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33.33% Naruto: My Ninja Way / Chapter 2: 2. Ninja Academy

Capítulo 2: 2. Ninja Academy

Shouta gazed up at the star-studded sky with a faint smile as he and his family closed the restaurant and headed home. Since the house is also very close, they reached the house in a few minutes. Afterwards, Shouta wished his family good night and retired to his room. After Shouta went to his room, he first put on his pijamas and then went to his bed and sat down. Sitting cross-legged, he remembered he hadn't examined the system memory and mentally called out to the system.

"Kage, can you show me the shop?"

[Of course Masters!]

Shouta's eyes began checking immediately as his blue interface reappeared in front of his eyes. The store was divided into many areas. There were talents, jutsus, technology, medicine, novel-manga-webnovel, etc., techniques and many other categories.

Shouta thought that making money was the important thing for now. The taijutsu techniques he had with the starter gift and any knowledge of the chakra were enough for now. And he had to earn a million ryo to activate the system, so now he had ten thousand points. Which meant he could buy something. As his eyes contemplated what to do with the interface, something caught his attention. He clicked it curiously as his gaze fell on the bloodline tab. When the page changed again, his eyes widened at the top of the page. A broad smile slowly began to form on his face as he wondered for a while if he had read it correctly.

'Hahaha bloodline creation talisman! This is how I can create my own bloodline. This is great for starting my own clan!'

As he thought about it, he clicked on that option and started reading her detailed explanation. But his smile grew as he read it. As the name suggests, this talisman allows you to create your own bloodline. And you can determine your bloodline down to the last detail. Like what that bloodline will have, its rules, and even if it can be evolved. So if he added a rule when creating the bloodline that it can never be stolen, no one would be able to steal the bloodline. Or if he wanted the ability to pass his bloodline to others, he could share his bloodline with others as well.

This event made it very easy for him to create his own clan. If he added to the rules that the people he gave his bloodline to or who have bloodlines were 100 percent loyal to him, he wouldn't have to worry about his clan at all.

But when he saw the price, he gasped for a moment. One hundred million system points. That's ten billion ryo. It would take him a few years to collect that money, but he would try to get through it before graduating from the academy. That meant he had to start thinking about how to make money now. If he'd only worked with the restaurant until his death, he still wouldn't have been able to raise that money.

In this respect, it is currently the easiest way to earn money by writing books. The literature in the world of Naruto was not very developed. Also, they were not good at all in terms of imagination.

After thinking for a few minutes, he decided to both write a regular novel and draw a manga. Therefore, he decided to acquire the talent of writing and mangaka first.

"Kage, can you buy me your best writing and mangaka skills?"

[Of course, master, the two together have 3500 points. Are you sure you want to buy it, master?]

"Yes, take it!"

[Thing! Divine Authorship Talent and Divine Mangaca Talent Purchase!

Thing! Purchase completed.]

Shouta suddenly felt that a lot of information filled his mind and at the same time his horizons widened. After standing still for a few seconds, he took a deep breath and turned his attention back to the system. After thinking for a while about what novel and manga to write, he made up his mind and turned to buying it.

"Kage is buying me the novel version of Avatar. And as a manga, Bleach works. It's very difficult for them to replicate their skills here because most of them are based on Zanpakuto.'

[Thing! Purchased Avatar Novel 200 points. Bought Bleach Manga 350 points.]

This situation ended again in a few seconds when all the information was again transferred to Shouta's mind. Later, after buying all the necessary materials for his managa and novel, he decided to buy the last thing that would be the most useful for him.

"Kage, is there a better Version of Kage Bunshin? So like a permanent clone, 100% same strength, so he can gain his own chakra. A clone that does not disappear unless mortally wounded, that is, having its head severed from its shoulders or having its heart pierced, or it disappears of its own volition and yet transmits all information to the original. No need for food or drink. And, of course, always remain one hundred percent true to me. Is there such a clone ability?'

