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54.93% Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada / Chapter 126: Winter Holidays, New Year & Next Quest!

Capítulo 126: Winter Holidays, New Year & Next Quest!

"Ahh winter…. You know my birthdays on New Year's Eve." I sigh as me and Saiki were in his yard while rolling up snowballs into huge ones to make him a snowman.

"'Yeah? And I should care about this why?'" He says while casually manipulating the snow to start making giant snowballs without him even doing anything at all.

"Well I was thinking about inviting you over to my place for New Years as well as be at my birthday party that combos well with it at the same time." I say with a shrug as I move my massive snowball by his before he uses his powers to lift it up mine and place it on top of his before instantly putting the stick arms, carrot nose and rocks for eyes and mouth.

"'I Think I'm going to give it a hard pass, you probably will have those Ultimate friends of yours there as well and I don't want to get involved with them if I can help it you know?'" He says while shaking his head.

"I can't tell what you hate more, being noticed by society for your powers and becoming an Ultimate or being around a bunch of normal annoying people that you saw through my precognition of your Highschool?" Let's just call me watching his anime as Precognition and keep it at that.

"'Both actually, it's pretty even on both scales actually, while it definitely would be less annoying at your school, like I said I want to just not stick out like that even if I'm going to be annoyed by the people I go to school with next year.'" He made it clear that he hated both choices but the need to not stick out was greater importance in his mind still.

"Well the offer is still there as you can easily transfer over to Hopes Peak whenever you feel like it when you get sick and tired of your Highschool life there." I say motioning to him as we walk out of his yard.

"I know this really good restaurant we can go to, the food and sweets there are amazing and at a reasonable price too." I say leading the way.

"'Fine, but your paying this time, I covered the tan last time we went out to eat.'" He responds back as he follows after me.



"Happy New Years everyone! C'mon in! The party is just getting started!" I say with a smile as my friends from Hopes Peak all came over for my New Years Eve Birthday party, it was also a bit of a late Christmas party as well since I just wanted to celebrate them all together.

"Hifumi…. How the hell could you afford this man?! This estate must have cost several million to afford this place?!" Soda shouted out in response as he and almost everyone else besides Sonia, Fuyuhiko, Mikan and Nekomaru who either knew in advance or in Sonia's case didn't find it odd he was living in a mansion as she lives in one herself.

"Invested in some company's and got a lot of capital in return, on top of my manage bringing in large amount of money as well it wasn't hard for me to get that much money to afford this place, now quit thinking about the small things and come on in and enjoy the party I got set up as this party doesn't end until tomorrow people! We got movies, video games and plenty of other things you guys will have fun with, plus you'll meet some of my other friends will show up soon enough." I just usher everyone inside before I grab TeruTeru shoulder and pull him close as I poke at his chubby cheek.

"Oh and TeruTeru~ I hope your not planning to do anything perverted at my birthday party are you?….." I said with a bright smile but he could see that the smile on my face wasn't reaching my eyes as I kept poking his cheek harder and harder by the second.

"W-What are you talking about Hifumi! I-I would never do something like that here!" He said nervously as he began to sweat.

"Goooood~ cause I remember what you did before Thanksgiving and you should be happy that Mikan didn't get affected by your shitty Aphrodisiac you 'accidentally' put in your food or else I would have broken your arms and hands so you couldn't do what you love for months while they healed up." He said as he shuddered as he began to nod rapidly.

"I got it! I got it! I'll be good I swear!" He was shaking with cold sweats as I pat his shoulder.

See? That wasn't so hard, though I asked Nekomaru and Akane to help out if you really don't listen, and last thing try and just flirt with the girls in our class okay? The girls you see show later are very liable to crush your family jewels into fine powder if you make them made." I say happily as he just shudders more and shakily walks into the manor, though Fuyuhiko comes over after seeing that.

"You think that was too…. You know…."

"Harsh? Gee I dunno, how would you feel if Peko was under the same effect left in a room with a horny TeruTeru and she was so out of it she couldn't fight back? Hmmmm?" I look at him as I see his look go instantly dark as well at the thought of it.

"But don't worry that won't happen now that he's scared to the point he might actually piss his pants in fear so I believe tonight will be a good night for everyone here." I say before I hear some knocks on the door as I open it up and smile.

