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Capítulo 5: Duskendale

(One month later)

The trip back to Kings Landing is currently one filly with sorrow, Lord Tywins wife Lady Joanna was found dead having fallen from a balcony in Casterly Rock, while it may look as if Tywin was not affected by those who knew the man knew the truth, he loved his wife deeply. She was the only person to ever make the Lord smile and she had even talked him around to show his love for Tyrion despite the boy being a dwarf, though some whispered that he wouldn't even bother now.

Before he left Daemon spent a lot of time comforting Jaime who took the loss of his mother hard, while Jaime would never want to admit it to anyone else he cried in the elder boy's arms on more than one night. And Daemon felt a little sad as well, from the little he knew about Joanna she was a good woman and an even better mother, he felt lucky Tyrion was a bit too young to truly understand as he had his hands full with the other people he had to comfort. Even the times that the King did not visit Rhaella he still went inside and sat by her bed, he would use 'Poppy's Embrace' and take away her pain. Sometimes he longed for physical pain as the emotional pain that Rhaella felt at Joanna's loss was hard to bare. But he did it, and he watched he drift to sleep with a peaceful expression on her face.

There was one man who felt the guiltiest amongst all present and that was the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Gerold Hightower. He was the one who was on shift for the King last night and he had seen Joanna go into his room. He had heard her scream and then never come out, the next morning he was commanded to keep his mouth shut by the King. What else could he do? He was sworn by his vows to obey the King, and yet it felt wrong to do so, he felt as if his cloak was stained, stained red with blood.

'I am no Knight...' he would think to himself as he stood guarding the king once more. It was amusing, to say the least, the greatest Kingsguard since the first seven and most did not feel worthy of the title, some not even worthy of being a knight.

At the moment Daemon was with the person in charge of their supplies, at the moment he was going over the wine they had "So you say this is the King's favourite wine?" Daemon asks as he palms a bottle of Arbour Gold.

The man nods his head "Indeed Ser, his grace drinks it in like a fish" He says as he continues sorting different supplies.

Daemon smiles "I see, thank you for letting me know I'll make sure to fleur her it to his grace," he says getting a polite bow of respect back from the man something Daemon still wasn't used to, but word had already gone around that he was the King's squire and he was personally grooming him. Though some of the rumours were a bit outlandish, they say he was going to be his weapon to launch an invasion of Essos, or that he would be conquering north of the wall. Though the most outlandish one by far is that he was being made the next heir to the throne or he'd be replacing one of the Great families as a warden.

Daemon scoffed at all of these ideas, he didn't want anything like that, he just wanted a keep not necessarily a big one, overlooking the ocean. A place where Lysa and Lyanna could live out their days until they grew old. Mayhaps Rhaella could join them there if she could manage to disappear. He didn't think the king would care too much if Rhaella disappeared, but even if she didn't want to come with him he'd take her somewhere else, if he was to be a knight then he must earn that right and one of the vows is to protect women and the innocent.

This is what led Daemon to the Queen's tent, he activated 'Suppression' and stood next to a cart a dozen metres away, he saw Barriston was on Guard duty, he'd be taking over for the man soon enough but by then it would be too late. That's when he finally saw it, the King walked over to the Queen's tent with all the smugness and attitude befitting of his station. Daemon stood and started walking towards the tent, he had the bottle of Arbour Gold in his hand and he got a questioning look from Barristan as he approached "Arbour Gold for the King, Ser Barristan" Daemon explains however he channels a small amount of aura so that when he hands it over before Barristan can grab it, the glass cracks and makes a loud shattering sound.

Daemon puts his hands to his head "Oh no! What have I done? The King's Wine!" He says loudly shouting.

Barristan who looks nervous tries to whisper to the lad "Lad be quiet the King will hear you, just go get another" he said but it was too late the king had walked out of the tent still dressed. He looked down at the broken bottle in the grass and a scowl marred his face, he walks to Daemon grabbing him by the throat "Tell me, boy! Does it give you pleasure to waste my precious wine" Aerys asks with venom dripping from his voice.

"No my lord, it was just a mistake," Daemon says, Barristan can't help but bite his cheek at what Daemon called the King.

"My Lord? You think of me as simply a Lord?" Aerys asked with anger as his Aura started to activate, Daemon hastily activated his own just in time to be punched in the stomach so hard that it launches him from the camp into the surrounding forest. He can't help but feel surprised as he soars through the air above the camp, though his awe-filled moment soon ends as he roughly crashed into the ground, next to him the King lands as he had jumped from the camp in an amazing feat of aura use. The king walks to a tree and kicks it completely knocking it down, he then rips it from the ground "Since you so obviously lack discipline we shall begin your training tonight" the King states as he drags the tree towards his squire.

Daemon stands up on shaky legs that punch had don't a number on him and he coughed blood onto the grass when he landed "Hold your arms up!" He commanded, Daemon did so and had to catch the tree that was thrown at him.

"I want you to hold that tree with only the aura in your fingertips, you will do this by the time the sun rises tomorrow" Aerys commands getting a nod of understanding from Daemon. The king then stomps off muttering something about no longer being in the mood which puts a smile on Daemon's face. He wasn't that much of an idiot that he couldn't control his own Aura not to smash a bottle, though it could be argued what he was doing was something only an idiot would do. He wanted the Queen to have some peace so instead of taking away her pain he would take away the King, and deflect his attention from her.

While most might consider this stupid and could easily end in his death it wasn't something that Daemon even considered, he'd do it and that was that 'I'm the same person I'll always be' he thought to himself as he lifted the tree. While the task he gave Daemon wasn't easy he knew he could do it, it wasn't an exercise in the strength of one's aura but the control. He spread his aura throughout the tree though not completely engulfing it, something more akin to laying a foundation within. Though this took some time as it was an exercise in 'Archery Type' aura and 'Alchemy Type' aura as he had to project his aura outwards way from his body as well as shape it into a foundation for which he could hold the tree without using much strength.

While he did this Rhaella sat in her nervous as she usually was this time of night 'Mayhaps it will be like some of the nights when he never came'. she heard the commotion outside but did not know what it was, all she could do was sit and wait patiently for the king to return as to do anything else might invite his wroth. Though in the end, she has to accept that he isn't coming and so she relaxes a little "Ser Barristan, can you come inside please" she says to her protector outside. The knight comes into the tent right away and bows respectfully "Did you need something, your grace?" Barristan asks though Rhaella can see the solemn look on the grizzled knight's face.

