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68.96% Multiverse-Crafter / Chapter 20: 20 - Jedi Saiyan

Capítulo 20: 20 - Jedi Saiyan

<Avip: I'm still learning how to write fights and the ending was a little rushed... but as my father said "the perfect is the enemy of the good".>




[Nora Valkyrie]

"REN!" I shout, opening the door. "You lost the duel for our fearless leader's hand."

As I entered the dimly lit room, I was taken aback by what I saw. The entire space was illuminated by candles, and a peculiarly set table caught my eye.

The table showcased an interesting sight. In the center, golden pancakes with maple syrup took the spotlight. Surrounding them were crispy bacon and a variety of eggs, scrambled and poached.

"Is this breakfast for dinner?" I murmured in surprise.

"Nora?" I heard a male voice from the corner of the room.

I turned to see Lie Ren, my childhood friend, emerging from the darkness in a way I had never seen before.

He was donning a peculiar shirt, a changshan, red with golden details, and it hit me right in the heart.

"Aaaah..." I involuntarily sigh.

Ren was already handsome, but in this traditional Mistralian outfit, he transformed into something… delicious.

The vibrant red accentuated every line of his face, making his skin seem even more radiant. The golden details added a touch of sophistication, as if he were a walking piece of art.

My heart beats faster than I swing my hammer against a horde of Beowolves.

Every movement of Ren was a blend of gracefulness and confidence, as if he were dancing through the room towards me. The changshan highlighted his strong shoulders and imposing posture, making him irresistible.

I was speechless.

"What is this?" I ask, still in disbelief.

"It's a surprise for you." He says shyly. "I wanted to have a private talk with you. With Pyrrha in the infirmary and Jaune in the city with Cardin, I thought it was a good opportunity."

Besides surprise, I also felt nervous. I didn't know what Ren was planning, fear and anxiety were bubbling in my mind.

"I know this is sudden." He continues. "But…I've always loved you, Nora, as a friend and a sister."

I instinctively shrink back in disbelief.

'All this just to put me in the friend zone? I get pancakes and friendzone?' With despair and depression clouding my mind, tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.

"But over time, I couldn't help but notice how you've grown into this beautiful and wonderful person that you are." He takes a deep breath while looking into my eyes. "But I was always afraid to talk to you about it, afraid that these new feelings wouldn't be reciprocated, and you would want to pull away."

Now, hope returned, dispelling all the negative emotions. This must be the greatest emotional rollercoaster I've experienced in my life.

"But you know me better than anyone, know that I'm not good at talking, especially about my feelings." Ren says, looking at the floor feeling embarrassed. "However, in this last month at Beacon, I had the opportunity to talk to someone, and I realized it would be worse to say nothing and suffer in silence."

"Ren, what are you-"

"I love you, Nora." He says smiling at me. "Not just as a sister or a friend… I love you as the beautiful woman you are."

I was silent for a moment, trying to process everything happening. I always had a slight, tini tiny crush on Ren, but he never seemed to show interest in me or any other woman… or man for that matter.

"I… I don't know what to say." I finally reply to him.

He smiles wearily at me. 

"You don't need to say anything now." He says in a friendly tone. "I just wanted you to know how I feel."

He approaches me and kiss my forehead, then hugs me.

"Thank you for listening." Ren whispers in my ear.

I return the hug, still in shock.

"Take all the time you need to respond." He says, patting my head. "I'll be by your side as always, waiting patiently, no matter how long you need."

"FUCK THAT!" I shout, pulling him by his shocking shirt and planting a big kiss on him.

His eyes widened in surprise before closing gently as our lips met.

[Image / not mine]


The kiss was a whirlwind of emotions. His hands found my face, while mine firmly held onto his shirt. Each second was an explosion of feelings kept for so long, finally set free.

When we finally parted, our breaths were rapid, and our eyes met in the midst of surprise and mutual understanding. The room around us seemed to have vanished, leaving only the two of us, lost at the moment we had just created. I smiled, perhaps the brightest smile I had ever given, and Ren smiled back. In the silence that followed, we realized that something had changed, something that connected us in a deeper way than ever before.

