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23.05% A life with the Author / Chapter 67: Strong enough

Capítulo 67: Strong enough


She going to be taken from me.

Yet I was too far.

Why was I always too far away to save them?




I don't think I can save you Marin.







Thup-dup, Thup-dup, Thup dup.


Thup-dup, Thup-dup, Thup dup ,Thup-dup, Thup-dup, Thup dup.


My heart began beating rapidly. When someone was about to take everything from you, your body finally stopped limiting itself.

Everything. Everything I had was used.

It honestly didn't matter if it hurts. It did not matter if I ripped every muscle in my body. It did not matter if I had to shatter every single bone in my body. It did not matter if every single nerve in my body is being fried.

Men were biologically designed to fight to the death for his mate and children. To make sure his bloodline continue to exist and his genetic is passed on.

Maybe that ancient instinct was triggered by the scene. Maybe I have considered Marin my mate at one point.

I felt stronger than ever.

My heart.

It was beating so fast.

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To achieve bullet time, your heart needs to beat more than 400 times per minute. I felt mine beating 400 times in just six seconds.

Time was not not moving as it should be. It was slow. It crawls.

I see only in tunnel vision. Everything else fades away and I only saw my enemy. The criminal.

He was only a meter away from stabbing Marin when I exploded with inhumane speed.

Adrenaline was coursing through my blood vessels and nothing else mattered except saving her.

In a fraction of a second, I reached them. And when I was up close I was finally able to see the psychotic look of the criminal and Marin's face which was filled with fear and terror.

Two people infront of me yet I focused only on the criminal.

My hatred for him burned with intensity in my heart and my whole focus was on hurting him.

Killing him.

He deserved to die.

I could already picture myself punching him in the head and his head would explode in a gory mess.

He was so close to Marin now. Only few centimeters away.

As I focused only on him I heard the faint scream coming from Marin.




No. The criminal should not come first. Hatred should not come first.

What comes first should be Marin and her safety.

I swiftly changed my focus and launch my hand forward. As the sharp knife was only inches away from Marin's abdomen, I caught it with my bare hands.

The knife swiftly cut through my skin like butter. And when I grabbed it as hard as I could, the sharp edge cut through my muscles and continued to do so until it was lodged into the bone of my palm.

Then it stopped.

The criminal crashed onto me and the knife also stopped an inch away from Marin.

I did it.

Time resumed as normal and exhaustion hit me like a truck. My hand felt like it was inside a lave. It burns.

The sharp edge of the knife was lodged into my bare bone and that sent insane amount of pain to my brain.

My blood was like a fountain. It bleeds out.

"Huh? Why ar-" The criminal was about to say something but my hand forcefully grabbed his face. Successfully cutting off his words and his air.

And the hand I used to grab him was my injured  hand. I had thrown away the knife and now my hand seek vengeance.

He was short and I was tall. He was thin and I was strong. So I easily picked him off the ground and hang him up in the air.

He was being suspended with my hand which was grabbing his face and only his face. He struggled in pain and he was also suffocating.

He tried to breathe but my hand was stopping him and the most he could do was drown in the blood on my hand.

The people gasped as he began screaming. Not in a traditional sense but he seemed to be screaming from the inside of his body as he had no opening left to let the sound out.

He wailed around violently before his body soon got limp. But even when he stopped, I did not stop.

I wanted to kill him.

It was only when Marin hugged me from behind while crying that I lose strength and I let the criminal fall on the ground.

Because she sounded so scared. I didn't want to scare her anymore.

Now my arms coiled around Marin as she buried her face on my chest.

She was so scared.

I hugged her. I hope my embrace was enough to make her feel safe.

It's fine now.

It's fine.



I managed to save you Marin.

Then I heard the police patrolling running towards us. They were screaming and yelling, "Call the Ambulance!!"

"Put the man in cuffs!!"

"Stay away!!"

But I only focused on holding Marin.

My mind had calmed down now and even though that might sound good, it was not. I was finally able to feel the pain throughout my body.

Not only my hand but also on my legs.

The policemen came to us and separated us. Marin was calm now and she was no longer scared.

She was now worried about me.

But I was just glad.

So very glad.

That I was strong enough to stop it.

Stop bad things.


[New skill acquired :-

Bullet time : Intermediate

Details : Depending on the rate of your heartbeat, you increase your physical strength by releasing adrenaline throughout your body. This allows you to use every strength your body could muster and even surpass that for a brief moment,]


PS : The heartbeat 'Thup-dup' was exactly 400.


Author : Well since I had a double huge release you will not get new chapter tomorrow. A small price to pay to not be left on the cliff I think.

I got an eye infection as well, pray for me. My already bad eyesight turned into complete shit but hey, I get to skip class. Everything has a good side.

Anyways if you want to show your support and get 15 early chapters, check out my patreon. The following chapter is crazy~ With confessions and boning mommy.

Patreon Name : Emmanuel_Capricorn.


Website : (change @ = a).


[Link :]

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