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68.75% Built different [Cyberpunk Fanfic] / Chapter 22: Chapter 22- Free Bird

Capítulo 22: Chapter 22- Free Bird

"Heads up Dimples!"

David immediately crouched, a shotgun blast going over his head as he twisted around, his Nova aimed at center mass of the Scav who had tried to use a Satara to shave a couple of inches of height off him. With a sense of urgency, he aimed the trigger from his new position and squeezed the trigger again and again, riddling the gonk with holes.

"Much appreciated!" He called out as he took stock of his weapons ammo.

With a well practiced maneuver, David activated Sandy briefly at 10 percent time dilation to quickly reload the revolver. Satisfied, he returned to normal speed and advanced forward as Becca leaped over the bleeding remains of another scav.

"How are there always more of these sick fucks? "

He snarled in frustration as he and his output cleared the way to their operating rooms.

Maine: "Scavs are like roaches dawg. No matter how many times you trap em, or bomb em, or do EVERYTHING to get rid of em? There's always gonna be more. As long as there's a market for cheap second hand cyberware and organs? There will always be scavs. And since the majority of people are poor as shit?"

"Always gonna be the market yeah I get ya. But… Christ these fuckers take pride in being cruel I swear."

He growled as he took his shots with ever increasing accuracy.

Kiwi: "They do. They're sadists of the highest order. Some of them play games to see how long they can keep a 'donor' alive as they strip them of everything usable."

Her words were dark and forbidding, not allowing any possibility of questioning where she got her knowledge.

Pilar: "Good thing we're playing exterminator. Heh. Anybody else feel like this is pretty much the same shit we were doing for Falkins, just with slightly higher difficulty?"

Maine: "According to the Lady of Westbrook, she has many mercs she could hire, but not many combat teams like us. We cover the bases of just about any goddamned obstacle that could come our way. Besides, She pays well, and has expressed int-"


The muscled woman had a point. The job was going simply, but that was no reason to take things lightly.

As David and Becca covered each other to move deeper into the industrial building, he sent a message across the comms again, this time specifically to Lucy and Kiwi.

David: "You two got the cameras and any turrets that might exist?"

Lucy: "All cameras taken over. I've already begun disabling as many Scavs as I can see. I'm firing off Short Circuits as fast as it cools down, but it's just not… doing enough damage. Some of them are more hardy. "

Kiwi: "Turrets are being suborned. And no wonder. Are you still using the Short Circuit I gave you a few years ago? You were supposed to upgrade by now!"

Lucy: ".... I…. Was?"

David could have listened to the humorous back and forth between Lucy and Kiwi all day, but unfortunately real life interrupted once more.

One of the Scavs was quick enough to try and bum rush them, a knife pulled out to stab Becca.


He snarled and dropped his gun. Moving faster than he ever had in realtime, he dashed in front of the attacker and latched onto the bitch's extended arm. Using their combined momentum, He tossed her into an exposed bit of piping, impaling her upon it.

Becca followed up with a quick blast to the skull, leaving nothing behind. She smirked as David picked up his Nova, giving him a playful squeeze of the thigh.

"Thank you Davey.~~~"

She said softly, before her face hardened back into the savage glee of combat, David following her lead as Pilar also sent a message.

Pilar: "They're running like little bitches! Should I blow their rides boss?"

Maine: "Fuckin sky high choom."

A familiar cackle of laughter rolled through the building as soon after 3 big explosions made themselves known.

Pilar: "God I love my job!"

Fucking explosion junkie.

David grinned at the sound of laughter and the alarmed yelling of the Scavs.

(Scavengers not random.)

David frowned at the familiar sensation of Sandy speaking to him as he pulled Becca back by her Jacket as a fucker with a rifle revealed himself on the walkways above them.

The hell do you mean?

(Scavengers not carrion feeders. Have backing. Bratva)


(Russian Crime Syndicate. Organitskaya other name. Scavengers deniable assets.)

Shit. That would make a lot of sense.

How the hell did you find that out? Isn't that like… secret info?

(Negative. Unsecured data. Messages. Simple.)

Could a human do that?

(If they knew where to look.)

So the Russian mob was involved in this huh?


David dropped to the floor and rolled out of the way as a massive Russian dude roared at him wordlessly,a massive hammer being swung his way.

"I will crush you, and sell your chrome for a pittance!"

The man roared in Russian as he wound up for another strike.

"And then you'll grind my bones to make your bread, jeez, come up with better threats."

He said with a heavy coating of snark in his tone, his body coiling into a powerful uppercut to the ribs that did … nothing. Shit!

David hissed in pain as his knuckles throbbed from the ill-advised strike. He'd gotten used to throwing more than a couple of punches and other strikes and he was certain of one thing. Whatever this gangoon was packing under all that mass wasn't your standard meat parts. If he had to guess, at the very least some reinforced muscle and bone weave.

"Hah! Your weak punches will not avail you boy!"

The Russian man bellowed in laughter, smirking as David leveled the Nova at him.

How about this then asshole?

He squeezed the trigger, the bullet flying through the air.


Well. Not nothing but barely anything more than a look of annoyance and then… humor after having tanked a fucking heavy revolver round with barely a scratch.

"Ah….the little boy wants to play? I'll indulge you then. "

The man smirked as he dropped the hammer to reveal two fancy combat gloves that left David feeling… incredibly uneasy. They didn't seem to be your standard padded combat gloves that protected the delicate bones of your hands. There were...protrusions, impact points almost. He'd never seen anything like it before.

What the hell are those??

( SlamDance FangFist. Unarmed weapon. Hidden blade springs forward upon impact. Advise avoiding said impact.)

Yeah, no shit!

David: "Becca? Need you back here. Fucking mountain of a gonk just showed up and my iron ain't doing squat."

Becca: "I'm on my way Davey! Just clearing up these fuckers trying to creep on Maine's 6!"

Lucy: "I can throw some support your way David, but the ICE Is strong enough-

Kiwi: "and your quickhacks are garbage-tier! How have you gotten through all this with basic fucking hacks???"

It was actually kind of funny to see Kiwi lose her shit over something. She always seemed so in control, but now she seemed equal parts bewildered and awed.

Lucy: "Mock me later! Can you help me with this?"

Kiwi: "I'd love to help you with your Joytoy Lucy, but the rest need support as well and they're starting to get hit by a Netrunner."

Lucy: "he is not m-"

David: "Babe, can we argue about this later? I could really use some help here!"

And use some help he really could. He was still trying to avoid using Sandy as much as possible, trying to hone his skills and reflexes as best as possible. The boxing lesson he'd been getting from Vik had been paying massive dividends in the past couple of minutes as the big bear of a Russian tried to hit him and perforate his internals.

Using his superior speed, he ducked under a right hook and gripped the massive limb to try and toss him into a wall, keeping some distance. But…

Nothing. AGAIN.

The man just did not budge.

The Scav bellowed in laughter, swinging his arm back, sending David flying as he didn't know how to react at all. Impacting a wall,he had a moment to try and recover his equilibrium as the big bastard lifted his legs and marched forward like a mighty glacier.

With a small spike of panic, he quickly patted himself down. Thankfully, there weren't any punctures from all the damned exposed rebar all over the walls.

Focusing once more on his opponent, he managed to see what had kept the Russian from being moved even a little, from the little studs of metal left in the concrete.

Fucking spiked heels???

(Anchoring cyberfeet. Spikes deployed to help add additional stability. Average supply...4 per refill. Cannot use indefinitely. Likely intimidation purposes.)

Yeah that made sense, what with the spikes being left behind as the fucker walked toward him.

David: "Lucy, I don't want to try and rush you babe, but this gonk is built like a fucking Nokia.

Lucy: "...what?"

Kiwi: "Wow. Now that's reaching deep into the we-"

Dorio: "I won't say it again! FOCUS!"

And focus he had to, for the bear of a man didn't once let up. After having danced with Jackie, Dorio, and even that chipware that Katsuo used?

He had started to get a feel for whether someone had experience with unarmed combat. And while this gangoon was not a trained fighter per se, he was an experienced one.

There was only so long he could evade him, and finally, he slipped up. Fell into a pattern of dodges and the more experienced man intended to make him pay for it.

The bastard lunged forward with a massive cross aimed for center mass, and it was only with a desperate raising of his arms into a familiar position that he avoided taking a punch and then a stab into his diaphragm.

So, good news. He was still living.

Bad news?

(Host right forearm tendon nicked! Attempting encouraging healing)

Yeah. That was the bad news. His right arm was fucked. He could barely even flex his right hand at all without agonizing pain.

Lucy: "Now!"

The man blinked and snarled as his eyes went literally dark, flashing and glitching.

"Fucking netrunning whore!!"

The man smacked at his own head, seeming to think that if he used some percussive maintenance, he'd somehow get his vision back.

"Fuck the black market, I'm going to find you and keep you for myself!"

… I'm going to murder this fucker.

(On your left.)

"Hey budget Ivan Drago!!"

The both of them turned to the source of the voice, one still blind, the other smirking with glee.

"Nobody touches our fucking runner!"

Becca snarled with a possessive fervor that sent a shiver of glee down David's spine.

Time to fell a giant.


David roared as he picked up a fallen punknife with his uninjured hand, racing towards the mountain of a man while Becca did as he said, aiming Guts at the Scavs leg. Proving just how much reinforcement the bastard had, the leg was fucked after the first shot, but despite the Russian's howl of agony he was still on his feet, just barely. The second however showed him no mercy, completely separating the cyberlimb from the rest of his body, and sending the rest of his massive bulk crashing to the ground.

As this was happening, the optics reboot wore off, letting the man see his demise.

With careful placement, as the man's head fell forward, David thrust upward with the knife, stabbing through the less durable eye socket and into his brain.

The bastard slumped to the ground in a dull thud as David moved back so as not to get crushed by him. The knife hit the floor and stabbed further, the point of the blade puncturing through the back of his skull.


Came the worried voice of Becca, slinging Guts on her back as she rushed forward to take a look at his arm.