Rhaella nods "What happened outside, I heard a commotion and the King had not returned," She asks with a slight hint of worry though not aimed at the king.

Barristan sighs "It was Daemon your grace" he says with a morose voice.

Rhaella's eyes widen as she stands up "Is he okay? What happened!" She says as she grabs onto Barristan surprising the man completely, Rhaella had never shown such worry for someone outside of her children.

Barristan nods his head "He's alive your grace though I imagine he's being punished by the King, he broke the king's special Arbour Gold Reserve which is why he left your tent" he explains.

Rhaella can't help but feel worried for the young boy who had done so much for her, though she looks at Barristans face and sees that he has more to say that has remained unsaid "Barristan if there is more than I would hear it" she states in a firm tone.

Barristan nods his head stiffly "I've trained the lad, his aura control is immensely good for someone of his experience, so if he broke the wine it was on purpose" Barristan states with a grim expression.

Rhaella looks at him with a hint of confusion "Why would he do such a thing, bringing the king's ire on himself is nothing short of madness"

It was at these words that Barristan can't help but laugh self-deprecatingly "Because he is a Knight, and he is more of a Knight than all of the Kingsguard combined, he is but a boy of 13 name says and yet he is braver than I" Barristan can't help but find the humour in it. The truth was he was terrified of the King, most who had seen him in the Ninepenny kings war would be.

Rhaella's eyes still show confusion so Barristan explains "He did it for you so that you might be free of the King's attentions if only for a night"

Rhaella's eyes finally widen in realisation, for the entire month she could count on one hand how many times Aerys had visited her and she did not know the reason why, she covered her mouth with her hand as tears started to flow from her eyes. This entire month he had subjected himself to the King's wroth and when he couldn't be there he would sit with her and take away her pain letting her drift off to sleep. Rhaella hadn't felt her heart hurt in such a way for a long time, she had never had someone do something like this for her, even the Kingsguard wouldn't do something so honourable and yet so damn stupid.

"I have to go to him... please escort me Ser Barristan," Rhaella says with a shaky voice as she puts on more appropriate attire adding a few more layers to her nightgown. Rhaella walked out of her tent, the night air stung the wet trails that had been left on her face, Ser Barristan had followed after her and she gestured for him to lead the way.

She followed him and eventually, they left the camp and went into the surrounding forests they eventually got to the small crater where Daemon had landed and a bit further away was Daemon who stood with his whole body shaking as he held a tree above his bed with Aura only focused in his hands. Rhaella gasped and ran over to the boy "Daemon! What're you doing? Put it down!" She shouted her voice full of worry.

Daemon can't help but smile as Rhaella doesn't look at all injured "I'm

Sorry your grace but this is the King's command, he wishes for me to master this aspect of aura manipulation by dawn"

Daemon looks to Barristan and for the first time since he had known the man he had a worried look on his face "Lad, the king wants you dead, but it's clear he wants you to suffer before you do" Barristan states with a grim look on his face.

Rhaella's eyes widen even further "Had the person he gave this task to not been you, then you'd undoubtedly fail and would be killed by the King at dawn" Barristan stated.

Daemon chuckled though he coughs up a bit of blood while doing so having not completely healed from the punch the king gave him "Barristan please give us some privacy" Rhaella asks, the knight nods and walks further away into the forest though he keeps a vigilant look out.

Rhaella walks closer to Daemon, seeing him in such a state because of her almost broke her heart "How can you smile at a time like this" she asked with a trembling voice.

"Because you're uninjured," he says with a smile still present on his face. Rhaella couldn't help but be taken back in time to a person who had said the same thing to her.


Rhaella felt that she couldn't breathe, all she could see were the flames, they had engulfed her grandfather leaving nothing but ash, she could hear the mad laughter of her brother who stood in the centre of the flames his entire body engulfed and burning. She couldn't move, she had felt her body go into Labour.

She started to cry as her firstborn would never live to see the world and would die in this twisted attempt to bring dragons back to the world. Nevertheless, she tried, she tried so hard to push her aura out something she rarely did, it allowed her to move though the pain of her contractions slowed her down as well as the numbness in her legs.

"Please... not like this, I want my child to see the world... gods if you have to take me" The young Rhaella who was only 13 name days old begged as she walked through the burning building with chunks of stone collapsing around her.

"That won't be necessary my lady" A voice said from behind her, and she looked up to see the massive form of the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall.

He had burns along his body with steam coming off them, it looked as if he had managed to put them out though how she did not know "Please save my babe" she said tearfully to the tall knight.

He smiled gently at her once again as he lifted her into his arms wrapping her in a cloak that was dripping wet "I will save you both" he said as he rushed through the building the entire thing collapsing around him, whether it through debris or flames he ran through them his body was no longer a concern, the only concern was getting Rhaella out.

And eventually, he did burst through the main doors of Summerhall and into the fields surrounding it, he took her a safe distance away and put her on a nearby horseless carriage. Her contractions started to become more intense and she could feel that her babe was coming, she screamed in pain as she couldn't stop the babe from cooking out, Duncan softly takes the babe using a dagger to cut the cord, he then wraps him in his tunic that he ripped from his body.

He hands the baby to Rhaella "The perfect prince" he says to her with a smile. It was only then Rhaella could see the injuries that Duncan had taken in the process of getting her out of Summerhall. He grunts painfully as he falls to one knee, Rhaella looks at him tearfully "How can you smile at a time like this" she said as she wept for her knight.

Duncan looks up at her still kneeling in front of her with a smile on his face "Because you're uninjured" and those were the last words that came out of his mouth. Ser Duncan the tall passed away, knelt in front of his princess having just saved her and her babe from certain death.

He died with a smile on his face and lived up to his reputation as the truest Knight the Seven Kingdoms had ever known.

(Flashback end)

Rhaella couldn't help but weep in front of Daemon the mix of the memories as well as his beaten form

Was too much for her to take "Do not cry for me Rhaella, I am glad to be able to take this burden from you" he says with a smile.

Rhaella looks at him with a mix of sadness and anger "Why! Why would you be so willing to do what even the Kingsguard are not!" She shouts at him.

Daemon looks at her for a second then goes to answer but stops himself, he then starts laughing much to the confusion of Rhaella "I thought I had the answer and I do but it was not the one that I expected" Daemon stated chuckling to himself.

Rhaella scrunches her eyebrows as she looks at him incredulously "What do you mean?"

"I thought I was doing this because it was the right thing to do, and that I'd do it for anyone" Daemon explained.

