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60.93% A Godslayer in a School / Chapter 38: An Idol of my Own

Capítulo 38: An Idol of my Own

(2 out of 3 chapters this week)

"I always wanted to have an idol of my own."

Ai Hoshino slowly started to get nervous, what does he mean?


"You see, my identity is very special, I am one of seven people who rule this world."

Her eyes widened for a second. He finally is speaking about himself!?

"That's right, this means if I want something it will be very easy to get."


She gulped down even more, there was a certain nervousness when dealing with someone like this guy!

"This is why Ai, do you want me to fulfil your desire?"


For a second she was afraid that he would do something to her but he is suggesting to use his powers for…her!?

"I-I don't think I need supernatural assistance for something as simple as my issue." She quickly declined his suggestion.

"...Hmm, yet you radiate that naivete that someone could use you for their amusement. As someone who has godly senses, I am confident in them."

She flinched when he exclaimed with such a blunt tone.


"...Fair enough. I suppose you could be my girlfriend."


The girl squeaked loudly! This came out of nowhere!

"H-Hold it! I am an idol, this stuff is a no-no!"

Raynor snorted, as he could sense dishonesty from her.

"Such a naughty girl, one of my powers is the power of a King. I can tell when someone is lying to the King. And you are lying at this moment, or more precisely are dishonest with your words."

He teased her, as he got closer.

"This means you don't believe in what you are saying. Such a naughty girl, are you thinking of something naughty? Like having a boyfriend while being an idol?"

The Storm King teased her even more. Which only makes her blush get even brighter.


"I know… why don't I add you to my court, and then we can work from there?"

"...W-What does it mean?" She asked nervously, This was getting somewhat spicy for her! What is he talking about?

"Hmm, you will be mine and in turn, you will have some of my powers. This way you will have means to defend yourself." Raynor explained to her as he lifted his hand and gently stroked her chin.

"Aren't you happy that I can see through your lies?"

She slightly grimaced at his words. Not quite, she is constantly lying for different reasons. However, there is a certain amount of satisfaction when he sees through her like this.

"...Hmm, fine. If you want this then I will accept. Once you are my boyfriend you have to make me happy." She said that while putting both of her hands on her waist, it sounded almost like a royal degree.

"Fair enough, that's the whole reason I even considered. It sounds like the plot of a light novel, a guy bringing happiness to a sad idol who doesn't know the way to happiness."

Ai pouted angrily when she heard that! It's as if she is some sort of damsel in distress!


"Don't worry, you will get along with my other girls just fine."


Before she could complain he kissed her lips and searing hot energy started to flow into her.

At that moment the idol's brain started to melt, she never felt anything like this before! It was…amazing!

After a few moments she started to moan into his lips, his hands wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to himself.

Eventually, the kiss ended and he pulled back from her.

The purple-haired idol had a misty look. Raynor was fascinated with her eyes as well. He wondered if she had some sort of supernatural ancestry.

"...What was this?" She questioned what just happened to her, whatever it was it was amazing at the same time she could feel the power coursing through her body.

"You are part of my court. My power is based on the King of Gods Zeus Olympus Court. Girls which I bless like this are considered my consorts, giving you a small amount of power~"

He explained to her as simply as possible.

"...You— just what are you?" Even though she sounded curious, this close contact and the energy flowing through her made her ignore whatever dangers could happen to her.

In other words, she is someone who would play with fire even when she knows that it will burn her, hard.

"Your King? Darling? Beloved? Hmm, you can pick." He suggested it to her with an amused smile.

This is where she narrowed her eyes.

"...womaniser? You said you have more girls!"

"Indeed. When you go to war you need to muster all available allies." With a sage-like voice, he explained to her.

"What does this even mean!?"

Instead of explaining, he stopped hugging her and walked over to one of the boulders lying in the beach area.

With a casual kick, he turned the boulder into a pile of dust.

"My body is that of a Greek God. One of the reasons why I have a harem is to make life easier for my girls. Or do you think you can satisfy me alone?" He explained to her with a simple tone, the pile of dust made her pale.

She shook her head swiftly, Nope! She is fine with this!

"Don't worry. It's not like I will be hogging you for myself all the time. The reason why I blessed you is that people won't be able to do things to you easily. If some angry fan tried to stab you he would break his hand as your body is supernatural now."

Ai slowly nodded, but then she smirked at him.

"Uh-huh…and there are no ulterior motives at all~"

He returned a smirk to her.


"Who is lying now~?"

"Who knows~"

Once again he was in front of her.

"Shall I give you a guide on how to use all those nifty powers you can use now?"



The Ai Hoshino's agency was in full panic mode as their star was gone! They checked the whole concert hall! They were about to call the police, but before that could happen people in black suits arrived.

"...Excuse me? Who are you people?"