"Who did you talk to about your feelings?" I asked curiously. "Some Beacon professor or therapist?"

"Actually, it was our 'fearless leader'.'"

"Jaune?" I ask incredulously.

Ren nods.

"Thank you." I say as if he could hear me. "Our first child will have your name."

"Nora." Ren says with a shaky voice. "We're too young to have kids."

"But we can practice." I reply, smiling and licking my lips, staring at my prey.

"Nora, no!" Ren exclaims, retreating until he cornered himself on Jaune's bed.

"Nora, yessssss." I whisper lustfully at him.

[Ruby Rose]

I open my eyes slowly. My mind is foggy, and my body feels heavy. Every part of me aches.

Looking around, I notice I'm lying in a small crater.

"One last trick?" A feminine voice above me says. "And the most cowardly and dishonorable one at that. What does it do?"

'Is Noir on top of me? How? Why? What happened?' I swallow all my distress and anxiety, fearing what the blonde Huntress will do to me if she knows I'm awake.

In the distance, I hear Jaune's voice, but I can't make out anything. he spoke too softly for me to hear from this distance.

"Perfect." Says the black-clad knight. "You will use it on yourself, and if you do, I give you my word as an Arc that I'll never attack your colleagues ever again."

'Wait! Jaune will use what?' Then, metallic footsteps echoed through the ruined street.


Looking to the side, I see a tall woman in black armor walking away from me.

"What are your last words, little brother?"

"No…" I whisper with a raspy weak voice, but no one heard me. "J-Jaune."

Even with my body aching, I couldn't give up. I have to rise.

I placed my hands on the ground and forced myself to stand. My muscles scream pain, but I won't give up. I focus on my friends, and with determination and feeling tingling and spasms of pain in my legs, I rose.

"You're an unbelievably stupid cunt."

When I finally managed to stand, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. My body trembled, on the verge of falling, but I forced myself to stay firm.

"Humpf." Snorts Noir. "Even if this isn't poison it won't make a difference in the final result."

I walked slowly, my legs were heavy, feeling like they were made of concrete. Every step hurt not only in my muscles, but my bones seemed to throb with pain.

"What is this?" Noir asks. "Another cowardly trick?"

Before Jaune could respond, I finally saw the two. Noir in her black plate armor with golden details was as imposing as ever, even from behind. Jaune, on the other hand… is on fire?

"To be honest…" Jaune said, contemplating the small fires permeating his body. "I'm more lost than a dick in your-. URGH!"

Instead of completing what would most likely be an insult to his older sister's sex life, Jaune doubled over, clutching his stomach in agony.

I watched the scene with growing concern. My first friend from Beacon had his face contorted in agony and pain, a distressing sight that made my heart ache for him.

First, his lips tightened, as if trying to suppress a groan of discomfort. His tense body began to tremble as drops of cold sweat formed on his forehead. The strange scene paralyzed even Noir.

"Jaune." I whisper worriedly. "What did you do?"

He continued to show signs of distress. His body was rigid, and his face now displayed a worrying paleness. It seemed to transcend physical pain.

"You didn't lie?" Noir asks in surprise. "Maybe you still have some ounce of honor in you, little brother." 

Then, his eyes narrowed, and he began to breathe rapidly, as if trying to find relief. Each breath seemed like a loot effort, his agony was palpable. I felt helpless, not knowing how to help.

That's when he let out a scream, a sound that echoed through with a mix of pain, anger, and… power?

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" His voice echoed through the street, emanating his suffering and fury, while golden flames engulfed his body.

It was as if he were channeling an inner force beyond Aura itself. He seemed to use his anger to combat his suffering.

Suddenly, he rose, looking at Noir. His body muscles seemed to swell and contract with a supernatural intensity. His hair floated upward, carried by the flames. There was no doubt that I was witnessing something extraordinary.

"I'M NOT FROM ALABAMA!" Jaune shouts, consumed by fury and pain. "BUT I'M GONNA POUND MY SISTER'S ASS!"

