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Capítulo 22: Regrets R-18

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


Knock Knock

While Feng was in his office looking through some papers for the Workshop, there was a knock on the door. 

"Enter." Feng said as he took his gaze of the paper he was reading and looked at Fire Dance who just entered "What's up?" He asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.

Fire hesitated for a moment, before she seemed to have came to a decision. A serious expression appeared on her face as she said "Feng, we need to talk."

'Here we go.' Feng sighed, knowing where this was going and what she wanted to talk about. He decided to try to stop her "Fire, listen-"

"No, since you don't want to address it, I'll do the talking, then. You listen." Fire immediately interrupted him.

'I think this is the first time she has ever refuted me.' Feng sighed again 'I guess she's seriously not letting it go this time.' Seeing Fire's stern expression, Feng knew there was no point in trying to avoid the subject again. They'll need to talk about this at some point anyway, so might as well let it be now. 

Seeing that Feng didn't try to stop her again, Fire became relived. If Feng was insistent on dropping the subject, she wouldn't know what to do. Fire opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly realized she didn't know how to say it.

'Shit. I should have thought of what to say first.' Fire didn't really have a plan. All she knew was that the obvious feelings she had for Feng needed to be addressed. But she hadn't thought this far ahead. She immediately regretted being impulsive and not thinking of anything before she came in here. 

Feng saw the predicament Fire was in, and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I think it's pretty obvious by now that I like you." After a moment of thought, Fire decided to simply say whatever was on her mind "Although I don't know when, I know you figured out how I feel about you, and not just me. You know how the other girls feel as well, but for some reason you chose to simply ignore it and pretended to be dense, avoiding all of our advances."

Feng was surprised by this revelation. He felt that he had played dumb quite well.

"You did play dumb very well. In fact, your act was flawless, and we even fell for it for a while" Fire said as if she knew what Feng was thinking about "But that's the thing, you're not dumb. You're one of the smartest people I know. So, if even the people around us could tell that we liked you, there was no way you, the recipient of all of our hints and affection, didn't realize it already." There was a hint of frustration in Fire's voice when she said that. 

"I had planned to just confront you about it when I realized you were being dense on purpose, but Aqua suddenly called in a group meeting with all of us. After talking for a bit, we realized why you might have been playing dumb. Either the situation in Zero Wing at the time, or you didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling by being with one and rejecting the rest, or both; though, now I see what another reason is." Feng was completely stunned now. He had never thought that he had been seen through to this point. 

"Thus, we decided to postpone our competition and stopped trying anything until the situation stabilizes a bit and the guild wasn't in danger anymore. If you still continued to ignore our advances because you didn't want to ruin the relationships between us by that point, we..." Fire stopped for a second to take a deep breath and continued with helplessness in her voice "...We came to an agreement that, since you refuse to choose, we'll all simply be with you."

Fire's words truly caught Feng of guard. He had originally thought that they stopped trying to make moves on him and seduce him either because they thought he really wasn't getting them or realized the reasons he was ignoring them, or maybe they simply lost interest in him. So, their secret agreement was completely out of his expectations, to the point he doubted if Fire was telling the truth. 

He didn't think that he was anywhere near impressive enough for multiple women to agree to share him, let alone that there were those among them who were too prideful for that, like Gentle Snow. It was a part of the reason the thought of having them all at once never even crossed his mind. 

Seeing the doubt in Feng's eyes, Fire simply smiled "Feng, I think you underestimate how much you truly meant to all of us. Although none of us really wanted it to come to that, we were still willing if it meant you stopped ignoring how we feel about you. I actually didn't really care if I had to share as long as I could be with you, and wanted to tell you immediately, but the others said we should wait until Zero Wing is strong enough for us to have time for stuff like that. Unfortunately, we never got the chance." Fire finished recounting what happened in the previous timeline and started approaching Feng. 

"I talked to Violet about it yesterday, and she says we should at least wait until you return the others' memories before we make a decision on how to proceed,... but I disagree" She stopped in front of Feng and looked him in the eyes, making her intention obvious. 

Feng started thinking on how to tactfully reject Fire, because he wasn't sure if him being with Fire and the other girls was a good idea. He should at least wait until all of the girls memories are returned before making a decision, but Fire's words interrupted his thoughts. 

