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100% Solo Leveling : Infinite Path / Chapter 5: First Steps III: Hunting Preparations

Capítulo 5: First Steps III: Hunting Preparations

vol 1 | Solo Leveling

arc 0 | Prologue

Ch. 5 | First Steps III: Hunting Preparations


※ Notes!

In case you wondered what Ani looked like, here!

Also, will she be in the harem?... I don't know. That depends on you and your answer below so... Quick Poll!

☻ Yes (Smash!)

☹ No (Pass...)

If you choose no... shame on you. Get some fucking culture! (Tis a joke of course... or is it? XD)


~Fuckin' Robitussin. I don't know why this shit got me lazy right now, yeah~


"Ahh, hello. Good morning, Mr. Ahn... Yes, yes, I've been well, thank you... It's regarding the rent... I know it's been pending the past few months but oppa just had an accident so if it's not much to ask them can you please wait till he gets better-oh?... The rent... Has been paid?"

~Can't do Percocets or Molly. I'm turnin' one, tryna live it up here right, right, right~

"Pending as well as 6 months in advance?!... Ahh, sorry I didn't mean to scream! It's just that... Oppa didn't tell me anything!... Ah, yes... He is a good 'brother'... Yes, I will just concentrate on my studies..."

~Baby, you can, Ride it, ooh, yeah. Bring it over to my place~

"Ahh, oppa is taking a bath right now... I'll let him know that you said hello. Yes, yes... Take care, Mr landlord. Sorry for disturbing you... Goodbye-"


",-This stupid brother of mine!" Jinah grumbled to herself feeling like a fool as she disconnected the call.

Her brother had paid off the rent, didn't even tell her and now she looked like an absolute idiot disturbing Mr Ahn so early in the morning for absolutely no reason and for screaming at him.

Her brother had never been the type to keep any secrets from her but since the past week, he has been going out early, coming back late and just acting very shady in general.

She had so many questions but she kept her mouth shut because she didn't want to annoy him unnecessarily but enough was enough!

Her brother, who could barely scrape money for the rent and her fees had somehow managed to pay off the pending rent as well as deposited 6 months' rent in advance.

Just where did this money come from?!

And why didn't he tell her?!

Was her ideal, role model oppa involved in shady business?! Was he dealing drugs?! Was he thugging people?!

"No, no, that can't be. Oppa would never."

Then perhaps-

"*Gasp* Did he-"

Did he have a sugar mommy?!

"No, no... That can't be... But... But if it is then?... Like hell, I'm letting some crazy old bitch take my brother away from me!"

Whatever it was, she will get to the bottom of the situation and once she does, she was going to drill some sense into her oblivious, brick-dense brother who was taking a bath without a care in the world while blasting music so early in the fucking morning.

~And you be like "Baby, who cares?". But I know you care, Bring it over to my place~

"Would you turn down the damn music?! It's 8 am and I was trying to talk to someone-" Jinah barged into Jinwoo's room and almost kicked the door off its hinges in her irritation.

But her irritation turned into smokeless vapor as soon as her eyes landed on the scene in front of her.

Jinwoo was standing in the middle of the room in his underwear. Towel around his neck, staring at Jinah with a curious stare as she suddenly barged into his room when he was in the middle of putting his pants on.

~You don't know what you did, did to me, Your body lightweight speaks to me. I don't know what you did, did to me, Your body lightweight speaks to me~

"Don't you know how to knock?" Jinwoo asked with a sigh as he pulled his pants up and turned the music off before he turned towards Jinah who just started at Jinwoo with her mouth agape. "What?"

(ET/N: The song is 'Under The Influence' by Chris Brown. It's mine and the author's, slow dance song lol)

"Did... Did you start working out?"

"Didn't... Didn't I already tell you that I was planning to?" Jinwoo blinked as he dried his wet hair with the towel before tossing it towards Jinah who didn't even blink as the towel hit her face. Too busy admiring Jinwoo's lithe yet toned frame.

"Hey!" Jinah complained pulling the towel down, unsure if she was annoyed because he hit her with his dirty towel in the face or because the view before her was gone, as Jinwoo walked past her while putting on a Nirvana T-shirt. "I mean... Well, you did tell me but can anyone tone their body in just one week like that?!"

"I am a hunter remember." Jinwoo wiggled his eyebrows as he entered the kitchen and set the pan on the stove. "Also, is it that amazing? You used to stare at half-naked boys all the time before."