At the end of his scream, he was panting, with sweat streaming down his face. His eyes, which moments before expressed acute pain, now shone like golden suns with an almost supernatural intensity. He seemed exhausted, but also transformed and bigger.



"Do you think you can defeat me?" Noir asked, smiling savagely.

"No." he replied in a serious tone I had never seen him use before. "I just know this hurts like hell, and there's only one way to deal with this pain."

Jaune lunged at his sister, cutting her off mid-sentence. The golden mist manifested as his right hand rose to the sky; by its size and shape, it seemed like he was creating something akin to a sword.


"You're becoming predictable, little brother." Noir comments in an arrogant tone. "A simple attack like-."


A motor's roar echoes through the night. The weapon in Jaune's hand was not a simple sword, it was a chainsaw? … a chainsword?



Noir quickly recovered from the surprise, raising her arms to defend against the blow.


The roar of the weapon upon contact with her visage was strange. It seemed like he had hit something other than just her force field. Confirmation came with sparks and debris from the black bracers flying through the night.

Noir isn't intimidated, she had probably faced criminals using something similar, but Jaune's was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

"Well, well?" Jaune chuckles. "Is my dear onee-chan breaking a sweat?"

"What?" I comment, examining Noir's face more closely.

He is right, she is sweating with a determined expression on her face. The teeth of his weapon were penetrating her Semblance and tearing through the armor.

"This is nothing special. I was just caught off guard by this chainsaw. This is the sharpest weapon I've ever faced in my life, maybe even sharper than Blanche's." Noir emphasized, redoubling her efforts. "I just need to focus more."

At that moment, the debris, and sparks stopped flying, announcing that the weapon had stopped digging into the armor, and Noir began pushing Jaune back.

"Impressive weapon, but now that-."

"BOLTGUN!" Jaune shouted, pointing a monstrous pistol at Noir.




Instinctively, Noir reinforced the force shield around her stomach.

Just seconds ago, Jaune was desperate, only to almost faint from the pain and then come up with this plan to bypass his sister's defenses? Drawing attention to one area of her body to try to catch another unprotected was an excellent strategy, and it would have worked if she weren't a Huntress with years of combat experience.

"Despite being well-calculated, your plan ended up being predictable for a veteran like me-."


A metallic twist interrupted Noir's speech.

"What?" Noir questioned aloud.

'The bullet pierced the armor? How? That was anti-tank ammunition in a handgun? How?' I thought to myself, feeling jealous.


This time, an explosion hit Noir's stomach, throwing her backward. In a moment of carelessness, he caught Noir off guard. His blow hit her stomach directly, and the force of the explosion threw her back, leaving her stunned lying on the floor.

I smiled hopefully, my chest filling with relief.

"Jaune, you really are-." Before finishing my sentence, Jaune simply fell in front of me.


Still weak, I lost balance with the impact of his drop, falling backward.


But before falling backward on the ground, the boy with the golden aura grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to his chest. 

His chest was so large and hard.

"Ruby." He says, lifting my head with his hand under my chin. "I need to be quick."

"Jaune-. Goargh!" 

'Did he stick something in my mouth? And now he's covering my lips with his hand.'

"Swallow." Jaune commands in a stern tone.

Without questioning, I swallowed what felt like something small, like a peanut.

"What-. Coff! Coff! What was that?" I ask, feeling violated.

"Something to heal you, now take another one for Blake." He said, putting what looked like a pea or bean in my hand. "Heal her and go to that store where you fought Torchwick, From Dust Till Dawn."

"What are you-."

"Ruby!" He exclaims, holding me by the shoulder. "I'm in pain every fiber of my being is being torn apart and rebuilt. I am in agony, and there's no way I can defeat that monster." Jaune said in a serious and desperate tone. "Do what I'm telling you and trust me, Please for my sake do what i ask of you."

Without words, I nodded in agreement, and he smiles through the pain, only to then charge at his sister, who was getting up.

Both weapons had disappeared from his hands, and in their place, he had a small silver cylinder with a red button.