"But when I went to say that... the words felt false in my mouth and I could not say them, but it allowed me to divine the real reason" he continued.

"And what is the reason you'd do something so dangerous and foolish?" she asks.

Daemon chuckles "It seems obvious now... it's because I love you," he says much to the shock of Rhaella, she felt tongue-tied, unable to speak. No one had ever confessed their love for her, they were all afraid of her husband and what he could do. Not even her husband had told her that he had love for her.

"I-I a-am old enough to be your mother," Rhaella said like a stuttering fool, she was 30-name days old and she was acting like a damn maiden.

Daemon shrugs his shoulders "You are one of the kindest women I've ever met, you remain strong despite the obvious misery you endure and despite not knowing me you gave me a way to obtain my dreams"

"Even if I am only realising it now, the words are true, I am in love with you," he says once again making Rhaella's stomach tighten.

Rhaella can not think clearly, she cared deeply for Daemon but she hadn't romantically thought of him either now that he had brought it up she couldn't help but think of all the things that he had done for her that a lover would do.

However she is interrupted from her thoughts by Daemon "Rhaella, do not overthink this, I have simply told you the reason for why I go so far, you needn't respond to my feelings, you should retire to your tent you look tired. And I must master this aura exercise lest your husband dispose of me" Daemon said, the last part being with a small chuckle.

Rhaella numbly nods her head but she does something she never would've expected from herself, she walks forward and pecks Daemon on the lips before leaving and heading back to her tent.

Daemon couldn't help the stupid smile that was on his face for the rest of the night.


(High Garden)

The royal procession had reached High Garden the seat of the Tyrells, the wardens of the south. Currently, the King was sitting in Mace Tyrell's seat having moved him out of it, not that the man minded, Mace Tyrell would consider it an honour if his grace wiped his arse with his face. He'd probably even allow him to fuck his wife so he could claim to all his friends at court that he was raising the king's progeny.

However the Lord Paramount of the reach was on his knees begging the king for help "Your grace I implore you to help us, we have already sent two squads of aura users and all have been massacred" his mother Olenna Tyrell sat in a chair in the corner of the Great Hall with her hand covering her face in shame.

The king sat there with a bored expression on his face as he drank from his goblet "So you disobeyed the King's law and now expect me to save you? How laughable, by all rights, I should just take my fine and leave" he says with a small flare of his aura

Mace Tyrell whimpers under the strain of it, while he was also an aura user he was pathetic and had his father had another son he surely would've chosen him for succession. It was only due to his mother's skill and talent in aura that none move against him, Olenna Tyrell was one of the most proficient aura users in the south her ability to conjure and grow vines and thorns is well known. And if the King did leave it would be up to her to fix her son's stupid mistake though no one in High Garden wished to risk her life that way.

"If it pleases your grace, not only will I pay double the fine, but I will also pay 12 cases of a rare Arbour vintage that my mother brought with her when she married my father" This got the King's attention as he sat up in his chair, a servant approached him with a cup in hand that had a red liquid inside with golden swirls. The king wasted no time in tasting the vintage his eyes widening at the explosion of flavour.

"20 cases and I will forgive this transgression" The king immediately stated much to the happiness of Mace.

"However I will not be dealing with this myself, I will leave that in the capable hands of my Squire," he says, the last part being with a small chuckle.

Mace goes to talk but is silenced once again by the king's aura "No more talking to me, explain the situation to my squire and bring me some wine, and serving girls" he commanded as he got up from his seat heading back to his room. This was an act that was incredibly disrespectful as not only did he entirely dismiss one of his vassals but he made his intention to sleep with women other than his wife known to everyone in the hall including his wife who was sat next to him.

Though Rhaella did not have any noticeable change in expression, she was happy that the king's attention was shifting to other women. Daemon had explained after the night they had met in the forest that subtly he will start to think of you as unavailable if he keeps on preventing him from relieving himself. While she had been sceptical it did seem to be working. It made her happy that she worried less about him coming at night but also because Daemon wouldn't need to take punishment to distract the king.

Though now she felt as if the King had held some sort of grudge as the mission he had been given was nothing short of suicide. And he had to do it alone, the only ones capable of completing this mission without injury would be the members of the Kingsguard and the King himself.

Daemon also stood in the room though he was off to the side, when the king left the room he approached the Lord Paramount "I am the Kings Squire, my Lord, if you would please explain the situation in detail I would be glad to help" he said with a smile.

Though Mace already seemed defeated as he walked up to his now vacated chair and took a seat "A year ago I forcefully unlocked the Aura of a Lion that I obtained from the Westerlands, I didn't expect much but when the Lion didn't die I was overjoyed, I thought perhaps if I could tame the beast then I would make up for my lack of skill" he explained with a reigned look.

Daemon didn't know much about Aura beasts, he knew that a 'Magician Type' could conjure animals that would follow their commands, though the only aura creatures he had heard of not being conjured were Dragons. They were unbeatable with their mix of aura and magic, even a Scorpion bolt bounced off their scales when enforced with aura, the only thing that could kill a dragon was a dragon and that they did.

"The Lion grew quickly eventually reaching the size of a horse, it was then we lost control and it attacked its trainers killing everyone there and leaving a path of blood as it escaped into the surrounding forests, our scouts have reported it has set itself up in a cave south of here" he finishes getting a nod from Daemon.

"I shall slay the beast and return soon," he says simply much to the lord's amusement, this beast had killed over a dozen aura users, and one squire didn't stand a chance.

Daemon bowed and left the room heading for the chambers he'd been given, as he went inside he was quickly followed by the Queen who has Ser Barristan with her. She has a worried look on her face, something that has become all too common, she pulls him into a hug "You shouldn't go, please I can talk to my husband, mayhaps he will listen" she said desperately.

"She's right lad, Aura beasts are on a different level, it's why they are so rare, an animal that can control their aura shows how special they are, and while they may never develop their abilities they are already leagues above people when it comes to their physical abilities, when you enhance that with aura you will have an animal many times stronger and faster than you even as a beginner. Barristan explains he'd been lucky enough never to encounter an aura beast but even he knew he'd have a difficult time subduing one.

Daemon smirks "I'll be fine, it isn't the first time I've had to fight someone stronger than me, if I survive I'll be stronger for it" he states resolutely though this is not the answer the Queen is looking for as she hits him in the shoulder "Stop being foolish, this is something far above your abilities" she states tough Daemon just shakes his head.

