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76.47% Marvel: King of Winter / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Lizardman vs. Ice Colussus'

Capítulo 12: Chapter 12: Lizardman vs. Ice Colussus'

August 8th, 1999

Earth - ?????????

Jack's Skyscraper, New York.

After exiting his [Infinity Castle] dimension, Jack made his way home. Today, he was going to meet his mother for some back to school shopping.

After finding his mother finishing up Shang-Chi and Xu Xialings Ta-Lo lessons, they debated on where to shop. Jack didn't mind shopping in Beijing, but his mother insisted that they go to New York as she wanted to get groceries for Jack's loft.

Finally relenting, Jack made a portal to his [Infinity Dimension] and took his mother to the top floor of his skyscraper.

"So, where would you like to shop for your school clothes?," Ying Li asked Jack.

Stumped, Jack replied, "I'm good with basically anything."

Ying Li frowned at Jack. Walking over to his walk-in closet in his bedroom, she said, "Well, let's see what we have to work with."

Seeing the inside of Jack's closet, Ying Li was stunned. Jack only had several sets of black training robes and a few pairs of black pants and shirts. Looking around the closet for another 20 seconds, she said with a creased brow, "Jack, are these your only clothes?"

Scratching the back of his head, Jack said, "Well, I've basically only been training for the past 8 or so years of my life. Training robes and some spare shirts and pants are all I really need. I've also been growing a lot, so having simple clothes will do."

Ying Li was shocked. Recalling all the times she has been with Jack, he's been in black training robes or simple shirts and pants every time she's spent time with him. She usually didn't think much of it as he's been training all his life and it's been the norm, but seeing his wardrobe filled with only training robes and single colored shirts brought some guilt into her heart.

With that in mind, she said, "We'll hit up all the luxury clothing stores in New York to update your school wardrobe. You can't be running around in training robes all day at your new school, after all." As Ying Li explained to Jack, she seemed to get more and more energetic with the idea of shopping for clothes.

Jack suddenly felt a coldchill go down his spine.

Pulling Jack by the arm, she dragged him to the skyscrapers underground parking lot. Jack now towered over his mother, standing at 6'1, while she was barely 5'9, so he was really letting her drag him.

Hopping in a brand new Audi, they hit up every luxury store in New York. Watches, shirts, sweatshirts, suits, pants, and shoes. Making several stops back at the skyscraper, they finally were making their last trip in Williamsburg.

Jack was extremely tired mentally. Although nothing was wrong with him physically, having to lug around bags and become his mother and female employees' dress-up doll seriously took a toll on his mentality.

Jack was currently in an awkward phase in his new life. He was mentally over 100+ years old, yet he was trapped in a 15 year old's body. His mother loved the attention he got from the younger girls, but she scowled whenever a woman over the age of 20 came near him; the exact opposite of what Jack wanted. Jack lamented inwardly for every girl his mother chased away from him.

"We should hang a sign on your back saying, '15 years old'," his mother said with a pout, walking into the Gucci store with his arm in tow.

"Okayyyyy mom," Jack said with a tired drawl.

Going up to the store's main counter, a beautiful blonde hair teen girl was working on a mountain high stack of paperwork. His mother waited for about 5 seconds before tapping on the counter, startling the girl.

"Do you think you could help my son and I find some suitable clothes?," Ying Li said in an easygoing tone.

"Sorry ma'am! I was just working on my internship papers. I'll help you right away." Quickly standing up, the girl knocked her paperwork off the counter, however she quickly reacted and caught most of the falling papers in her hand, she then quickly ducked behind the counter to pick up the rest.

Jack and Ying Li both bent down to help her pick up the papers after getting over their shock at her reflexes.

"So, you're working on an internship? You must be very smart," Jack said in surprise after getting all the papers together. Looking at the few papers that were filled with equations and symbols he had no idea the use for, he was genuinely surprised that a teen girl could understand all of it.