"Will you show me your true power now?" Blanche says, already standing, ready to receive him despite her damaged amour. "Then come, Jaune, no more holding back. I will shatter your dreams and hopes with your bones."

I want to stay and help, but his commanding voice still echoed in my mind. I dissolved into a red blur surrounded by petals, darting toward Blake with my Semblance, Petal Burst.

'Please… come back to us, Jaune.'

[Noir Arc]

I find myself lying on the ground, my breathing heavy and painful after being knocked down by Jaune's dishonorable attack. Every part of my body seems to pulsate with pain, especially my stomach, where the impact was most intense. Anger and bewilderment mix in my chest, and my wounded pride adds another layer of emotion to this turmoil.

It's as if a storm of violent feelings is happening inside me. The physical pain is nothing compared to the piercing emotional wound. I look at Jaune, my younger brother, talking to that scythe-wielding woman whore, with a mix of anger and disbelief. He used to be the smallest and weakest in the family, and now he is capable of knocking me down.

There's a strange, almost contradictory pride that mingles with resentment. He grew up, became strong, and even though my ego is wounded, there's a part of me that silently takes pride in him.

"It was a mistake to underestimate your abilities, little brother." I mutter, smiling as I begin to get up.

However, fury and disgust predominate.

'How dare you surpass me like this? How dare you challenge the hierarchy established for so long?' It's a dangerous dance of emotions, standing up to gather strength to deal with this storm inside me.

Looking ahead, I see Jaune running towards me, still with his strange Golden Aura.

"Will you show me your true power now?" I shout to the seemingly unarmed boy. "Then come, Jaune, no more holding back. I will shatter your dreams and hopes with your bones."


I knew Jaune wasn't unarmed, he always seems to have a trick up his sleeve, but I didn't expect a stick of bright-green light.



It was as if the 'blade' of the weapon was made of pure Dust energy. Not wanting to be caught off guard again, I focused all the power of my semblance into my fists to receive the attack.


Even while holding the blade of light, I could still partially feel its heat. Smiling, Jaune withdrew the blade and returned with a sequence of strikes against my fists.


Exchanging blows, I noticed that the green light blade was weightless, so no strength was required to use it, at least Jaune wasn't using it.

As we continued to fight, probing each other's defenses, I noticed something strange in the way Jaune was fighting. He seemed more focused, not striking blindly. His eyes were analyzing me, searching for openings.

'Did that serum affect his mind as well as his body?' I thought amidst the fight. 'With each blow, he seems to improve. I need to change the rhythm of this fight.'

I stomp the ground, cracking the concrete, trying to unbalance Jaune.


But he jumps backward and assumes a defensive stance.

"Quick reaction." His reflexes seemed better than before; was it the effect of the liquid in his veins? "But it won't be enough to defeat me"

"Hmm." He grunts at me, drawing another light blade, this time blue. "The reason for your downfall, pride will be… young padawan, after all I have the physical and moral high ground."

I frown, impatient with his banter and mildly confused. Moral? No such thing in this world of bloody evolution only the strong and the weak. High ground? We are standing on level ground.

We charge towards each other and immediately spring into action. I throw a punch at Jaune, but he blocks it with his dust powered saber. Then, he attacks me with a thrust, but I used my fist to block.

The fight continued for a while, and we were evenly matched. Jaune's lightsabers were too dangerous for me to test my shield at a lower capacity, and he was beginning to parry my punches with more precision. We were mutually attacking with full force, but Jaune's facial expressions indicated that he was suffering from the effects of whatever he injected himself with.

It was frustrating. I know I was stronger than Jaune, but he was surprising me with his speed and adaptability.

"Are you tired?" Jaune asked, chuckling quietly.

I ignore him and kept fighting, not indulging him in mid fight banter, an underhand tactic to distract your foe. I had to win, not just for myself.I had to bring the sole male heir home not only my personal honor but the families honor is at stake

The fight continues for a few more minutes, and then I see an opportunity. Jaune attacked me with a dual set of thrusts, and I used my Semblance to block it. But instead of stepping back, I used my strength to push him backward.