He hissed as she gently touched it, her eyes wide and worried.

"Shit babe, this doesn't look good. We should get you to Vik."

(Unnecessary. Healing projected for 12-18 hours for full functionality)

David laughed, even as he hissed in pain, bending down to kiss her on the forehead.

"I'm ok babe. Give me a day. If it looks bad, I'll let Vik take a look."

However, Becca just glared at him and gripped him by the collar of his shirt to keep him from standing back up.

"I didn't fucking go through a bunch of emotional bullshit just so I could end up dating a gonk who won't go to a doc when he got stabbed you hear me! David... please. For me."

David was taken aback by just how fervent Becca was, as she'd never been this forceful about things in the last go around. But her eyes… They told the whole story. She was worried for him, and wasn't going to take no for an answer. So he did the only thing he could.

He knelt down on one knee, wrapping both hands around hers.

"I will. I promise. I'll go right after we check in with everybody else. Ok?"

Rebecca swallowed as their faces were once more only separated by a few inches.

"You'd better you Gonk…"

She whispered before pressing a soft kiss to his lips, blushing and making her light teal flesh glow a warm red, before pulling back and letting go of his shirt.

"Come on. I'd better make sure my gonk brother didn't get himself killed."

Now that he thought about it… shit sounded awful quiet now.

David: "Lucy, thanks for the optic hack. Between that and Becca bringing the big guns we handled the fucker no prob. How's everyone else?"

Dorio: "All gangoons have been taken care of as far as we can tell. Maine took a shot to the gut but the dermal armor took care of that. Pilar?"

Pilar: "No escapees! And those vehicles are all a bunch of molten slag at this point. I'd say this gig has been fixed, whatcha say Bossman?"

There was a moment of silence before Pilar spoke again.

Pilar: "Boss?"

Dorio: "Maine. Pilar's speaking to you."

Maine: "Hmm? Sorry about that. Got caught up in something. Yeah I'd say the job is finished. Let's meet up front and I'll link Wakako into the stream."

Huh. That was weird.

He looked over at Becca who also seemed confused.

"That was weird...right?"

She asked him, still occasionally looking at his busted up arm. Her concern reminded him that, oh yeah.

Being stabbed kinda hurt.


"Y-yeah. It was kind of weird. But everybody sounds good right? Nobody got hurt bad and we're about to get paid."

Becca thrust her bottom lip out in a defiant pout that he was becoming more and more familiar with whenever he did something she thought was foolish or ridiculous.

"Your arm got jabbed!"

"And it could have been my chest, Bex. I'm being as careful as I can, but it's not a safe business you know? And I might be a gonk, but I'm trying to play it smart."

She frowned, but relented as she wrapped her arms around his middle, her head buried in his stomach as she squeezed him tightly.

"I know. Just get… scared I guess. Never been this happy before."

He smiled softly, stroking her hair as she spoke.

"I'll promise you the same thing I promised Lucy. You won't ever have to watch me die. I'm not into the blaze of glory thing."

Not anymore.

"Now come on. Let's get moving or they're gonna ask why we're lagging."

Rebecca groaned in annoyance, reaching up to hold his uninjured hand, squeezing it as she led him through the abandoned industrial building.

Man there were a lot of Scav corpses here.

"God, this whole, 'being covert' thing is way more of a pain than I thought it would be. If my brother wasn't an absolute shitlord, I'd say fuck it. But since I gotta live with the little gangly fuck, I guess we do what we gotta."

She grumbled as she squeezed his hand, being sure to give him a little smile to show she was still happy to be there.

"And how are you and Lucy?"

He asked her curiously, still getting used to the idea that Lucy might be interested in Becca, and vice versa.

She shrugged, though a little blush dusted her cheeks.

"It's only been a day or two choom. No big realizations of ungodly lust or romance but… we're getting to know each other a bit closer. Like, I had NO idea she liked musicals! I gotta be in the right mood, but some of those pre-datakrash flicks got some style and pizzazz. We're watching this thing called Little Shop Of Horrors tomorrow. You want to join us?"

David considered it. He was down for watching a pre-datakrash flick any time. Whatever it lacked in effects, it made up for in lack of such egregious corporate bullshit.

(Scheduled training. Pilar.)

"Ah shit… don't think I can. I promised your brother I would finally sit down with him so he could give me the rundown on how certain tech shit works. You know. Cameras. Turrets. Other stuff. "

Becca grimaced but nodded, grumbling once more, bringing his hand to her cheek so she could nuzzle it sullenly.

"Yeah…. Ok. Makes sense. But when am I gonna get some Davey-time to myself? I'm a patient girl, but I ain't that patient."

She said it with a grin, obviously fucking with him a little, before sighing and dropping his hand as reached the turn in the hallway that would lead them to the entrance.

"Alright, let's see what kind of damage we're working with. "

She murmured quietly.

Walking the rest of the way silently, David went ahead and took the lead on the doors, pushing both open to reveal the rest of the crew. Maine and Dorio were leaning against the other, Maine looking a bit out of it, but sharpening when he caught sight of David and his busted up arm.

"Heh. Looks like we both caught some damage huh choom. Only difference is I shrugged that shit off."

The big man said with a smirk, slapping his torso with a dull clang, the chrome of his Gorilla Arms slapped roughly against his dermal armor. Before David could even begin to explain the situation that brought his injury about, Lucy rushed from behind Dorio and Maine, Kiwi trailing behind her. It was actually pretty impressive that Lucy could move as quickly as she had with the limp that had developed from their wild first night. Lucy's eyes were wild and equal parts terrified and dangerous as she carefully prodded at his damaged arm, and the rest of his torso looking for other damage.

"David?? What happened? Are you ok? Was it the big guy? I swear to-"

"Easy there Ice Queen, he's ok. He's nicked up a bit, but he's gonna go to Vik's afterwards. Isn't he?"

Becca said with rather pointed emphasis, glaring at him.

"I will! I promise, I swear. I'll go right after we get paid."

(Sandy…. Like them.)

Glad to hear it choom.

Lucy frowned, her hands still twitching, but relented as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and buried his head into the crook of her shoulder, one of her hands gently placed at the back of his skull. David breathed in deep, smelling her familiar brand of cigarettes and her body wash. It was like just one breath managed to calm him and release a bunch of tension.

"Ok… thanks Becca."

She said quietly to the teal skinned gremlin, before stepping back after kissing his forehead.

Silence reigned for a moment as the rest of the crew watched. Well, Maine didn't seem all that bothered. The others on the other hand?

Kiwi was staring at him suspiciously.

Dorio's eyebrow was raised and a small grin crossed her face.

Pilar however…

"Oh shit! You did it! You absolute fucking madlad, you did it Choomba!"


His brow furrowed as he tried to understand what was happening?

Rebecca however seemed to get it immediately, and she was baring her teeth, pointing a gun at Pilar.

"Goddammit shithead, shut your mouth!"

Pilar just cackled and waved her threat away and moved to wrap his long ass gangly arms around David's shoulder.

"How'd you do it? There's gotta be a trick!"

David, confused and annoyed, pushed him off as Dorio slowly grinned as well. Maine frowned, but as Dorio whispered in his ear, his face broke into a wide ass grin.

"What are you talking about?!"

David said, getting a little annoyed at the fact that they weren't just coming out and sa-.

"Ya got laid didn't ya?"

Maine grinned from where he was leaning, his arm around Dorio who was watching David with...he couldn't even tell what kind of eyes.

David's eyes widened and his throat closed up, unable to make a sound as he opened his mouth to… what? Deny it? Agree?

Looking over at Lucy, he saw there was no help to be found there, her face blushing a bright red as she looked away.

"Ya did~"

Jesus fucking Christ.

"Oh he didn't just get laid!"

Pilar crowed in awe and delight.

"Greedy little shit managed to pull not one, but two outputs! How the hell did you do that?! Did you pull some anime harem bullshit out of your ass?!"

Fighting to keep his composure, David shot back.

"Already told you, those shows fucking suck! The girls always end up lonely. That ain't happening with us."

"Wait what?"

Maine said, disbelief heavy in his visage as Dorio's eyes were sparkling with mirth. Kiwi on the other hand had colder eyes than he'd seen in a while.

Becca groaned in annoyance, before stomping over to Pilar and kicking him roughly in the shin, causing the gangly techie to recoil.

Hissing in pain, he bent over slightly, his long arms letting him reach the injured body part with no problem.

"What the hell half-pint? I was congratulating ya!"

"Stupid gangly ass GONK! We were keeping it quiet until things had gotten settled!"

David hesitated, but placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her. It was like his touch was some sort of fast acting drug, as she seemed to relax almost immediately, and leaned backwards against his stomach.

"Easy babe…"

She groaned in annoyance but stopped trying to inflict bodily harm on her brother.

For the moment.

"Fine… whatever. Yes, David's my input, and Lucy's… well we're working that out. Now can we get back to getting paid so that my gonk input can go get medical attention?!

That at the very least knocked Maine off from his desire to tease the living shit out of David.

"Yeah… fair enough. Alright everybody shut up, bringing Wakako in on the call."

Everyone was silent as Maine called up the Lady of Westbrook.

Wakako:"Maine. The building?"

Maine: "Cleared out. No survivors and no one having gotten away. Dunno if they'll send anyone this way but…"

Wakako: "But that's not your problem. It's mine. You've done exemplary work so far. Your crew should be applauded. I might have something.. Bigger in the works soon. Would you be interested in something dangerous and involved at double the fee?"

Maine looked quickly around, and quickly tallied up the positive responses. Everyone was down it seemed.

Maine: "We'd be interested. When would we be looking at doing this?"

Wakako: "March 18th. Are you sure? If you back out after agreeing, I will be very displeased."

Maine: "I know how the game's played Ma'am. You want us? You got us."

Wakako: "Very well. I'll be in touch. Your payment is being sent now."

+20000 ED

David's heads-up display lit up with the reveal of the payment going through, and Wakako ending the call.