The girl looked up and took her first good look at Jack. A beautiful face, ice blue eyes, pure white hair, a sculpted body, and perfect teeth that seemed to sparkle in the light.

Seeing the girl ogling her son, Ying Li was inwardly smirking while feeling proud.

Feeling awkward, Jack stood up and held out a hand to the girl, pretending like she didn't just completely ignore his question.

"My name's Jack, Jack Frost. What's yours?," Jack asked with a smile.

"N-n-name's Gwen. Gwen Stacy, it's nice to meet you, Jack," the girl said with a blush while brushing a strand of hair behind her ear after Jack pulled her up by the hand.

Stunned after hearing the famous heroines name, Jack said inwardly, "[A.I. Chip], please scan Gwen's overall attributes."

[Ding! Command Received! Scanning...]

[Name: Gwen Stacy

Race: Human/Spider Hybrid

Age: 17


Strength: 120.3

Physique: 130.5

Vitality: 130.2

Soul: 25.5

Energy: 130.5/130.5

Innate Talents:

Spider Physiology: Grants the user super-human strength, speed, stamina, durability, equilibrium, and reflexes.

Spider Sense: Grants the user a sixth sense that allows you to sense incoming danger.

Wall Crawling: Mentally control the flux of interatomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers.]

After getting over his shock, he was genuinely impressed with Gwens' stats. She looks like she can't even bench 130lbs, let alone the 8 tons she's capable of lifting. Before he could think more about the implications of Gwen Stacy working in a Gucci store, he felt a slap on his shoulder.

"Quit staring at the poor girl and greet her back," his mother said under her breath.

Feeling embarrassed, he looked at the blushing girl and said, "Sorry, it's nice to meet you as well, Gwe-," before he could finish his sentence, Jack and the two women suddenly heard distant screams of terror and destruction.

Gwen suddenly ran directly to the window and took a peek outside. She immediately said, "Sorry, gotta go home, I'm telling my boss im clocking out, it was nice to meet you Jack!," Gwen yelled while running to the back of the store's office after scrambling to get all her research papers packed up.

Ignoring the fleeing girl for now, Ying Li and Jack both went up to the store's window to see what was going on. Ying Li was horrified by what she saw, and Jack suddenly had a solemn face.

Rampaging down the street was a giant Lizardman that Jack estimated to be around 12'5. It was chasing after a fleeing police car while simultaneously crushing cars that got in its way. People were screaming in terror while running away from their vehicles.

A man in a spider costume could be seen chasing the Lizardman with a fleet of around 200 police cruisers hot on their tails.

Doing a quick scan with his [A.I. Chip], he became even more solemn.

[Ding! Command Received! Scanning...]

[Name: Curtis Connors

Race: Human/Lizard Hybrid

Age: 43


Strength: 845.3

Physique: 825.5

Vitality: 8,020.2

Soul: 100.5

Energy: 825.5/825.5

Innate Talents:

Lizard Physiology: Grants the user super-human strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes.

Wall Crawling: Hands secrete a substance that allows for sticking on walls.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Able to consume energy to heal all wounds. Regrowing limbs and healing fatal wounds is possible.]

[Name: Peter Parker

Race: Human/Spider Hybrid

Age: 16


Strength: 150.3

Physique: 150.0

Vitality: 160.2

Soul: 81.5

Energy: 150.0/150.0

Innate Talents:

Spider Physiology: Grants the user super-human strength, speed, stamina, durability, equilibrium, and reflexes.

Spider Sense: Grants the user a sixth sense that allows you to sense incoming danger.

Wall Crawling: Mentally control the flux of interatomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers.]

Brought out of his thoughts by the scene unfolding before him, he was stunned when he saw his mother about to run outside to help the now flipped over police cruiser that was on top of a family van.

Although he still couldn't read her stats, he knew she'd be no match for the Lizardman. Grabbing her arm, he said, "Let me take care of this.".

She turned around and was about to reproach Jack, but she saw the serious look in his eyes. Finally nodding at him, Jack let go of her arm.

