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68.75% The Vampyr Diaries / Chapter 10: Chapter 05

Capítulo 10: Chapter 05

It took a few hours for Elisabeth to calm down from her high and begin to rest happily but Jonathan enjoyed every second of it.

It was a strange phenomenon. Someone else's happiness could make you happy. Watching her smile from ear to ear in jubilation made Jonathan reminisce about his past life.

Ever since he had arrived in this world, it was very rare for him to think about his previous life but Elisabeth's reaction triggered a childhood memory that he had always wondered about.



There were more than a few moments where the holidays coincided with his frequent hospital visits.

His mother always made sure that they would all celebrate together and the small hospital rooms would not deter her.

Around his 12th Christmas, Jonathan had visited the hospital more than four times that year and needed to be hospitalized throughout December.

As you can imagine, his 'unscheduled' hospital visits had costed his family a lot but without fail on Christmas morning, his mother arrived with his siblings and they celebrated their party in his tiny room. 

Despite the happy occasion, Jonathan's gaze was drawn to the dark shadows under his mother's eyes and the feeling of tiredness her body oozed.

She tried her best to hide but things rarely escaped Jonathan eyes. The noise of their gathering had attracted the attention of the nearby patients who also couldn't return home for the holidays.

Curious, they approached and Jonathan, being acquainted with all of them, introduced them one by one to his family.

His mother invited them to join and they accepted happily, appreciating the distraction from the bleak reality.

As the time to open presents arrived, Jonathan's mother looked at my fellow patients apologetically but they waved off her concern, good-heartedly.

It was enough that they could join in the festivities, expecting any more would make them seem ungrateful.

Jonathan watched as the tiredness seemingly disappeared from his mother's eyes fill with expectation as she watched her children open their parents.

With each surprised yelp and happy shout, Jonathan saw her become happier and happier.

Confused, he looked around and saw the patients reflecting the same enthusiasm she showed.

Once it was his turn to open his present, Jonathan felt the weight of the gazes around him as they watched in anticipation. Swallowing his worries, he opened it and his mouth opened, unconsciously.

Inside the box laid a white Gameboy Advance, the successor to the Gameboy Colour that had just released in North America.

Jonathan had mentioned it once in passing but after seeing the $99.99 price tag, he quickly dashed his hopes of getting one.

At this point, he had seen his mother take on a third job while still struggling to pay rent, let alone put food on the table.

Every child wanted one and he wasn't special but he was already grateful for his family's love and support despite the burden his existence put on their lives.

They hadn't thrown him away yet and for him, that was more valuable than anything he could ever want.

As he looked down at the handheld gaming console, tears filled his eyes as he thought about his family's financial situation and wondered how he was so lucky to find a family like his.

His mother, ever the saint, quickly hugged him and he could hear the happiness in her voice as she spoke.

"You will never realize how much I love you. You may think of yourself as a burden but all I see is my baby boy who was brought me so much joy and laughter. I thank God every day for giving me such a kind and thoughtful son. Merry Christmas, honey"

[End Flashback]


Jonathan looked at Elisabeth admiring her ring in joy and realized how his mother felt in that moment.

The lengths to which you'd go for someone you loved and the strength their very existence could inspire in you was unending. The sound of their laugh or the mere thought of them happy could make you walk through a field of blades with a smile.

When their happiness becomes paramount to yours, you knew that you were done for.

Jonathan understood how his mother could feel happier than the people receiving her gifts, without receiving one herself.

Elisabeth's joy energized him and made him feel a different kind of happiness you get when you received gifts. A more encompasing feeling.

Unwilling to interrupt her happy daze but concerned about their reservation, Jonathan spoke up

"John called earlier and invited us to The Royale for dinner. Do you want to reschedule?"

Elisabeth turned to Jonathan and thought for a moment. After considering her options, she responded

"No, it's fine. I would like to know more about Dr. Watson and meet his partner. We could also consider it a celebration"

"I had plans for that later but this will do... for now" Jonathan added, musingly

"You seemed confident that I would accept your proposal. Quite bold of you to make plans before confirmation, Dr. Reid" Elisabeth teased

"Quite the contrary, My lady. My plan needs no reservation. Even if you had denied my request, I would propose to you every year, even if it took centuries, until you accepted and my plan would still follow suit."

"Your words are sickeningly sweet, Dr. Reid. Maybe a career in theatre would have suited you better"

"Even then, my plays would only be for you"

Elisabeth laughed at his charming words before looking at the time on the clock beside the fireplace.