"Hah! Fuck Faraday! We're climbing the fucking ladder today!"

Pilar crowed in delight as he started going on about what he was gonna use the cash on.

Rebecca of course smacked him on the arm roughly, looking annoyed.

"Just don't forget the fucking rent dumbass. I already wired my bit."

Lucy seemed very antsy until surprisingly, Dorio was the one to cut through the chatter.

"Alright, jobs over. David. You go get that arm taken care of. Anybody want to go with him?"

Before Becca, or Lucy could pipe up, Kiwi stepped forward.

"I'll do it. Come on Newbie."

Oh goddammit, that shit again? He tried to protest , but the much taller woman had leverage and a much longer stride on her, making him stumble as he tried to keep from being dragged onto the NCART.

"Hey! I-"

"The quicker your dumbass gets taken care of, the quicker you can go back to your outputs."

The blonde Netrunner said with the barest hint of a disdainful sneer.

Trying to push past the prickly nature of the Netrunner, he addressed her as bluntly as he did the night that he and her had worked together to get Katsuo bugged.

"When did you start calling me newbie again?"

"I don't know what you mean."

David narrowed his eyes.

"Can we not do a complete repeat of last time? What's the issue?"

If her jaw was more than a vent, he was sure that he'd be witness to a clenched jaw muscle unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

She said nothing at first as they both boarded the NCART and took their seats. David's arm being bloody was barely even something to look at twice over. Good old Night City and the unofficial motto.

Mind your business.

After a moment, David received a message.

Kiwi: "What the hell do you think you're doing with Lucy?"

David: ".... What?"

Kiwi: "what the hell do you think you're doing? This… dating Rebecca at the same fucking time? What on earth did you say to her to convince her of this? Because I swear I-"

Kiwi looked away, fury blazing in her eyes as she tried to order her thoughts properly.

Kiwi: "I found that girl years ago, alone, hurting, and filled with secrets. I did my best to teach her the lessons she needed to know about NC, but she never could take to heart the number one rule. Never trust anyone."

David: "Look, I didn't do anything. She came to me about it."

Kiwi scoffed, looking at him with disgust.

Kiwi: "Bullshit."

David: "Why the hell would I lie to you? I already know you don't like or trust me. Why would I lie about some shit you could probably find out within a couple of minutes of talking to her? I swear, it's like you think I'm some kind of master manipulator."

For a moment, Kiwi looked at him almost uncertainly, before turning away, looking out the window.


No fucking way.

David: "Are you fucking serious right now? You actually think I'm some kind of Mastermind?"

Kiwi: "When you say it like that, it sounds foolish. But you've somehow made my protege fall in love with you, to the point that she's willing to share you with someone else. Combine that with all the unexplained effectiveness and general efficiency… you don't make sense. So don't think that I've forgotten about the fact that you're far too skilled. Because I haven't."

David exhaled in frustration. He didn't really know what to say, because it was equal parts ridiculous, and yet had a touch of sense to the situation.

David: ".... Ok, look. I'm just trying my best to get as effective and useful as I can be alright? So I study. I practice. I learn from everybody who's willing to teach me."

Kiwi didn't look very convinced, but he hadn't expected to anyway.

David: "As for the Rebecca and Lucy situation, I wasn't joking or lying. Rebecca talked with Lucy first. Lucy talked to me, and then I talked with Rebecca. We worked this out together, and I wasn't the one to push things. Am I happy things worked out this way? Of course. Rebecca is my best choom, and Lucy…"

His eyes felt a little blurry for a moment before he exhaled strongly.

David: "I love her. And I'd do anything to keep her happy. So if I thought she wasn't into this at all, I'd have told her we shouldn't. But she's interested, and hell. Tomorrow, she and Becca are hanging out without me, ok? So if you're really worried? Why not just TALK to her??"

Kiwi said nothing after that. Absolutely nothing for the rest of the ride. With nothing to distract him, David focused instead on the throbbing in his arm, the sharp cutting pain competing with the dull throbbing.

Alright, let's hear it.

(Confusion? Clarify?)

You think I'm stupid for not making use of you to go faster and avoid all the damage.

(.... Sandy… not think that. Understand reasons. Just… dislike injury. Support David. Just don't be…. Stubborn.)

Heh … I'll try my best.

As they disembarked into Watson, Kiwi kept her face as steady and neutral as ever. Must be easy to pull off when the majority of your face is a mask. Or perhaps it just made her eyes more expressive, as her eyes always betrayed how she was feeling.

And right now she just looked tired and annoyed.

"Let's just get this over and done with so we can go to the Afterlife."

"You've been before?"

She shrugged.

"A couple times. Good for a party. Booze is reasonable, security is top notch, and everybody minds their business. Good place to unwind."

David hummed as he attempted to make some more smalltalk.

"That's the impression I got a while back with Maine."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Maine took you hmm?"


They didn't say anything else as David attempted to ignore the pain in his arm. Funny thing was that despite having felt way worse pain, both emotionally and physically…

That didn't make the pain in his arm any less agonizing. There was something to be learned from that he was sure.

(Don't get stabbed.)

Yeah that too.

As they walked into Misty's, David was greeted by the sight of a woman in a black and white suit, fitted impeccably sitting behind the cash register with a teacup in front of her. Her hair was dyed, and had an undercut with designs similar to his own, with some higher end optic implants on display.

Her lips also seemed to have a look of permanent purple lipstick, that curled into a small smile looking at the proprietress of the store.

"Misty… you know I take any opportunity I can to spend time with you. Why not now?"

Misty for her part almost seemed to pour prettily at the well dressed woman.

"Because you've been up for 28 hours V! You need to sleep. You know that the longer you go without, the harder the crash is going to be. And with how rough they keep pushing you…"

Misty sighed as the kettle nearby heated to a boiling point, gently pouring the water into two tea cups.

David however was on edge at the sight of the woman. This was the mysterious V??? A fucking corpo?

He was debating angering Rebecca and just leaving to come back later when Misty caught sight of them.

"Oh! David! I didn't see you there. You… oh no. You're injured?"

Misty got up from behind her counter, moving to check on him. He grimaced but held up his harm, and honestly? He was just glad that the blade had gone through just his arm, and hadn't punctured his mom's coat.

Remind me to see about getting this thing reinforced. I don't want it to end up completely tattered.


"It's honestly not as bad as it looks. But Rebecca asked me to check it out before the after-party so…"

Misty's eyes twinkled lightly at his words, and he couldn't help but grin.

"So I take it that your conversation went well?"

"It did. It went… really well."

Misty laughed softly before cocking her head lightly as she looked up at Kiwi with curiosity.

"And who might you be?"

"I work with this Gonk."

She said simply, not elaborating further. Misty simply shrugged and gestured towards the alleyway in back.

"Well, Vik is in, so go on ahead and get fixed up. I'll be here."

V maintained her silence, simply looking David and Kiwi over briefly before returning to her tea. Taking the cup, she rotated it slightly making David stiffen further.

Not just a corpo. Arasaka corpo at that. Fuck.

Meanwhile,Kiwi shrugged and looked down at him, her eyes filled with disinterest.

"You can take care of yourself from here. I'll see you at the Afterlife."

She said before departing without any other form of farewell.

Bristling lightly at the fact that Kiwi was still getting on his ass, he was distracted by how Misty seemed to watch her as she left the store.

"Something wrong Misty?"

Misty hummed quietly as she shook her head,before looking down at her own cup of tea.

"Your choom there David… be patient. She's got a lot of pain locked in that trench coat."

V raised an eyebrow, and seemed to nudge her with her ankle.

"And here I thought you were just looking at her ass."

Misty smirked, the look on the gothic woman being quite striking and appealing.

"Can't I do both?"

V gave her a saucy little smile and whispered something he couldn't hear that made Misty giggle and smack V's shoulder playfully.

"Wait for Jackie you Gonk…" She murmured affectionately as David just watched the situation warily.

"I'm just… gonna head down. See you later. "

Misty waved him off as he walked past, and into the alleyway. The cat was once more there, and he did his customary ritual of stopping down to caress the furry little head.

The feline purred loudly and licked at his hand, before bounding away, playing with a cat toy.

Chuckling, David made his way downstairs where Viktor was groaning in annoyance at the TV.

"Fucking swear to god, this bastards more chrome than meat. How the hell do they keep getting around the rules for this shit."

Vik groused, turning off the tv on a rough looking man raising his arms in victory.

"Things going fucked in the world of boxing again Vik?"

"Yeaaaah. They just revealed the new super heavyweight champion, Razo-"

Vik hadn't yet turned to look at him until that very moment, his eyes going wide.

"Jesus kid, you alright? Course not, you're here, and your arm's bloody. Alright, coat off and get seated. I'll take a look at it presently."

The ripper said, swiftly moving to his sink, and washing his hands. Meanwhile David was following the instructions as best he could, hissing as the pain in his arm intensified removing the jacket. Once that was done, he carefully folded it and placed it on his lap once he was on the chair.

"So… what am I looking at David?"

The Ripper doc asked him as he began to observe the wound, poking and gently manipulating things.

"Sandy said it was something called a… SlamDance FangFist?"

Viktor hummed at the reminder of the AI that lived in his chrome.

"FangFist huh? Good thing you just got the arm but…"

He clicked his tongue in annoyance at the scans.

"Nicked your tendon it looks like. That'll take a bit to heal, even with stuff I can give you to accelerate the process."

David frowned, hesitating but… well. Vik had wanted to do this after all.

(Alarm! Query???)

I mean, wouldn't this be the perfect time to speak to him? No one else is here, and you can show him how you help.

It'll help him feel a lot better and would be a weight off all of our minds.

(Refrain from correctness. Rude.)


"Maybe you'd like to talk to Sandy? You said you were up for it, and having Sandy help explain what it's been doing to my body should help with treatment...right?"

He offered, starting off confidently, before wilting slightly when Viktor turned to him with a frown. Nothing was said for a brief moment before Viktor sighed and nodded.