Surprised, Jaune slides back.

"Victory is mine." I exclaim confidently.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity pushing him back, I quickly approach him, preparing to punch his face as he fell to the ground.

But Jaune, showing a dexterity not seen up to that point in the fight, rolls backward instead of falling to the ground, taking advantage of the kinetic energy from my push to move away from me, leaving me to punch the ground where his head should have been.

"Don't look down."

Unable to control myself, I looked down.

"What tube is th-."


The explosion of light and sound whitened my vision and also robbed me of my hearing, leaving a high pitched ringing in its place.

"JAAAAAUUUUNEEE!" I scream in anger.

It takes a while for my vision to return to normal, I notice that half of the street is covered in a thick golden fog, hiding everything in that area.


I raise my guard, and after almost 5 minutes of waiting, the curtain began to dissipate, revealing.

"Nothing?" I question disbelievingly.

I looked around, and the two whores had also disappeared.

I stand alone in the middle of the street, looking at the place where Jaune and his compatriots were moments ago. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

"He fooled me?" I mutter in shock at how that weakling managed to deceive me.

'Jaune fought against me, using dishonorable and cowardly tactics just to buy time and then run away?'

"The worst part is that I fell for it." I murmur in disbelief, running my hand through my sweat-soaked hair. "What else could happen to me?"

A siren caught my attention, as if it had been summoned by my question.


"FREEZE!" Shouts a new masculine voice.

"Vale Police?" I wonder when I look around.

I am surrounded by 5 cars. I could easily slaughter them all and avoid the 'Vale bureaucracy,' but such an act would bring dishonor to the Arc clan. I slowly raise my hands to the sky, sighing tiredly.

"I give you my word that I will take you to our father, even if it's the last thing I do."

[Blake Belladonna]

I wake up abruptly, eyes blinking to adjust to the light. Ruby is staring at me with concern, her expression mixed with relief and anxiety.

"BLAKE!" Ruby shouts on top of me with her unmistakable hyper voice, forcing me to sit. "The green bean worked!"

I want to ask her about this so-called green bean, feeling an urge to talk about putting strange things in peoples mouths, but remembering our dire situation and jumping to my feet.

"Where's Noir?" I ask, looking around anxiously. "What happened to Jaune?"


Ruby told me of the events that had transpired while I was unconscious, and they confirmed a terrible suspicion of mine. Noir Darksteel is Jaune Arc's older sister. 

Even Adam avoids places where she was active. Feared for her ruthlessness, she treads a bloody path, dedicating herself to a dark career of relentlessly hunting human and faunus criminals alike. Whether they have awakened Aura or not it matters not both meet the end of her blade . Missions completed by her are remembered for ending with piles of corpses and grim accounts of her brutal actions. The Valish version of Winter Schnee, but without the public scrutiny of being a Schnee allowing her to commit any measure she deems necessary to complete her mission.

When I heard Jaune's sister's name, I thought it was just a coincidence, maybe the name Noir was common in his home region, but now I have no doubts. Jaune is related to a monster amongst monsters.

"Blake, are you okay?" Ruby asks, her voice laden with concern.

I realize that my thoughts were visible on my face. Ruby had tried to read my expression and come to a grim conclusion, but I just nodded, processing the newly discovered truth.

"Where is the-" Before I could finish the question, I was interrupted by a strange engine roar.


From a distance, a strange vehicle approached rapidly, it looked like a floating motorcycle, but the speed was abnormal.

"JAUNE!" Ruby shouts, jumping with joy.

I know Jaune has a flying motorcycle, but why is he glowing?


"Get on." He says, his commanding voice brooking our argument, pulling up beside us.

As I watch him pilot the flying motorcycle, I can't help but notice. At the beginning of the school year, Jaune was a mystery, and easily the worst student in our year. If it weren't for his powerful semblance and the 'luck' of having the Mistral champion as his partner, he probably wouldn't have passed the initiation.

