Wu Long did not know what that was, but what he could infer was that Nie Changsheng was not exactly a 'natural' born soul. He also thought that the feeling of incongruity that Wu Long felt from seeing him was most likely caused by this.
He did not get this feeling when he looked at Ye Ling or Wu Mengqi, and not even Butler Bang. On the contrary, they gave of a feeling of natural belonging in his world. The only one who gave him this eerie and uncomfortable feeling was the man who had perished in the strike of Heavenly Punishment. Like a foreign entity that did not belong.
"Heh, there's nothing to see here anymore. Sorry for the disturbance"
Wu Long brightly smiled as he turned to the group of heavenly beauties that had now all assembled with worried expressions on their faces.
Hehe XD
Now you know a little more about Hong Ye XD
Some may have noticed an unusual (for the recent me) number of chapters, but that is simply because I can write more so I am, there's no big secret to it other than the fact that I am for some reason that I cannot figure out myself able to write a little more XD
I could theoretically use this chance to stockpile chapters but I prefer to release them, I also have to thank my readers for supporting the novel even when there were few chapters or a few days with no chapters at all. So this is my humble way of doing so. Cheers XD
Thank you all very much for reading, commenting and your great support!!! XD
There is an important announcement in the auxiliary chapter