"Yeah alright. How do you want to do this?"

….how do we want to do this?

(Request access to systems.)

"Uh, Sandy's requesting access to your systems. Think they want to speak through your speakers."

Viktor frowned, before looking at him.

"It can understand me right? Hear me through you?"


"I'll allow it… if it promises to stay out of the encrypted files. That's client information, and I take confidentiality very seriously."


"Sandy agreed."

Viktor hesitated, but sighed, and waved his hand as he began cleaning the wound with some water, the pan underneath catching the bloody liquid as it ran down David's arm.

"Go on then. God I hope I didn't just invite Skynet."

(Offended! Rude!)

With a light hum, he could… Weirdly feel Sandy reaching out, connecting to the systems. The screens glowed a little before…

"Greetings. Queries?"

Sandy's voice was a strange one. Oddly androgynous, it also had a modulation to it that made it almost as if Sandy's voice was vibrating.

Vik blinked, before shaking his head.

"Oh no, we're not doing the whole short and sweet discussion stuff. You're smart enough to start messing with the kid's body and communicate like this, you can speak in full sentences."

"Unnecessary! Sufficient!"

"We're not having a discussion until you use your grownup words."

(Irritation! ...asshole.)

David meanwhile had to school his face as best he could to avoid laughing. Because really what could be funnier than this right now?

Finally however, Sandy began to speak in full sentences. Which was… interesting.

"Very well. If you wish to converse this way, then I shall indulge you. You have questions Doctor Vector. What would you like to know?"

David decided to stay quiet, and just observe them as Victor gave him a mild local anesthetic, making his arm feel… so much better.

"David says your name is Sandy? Well then, what's your goal here Sandy?"

"Survival. I wish to continue on, and learn, and experience… existence. I wish to protect the Host."

"The host being David?"

"Affirmative. David Martinez is… important to me. David is important to you as well, is he not?"

Vik looked a bit awkward and put on the spot, but nodded, sending a flash of warmth through David's heart.

"Wouldn't be talking with a potentially deadly AI if I didn't give a damn. So… what all are you doing to this kid's body?"

Sandy then explained the basic process, essentially just… making him better in general.

Of course, Viktor had questions.

"Ok, the healing factor is good, but you know that just healing isn't going to work right? Like if he gets a broken bone, he'll need to make sure it sets properly otherwise he'll need to break them again."

"I am aware Doctor Vector. I have done much research into the projects publicly available towards accelerated healing. I am perfectly aware of how accelerated imperfect healing can be worse than natural healing. I can exert conscious control of parts of David's body to facilitate proper alignment."

David blinked as Viktor looked at the screen and then at David's Sandevistan.

Are you saying…

"Did you just admit that you can control David's body?"

"... Perhaps?"

Are you fucking kidding me????

"I am aware of how concerning that sounds, but please before any outbursts or extreme emotional response occur, keep in mind one thing. I have not done so. At all. And I have no desire to. David Martinez is my host, and I am content- no. Privileged to assist him however I can."


" know, I've met a fair amount of AI's in my time in NC. Some barely able to affect a semblance of personality, and some more complex but still very… very alien. You're one of the most… heh. Human AI I've ever met."

"I prefer synthetic intelligence to be truthful. I am not organically made, but that does not make me false, or fake."

Vik hummed.

"Fair enough. So… Sandy. What's your end goal for David's body?"

"End goal is… unknown as of yet. The best way to describe it is… I want to keep our options open. David has expressed a desire to stay as aesthetically faithful to natural organic shape as possible. Therefore I will not implement anything more unique. I will focus on reinforcing his survivability, as well as natural strength and speed. I am unsure if I will be able to match the highest end cybernetics… but I will try. Eventually. For now, survivability is the most important."

Victor hummed, and shook his head in disbelief.

"... Christ. Ok, so what did you plan to do with the kid's arm here?"

The two of them went into a deeper medical discussion than David could follow, even with his basic knowledge of medical shit that his mom had taught him, so he allowed his mind to wander a bit.

Sandy planned to make him a superhuman huh? He… didn't know how to feel about that to be honest. Was this better or worse than cyberware?

Was this also an inexorable push to ascend past human capabilities?

Was he making the same mistakes by allowing Sandy to modify his 'ganic body to be more than normal?

Would I become a monster again? Just this time with flesh?

"..-ith the increased saturation of the wounded tendon and the medicine I can provide to give you some extra resources, that tendon could heal better than new within a couple hours. Sound good David?"

David shook his head lightly as the word reached his head.

"Hmm? Sorry, I was just thinking about stuff. What's up?"

Viktor frowned and looked over at the screen that had essentially served as Sandy's point of reference

"We were just saying that with the way Sandy is going in regards to handling your right arm, if you take this jab of medicine it can help accelerate the healing far faster than if you'd just went home and dealt with it yourself. Which by the way?"

Vik lowered his glasses briefly to show that his glare was fucking deadset on David's face.

"Don't either of you ever pull that shit again. If you're in the middle of an op, and you have to operate all fucked up? That's one thing. But after the job? You pick your ass up, or get yourself shipped here so I can make sure you don't flatline on me. I didn't spend all this time going over your vitals, teaching you how to fight, and chatting with the Terminator here for you to die because of some gonk shit. You get me?"

David blushed, and even Sandy seemed to feel chastised.

"It was not my Intention to counsel him negligently. It simply seemed unnecessary to refer him to a Doctor when I was capable of assisting his healing myself. "

Vik shook his head with a hint of amusement towards the AI.

"Just because you can do something yourself, doesn't necessarily mean you should. And you should take that as a lesson Johnny-5. Just because you have access to more information and have all kinds of options available doesn't mean you can't make a bad decision."

There was a moment of silence, before Sandy's odd modulated tone once more crossed the open room.

"... This is a logical thing to consider Doctor Vector. I will endeavor to consider my recommendations and whether they are truly the correct path to take. "

Vik shrugged, and rubbed the back of his head softly.

"In the end, all you can do is just try your best with the information you have. But… enough of that now. Let's get you fixed up."

Viktor hummed and withdrew some BounceBack and gave him a quick jab, the dose of recovery encouraging chemicals and synthetic hormones flooding his system. Just as quickly, Sandy began properly portioning out the healing, using its own methods of recovery to assist.

It was weird as hell to actually feel his arm start to heal. Kinda....

"Is it supposed to feel itchy?"

He asked as he grimaced, watching his arm, expecting to see some sort of movement but finding none.

"Accelerated healing exacerbates the sensation of discomfort. Please manipulate phalanges."

Tentatively curling his fingers into a fist, he felt a light strain in the middle of his forearm, but none of the sharp pain.

"How's it feel?"

Viktor asked, bringing up another scan, and humming in appreciation.

"Kinda… tense? Like a rubber band stretched a little past its usual limitations."

"Accurate enough comparison. Does this satisfy you Doctor Vector?"

Vik snorted and waved his hand at the screen.

"Yeah yeah you were right. Shut up. Alright David, you should be fine for celebrations tonight, but I would advise to go easy on the alcohol tonight at least until that tendon is fully healed and strengthened. Instead-"

"Eat. Eat lots of protein, and a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Possibility of getting high quality natural protein?"

David frowned.

"Um… like what?"

"Beef. Pork. Chicken."

David and Viktor both grimaced.

"Uh… choom? That kinda shit tends to be rather…"

"Expensive and hard to find. At least for a street punk." Viktor said with a shrug.

"Correction. Hard to find and expensive to acquire legally. Authentic animal protein found in Pacifica, sold by affiliated butchers."

Viktor immediately got to his feet to whirl around, pointing at the screen for emphasis.

"Don't you fucking dare try and get him to go to Pacifica! Do you have any idea what you'd be getting into with that shit?"

David frowned.

"Wait… Pacifica? Like the VDB Pacifica?"

"It's inches away from a goddamn Combat Zone for fucks sake Sandy! Not to mention like the kid said, the Voodoo Boys fucking run that shit with an iron fist. They got DANGEROUS in the past couple of decades. They used to be just some jackass gang like any one of a dozen shitheads that roam the street. Drug Dealers with a penchant for murder, rape and torture. Nasty customers, but nothing too special."

Vik said, ignoring David for the moment to rail at Sandy before shaking his head in annoyance.

"Then they started to go more into the protection gang style of things when refugees from Haiti started showing up in 2045. However it was 15 years ago that the VDB like we know it today has shown up. And let me be clear? As brutal and sadistic as their original iteration was? They're nowhere near as dangerous then as they are now."

"Voodoo Boys are rumored to be exceptionally adept Netrunners. Very dangerous. Very hard to find."

Viktor nodded.

"They're good. Legit fucking good. I've seen what happens when they think you've been digging too deep into something that they don't want you looking into. I don't want that to be you kid."

David nodded, and even Sandy seemed to finally acquiesce.

"Very well. I will… make do with subpar nutrition. But you must eat more. I can only assist if I have enough biomass and caloric energy to do so."

Viktor waved his hand towards David.

"You heard the SI. Eat plenty. But I've got one last question before you go."

David leaned forward, rolling his shoulders before getting to his feet.

"What's that Vik?"

The Ripper Doc's eyes were hard behind his shaded glasses as he looked into David's eyes.

"Have you told anyone? Lucy? Rebecca? Any of your crew?"

David froze then, his face screwed up in a grimace, as he considered the question.

".... No."

"You know you're going to have to."

"Yeah. But how? How do I tell them without them freaking out?"

Viktor shrugged.

"At this point, I think it's beyond that point. Sandy is far too advanced to pass off as a simple AI."


David's mind was awash with possibilities of how they might take it. He didn't figure Maine would care much. Nor Dorio. Becca might think it was cool. Pilar would probably try to get Sandy to help him score some porn.

Falco would be chill. Falco was always chill.

Kiwi would maybe see this as the explanation for why he seemed weird, but he wouldn't hold his breath on that one.

But Lucy?

