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100% MHA: Flesh and Bones / Chapter 2: Before The UA exam (part 2) & Vigilantes?!

Capítulo 2: Before The UA exam (part 2) & Vigilantes?!

So the previous chapter I used the word transform but I will change it to shapeshift instead

Also just to make it clear to you guys mc have many personas (works like a split personality so that's why when mc becomes nine tails, (s)he acts cocky) and in the previous chapter I revealed 2, the original (Itsuka Kendo) and the bloody vigilante(?), Nine-Tails

At the span of making this chapter webnovel got the mobile version a bold and the ehhh sideways word thingy in

Btw I kinda messed up the timeline of the vigilantes spin-off (lol)

Also sorry in advance if the characters interaction are off since I'm a total newbie and I haven't even gone far In My Hero Academia yet (in fact I am still at the start of U.S.J. Arc)



{Third POV}

"Let's see", The dog-head man, Kenji, said while taking all of the reports about the particular vigilante and examining them one by one

"All of the reports said that the vigilante always write their name on the wall with the victim's blood while the victim's body somehow disappeared without any traces...", Kenji thinks for a second, "According to the camera footage he teleported the body somewhere and most likely for an experiment, but for what I don't know"

[Camera Footage: the video shows the vigilante, nine-tails, standing in front of a corpse as the corpse sank to the grown]

"Let's put it aside for now"


Then, the office door suddenly opened revealing a man in an overcoat

Kenji noticed the familiar man, he said, "How have you been doing Detective Tsukauchi?"

The man known as Detective Tsukauchi took off his hat and replied, "Not so much, throughout the "Villain Outbreak" incidents that had been occurring in succession for the past few weeks and recently there have been a group of vigilantes who took down an "Instant Villain"

"Well, I guess you got it quite ruff", Kenji said ending with his dog pun


{First POV}

I sigh in relief as I stretched my body in comfort, I then sat down on the sofa and turn on the TV in the living room

[Breaking News: Villain's attacks increase in Naruhata, Tokyo. Are the heroes doing their job correctly?]

Lately, I have seen many sudden villain attacks on the news and most of them happen in Naruhata in Tokyo, is this the place where the vigilante spin-off happens?

If I remember correctly there is that bee quirk... Really tempting, maybe I should go get it...

'Wait, there was that number 6 guy, right? The one with overclock', I thought as a grin creeps to my face

'Yeah, let's do that'

"Kendo-chan! Can you please buy 2 kilograms of eggs and also 2 bags of flour, the money is on the table!", My mom shouted

I replied as I stood up, "Ah! Alright!", I then took the money and before I left my mom shouted again, "The rest of the money is yours! You can buy snacks if you want!"

"Thanks, Mom!" and then I went and left

{Some Time Later}

Carrying the groceries and a lollipop in my mouth, I walked towards home, that is until I met with a familiar person from school, "Oh Monoma! Hello!"

Neito Monoma, the copy quirk user, only looks at me with a deadpan expression

I raised my eyebrows and said, "What's up?"

Regaining his bearings, he put his hand on his chin and with a thoughtful expression, he said, "Heh, you see I was just-"


A monstrous human more than 2 meters tall appears in the middle of the road screaming as both of us turn our heads to the source of the shout

The civilians near the 'villain' were running amok to find safety when suddenly 2 people in costume appeared:

A pink-haired girl styled into a short ponytail wearing some kind of... Idol costume?

And a lean guy wearing an all might jacket and a mask while surfing around with both of his feet and hands on the ground

It seems like they are here to fight the 'villain' and they are a vigilante

The 'villain' run on all fours and launched an attack towards the guy wearing the all might jacket but he manages to dodge in time

But the 'villain' didn't stop and chased after the guy

The idol girl picks up her microphone and warned the civilians, "Run away everyone! Hurry! This villain's like, super dangerous!"

The civilians who stood there in shock suddenly realize the situation they are in and runs away but one of them didn't manage to do so in time and the 'villain' stands in front of him as he was cornered

Still talking with her microphone, the idol girl said, "Oh no! He couldn't get away in time!"

The 'villain' throws a punch that could kill him but before that happens the jacket guy swoops in and manage to carry away the guy to safety

Meanwhile, the 'villain' tried to attack the jacket guy but before that could happen a muscled man wearing a mask that hides the upper half of his face swung in, drop-kicked the 'villain' on the face, and then landed on the ground in front of the jacket guy

Regaining his bearings, he put on a fighting stance as the 'villain' lifted his fist and punched towards both of them with a charged attack making the ground shatter but the two managed to avoid it, though the jacket guy does it poorly

The muscled man landed and put on another fighting stance face off against the 'villain'

The 'villain' attacks first with a straight punch heading towards the man's head but the man dodges and sent a punch to his chest