"We are with homeland security. Working directly under the Secretary of Defence."

"Are you here to talk about Ai Hoshino's whereabouts?" A man with blond hair asked cautiously.

"Indeed, you must be Ichigo Saitou, the president of Strawberry Productions?"


"Good, we have to talk."

Around a couple of hours later Ai Hoshino simply reappeared as if nothing had happened. People noticed that she was in quite a messy state.

Her hair and clothes were all messed up, people thought that she looked like this because of the wind, though no one realised that she was with a guy having some 'fun'.

Though the men in black suits trembled for a bit.

"D-Did he…"

"Yes! She has that aura!"

"N-No way!"

The agents mumbled to each other as one of them quickly pulled out his phone and called someone.

In the meantime, the idol moved her head to the side and looked confused.

"...Um…you said you want to talk to me…"

"Yes! If you would! We would like to ask a few questions."

For some reason, the staff realised that the agents turned extremely courteous and one could even say meek.

Though why? What is going on!?

A few moments later, her manager, the Idol company owner and the idol itself once again in a meeting room.

"Let us start. Ai Hoshino, how much do you know?"

"...Know about what?"

"The one who took you away?"

"...Oh, Raynor… my…boyfriend? King? Still, I haven't understood how this works~" For a second she acted all cute as the whole thing was blurred for her.

Though everyone groaned hearing that. This is just great!

"However he did use his power on you didn't he?"

"Yep! I am all —" Lightning danced through her fingers, showing it to everyone."-Electric now~"

"...Are you saying that this godly being whose job is to kill mad gods has decided to make our Ai into his girl!?" The company owner who had just been introduced to a bigger world was still grasping straws and trying not to lose his head.

"It's fine~ While he is overbearing I kinda like him~" Ai with a blush spoke in a dreamy voice. She recalled all those cuddling and steamy kissing sessions that made her all giddy.

"...Ai…you do know the rules…" Her manager reminded her about what idols are.

"It's fine, it's not like I am going to be around him all the time~ We can arrange special kinds of meetings~ maybe I could join the school he is attending or something like that~ it would be interesting~," The idol said that she recalled him being dressed in school uniform.




"If this is what you want, we can arrange it." The lead agent said with a professional tone.

"Ai! You do realise how much trouble this will cause for you!?"

If she is to attend the school like that it would put the entirety of the school body into the limelight!

"Don't worry, we have all these people who have magic~ yes?"

Ai Hoshino said with a bright smile. She remembered what Raynor said to her. If she wants something, it will be arranged for her!

If she wants to experience 'love' and 'affection', then she will do just that. The purple-haired girl can be a schoolgirl and experience all the dating life with her boyfriend while being an idol in her free time.

Normally a person needs to adjust to the world around him, but with such a background which she has now…the world will adjust to what she wants.

'Just like he said~~~'

"By the way~ he never explained to me properly who he was~"




The whole meeting room was in pure silence, is she for real!?


'My life is becoming more and more like a light novel. First, we have a mysterious transfer student with an unknown and very mysterious background.

He has knights and everyone is afraid to provoke him. Each time he does something it sends waves through normal people's lives.

Today is such a day.'

Hachiman Hikigaya was monologuing to himself as he watched how a purple-haired girl with stars in her eyes was transferring into his class.

The classroom is dead silent. This was a most famous idol in whole-ass Japan and now she is transferring into his class.

What the hell is going on!?

"Hello everyone! My name is Ai Hoshino~ and I am transferring to this class from today onwards! Please take care of me~~" As she introduced herself, she took one of her famous poses which sent the whole class into overdrive!

"N-No way!"

"She is—"



A loud smack on the table got everyone under control.

Their homeroom teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka got everyone's attention.

'Even in such a situation, she can control them, she has my respect!' The loner was impressed by his teacher!

"Everyone, calm down! Miss Hoshino is just another student here. Now pipe down everyone."

The teacher snapped at the students before looking at the idol dressed as a student.

"Please take a seat so that we can start the class."


As she was about to walk she looked at the teacher.

"Umm…can I sit close to Raynor~?" The idol asked with an innocent voice but all her fans had a meltdown!


"T-This can't be! The Harem King strikes again!"

"How does he even do this!?"

"My Ai is disappearing before my eyes!!!"



As the homeroom teacher once again is taking things into her own hands the loner was looking with bafflement at what is happening. This was like another scene from a visual novel!

'Damn… my life truly is a novel… this is nuts!'

The more he thought about this the more it made sense! This guy just comes in and does strange things, and everything just works out for him!

Hell, even an idol got transferred into his class!

As the loner was thinking about it he saw how the idol sat down in front of Raynor Valeron, as one of the classmates gave her the seat.

'I wouldn't be surprised if the supernatural is real by this point.'


For advanced chapters (+8 chapters) mypat : pat




P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.

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