"I won't know until I try, perhaps I will surprise you all and walk back wearing a new pelt," he says with a smirk. Though Rhaella feels her frustration reaches a boiling point and so just huffs and leaves the room.

"Be careful lad, and don't forget at the end of the day an animal is still an animal" With that last piece of advice, Barristan leaves following his charge outside.

Daemon nods his head as he picks up his Valyrian steel sword, he packed some herbs and bandages that he had taken to carrying around with him since he got injured quite frequently, he also brought some spare clothing as he didn't know how long he could be out there. He would get a tent from the camp quartermaster on the way out.

He was ready to go and face something that more likely than not would kill him, though he hoped that perhaps it would push him to a new level.


Daemon was pacing through the forest, his entire life Daemon hunted in the forest, and though he had hunted many predators before, it was never one of this calibre and to say he didn't feel a little bit of excitement would be a lie, they offered to give him a bow but he declined. He knew it was a stupid decision but if he didn't push himself he'd never become stronger. Being in the presence of the King these past few months made him realise just how weak he was, if he wanted to have what he wanted then he would need to get stronger, otherwise he'd be stepped on. He did sometimes find it amusing that he would stand atop the aura users of Westeros just to marry two women and live quietly in a small keep.

'A simple dream for a simple person, though of late I've wondered if perhaps I wanted three people instead of two' he thought to himself as he took long soft strides through the forest with 'Suppression' on. He stopped behind a tree for a moment, he checked the map he was given and realised that he was coming up on the cave that was mentioned.

He took a deep breath and continued onwards, he made sure to switch out any metal armour for leather, the brown would blend better in the environment and wouldn't catch the light of the sun like metal would. He didn't think steel armour would help much against aura-enhanced claws anyway so he would just have to keep on his feet and dodge.

It was around mid-afternoon when Daemon reached the cave, it was a large opening though dark enough that he couldn't tell how deep it went. The beast could be looking at him right now and he wouldn't know it. Daemon withdraws his sword slowly and continues treading carefully his aura still suppressed, while some might consider this to be unwise Daemon found the element of surprise to be more important than taking a defensive posture.

'A dozen aura users took a defensive posture and look how they ended' he thought to himself. And speaking of the dozen aura users he could see various body parts and blood strewn about the entrance to the cave, he saw that one of them was still alive though how he was he did not know, he had large gashes down his chest reaching to his waist, his arm was gone and he looked as if his shoulder had been chewed on.

Daemon silently cursed as he knew he'd lost the element of surprise, he couldn't in good conscience allow the man to die. Activating his aura he jumped out of hiding and quickly went to the man that was in front of the cave, he looked to have 'Suppression' active which explained the lack of blood loss.

"My Lord, are you okay? Is there anyone else alive?" He asks the young lad who looks to be a few years older than himself.

"I-I-I j-just w-wanted to i-impress Mina, I-I d-didn't realise h-how strong it would be" he said stuttering as he seemed to shiver.

"What's your name my lord," he asked him as he gripped the hand of the man tightly trying to bring him back to reality.

"P-Paxter R-Redwyne," he said his voice still trembling, Daemon nodded, he needed to get the man somewhere safer otherwise he could get caught in the fight between them. However before he can think of where to take him his senses start going wild, senses he had honed through a life of hunting and further enhanced with his aura 'Shit!!!' He thought to himself as he flared his aura and grabbed the man before jumping out of the way, if he had been a split second later the lion who had pounced from the mouth of the cave would've slashed his arm most likely removing it.

He lands roughly a dozen metres away, at the moment he's in a bit of a bind, he can't protect Paxter and fight at the same time, but if he leaves him then the Beast might turn its attention away. Daemon then gets an idea and jumps up with Paxter, he grabs onto the branch of a tall tree, it is big and thick and perfect to put the man on.

"My lord you must hold onto the branch, if you fall I won't be able to save you," he says trying to make himself as clear as possible, the man nods at him before Daemon jumps back down only to find that the beast is gone.

Daemon stood in the centre of what felt like a killing field, his Valyrian steel sword drawn and infused with his pulsating aura. The tension in the air was palpable as he strained his ears, every rustle of leaves and distant sound heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The environment seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the lion's next move. Daemon's senses were on high alert, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any hint of movement, his muscles tensed and ready to react at a moment's notice. He knew that this encounter would test not only his physical prowess but also his mental acuity.

The rustling came again, like a whispering omen of impending danger. Reacting on pure instinct, Daemon propelled himself backwards, narrowly evading the lion's ferocious lunge. The creature's aura-enhanced attack was a testament to its formidable abilities, and Daemon's heart raced as he realized the true extent of the challenge before him.

Despite his agile manoeuvre, the lion's assault was not without consequence. The sensation of the lion's claws scraping against his chest sent a sharp jolt of pain through his body. His jaw clenched as he fought to suppress the discomfort, refusing to show any weakness in the face of such a fearsome opponent.

Standing his ground once more, Daemon locked eyes with the aura-enhanced lion. Its sheer size and muscular presence commanded attention, while its eyes exuded an eerie intelligence that set it apart from any ordinary predator. The ethereal aura swirling around the creature created an otherworldly spectacle, a testament to the potent forces at play.

Daemon's aura blazed around him, a shield of determination and resolve. The Valyrian steel sword felt weighty in his grip, but its presence offered a reassuring sense of purpose. As he faced the formidable lion and its overwhelming aura.

With a surge of determination, Daemon channelled his aura to its utmost capacity, honing his senses to a razor-sharp edge. He felt his aura pulse through him, infusing his eyes and ears with heightened acuity. This augmented perception granted him not only enhanced defence but also the ability to react with lightning speed.

As his senses sharpened, the world around him seemed to slow down, each rustle of leaves and every subtle shift in the air magnified to an almost supernatural degree. The aura-enhanced lion's movements were no exception – its lunging attack, once a blur, now unfolded in slow motion before Daemon's eyes.

Sidestepping with a calculated grace, Daemon anticipated the lion's trajectory and met its assault head-on with his Valyrian steel sword. The blade sliced through the air, its deadly arc intersecting with the lion's flank. The contact between blade and skin was accompanied by the distinct sound of metal against fur, a testament to Daemon's precision and mastery.

The lion let out a fierce roar, a mixture of pain and fury, as the blade's edge left a trail of crimson across its hide. The wound, though not incapacitating, marked the first tangible evidence of Daemon's defiance against the formidable predator. Though the strange thing was how Daemon was able to perceive the lion's attack in the first place, using 'Focus' on the eyes is only used to see an aura that has been purposely concealed. So Daemon's application to give him a faster reaction time was not possible, however, Daemon also applied it to his ears, and this managed to cover enough of a space to focus aura into his head. This allowed for his sped-up reaction times though doing so too often could exact a large toll on a person.

