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34.61% Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse / Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Leaving Lannisport

Capítulo 27: Chapter 27: Leaving Lannisport

Aiden left carrying the chest of gold, all Robert could do was grit his teeth and endure for now. He immediately left, and called Ned Stark, Jon Arryn, Petyr Baelish, and Tywin Lannister for a meeting.

Aiden met with Lord Whent and Lord Mallister to give them their portain of gold as well as the Reach's, that was why Lord Jason Mallister was there, he had a decent relationship with the Tyrell family, so him visiting them wouldn't be strange.

Lord Whent was from the Riverlands, same as Lord Mallister so they could meet anytime to distribute the gold meant for their lands easily.

Aiden then went to Oberyn to distribute Dorne's ten thousand, then left to head to where Ned was staying. Aiden knew that Ned wanted to leave right away. He had overheard the meeting Robert called for immediately after the tournament ended. He heard everything, his respect for the man skyrocketed.

When they talked of the ambush and plans, Ned was adament he didn't approve, when he saw that none listened or cared for his input and made it clear it was going to happen no matter what, Ned got up to leave immediately.

This had completely made Ned have a falling out with Robert, especially when Robert threatened to put his head on a spike should he walk away.

Ned had just turned, looked at Robert dead in his eyes and clearly stated, "Do what you will, I'll not be apart of your madness any longer. It's no wonder Lyanna didn't want anything to do with you. She saw what I did not, I was a fool to call you a brother."

He then turned to Jon Arryn and said, "As for you Lord Arryn, for you to condone the killing of innocent women and children, who had nothing to do with the Mad Kings crimes, especially when they too suffered under him, I expected better from someone I once considered a father. You both can go to hell together, I'll pay the norths taxes as per usual but should you send your army north, we will declare independence and kill any southern army who comes to our shores or travels past the Neck."

Ned even threw out just before leaving, "Oh and by the way, that other woman and child with the Targaryens that you are so adamant of killing, its my sister Lyanna and Rhaegar's true born son. I found her after your little war, she and Rhaegar wed and she bore him a son. My nephew, she never was kidnapped and raped. She left cause of you trying to force the marriage that my father was never going to approve. You want to kill my family! The North Remembers my Lords."

After Ned left, Robert didn't speak for over an hour. He literally almost had a brain aneurysm from the fury that was building. He just learned that the one woman he has been dreaming about all these years was alive and well. She preferred to get with Rhaegar, his most hated enemy in his entire life.

Jon Arryn and Tywin were shocked by this revelation, but it also worked towards their advantage. Although it still wouldn't get the other Northern lords to accept another Warden of the North, it could allow them to call upon other houses, they had an advantage.

Although they knew there was no way they could attack the North by land, they had plenty of ships while the North barely had any. They could attack by sea.

If they attacked the North constantly, then eventually the other lords would have no choice but to submit to the Boltons ruling the North.

Robert, in his fury let out a primal yell, he would make the Stark's pay, he would have his Lyanna no matter what. She was the one woman he could never get, he had tried many times to sleep with her, but unlike all the other women she rejected him every time.

Instead of discouraging him, it made him want her more. He was the one to tell Jon Arryn to arrange a marriage, trying to force her into his arms using her father and benefits.

When he found out from Ned that it was ultimately Lyanna's choice, he began to spread the word they were already engaged, trying to use the Stark honor against them to get his way.

Now not only did he learn that she wasn't kidnapped and raped like Jon Arryn had told him, but that she actually married Rhaegar and bore him a son, rather than being mad at Jon Arryn for lieing or self reflecting on his own actions, he blamed the Stark's.

The large group of 50 ambushers quickly became a large army of nearly ten thousand. It was all they could muster on such short notice. Most of which would be Tully and Arryn men, they would be backed by Lannister and Baratheon men, the reason for this was the new location chosen by Tywin for the ambush.