"Enough of your flowery words, we should prepare for dinner. We mustn't keep Dr. Watson waiting."

Elisabeth stood up from her chair and walked upstairs slowly. Jonathan shook his head with a smile as he stood up as well.

He knew Elisabeth could have changed in an instant with her skill but she gave him time to return to his mansion and prepare before returning to pick her up.

Jonathan moved towards the door to grab his coat when he paused. He remembered seeing a skill that he hadn't paid any thought before.

He had thought it was useless and consciously ignored it in favour of his more powerful skills but in this moment, it felt he had wronged it.

Out of curiosity, he checked his skill screen to see if it was still there.


[-Status Panel-]

-Name: Jonathan Emmett Reid

-Species: Vampire Noble

-Title: [True Noblesse]

-Trait: [Nigh-Absolute Immortal] [Superior Adaptation]

-Authority: [Blood (Locked)] [Shadow]

-Skill(s): [Enhanced Condition] [Armed Combat Proficiency] [Firearm Proficiency] [Medicine Art] [Art of Alchemy+] [Blood Awareness] [Shadow Leap] [Shadow Mist] [Shadow Veil] [Blood Claw] [Blood Spear] [Blood Cauldron] [Blood Barrier] [Blood Bind] [Telepathy+] 

-Locked Skill (Earring): [Telekinesis] [Aura Manipulation] [Blood Reign] [Awakening] [Power Sealing] [Soul Weapon: Ragnarok + Soul] [Blood Wings --> Blood Phoenix] [Blood Field: Reality Warping] [Hemokinesis] [Void Hole] [Costume Change]


There it was. [Costume Change]. It was the skill that first made him admire Raizel. The sheer adaptability and functionality it had overshadowed all the other skills he had.

Jonathan had ignored it as his fear of being too weak to protect anyone, let alone himself, overcame him.

He had recently reached a reasonable plateau where he would be able to protect himself and Elisabeth if situations arose unexpectedly. He wasn't arrogant or cocky but confident in his small achievement.

Jonathan didn't become idle after reaching his milestone but instead, took the opportunity to relax and take a breath after almost 3 years of nonstop training and research.

He understood the importance and becoming strong but he never forgot the reason why he sought strength. Becoming powerful wasn't a goal but a means to an end.

Now that he had time, he would try and unlock [Costume Change] to prevent moments like this in the future where he had to walk out of his wife's house like a disgruntled husband who needed to go shower and change somewhere else.

The symbols beside his skills didn't escape his sight either. It had first appeared after he successfully recreated the Tears of Angels serum.

After he noticed it, Jonathan tried to make another serum and felt his skill improve tenfold and the procedures he needed to focus on before had become effortless.

His second attempt took half the time of the first and used 20% less ingredients to complete. This was a huge achievement and Jonathan celebrated as such.

After calming down, he continued making more serums but realized something even crazier. Each and every serum he created had doubled in it's effects and efficiency.

It was then that Jonathan realized that all his skills were not simple and could be improved and evolved.

Jonathan's excitement reached another level when he saw the symbol next to [Telepathy]. He had only unlocked it recently and was still learning its full capabilities. The dark energy seemed to be already working well as he'd hoped, too well even.

His excitement at this discovery was short lived when he remembered Mr. Light saying that his skills were enough to just guarantee his safety.

Did he mean in their base stat or even after they were evolved? From the few shows he'd watched that included supernatural elements, there was nothing that could cause him as much trouble as he imagined but this was the real world and he'd be a fool to believe that everything would be the same and to write off the words of a divine being as paranoia.

Still, Jonathan understood that living in constant fear of the unknown was no way to live. Mr. Light stated that his skills were enough to ensure his safety and that was all he needed. Man's most limited resource was time and he had that in spades.

[A few hours later]

Jonathan steps out of a carriage dressed in a slick black and white suit. His iconic red-lined dark coat and red tie were no where to be seen but he did not look anywhere out of place. He stepped around the carriage and moved towards the left side door. 

Opening the door, Jonathan reached out his hand and it was received by a black gloved hand.

Out of the dark of the carriage emerged Elisabeth in a stunning red evening gown. It was rare occurrence to see her in a gown but Elisabeth did not seem out of her element. 

The sleeveless bodice that shaped her figure closely, emphasized her beautiful physique while the red silk lining complimented her fiery red hair and made her dark red pupils shine. Her red velvet skirt hung behind her as it dragged along the ground and yet, she moved with effortless grace.