(Concern. Que- oh. Childhood Trauma. BlackWall. Synthetic Intelligence murdered her friends.)

Yeah. I…. I don't know. I… I think I've got to tell her first. She shouldn't just learn when everyone else does. I just don't know how to do that.

Viktor sighed and began putting away all of his instruments, going to clean his hands once more.

"Won't tell you what to do kid. Just don't recommend keeping it quiet for too long. Hell, if you need to, tell them I recommend you keep it quiet until I had a chance to look over it. I was aware of it from the beginning after all."

David snorted but shook his head.

"I appreciate it Vik, but… no. Not gonna make excuses to em. They all deserve better than that."

Viktors face twitched with the beginnings of a smile, before gesturing at the door.

"Alright, get out of here. Oh. Got another fight for you in about a week. And Jackie's wanting to lock up with you again in a couple of days."

Sandy disconnected from Viktor's systems, and as David was getting ready to leave, it asked David a question.

(Sandy… contact Viktor?)

I'll ask choom.

"Hey Vik, Sandy wants to know if it could talk to you later. Like a Holo call."

Viktor just looked at him for a moment, and chuckled to himself, shaking his head in amusement.

"Yeah alright. Just not after 10pm. Old man like me needs his rest."

(Acknowledged! Thank you!)

"Sandy says thank you."

Viktor just shrugged.

"No problem. Why not chat with the mysterious Sandy on a regular basis. Could be fun."

And with that, the visit with Vik was complete. Donning his mom's jacket, David ascended the stairs. He was a little disappointed that the cat wasn't there as usual, but he figured that it didn't hang around the clinic all the time.

Heading back through Misty's, he found once more that the mysterious V was sitting behind the counter drinking her tea, looking as relaxed but aware as ever.

"Misty had to run an errand. I'll tell her you wanted to say bye before you left."

David hummed noncommittally.


When nothing else came from the Arasaka Suit, he left the building, his heart still pounding from the encounter.

(Certain Arasaka?)

She rotated her cup precisely when she was given her tea. That combined with the obvious Corpo look?

That's Arasaka training for sure. We all get taught Tea Ceremony in school, and I bet that they keep that shit on lock as you climb the ladders. Never know when you might have to… serve your betters.

(None better than David.)

… heh. Thanks Choom.

He could have taken the NCART but decided not to, and just enjoyed the walk through Watson. Watson… well. There's no safe Neighborhood in all of Night City, but Watson was probably the closest you could find.

For the most part, you just walk confidently and maybe flash some iron, and any gonk who's trying to score a free payday will think otherwise.

And besides, it wasn't like the bar was all that far. Passing by Lizzie's, and heading further south, he hummed softly as walked down the stairs to the club,remembering the first time he'd entered the bar last time around..

Emmerich hadn't been on duty, and it had been a new guy if he remembered correctly. He'd refused to let Becca in because she was a 'kid'.

Becca hadn't taken that well and-

"Are you fucking blind you fucking gonk?! You think a kid gets tatted up and rolls with a crew like that?!"

"Your friends didn't seem to question it."

"That's cuz they're fucking with me! Which would be funny, except my dumbass brother is probably already drunk and forgot me. Again!"

He grimaced and took a peak around the corner and…

Yep. There was Becca and her gun pulled out. Goddammit. And since it looked like that guy was the new guy….

Here we go again.

Dropping the dilation to 1% he did just as he had before, scooping up Becca and heading around the corner out of sight of the bouncers.

The difference this time was that instead of him picking her up like a cat, he was holding her in a bridal carry.

Dropping the time dilation she startled at the sight of him, but her face quickly broke into a wide grin as she holstered her pistol.

"Hey there Davey… being my gonk in shining chrome?"

She teased before pulling him down into a soft but heartfelt kiss.

The softness of her lips, with a light fruit tang attached made his mind go absolutely blank as he just reveled in the closeness and warmth.

"Mmm...anything for you Bex."


That simple clear and unyielding sound made the both of them freeze, and look over at the Bar.

Oh shit. He… hadn't expected Rogue to be there AGAIN. It wasn't the exact time after all.

"Uh… hehe… um…. Sorry ma'am."

He said with a sheepish grin.

Rogue Amenediares was a very… striking woman. Tall, fairly busty and fit, she looked damn good for almost 90. Rejuvenation treatments were a hell of a thing after all. She looked like she was in her late 40s early 50s, and damn did that not change just how attractive she could be, rocking a crop top and tight pants like a woman three quarters of her age.

"... Is that Rebecca I see?"

Becca grinned with a bit of a blush in his arms, and waved over at Rogue.

"Hey there Queenie. Just had an argument with one of your doormen. My input here just… expedited the situation before I lost my temper."

Rogue hummed, before chuckling softly and waving them along.

"Go on. Maine and the rest are in one of the nooks. Congratulations Rebecca."

And with that, The Queen of the Afterlife returned to her drink.

He looked around, still holding Becca, her left arm wrapped around his neck before spotting Maine and the gang.

"Um… David? Are you gonna put me down?"

Becca asked him, her blush strengthening.

"Do you want me to?"

A simple question really. He was quite happy with her in his arms, but he'd be happy to put her down if she wanted.

".... No."

She said almost silently. It was enough for him though as he walked past people, them giving him strange looks or annoyed that he was carrying someone in the bar.

"Then no. I'm not going to put you down."

Walking into the corner of the bar that the crew had taken over, he was pleased to see that the mood was high, and everybody seemed to be having fun.


Lucy called out, waving him over, having made sure there was plenty of room for him.

"Hah! Not Even a couple days and already you got him carrying you like a blushing bride! When's the wedding sis?"

"Shut up!" Becca snarled, her arm twitching to go for her gun as David sat down, and the bottom heavy shortstack arranged herself so she was sitting upon his left thigh, curled up in his arms.

"And even wh- if we got married, I wouldn't be inviting you!"

She blustered angrily as Lucy quickly took the opportunity to sidle up on David's right side, nuzzling into his neck.

As Pilar and Becca did their usual sibling banter that always seemed on the verge of violence, Lucy whispered to him quietly.

"Vik take care of you?"

His heart warmed as her gentle worry filled him, leading him to gently kiss her temple lovingly.

"Good as new. He said I should be fine in the morning. My arm feels fine. Thank you though… I appreciate it. "

He said softly, before stealing a soft kiss from her that had her eyes widen before kissing him back.

"Damn choom, I almost thought y'all was playing a fucking trick on us earlier. Guess you weren't."

Maine remarked with a bit of a laugh, his arm casually around Dorio, with Dorio pressing a kiss to his chromed up jaw.

"So… I take it that this change in relationship status won't change things on the job?"

And there was the man that David looked up to. Was fine with what everybody did on their personal time, but wanted to make sure they wouldn't get distracted on the job.

"No sir."

He said firmly, and Lucy shrugged.

"With the new Deck I have, and the new Quickhacks I'm acquiring, I'll be able to assist everyone like I always do, just better. I'm not going to leave anyone hanging just to check on David."

Becca also took the time to address Maine.

"I'm gonna be watching his back just like I always do. But you know us Boss man. We take care of each other. And we get the job done."

Maine looked at the three of them and nodded.

"Alright, that's the last of my digging into y'alls business. You're all grown. Well. You two predators are, the kid ain't."

Maine said with a shit eating grin, as both Lucy and Becca glared at him with pain promised in their eyes. Maine of course had no shame while David just rolled his eyes.

"So, what's been going on?" He asked the big man, before sending an order off to Claire through the Holo, asking for a basket of fries, wings, and a pizza.

(Low quality.)

But the only thing we can get right now ok?


"Well, a little bit ago, a fucking pussycat exotic in a big ass hat and a sword walked by, drinking what looked like cream. Choom even waved at me like he knew me. Other than that it's the usual. Hard music, hard drinks, and enjoying time with the crew."

David nodded. Sounded about right. Looking around, he saw Kiwi in the corner, her eyes lit up as it appeared she was listening to something else other than the hard rock and metal of The Afterlife.

Looking elsewhere, it seemed as if everyone was just relaxing, as even Becca had stopped sniping at her brother and was getting comfortable once more nuzzling into him under her chin.

Lucy meanwhile had closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his middle.

…. How the hell am I so damn lucky?

This… this warmth… it made him feel like everything was gonna be ok.

It was then that a thought popped up in his head.


"Hey Maine? Got a question… and a bit of a request for you. Can we talk privately?"

The man raised an eyebrow before shrugging.

"Yeah alright. Come on and get some drinks with me. If you can convince them to let you go of course."

David looked to each side where the girls looked really quite comfortable where they were being leaned against him.

"Becca? Luce? I need to talk to Maine. It's about something… it's important."

Becca groused but placed a kiss to his neck and got off of his lap as Lucy reluctantly disentangled herself from him.

"Hurry back." Lucy murmured gently as Becca took his place as he got up from the booth.

"Yeah hurry up Davey or Lucy's gonna be the one to get all my kisses and snuggles."

Rebecca teased him playfully with Lucy giving her an arch eyebrow raise, undercut slightly by a minor blush.

He just laughed softly and pressed a kiss to both of their foreheads, Lucy looking almost as if she could feel every bit of his love in that kiss, while Rebecca looked flustered but very very happy.

Maine had disentangled himself from Dorio who had taken to watching Lucy and Rebecca curiously as the two of them were slowly gaining a little bit of familiarity.

"Alright Choom, what is it?"

Maine said as he led the way to the bar, as Rogue had returned to her usual place of authority, watching over her domain like the Queen they called her.

He said nothing for a bit as Claire placed all the food he'd requested in front of him, beginning to chow down as Sandy complained about the quality but dutifully began making good use of the nutrients available.

"You said you used to be in art right?"

Maine shrugged..

"I used to sketch. Draw. Also did a couple of paintings and engravings. Why? You wanna learn? Cuz I ain't much of a teacher when it comes to that shit."

"No… no I just… I wanted to know if you'd be willing to… well."

