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79.8% Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher / Chapter 83: The start of an adventure with a creepy old man

Capítulo 83: The start of an adventure with a creepy old man


The sound of slapping flesh echoed throughout the dull, colorless laboratory

Eyelids twitching, the old grey-haired man slowly came into consciousness

"Hey you. You're finally awake"

An emotionless voice sounded in his ears- the first sentence that he heard after waking up

"You were out cold for while. But don't worry, the surgery was successful"

Came the immediate follow-up. Equal in tone, and without any unnecessary emotion

"Congratulations, you are now a woman"


Groggy and disoriented just after waking up, it took him a moment to understand the meaning of this sentence

Turning his head, he saw the intruder that broke into his facility, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed in front of his chest

Silver hair, blue eyes. He was wearing a black coat-

"You have won" Merlot sighed after a few seconds of silence "There is no need for such a joke, is there?"


The intruder- Adam- clicked his tongue

"Whatever" The silver-haired boy shook his head "I always wanted to try that. Unfortunately, you are too old to have any interesting reactions"

"Yes, quite"

Silence descended upon them




Merlot opened his mouth and started, voice a bit more subdued from previously

"Why did you wake me up? What do you want?"

He asked the intruder in front of him. The young man managed to enter the place where his body was hidden.

The boy surely obtained whatever he wanted from this facility, so there was no reason to stay

"Why do you think I want anything from you?"

The Outsider looked at him with dismissive, half-lidded eyes

"Just get straight to the point" Merlot shook his head "I am old- I am not so easily fooled as some of the youngsters these days"

Again, there was no point in this 'teenager' remaining in this facility.

He possessed mysterious means- one gesture was all it took to make Merlot lose consciousness 

Yet this person stayed and bothered to wake him up? Not only did he not kill him, but he also didn't damage anything in his laboratory except his lab rats

If the Intruder said he didn't want anything, he would be most likely lying

"That is why I like talking to smart people"

The silver-haired boy smiled, propping himself up from the wall

"I want you to make the ultimate creature of Remnant"

Putting his hand in his pockets, he dully said his request- as if talking about something common


Merlot's mind blanked, his mouth agape once again

"Did I stutter?"

The Outsider smirked, his blue eyes glowing with a golden hue

He didn't seem to be joking at all


The old man slowly stood up, his body trembling


He laughed- a crazy, unhinged sound leaving him. His body trembled intensely, struggling to contain himself

His previous subdued tone from defeat was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, all that remained currently was a mad scientist who would do anything to pursue his goal of creating a 'perfect' creature, no matter the cost

"That's a great request" Merlot stopped laughing, yet his smile remained "Surpising- but exceptional nonetheless"

He didn't expect this Intruder to be so interested in his research- even to go so far as to help him create a perfect Grimm-

"I think you misunderstood something"

The silver-haired boy's words interrupted his wild thoughts

"I don't want a 'perfect' Grimm" The teenager looked at him, blue eyes narrowed "I want an ultimate creature created by using every resource available in Remnant"

Now that silenced the old man.  

He did understand that Grimms were great creatures. But they became even better when combined with the advantages of humans

"Don't worry" The boy dismissively waved his hand "I will give you the DNA of every Grimm I encounter- whether Ancient or otherwise."

"However….." The Intruder put a hand under his chin "You should probably incorporate dust as well. Salem exists, and you should know that magic also exists. Making a Grimm with both Aura and Magic should probably count as an 'ultimate creature'"

Merlot went deep in thought

Did the boy in front of him want to combine the DNA of all Grimm, with human and magic, to create something rivaling Salem in power?

No, this Intruder had a lot of mysterious means. Though he wasn't sure, his intuition and experience said that this person wasn't afraid of Salem


"Why are you doing this?" He questioned the seemingly young boy opposite of him "Why help me and support me in this endeavor?"

The silver-haired boy shifted his eyes, turning his body away from the old man

"If I had to say…." The Outsider walked past him- his direction towards the exit door "I am curious about what such a creature would look like…. And I want data"


The boy stopped just a step away from the exit, turning his head towards Merlot

"Yes, Data" He spoke slowly "I will observe how you create this Grimm, the methods you will use, and the results"

The boy turned his head, resuming his walk with a brisk pace

"I could probably learn something from this project. It may be useful for future reference"

- Were the young man's final words, echoing throughout the laboratory

And as Merlot watched the intruder leave, he had to suppress another bout of crazy laughter that threatened to spill out of his throat

This 'young man' regarded the process of creating an ultimate creature as mere data, and the final result as something that could be used for future reference?! What an interesting person! And this 'Outsider' was probably even more crazy than him!




Exiting the lab and flying back to Menagerie, Adam sighed

Raising his right hand, he opened his palm, revealing what was hidden in his grip

It was a small robot, slightly smaller than his palm. It had the shape of a spider, a metallic color within it, and blue electrical lights in its eyes

"Why did you give me a robot?" 

The silver-haired boy deadpanned at the spider on his palm


With an electric sound, the robotic spider jerked, seemingly coming alive

"Spiders are quite interesting creatures, you know?"