Seeing the Lizardman approaching the cars with the screaming Spider-Man in the background, he used [Cryokinetic Perception] and [Cryokinesis] to open two portals 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide next to the family van and police cruiser.

Feeling his connection with Rook and Warden, he immediately commanded them to kill the Lizardman with a cold resolve.

As they received the telepathic command, the two 13 foot tall ice-black armored giants stepped out of the portals to assess their surroundings for the first time since their creation. They then locked their ice blue eyes with the one their creator wanted destroyed.

"What ar-" Before the red-eyed Lizardman could finish his sentence, Rook suddenly took a sharp and fast step with his left foot in the Lizardmans direction; causing the pavement beneath his foot to explode and frost over. With his left hand in the guard position covering the left side of his head, he used his right foot to pivot and swing his right elbow upward with extreme force, connecting his elbow directly with the Lizardmans chin.

The force from the upward elbow caused every tooth in the Lizardman's mouth to crack. His jaw was driven up into his skull, causing his oval head to shrink inward. Blood came out of his mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. The blood droplets that came spraying out froze and tinkled when they hit the ground while the excess blood was frozen onto his scaled skin.

An audible crack could be heard from the Lizardmans back neck, jaw, and skull. With a shockwave, every window in the vicinity exploded. The Lizardmen was launched upward and flew about 50 feet into the air before crumbling back to the ground.

Warden meanwhile was creating ice walls and structures around cars with occupants in them using [Cryokinesis], saving them from the devastation Rook wrought upon the Lizardman.

Having done that, Warden took his place next to Rook, waiting to see what this odd creature would do next.

Audible clicks and cracks could be heard coming from the Lizardmans destroyed facial features and head. His round head snapped back into its original oval shape. It stood up and opened its mouth to roar at the two giants, the teeth in its mouth regrowing at an unbelievable rate.

Before the Lizardman could close its mouth from the roar, Rook suddenly leapt forward and used his right foot as a pivot to send his tree trunk sized left leg into the side of the Lizardmans right knee cap; delivering a devastating Muay Thai kick.

*POP* A sudden pop immediately sounded out. The Lizardman let out an inhumane shriek after collapsing in on itself. Its right leg is now mangled, but it was repairing fast. Before the Lizardman could react, he noticed the other giant rushing at him.

Warden seeing Rook deliver that kick and the Lizardman going down on its knee, it didn't waste time and ran at the Lizardman with thundering steps. Suddenly jumping up, Warden delivered a devastating right knee strike directly to the Lizardman trachea.

With a spray of frozen blood droplets, the Lizardmans neck exploded, nearly decapitating it completely.

Warden and Rook then started circling the fallen Lizardman like sharks, making sure it was dead from that devastating knee strike that nearly decapitated the creature. Unfortunately, the Lizardmans neck started repairing itself at an ungodly speed.

Rook and Warden suddenly started to send out ice blasts and rays from their hands with [Cryokinesis]. Rook and Warden were slowing down the rate of recovery of the Lizardman extremely fast, but the neck could still be seen recovering at an unnatural rate.

Rook decided to end this and was going to release a devasting right hook to the Lizardmans neck to decapitate it, but the Lizardman suddenly let out a blood curdling screech from its mangled throat and ran at Rook and tackled him to the ground. The Lizardman then picked up Rook from the ground, and body slammed him into the pavement; causing some of Rooks back to explode into ice fragments. The Lizardman then started to drag Rook towards the police barricade, with nearly 300 police cars blocking off the intersections and evacuating the fleeing civilians.

Rook started sending multiple punches to the Lizardmans midsection with both hands with his legs wrapped around his waste to no avail. Even with the ice-cold energy he was emitting from his fists, it only slowed down the Lizardmans agility and healing factor somewhat.

Warden was still sending ice blasts and rays at the Lizardmans back while also saving the occupants in the flipped over cars. Seeing the scared police officers, Warden suddenly lifted up both of his hands. At first, nothing happened, but the manhole covers all across the street burst open with water sprouts. Warden then slammed his fists to the ground, making the water sprouts erect a giant ice wall, blocking off the incoming Lizardman and Rook from the squishy mortals.

