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31.25% Lasting Memory / Chapter 5: Chapter Five

Capítulo 5: Chapter Five

"This is a good spot, isn't it?" Thunderlane commented as he lay next to Charley, who had his eyes firmly fixed upward to the heavens. "One of my favorites in all of Cloudsdale."

"It's very nice," he agreed. "The stars are nice, even if I can't figure out what any of the constellations are and everything looks different. But I guess there's something nice to be had about seeing something different."

"How big into astronomy are you?"

"Extremely. Like, I could talk for hours about it if you let me." Not that he ever did. To talk about astronomy required people he liked talking to, which he had none. Not that he would if he could. He knew how annoying it was to just be talked at endlessly. He'd experienced that just today, although it was more rambling coming from Pinkie Pie.

"Well, you can talk to me if you want to," Thunderlane told him. "I don't mind." That earned a confused look from the stallion.

"Why?" he asked. "You don't even know me. Like, what do you have to gain from doing this?"

"Um, nothing? Why would I be trying to gain something?"

"Cause I- it's- it's just weird! You keep saying you're not trying to pick me up, and yet you're going out of your way to do things for me like take me up here and buy me drinks and whatever ese. It's not a normal thing for people to do."

"I'm not gonna lie," Thunderlane laughed, "I don't think you've ever really had a friend if you think you need to get something out of friendship for it to work. The point of being friends is that you don't need something else. Otherwise, that would just be manipulation."

The words made Charley scowl and turn away, blushing to himself embarrassedly. Of course he didn't know how making friends worked. That was the whole reason he was here, wasn't it? Pinkie Pie probably knew more about it than he did.

"Look, let's just forget about all of that," the black pegasus started again. "What is it about astronomy that you like the most?"

"I'm fine," he grumbled. "I don't wanna talk about it,"

"I can teach you how to make friends if you want me to," Thunderlane offered, using a wing tip to reach out to him. "If you don't know how, I can help you."

"I'm fine," Charley said again, pulling away and tucking his wings close to his body. "It's not like it matters anyway." He let out a bitter, hopeless breath as he remained turned away.

Both were quiet for a while after that, Charley keeping his wings pressed against himself as he went back to watching the sky. For someone who claimed he wasn't interested, Thunderlane was acting extremely interested. Offering to teach him about friendship, touching his wing like that, even just laying up here– it was hard to believe the stallion didn't want anything.

And that fact shouldn't have made him blush. It should've made him angry if anything. Frustrated. Not embarrassed and red faced. He was doing to Charley exactly what Charley was trying to do to him. Manipulate him. And yet he somehow found that fact strangely appealing. The idea that a pony he'd known for no more than two or three hours was into him made him want to smile, as silly as it was. And he was going along with it, too. He really was acting like a teenage girl.

"I think I should go," he finally said, standing up to stretch his wings out. "This was… okay," he said, not wanting to admit it was nice, even given Thunderlane's obvious intentions. "But this means we're friends now, right?"

"Sure, but you're not gonna be sleeping outside, are you?" he asked. "I'm not gonna let you sleep on a bench in the park for a second night in a row. That's not happening."

That was another thing. Even if he was manipulating him, Thunderlane was being way too nice to him. It was another thing Charley hadn't really experienced too much in life. People being genuinely nice to him. He remembered times when he went without a home for a few weeks because of issues with his wife, and no one was so kind to him. There were a few attempts at niceness while he lived in the hospital, but on his death bed didn't really count in his opinion.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked again, whispering now. "There's no reason for you to do this."

"Because it's the right thing to do?" he replied. "Not even the right thing. It's just having basic decency for fellow ponies. Plus, you said you wanted to be friends, so I don't see how I can not try and help you out if you needed it."

"Well, like I said, it feels like you're trying to make a move on me," he said quietly, "and that's the last thing I would want, even if I did like you."

"Aw, but you have such an amazing personality," Thunderlane joked. "As well as a very cute laugh."

That made Charley laugh for a second before he got control of himself. "It's things like that that make it seem like you're trying to pick me up. I'm really not trying to be charmed into liking you, if that's what you're trying to do."

"What, stallions can't tell their friends how much they think their smile warms up their cold, cold exterior?" It made Charley smile again, even though he really didn't want to. There was no way he liked Thunderlane like that. What was wrong with him?

"I won't do that anymore if you don't want me to though," he continued. "If you're uncomfortable, I'll stop. I don't wanna make you feel weird."

