breath. And the prisoner was literally hanging in the grip of two Guardians. Viegord looked at the frightened nobles and guards with satisfaction, then spoke in a serious tone.

(Viegord)- Now remember that this rule applies to everyone. And I mean everyone.

Viegord said it in the second part of the sentence, looking coldly at the representatives of the fairer sex present among the Nobles.

(Viegord)-Now let's get to the right part.

Richard's punches weren't very deep, much to Viegord's displeasure. However, he speculated that Richard must have felt sorry for the peasant. However, he figured he would have to talk to Richard about it at another time. But now that the prisoner is kneeling unsteadily in front of him. Viegord, leaning his hand on the Throne's bolster, asked the first question.



(Viegord)- Tom.Hmm...Place of Origin.

(Tom)-Gold Trigger Village, my King.

Viegord glanced at Derek and saw that he was sweating on his forehead, writing everything down. Which pleased him, although he would have to review the contents himself.

(Viegord)- Now I'm going to give you a chance to make your defense. I mean, you can say why you did it, or if you claim it wasn't you. You can tell me who did it or prove your innocence in any way. Remember that I can tell a lie, and lying is punished.

When To heard the word "Kara" he shuddered almost uncontrollably. He swallowed and seemed to struggle internally and said almost screaming as if releasing all the energy in one breath.

(Tom)-I didn't want to attack the king.

(Viegord)-So you're saying you didn't attack me. Well, who?

(Tom)-I did it, but I didn't want to. I didn't plan it,'s an accident.

(Viegord)-Speak calmly, everything you say affects the punishment I will give you. So keep calm, or at least try.

(Tom)-Yes, my King. I was alone at your speech my king. I was standing in the front row, among the peasants. And....I'm sorry for my words, it was emotional in that moment. I was unhappy with the tax increase. And in an outburst of anger, I threw a rock at a nearby wall....I have a Rock Throw skill of 76. That's because throwing rocks into a pond has been my pastime since I was young, and I've been doing it ever since. So bad luck and the strength of my throw, resulted in a ricochet that bounced off the walls of two buildings and hit the merciful king, but I didn't want to, I didn't know....

(Viegord)-I see. The rally inadvertently caused damage to the health of the now reigning king. But first let's confirm your version. Richard, bring me a guard who was in the place mentioned by the accused and could confirm his version.

After a while, Richard entered the Throne Room with a Warden, who was dressed in poor-looking Warden armor. Viegord had to do something about arming his army, but not for now. The aforementioned knight knelt next to the accused and took off his helmet. Probably Richard must have instructed him because he did it flawlessly. Which pleased their King, a little.

(Viegord)-Have you seen this citizen attack your King?

(Knight)-No, my Lord. But I heard several heavy object bounces against the walls before the rescue of Your Majesty began. Just before Sir. Richard summoned me, I was stationed outside the palace entrance. And the gouges on the walls of the buildings are still visible.

After sending the Knight back to his post. As he left the Throne Room, Viegord's gaze wandered back to the accused half-human Tom.

(Viegord)-Your version of events has been confirmed. But before I pass judgment, tell me what you do and do you have a family?

(Tom)-I...I am a farmer Your Majesty, I own a small field and grow simple vegetables with my wife and 9 year old daughter.

(Viegord)-I see. You see, Tom. I should sentence you to death now. However, your corroborated version of events and the fact that it wasn't a deliberate attempt on my life. Yet you almost made a regicide. These are truly serious crimes, despite extenuating circumstances. The penalty must be determined. So...I'm imposing a penalty of 100 Whips on you, and they won't be as merciful as the ones Richard made moments earlier. However, they will not be done all at once. It will depend on you how many lashes you endure, you will be driven to the edge of consciousness. But not enough to keep you from working. I myself will visit you in my free time and count how many scars have appeared on your back so far. In addition, you are required to report how many goods your field produces, how much you keep, how much you sell, and how much tax you have paid since you came of age. Is that understandable.

Initially, the Nobility would be against such a verdict. However, the earlier demonstration, the blood left on the marble floor, or the fact that they themselves may experience it if they speak up without the king's permission. And the idea that these Whips made by Richard were described by the king as merciful. He had made them reconcile themselves to the king's decision, and now they sought its meaning, and after a while they were impressed by the punishment. Which now, they didn't consider too weak. Especially when they have a nice picture of themselves in their heads, punished for speaking without permission. What they've gotten used to over the years.

Tom was led out, and after a while, on Viegord's orders, and the nobles left the throne room. To spread rumors about the king's new actions and new rules in the palace.

When Viegord was left alone with the Guardians in the Throne Room. He looked at Richard standing next to him and after reviewing what Derek had written down and reassigning him to his other duties and telling him to come to him when Derek summoned him. Viegord ordered Richard, looking at him.

(Viegord)-Richard, escort me to my chamber. I have to work for a while in a slightly different scenery.

Then Viegord couldn't wait to go to an isolated place and think about everything the hell was going on around him. With an escort of guards led by Richard, he was led to an ornate chamber which turned out to be Viegord's bedroom.

Kriuswerus_Pl Kriuswerus_Pl

I used the Main Character's body name in this chapter because in later chapters he will be more familiar with that name. And it will be used. The second thing. In the next one I will expand the world a bit, I will add a lot of information. The introduction was quite long. But that was my plan and I had to end this initial thread.

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