After Rook and the Lizardman collided with the ice wall, the police on the other side jumped back in fear when they saw a crack go all the way up the ice wall.

The Lizardman let out a cry of rage and was sending claw strikes and punches to the prone Rook who was guarding his body with his two arms and wrists.

The Lizardman suddenly overextended his right arm in a strike, missing Rook and striking the ground. Rook took this chance to wrap his left leg under and over the Lizardmans right arm; he now had his left foot resting directly underneath the Lizardmans somewhat mangled neck. Rook then reached his left hand over the Lizardmans head to grasp his left foots toes; trapping the Lizardmans head in a Gogoplata hold. Rook then used his right hand to apply pressure to his left foots heel, crushing the Lizardmans neck.

The Lizardman understanding it's been put into a bad position suddenly started using its free right hand to desperately strike and claw at Rook.

Feeling annoyed, Rook used his right hand that was applying pressure to his heel to hold the Lizardmans striking arm. The Lizardman let out a quick breath of relief, but it was short-lived when Rook suddenly shifted his right leg inward and upward, replacing his right hand as a pressure point on his left foots heel with his right leg instead.

Sending all the power upward and inward, Rook was trying to rip the head off the Lizardman.

Seeing the sizzling skin and ripping flesh sinew of the screaming Lizardman, Rook suddenly let out the first chuckle since his creation.

Feeling the head about to pop off, Rook suddenly saw Warden approaching from the back with a giant greatsword made of ice.

Getting what Warden wanted, Rook pulled the Lizardmans face more inward so that the back of his ripped neck had a better view for Warden.

Warden suddenly hefted his greatsword up and brought it down upon the Lizardmans mangled neck, decapitating it instantly.

With Rook still having the Lizardmans head in a Gogoplata hold, it suddenly flew out of his grasp after being decaptiated, hitting a car windshield about 40 feet away.

With the lifeless body then falling on top of Rook, he pushed it off himself and took Wardens' outstretched hand, standing up.

Warden and Rook then took a survey of their surroundings. Ice domes and constructs could be seen everywhere. Crushed cars and dead people could also be found. Looking past the ice wall Warden created, they looked upon the dumbfounded faces of the NYPD. Spider-Man could be seen standing next to George Stacy along with another woman dressed in a white and black spider costume with a hood.

Warden and Rook ignored them and lifted both their hands in the air, causing the ice constructs all throughout the devastated street to melt. The humans and cars inside these ice domes and constructs had no damage done to them, although they were shivering due to the low temperature.

Seeing the ice wall that was separating the two giants from them melt, the NYPD started to get nervous, pointing their guns readily at the two giants.

"DON'T SHOOT UNLESS THEY SHOW HOSTILE INTENT!," George Stacy yelled to his men. His men couldn't even handle the Lizardman, let alone the two that took him out with ease.

Looking at the NYPD and the two spider people, Warden and Rook completely ignored them after finding no danger coming from them and getting the command to not harm them from Jack.

Rook started waddling over to the decaptiated head of the Lizardman as the ice chunks that were knocked off himself in the scuffle were magically repairing themselves at nearly the same rate as the Lizardman recovered.

Rook walked past some terrified civilians and picked up the Lizardman's head, stuffing it underneath his arm, and walked back over to Warden.

As Warden was about to pick up the decapitated body and leave, they suddenly started to hear cheering.

Looking around, Rook and Warden saw civilians pouring out of the buildings all across the street.

At first, the civilians were scared, but seeing that they weren't harming anyone, the first brave soul ran outside and yelled, "THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!"

This caused a chain reaction. Hundred of civilians poured outside and started clapping and cheering for Warden and Rook; even some of the police officers started cheering after they killed the beast that killed so many of their own.