In the heart of the aura-charged battleground, Daemon and the lion engaged in a relentless clash, each manoeuvres a calculated calculation of offence and defence. Their auras flared, forming a dynamic backdrop of energy that crackled with power and anticipation.

The lion, its muscles rippling beneath its sleek fur, lunged at Daemon once again, its movements almost mesmerizing in their precision. Daemon's aura-enhanced senses allowed him to perceive the impending attack with uncanny clarity. Sidestepping with uncanny agility, he swung his Valyrian steel sword in an arc, aiming to slash across the lion's exposed flank. The blade met flesh, and a trail of blood sprayed into the air, marking the lion's retaliation.

Undeterred by the pain, the lion responded with a ferocious roar, its aura pulsing in tandem with its rage. It lunged again, this time faster and more forcefully. Daemon attempted to parry the attack, his sword meeting the lion's aura-infused claws. The impact sent a shockwave through his arms, but Daemon held his ground, his aura enhancing his strength.

As the battle raged on, both Daemon and the lion bore signs of their struggle. Daemon's once-flawless defence showed hints of weakness as the lion's claws found purchase, leaving deep gashes across his arms and torso. In return, Daemon's precision strikes continued to wound the lion, the Valyrian steel blade finding its mark with uncanny accuracy.

However, as the battle reached its fevered crescendo, an unexpected change began to overtake Daemon. The strain of maintaining his heightened aura perception took a toll on his body, causing him to bleed from his nose and ears. The very ability that had allowed him to keep up with the aura-enhanced lion was now backfiring, threatening to push him to the brink of physical collapse. Had it been the average aura user then he would've collapsed a few seconds into using such a technique but Daemon was a once-in-a-generation talent and had the Crimson Eyes, all factors that allowed him to use the perception-altering technique.

As Daemon's aura-enhanced perception faltered and his heightened senses returned to their normal state, he found himself vulnerable and disoriented. The sudden shift left him with a split-second delay in reacting, and before he could fully regain his bearings, the lion pounced.

The lion's attack was swift and brutal, its powerful form launching towards Daemon with a primal force that was difficult to comprehend. A fierce impact struck him square in the chest, knocking the breath from his lungs and sending him hurtling through the air. The world spun around him as his body collided with a sturdy tree, the force of the impact jarring his senses and igniting a fiery pain throughout his body.

Daemon's back hit the tree with a thud, and he felt a jolt of agony shoot through his spine. Gasping for air, he struggled to push himself off the rough bark, his muscles protesting every movement. His Valyrian steel sword clattered to the ground.

The battlefield transformed into a nightmarish arena of speed and danger. The lion, a creature now seemingly bound by lightning, moved with a swiftness that defied comprehension. Daemon's attempts to dodge and counter were rendered futile by the relentless onslaught of the aura-infused beast.

His Valyrian steel sword swung through the air in vain as the lion darted around him, a blur of fur and muscle. Each time Daemon thought he had anticipated its movement, the lion's trajectory shifted with inhuman agility. The man's attempts at striking back became an exercise in frustration, his sword swiping through empty air while the lion's aura-charged form remained unscathed.

The lion's attacks were unrelenting, and Daemon's every dodge was a narrow escape. The creature's claws raked across his arms and shoulders, leaving stinging trails of pain. Blood welled up from the shallow cuts, adding to the disorienting haze of the battle. Daemon's breath came in ragged gasps as he desperately tried to match the lion's impossible speed.

In a desperate gambit, Daemon lunged forward, hoping to catch the lion off-guard. His sword sliced through the air with a deadly arc, but the lion's response was instantaneous. It pivoted on a dime, avoiding the strike with an uncanny grace. The moment of vulnerability was enough for the lion to capitalize on, its claws raking across Daemon's side with a searing intensity.

A guttural cry escaped Daemon's lips as the world spun around him. The pain was blinding, a visceral reminder of his mortality. He staggered back, clutching his bleeding side, his aura flickering as his concentration wavered. The gash on his belly oozed blood, a chilling testament to the lion's power.

As the aura-charged lion bore down on him once more, Daemon's movements grew sluggish, his body weakened by pain and fatigue. He attempted to raise his sword in defence, but his reactions were too slow. The lion's claws raked across his chest, the force of the blow knocking him to the ground. His vision swam as he lay there, blood staining the earth beneath him.

Daemon's body screamed in agony, every movement a symphony of pain. Blood seeped from numerous wounds, his aura offering little reprieve against the ferocity of the lion's onslaught. Yet, in this dire moment, he clung to a last-ditch strategy, one that could mean the difference between survival and doom.

Summoning his remaining strength, Daemon pushed his aura outward, creating an expanding sphere that enveloped him in a sensory web. The world around him came alive with a cacophony of sensations – the rustle of leaves, the whisper of wind, the faintest tremor of the earth. With his eyes closed and his perception stretched to its limit, he stood on the precipice of an unknown reality.

Time seemed to slow as Daemon focused on his new perception. Every rustle of a leaf, every subtle vibration, became a thread of information that he wove into a mental image of the lion's movements. His heart raced, and his mind honed in on the rhythm of the creature's approach.

As the lion lunged, Daemon's body responded with an instinctive grace that belied his battered form. His sword sliced through the air with precision, guided not by sight, but by the echo of the lion's aura within his makeshift sensory sphere. The blade met resistance, and Daemon's heart skipped a beat – he had struck true.

The impact reverberated through his body, his hands trembling as they held the hilt of his sword. He sensed a deep groan from the lion, a testament to the injury he had inflicted. But the victory was fleeting, for the lion's aura flared with an intensity that matched its fury. It thrashed and roared, its pain fueling its rage.

Daemon's body screamed in agony, every movement a symphony of pain. Blood seeped from numerous wounds, his aura offering little reprieve against the ferocity of the lion's onslaught. Yet, in this dire moment, he clung to a last-ditch strategy, one that could mean the difference between survival and doom.

Summoning his remaining strength, Daemon pushed his aura outward, creating an expanding sphere that enveloped him in a sensory web, this was the advanced application of aura 'Scout'. The world around him came alive with a cacophony of sensations – the rustle of leaves, the whisper of wind, the faintest tremor of the earth.