An aged, rough voice sounded from within the spider, transmitting the voice of the previous hostile scientist

"They are small arachnids, with eight limbs, special sensory organs on their legs, and they can sense vibrations through the air" Came the immediate reply of Merlot

"See? Aren't they the perfect animals for infiltration?"


He didn't reply, only raising an eyebrow at the robot, knowing very well that the person operating could see his expression

"That is why I have based this robot on a spider!"

Merlot enthusiastically followed up with his previous statement

"That is good and all" Adam rolled his eyes "But why did you give me a robot?"

It wasn't as if he minded. He has already corrupted this robot already. Merlot can only hear and see whatever Adam wants him to see, so privacy still exists

"Isn't it obvious?"

A slightly sarcastic voice was his answer

The silver-haired boy's lips twitched "No"

"Tsk, it's for more in-depth research and better communication, obviously!" Merlot explained in a peculiar tone, as if saying that this was 'Too obvious' and needed no explanation

"I have equipped this robot with several tools that could help in taking samples and researching Grimm" The old man behind the spider paused "It has many tools that could prove useful in this 'quest' of yours"

Oh, this guy was indeed right. Adam wanted to travel to all Remnant, and because that in itself is too boring, he also decided to see each Ancient Grimm and collect some samples of them as a side project

It was too troublesome to research them, though. And since there was already a mad scientist with a lot of resources obsessed with Grimm, then why not use him?


"Is that all?"

The silver-haired boy inquired in a knowing tone, eyebrow still raised


Merlot became silent

"Hm….." He replied hesitantly after a second "I haven't gone outside in quite a long time, so it would be nice to see some different terrain along the way"


"What? I have been cooped up in this lab for so long! Even as a mad scientist, I still need a change of scenery occasionally-!"

"Fine, fine, I get it"

Adam hurriedly interrupted the rambling old man, lips twitching in amusement at how this guy changed his tune so suddenly

Wasn't he an evil mad scientist before? 

Why does he seem like an isolated old man now? 

'Don't tell me this guy suddenly got lonely?'


Maybe finding someone who supported him in his research mellowed him out. And Adam proposing new ideas might have made this old man more amiable and open to discussion 

But well, the silver-haired boy didn't mind.

This change of character was more comfortable for him, as he wouldn't have to deal with a creepy villain who would monologue about all of his plans of creating a 'perfect' Grimm or something similar

Besides, maybe it would be nice for a change to have someone native to this world to talk to. And perhaps his more in-depth knowledge will make this trip more enjoyable

Merlot was also a mad scientist, so Adam didn't need to hide his purpose, and neither did he have to restrain himself


…..When he goes back to the honkai world, he might just have to negotiate with the World Serpent. 

And maybe Adam could convince Gray Serpent to allow him to talk to his 'mother'?

'Huh, flirting with the mother of Gray Serpent sounds exciting'

Adam pursed his lips, his thoughts running a bit rampant and going off-course




Adam sat alone at a small, wrought-iron table outside the quaint corner café, his hands cradling a warm cup of coffee. 

The morning sun cast a gentle glow over the cobblestone street, illuminating the scene with a golden hue.

He watched as life unfolded around him—passersby with various animal appendages hurried by, lost in their own worlds, while a couple laughed over shared pastries at a nearby table

The air was filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. 

As he took a slow, thoughtful sip, the silver-haired boy felt the soothing warmth spread throughout his body, his eyes darting around his surroundings

"I don't get it. Why do you observe these…animals so much?"

Merlot's spider robot, perked on his shoulder stared at Adam with a blank expression, evident from his voice- his brow was furrowed as he tried to make sense of the conversation they were having. 

The two of them stood in a cafe near the edge of a bustling marketplace, where humans and Faunus mingled freely, their interactions a testament to the fragile peace they had worked so hard to achieve.

Adam chuckled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Huh, didn't take you for a racist."

The robot's spider limbs made a gesture- as if shrugging "They do exhibit traits of animals, so it is not entirely wrong to call them as such."

"Haaah" A sigh escaped the boy's lips as he turned his gaze back to the scene before them. "I just… feel a bit relieved seeing them living so freely in peacetime."

"What are you talking about?" The voice of the mad scientist coming from within the robot deepened "Although some people are racist, and they face some discrimination because of the White Fang, they still have equal rights, and most don't suffer."

He paused, studying Adam's face for any hint of his true feelings. "Besides, I don't take you for someone who would care—whether they are humans or Faunus. So why are you concerned about them?"

Truly, the silver-haired boy was strangely detached…. As if this world and the surroundings had nothing to do with him

"You want to know my purpose…?" A rare, almost wistful smile crossed Adam's features. "Ah, but Merlot…. Without love, it cannot be seen."


The robotic spider's shining blue 'eyes' flickered- as if taken aback by the unexpected response. 

The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken thoughts and questions.

Finally, the curiosity-driven old man broke it. "That doesn't answer my question."

The silver-haired boy's expression hardened, a familiar edge returning to his voice. "Tch, you have witches here, and yet you haven't heard of this quote?"

No, his voice didn't have an edge- it was just pure sarcasm


The spider tilted its head, baffled. 

"What are you talking about?"