By the time Ned returned, Aiden was already waiting in his room with Rob. Ned's actions were an encouragement for Aiden, he now knew that the kingdom wasn't beyond saving.

Aiden would now escort the northmen home and deal a small but harsh blow to Robert and the three. He also felt Ned deserved the truth. Aiden had learned much during the tournament, he made sure to scan each Lord in attendance.

He was trying to practice the ability, especially after his debacle with Margaery, he learned a great deal of things. Not only of Roose Bolton's plans with the Arryn, Lannister and Tully alliance, but of what Arryn and Lannister planned just before Robert's Rebellion started.

He learned of Petyr Baelish and his schemes, he knew Jon Arryn wouldn't live much longer due to Petyr and Jon's wife Lysa, who were having an affair together and even had a bastard son Robyn who they passed off as Jon's son.

Many of the plots were seen thru, this is what had Aiden so unsure of how to proceed, he wasn't sure this world was even worth saving. He had half the mind of just taking those he felt worthy of saving and just let the world rot.

A world that felt it was ok and natural to kill innocent men, women and children just to further one's goals for power wasn't worth saving. But Ned taking a stand, knowing what he was doing was stupid, but it was still right.

Ned did know he shouldn't have said what he said, but he couldn't take it anymore, he knew his sister and nephew were apart of the group they continuously discussed about killing. His wolf's blood just reacted.

Ned was nicknamed the Quiet Wolf, mainly because he was slow to anger and rarely spoke out. It wasn't that he didn't have a temper, he just bottled everything up. So when it finally bubbled over, he lost it and said things he shouldn't have.

So Aiden decided that once Robert's small army made their move, it would be time to let the world know what he was capable of on a large scale.

Ned and his men left, Ned tried to get with Roose, to let them know they were leaving but he and his men were no where to be seen. So Ned just left with his men. They would be able to move faster with a smaller group.

His goal was to try to get past the Neck or as close to it as possible. As they left Lannisport Roose Bolton and his men were waiting at the exit to the city.

"Lord Stark, we were waiting for you. We were ready to leave but wanted to wait for you, the North calls us back home, this weather is too hot for me and my men."

"Aye, same here. Glad you can join us. I will be honest though I am expecting we may have trouble on the way."

Roose just nodded, "Yes, I see we have an extra man for our journey. It's a pleasure to meet the tournament champion, that was some spectacle you displayed. You are said to have surpassed even the Sword of Morning himself."

Aiden saw thru him but played along, he could oust him now but that will kill the show before it began.

"Its a pleasure Lord Bolton, I look forward to this journey, I have heard many things of the North but never seen it for myself. Lord Stark was so kind to allow me to tag along."

After a few words they began their journey North along the River Road. This would take them northeast, passing right thru Riverrun then after some ways past Riverrun they could the get onto The Kingsroad once they reached Crossroads Inn near the Trident.

They didn't take a ship due to if they did they would be at the mercy of house Frey, had they a larger force they could avoid extortion by quite a bit. With Aiden being in the group, since he was champion, many knew he had a lot of gold.

Frey's couldn't be trusted, all the kingdom knew this, it was why Lord Walder Frey was nicknamed the Late Walder Frey. Even though he joined Robert's side and was called to fight at the Trident, he waited till the battle was over before showing up. He wanted to leave a opening to be able to switch sides should Roberts forces suffer losses, thus the Frey's lost even more of their reputation.

Thanks to Roose Bolton, Aiden knew that the armies sent to take care of him and the Starks was set near the Trident. Several miles northwest of the Highroad that led into the Vale.

Tywin Lannister was a excellent startegist, it was the perfect middle ground so to speak. This would allow more knights and soldiers to join as well as having several tactical advatages.

First, they can use ships to transport troops to the area, using the river Trident, allowing them to move more troops into the area quickly. It would take weeks for the northmen to reach the area by land.

Next, they had the ease of hiding a large force in the mountainous region that ran along the east side of The Kingsroad, this could allow them to see the northern party coming for miles away.