"While I was dying, I never regretted following you or sacrificing myself to try and save you, or any other decision I made in my life, not even once. The only thing I regretted was not telling you how I felt." Fire looked downwards, and Feng was unable to see her expression, until she looked back up at him with a resolute face "I never want to feel that type of regret ever again, so even if you reject-" 

"Nothing like that is going to happen ever again," Feng finally interrupted her confession "I'm not going to let anything like that ever happen again. To me, to you, or to anyone else. I promise you that. And anyone who caused us suffering in the past will pay for it." Feng continued in complete seriousness. His voice firm and resolute, like his words were the truth and the universe didn't get an opinion on the matter. 

"I know," Fire's smile returned when she heard Feng, secretly feeling delighted inside "But I don't want to regret anything anymore. If you still have other reasons you can't be with me, just say them, and we'll think of something." Her smile grew wider. While Feng was deep in thought, she used the chance to press her body against his "Unless you just want to be a monk." 

Feng shook his head with a smile at Fire's joke. Of course, he had no intention of being a monk. In fact, he had been considering what to do about Fire's and the other girls' feelings in his previous life. He always though he'd figure it out after he no longer needed to worry about Zero Wing and their overall safety, but now, he saw unsure if that time will come in the near future, and if he keeps reincarnating every ten years, it will probably never happen.

The problem with him not knowing anything about his reincarnation, especially if it will keep repeating, is something that's been bugging Feng for a long time. Although he had ignored it, and just chose not to question it, that wasn't because he wanted to, but simply because he couldn't. Even after using all of the sources he gained later on to gather any information or leads on what caused it, he ended up with nothing. So, in order to not stress himself out about it, he ended up ignoring it and distracting himself with other things. 

However, if he keeps reincarnating like this every ten years, then there was no point in waiting for things to settle down. 

There were five main reasons Feng had ignored how Fire and the others feel about him.

The first, he didn't want to distract himself or them from getting stronger and focusing on work, as their situation in the Greater World at the time was incredibly dangerous to say the least, and they needed to constantly be doing their best in order to survive.

The second, he didn't want to create any internal conflict between them, and Feng wasn't sure if he would have been able to remain unbiased with his actions if he actually was with one of them. 

The third, he didn't want to hurt any of their feelings. After all, they had all grown close by that time, and Feng couldn't bring himself to just accept one and break the rest of their hearts. Not to mention that might very well break apart the guild. 

The fourth was the reincarnation problem. Feng was already mentally unstable after the incident with the Mysterious Space. If he actually got in a relationship with one of them, and ended up reincarnating, they would no longer remember anything that happened between them. Feng wasn't sure how he'd handle it emotionally. God forbid he had a kid with one of them and it got erased. 

Since the fifth didn't necessarily apply to Fire, and Feng no longer cared about the first, and the girls' agreement covered the second and third, while Feng's ability mostly covered the fourth, there was technically no problem... But Feng was still unsure as he looked into Fire's expectant eyes. 

'Fuck it' Feng could no longer be bothered about the possible consequences as he leaned in and pressed his lips against Fire's, who immediately responded by kissing him back and wrapping her arms around his neck.

They indulged in the kiss for more than a minute before separating, a string of saliva forming between their lips. As Fire and Feng looked into each other's eyes, they could see the desire they've been holding back until now has been released, and immediately went back to kissing. This time, their tongues interwind in their mouths as their passionate kiss continued. 

Feng pushed Fire towards the desk, as one of his hands cupped her breast, while the other went behind her and pushed everything off the table

'That's gonna be a pain to organize later' a fleeting thought appeared in Feng's mind as he thought about the papers he needed to deal with, before it immediately disappeared under Fire's tongue that demanded his attention.

He lifted her onto the desk before separating from the kiss to pull his T-shirt off, in which Fire helped in order to hurry him up so that they could get started quickly. As he threw his clothes on the floor, the muscular chest he's been working on these past few days was revealed. Although it couldn't compare to bodybuilders, with the A-rank Nutrient Fluids his been drinking as well as him absorbing the world's energy, he already looked better than most athletes, with a six pack mostly formed.

Fire was surprised by this, as she had forgotten about Mental Strength Great Grandmaster's ability to directly absorb energy from the air, and knew what Feng was like before he started training. Of course, Fire didn't care whether Feng was as skinny as a skeleton or as fat as a narwhal, since her feelings for him wouldn't change, but this was a nice bonus. 

Feng's hands went under Fire's shirt as he pulled it off her, revealing her perky breasts under a red bra. His hand went to her back, expertly unlocking her bra, and letting those melons loose.