Merlot received no answer to his question


His confusion only grew as he stared at the boy, waiting for a clearer explanation.

Adam's cryptic words gnawed at his curiosity, but he could see there was a deeper meaning hidden beneath the surface

Perhaps it was a hint hidden- something that would bring sudden enlightenment and could help him in his research

"You know, Merlot," The silver-haired 'man' began, turning away from the marketplace to face the robotic spider on his shoulder directly

"The quote is about seeing things through the lens of love and understanding. But you—" He smirked  "—you might understand it better through a different perspective."

Still not grasping the Outsider's point, he asked "And what perspective is that?"

The scientist's frowning voice had a hint of impatience


"Think more deeply about the Faunus" Adam's eyes gleamed with a strange intensity. "Their strength, their adaptability. Now, imagine harnessing that power—using their DNA to create something entirely new. A chimera, if you will."

That was what the silver-haired boy was currently doing- spreading an airborne virus that infected the surrounding Faunus.

It remained in their bodies, copying their DNA and analyzing it

"A chimera?" Merlot echoed, his interest piqued despite his initial confusion.

"Yes," Adam continued, his voice lowering conspiratorially. 

"Combine the best traits of all Faunus. Strength, agility, senses beyond any single species. Create a being with their unique qualities, a perfect hybrid. And then…" His tone was full of temptation, like the devil wanting to cause a mortal to sin "-Merge it with the Grimm or one of your other creations…. And in the end, combine it with the 'ultimate creature' I suggested"


In his laboratory, Merlot's eyes widened as the idea took root in his mind. The possibilities were endless, the scientific breakthroughs unimaginable.

His initial reservations melted away, replaced by a burgeoning excitement. 

"That... that could change everything," He murmured.

He had never thought of using Faunus DNA to create Grimm. And now, he wanted to slap his past self for being so narrow-minded

All of Grimm- Ancient or otherwise, combined with human DNA, sprinkled with a bit of magic, and a chimera of all Faunus….

"How terrifying would such a creature be?"

Merlot couldn't help but get excited at the mere thought


"Exactly" Adam nodded, his expression one of satisfaction  "While you see them as mere animals, their true potential lies in what they can become— of what you can create from them."

"But-" Merlot hesitated, a question still lingering on his mind "Why would you suggest this? What do you gain from it? What is the benefit of watching them?"

'Copying their DNA and getting more data, obviously' A part of him wanted to answer like that, just to see this old man's reaction


"I have my reasons." Adam's gaze turned cold, his voice devoid of the earlier warmth. "Let's just say that watching them live freely has its moments of… clarity. Occasionally immersing myself in worldly affairs has its upsides"

He had to act the part-

And besides, that wasn't entirely a lie. From the moment the silver-haired boy came to Remnant, he felt strangely detached- as if this trip was just an illusionary journey, as if he could do whatever he wanted

However… When he came to Menagerie, he felt a lot of strange feelings he shouldn't be feeling. It emerged contradictions in his heart, and he felt at a loss on what to do

Immersing himself like this in ordinary matters of this world is quite an effective way to stop these detached thoughts and contradictions

Or perhaps it was a placebo effect…. But hey, it is better than waiting to go back to the Honkai world to cuddle Kiana and flirt with Mei

That method would surely work- it would dissipate all of the 'baggage' of Remnant…. But a temporary 'anchor' should be enough

…. After all, seeing this world as nothing but a mere 'anime' he watched would do him no good. 

Adam didn't have this problem in the honkai world, but here, where he knew that he could do anything he wanted and no one could stop him…. Well, at least he had self-control, otherwise, he might just speedrun this world, kill many people, and steal many things

He wasn't stopping himself from doing these things because of 'morality', but it was just that…..

There was no hurry, nothing was pressuring him. So why not take his time and enjoy this trip to another world?

It was a unique experience. It is highly probable that he will never again visit Remnant, so why not experience this world to the fullest?

"Alright. I see your point. This could indeed be revolutionary."

The voice of his 'partner' interrupted his deep musings

Evidently, the scientist in Merlot couldn't resist the allure of the idea any longer. He nodded, more to himself than to Adam. 

"The future is waiting to be created." Adam tapped on the spider with his finger "Then let's stop the chit-chat, and get to work."


As they walked away from the bustling marketplace, the sun casting long shadows behind them, Merlot's mind buzzed with the possibilities. 

He could almost see the 'ultimate creature' in his mind's eye, a creature born of Faunus, Humans, Grimm, and magic- it would be a testament to his genius and ambition. 

And though he didn't fully trust Adam's motivations, he couldn't deny the inspiration he had provided.

In the depths of his mind, Merlot knew he was about to embark on a project that would push the boundaries of what was considered possible in this world.

But for now, all that mattered was the thrill of creation, the promise of a new dawn in the realm of genetic engineering, and the creation of a 'perfect' creature







So, everyone's great friend GPT helped a lot in this chapter

I personally feel like it turned out alright. I am not great at describing places and people, so I have to compansate somehow

But well, what do you think?

By the way, this was ,again, a larger chapter than usual, so it should somehow compansate for my inadequate upload schedule

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