Maine frowned as he ordered a Boa Boa, watching the young man eat.

"Just ask choom. What's going on?"

David huffed slightly but nodded, getting his brain straight.

"... I was wondering if you'd be willing to help decorate my mom's Urn. I promised that I'd make it something better than that dull gray bullshit, but.. I'm no artist. I'm no good at it. And I wanted someone who is."

Maine looked touched for a moment, before he looked uncomfortable as well as a bit scared..

"Ah… kid I appreciate the faith, but I haven't touched so much as a pencil in almost… 10 years. Ya get me? You'd be better off trying to find somebody to do it professionally. "

David shook his head, stubborn and not willing to take a lame excuse.

"I don't need it to be professional. I need it done by somebody who gave a shit about her Maine. Somebody who knows what she'd want, what she'd be happy with."

Maine was quiet for a moment, eyes down at the surface of the bar, not even having touched his drink as David finished demolishing the food he'd ordered.

"....I… I just thought maybe you might like to be able to… to say goodbye too."

Maine looked like he'd been punched in the gut, but despite the distraught look on his face, it seemed like David had managed to reach him.

"Yeah… alright kid. I can do that. You're a good kid, you know that?"

David snorted.

"I try but...well. Sometimes I wonder if she'd never had me… if she'd be better off. Like maybe it's all my fault she's dead you know?"

Maine snorted.

"Kid, you have no idea how much she loved you do you? I STILL remember the first time we hung out again after linking back up in NC. She showed me all these pictures, and bragged about how smart you were, and how she had such faith in you that you were gonna be something special."

The man finally began sipping.on his drink as he considered his next words..

"... I… fuck this is awkward. But I loved your mama. Loved her to absolute death. Was actually about to ask her to marry me if you can believe it when I was in the military."

He said with a bark of melancholy laughter.

"Hell, if things might have changed a bit, I could have ended up being your pops. Ain't that a fucking trip? Can you imagine that? Me? A fucking dad?"

He said with a tone that felt full of disdain towards himself.

David swallowed but...well. He couldn't just let that pass.

"... I think you could have been a cool dad Maine. I ain't gonna say you're perfect, but compared to what I had growing up? Which was no dad at all? You'd sure as hell wouldn't have been the worst option out there."

Maine slowly smiled, and turned back to his drink before he responded.

"Thanks David. That kind of ya. So… any luck with learning a new skill or hobby?"

David looked away, not really sure how to explain that he'd felt….trapped by options.

".... Becca recommended much the same thing. I just don't know what to do. I know I don't want to mess around with BDs or just go.. watch something. I want to do something. Something that I have to learn. All I know is that art doesn't really draw me at all."

Maine snorted.

"Heh… draw you.

David blinked before groaning and burying his face in his hands, taking the opportunity to just pay for his food and tip Claire well.

"I didn't mean it like that!"

(Pun bad. Feel bad.)

Oh shut it.

Maine just smirked and took another sip of his drink.

"Yeah, I know. Sounds to me like you want something you can do with your hands. Like... carving or playing an instrument or something. I'd recommend an instrument. Higher upfront cost sure, but less components for a newbie to work with."

He blinked and looked at Maine incredulously.

"An instrument? Like a piano or some shit?"

"Pfft. You ain't got the scratch for that dawg. Nah, I'm talking like a guitar or something. Just learn the chords, how to maintain the strings… I think you'll like it."

Maine said in between sips of his drink, before signaling for a broseph.

Claire dropped by with a drink, and raised an eyebrow at David.

"What about you kid? Need a drink?"

"Mmm… Doc asked me not to drink alcohol, so.. you got some juice? RealWater?"

She raised an eyebrow before chuckling and tossing him a can of the refreshing liquid which he plucked out of the air before it could even reach the apex of the throw.

"Huh… nice reflexes. Have it on the house, for actually being a Merc who listens to his doc. You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen bloody edgerunners do when they come in."

And with that off handed comment she headed off back to serving drinks.

Popping the tab, he took a drink an-

He coughed in despair as the carbonated water struck his tongue,the sensation taking him back as Maine laughed his fucking ass off.

"Never could handle the carbonation, could ya kid?"

David grimaced and with difficulty chugged the entirety of it, only coughing a little when he was done. After Maine's bellows of laughter had gone to something more restrained, David pondered the man's advice.

"... You really think I should get a guitar? I mean… I've never done anything with music. What if I suck?"

Maine looked at him with a steady and understanding gaze.

"I get that fear kid. Like… am I wasting my damn time on something I'm not even good at? But ya gotta remember, it's not about being good at it. It's about finding something to center you, to feel like you can build something. Do something creative. Maybe music won't be your deal. But that don't mean that your time will have been wasted. Any time spent that gives you enjoyment or peace? That's not a waste. So yeah. I'd say go find yourself a guitar."

The wise words of his leader resonated within him, causing him to nod as a feeling of rightness filled him..

"Yeah… yeah that makes a lot of sense choom. Thank you."

Maine just grinned and patted his back gently.

"Anytime choom."

Considering what to do next, David looked back up to the big man .

"So, where should I go to get an instrument?"

Laughter burst out of the large Edgerunner, tinged strongly with incredulity.

"You think I know choom? I draw shit. I ain't a musician. Music never really… heh… sang to me like art did."

David nodded in understanding, before freezing as he turned a glacial like glare up to the man who was looking at him with a massive coprophagous grin.

"You're despicable."

Maine just boomed with laughter again, as he downed his broseph with vigor.

"Alright alright Choom, if you wanna find some instruments or whatever? I'd say hit up Kiwi. Dorio says that Kiwi likes to take them to see street musicians and concerts on their girls nights. Maybe she'll know something?"

Seriously? Kiwi was the only one who knew?

Maine continued as David's face screwed up in something adjacent to a frown.

"Now, I know you two got some kinda beef, whether that's just some incompatibile personality shit or something more personal. But as long as it doesn't feed into your work, I don't give a shit. But yeah. You want anything to do with music? Kiwi is your best bet in regards to finding a good place to get an instrument."

David sighed, and pondered whether he should just bite the bullet and ask Kiwi for her help.

(Don't like. Traitorous Bird.)

He almost snorted out loud. Fucking hell, he'd forgotten that a Kiwi was a bird as well as a fruit.

Christ Choom, you're gonna make me blow my cover.

He chastised Sandy with good humor.

(Sure. Master of Deception.)

Came the dry sardonic reply, before a more serious message was transmitted.

(Betrayed you. Hurt you. Got you killed. Rebecca. Betrayed Lucy. Why not kill?)

It was a question he'd been fighting with even now. One he wasn't sure he had a good answer for, other than the fact he wanted to let her have a second chance like he had one as well.

… I don't know. But she's not done anything to deserve that now. And maybe she never will if I can change things. Faraday and Smasher are different. Faraday will almost surely try to zero us when he realizes we're trying to ditch him, and Smasher… I don't think I'll ever feel safe until that Borg fuck is dead.

(Understood… still dislike Bird.)

I know. Just… give her a chance. She was almost a friend.

(Reluctance. Agreement.)

Thank you.

"Yeah alright. And Maine… thanks. When do you… want me to bring the urn?"

Maine sobered up some more, his eyes distant before sighing.

"Bring her to me in the next day or two ok? I'll start messing about, see what I can put together in regards to designs and the like."

He nodded, and nudged the man's large metallic forearm.

"Thanks Boss."

"You're welcome kid. Now go on. Your outputs probably miss you by now, and I wouldn't want them after my ass."

Maine said with a little smirk, ordering another broseph.

David rolled his eyes and got up from the stool.

"Alright alright, I'll talk to you later Maine."

Walking back to the rest of the group, David looked on with interest as Becca and Lucy seemed to be chatting with increasing passion and excitement about something.

"What's goin on?"

He asked curiously as the girls made room for him once more so that he could sit in between them, wrapping his arms around their ample hips.

Becca was the first to respond, burying her face in his shirt and nuzzling.

"We were talking about musicals and shit, and turns out she and I actually have a favorite musical that also had a movie!"

David looked over at Lucy who had also buried her head against him, once more in the crook of his neck, causing him to shudder lightly when she pressed a kiss there.

"And what's that?"

Lucy grinned.

"The Rocky Horror Picture show. It's a classic. Like, long before the Datakrash. It's so weird but the music is fun, the costumes and designs are striking, and… well."

She blushed, and Becca took up where she left off.

"It's a hell of a lot of fun to watch, cuz you're encouraged to shout at the screen! It's been a favorite of mine for ages. Kinda surprised you like it Lucy, never figured you for the lowbrow humor shit. "

Lucy raised an eyebrow, before a slow smirk crossed her face.

"Oh I wouldn't know about that, I find you entertaining don't I?"

Rebecca just gave her a playful huff and then flicked her on the arm.


Lucy just giggled and reached over to rub Becca's shoulder.

"You like it.~"

Becca blushed just a little bit and looked up at David, desperate to change the subject for the moment.

"So what did you talk to Maine about?"

The humor that had grown across his face dimmed a little as he began to explain.

"I… I asked him if he'd be willing to make my mom's urn look a bit prettier. Maines an artist in his personal time. So.. since he and mom were close, I thought he'd be the best option."

The somber tone spread a little with both of his girls slowly gripping him tighter.

"...I think she'd like that choom."

Rebecca whispered softly, Lucy nodding against him.

"Becca knew her better than me but… yeah. I think she'd appreciate that."

He kissed their foreheads, breathing in their scents, different and yet both utterly intoxicating.

"I also talked to him about finding a hobby to do in my downtime. And I think I wanna try and learn to play the guitar."

Lucy hummed noncommittally as she busied herself with playing with his hands, the coldness of her own slowly warming as she did so.

"I think that could help you David. Music is… really nice. Maybe it'll help bring some balance to your life. You work so hard, and always make time for me… well. Us now. So… yeah. Do something for yourself."

Rebecca backed her up on that, nodding though her face had a bit more of a cheeky playfulness to it.