"Hey! T-That was when I was just a stupid kid! I'm not like that anymore-"

"You still are a stupid kid though. Can't knock." Jinwoo teased as Jinah just kicked him lightly in an embarrassed retaliation.

"I'm 18!" Jinah gritted out as Jinwoo just whistled to himself.

"Now you'll be a drunk stupid kid instead of just a stupid kid." Jinwoo teased her a bit as Jinah just pinched him, which didn't get him a lot.

"Whatever. Hey... There is something important I want to discuss with you and I'm not going to stop annoying you until I get my answers, so don't you dare keep secrets or lie to me anymore, okay?" Jinah stated firmly looking at Jinwoo with an expectant gaze while Jinwoo just raised an eyebrow in question. "It's about the rent. How did-"

"I got a sugar mommy."

"What?!" Jinah's brain screeched to a halt as Jinwoo just smirked at her reaction. "You-You are teasing me, right?"

"Of course I am." Jinwoo smirked, lightly tapping on Jinah's head with a spatula before he used it to stir the Galbi-tang stew, while Jinah just sighed in relief internally before looking at her brother with a questioning gaze.


"I gambled and earned more than I expected. So, I paid it off and then some in advance." Jinwoo shrugged.

"..." Jinah just deadpanned at Jinwoo who just raised an eyebrow at her suspicious look.

"What? I have 'good' luck."

"...Yeah, right... The guy who could never defeat me in Mario Party before gambled a fortune in. Like hell I would believe that?!" Jinah pointed a finger at him accusingly while Jinwoo blinked in surprise before a predatory smirk traced his lips.

"Is that right?"

"Of course, not even once-W-What?!" Jinah stuttered once she saw the demonic look on Jinwoo's face who tossed aside his apron and turned the stove off while cracking his knuckles.

"Say... Do you wanna test my luck once again?"

"W-What the hell are you talking about-"

"Or is my dear little sister too much of a chicken to even humor her poor older brother?" Jinwoo said mockingly as Jinah twitched in irritation.

"You are on! Let's do this!" Jinah said huffing in irritation as she stomped towards the TV to pull the game out while Jinwoo smirked to himself as he rolled up his sleeves.

"I'm going to stomp on you so hard and put you in your place and then I will spend all of your illegal money on cute clothes and you will be there to hold all my bags!"

Jinwoo winced a little at the idea of shopping with Jinah but he shrugged it off as he rubbed his hands together deviously.

"Sung Jinwoo, the world's weakest hunter and world's most pathetic newbie, the Noob Monarch, who couldn't win against his 4-year-old sister. Do not fret for I will reinstate your honor for the sake of both of our pride." Jinwoo mumbled to himself clenching his fists in determination. "I'm gonna wipe that smug grin off your face dear imouto."

"What are you babbling about?! Come hear and get styled on!"

"Kukuku... We will see about that you insolent child.-"

"Today I will defeat you in Ashborn's name!"

"Bring it on! Just don't cry later on!"


"Noooooooooooooooo!" Jinah cried in despair as she threw her controller into the wall while Jinwoo stood over Jinah's battered pride with a shit-eating grin on his face. "Noooo! This can't be?! Nononono! It's unfair! Cheating! Cheating!"

"Bwahaha! You should have known better than to slander my pride ya heretic." Jinwoo cackled before coughing into his hand and he straightened his clothes as well as his act. "*Ahem* See, I told you I had good luck."

"Bullshit! You always had shitty luck before! You never even won a Rock, Paper, Scissors before! So, how?!" Jinah screamed dramatically at the heavens while Jinwoo just winced before he extended his fist ahead.

"I must have seduced Lady Luck with my looks." Jinwoo said jokingly as looked at Jinah with a wide smile. "Anyways, wanna have a go at rock, paper-"

"Noooooo!" Jinah screamed, recoiling in horror as Jinwoo huffed in annoyance. "Never!"

"Tch, whatever." Jinwoo said hiding a smile as he pulled out his phone and logged into his bank account. "So, do you believe me now?"

"*Sigh* Unfortunately or fortunately... It seems your luck has really changed. Woah-" Jinah yelped suddenly as she barely caught the phone Jinwoo tossed her way. "What are you-"

"My dear Jinah, it's not just my luck, 'Our' luck has changed. And for better." Jinwoo said sitting beside Jinah as he leaned against the couch, while Jinah just gawked at the balance in her brother's account with her mouth open. "So, what do you think?"