But when I found out that two Beacon teachers were instructing him in private lessons, I decided to investigate him further. During the first few days, I couldn't get anything concrete, so I shared pictures of his training on the academy forums to see if it generated any buzz. Maybe some student would recognize him and share information that could shed light on this mystery.

I admit I should have stopped when nothing came to light, but he still intrigued me. His training with Professor Port, the way his muscles developed, his body sweating, stretching, and training caught my attention.

Proof that I'm not the only one is the comments from other girls and some boys on the forum, making more… lascivious comments about Jaune and Professor Port. Comments that inspired me to create art about a possible relationship between the two.

But this Jaune in front of me was different.

Jaune, usually smiling and cheerful, his face twisted in pain making it look like a someone is wearing a grim mask made out of Jaune's flesh, he had transformed before my eyesfrom a happy go lucky boy toy grim warrior that reminded me the Huntress Darksteel is his sister. The muscles, outlined even under the torn and blood-stained clothes, gave him a wild imposing disposition I had never noticed.

"Jaune, what happened-." Ruby begins, only to be interrupted.

"NOW!" Jaune shouts as an order.

 Ruby and i flinch from his tone. I jump behind him and hugg him. His back is large and muscular, like warm, finely crafted marble. The smell of sweat initially bothers me, but I end up getting used to it and the strange heat of the golden flames. It was so comfortable that I inadvertently purred.


Fortunately, Ruby's choked whine drowns out my sound.


Jaune had lost patience and grabbed Ruby by the collar, sitting her in front of him.

"Hold on." He says, pressing the accelerator the vehicle.


I hold on, expecting the wind resistance to throw us back, but I was surprised when I felt nothing. It was as if there were an invisible shield around the vehicle, protecting us from air friction.

We flew in silence, the only noise was Jaune's powerful engine of his bike. In a few minutes, we would reach Beacon. When we spot the school in the distance after the Emerald Forest, Jaune sighs tiredly and said something to us.

"Sorry for yelling at you two."

"Hm?" I murmured to the blond.

"It wasn't cool for me to yell at you. But circumstance called for fast action and you weren't moving fast enough ."

"Don't worry about it." I replied with a shrug. 

"We needed to leave quickly, you were right." Ruby said, sitting in front of him, clinging to the motorcycle so as not to rub against Jaune's front. 

"It wasn't just about Noir." Jaune said in a somber tone. "I think I'm dying."

"WHAT?" Ruby and I shouted together.

"The fire doesn't burn me but pulls me apart. I feel my muscles being torn to shreds, hot needles piercing my cracking bones, my eyes burn, and head aches. I can hear the beats of my heart, it is beating so fast I couldn't count it if I tried."

"Jaune…" Ruby whimpers.

"Before healing Ruby, I ate one of the beans trying to heal myself. My body and Aura returned to normal, but the pain didn't stop, in fact, it seems to have only intensified like an exponential slope of pain. I am only conscious due to the use of my aura."

Silence was the only response Ruby and I could give him.

"But don't worry, I w-will." Jaune says, putting his hand to his head, trying to finish his sentence. "I-I will-."

Jaune slumos forward, leaning his body on Ruby.

"JAUNE!" Ruby screams, turning to the blond falling on her.

As she took Jaune's body instead of taking control of the vehicle, it leaned forward, and we started to fall.


"JUMP!" I shout, grabbing Jaune and jumping off the vehicle.


Using our landing strategies, we fell to the ground without losing much Aura and laid the flaming body on the floor of the Forest. Then, I asked Ruby to call for help while I improvised a stretcher to carry Jaune through the Emerald Forest.

The kind of thing you learn when you take part in a guerrilla group.

"YANG! WE NEED HELP!" Ruby shouts desperately into her scroll.

'Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let the most stressed of the two of us make the call.'


'Next time, I'll make the call.'