"It's fine. I just want to let you know that's how it feels, and that, um…"


"Nothing," he said quickly. "Can we go back to looking at the stars and being quiet?"

"Sure. But if you want to gush to me, you can. I don't mind. Actually, it's honestly adorable when ponies talk about a topic they're super interested in."

"Well, astronomy's not something that's adorable, but I do like it."

"What about it do you like?"

"It's just… it's interesting. There's a whole universe of stuff out there to learn about. Take the moon for example. Just that, an object so near to us, has a story to tell."

"And what story is that?" Thunderlane asked with a smile, engaging him.

Despite saying he didn't want to and that he wouldn't, Charley gushed. He couldn't remember the last time that he did, but it was nice. He knew the stallion was just trying to get him to talk and wasn't actually interested, but it was a good time anyway. He knew it was doing nothing to curb his attraction to the handsome stallion though.

I guess this is fine, he thought to himself. I'm sure Death was gonna say something about how I wasn't friends with someone if Thunderlane said he was my friend just because. I'll still be out of here by tomorrow at this rate. Maybe when I wake up.

He still wasn't going to say just how much he liked spending time with Thunderlane. There was no way he liked a stallion he'd only just met this much.

"If you want to, we can head up to a party they're having in Cloudsdale for members of the Wonderbolts," the stallion finally said once Charley was finally finished talking a while later. "They've been having a party every night for the past week, and I have to say, they're something else."

"I'm really not one for parties," he said. "As fun as Pinkie Pie's party was, it's not really my style to go to parties made for nine year olds."

"Haha, it's not like that at this party. It's an actual party. Minus the drinking though. Can't be hungover for when I preform tomorrow. A couple of drinks at the bar is fine though."

"I'll pass," he said. "If you can't tell, I'm not really a people person. Parties aren't my thing."

"That's fine. If you want to, we can just spend the night at my place. Unless you really aren't homeless and do have a place to stay."

He felt unbelievably conflicted. He wanted to say no but he didn't know why. There was hardly a reason to. Sleeping outside for a second night in a row didn't seem very fun, and he certainly did like spending time with Thunderlane, as much as he hated to admit it. He really didn't know what about him it was, other than the fact that he was nice and acted normal, unlike other ponies around here. That, and he did listen happily as Charley talked about the things he liked. Not to mention, he had absolutely beautiful eyes that he liked staring into, eyes that made him smile when he saw them.

Stop it! You've known this guy for less than three hours! Don't get yourself wrapped up in this! You're here so you can make a friend, not find some teenage romance!

He had to say no, if only to avoid all of this, if only because he felt so ashamed that he liked this pony. There was no reason he should have. And yet he couldn't help but have his cheeks go red thinking about spending the night with him, couldn't help but want to smile whenever he smiled. There must have been something in the air.

I can't say no, he reminded himself. I have to find a friend. I'm only saying yes so I can find a friend and get this whole thing over with.

"I don't have a place to stay, but don't expect to try and, like, kidnap me or go looking for something I'm not gonna give," he said. "I keep saying this, but if you're looking for a quick pickup from me, that's absolutely positively not going to happen, so just get that idea out of your head."

"I have a little brother who's staying with me, you know," Thunderlane told him. "I'm not doing that with him in the house, no way. And like I said, I'm not into guys, even if you have a super precious smile and beautiful eyes."

"I- you- s-stop it! Don't– you're trying to charm me, I just know it." Charley turned his head so the stallion couldn't see his big, fat smile.

"Maybe a little bit," he admitted. "But what can I say? Flirting with ponies is fun, even if I'm not going to do anything with them or they're the same gender as me."

"Well I'm only trying to make a friend, not fall in love with the first pony I spend more than an hour talking to."

"That's just how it goes sometimes, man. I don't blame you if you're falling in love with me though. In fact, I'll take it as a compliment if you are! Maybe I should try harder."

"Don't. Do not try harder. I'm telling you, that's not something I'm looking for. I'm not interested in falling in love when I'm gonna be here for less than a week."

"No promises. With how much you blush, I'm gonna be surprised if you're not falling for me by the time the week's up."

Charley was not gonna let that happen. He was not. He needed to get his head examined if he thought there was a possibility of him falling in love with this pony. Was this why Death did this?

"But for real though," Thunderlane continued, "if you're uncomfortable, I can stop. For now though, why don't we get going? I can't stay up all night, what with the show I'm putting on tomorrow. I have a guest bedroom for you to stay in if you want it."

"Yes, a bed sounds very nice," he reluctantly agreed, going against his better judgment.