"H-How... How many zeros are in there?!" Jinah asked flabbergasted as Jinwoo just smirked at her while retrieving the phone from Jinah's hand. "Just how much money is this?!"

"Enough to last us for a long time if we don't spend it mindlessly." Jinwoo replied as he put the phone away while flashing Jinah a soft smile. "Now you don't ever have to worry about the rent or about your fees or anything. Just focus on your studies, and if you need something just ask me. Oppa will bring you anything you need... I promise."

"Oppa..." Jinah stared at Jinwoo with moist eyes as she leaped at him and buried her face into his chest, hugging him tightly while Jinwoo smiled to himself, wrapping an arm around her thin waist.

'She is a bit underweight... But, not anymore. I'll take care of everything so rest easy, Sung Jinwoo.'

Jinah and Jinwoo stayed like that for almost the entire day, just cuddling and watching TV since Jinah didn't want to let off him and Jinwoo let her have her way for today.

"Will you still go to the dungeon?" Jinah asked, staring at the screen but her mind was someplace else as she clutched at Jinwoo's T-shirt anxiously.

"Do you not want me to go?"

"I... I don't want to lose you... You are the only things I have left. You are the only one I have after Mom..." Jinah replied honestly. "So... No, I don't want you to go. But I know that you'll go. Even if I ask you to stay. But I don't want you to go, Jinwoo."

Jinwoo blinked in surprise as Jinah called him by his name. He knew she was serious and she meant it. She didn't want to see him get hurt but he was Sung Jinwoo. There was no way he could sit at home when he knew just what was coming ahead of him. But, Jinah wouldn't understand it and he didn't want to burden her with the knowledge either.

"Yes, I'll go. Because I am a hunter. So, was father and do you know what he used to say?"

"A hunter belongs in the dungeon. Amongst the monster so that people can stay safe and in peace back home." Jinah mumbled out. "But oppa isn't a strong hunter like father... You can't fight against big monsters and you always get hurt! You aren't like father! And even father isn't here-"

"Shhh... It's alright. I told you, didn't I? I'm not going anywhere. I will always stay." Jinwoo smiled caressing Jinah's long hair. "So, don't worry about it. Also, I don't plan to go back for a few weeks at least! So, I'm here with you till then and even when I do go out, I will always be back! That's a promise, Jinah."

"Mmm... Okay." Jinah mumbled reluctantly accepting Jinwoo's words, not because he convinced her, but because she knew she couldn't convince him to not go. Her brother was stubborn more than her, and she loved and hated that about him at the same time. Jinah rubbed her face into Jinwoo's chest like a lazy cat as Jinwoo twitched feeling Jinah's chest press against him.

'Breathe... Jinwoo... Just breathe-ah holy fuck-'

"So, what are you going to do until then?" Jinah asked looking up as Jinwoo looked down with a questioning look but looked away not wanting to look down at Jinah's shirt.

"Well, with most casinos shutting me out for being too 'good' at the game. I'll just focus on working out and working on a few pet projects that I have. It's 'not much' but it will keep me busy for a while. But for today..." Jinwoo grinned as he pulled out his phone. "How about we go shopping for those cute clothes you wanted?"

Jinah stared at Jinwoo blankly for a second before she wrapped her hands around his neck a began to place a lot of pecks on his cheek.

"Yessssssss! I love you oppa!"

"I'm the best, aren't I?"




The sound of metal clamoring against metal resonated throughout the warehouse as a shirtless Sung Jinwoo hammered down upon a red-hot piece of metal.

Jinwoo's face was wrapped in a look of utmost concentration as beads of sweat framed his, now much sharper, face and defined torso. Sweat dropped to the ground creating a mini puddle below him and the forge burning hot near him didn't make it any better but Jinwoo paid it no mind as concentrated on forging a very sharp and lethal tip for his main weapon.

During the past month, Jinwoo wasn't the only one that changed. The warehouse too had changed significantly due to Jinwoo's recent activities.

After tidying the warehouse and a decent paint job, it was roughly divided into four sections by partitions.

First was Jinwoo's home away from home; an office/lounge area to rest and relax after straining his body continuously. Fully equipped with a couch, a futon, a refrigerator, a tiny kitchen, and a shower box/restroom in a corner.