All around him, Jonathan could hear the collective gasps of men and women as they watched Elisabeth unveil herself. Jonathan remained stoic as he escorted her with a focused look but internally, he was smiling to himself.

When he had arrived at the Ashbury Mansion, his breath was also taken away by her sight. Even now when he stood beside her, Jonathan couldn't help but be amazed at how beautiful she looked tonight.

They entered The Royale and walked over to their designated seating that John had booked and found his friend's partner already waiting for them.

Not one to linger, Jonathan immediately guided Elisabeth towards the table to make his acquaintance.

"Good evening. Mr Holmes, I presume?"

"That depends... Do I owe you money?" Sherlock asked in return

Stunned by the witty reply, Jonathan froze before he saw Sherlock smirk and stand before introducing himself with a handshake

"Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective. You must be Dr. Reid. Watson talks about you a great deal. By all accounts a great man and Lady Ashbury, your lovely partner" Holmes shook his hand before kissing Elisabeth's

"Although we haven't talked a great deal since we parted ways, in the few letters we've passed since your time with him, John has spoken of you with great admiration and respect. Never once failing to mention your incredible talents"

"The good Doctor may need to get his eyes check but thank you for the kind words. Please, have a seat" Sherlock accepted humbly before gesturing to the seats.

Jonathan moved to Elisabeth's side and pulled out her chair and seating her before going for his own seat. Sherlock observed the loving couple's actions and couldn't help but speak.

"Congratulations on the recent engagement"

"How did you-Ahh I see. Your powers of deduction. John spoke of your skill but seeing them in person is quite the shock. Do tell how you came to that conclusion" Jonathan asked, intrigued

"Well, Lady Ashbury has not stopped rubbing her ring since she arrived and constantly glances at it every chance she gets.

Your very affectionate actions towards each other and the happiness you cannot seem to hide, It became quite clear."

"I don't mean to be rude but surely an itchy finger and some nice manners weren't enough to come to that conclusion" Elisabeth asked, incredulous 

"Individually? of course not, Lady Ashbury. Deductive reasoning is the art of using clues to craft a narrative. Your fidgeting tells me that you are not used to wearing a ring. Whereas others would remove it out of annoyance, you kept glancing at it with smiles in your eye.

Which led me to believe that it was a happy occasion then there is the affectionate actions Dr. Reid is displaying towards you. It is not unusual but he seems to put extra effort into ensuring your comfort.

Obviously, he cares for you very much. When you put these two observations together, you start to build a narrative.

My mind is acutely tuned to creating said narratives. Coupled with my powers of observation and tada! Deductive reasoning"

"Good Evening, Gentlemen, Lady Ashbury" John interrupted, announcing his arrival "I hope Holmes hasn't said anything to offend you"

"I take affront to that accusation. I have been nothing but courteous" Sherlock gasped in mock offense

"He is right, John. A better host you never did see." Jonathan confirmed, smiling

"I see. My apologises, Holmes"

"Apology accepted. The beautiful lady on your arm is the distinguished fiancée, Mary I presume?" Holmes asked

" Miss Mary née Morstan. Governess" John introduced his fiancée

"My, Distinguished is far too generous a title for little old me. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Holmes" Mary blushed slightly

"The pleasure is all mine and I beg to differ, Miss Morstan. The role of educationist is most important in our society. Moulding our futures leaders in their youth is a great responsibility" Sherlock stated

"I must concur with Mr Holmes. Teaching is a noble profession. Be proud of your accomplishments, Miss Morstan" Elisabeth added

"Thank you, Lady Ashbury." Mary accepted graciously

 "Please, call me Elisabeth. May I call you Mary?"

"I would love that. May I call you Elisabeth?" Mary asked, ecstatic

"Of course!" Elisabeth replied

Seeing how quick the women got on and began discussing happily amongst themselves, Watson joined Sherlock and Jonathan in their conversation which seemed equally as interesting.

"A man of science such as yourself must realize that in our world, there are events and situations that cannot be explained. Are you really able to fully disregard the supernatural as a possibility?" Jonathan asked Sherlock

"I believe that we just have not acquired the appropriate research or tools to explain these events. As you said Doctor, I am a man of science and believe in what can be observed. Proof of the supernatural has not precedented itself to me and as such, I find it's existence pointless." Sherlock replied

"So you require proof? What of Lord Blackwood and his dark rituals? Are they not linked to the mystical arts in nature. You observed it first hand, did you not?"