Daemon focused on his new perception. Every rustle of a leaf, every subtle vibration, became a thread of information that he wove into a mental image of the lion's movements. His heart raced, and his mind honed in on the rhythm of the creature's approach.

As the lion lunged, Daemon's body responded with an instinctive grace that belied his battered form. His sword sliced through the air with precision, guided not by sight, but by the echo of the lion's aura within his makeshift sensory sphere. The blade met resistance, and Daemon's heart skipped a beat – he had struck true.

The impact reverberated through his body, his hands trembling as they held the hilt of his sword. He sensed a deep groan from the lion, a testament to the injury he had inflicted. But the victory was fleeting, for the lion's aura flared with an intensity that matched its fury. It thrashed and roared, its pain fueling its rage.

With a surge of willpower, Daemon extended his aura once more, embracing his expansive awareness of 'Scout.' His senses stretched outwards, creating a pulsating sphere of perception that enveloped him. Within this augmented reality, he felt the very fabric of the forest around him – every rustle of leaves, every shift of the wind.

As the lion lunged, Daemon's heightened perception granted him an almost preternatural sense of its movements. He moved with fluid grace, sidestepping the creature's attack as if he could anticipate its every intention. His body became an extension of the forest itself, an elusive shadow that danced effortlessly through the chaos.

The lion's claws slashed through the air where Daemon had been a heartbeat before. In response, Daemon's sword sang through the air, its edge colliding with the lion's flank. The impact resonated through the blade, a testament to the force behind his strike. The lion let out a snarl of pain, its aura flaring in fiery protest.

With every dodge, every calculated evasion, Daemon gained a measure of control over the battle. His senses tracked the lion's movements as if they were etched into his mind. He sidestepped another lunge, his sword sweeping down in a graceful arc to meet the lion's charge. The blade cut deep, drawing a spray of crimson across the air.

As the lion's frustration grew, its attacks became more frenzied, more desperate. Yet Daemon was a step ahead, a phantom weaving through the onslaught with a lethal grace. His aura-enhanced perception granted him a surreal advantage, a dance of instincts and reactions that defied the natural limitations of his body.

Daemon's counterattacks grew in precision and intensity. His sword became an extension of his aura, a shimmering barrier that deflected the lion's claws and fangs. He struck with calculated accuracy, each blow a testament to his mastery of both his aura and the weapon in his hand.

Daemon could feel his strength start to fail, he needed to end this now or his death wouldn't be far behind. With every ounce of his remaining strength and the last reserves of his aura, Daemon seized the moment. As the lion lunged, its form a blur of sinew and fur, he crouched low, his eyes locked onto the vulnerable target he had been waiting for. His Valyrian steel sword gleamed in the dappled sunlight, a weapon honed by centuries of skill and forged by a legacy of power.

As the lion soared through the air, its intent to rend and tear plain in its furious eyes, Daemon sprang upwards with a surge of aura-infused energy. His feet left the ground in a feat of agility and power, propelling him upwards with astonishing speed. His sword gripped tightly in his hand, was like an extension of his will.

Time seemed to slow as Daemon's body arced upwards, his trajectory perfectly aligned with the lion's trajectory. The clash was inevitable, and in that suspended moment, Daemon's heart beat in tandem with the lion's feral fury. His aura, a brilliant shimmer that surrounded him, pulsed in harmony with his intent.

Their collision was a burst of energy and sound. Daemon's sword drove forward with unyielding force, its edge finding its mark with uncanny precision. The blade pierced the lion's chest, its tip cleaving through fur, flesh, and bone until it found its ultimate destination: the heart.

The lion's roar of agony and rage reverberated through the clearing, and Daemon felt the impact of its weight upon him. The force of the collision sent them both crashing to the earth, the ground shuddering with the impact. Daemon's body bore the crushing weight of the dying lion, his strength waning and his aura flickering in its final moments.

Blood seeped from the lion's wound, mingling with the dirt and leaves of the forest floor. As the creature's life force ebbed away, its struggles grew weaker until finally, it lay still, its vibrant aura fading into nothingness.

Beneath the weight of the fallen lion, Daemon struggled to breathe. His body ached with the injuries he had sustained, his aura nearly depleted after the intense battle. He stared up at the canopy of leaves above, his vision growing hazy as his strength waned. He finally fell unconscious.


Daemon woke up with a gasp for air, something that seemed to be happening more and more often as of late. His whole body aches though he supposed he should be grateful that he woke up at all.

He sat up in bed though he felt a great amount of pain as he did so. Still, by doing so he realised that he was not alone in his room. Rhaella was sitting on a chair with a blanket wrapped around her asleep, Daemon couldn't help but smile as she seemed to stay with him while he recovered.

Daemon saw a pitcher of water close by to his bed and attempted to reach for it, though a shot of pain streaked through his body as he stretched for it and he ended up pushing the pitcher onto the floor with a loud bang. Rhaella woke up startled, she looked at Daemon seeing he was awake and immediately got up positioning him back on the bed as he had almost fallen out.

"Daemon, how do you feel? I'm glad you're awake" she said with a teary smile as she held herself back from hugging him tightly.

"How did I end up here? Is Paxter okay?" He asked Rhaella sat down on the bed next to him.

"Rhaegar and Arthur said they found you broken on the battlefield with the lion about to eat you, Rhaegar said he slew the beast while Arthur got Paxter and you to safety" Rhaella stated, Daemon couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the information. He was almost certain that he had killed the beast before he passed out, but perhaps he was wrong, why would the prince make up such a lie otherwise?

"I see... well I suppose I should thank him and Arthur" he said as he goes to move but Rhaella places her hands back down on him.

"That will have to wait, the royal procession has gone, you've been unconscious for a month" Rhaella explained shocking Daemon.

But this also makes way for slight confusion "Why are you still here if the royal procession was to move on?" He asked

Rhaella looked at him with a raised eyebrow "You truly expected me to leave you behind without knowing if you were well, I begged my husband to let me stay as I enjoyed High Gardens greenery" Daemon couldn't help but chuckle at the lie.

"Thank you for staying with me," Daemon said with a smile.

Rhaella smiled at him though her face seemed to have a pretty blush on it "I suppose I care for you a lot more than I thought... mayhaps I hid behind the excuse of being so old, though in a world such as this, it is a weak reason"

Daemon went to ask what she meant but was stopped when she placed a kiss on his lips, this one lasted longer than the one in the forest and it felt different as well, it was as if he could feel the love and affection that she felt for him. She moved her lips back and cupped his face "I love you as well, but I cannot forget that I am Queen and the King would kill both of us if he found out" she said with a sad tone.