[There are masters, as I said before, there is everything in this system. You can get Eizoku Kage Bunshin no Jutsu for 5000 points. This is a permanent shadow clone. And it can do everything you just listed. In addition, it can also filter the information that it wants to send to the original. So you only get what you need from the clone, everything unnecessary is lost. And also for this clone it does not need to be scattered. He can always give you the information you want, just like you can give information to your clones]

"Kage, isn't that too cheap for such a good technique?"

Shouta was pleasantly surprised. That's why he asked it directly.

[Yes, master. This is only so cheap because it is your first technique that you have bought. Normally this clone technique costs 50,000 points.]

That surprised Shoute even more. That was a 90% discount. Of course he was very happy about this situation.

Shouta bought this clone technique without hesitation as he was even happier with what he heard. He had a big smile on his face as all the information poured into his head. A lot of things would be easier with this clone technique. And now he had a chance to send his clones to more dangerous places. Somehow his clone would have 100% power over himself. He decided to sleep while throwing himself onto his bed, as content as he could be. Though he couldn't sleep for a while due to many things going through his mind, his eyes slowly grew heavy and he fell into the sweet arms of sleep.


1 week later

Shouta still couldn't quite believe he was here as he stared at the building in front of him. Yes, Shouta was just standing in front of the Shinobi Academy admiring the building. With a sweet smile on his face and excitement in his heart, he began to enter the building.

Admission tests had already been taken the day before. And Shouta was classified as Class 1A thanks to his chakra. So was in the same class as Minato, Kushina and the other clan disciples. A few minutes later he stood in front of his class, took a deep breath and confidently entered the classroom. After entering the classroom, he slowly scanned the interior. Half the class was full now. As Shouta browsed the classroom, he got stuck with the person he had always wanted to meet. He had a small smile on his face as his golden blonde hair stood out from everyone. He went to the empty seat next to the blonde and sat down next to him. Curiosity was in his eyes as the blond boy turned his sky blue eyes on Shouta. Shouta, on the other hand, smiled a little excitedly as he stood next to one of his favorite characters and offered the blonde a friendly hand.

"Hello, my name is Masamune Shouta, nice to meet you. I hope we can be good friends with you!"

The blond boy was a bit startled for a moment, but Shouta's friendly demeanor and genuine smile made him smile too. He took Shouta's hand, smiled and introduced himself.

"I'm Namikaze Minato, nice to meet you too."

After shaking Minato's hand, Shouta looked around the classroom for a moment without wiping his friendly smile from his face, then spoke again.

"Most here are children of a clan or even heirs, I don't know anyone because I come from a normal civilian family. Do you know anyone here?"

Minato shook his head slightly and answered Shouta's question sincerely.

"No, I don't know anyone either. I lived in the orphanage so you can't say I know a lot of people. This year, I think there are only two of us from the civilian sector."

Shouta nodded at Minato's reply as they both started chatting casually. Over time, the two got along quite well. Fifteen minutes later, a tall, well-built man in his early twenties walked through the classroom door. As the students who saw the man fell silent, the class suddenly went silent. The young man walked back to the classroom with a small smile on his face as he walked to the teacher's desk and placed the things in his hands on the table. This man was a fair skinned, average looking man with short black hair and black eyes.

"Hello class, my name is Hattori Akira, I'm 23 years old and an elite Chunin. My strengths are Taijutsu and Genjutsu. Things I love are reading, working out and spending time with my brother. My favorite food is pizza and whatnot I don't like is broccoli.I hate hypocrites and traitors.My dream is a very good onehe to be sensei. I will be your class teacher for the next four years. You can call me Akira Sensei. I hope we get along well from now on. Let's start by introducing yourself. You with glasses, let's start with you."

While Akira pointed to the boy with glasses in the first row by the window, he followed the people, who in turn introduced themselves. While Shouta followed what was said with interest, it was time for a very beautiful girl with dark blue hair, black eyes and white skin like cotton. While Shouta thought he definitely knew her, the little girl got up and started introducing herself.