"The mutterings of a mad man. A silly excuse for justifying evil actions. By the way, how did you know about Lord Blackwood?"

"The Evening Print. You covered your face but your build and profession, followed by John's unmistakeable face in the paper was enough to deduce that it was you"

"You learn quick, Dr. Reid." Sherlock extended his glass

"I must have a good teacher" Jonathan clinked his glass before they both drank

"I'm happy to see you two get along. I was worried about Holmes but it would seem that my worries were for naught." Watson spoke, relieved

"You wound me with your words, Watson. Do you really think so little of me?" Sherlock spoke while feigning a hurt look

"My words are backed by experience. I do not speak out of turn. I've known you long enough, Sherlock. Your unpredictable nature is both a blessing and a curse." Watson stated without emotion

"I will take that as a compliment" Sherlock replied, returning to normal at the drop of a hat.

"You've made a very interesting friend, John"

"I pray to God everyday, asking what I did to deserve his presence as a punishment" John joked harmlessly

The night progressed smoothly and everyone enjoyed themselves fully. They ran through a multitude of topics until their recent arrests came up which Jonathan embraced excitedly.

"The arrest of an occultist. Is that a normal occurrence in your profession, Detective?"

"The first of it's kind I've encountered, I'll admit. Evil comes in many forms, Dr. Reid. Lord Blackwood chose the occult as his preferred method but do not make a mistake, Evil is evil, no matter what form it takes."

"I agree but what do you think of his ritual? Did you have any thoughts to the validity of his claims?"

'You seem quite interested in this topic, Dr. Reid. Are you a believer in the occult yourself?" Sherlock asked, curious

"I believe that humans have not existed long enough to draw lines in the sand. We believe that mortals will never soar through the skies like birds but I know of two brothers who have already invented air travel."

"Well, Dr. Reid, I trust your eyes but seeing is believing."

"Sometimes, Detective, you must have faith in things unseen" Jonathan replied

Sherlock opened his mouth to reply but before he could speak, Mary turned to the men and spoke about their own conversation.

"Elisabeth has told me about Mr. Holmes' incredible gifts. I find it hard to believe. Do you mind, Detective?" Mary asked, hopeful

"I don't think that's-" Sherlock says

"I don't know if that's-" John agrees

"Not at dinner-" Sherlock adds

"Perhaps another time?" John suggests

"I insist" Mary states, interrupting them both

"You insist?" Sherlock asked, intrigued

"Holmes! You remember we discussed this befor-"

"The lady insists" Sherlock cuts John off before moving closer to Mary

Mary waited patiently as Sherlock observed her with a wandering eye. Although she had asked to see his skill in action, she could not help but feel as though every secret she held was being seen through with his gaze.

Without a single word spoken, he had already convinced her slightly

"Your student...a boy of 8?" Sherlock asked

"Charlie is 7, actually." Mary corrected, surprised.

"Charlie, huh." Sherlock mused "Then he is tall for his age. He flicked ink at you today"

"Ahh! Is there ink on my face?" Mary asked, amused

"There is nothing wrong with your face" John answered calmly

"There are two drops on your ear, in fact. India Blue is nearly impossible to wash off. A very impetuous act by the boy but you are too experienced to act rashly Which is why the lady for whom you work lent you that" Sherlock continued, pointing at her neck

"Oriental pearls, diamonds, flawless ruby. Hardly the gems of a governess. Ahh but it is the jewel you are not wearing that tell us more"

John looked at Mary apologetically while trying to make eye contact with Sherlock but he knew that once he started, it was nearly impossible for him to stop.

"Holmes!" John tried to intervene, unsuccessfully

"You were engaged. The ring is gone but the lighter skin suggests that you spent some time abroad wearing it proudly until you were informed of it's true, modest worth."

The table's atmosphere became charged with tension as all the joy and merriment felt just a few moments before disappeared.

Jonathan could see Elisabeth becoming uncomfortable and grasped her hand under the table. Although his words were harsh, the truth in them could not be denied as Mary's face became pale as he continued

"At which point you broke off the engagement and returned to England for better... prospects. A doctor, perhaps?" Sherlock finished before being showered in red wine

"Right on all accounts, Mr Holmes apart from one. I didn't leave him, he died." Mary rebutted while put her empty glass down. She turned and apologised to everyone before departing.

John looked at Sherlock with disappointment before giving his farewells as well. He stood up to follow after Mary.

"Well done, old boy" John sighed as he disappeared out of sight

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