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Capítulo 7: Chapter 7

 Chapter 7: Fierce Battle.

"Hmph, I expected so much more from a fairy tail mage..." the younger of the Vanish brothers retorted while clicking his tongue."As I predicted, you mages are nothing but laughing stocks."

Natsu stood up while spitting out his saliva.

"That's all you both can do? If so, then I got bad news." Natsu's thumb showed downwards while Fire Mage himself extended his tongue. "You both are nothing but losers!"

"You...little...BASTARD!!!" The younger brother dashed towards Natsu, imprinting his fist on the mage's stomach and making him fly towards the right corner of the mansion.

"Calm down and stop showing your temper, young brother."

"Huh?" He looked toward his older brother with killing intent. "I don't care about your opinion; this puny mage was high and mighty, so I showed him his place. What's wrong with that?"

"I am simply saying that you should not let your frustration take over your clear mind." He pointed his finger towards the place where Natsu was leaped to. "Your rage doesn't seem so fruitful afterall..."

Natsu cleared the rubble from his fall with a toothy grin reaching his ears.

"Don't forget about me, as..." With fists covered in fire, the pink-haired fairy tail mage took his fighting stance. "I am getting pumped up!"

Meanwhile, with Makoto,.

Luckster, using his newly gained reflexes, was somehow evading the destructive punches of the buffed-up maid.

"I would kindly ask for you to not dodge my punches, sir."

Makoto had a sweat roll down his forehead.

"I would like to, but I am afraid I will be nothing but a meatball after that!"

"That's the point, sir!" With another powerful punch, Virgo left a giant crater on the ground, which made Makoto trip on rubble, and with a spin and momentum, he hit the maid straight in the face.


Surprised, the maid was taken aback by the sudden display of reflexes from the luckster—suffice the fact that it was a pure coincidence.

"Before we continue our fight, I would like to ask you your name, sir."

That was a strange thing to say, but Makoto didn't sense any malice from the woman.

"I am Makoto, Naegi Makoto." The lucky mage said this while bowing down out of politeness.

The huge maid did nothing but bow down slightly as well.

"Pleasure is all mine, Makoto-dono; I shall cherish this fight as it might be your last fight in life."

Makoto gulped out of fear for his life, but it wasn't time to lose hope; he would break through her somehow.

Meanwhile, with Lucy

Lucy was running away towards God knows where; all she wanted to do at the moment was finish reading this book. Something was clearly wrong with this book; it was way too awful to read! It clearly was written by Kemu Zaleon, but something was not right; it was way too bland to be something written by a legendary author.

As long as she liked to read it with nothing to worry about, her thoughts were disturbed by a sudden hand grabbing her leg.

"E-Eek!" Lucy exclaimed, seeing the disgusting face of Everlue looking at her through the ground.

"Boyoyoyo! To think that you would be dumb enough to play hide and seek with me, the owner of this mansion, is just way too stupid, you dumb girl! Now be nice and tell me what that freak Zaleon wrote in that book!? What might it be—a treasure, perhaps!??"

Lucy's face was as irritated as ever. She looked at Everlue with disgust.

"Why did you do that to Kemu Zaleon?" She simply asked.

"Why did I do what? OH! You mean trapping him in my prison and forcing him to write a great story about myself? BOYOYOYO! The answer is simple as it can be...."Everlue's face became serious. "...Because the fool refused, saying nonsense about his pride as an author and other crap that I don't care for! Simple as that!"

"You are disgusting."

"I don't need to be liked by an ugly bitch anyway!" Everlue fully rose up from under the ground, extending his hand towards Lucy.

A blonde girl closed her eyes, refusing to give it to a person like Everlue.

"Nobody is going to help you, girl! Now be nice and hand over the boo-oomph!?!?"

Everlue was hit by a big piece of rock straight in the face.

"Serves you right for being creepy, aye!"

A blue cat with wings was flying above Duke's head.

"Happy!" Lucy happily exclaimed.

"Yup, that's me, aye!"

With a bleeding nose and an irritated look, Everlue huffed.

"I am going to kill every bit of you in here, fairy tail bugs!!!"




The battle between martial artist brothers and Dragon Slayer continued. Avoiding every possible attack, Natsu was seemingly on the losing side while the brothers continued their pressure.

"You mages are always so inclined toward your beloved magic that you all tend to forget one simple fact."

Suddenly, a giant frying pan hit Natsu straight toward his head.

"Physical power has always been within human beings, so no matter what kind of magic you have, we will always win!"

The dragon slayer, while about to collide with the ground, adjusted his trajectory and fell with no damage. He huffed, looking as serious as ever.

"Fire Dragon's..." He adjusted his position as he launched towards the brother duo. "...IRON FIST!!!"

The fire-covered fist collided with a huge frying pan and had no damage at all.


Another powerful punch sent Natsu flying.

The younger brother, while holding his laughter, took the pan from his old brother's hand.