"Hello, my name is Uchiha Mikoto, I'm 8 years old and I come from the Uchiha clan. My talents are in Taijutsu and Genjutsu. Pizza is also my favorite food. I like working out and watching the clouds. I hate bullies and arrogant people. My goal is to become a strong kunoichi like Tsunade-sama. I hope we get along well."

Shouta continued to stare at her curiously as Mikoto sat back down. The woman who gave birth to two geniuses but tragically died. He decided to change her fate if he could, Mikoto was definitely a person who didn't deserve to die at his son's hands.

As the promotional sequence continued, Nara Shikaku, Aburame Shibi, Akimichi Chouza, Yamanaka Inoichi, Inuzuka Tsume, Hyuga Hiyashi, and Hyuga Hizashi also introduced themselves. A few minutes later it was his turn. When he got up, all eyes were on him. Most of the girls were already staring at him with hearts in their eyes and faces flushed. And men also envy. Shouta almost rolled his eyes as he remembered that girls mature earlier in this world. While wishing he didn't have a fan club, he put a friendly smile on his face and began to introduce himself.

"Hi, my name is Masamune Shouta, I'm 8 years old, the only area I'm currently good at is my Taijutsu and Chakra control. I love working out, reading books and helping my mom in the restaurant. My favorite food is the special pizza my mom made for me and there isn't a food I don't like. I hate hypocrites, thugs and traitors the most. My dream is to be the shadow of Hokage!"

Everyone in the class stared at him in surprise, unable to understand what Shouta meant by the Hokage's shadow. Akira also asked with a curious face as he looked at Shouta curiously.

"What do you mean by Hokage's shadow, Masamune-kun?"

When everyone in the class turned their gazes back to Shouta, everyone had curiosity in their eyes. Minato also looked at his new friend curiously, while Shouta answered with a small smile.

"Being a Hokage is not an easy thing, as it might seem from afar. When you say Hokage, everyone thinks he's the most respected and strongest person in the village. While this is true, it's not just about being a Hokage. Being a Hokage is a very heavy responsibility. First the administration and security of the village. It's his responsibility. Although he has assistants in administration, all important decisions go through him. He must manage the village politics well so that there are no problems in the village. He has to keep the balance in every decision in the village. This means that he has to think through every decision carefully. And probably the most difficult ones are also the duties he gives to his shinobi. He will have to send his shinobi on a mission, knowing that he will die in the future. This is a great responsibility and burden. So I want to be our Hokage's shadow, I want to carry a little bit of his responsibility and burden. This is my dream! This is my ninja way!"

Everyone in the class stared at Shouta, wide-eyed in confusion. Even Akira didn't know what to say. It was incredible that an eight year old could think so deeply. Minato, on the other hand, didn't know what to say with what he heard. But at the same time, admiration for Shouta had blossomed in his sky blue eyes. Becoming a Hokage has been his dream for as long as he can remember, but he didn't realize the weight of responsibility of the position until Shouta said so. An excited smile appeared on his small and sweet face as he held on to his dream even more with a new determination in his heart.

When no one made a sound, everyone came to their senses as he sat back down. But all looks had one thing in common: respect for Shouta. Akira also spoke with a smile after making a mental note to report this incident to the Hokage after he regained consciousness.

"I really knewI don't know what to say, Masamune-kun, you have a beautiful dream. I hope you make your dream come true."

After Akira finished his words, he turned his gaze to Minato and signaled it was his turn with a small smile. Minato started introducing himself with a small smile as he got up from his seat.

"Hello, my name is Namikaze Minato, I'm eight years old. My current strength is Tai Jutsu. My favorite food is ramen and there is nothing I don't like. My hobbies are working out and reading. I don't like hypocrites and bullies. My dream is to be a Hokage!"

The performance continued as Minato resumed his seat. Shouta turned to Minato with a smile as he leaned in slightly and spoke softly.

"Then make sure you become the Hokage Minato so I can be your shadow in the future!"

Shouta had a huge grin on his face as he thrust his fist at Minato. Minato couldn't help but smile and he reached out and slammed his hand into Shouta's.