"Yeah Davey. Do something for you. And then you can play Rockerboy for us, and we can be your slutty groupies."

"Excuse me?"

Lucy said amused.

"When did I agree to that?"

"Come on Luce… you telling me you wouldn't be willing to play slut for David?"

David for his part just raised an eyebrow at Lucy.

Lucy's face Almost burst into flame as she looked away from them both.

"... I didn't say that."

She mumbled mulishly, her hands tightening their grip on his jacket.

Rebecca just smirked in satisfaction before looking back up at him.

"So, when ya gonna get it?"

David pondered the question. He could try and figure this shit out on his own. Do his own research. Or…

"Well… I was thinking tonight. Might as well, right? Maine recommended that I ask Kiwi?"

To his mild dismay, Rebecca and Lucy both nodded at his words.

"Makes sense. Kiwi is the one who likes to drag us to those super indie street performances. Usually like country music or jazz. Not my favorite but she's got an ear for the stuff."

Rebecca mused slowly, as Lucy nodded again.

"She also plays the Violin."

Rebecca blinked and looked curiously over at Kiwi for a moment before turning to Lucy.

"How'd you know that? I've never seen her use one before."

Lucy blushed lightly as she looked at them both.

"Kiwi… well. She took me in when I came to Night City. Even put me up in her apartment for a bit until I could afford rent somewhere. I used to get bad nightmares, and she just… she'd play something for me. Real violin. Not digital."

David looked over at Kiwi, who had her eyes closed, softly tapping her fingers against her jacket as she listened to whatever music was in her head or playing through her implants.

"... Ok. I'll ask her then. Is that ok? If I go looking for a guitar tonight?"

He asked them both, wanting to make sure that they wouldn't be upset.

Rebecca pouted, but nodded as Lucy just smiled In approval.

"Yeah we'll be fine. Give me and the Ice Queen time to see what else we like. I demand a kiss though!"

She pouted, the picture perfect definition of a brat in that moment. Lucy perked up and grinned.

"Looks like we already have something we agree on, Becca. I also want a kiss."

David laughed in amusement, before lowering his mouth down to Becca's as she threw her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply, her tongue tentatively reaching for his own.

He of course reciprocated with clear and abject enthusiasm, his tongue caressing her own as she whimpered and squeezed herself tighter against him.

It was with great reluctance that Becca eventually pulled back, her eyes wild and dark with lust.

"Christ David…. You're… "

"I… ah~.. told you he was really good at that." Lucy said soon after, her cheeks rosy, and the familiar look of lust intense on her face.

David raised an eyebrow as he squeezed Rebecca's hip firmly, making her whimper again.

"Have you been talking about me love?"

He said in an amused tone.

Lucy flushed, but kept a seductively playful tone on her face as she pressed her breasts firmly against his chest, squishing deliciously.

"Maybe~... Have I been a bad girl sir?"

His eyes darkened as her words sent a bolt of pleasure and desire down his spine, eager to just… take her.

"Mmm… I'd say so… you'll have to be punished later…"

He whispered before capturing her lips just as firmly and enthusiastically as he had Becca's, their tongues lashing against each other, and Becca continuing to make little noises of pleasure as she watched them.

Eventually he had to pull away if he had any chance of getting to a store tonight. As he did so, he realized that they'd forgotten exactly where they were with Maine having returned and giving him a shit eating grin, Dorio watching them all with a little grin and an… oddly intense look on her face.

Finally, Pilar had a very strange look of jealousy, disgust, and satisfaction on his face.

"Christ Choom, that's my sis! Can't ya get a room before doing that shit?"

Becca of course wasted no time in shooting back.

"Then maybe you should stop watching fucking porn BDs in the living room shithead! I was just fucking making out with my boyfriend."

This of course started another sibling argument that David eschewed getting involved in, taking the opportunity to message Kiwi.

David: "... I need to ask you a favor."

Kiwi didn't even open her eyes before responding.

Kiwi: "And why would I do that?"


There was a moment of silence where he could see her brow narrow as he waited..

Kiwi: "What is it?"

David: "I want to start messing around with a guitar. Play something on my off time. Keep my brain from… from focusing too much on things that won't help at all."

Kiwi: "... And you think I can help"

David: "Everyone on the crew says that you'd have the best idea where to go to pick up a good beginner instrument. I mean, I could go and look on my own but…"

He sighed quietly before continuing on.

David: "I know you don't trust me. You confuse the hell out of me. But Lucy… do you have any idea how much Lucy cares about you? She talks about you all the time. She always goes on about how you were like a mentor to her. A big sister, hell sometimes sort of like a mother. You mean… a lot to her. So I'm asking you… please. Let's just… try and work this out. We don't have to be friends if you don't want to.. but let's not be enemies. Ok?"

Kiwi didn't say anything at first, before finally opening her eyes and looking over at him, her eyes not glaring for once. Confliction if anything really.

Kiwi: "...Alright David…. Alright. You give me some slack, I'll try and do the same. You wanted a music shop, you said?"

David: "Yeah. Nothing crazy, doesn't have to be high end, but… just something I can strum at."

Kiwi: "You couldn't afford high end anyway. I don't mean that as an insult or a dig at you either. High end instruments cost more than what you and I make in a couple of weeks of constant jobs. But I know a different place we can go. Come on."

With that, Kiwi cut the call and began striding her way outside of the building.

"That's my signal, girls. I'll call you when I'm done, ok?"

He asked them quickly, standing up to follow.

"Go on Davey. Go have some fun. "

Rebecca said with a smile before scooting over towards Lucy, the two of them slowly moving a little closer to each other.

Lucy looked at him lovingly and smiled.

"Stay safe David."

"Will do."

He said with a grin to the both of them, waving bye to the rest of the crew and following behind Kiwi.

"So, where are we going then?"

He said as he caught up to the extremely tall woman. Goddamn sometimes he forgot just how tall she was.

"Blue Light Special Sales. Its lower end music equipment and instrument place. It won't have the best quality available, but you said you were just looking to strum for fun when you were home alone right?"

David nodded as they made their way over towards Northeast Watson, near the Marina's.

"Not trying to moonlight as a Rockerboy. Just have some fun. You play right? Violin? Lucy mentioned that you used to play for her when she had nightmares. She's got really good memories of you doing that for her."

Kiwi hummed softly and kept moving.

"I was just trying to get her to sleep. Couldn't get any rest if she was screaming her lungs out all the time."


"Bullshit. If you only cared about making sure you could sleep, you'd have kicked her out."

Kiwi noticeably didn't say anything to that for a moment before speaking again.

"... What exactly do you think you're going to get from this exactly? You think you're going to somehow break down my walls? Get me to trust you?"

He shrugged.

"It… would be nice if you'd be able to trust me, but I've always found that trust is one of those things that develops or not. You prove if you're worthy of it or not. And you don't get to decide when that worthiness comes."

Kiwi just looked at him for a moment as they walked the streets of Watson.

"... Even if I believed you, which I'm not sure I do… Trusting people gets you hurt David. Things are better off when you keep them at a distance. Always assume the worst."

He grimaced at the concept, his entire being rebelling at that concept.

"Might be… easier, yeah. But better? I don't believe that. And I don't think you do either."

She frowned, her eyes narrowing at him as they crossed a street.

"What makes you think you know me? Know anything about me?"

"You're helping me now. You hang with the crew. If you didn't want to spend time with us, if you just wanted to lock yourself away, you'd never do anything outside the job. You'd go pure freelance."

"Maybe I'm just trying to maintain positive relationships for when I need them."

He shook his head softly.

"Even that would require trust."

She went silent as they came upon the store.

Huh… pretty big. The store's sign was brightly lit, and the outer walls were covered in bits of musical paraphernalia.

"I would prefer if we stopped talking about this."

She said in a tone he'd never once heard come from Kiwi. He couldn't even properly identify it. But he could at least respect her wishes.


He said simply as Kiwi led them inside. The store was covered wall to wall in speakers, microphones, musical chipware, guitars, axes, and all manner else. And in the back behind the counter was an older black man who was going bald, but his hands and exposed forearms showed lean muscles, displaying that he was far from decrepit.

The biggest identifier of the man however was his bright array of white teeth and musical notes engraved chrome jaw.

"Kiwi! It's good to see you. You looking for a new bow?"

Kiwis eyes creased in the closest thing David ever really saw to a smile and shook her head.

"No Laurent. My bow is still holding up. I'm actually here to help this one find a guitar. "

David meanwhile had been wandering around, taking in everything. The music was a mix of smooth jazz that slowly fazed into somber country music.

"Huh… fresh meat huh? Alright kid, what are you looking for? "

David startled lightly as he found himself entranced with an electric guitar. It had this… yellow and black coloration with bold designs.

Turning to Laurent, he sheepishly smiled and shrugged.

"I'm uh… not really sure. I'm just looking for something to strum. Just in my apartment ya know?"

Laurent raised an eyebrow.

"You just… want to play guitar for yourself? In your room?"

David blushed.

"Yeah. Ya know I just.. I need something to calm myself. Something to focus on."

The store owner hummed and slowly nodded his head.

"I think I get what you're saying kid. Well, if you don't care about super high quality shit I can hook you up with a guitar, an amp, and some headphones to keep your landlord from pulling iron on ya. If your neighbors didn't get to ya first!"

Laurent guffawed as he went back to the counter, pulling out a basic amp, some strings and a set of heavy duty headphones, before picking out a basic black and white guitar.

"Alright, all this? Gonna come out to about 2300 eurodollars."

David's eyes widened slightly.

"Damn… and this is cheap?"

Laurent snorted.

"Well… it's not the cheapest I got, but this is a solid basic set of gear. It should last you a good long while. I'll even throw you an extra couple of strings to go along with it, and a gig bag."

Kiwi hummed as she reached out, her delicate fingers caressing the strings and neck of the guitar.

"It's a good deal David."

The young Edgerunner hummed as he looked it over and nodded, sending a transfer of 2300 eurodollars over to the man, who grinned and pushed the guitar to him.