For the third time, he was being lifted into the air, this time for a short flight to the home Thunderlane stayed at. The lights were on in front of the brick house, and he found himself wondering how such a thing could be supported on a cloud. He didn't think too hard about it though, stepping through the door behind the stallion and entering into his home.

"Come on!" some little boy complained as he sat on the couch, intensely focused on a game he was playing. "I know I can beat Button Mash's high score, but I keep messing up!"

"Hi to you, too, Rumble," Thunderlane laughed as he used a hoof to ruffle his mane. "This is my little brother, Rumble" he explained to Charley. "He's a good colt who just wants to be like his older brother and join the Wonderbolts, doesn't he?"

"Ha, I'm gonna be better than you," Rumble said, not looking up from his game. "First though, I'm gonna be better than Button Mash and beat his high score."

"Of course you are," the stallion laughed. "He's been obsessed with that game he and his friends play," he explained to Charley. "It seems like that's all they do these days. Anyway, let me show you the guest room. Or actually, before that, let me cook us some dinner. Have you eaten yet?"

"No, but I'm not really hungry," he told him. It was a strange thing to say, that he knew, seeing as he'd hardly eaten anything since he became a pony two days ago. It was the truth though, and he felt willing to pass on food again.

"Well I'm gonna cook us food anyway," the stallion told him. "Unless you want to do it? I mean, you did say your cutie mark was for cooking after all."

"I'm fine," he replied flatly, walking into the kitchen behind Thunderlane. "You can do all of that. I'm not big on cooking, despite what my butt says."

"Okie dokie. Hey, Rumble! What do you want to eat for dinner? And don't say macaroni and cheese. We had that yesterday."

"Hmm… can we have hayfries and carrot sticks?" he asked. "Oh! And apples, too!"

"You wanna eat snack food for dinner?" Thunderlane asked, raising an eyebrow. Charley raised his eyebrow, too. It didn't sound particularly appetizing, especially not hay.

"You said I could choose, and that's what I choose."

"Well, pick either apples or carrots. We can have hayfries, but we're also having something of sustenance, like oatmeal or spinach or and fish."

"That sounds like a very weird dinner," Charley commented. "Also I didn't think you guys would eat something like fish."

"All pegasi eat fish! At least everypony I know does," Thunderlane said. "Have you not eaten it?"

"I have, I just didn't think you guys would. It seems weird."

"Well then I guess fish is what it will be, since Charley here doesn't know we eat that." Then he turned to him and said, "I know you said you don't like cooking, but do you at least wanna help make it?"

"No thanks. I'm fine."

"Well then feel free to take a seat on the couch. I'll let you know when dinner's ready. There's books and stuff for you to read if you're interested, and a radio if you like music or listening to Princess Celestia give speeches."

He took a spot on the couch next to Rumble, but didn't go for the radio or a book. Instead, he sat and stared silently at Thunderlane, watching him cook. Why was he so insistent on letting him stay here? Did people really act like this all the time? Because it really seemed like he was trying to either trick him into doing something or that he was trying to pick him up. Unless he really was so friendly as to buy a stranger a drink and let them into his home.

If he was just trying to manipulate him like Charley was him, it was definitely working. He was obviously a big flirt, something he could get away with because of his lean, strong looking masculine figure. He looked like the kind of person who took care of himself, too, seeming like he was a bit muscular despite his leanness. He obviously sounded like it, too, since he took time to make sure his dinners weren't just nothing but snacks.

Not to mention, his eyes, and that smile. He didn't know what it was about it, but every once in a while, Thunderlane would look back and send his way a golden smile, one that forced Charley to smile against his will. He looked him in the eyes as he did, sending a look that made his heart flutter and his cheeks go red. It was extremely strange, as well as quite annoying, and he didn't understand why it was happening. There was no way he was attracted to this pony. It made him frustrated to think that such a thing was even a possibility. Charley was supposed to be manipulating him, not the other way around.

"Hey, um, what did you say your name was?" Rumble asked as he looked up from his game.


"Hey, Charley, are you in love with my brother?"

"What? No. I'm not."

"Well, you've been staring at him for like the last five minutes," Rumble said.

"I'm not staring at him," Charley grumbled, his ears pressing against his head. "I'm just watching him cook. I'm supposed to be an expert chef or something apparently because my butt says so."

"That's what the Cutie Mark Crusaders would say," the colt replied. "But also, whenever Thunderlane looks back at you, you smile and blush like Sweetie Belle does when she sees Button Mash."