"This is the power of martial arts, mage! Hahahah, do you see the difference!? This frying pan is made from a special material that can both nullify and reflect magic. Do you know how many mages we killed with this pan? The looks of complete surprise when they were hit by their own magic were priceless."

"Pft, stop it, young one. Haha, he might cry from this-!?"


The older brother crashed onto the wall, completely surprised by the sudden attack.

"Surprised? If you had read about magic a bit more, you would have known that I am completely immune to any kind of fire magic."

The younger brother's face paled, and in an instant, his older brother became nothing but toast.

"For the courtesy of entertaining me..." Natsu's stomach started to widen with every second. "I will grant you a quick knock-out!"

With stomach wide and mouth sucking in the air, a giant magic circle resembling a dragon's face appeared near Natsu's mouth.

"Fire Dragon's..."

The pressure in the room changed as the Vanish brother felt his own clothes starting to melt from the fire.

'Wh-what is wrong with this power? It's way too insane!!!'

Finshing his chanting, Natsu targeted the man and fired off his magic all at once.


The giant tornado of fire erupted from the pink-haired mage's mouth, melting everything on its way.

With that, the Vanish brothers were defeated for good.

"Man, that was a good fight! Now let's see what is going on with Mako-TO!?"


To say that Natsu was surprised was similar to saying nothing in particular.

Completely beaten, Virgo was lying on the ground, shocked, while Makoto stood with his eyes wide and surprised.

'Was it really my own magic?' he thought looking towards his hissing hands.

Back with Lucy:

"Happy, buy me sometime!" Lucy exclaimed, trying to run away, but...

"What do you expect me to do? I am a cat."

She facepalmed.

"I don't know. Distract him or something."

Happy stretched his body.

"Don't wanna." Blue cat said, yawning.

"What do you mean by 'Don't wanna'!? Your friend is about to die over here, y'know!?"

"I am just a cat, Nyan~!"

"That was so out of character!"

While they were both arguing, Everlue had a huge vein pop out on the back of his head.

'These bugs...they entered my mansion, destroyed it, humilated me several times, and now they ignore me!?!? Hey, I am over here doing my best with villain speeches, and they are ignoring me... I will kill them!!!'

With that said, the duke jumped towards them with his dive magic and started to dash towards them with great speed.

"Boyoyoyo! Forget about this crappy book for now. I will just kill you both and make a good kebab out of this blue cat."

Rage, full rage, was shown in Evrlue's eyes.

"Aye! Lucy, it seems he completely lost it." Happy said while getting out raw fish from his backpack.

"Is it time to eat fish, you crappy cat!?" Lucy sighed. "You leave me no choice but to use one of my celestial keys... Time to unleash the crab!"

Upon hearing the 'Crab' part, Happy's mouth started to drool.

"Man, you are really hungry, aren't you, Lucy?"

"No, and when you say it with saliva pouring down your mouth, it is frankly disgusting,"

She grabbed one of her golden celestial keys as it started to shine.

"Open! Gates of Giant Crab... Cancer!"

A golden light erupted from her keys as the mysterious golden silluete appeared before Everlue.

"It is a giant crab! Wohohoho!!!" Happy exclaimed, seemingly joyous and hungry.

The tall man with two pairs of scissors in his hands and a 'cool' vibe all around him appeared while adjusting his stylish sunglasses.

"What kind of hairstyle would you like today-ebi?" He calmly stated, looking towards Lucy.

Happy, on the other hand, had a dejected look.

"Lucy, you big fat liar!" The blue cat cried while rolling on the ground. "I thought you were going to summon a huge crab,aye!"

Trying her best to ignore Happy, she extended her hand forward.

"Sadly, today I am not the one who needs a good hairstyle. But this old man needs it more than anyone!" She pointed her hand towards non other than Everlue.

Cancer's glasses sparkled for a brief moment.

"I got you-Ebi!" He calmly said as he dashed towards Everlue.

The said man stood there, completely unaware of what was about to happen next. With a swift move of his scissors, the giant crab celestial spirit passed through Everlue.

"The work should always be done with style."

In a moment of silence, Everlue was sure he didn't get any damge as he turned with a smirk towards Lucy.

"Boyoyoyo! It turns out your celestial spirits are as useless as you yourself, I didn't feel anything at all."

A chill ran through Everlue's head. He felt cold for some reason, and what made the situation worse was Lucy's and Happy's smug expressions, which were about to change into an uncontrollable laugh.

'What's up with them? Why are they laughing and looking at my head?"

A realization hit Everlue harder than any punch.

"Pft, do you see this, Lucy?"

Everlue's hair was gone. He was completely bald, like an egg.

A giant Vein popped up on his forehead.

"Boyoyoyo, what a bummer, my hair. Boyoyo, my precious hair. MY PRECIOUS HAIR IS GONE!!! I WILL KILL YOU ALL NOW FOR REAL! My beautiful and elegant hair is now gone because of you!"

His face was red as tomato, Everlue pulled something unexpected from his hands.

"That's it... I am going to end you both. You both will perish in hell!"

What Everlue pulled was a golden key.

"This...don't tell me you too!?"