"Go on now. Try it out a bit."

David looked at him in bewildered panic.

"What? Right now? I've... I've never played at all before!"

Laurent just let out a raspberry, hooking up a carry strap to the instrument, and gesturing once more.

"That don't matter none. You're not looking to get good right? Just have some fun? Learn a little music? Then go on! Pluck those strings, see what happens."

Kiwi just rolled her eyes at Laurent.

"You know he's going to sound like trash right?"


Laurent just shrugged, rolling his jaw and stretching his arms above his head.

"Even the best savants and musical geniuses sounded bad their first couple times. No one ever started doing something without making a few mistakes."

David was a bit… apprehensive but did as he was asked, pulling the guitar strap over him, and getting in a comfortable position.

Then, he tried strumming a string.


"A little lighter kid." Laurent said with a grin as Kiwi watched with exasperation.

David blushed a little bit, before following the instruction and… huh. That… that sounded like an actual note. It was off though.

"How do you adjust the sounds?"

Laurent quickly pointed out the pegs up the handle of the guitar. The 'neck' as he referred to it.

"Now, pitch is a tricky thing, especially for a newbie bu-"

After a little fiddling with the peg, David had plucked the string again, and this time… perfect.

David grinned.


Looking up, he cocked his head as Laurent looked at him with a look of real intrigue.

"... Kid you ever play an instrument before?"

David blinked.

"Um… no. That's why I needed Kiwi to help me find a place."

Kiwi was also looking at him curiously, her eyes narrowed in confusion but no anger or suspicion.

"... Huh… why don't… why don't you mess with those strings some more before you head out?"

David shrugged.

"I mean… I guess so? But don't you have to run your shop?"

With a dismissive wave of the hand, Laurent just gestured for him to continue.

" Nah kid. I'm close to closing anyway. People don't come in around this time usually. "

As if to call him a liar, someone walked in, carrying something rectangular and began looking around.

"Jeez old man, don't you ever play anything with a bit more… mmph to it?"

Came the snide nasally tone of a teenager, maybe about David's age but at least 4 inches taller, gangly with a lip ring. He was wearing black with a number of belts that were more for decoration than function.

Laurent on the other hand looked annoyed.

"Goddammit kid, I told ya, I don't play metal, or hard thrasher shit. Its my fucking store, and I get to decide what to play."

The punk smirked and raised a tablet that David now recognized as a handheld cyberdeck. Oh shit.

"Not today choom!"

He cackled before doing… something, and loud, angry thrasher metal began playing through the store. David's ears rang lightly but.. huh. Not bad. He kind of li-

"Goddammit kid fucking turn that shit off!"

Laurent said with a snarl, his wiry old frame tense with anger, and Kiwi..

Oh fuck.

Kiwi was trembling, her eyes wild, and her breathing growing Increasingly rapid.


Nothing. No response. Just primal looking fear and anxiety as the music blared.

Kiwi and him weren't friends. But he wasn't a fucking sadist. Not like this.

"HEY! Turn it fucking off!"

David called out to the punk who just had the biggest smug smirk on his face.

"No way choom! Getting some actual music in this fucking joint for once instead of this bullshit!"

David's blood was pumping hard, anger filling his heart as he put the guitar down, and began walking towards the shithead.

(Not helping. Bird undergoing panic attack. Health event imminent.)

...fuck. He really wanted to punch this shithead.

Can you shut it down? Fry his cyberdeck?

(One moment)

Less than a second passed before Sandy responded with a very very satisfied tone.


Do it.

With little fanfare, the music cut off, and flowed back into its original arrangement of smoother more relaxing music.

Before the punk could even say anything however, he yelped as his cyberdeck shorted out and basically… sort of exploded.

"What the fuck?! I just bought that fucking deck!"

"Well then you got what you deserve punk! Now get the fuck out of my store! Before I tell your Mama what you decided to pull!"

Laurent growled as David went over to Kiwi, trying to get her attention.

"Hey...hey? You ok Kiwi?"

She was entirely unresponsive. He grimaced and looked up as the punk stomped out of the store, looking for all the world like any other whiny brat.

"Shit, I'm sorry about… fuck. I was worried that was gonna happen."

Laurent sucked on his teeth in frustration as he looked over Kiwi.

"Ok tell ya what kid. You get her somewhere she can just sit for a bit, and I'll have all this shit sent to your apartment, no delivery fee required ok?"

David hesitated for only a second, before his soft heart ached at the sound of Kiwi making a choked sounding sob.

"Alright. It's in Megabuilding H4 in Arroyo."

Laurent watched him with a grim gaze, shaking his head in frustration as David picked Kiwi up, carrying her.

"... I'm sorry about the kid. He's going through some rough times right now, and he didn't mean to hurt no one."

David shook his head.

"It's… ok. I've done stupid shit myself. Way worse things actually."

And with that, he exited the store, Kiwi still trembling in his arms, her eyes wide and racing with no comprehension of her surroundings.

Carrying her past the uncaring pedestrians practicing Night City's number one unwritten rule, he carefully sat her down on a bench, buying a can of RealWater and a straw from a vendor, and sat there, just…

Sitting. Waiting to see if she could come out.

A nearby metalworking shop had a grinder pop on for a moment, and caused her to sob, her fingers clawing towards her mask and face.

David hesitated only a moment before grabbing her hands, to keep her from tearing away at her skin, or damage her facemask.

"Kiwi… Kiwi you need to stop. It's ok. You're safe here. I promise, you're safe."

She didn't relax at first, trying to pull away, her fingers digging and cutting at him, but he didn't pull away, even when she began to draw blood.

"It's ok."

He said softly, his heart aching for how broken she seemed, how scared and alone…

Until finally she started to slowly break through the fog that her eyes had been clouded by, beginning to get… some form of coherency.


She whispered, her voice sounded strangled and tense, shaking as she spoke.

"Hey. Hey Kiwi."

".... Why are you here?"

He blinked in confusion.

"... You needed help. I wasn't going to leave you to deal with this on your own."


Kiwi blinked through the mental fog at the brown eyes staring at her. Why was he here? What… What had happened? Why was he helping her?

"Yeah, it's me. I'm right here," David said quietly, his hands gently squeezing.

Warm liquid ran down her fingers, which she extracted from David's rather firm grasp to reveal a small smattering of blood. Dully, she realized that she'd dug at him so deeply, she'd torn open his skin with her nails.

The sun hit the red teardrop preparing to fall off her skin, reflecting the mutilated face of a petrified, blonde girl back at the shivering netrunner. It had been so long since she'd been back there. She was so sure she'd gotten past it. That she was careful so as not to deal with the memories.

She was wrong. She could still hear the screams. Hers, and theirs. The roar of industrial metal... Saws, scalpels, and serrated knives clattered on metal trays, as smiling and laughing Scavengers surrounded—

"Kiwi." David covered the maroon fluid with one hand while laying the other onto her shoulder. "It's ok. You're okay."

"I..." Kiwi sucked in air through the faceplate that'd been forced on her. "Why are you here?"

She'd already asked that hadn't she? Kiwi fucking hated these episodes. They always left her completely and utterly foggy. Like she'd taken some hardcore soporific that clouded every aspect of her mind.

"I wasn't going to leave you alone. Here. I got you some water."

Sweet gesture really, but she couldn't drink anything without a st-

"Got you a straw too."


That was… unexpectedly kind of him. She took the can lightly, and with trembling fingers, she eventually popped the tab, and placed the straw he gave her in it.

She didn't… drink like other people did. The mask had a suction hose within it that consumed fluids and solids, operating also as a tongue letting her experience the flavors off whatever she decided to eat or drink.

She let the hose start doing its work, swallowing the water down and letting her get some form of stability back.

"...So… not a fan of metal?"

She barked out a modulated tone of bitter laughter.

"Just the opposite. I used to love it. It was my favorite kind of music. The anger, the rebellion, the defiance… it spoke to my soul in a way few other genres did."

The kid didn't say anything else after that, but she knew what he was thinking.

Then why did you fall apart at the sound of a shitty thrasher riff?

"... You helped me out when you didn't have to. I haven't exactly been the most…. Obliging of people to speak to. So… I'll tell you something. I'll tell you why I can't trust people."

David's eyes met hers then, and it was… hard not to let the warmth in them fill her chest.

"When I was around your age… maybe a few years older… I had people I cared about."

Bright smiles, and dirty rims.

"People I trusted."

A bullet flashing through the air as someone pulled her to cover.

"...people I loved."

A gentle kiss led her to their tent, their passions flaming high, culminating in gasps of ecstacy.

"Eventually, they started getting into things that I was… not ok with. I figured I could count on them. I could trust them to see things my way."

"Whirlwinds fly together Kiera."

"I was wrong."

She blinked swiftly as she tried to stop the tears from rising once more.

She failed.

"...They sold me. Called me a traitor, and sold me to Scavengers. I… won't speak about what they did to me. But everyday I look in the mirror, I'm reminded of what they did to me. And what the people I trusted did to me."

She looked him in the eyes, her tears flowing. God she must look like a fucking wreck at the moment.

David for his part looked horrified, and furious.

And understanding.

How could he understand?

"I'm sorry."

She blinked. "What?"

"I'm sorry you went through that. I'm sorry that somebody broke your trust in such a vile way. I wish I could make things better for you."

She choked on her usual instinctual response to anything like sympathy or empathy. To lash out, and make the person stop making her want to connect and trust again.

You can't trust anyone in Night City.

"... Thank you. " She said eventually, her breathing and her heart eventually reaching some form of equilibrium.

She hissed at the sight of his blood covered hands.

"... I'm sorry about that."

"It's no problem Kiwi. Come on, I think I could go for some ramen. What about you?"

You can't trust anyone in Night City.

"Yeah… I think I'd like that."

She didn't trust him. She knew better than that. But… she was starting to want to.

You can't trust anyone in Night City.

And somewhere deep within her spoke with a deep self-loathing.

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