Warden and Rook had no idea what to do. Suddenly, Rook took the head of the Lizardman and hefted it up in the air cockily. This seemed to ignite the crowd. Even more cheers were sounding out after this display.

Jack, looking at this from the distance, couldn't help but face palm and shake his head. His mother was just looking on with a wide mouth and shocked eyes.

Suddenly, a black haired beauty with a mic and a camera crew ran up to Rook and Warden.

"Hello! Saviors of New York, I am Cindy Moon with the Daily Bugle. You saved this city from untold destruction today. Do you have anything to say?," the beautiful black haired woman said as she was extending her right arm all the way upward to get the mic near their t-visors. Although she seemed intimidated by the two giants, she still decided to take the risk after seeing them not harm any civilians.

Rook and Warden looked at each other. After about 15 seconds of silence, they said:

"I am Rook."

"I am Warden."

Waiting for more, Cindy Moons lip started to twitch after realizing that's all they had to say. Deciding to ask a crucial question, she said, "What are you guys? Are you humans or mutants?".

Rook and Warden looked at each other again and scratched their helmets. Nodding at each other again after 10 seconds, they said:

"I am Rook."

"I am Warden."

Cindy's lips twitched even more.

After seeing them make fools of themselves, Jack commanded them to pick up the Lizardmans remains and be ready for transport.

As Rook already had the head, Warden slung the decapitated body over his shoulder. Walking over to the cleared intersection, they stood side by side amidst the cheering crowd. Suddenly, a large ice portal opened up beneath them, making them fall through with the Lizardmans corpse.

The people around were stunned. Although they've seen some crazy shit and Captain America being a thing, they still have never seen a portal open up and swallow somebody. After getting over their shock, they continued to cheer for Rook and Warden.

Jack suddenly let out a breath of relief. That was until he heard his mother say, "Hmmm, Jack? Hiding things from your mother? How come I've never seen this Rook or Warden? I think we'll need a long talk when we get home.".

Looking up at his smiling mother, Jack resigned himself for whatever punishment may come.


August 8th, 1999

Earth - ?????????

1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York.

In a room underneath an oppulant mansion sat a bald headed man in a wheel chair. On his head was a metal helmet. In front of this man sat a giant monitor with multiple buttons and levers. Behind the man was a light skin beauty with long silver hair and stormy eyes.

Suddenly, a giant red, 'Alert', appeared on the oversized monitor. A computerized female voice then sounded out, saying, "Discovery. Mutant signature. The first detection in this vicinity. Extrapolation Complete. Idenitity Confirmed. Name, Jack Frost. Residence, New York. Age, 15. Mutant classification: Omega." As the voice was sounding out, a boy that appeared to be 18 appeared on the monitor dressed in designer clothing with an impeccable physique and looks.

Charles and the woman behind him were both completely stunned after processing this information and seeing the young mutant. Charles thought this young man had the perfect looks to become an X-Men and spread mutant positivity. Ororo was stunned knowing the young man on the screen had Omega level powers.

Charles and Ororo sat still and contemplated the ramifications of this new mutant. After about 3 minutes, Charles suddenly said with a smirk, "Ororo, get the Blackbird ready. Get Jean and young Emma to come along as well; the four of us will recruit this young mutant.".

"Yes, sir!," the beautiful silver haired woman said with a straight face.


August 8th, 1999

Earth's Orbit - ?????????

Asteroid M.

A man with a magenta helmet on could be seen in a thinking position on a throne that overlooked earth. Breaking out of his musings when someone broke into his throne room, he said, "Callisto... this better be important."

"Yes, Magneto. I felt a mutant energy wave at least on par with an Omega in New York," The woman with a tattoo on her face said as she knelt to the ground submissively.

Magneto suddenly stood up and said, "Ready the jet, and bring Wanda along. The three of us will recruit this Omega."

With a wave of his cape, Magneto marched out of his throne room towards the hangar bay as Callisto went to find Wanda. Looking over his recently built asteroid, Magneto was extremely satisfied with what he has accomplished.

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