"Boyoyo! That's right, ugly face, I have celestial keys as well!"

"Now rejoice, peasants! Open! The Celestial Gates of Maiden! Virgo!"

The golden light blinded both Happy and Lucy, along with Cancer, as they saw a giant silhouette of a woman appear before their eyes.

"Boyoyoyo! Now you all are done for! Virgo, kill 'em all!"

The woman, however, didn't move an inch and instead stood unshaken.

"I am sorry...I think I reached my limits, master"

With that, a giant woman fell with a huge thud.

"Wh-Wh-What!?!?" Everlue screamed in confusion.

"I think I overdid it." Makoto scratched his cheeks in a bit of surprise and pity, looking at the woman laying before his legs.

"That was amazing, dude!" Natsu exclaimed with sparks in his eyes. "Why aren't you using it against me when we spar!?"

Makoto sweat dropped while backed down from the fire mage by a great distance.

"I don't think Master would be glad if I used it against someone from the guild."

Natsu wanted to disagree, but upon second thought, the luckster was quite right. The power that Makoto used against Virgo was...too destructive, to say the least.

Lucy and Happy, in awe, looked at Natsu and Makoto.

"How did you pass through Spirit World!?" was all Lucy could mutter at the moment.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

Makoto felt a hostile aura and dodged the futile punch Everlue wanted to send.

"Ah right..." Natsu clasped his hands as he kicked Everlue away. "I forgot to take out the trash."

While cracking his fingers, Natsu started to approach Everlue, who at this point had just accepted his fate.


Was all that corrupted duke could say before he was beaten to a pulp.




"Phew! That was one hell of an event, don't you all agree?" Natsu, as cheery as ever, was beaming with energy.

Lucy sighed.

"I guess you are right...but good news is that we now are richer by 2 million jewels, hehe~!"

Happy nodded, while Makoto chuckled at this. Having money is always good, and if the money is to be divided evenly, he guesses everyone gets 500k jewels, which is a pretty good offer as he can rent himself his own apartment and not bother Lucy with his presence—something that blonde girl would dislike to hear.

Approaching Kaby's household, Makoto couldn't shake off the feeling he had at the time. As was said earlier, his intuition was pretty sharp after the despair game.

"Yo, Mr.Melon!" Natsu barged in, kicking the door open.

"Have some manners, moron!" Lucy scolded the pink-haired lad. "We are sorry, Mr. Kaby."

"Hahaha, no need to be this polite with me. Seeing that you all are safe and sound, I guess you accomplished the mission."

At this point, the atmosphere changed again as Lucy looked down, getting Daybreak out of her backpack.

"Th-This book!? Why didn't you get rid of it already!?" Kaby exclaimed-no,shouted with rage seeing that book.

"Mister Kaby..." Lucy softly said, "You are Kemu Zaleon's son, aren't you?"

"How did you..."

"Because it is written in the book." Lucy calmly stated.

"Impossible. I read the book, and there is nothing but nonsense in it. My father himself said that it was a failure!"

A bad memory passed through Kaby's head. The moment when his dad came back and cut off his own hands, the moment when Kaby hated his dad even at the moment of his death... He remembers clearly that his dad died with regrets for writing this book.

"Kemu Zaleon was indeed a great author, and what's more..." Suddenly, the book started to shine. The words flew everywhere, making from word DAYBREAK word DEAR KABY, "He was a great mage!"

Makoto, with a soft smile, stood up from his place.

"Mr.Kaby... Your dad didn't hate this book because it was a failure; in fact, he didn't hate it because it was dedicated to you. While in prison, he wrote something that was his best work. He cut off his hands not because he wrote failure but because he wrote his own magnum opus."

An image of Kaby's dying father was fleshed again in his head. No matter how much he hated his dad, he still saw his dad's smile even on his last breath.

Tears flowed through Kaby's eyes.

"Father...hic...Father, I...always respected you! I..." With tears flowing down his cheeks, he felt relived that, till his last breath, his father cared for him.

Makoto smiled widely, and a similar expression was on his companion's faces. As he promised himself, he filled at least one person with hope—hope for his own father.




Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest leading to Fiore, a bustling sound scared nearby animals as, from the bushes, a clad, naked figure of a male got out of them.

"Man, when I see Makoto and that damn Salamander,Imma win this time for sure!"

The ice-cold man exclaimed while ice started to form on his hands.


YOOOOOO! Guess who is back... Le me! I am truly sorry for such a late update! I was busy, ok (no, I wasn't; I was just a lazy bitch)? Anyway, to cut a long story short,I really tried hard this time and hope my crappy grammar won't make you uncomfortable. I know that I am very bad at grammar and word binding, but I will still try to improve, so thanks for reading my boring ahh fics again! Luv ya guys!

Remember, your feedback and comments keep me motivated to do new chapters, so be sure to subscribe and leave a comment. Also, a quick shout out to our today's sponsor... RAID SHADOW LEG... OK, OK, I am joking.

Anyway, I hope you liked this new chapter. I love you all, and bye!

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