Blows after blows were exchanged, though it's more correct to say the man was narrowly dodging all of the punches from the 'villain'

The 'villain' lifted his fist in the air trying to do another charged attack and his fist went down straight to the man

But the man turns his body to the side and raised his fist to punch the 'villain's' head, shocking not only the jacket guy and the idol girl but also monoma next to me

"Wow, that man is strong, I wish I could fight him", I said while putting up an expression of imagining

Monoma looks a bit bewildered and said, "I didn't know you had that in you"

I replied, "Well, I guess I develop it in the boxing gym"

Oh right I forgot to introduce you, this is Neito Monoma, a friend I made in school and we got close surprisingly quick, and also he is the only one currently who knows about my real quirk

Long story short, he and I were on our way home, he tried to copy my quirk and so he did but he was completely shocked by what my quirk could do and asked why I faked my quirk

With a 'tearful' expression I explained that when my quirk awakens, it looks villainous and even as a child I noticed it too, so I tried to hide it by what was currently known about my quirk so I begged him not to tell anyone since I know he is a kind person and in case the news about my true quirk ever spreads, he can be my help to somehow convince all of my soon to be friends in UA

As long as they don't find out about my absorption ability that is...

And as I predicted, he said with a smile, "I promise not to tell anyone since you're the only person to support my decision of becoming a hero despite my quirk, also don't you remember that we are going to UA together?"

Though I think he still has questions to ask but even so an aspiring hero with a hidden inferiority complex and a shape-shifter with hidden agendas and a thirst for quirks became the best buddy!

Anyways back to the present, without much thought, both me and Monoma said goodbye to each other and went away towards our next destination though one thing got my attention

A schoolgirl with her hair swept to the left side over her eye while wearing an eyepatch on the same eye holding the arm of a fit businessman

I smile inwardly and said, 'Found her'


{Nine-Tails POV}

"Well, you know the drill", I said to the cat girl in front of me, she has white hair with a big stripe of lime and a lime coloured eyes, and she wears a sports bra with baggy pants underneath her coat with a similar colour scheme

Yep, she is Ms Fortune, the Claw & Order Variant

{A/N: Chose this variant because I have her as the highest-power ms fortune I had}

After 'meeting' with [name here] or rather, queen bee, I absorbed her and leave knuckleduster's daughter and promptly put her in front of Koichi's penthouse though I stayed a bit for their reaction and was pretty good

"Yep! I'm going now then, see ya", the cat girl said as she waved and she jumped off from building to building somewhere

And about her. Well, you know that Queen Bee can produce bees and control them like a hive mind, so I went and did that, though they can still respond to me which is similar to twice but without the OSDD (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder) so I'm better

Oh and by the way, you are not talking to the main body, she is sleeping at home, while me? I'm just a quirk hoarder, don't mind me...

Well, I better get going


{Ms. Fortune POV}

'it's here, right?' I said to myself standing in front of an abandoned building, I went in casually and not long after I found a door leading to a basement

I unlocked the door by transforming my index finger into the keyhole that fit in and inside I found stairs leading down

As I went down, I saw some sort of humanoid eel with tubes attached on his body and surrounded by mechanical objects, 'this is one of the place where Queen Bee enhanced and transform people so that they can take more of the trigger drug'

Trigger is a drug that if used on a person will make their quirk stronger which also changed their body into something stronger like a monster but also like a monster, the user's sense of reason is reduced, The trigger drug is spread in the underworld but unlike the normal trigger drug, the one Queen Bee used on these people is more potent and more dangerous

I smiled and waved my hand to the humanoid eel in front of me, "Hey there big guy", I deactivate the machines and unplugged the tubes that were attached to him, "Do you wanna go and see Pop again?"

The innocent eel guy said, "P-Pop?"

'this guy is pretty cute', I thought before I realized I was squishing his cheeks

The one on the face!

"Yep, but first you wanna meet a doctor to get better since you're in pretty bad shape rn", I said and called the police, even though I was the one who saved him but it is better if he go back home and when I said police, I mean Detective Tsukauchi, since he needs a lead about the trigger quirk and I have a good example of it

"Moshi moshi-"


{Some time later}

A few police cops arrives along with a hero who patrols and night time

"So is this the spot? And are you sure this isn't some kind of a trap?", said the hero

Coming from behind him the team leader of the cop, "according to the report, yeah it's the exact spot, as for your second question, that's the reason why I called you over", the team was a bit reluctant to come but orders are orders, what can they do? They have mouth to feed

The cop continued, "Thanks for coming by the way, I'll treat you a drink later"

"Let's not waste time then"

{The Next Day, Narrator's POV}

Inside Kendo's room, there could be seen Kendo sleeping while snoring and then her bedroom's door opened, revealing her mother with an angry frown on her face

"Kendo, wake up!", said Kendo's mother

Kendo half-awake replied, "In 5 minutes!"