Second was his study/research area equipped with a desk, a bookcase stacked with notebooks filled with his studies on runes, various bulletin boards showcasing various runic alphabets belonging to different scripts and races, and various rune clusters/combinations, both established and experimental. The bulletin boards weren't enough as apparent by the stacks of loose paper containing his research were pinned to the wall nearest to the desk. Near the desk on the floor was a large square canvas with a huge rune cluster scribbled onto it along with various sticky notes with pointers attached to it. That particular section of the warehouse resembled an insane mage's workshop in every way possible.

The third section was a crafting station area where he was currently working on weapons he was going to need soon, equipped with a robust forge he had made himself, a shiny yet durable looking anvil; a tool rack showcasing hammers, tongs, vices, crucibles of variable sizes, multiple quenching tools and some heavy-duty, electronic machinery to make his life easier.

And the last area was an area without a specific purpose and it just contained stacks/piles of raw materials, crates of new equipment he had just bought from the black market in America, and three nearly assembled motorcycles, Indian Chief Dark Horse 2023 and a Scout Bobber Sixty 2020.

While it may seem a bit vain to spend money on bikes when he wasn't going to need them much in the future, Jinwoo was quite sweet on wheels so he let the collector inside him get the best of him and purchased these two on a whim.

And it wasn't like his 'hard-earned money' was going anywhere and if he ever got low-low he could always hit the atm/casinos for a refill.

Plus, he needed something to get around Seoul for five more months and then some. He wasn't too keen on public transport in the first place.


"Hah... It's done." Jinwoo wheezed out to himself, out of breath as he dropped the hammer and stared at the result with gleaming eyes. 'Yup... This will do it.'

Jinwoo lifted the warm metal to begin the final process of attaching the tip to the body and after a brief moment of labour, it was ready.

It was a spear.

There wasn't anything particular about it. It was just an ordinary-looking jet-black spear made out of strong materials like reinforced high-carbon magi-steel and titanium alloy but it was still special to Jinwoo as it was the first weapon he had crafted successfully after much trial and error.

When he started he knew nothing about metalworking, so all he could rely on were videos on YouTube by professionals and the guidance of his trusty magical encyclopedia.

'Metal Working for Drooling Goblins Vol 1' had been a huge boon even if the title and the tone of the book were a bit condescending. Jinwoo had learned a lot and all of the blood, sweat, and tears that he had spilled was worth it.

It was a hard, heavy first step, but walking this path would only get easier in time, and Jinwoo hoped 5 months was time for him to become competent with his craft as he had grand plans ahead.

'Grand plans huh...?' Jinwoo thought to himself in amusement as he gave the spear a test twirl as he looked at the blueprint splayed on the table near the forge.

It was something he drew last night after a sudden burst of inspiration hit him in the jaw out of the blue. As a big Warhammer 40k fanatic, Jinwoo had always admired the Space Marines and had spent hours geeking out over the weapons of the Emperor, so now that he could make his own weapon, to him it would be heresy to not try to actualize those weapons into reality. So in his excitement-induced haste, he got down to scribbling and he had succeeded.

He had managed to design a working Bolt Pistol!

'The emperor would be pleased...' Jinwoo mused to himself as he jotted a note down in his latest research log book as he entered and sat in front of his laptop to flesh out the trigger system as well as the bolt cycling system.

It had been more than a month since Jinwoo was... 'Awoken' and all he had been doing this time was rest, spend time with Jinah and either train his body, study runes, or smith and despite the absence of the System, Jinwoo was happy to say that he had been progressing at a steady rate in all lanes.

What he truly lacked was combat experience and Jinwoo had plans to tackle that hurdle as well.

He was planning to go out and into a dungeon and this time, he would be the one hunting the monsters and not the way around.

It was a matter of pride-

'Plus I need crafting material anyways.'

-That as well.

After finishing up on his laptop, Jinwoo wiped his body and sat down near the canvas in his study.

Picking a paintbrush, Jinwoo moved it across the canvas with a mastery he did not have a month ago. The brush glided across the fabric with ease, leaving behind an inky trail that formed arcane alphabets, flawless, without a single mistake just as Jinwoo had intended it.

Runes were fascinating.

On the surface, they were just cool-looking symbols belonging to a language that the world has long forgotten but they were so, so much more.

Each rune symbol was an ideographic or pictographic symbol of some cosmological principle or power. One could say it was a command prompt for magic itself.

Different runes represented different things, they represented: Elements, People, Animals, and even concepts like Strength, Speed, Defense, etc. Some even represented more abstract concepts like time, emotion, order, chaos, life, death, soul, and even the root itself.