Seeing the speed and proficiency of Feng's actions, Fire guessed this wasn't his first time doing something like this. Of course, as the Guild Leader of Shadow, Feng had slept with plenty of women in his first life. Though, it was different from this, as those times were either for pleasure, or to make closer connections.

Their lips connected once again, as Feng's hands fondled her soft and squishy breasts. Although they weren't as big as Snow's or Aqua's, Feng's hands still couldn't hold them in their entirety, but he enjoyed their elasticity nonetheless, letting his fingers dig into them as he savored the taste of her saliva. 

While his right hand went to play with one of her nipples, his left hand trailed downwards, slipping through her pants and panties, going directly for her secret place. As his finger easily slid in, and Fire let out a stifled moan, only then did he notice the moistness of Fire's sacred garden.

"Already this wet?" Feng asked with a smile as he released her mouth, his right hand going down and pulling of her pants along with her soaked panties, revealing her cleanly shaved pussy, making it obvious she had prepared in advance for what's about to happen. 

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this." Fire spoke through rugged breaths, as Feng hasn't stopped caressing her insides. Unlike Feng who had his first life to gain experience and self control, Fire had to suppress her virgin self throughout her entire previous life, with her hands and toys being the only relief. So, when the time to do the deed finally came, her pussy immediately prepared itself.

"Then, I won't leave you anticipating much longer." Feng reassured Fire as he pulled his pants down, revealing his mostly erect penis. Unlike the rest of his average appearance, his little brother was different. Although it wasn't some 13-inch monster cock, he was a respectable seven inches when fully erect.

Fire's eyes flashed with surprise as she stared at the meat pole, before it was quickly replaced with lust "Hurry up" Fire urged while wiggling her hips in eagerness.

Feng simply smiled and pushed her down onto the desk. His hands went back to playing with Fire's breasts and caressing the inside of her thighs, while he slid his dick along her entrance a few times, lubricating it with her love juices, before slowly pushing it in, stretching her tight pussy wide open as he entered.

"Ah!" As his long rod tore through her hymen, a pained moan escaped Fire's lips, and blood began to flow out.

"You okay?" Feng resisted the urge to groan in pleasure too and asked, slightly concern. Although he had sex with multiple women in his first life, it was his first time taking a girl's virginity.

"I'm fine. Please continue." Fire replied after a moment. After all, she had felt much worse pain before. This pain was simply different from what she experienced in the past, which had slightly surprised her, but it was quickly replaced with bliss of losing her virginity to the man she loved.

Feng followed Fire's request and went in deeper, one inch at a time.

"Ah! Ah! Ah~♡! It's so deep! Ahhh~♡" Fire's pained moans abruptly turned into ones of pleasure as Feng continued exploring her secret cave. By the time she felt his waist pressing against her, she was already close to climaxing from finally getting proper relief after all the stress that pent up over the years.

However, Feng wasn't planning to go slow anymore. He pulled back until only the tip was left inside, before going all the way back in.


Fire released a delighted scream as Feng slammed his rod all the way inside. The pleasure that single thrust sparked spread all over her body, causing her eyes to roll back into her head as she felt his entire length fill up her pussy. She couldn't hold it in anymore and immediately came.

But Feng didn't care about Fire finishing. He pulled back slowly before thrusting again, then again, then again and in a few seconds the room was filled with fast clapping sounds as flesh hit flesh at an incredible speed.

"Ahh~♡! Wait!... ahh... hahh...I just ahh~♡... yes~♡... yes~♡... Fen... tahh~♡.... Ahhn...Harder... ahhn~♡..." Fire, who became sensitive after cumming and wanted to pause to recover, quickly gave in and continued to moan under Feng's thrusting. 

Feng continued pumping Fire, while she only moaned and begged for more. Her moans grew louder and louder, until they escaped Feng's office. If not for Feng reacting quickly and sealing her lips with his own, perhaps everybody on the entire floor would have known what was happening in his office by now. 

Unfortunately, someone's senses were strong enough to pick up on the faint sound of Fire's moaning. 

Violet turned towards the direction of Feng's office, her brows furrowing slightly.

Feng soon felt his milk gathering and rushing to his tip.

"Fire, I'm about to-" Feng groaned as he unloaded his jizz, painting Fire's insides completely white. Thankfully, at his standard, he had enough control over his body to make his seeds non-fertile[1], so there was no risk of Fire getting pregnant.