His cheeks went red at that, frowning at the observation. "I'm just using him so I can get out of whatever this world is. I don't actually like him."

"You're using my brother?" the colt asked suspiciously.

"Not like that," he sighed. "That's not what I meant. It's an extremely long story, and not one I'm interested in telling anyone here, especially not a little kid."

"I'm not a little kid! I'm almost thirteen years old!"

"Got it. A little kid." With that, he opted to stare silently at the wall for the rest of the time he waited for Thunderlane to cook dinner. Even as handsome as the stallion was and as great as his personality seemed to be in the few hours Charley knew him, there was no way he was going to fall in love like he was in some trashy romance novel.

It was only a few minutes after that before dinner was finished, something Charley turned his nose up to. "The fish smells like it's burnt," he complained, "and I'm not gonna be eating hay, let me say that right now."

"It tastes fine to me," the stallion said. "What about you, Rumble?"

"It's good. I think your friend is just complaining because he doesn't want to seem like he's in love with you."

"I'm not in love, and it is burned. Overcooked is a better word I guess. It's supposed to be flaky and easy to eat, not dry and chewy like it is now. Honestly, this is bad."

"I can trade pieces with you if you want?" Thunderlane offered. "Or cook you another piece for you. Actually, if you want, you can cook it."

"I don't like cooking. I'm not interested in cooking. And I doubt you cooking another piece will make it any better if you can't tell what's wrong with it now. I'll just eat carrots and call that dinner."

He was being truthful when he said it. The fish really was overcooked, and part of the reason he said it was to bring attention to it. However, part of the reason was also to think of a reason to not like this stallion. He didn't want to be in love with him, and wanted some distance put between them. Just a little bit though. Close enough so he could say he made a friend, and far away enough that he didn't have Thunderlane hanging over him and falling in love. Or worse, having Charley hanging over Thunderlane and falling in love.

There's no way I'd ever fall in love with this guy, he thought to himself, but might as well take the precaution anyway.

"Oh. I'm sorry," Thunderlane got out, frowning sadly, a bit quieter now. "I didn't mean to disappoint you."

Thunderlane had to be trying to manipulate him, because that little line made Charley press his ears against his head again as he saw the look on the stallion's face. He wasn't one to care what other people thought of what he said or how he acted, but right now, he felt bad about making him feel bad. It was such a strange feeling, and an unfamiliar one at that.

"Maybe I overexaggerated a little bit," he tried to backtrack. "I mean, some parts are fine. I can show you how to cook it right later if you really want me to."

"It's fine," he said. "I wouldn't want to make you do something you don't want to do if you have to." He sounded a bit sad saying it, looking down at the plate for a second before raising his head and smiling again. "I guess I'll just have to find dinners I can actually make for you."

How can he smile like that all the time? Charley wondered as he ate his carrots. God, my personality is just terrible, and yet he's still smiling. What in the world is wrong with him? Maybe I should be trying to act better.

He felt embarrassed that he thought that. He wasn't one to really care how he acted or about how his personality came off to people. Why did he care now?

"Hopefully you can," he said, finishing his carrots. "Anyway, I've been up all day, and if I can, I'd like to get some sleep."

"Oh sure! Just follow me!"

This is so weird, he couldn't help but think as he stood up and followed behind him. This is such a weird situation to be in with someone like this. I guess it doesn't matter though since I'll be out of here by the time I wake up, but this is still super weird.

The room he was put in was very nice, one with purplish indigo walls and soft yellow curtains, Charley's two favorite colors. The bed was well made and the pillows look soft, much softer than anything he'd ever slept on. There was a radio in the room and a few books, as well as a window offering a great view of the night sky.

"This is where you're gonna be staying," his host explained. "I know it's not much, but it should be comfy enough. This is on the condition though that you go to my Wonderbolts show tomorrow," he said. "It's gonna be amazing."

"If you insist," Charley agreed as he yawned, stretching his wings and thinking about how he wasn't going to be here. "I need to go to sleep for now though."

"I understand. If you need anything though, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll leave you be for now though."

"Hey, um…" Charley stopped him, putting a wing on his shoulder as he looked down at his own hooves. Apologizing wasn't something he normally did, but he felt the need to now.

"I didn't mean to insult your cooking," he said. "I mean, it was bad cooking, I'm not gonna lie, but I shouldn't have just blurted that out." It was such a pathetic apology, but it was the best he could manage.