"Saki! Nagiko! Come on in and enjoy the fun! The party has just started!" I said to the now inseparable best friends rather than Master and Servant of Saki and Sei Shounagon(Nagiko)

"Hifumi-chi! Let's make this party out loud tonight! Let's party like theirs no tomorrow Chan-Mas!" She says as she kicks off her shoes at the door before pulling Saki along to go have fun with everyone else.

"Well that girl is really cheery…." Fuyuhiko says scratching his head.

"Yeah Nagiko and Ibuki Will probably become the best of friends the second they get the chance." I say with a sigh as Nagiko's hyperactive and cutesy personality would make her liked by everyone else, not only that but she easily fits in with this era with all of her knowledge in advance.

And a bit later Briar(with her blonde hair and normal eyes with red irises look), Scanty(Sei), Kneesocks(Kei) & Stocking(Sakura) all came to join the party.

'Man I'm happy that everyone is here, excluding Panty cause she would have ruined it with her presence after all.' I think to myself though Esdeath isn't here because the Empire just got into another war with the southern Country so she couldn't come but it's fine for her at least.

In these few months she has gotten onto Mikan's good side and was soon enough accepted as one of my girls, though I think Mikan caved due to a combination of her natural charisma and a bit of Peer pressure as well, but how she got Mikan to look up to Esdeath as an Older Sister in her eyes after that girls meet up is beyond me.

"But whatever…." I say as I shake my head as I go into the main room where everyone is at.

"Alright everyone! Let's get this party started!"









"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" We all shouted out as we ushered in the dawn of a new year with the large ball dropping in Tokyo square as we watched the massive fireworks on tv go off while also seeing them from my houses patio as well.

It was a great party full of games, laughs, music and good food, though I had to coax Scanty and Kneesocks into not being a stickler for the rules since it was my bird at and I made the rules for it as it was my house so they mellowed out and had fun with everyone else much to Stockings shock to see them not sticking to the rules as they usually do even though there not enemies anymore but still hard asses when it came to rules.

But with the New Year Passing and most of the fun part of the party over with, most people didn't plan to stay until morning since their parents wanted them back home soon enough.

So slowly but surely everyone that wasn't my girlfriend left the party after all was said and done before I used my magic to completely clean up the house while all the girls were resting after all that fun, before I went and joined them all.

"Duhdunuhduh! It's your favorite and oh so loveable Shinigami here to bless you all with my appearance!" Shinigami said appearing in front of all of us, though the girls, barring maybe a bit from Saki and Nagiko, were that surprised to see her.

"Oh Gami-Chi! Did you come to have some fun with us?" Nagiko said all excited like as usual since she was always pumped up to have fun when she could.

"Well yes I'm here to have fun but not only that! A New Year means new adventures for us to all go on, and this one is a bit more special than the last few I've given you Hifumi, but this mission isn't meant for the faint of heart you know? Cause it's time foooor~"

A Drumroll plays in the background before she pulls out an envelope as horns toot to the sound of victory.

"A new quest for you all to enjoy!" She said before tossing it up for everyone to see.


[New World Quest! Over the Edge of Tomorrow!]

[World- Cyberpunk: Edgerunners/Cyberpunk: 2077]

[Main Objectives: Save the Edrunners from their fate, somehow let both V and Johnny Silverhand live to fight another day and Destroy Adam Smasher for Good]

[Many hidden Side Objectives across this world]

[Main Rewards: 2 Bloodline Stage increases, 1 Legendary Item(Cyberpunk)]

[Side Rewards: TBD based upon performance]

[Member Limit: None]

[Time Frame: 2-3 years]


"So anybody can go on this quest?" I say looking at the girls around me.

"Yep anyone here can come with, but my suggestion is best to keep the girls here who aren't really into fighting to probably stay out of this one, while the world isn't like those grim dark stories, it's plenty bad in its own right and sure the girls who can't fight have their own protection, I don't think Saki and Mikan are all that comfortable with getting blood on their hands after all." Shinigami said shaking her head as she looked at the two who both shook their heads as well.

"I don't like violent things so I think it's best I stick back from this one." Saki said while deciding to stay out of this one.

"I don't want to hurt people…. Even if that means I can heal them back up... But as a doctor I can't do anything like that with a good conscious." She mumbled a bit of it to herself but made it firm she didn't want to come to that world.

"Are there any sweets in that world?" Stocking asked the most important thing to her.