"Maybe we were destined for another life, but with how things are I do not believe it is this one" she finishes as her eyes water slightly.

Daemon shares her sad smile but doesn't comment on her words 'You once told me that Power is Everything, if that is so then I shall take you regardless of who your husband is' he thought to himself resolutely.

He would train every day until he collapsed to the ground, he would endure the harsh lessons of the King and one day he would stand above him and cast him down, no one would stop him in pursuit of what he wanted.


After a while of travelling they finally arrived at Kings Landing, even after seeing places such as Riverrun and Casterly Rock he still felt awed at the sheer size of Kings Landing. Rhaella told Daemon that over a million people make their home in Kings Landing, it sounded too fantastical to be true, so many people squeezed into such a small space.

Though the feeling of awe and amazement soon left as he got closer to the city and the smell hit him, he had to hold in his gag, he had grown up surrounded by nature, this was the antithesis of nature it was as if the city was rotting, the pungent smell of filth and shit filled his nostrils. Rhaella laughed at the look on Daemon's face but quickly removed a small bottle of scented oil, then placed a couple of drops just below his nose and said it would help.

He could still smell it though it wasn't nearly as pungent, Rhaella asked him to join her in the wheelhouse for most of the trip and that included the trip through Kings Landing, she had acted a lot more intimate with him than she usually did in complete contrast to her words back in High garden, though Daemon tried not to think about it. He trained himself ragged during the trip to Kings Landing and he could see some improvements though nothing drastic.

As they got to the Red Keep there seemed to be a panic beset on the place, guards were rushing around as were servants much to the confusion of Daemon and everyone else. Once they left the wheelhouse they made their way to the Throne room, if there was a commotion it was likely the King was dealing with an issue and so that would be the place to find him.

However, once they got up there, it wasn't the King that was present but his son Rhaegar. With his ever-present guard Arthur standing next to him silent as he usually was. Rhaella rushes towards the throne and Rhaegar walks down the steps to greet her "Mother I am glad you're back, it seems we have an issue" he said as he hugged Rhaella.

"What is happening? Where is your father?" She asks with confusion in her voice.

Rhaegar looks grim but sighs "When we arrived at Kings Landing we came to a letter from Lord Darklyn, he said he refused to pay tax any taxes until the King had listened to his petition that was previously declined by the Hand, Father laughed it off and decided to humour him and most likely punish him. He went with Ser Gwayne and a small party, we have just gotten a letter from Lord Darklyn stating that he has taken the King captive and will not release him until his demands have been met"

Rhaella gasps as she holds a hand to her mouth "That's impossible how could someone possibly capture your father"

Rhaegar sighs "His arrogance most likely, he most likely assumed none could challenge him and let his guard down, if they have taken him captive they're most likely using dragon glass shackles"

"But he ordered those all to be destroyed years ago!" Rhaella replied.

Rhaegar shrugged "It's not surprising some would refuse, especially when it is the only defence against Father"

Daemon watched on in silence as they talked though to be honest he didn't care that much, if the King died then Rhaella would be free to do as she pleased, he also wouldn't be able to hurt her again. Rhaegar turned and saw Daemon was there and he smiled at the boy, he walked past his mother and towards him holding out his hand. Daemon took it and shook his hand "It's good to see you, my friend, I'm glad you've recovered" Rhaegar said with a broad smile.

Daemon returned the smile "Thanks to you, I don't believe I would've made it otherwise"

Rhaegar then removed his hand and puts it around his shoulder and guides him off to the side "Daemon I have a favour I wish to ask of you, I am going to be sending Ser Barristan to Duskendale in the hopes he can help Lord Tywin save my father, I would like you to go with him"

Daemon felt weird about the request he didn't want to save Aerys, in his opinion he didn't deserve the life he had nor did he deserve the people around him, if Lord Darklyn killed him then the realm would be a better place.

Rhaegar can the conflict on his face "Daemon... Would you please save my father"

Daemon can't help but smile, if his friend was asking him then he'd try, after all, he did save his life from being eaten "Of course Rhaegar, I'll do my best"


(3 months later)

Daemon finally sat down on his bed, another day of nothing but waiting to see what may happen, the Hand had gathered an army outside of Duskendale and demanded the release of the King. Something that wasn't going to happen. Daemon was starting to believe they nothing might save the King and that he was destined to die.

However he is brought out of these thoughts by Ser Barristan, his constant companion for the months they had spent outside of Duskendale "Lad, I've just heard that Lord Tywin means to storm the city at dawn if he does so then the King will no doubt be executed"

Daemon frowned at his words "What are we going to do" he asked as he assumed Barristan had a plan.

Barristan smiled, he could always count on Daemon to go along with a plan no matter how dangerous it was "We sneak in through the city and free the king, we'd be able to force our way through normally with our combined strength but they have the King hostage and while I could take any aura user they throw at me Symon Hollard is an extremely talented user, and by that I mean he has potential to be a Kingsguard"

Daemon nodded his head in understanding, when fighting someone who was of equal strength it took all your concentration, Barristan wouldn't be able to fight him and everyone else at the same time, and Daemon wasn't sure how strong he was about the garrison. However, hopefully, none of that mattered as they would sneak in and free the king then sneak out.


Barristan and Daemon had just scaled the walls, they were lucky that it was a new moon tonight otherwise they might've been in full view of anyone that was posted in the guard towers. It was at this moment that Daemon was glad for the punishment training that the King had given him with the tree, holding that tree and using aura to climb up the wall was the same concept and it make scaling it much easier.

They both wore dark clothes as they used 'Suppression and tried to blend into the shadows, they had their swords sheathed and in place of them had small daggers coated in a sharp aura, they had to slit the throats of numerous guards on their way to the keep.

As they approved the keep they noticed that the least populated entrance was the main one, all the others had too many guards posted or lots of guards around the area. Barristan didn't feel good about this but he didn't have much of a choice, he couldn't use 'Scout' because any aura user would feel him from a mile away. The only choice he had left was to go down there and hope it wasn't a trap.

However neither of them had such luck as they approached the main entrance they were in an open courtyard and who else but Symon Hollard should appear in front of them with a sword hanging over his shoulder "Well well... another Kingsguard, mayhaps I can go for a second one though I do hope you can put up a better fight than the one before he was incredibly weak"

Barristan leans close to Daemon "When we clash I want you to run past him and into the cells to free the King, you need to do it now or we'll get swarmed" he said in a stern voice. Daemon could do nothing but nod his head as he started to see people appearing from the surrounding buildings, he knew that some of them were aura users by the energy surrounding them and the smug looks they had on their faces.