"It's fine," Thunderlane said kindly. "I can't be good at everything, and if you have a cutie mark in cooking, I'd expect you to have high standards."

"Well, I hope I didn't… make you upset."

"Nope. I'm not upset, I promise," he assured him with a light laugh. "It takes a lot more than being told my cooking is bad to get me upset." He flashed a smile Charley's way, who smiled in return until he realized what he was doing.

"Anyway, like I said, if you need anything, just let me know." He turned to leave with that, but Charley reached a hoof up to him to stop him again.

"Wait, I have one more thing," he started. "Would you say that we're friends now? Since you're letting me stay the night here? I know I'm being pushy and angry and annoying as fuck, but are we?"

"What? Of course!" Thunderlane laughed. "I literally carried you all the way up to my house. I mean, sure, you act a little bit… abrasive, but there's no way we're not friends after that. You actually remind me of my friend Rainbow Dash a little bit."

That made Charley smile, now thoroughly satisfied with this arrangement. He would close his eyes and fall asleep, and when he woke up again, he would be able to be himself. He made a friend like Death asked him too, and in much less than a week. And he thought Charley couldn't do it.

He didn't fall asleep immediately though. He was kept up by thoughts of Thunderlane and spending time with him. It shouldn't have made him blush to think about the pony, but somehow, it did. He didn't know what it was that was so appealing. He just had a way about him that Charley didn't understand. It made him cover his face with his wings in embarrassment, as though someone was watching and laughing at him.

Sleep did eventually find him, and when it did, he dreamed he was in front of Death again. He looked exactly the same as he did before, and so did Charley. He glanced down at himself for a moment and smiled happily at the sight of himself, then looked back up at Death and gave him a smug grin.

"Did you see that?" he said proudly. "I knew I could do it, even though you said you didn't think I could. And I did it in less than a week."

"It does seem as though you have some creature who claims to be your friend. Although I hope you can keep it for the whole week. You have a habit of destroying these things the few times they start. As well, I wouldn't say just having that pony say you're friends counts as friendship."

"It absolutely does," Charley replied, enjoying how his voice sounded. "There's no reason it can't. He said we were friends, so that makes us friends. I did exactly what you wanted in less than half the time."

"No, you didn't. That pony is no more than an acquaintance, if that. He doesn't care for you. If you disappeared from his life, he wouldn't give you much of a second thought. Your soul is just as dim now as it was before, if not a bit more so after that incident this afternoon with those mares."

He went right back to frowning and scowling like he always did. "I'm doing my best. I talked to Thunderlane and–"

"You're not doing your best," Death interrupted. "You're doing what you always do, and trying to force things and meet your ends and nothing else. Those aren't the things friendship and care are based on. And yet you continue to fool around and waste time as if you truly don't care what happens to you." He sighed, raising his scythe as he did before. "I don't know why I'm even telling you all of this. It's only been two days and you're so hopeless. We might as well end this now."

"No! You can't do that! You said I have a week!"

Gone was the surfer look Death had, his face morphing into something hideous, with many sharp angles and a monsterish voice to match. He grew in size, towering over Charley with a frightening expression, one that made him fall on his butt in fear. Whatever creature in front of him was, it was worthy of the name Death.

"And you think you deserve that long?" the monster asked. "You think you deserve any time at all? When will you realize that the universe hates you? It's why you're bitter and angry and hopeless and will never be who you want to be. Only in your dreams can you pretend. Only in your dreams will you be mocked with what you'll never have."

"Why are you doing this to me then?" Charley asked angrily, painfully, his voice shaking as he did. "Why are you putting me through this? If making a friend is what's gonna help me be able to be myself, then I'll make a friend, but you have to give me a chance! You can't change the rules on me!"

"When will you wake up and see that all you ever had is all you'll ever get?" the monster asked. "When will you wake up? You'll never get anything else. The past will never change, and your future is already set in stone."

"No it's not! I can make a friend! I already have in Thunderlane! He's a friend to me!"

When will you wake up?

"Charley, wake up," Thunderlane said, shaking his shoulder as the stallion slowly made his way into wakefulness. He for a second forgot where he was, but remembered a moment later as he stared into his host's perfect eyes.

"I told you that you have to come to my Wonderbolts show today, and that means waking up early so we can get good seating… are you crying?"

"Huh? No, I got something in my eye," he lied as he rubbed them dry. "Do you have a shower I can use?"

"Sure, it's in the bathroom," he said. "But you better hurry! I want you to get front row seats to the show, and that means getting there as soon as possible."

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