"Well yeah but because of the wars that happened that wrecked the entire world most candy products and anything sugary has synthetic sugars now so they don't taste the same." Shinigami said as she sighed as it was a sad day when candy and sweets tasted bland in that version of earth.

"Then I'll pass, I don't feel like burning a hole in my boyfriends pocket just to buy sweets for me in the shop, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I did that?" She said to me which brought a tear to my eye.

"My Stocking *sniff* she's all grown up!" I said wiping my eyes with happiness as she just gave me the finger in return.

"Though I think it's best we come along right sister?" Scanty said to Kneesocks who nodded in response.

"Indeed, after with Hifumi he probably will set up another store there won't you?" Kneesocks said as she turned to me which I nodded.

"But not just a store, I'm thinking about making an entire Megacorp in that world, then again it won't be just me now will it?" I say with a smile as I split into two before my second self become a older and more rugged version of myself wearing a white suit jacket, white slacks, black under shirt, red tie and black loafers.

"Oh so am I going as the Older brother in this other world this time?" He asks me as he sweeps back his hair and looks more like Aizen than I currently do with his looks, though he has stubble all across his chin making him look slightly different but still looking a hell of a lot like Aizen nonetheless.

"So who else is coming with?" I turn to look back to see Briar Jumping around all giddy like.

"Oh! Oh! Can I come Hifumi? Can I come please?" She said as she jumped on me and shook me back and forth.

"Alright! Alright! You can come too." I said patting her head to calm down as she smiled all happy like while hugging me.

"So we got Scanty, Kneesocks and Briar coming along for the ride huh? Oh and since this is a mission in a world where cybernetics are a must to get anywhere, the system has taken the liberty to make anyone that goes to that world completely immune to the downsides of having all those Cybernetics in your body like other people have in that world, and the system will automatically integrate any enhancements you end up buying from the shop right into you with no need for going in for surgery like everyone else!" She goes onto explain which I see an interest in Mikan's eye as I look at her.

"Mikan? Did you change your mind after hearing about that stuff?" I see her look at me an nod.

"Yes, hearing all that I've changed my mind, even though I know that world is dangerous, having you and Florence by my side I know I'll be safe." She says with a gentle smile as I nod.

"Then it's best you stay with my other older self, he will be in a more safer position after he gets his foothold in that world after all." I motion to my other half of me who nods in response.

"Yep, I already know what plans to make in that world thanks to what I know of it, after all we watched the Edgerunners anime together so you girls already know what world we're going to in the first place." He said as after all they did watch it with me before at the beginning of November, while it was violent Mikan got genuinely sad as to what happened to basically everyone in Maine and David's crew.

"Yes! Hifumi you must make sure what happened in the show doesn't happen for real this time okay!" Mikan said with a determined look on her face as I just smiled and rubbed her head.

"Don't worry, I'll do everything I can do they can all make it out of it, even Kiwi too as I looked up her reasons for betrayal in the show and had no choice but to do so in the first place." I actually like Kiwi while everyone probably hated her for what she did but I looked up info on that world and the backstory on Kiwi that wasn't available for other people to see but I could and she was in a situation where she had to make a tough choice on whether to leave her old 'family' to die or betray her new family to save her old one but losing her new family in the process, but in the end it didn't matter as she was betrayed and killed by the people who betrayed her as a result.

Actually Rebbecca and Kiwi were the two girls I liked the most out of them all, Lucy too but it's obvious she has a thing for David and well she's mainly too detached for my interests so I'll leave things as they are when it comes to her unless something major changes that altogether.

"So Himfumi(Serenity), Mikan(Florence), Hifumi 2, Briar, Scanty & Kneesocks is the full crew coming along with right?" Shingami says as she looks at all of us as we nod at her.

"Alright! Then get some rest people because tomorrow night we are heading to Night City!"

And with that said the my Birthday and New Years came to a close as a new adventure was about to begin.



Night City, Heywood, 2075, "So the Adventure Begins." (Hifumi)

Night City, Corpo Plaza, 2075, "Well it's Time we Make a name for ourselves girls" (Shie)(Hifumi 2)


Really long ass chapter I could have broken into two but I couldn't just stop halfway on this one!

Nearly 3000 words, almost as long as the chaps I wrote back on my old first fic from way back when!

Anyway the story in night city starts now but as a heads up this will be a long one being as long or longer than the Panty and Stocking quest as a result just so you know!

Anyway see ya later!

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