"I'll definitely be the Hokage, you can be sure of that!"

While the two boys laughed at their plight, little did they know that they would become the most feared duo of the future.


With the ringing of the bell, all the children had smiles on their faces as their first day at the academy came to an end. Shouta and Minato also headed to the academy's exit after packing their things. Shouta spoke as he turned to Minato.

"Minato, do you have something to do?"

Minato shook his head in response as he curiously turned to his new friend.

"No, I'm free, why do you ask?"

"Great, then come to me. First we go to our restaurant and eat something, then we hang out together, we can even work out if you want. I've always trained alone to this day, it's both more productive and fun to break up with someone else. What are you saying?"

Minato thought for a moment, then smiled and agreed.

"Okay, I had nothing to do anyway."

"Great, come on then. Do you like pizza?"

Minato puts his hand on the back of his head while smiling sheepishly.

"Honestly I've never eaten it before. I told you I lived in an orphanage. All my needs were taken care of by them when I was there. So I didn't have any money. Now that I'm going to the academy I moved to a student house, but I can't say I have a lot of money, although it's not very expensive, it's my pocket money for a week."

Although Shouta didn't notice it on his face, he was deeply shaken inside. The cheapest pizzas cost 6 ryo.

(Think of the ryo here as a dollar. 1 ryo is worth 1 dollar.)

So Minato probably has 10 ryo a week. In such a situation he could understand him. He had just started receiving money. Since founding the academy, he has now moved into one of the new student houses and has left the dorm. So now he tended to all his own needs. This prevented him from eating outside. Shouta spoke without distorting anything and restored a warm smile to his face.

"Then you're going to eat your first pizza today. You know, pizza is a recipe that I found. So I'm the pizza finder. I'll make you a shouta special, this pizza is made for me and it's not going to be in the Restaurant sold. You will definitely like the taste."

"Your recipe?!"

Minato was quite surprised as he looked at Shouta in shock. Although he couldn't eat it at all, he was aware of how much pizza was loved and admired. Time passed quickly while the two talked. When they reached the front of the restaurant, they both entered. Again, Minato was quite surprised when the store was full. He had never seen such a full restaurant. Shouta grabbed Minato's arm and took his place when Ayako saw her son coming. She was quite happy to see that Shouta hadn't come alone. Shouta had never brought any of his friends home. As she walked towards her son with a big smile on his face, she saw that he saw her and smiled.

"Shouta, welcome, son. I see you came today with a friend. Hello, my name is Masamune Ayako, nice to meet you."

To be honest, Minato was a little surprised when he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. According to Minato, she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He introduced himself with slightly flushed cheeks.

"Hello, I'm Namikaze Minato. Nice to meet you too, Masamune-san."

Ayako put her hand on his head and stroked it lightly, whilewhile smiling at Minato.

"You can call me Ayako-neesan, you don't have to be so formal."

She continued talking while stroking his hair while looking at his son.

"A shout special for both of you?"

Shouta nodded as he smiled at his mother.

"Yes, Kaa-san, Minato has never eaten pizza, so one of the best Shouta specialties would be nice."

Ayako was surprised by this, but she didn't show it. She knew from his last name, Namikaze, that he did not belong to any clan. That meant he was either from a civilian family or an orphan. And if he's never eaten pizza, that means he's second. She looked at them both without wiping the smile from her face and answered.

"Okay, then two Shouta Spicials are coming."

Shouta got up and grabbed two cold cokes from the fridge as Ayako turned and walked into the kitchen. As he passed Minato again, he placed one of the colas in front of him.

"It's called Coke, it goes very well with pizza."

Minato nodded in agreement with Shouta's words while staring curiously at the red coke bottle. After Shouta sat back down, he decided to change the subject and asked a question.

"By the way, do you know about your chakra Affinity, Minato?"

Minato was surprised by Shoutan's question and looked at him with questioning eyes.

"What is Chakra Affinity?!"