Kendo's mother switched the lights on, "Argh!", resulting in a sting to Kendo's eyes

"Didn't you said you wanted to that sky egg tower for a date with your boyfriend?", Kendo's mother said teasingly reminding her daughter of the event she wanted to go to with her boyfriend

Kendo, now wide awake said, "Oh come on mom! He's not my boyfriend! And I would never have a boyfriend! Never!"

Kendo's mother teasingly replied, "Ara~Ara, if you say so~"

Kendo with a scowl on her face, laid on her bed again for a few moments and stood up to prepare herself to go to the Captain Celebrity Final event held in Tokyo Sky Egg, also the place in the manga which will be attacked by human which their quick was artificially enhanced in exchange for lesser intelligence and beast-like behaviour, also known as Next-Level villains, successor of Instant Villains (kinda cringe name ngl, but wiki is wiki)

The ones who attacked the Tokyo Sky Egg was a man named Number 6 which was taken care off as a child by All For One and since he suffers from agnosia, All For One was able to mold him into whatever he desires

Back to Kendo, before she gets ready, she goes to her room's window and take something that looks like a bubble gum and without hesitation she swallows the gum

A moment later, a wave of information suddenly went inside her brain as it turns out the 'bubble gum' was in fact a flesh that was derived from her clones, an alternate way of giving information through the queen bee's quirk unlike the original which the worker bee has to come inside her nest to give the information

"So he finally made contact with Giran... Oh?", Kendo talks to herself and the last piece of the information made an omnious smile on her face

"Mommy, look! That weird girl is smiling!"

"Just ignore her dear"


{Some time later}

Near a bus station, the place where Kendo and Monoma decided to meet up to go to the event, there could be seen Kendo sitting while tapping on her phone


Itsuka Kendo: [Hey! Where are you?]

Neito Monoma: [Beside You]


"Huh?", Kendo said as she turns to her right and saw Monoma's face right in front of her, "AAAA!"

Seeing Kendo screaming made Monoma Burst out laughing, "Hahaha!"

Kendo could only smile irritatedly while her fist in the air as if ready to strike Monoma

Seeing her first, Monoma said with his palms up, "Wait wait wait, relax I'm just kidding with you"

"So?", Kendo said, still irritated

"I- Oh! The bus is here! Let's get in", Monoma tries to divert the situation so that he wouldn't get smacked by Kendo, he is talking from experience of course

Kendo with her eyes squinted said, "This time you are in luck, Monoma"

Both of them start to enter the bus and sat down in the bus

"Of course, who do you think I am!?", Monoma said narcissisticly

"A narcissistic idiot"

"GUH! That hurts!", Monoma said while acting as if he was stabbed in the heart

"Heh, serves you right!"

{Some time later}

"We have arrived!"

Standing In front of the Tokyo Sky Egg, both of them saw the packed entrance for the event where several top ranked Japan heroes and captain celebrity appears which also soon will be attacked by a swarm of bombers and an emp, of course both of them are also enhanced humans

After entering the building and went up on the elevators, they arrived inside and sat down, as like the many other people near them, they were waiting excitedly for the event to start, though Kendo is more guarded for the attack to come

"I have a question for you", said Monoma to Kendo

"Suddenly? What is it?", Kendo replied

"Who is your favorite hero?"

Kendo thought for a few moments, "Mirko"

"Mirko?", Monoma rubbed his chin and said, "I thought maybe someone like Death Arms suit you better since you have the hand enlargement quirk"

Kendo said, "No, I just like Mirko more"

"Well, I see"

The bright room suddenly turns dark and spotlight where aiming on the stage

A shout then comes from the stage

"IT'S HIM!!"

"IT'S HER!!"








After a few minutes of the spectacle, Kendo sensed that Koichi, the main protagonist of My Hero Academia: Vigilante has gone to the observation deck

Kendo only smiled as everything is now will be on the hands of her clone


Sitting on one of the chair while wearing a big coat, Ms. Fortune observed Captain Celebrity having a talk, or rather he was apologizing quietly to her wife

And a few moments later she could see Koichi calling out Captain Celebrity and not long after Koichi noticed and was shocked at something that was flying towards the dome of Tokyo Sky Egg, towards their direction


One of the bombers does a suicide bombing, making a big explosion that shook the whole building

While Koichi was sticking to a wall after falling down from the dome and Captain Celebrity intercepting one of the bombers, Ms. Fortune opened her coat and stretched her body

"It's about damn time!"

After stretching, she immediately ran towards the broken window and jumped


[1] Agnosia is the inability to process sensory information. Often there is a loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss.




Long time no see huh?

I actually got excuses as to why I didn't upload for so long but ehh I'm to lazy to say

If you have any ideas you thought of in your spare time, doesn't matter how ridiculous it sounds, just let me know!


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