The Great Mystery, The Akashic Record.

To write or engrave a runic symbol was to invoke and direct the force it stood for. And to write a rune cluster was to weave the power with the property of the other rune to give birth to a unique reaction.

This was rune magic. This was power boundless only limited by the stretches of human imagination.

For a month, Jinwoo dedicated a good proportion of his time just studying various runes and their nature. Drawing runes from the get-go would spell a disaster of epic proportions but now that he understood the basic runes, he was able to move to the next stage, drawing runes and implementing them into active combat.

Once he got his runic calligraphy down to a T and when all of his preparations were finished.

He would hunt.

"It's glowing! Yes!... Ah, it's bright-its wayyyy too bright!"

Jinwoo began to panic as the whole warehouse lit up just from a single rune cluster.

"No, no, no, no! Wait, wait, wait, WAIT!-"

(A/N: Sigh... And that's how his glorious journey came to a sudden premature halt *Closes book*)



The gray boggy clouds were making an entrance yet again, as they rolled in with thunder and lightning in tow. Seoul wasn't London by any means, but with huge digital billboards hanging from the towers and blimps flying sky-high, the tone was the same deary, almost dystopian-cyberpunkish/fantasy.

The appearance of a gate in the middle of the now isolated and barricaded main street only added to it. The only life flooding the lifeless streets was agents from KHA (Korean Hunters Association) probing the gate with various high-tech devices and hunters dressed in medieval-ish armors and garbs.

"Ah? You're here Miss Joohee?!" A man in his late 50s, with dirty gray hair and wrinkles marring his face, flashed a wide grin as he noticed the latest arrival. The man was wearing a high-collared gray zip shirt, black combat pants, and a sword on his hip. He waved enthusiastically drawing everyone's attention who too turned to greet the newly arrived.

"Ahh looks like they call you too! Good! Good! We have two healers now. Hah...That's reassuring." A thin middle-aged man with blonde hair, and prominent wrinkles, wearing a simple blue tracksuit sighed in relief as the others nodded in affirmation.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim Sangshik, Mr. Song Chiyul, everyone." The new arrival in question, Lee Joohee was an extremely beautiful young woman with long bright orange hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. One look at her and one would think she was a girl from high society but in reality, she was just a humble farm girl from the countryside in Busan who became a hunter to support her family. "Oh! Is it going to start soon already? I'm not late, am I?!"

"Nah, don't worry about it. We arrived not long ago, it's just those guys from Knights Guild who have been posted here since the gate appeared this morning. They were going to raid alone but the Gate is D-Rank and coincidentally, the party they dispatched is also made up of 5 D-Rankers. So the guild requested the hunter association for support and hah... They called us in at the last moment." Song Chiyul sighed as he explained the situation to Joohee who nodded in understanding.

"Even though they asked us for help, they didn't even greet us those arrogant bastards! They should have asked Mr Song to be the party leader but some rookie is going to lead instead!" Kim Sangshik complained crushing the sofa can in his hand as Song Chiyul just sighed patting his friend's shoulder.

"It's alright Kim. Those big guilds pay a lot of money for gates, even low-level ones to train their rookies so it's natural for them to take the lead. We wouldn't have even been called if the main party wasn't raiding a B-Rank gate near Itaewon." Song Chiyul calmed Kim Sangshik down as Joohee looked around curiously and then back at her feet in disappointment which Song Chiyul noticed and smiled knowingly. "Are you looking for someone, Miss Joohee?"

"Ahhh!-" Joohee flushed a light shade of pink as she smiled nervously while denying it. "No, no! It's not like that! It's just... It's just that I haven't seen Jinwoo in a long time-"

"Attention everybody! Please gather around!" A plain-looking young man in his mid-twenties beaconed everyone to gather around as the members of the Knights Guild and the hunters called in by the associations gathered around the man. "Hello, my name is Kang Duho. Sorry for calling you on short notice. I would first like to apologize for the fact that even though we have C-Rank senior hunter among us, I will be leading the raid team. But rest assured supporting hunters will be compensated for their time and efforts. Please rest up, conserve your energy, and check your equipment. We will be starting soon."

"Oh come on! Can't we just jump right in?!" A member of Song Chiyul's group complained as Kang Duho shook his head with a soft smile.

"As much as I'd like to, we are still short on a member and according to the Association, he will be arriving soon enough." Duho explained as Kim Sangshik raised an eyebrow.