"Chakra affinity means which element you are predisposed to. You know, there are 5 main elements. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lightning. There are elements that each person is more susceptible to when learning, so everyone can do each element use , but to grasp and develop the element with a predisposition it is necessary to understand the predisposition, it is easier and faster than others who do not have it, it is always more advantageous to work with the element to which They're inclined. After we eat, we'll go to our Ninja Items shop, where we'll get a chakra paper and test your suitability."

Minato was happy to learn new things while listening carefully to what Shouta had to say. He couldn't learn such things in the areas he had access to in the village library. And there was nobody around to teach him such things. Agreeing with what Shouta had said, he nodded and decided to ask what he was wondering.

"Since we're going to buy me chakra paper and not the two of us, you know your own disposition, don't you?"

Shouta responded with a smile as he nodded to Minato.

"Yeah, I found out last week. My dad is a big businessman and maybe even the biggest businessman in Konoha right now. But he was a shinobi when he was younger. He has ideas for the shinobi thing when he's just a Genin was. And his two best friends and also his former teammate are still shinobi. Both are Jounin and both are quite experienced. Last week when they found out that I wanted to be a shinobi, they tested my affinity. According to the test I have a gift for fire, wind and lightning."

"So you're predisposed to 3 elements? Is that common, i.e. being predisposed to more than one element?"

When Minato asked his question, he actually knew the answer deep down. Looking at Minato, Shouta could see in his eyes that he could actually guess the answer to the question. He shook his head with a slight smile and answered his friend.

"No, it's not very common. Aoki-ojisan told me that people are generally predisposed to one element. Those with two affinities are only about 35 percent. And three is less than that. He told me if I was enough try hard and don't stop my training, I can get very strong."

"I hope I have at least two dispositions!"

As the two friends continued their conversation, Ayako came up to them with a pizza in each hand and served it in front of both of them.

"Let's go boys!"

"Thanks Kaa-san, she looks great again!"

Even Minato was no different when Shouta's mouth was already watering. When the appetizing smell of pizza hit his nostrils, he wanted to try it as soon as possible. Ayako smiled at the two and then went back into the kitchen, Shouta poured his coke into his glass. Then, after filling Minato's glass, he saw his friend staring at his pizza with greedy eyes. With a smile on his face, he immediately grabbed a slice of pizza and spoke.

"Come on, bon appetit, by the way, that's how you eat pizza!"

When Shouta started to eat, Minato looked at him and saw it being eaten, and he picked up a piece and bit into it excitedly. His blue eyes lit up as the delicious taste of pizza settled in his mouth.

"It's delicious, it tastes wreally good. Now I understand why people love pizza so much."

They both happily spent time together while laughing and eating. Half an hour later both had eaten their pizza, stuffed full. They were silent for a while as they both sat back with smiles on their faces. It was Shouta who broke the silence.

"Now let's go to the Ninja Gear store and then to my house, we have a training ground next to our house where we can train together."

Minato nodded as they both gathered their things and stood up. After Shouta told his mother that they were going home, they entered the Ninja Items store, which was two stores away. The medium-tall, slightly paunchy man in his mid-thirties, seated at the counter opposite the entrance, smiled slightly as he came into view.

"Tetsu-san hello, how are you since we last saw each other?"

Tetsu started to smile at the face he saw as he turned his head to the sound he heard.

"Shouta! It's nice to see you, you haven't been back for a long time. I'm fine how are you?"

"It happened unfortunately, I'm fine too. You know me when I say training and such. Look, this is my friend Minato, Minato this is Yashamaru Tetsu the manager of this place. Tetsu-san, can you give me a "Give chakra paper, we want to test Minato's suitability. And can you give us both a kunai and shuriken set while you're at it?"

After Tetsu met Minato, he acted on both with a smile and put together what Shouta wanted. A few minutes later, Shouta and Minato got what they wanted and said goodbye to Tetsu and left the store. Minato shyly bought the kunai and shuriken set while Shouta said such things don't matter between friends. Then they made their way to Shouta's house. When they got there a few minutes later, they drove non-stop to the place where Shouta used to practice.

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