"AAnnnhhhh~~♡♡♡" Fire moaned, her walls tightened and her juices gushed out again.

They both started breathing heavily, but Feng quickly recovered and decided he hasn't had enough yet. Thus, he picked up Fire who was still trying to recover, and walked towards the couch in his office. When Fire felt that she was laying on something soft, she opened her eyes, only to see Feng lifting her leg onto his shoulder and getting ready to thrust inside her again, causing her to panic.

"Feng wait! I'm still sensitive." She immediately tried to stop Feng from continuing. After all, it was her first time. Although the pleasure was mind-numbing and she was eager to feel it again, she also wanted to catch her breath and recover first. 

"Doesn't that just mean you'll feel even better?" Feng gave her a logical reason as he entered her insides once again, not wanting to pause now that his sex-drive has been reactivated after being dormant for over ten years. 

Another melody of moans echoed throughout the room, as neither of them cared anymore about being heard.

'Fire, you couldn't have...' Violet, who was now in front of Feng's office, listened to the sounds of pleasure that escaped the room. Although Violet knew that Fire didn't want to wait anymore, she never thought she would directly ignore their agreement and go to Feng. Moreover, since Feng agreed, she had no doubt that Fire had told him everything about their secret agreement. 

Violet bit her lips, both angry and jealous of Fire, before turning around and walking away. Even if she wanted to interrupt them, she wouldn't know what to say, and was too embarrassed to anyway. So, she decided to talk to Fire about this afterwards. 

Half an hour later, Fire and Feng were laying on the couch next to each other, somewhere between cuddling and resting.

"Don't you know how to be gentle." After finally recovering enough to speak, Fire lightly punched Feng's shoulder and complained, before reaching into her cloths on the ground to take out a Nutrient Fluid she had prepared in advance and drank it. Although she was used to feeling much worse pain, the pain she was currently feeling from her pussy and insides was different; it made her a bit uncomfortable.

"Sorry, sorry" Feng apologized, while not actually feeling sorry at all. After all, he knew from the beginning that Fire would be fine even if he was a bit rough, so he fully let himself and Fire indulge in the pleasure.

Fire saw that Feng wasn't even a bit sorry, so she gave him another light punch before getting comfortable in his embrace. After staying like that for a bit, an idea crossed Fire's mind, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face as she said "You know... the living stuff hasn't arrived at the Workshop yet, and since I just moved to Jin Hai City, I don't really have a place to stay."

Feng immediately realized what Fire wanted to say, so he played along "*Sigh* It can't be helped, then. I guess you can only stay at my apartment for now until you find another place."

Naturally, there was no problem with Fire staying in the Workshop, in fact she had stayed here yesterday when Feng returned hers and the rest's memories, but since she obviously wanted to move in with him, he decided to play along with her little act.

Fire smiled even wider and leaned in, placing a kiss on Feng's lips. Feng responded and kissed her back. Seeing that Fire had recovered, and was even in the mood to kiss, he didn't want to let go of the chance and immediately picked her up.

"Since you're fine now, we can continue where we left off." Feng said as he placed her back on the desk, since the couch was too stained right now. 

Fire looked up at Feng speechlessly. Continue? Didn't we already finish? You're still not satisfied after so many rounds? The questions popped up in her head, but before she could ask any of them, Feng was already in position... 


Fire and Feng finally left Feng's office an hour later after cleaning up and opening the windows. Unfortunately, as there was a problem with the desk now, they could only leave the papers on the floor. Fire went to grab the stuff she brought to the Workshop, before they headed to Feng's apartment.

Later on, Violet went to check Feng's office. 

Upon seeing that they had both left, she went to Fire's room to talk with her. But when Violet got there, she immediately noticed that all of Fire's stuff was gone. A possibility on what happened quickly came to Violet's mind.

"That bitc-"

At Feng's apartment, he and Fire immediately took a shower when they arrived to get rid of the after-smell, which led to another round of pounding inside the shower, before they finally got out and unpacked some of Fire's stuff.

When the time came, the two of them drank a bottle of A-rank Nutrient Fluids each, before laying on their bed and logging into God's Domain. 


1. Don't question how that's possible

This is my first time writing RSSG smut, so don't be too harsh on me. Honestly, it was a lot better in my head than it turned out when I wrote it, but it is what it is.

Note: from now on, when I put R-18 in my chapters, it means that there are sex scenes in it, but it's not necessarily all smut like this one, though I will say at the beginning of the chapter if it's not important to read it. 

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