"NOW LAD!!!" Barristan shouted as he rushed forward to Symon and clashed his sword against the other man's, their auras exploded as they clashed, Daemon was close behind and jumped over the two men before shoving two guards out of the way and heading inside the keep.

Barristan shifted their position so that he was in front of the main entrance blocking the men from chasing after Daemon "My apologises but your fight is with me, now since there are so many of you why don't I introduce you to my aura ability" he said with a smirk on his face.

'The Bold'

Not entirely a manipulation technique, the only reason it can be called such is when he uses it he's unable to be affected by other 'Manipulator Type' aura users. This ability gives Barristan a boost in aura and power when he faces insurmountable odds, however, should he waver or have thoughts of running away his aura will collapse and he'll enter a state of 'Suppression' a harsh restriction, however, Barristan has never run.


Daemon ran through the keep looking for stairs he was enhancing his body with aura so he could run faster and search the keep faster, more than a few times he had to knock out or injure a guard or servant, he was lucky that he hadn't run into any aura users, him and Barristan didn't have enough time to face them, even the commotion in the courtyard will eventually bring the whole garrison running.

He didn't know how strong Lord Darklyn was but it's fair to assume he is relatively strong, otherwise he might've been killed and usurped by a family member. Though the faith discourages kinslaying it doesn't change how often it happens. Daemon finally reaches a gate that seemed to go downstairs to a dungeon, flaring his aura he rips the door off its hinges and throws it behind him, he then heads down into the dark dungeon.

Daemon grabs a torch from the wall and walks through the dungeon it goes from dark to pitch black the further down you go and as he goes he can hear the laughing of someone further down, he follows the laughter but it puts him on edge. It doesn't seem like the laughter you'd have when you found something amusing, but the laughter that seemed completely broken and manic.

He then came upon the king's form in a cell right at the back; he wore rags and his skin was scarred, there wasn't a single spot on the king that didn't have a scar from a burn, Daemon thought that this was what Lord Darklyn had done but then he remembered something Rhaella told him, he was curious as to why the King showed no injury from Summerhall and she told him.

"He's the most injured out of all the survivors, he hides behind a fake picture that projects the image of a King and not a monster"

At the time Daemon didn't know what she meant but now he thinks he does 'Uncle told me magic was capable of hiding your true face' he thought to himself.

He got closer to the cell and saw the King look up his laughter stop as he narrowed his eyes at the perceived intruder "You! You have a good colouring to you, that's something I need in my new kingdom" he said with a smile.

Daemon felt worried "Your grace, don't you recognise me, it's me Daemon your squire" he said softly as he knelt at the bars.

The King chuckled "Daemon died 13 years ago I saw him die myself, and he certainly wasn't my squire he saved me from the creatures of the dark"

Daemon couldn't help but be confused but shook it off, he needed to get the king out of here, he flared his aura and he ripped the door open, he saw that the king had on these black glass cuffs he brought his sword out "Your grace hold still while I free you" he said.

However the king looked wary at the stranger who had come from the dark holding sweet promises, however, he had no choice as Daemon swung his sword and broke both cuffs with one swing of the Valyrian steel sword. As the glass shattered onto the ground the king could feel a rush of energy, he looked at his hands as he flared his aura, Daemon felt like he was choking as his aura 'Enhance' spread across his entire cell.

"That is better... Daemon you did your duty well, now let us leave" The king said in an unnaturally calm voice.

They both walked out of the cell the King not moving far behind him however two knights blocked their path as they came out of the dungeons, but before they could even say anything the King had grabbed them both by the throat and used his aura to set them both on fire, they both wiggled around as they tried to escape from the King's iron grip "hahahaaha" the king chuckled lightly watching the flesh burn off their skin.

Daemon felt like he was going to be sick, he just saw both man's eyeballs burst from their sockets and the king sat there and watched every detail, as they died the king threw them both onto the floor with a bored expression, as if his toys had broken "Let's leave" he said simply and Daemon could do nothing but obey.

They got to the main entrance where a battered and bruised Barristan still stood his ground in the face of the entire garrison, Symon Hollard looked a lot worse for wear as he was missing an arm. But even more curious was Lord Darklyn who had appeared on the battlefield though where he was previously Daemon didn't know.

Everyone held their breath as they saw the King who walked to the centre of the field between each group "You have all committed treason against the King!" He shouted for all to hear

Barristans eyes widened and then his aura collapsed, for the first time since he had the ability he wanted to run away and it punished him for this he looked at Daemon "Lad we need to leave right now!!!" His voice was desperate and he had a horrified look on his face.

"Surely we have won, haven't we? Why would we need to"

'Kings Justice'

Like a whisper on the wind, the words invaded his ears, the entire castle and city were silent until an earth-shaking roar almost shattered the ground they walked on, the King's Aura grew to an immense size and then all of his aura turned green before forming into what looked like a large dragon made out of wildfire, Daemon felt horrified looking at the creature but was knocked out of his thoughts by Barristan grabbing his arm and running.

Daemon refocused and flared his aura grabbing Barristan and jumping onto the buildings, it was a good thing he did as the dragon let out a roar and with that roar came flames as it breathed fire all across the courtyard turning everyone there into ash, but the King didn't stop with the death of Lord Darkyln, as far as he was concerned everyone in Duskendale was a traitor and they would all receive the King's justice.

The King rode atop the dragon like a true Targaryen of old as he burned down all the buildings, all Daemon could hear was the screaming of men women and children as fire engulfed the entire city at one point there was a large explosion the force of which h Barristan and Daemon out of the air as they tried to jump to safety. They were now separated as Daemon ran through the streets, he had to watch children being turned into nothing but bloody puddles and even a woman who was pregnant, he tried to save someone, anyone just one person but none could escape the King's justice and by the time he reached the external wall of the city, everyone but him and Barristan was dead.

Daemon threw up over the wall as he couldn't stop himself from crying, he was responsible for this, why did he set the king free, why didn't he execute him right there?

He chuckled darkly at himself 'What a way to spend my 14th name day'

(AN: So a time skip will be after this no point showing you his life at kings landing over loads of chapters so time skip will occur but I will explain what's happened over the years though. But we are getting close to the end of the first volume and into Roberts rebellion)

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