"What? Someone's late? Did you call in on a strong hunter? B-Rank or something? If so why do you even need us here for?! I'd rather be home playing poker if some big bastard is going to take all the money." Kim Sangshik complained as Song Chiyul elbowed him in the side.

"He's not a strong hunter... In fact, he is an E-Class but he has been hunting for 4 years and is certainly more experienced than any of us rookies. And as we are raiding for the first time, we might not be ready or able to face monsters even though we have trained extensively, so if something goes bad, I don't want to lose a single member of my party if possible. So, please protect us and guide us seniors." Kang Duho said politely as he bowed surprising Chiyul and Joohee while Sangshik just frowned.

"An E-Ranker?! Are you serious-Ouch!"

"That's enough Kim." Song Chiyul sighed, elbowing his long-time raiding partner once again as he gestured him toward a frowning Joohee. "We also have a B-Ranker with us and you shouldn't look down on E-Rankers either. We have a friend who is an E-Ranker as well."

"Pffff! Not look down on E-Ranker? Are you talking about that brat Jinwoo? Haha! I know you are a good man but it's hard to not look at Jinwoo and laugh." Kim Sangshik chuckled while Song Chiyul and Kang Duho who was listening frowned to themselves while Joohee was contemplating smacking the shit out of the man with her staff.

"Yeah right! Have you seen him? How skinny he is and do I need to talk about his equipment?! Haha!" The others began to join in with jokes of their own as Joohee just turned away, opting to interact with the healer of the Knights Guild's party.

"I mean E-Rankers don't earn a fortune but we still earn enough money to last us for a season. Where do you think he flushes all of his cash?"

"You know kids these days, it's either drugs, girls, or some video games or all of them haha! Back in my day-"

"You shouldn't talk about him like that, I talked to him and he is a good guy! He had to pay for his mother's bill for so long and not to mention look after his sister!" Someone with some sense took Jinwoo's side as Kim Sangshik smiled trying to calm the woman down.

"Alright! Alright! We went too far with our jokes, well stop now. You lot! Stop laughing! Jinwoo has been going through a rough time lately so we should help him out a bit, alright? Let's give him one more monster core each, okay? Haha." Kim Sangshik laughed trying to be jovial, trying to dismiss the whole thing as a joke but Joohee felt that it had gone too far, and just as she was about the step in. A revving of a motorcycle could be heard from the distance.

The noise of the engine echoed throughout the empty streets attracting everyone's attention. Under the lights of the Billboards, a figure wearing a black leather jacket, black pants, shin-high combat boots, and a freaking Durarara!!! themed helmet emerged out of the shadows on a pristine Scout Bobber Sixty.

"Is... Is that your E-Ranker?" Song Chiyul asked a bit amazed as Kang Duho just blinked without a word as he watched the biker approach the perimeter, slow down and park the bike outside.

Getting off the bike, the biker removed his helmet as Joohee couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

"Am I late? Sorry, I was out taking this baby on its first ride. But anyways..."

"-Let's Hunt."

"J-Jinwoo?!" Joohee gasped as she ran towards Jinwoo who just smiled waving at her with a small smile on his face.

"Did you miss me, Miss Joohee?"


Alternate Titles:

-The Bully Monarch

-Generic Training Montage

-The Rise Of The Majestic Sung Drip-Woo


Word Count: 5000+

※ Notes:

Quick poll below, Jinah in the harem or not?

☻ Yes (Gotta keep the bloodline pure!)

☹ No (Y'all need Jesus!)

If yes then what do we do about the mother? Should keep her around or just kill her off? That's up to you, I'll see what your opinion is and decide if she will be kept around or not. Your vote matters on how the story progresses in the future so do let me know what you think.

I know my audience well, so I know most are harem enthusiasts (like me) and want Jinah in the harem because they are fucking cultured (*cough!* Degenerates *cough*)(Just like me!) and... This is a fanFICTION and DOESN'T reflect our views on these matters in real life. So, do not get gassed up, take a breath and have fun. Cause that's what are here for.

Basically, if I find you harassing my cute readers I'll fucking find you! I'm in your motherfucking walls-


I'm not. But... I could be. So, tread carefully.

So, the hunt begins and no it's not the double dungeon incident in the next. I'm going to do an original arc before we move to the main meat of the Novel.

Anyways, that's all for today and I'll see you legends in the next one. Take Care and Shabba Khair!

Love you all!

P.S. I won't include any songs from now on.

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