Thirdly, the Green Fork River ran several miles along the western side of The Kingsroad, this would trap the northmen in only able to go north or back south. Allowing them to easily box in the northmen, plus the ships could attack if they tried to head towards the river.

Lastly, the location would be close enough to the Neck to give the Northmen a false sense of security. They will be on guard for much of the beginning of their journey. Once they reach closer to the Neck their guard will be reduced greatly.

Jorah was silent most of the trip, he was a little upset, he had wanted to ask Lynesse's hand in marriage but Leyton refused. He knew trouble was coming to the North, he didn't want to get involved, like Olenna, he knew trouble would come to the Reach as well. He had his own troubles.

As the northern party made their way north on the River Road, Tywin Lannister and his cohorts, with Robert's blessing, had sent out ravens to their bannermen. Ships began to be loaded with soldiers in multiple territories.

Baratheon men loaded up from Storm's End and sailed north to the Bay of Crabs where they could then travel on the Green Fork inland. Vale soldiers met in Gull Town to do the same.

Lannister soldiers went by both Tumblestone and Red Fork River to pass thru Riverrun, and up to the ambush site. Tully and Arryn forces would be the first to arrive, with the Lannister and Baratheon forces no more than eight to ten days later.

The ships could move both day and night, unlike the northerners who could only travel 12 to 14 hours a day at most. Because the Baratheons only needed to follow the coast they could split sailors into two shifts.

It was still short timing but each was able to bring a few thousand men quickly, especially Arryn and Tully who were the closest. Tywin did this purposely for a few reasons, originally it was he who would be supplying the bulk of the men, but now that Robert was on board it allowed even more men.

It was important that they succeed, if Ned Stark made it into the north and their attack failed, the North would rebel and that was highly dangerous. The north had less people but southern knights and soldiers didn't do well in the North due to the weather.

Even if on paper they had superior numbers of men and ships, that meant nothing in the face of mother nature. Southern knights wore plate armor which was fine in a fight, but not in freezing weather.

It's why full metal armor was rarely used in the north, instead they used leather. It was better insulated allowing them to stay warm as well as giving them mobility. Plate armor would begin to freeze and make the soldiers movement stiff and slow.

Also once the armor became cold it could become dangerous to touch, moisture from your skin could freeze you to the armor if you touched it for too long, it increased the chances of frost bite and swords even can get frozen in their sheaths.

The war would be long and grueling, since they would be limited to coastal attacks, not many large cities were on the coast in the north, besides White Harbor, Deepwood Motte, and Bear Island.

The issue with those locations are they were accustomed to attacks from the sea, so the only way to guarantee victory would be to attack with a large fleet. They would have to overwhelm the defenses which would cost them many men and ships, thus decreasing their ability to reinforce the men after they took those cities.

This would make any ground they gained not only bloody, but almost impossible to maintain. The north would be able to retake the cities well before reinforcements would arrive, making it a almost never ending back and forth.

Not to mention that if the Iron Throne lost the north support, then Dorne could rebel. The north was a deterrent for many houses, their armies were the best of the best. If the kingdoms knew the north wouldn't march to help the crown, many houses may begin to openly rebel.

Many knew there were quite a few houses that weren't happy with Robert due to they had declined due to his actions. Tyrell, Hightower and Whent were but a few that had fallen, there were plenty others, all due to their previous loyalty to the dragon.

So Tywin had to ensure their plan was successful, otherwise it would make the south splinter as well. Unfortunately their committal to such a large force, although it is only a small portion of what the south could muster, these were all soldiers not farmers drafted during war.

So should these men be lost it would weaken all four realms greatly. Especially House Tully since the Riverlands was always pretty divided. Even during Roberts Rebellion, most Riverland nobles didn't side with Robert, it was mostly the Tullys and their men. The other's had remained loyal to the Targaryens.

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