Name: Noir Arc

Alias: Darksteel

Allegiance: Arc family ; Kingdom of Vale

Weapon: Midi / Minuit


Strength: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Endurance: ★ ★ ★ ★

Agility: ★ ★

Fighting Skill: ★ ★ ★

Mental: ★

Aura: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ✪

Semblance: ★ ★ ★

Noir arc is of the newest generation of huntsmen, unlike her peers she has been exposed to the horrors of our trade and as such has developed little to no empathy for those that stray from the straight and narrow. 

Her father and the council have seen fit to place into the 'Executor Core', Huntsmen hunting down prey far more dangerous to the kingdoms than the Grimm. Traitors, criminals, terrorists, and bandits have all met their end on her blade. 

Like most Arcs she is incredibly proficient in killing her body count quickly reaching that of a senior huntsman. Her first year out of Beacon was apprenticed underneath Qrow Branwen and between the two of them crushed the bandits plaguing her homeland. Qrow has recommended to bring into the fold after she has matured a bit much like his recommendations for the others in the Executor core. 

The only matter of her loyalty I can find in question is that her armor is of unknown make, her brother denies making it, his exact words were:

"As if that crazy bitch needs help killing people… don't tell her I said that-. ARE YOU RECORDING ME?"

The only person to my knowledge to make such alloys was the Late Dr Merlot and the Arcs seem to protect their secrets behind 7 keys. Something that I can relate to.


E ai gurizada?

One of the first versions of the fight between Jaune and his siblings had Jaune winning using the Saints Row Dildo Bat, but the tone of the fight was too serious for something like that. So, respecting the serious tone of the fight, we went with a 'Jedi Super Saiyan'.


HUNTSMEN LOGS was my editor's idea, what do you guys think of it? Let me know in the comments if you're interested in seeing entries for other characters.

I loved the comments about Noir, we had people who loved to hate her and people who genuinely hate that she exists and had the nerve to almost kill little Ruby.


So the Arcs are bs with Semblances?

—Response= If the Arc doesn't have a BS Semblance, his Aura reserve makes it BS.


Always good to see another Pathfinder 1E enjoyer, though if Jaune is able to make ANYTHING from Pathfinder, he really needs to powergame harder. A custom magic item that applies constant Haste is only 120,000 gold!

—Response= Pathfinder 1e is definitely one of my favorite systems and the first one that I reached level 20 as a player and GM.

GM was level 20/10 in fact, if you played Wrath of the Righteous you know why.


How many points would it take for him to create a devil fruit? Or better yet, could he re-create bloodline limits from Naruto?

—Response= On Chapter 12, Jaune saw that a mera-mera no mi would cost 500,000 Magic Points. Bloodline limits from Naruto would be tricky, but he would need to make something from Orochimaru research I think.

—simm36: Fue una buena secuencia de batalla y trajo muchas emociones de frustración por lo fácil que Noir contrarresta todo lo que le manden pero era obvio si su trabajó es el de cazar cazadores.

Muy buen capitulo y espero ver qué tipo de relación tendrán Jaune y Noir más adelante.

—Response= Thanks for the comment, Noir will be back, but it will take some time for that to happen.


I'm sorry but i think you made her to strong honesty with how that fight went it feels like she could storm Salem's castle and beat the shit out of her all of that did practically nothing to her unless you do some fuckery that serum shouldn't matter.

—Response= She is certainly powerful, I made her inspired by Hazel and Glynda herself.

I think I got the idea of tactile telekinesis from the 90s Superboy, but I don't remember it with 100% accuracy… it's been 20 years since I read those comics (FUCK, I'm so old). 

Her semblance is powerful, but drains a lot, however Arcs have a greater reserve than most people, which makes the semblance viable in overpowering enemies in short battles.

A large group fighting trying to extend the battle, using hit-and-run tactics, could overpower her. But for that, you would need a capable leader and the knowledge that Noir is coming for you.

Salem has a huge army and is a capable battle planner… and the strongest magic user on the setting that is also immortal.


Freaking amazing man. 

Curious about the ninja outfits though, but I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation lol. I know it's hard to create those characters that we love to hate, but I think you did a decent job with this one.

—Response= We can only pray for Ruby's soul, there is a chance that she is reading FILTH now.

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