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19.14% One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime / Chapter 8: Chapter – 8 Apprentices?

Capítulo 8: Chapter – 8 Apprentices?

The sun was settin', castin' a warm glow over that tiny clearin' in the forest where Ace and Sabo were hidin'. The two seven-year-old scallywags crouched behind a bush, keepin' their peepers peeled on the bandit camp. They had a bone to pick with those bandits' treasure, even though they knew better than to go at 'em head-on.

Ace whispered to Sabo, his voice hushed but filled with determination, "We gotta be sly as foxes, Sabo. Heard Dadan say these bandits are tough cookies, but maybe we can snatch their loot when they ain't lookin'."

Sabo nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We'll wait for the perfect moment and sneak in like proper pirates, all stealthy-like!"

As they kept their beady eyes on that bandit hideout, their ears were suddenly bombarded with a clamor burstin' from the camp. The bandits' boisterous laughter transformed into startled yells and frantic shouts. The two young scamps exchanged bewildered looks, their curiosity piqued to the max.

"Did ya hear that, Sabo?" Ace whispered, excitement bubblin' in his voice. "There's some ruckus goin' on! Let's go have a peek, maybe we can use this chaos to our advantage!"

With caution oozin' from every pore, they made their way closer, their eyes widenin' with surprise. They beheld a figure engagin' the bandits, dodgin' their attacks with jaw-droppin' agility. It was like a scene straight outta a tale, and they could hardly believe their peepers.

Noddin' in silent agreement, Ace followed Sabo as they inched closer to the bandit hideout, their eyes locked on the mayhem unfoldin' before 'em. Peepin' through the bushes, they caught sight of the mysterious fighter dartin' like a shadow among the bandits, skillfully sidestepin' their strikes.

"Who's that?" Ace murmured, awe drippin' from his voice. "And why the blazes is he dukin' it out with these lowlifes?"

Sabo squinted, tryin' to catch a better glimpse of the enigmatic warrior. "I reckon... I reckon I recognize him! Ain't he the bloke who lent us a hand that day? When we nearly got caught by that store owner after our dine-and-dash stunt. But what's he doin' here?"

Sure enough, the person makin' mincemeat of those bandits was none other than Ryuma, the same lad who'd come to their rescue when they were in a pickle. Even though he was just a couple of years older than 'em, he displayed an impressive blend of grace and combat prowess, somethin' that neither Ace nor Sabo possessed.

As they watched, they realized he wasn't just defendin' himself but actively layin' the smackdown on those bandits. His moves were quick as a blink, deliverin' bone-crushin' blows and disarmin' his foes like it was child's play. Ace and Sabo couldn't help but silently cheer him on, their admiration shinin' through their young eyes.

Ace's orbs bulged, his curiosity ablaze. "Didn't reckon we'd stumble upon somethin' this amazin'! He's just a kid like us, but he's got the strength of a lion! We gotta see what happens next!"

"Ace! Look at 'im go!" Sabo whispered, his voice filled with awe.

Ace grinned, caught up in Sabo's excitement. "Yeah, Sabo! He's showin' those bandits who's the boss around here! I never knew someone could be that wicked cool!"

As the noble lad continued his epic skirmish, Ace and Sabo remained captivated, their eyes glued to the action unfoldin' before 'em. They couldn't believe their bleedin' luck. Not only had they stumbled upon a bandit hideout, but now they were witnessin' an unexpected display of bravery from someone who'd lent 'em a hand before.

"He's the real deal!" Ace whispered, barely containin' his enthusiasm. "If we can be as strong as him, we'll be unstoppable!"

Sabo nodded, his imagination runnin' wild with visions of pirate glory. "You bet, Ace! We'll be the most wicked pirates ever seen!"

I stood smack in the middle of that blasted clearin', my puny hands grippin' the hilt of my sword like there was no tomorrow. The bandits, a bunch of no-good scumbags, formed a circle 'round me, gazin' at me with disbelief. Little did they know, I had a secret weapon up my sleeve—a special technique that temporarily doubled the diameter of my nerve fibers. It turned me into a damn speed demon, processin' info and reactin' faster than a blinkin' cheetah. I wanted to see how it'd amp up my fightin' skills, so I purposely decided not to use Observation Haki this time around.

One of those bandits sneered, eyeballin' me like I was some sorta joke. "What's a shrimp like you gonna do with that wee sword?"

I grinned, squintin' my eyes with a solid dose of determination. "Don't you dare judge me by my size, buddy. I got a few tricks up my sleeve, and you're 'bout to find out."

They laughed, thinkin' I was nothin' but a flea to squash. Another bandit chimed in with a snide remark, "Haha! You're outnumbered, kid. Throw in the towel now, and maybe we'll let you skedaddle."

I shook my head, defyin' 'em with every fiber of my bein'. "No way I'm backin' down! I'm here to test my new skill. You lot just happen to be the perfect guinea pigs."

Their laughter faded, replaced by a growin' irritation. The leader of those good-for-nothin' scoundrels scowled and stepped forward. "All right, kid. Show us what you got. But don't come cryin' to us when it all goes belly-up."

Without missin' a beat, they charged at me, swords swingin' and guns cocked. But with a quick sidestep, I dodged the first strike, my body movin' like a damn bolt of lightning. The next swing was a piece of cake to parry, my sword clashin' against theirs.

Another bandit thought he'd outsmart me, tryin' to flank me from the side. But my heightened senses kicked in, readin' his move like an open book. I gracefully sidestepped his attack, grinnin' with satisfaction as I landed a sweet counterstrike.

Their frustration grew, their swings becomin' sloppier by the second. Yet with my heightened info processin' and reaction speed, I could see their every move in slow motion. I danced between their attacks, deflectin' their feeble attempts with ease and landin' precise counterattacks.

I couldn't help but taunt 'em, my confidence shootin' through the roof. "C'mon, you sorry lot! Is that the best you got? You'll need to do better than that!"

They exchanged glances, doubt creepin' into their filthy faces. But they weren't ready to throw in the towel just yet. They lunged at me with a renewed ferocity, their blades and guns aimed my way.

With each clash of metal, my heart pumped with excitement. The doubled diameter of my nerve fibers made everythin' clearer than a crystal ball. My reflexes were on fire, allowin' me to react in the blink of an eye. It was like I had superpowers, well, technically I did with the Moa Moa no Mi, Observation Haki, and the Half-Oni-Half-Merfolk bloodline runnin' through my veins. But this new trick, this was somethin' else entirely!

I twirled and spun through the battle, my sword an extension of my very being. Time seemed to crawl as I read their every move with precision, dodgin' their attacks with minimal effort. And when I struck back, my blade found its mark with a deadly accuracy.

Sweat trickled down my forehead as the fight raged on, but I felt far from tired. I felt alive! Those lousy bandits couldn't lay a finger on me. My newest trick had given me an edge, and I reveled in the sheer joy of testin' its full potential.

As the echoes of the battle faded, Ryuma took a moment to catch his breath. The effects of augmentin' his nerve fibers' diameter were plain as day. He felt a surge of power and control, his senses sharper than ever, and his reactions lightning-fast. Sure, it was a tad exhaustin', but he reckoned it was worth it for pullin' off somethin' so damn incredible.

Perched on Ryuma's shoulder, Rio couldn't contain his excitement. He chirped, "Buddy, you were frickin' amazin' out there! Sliced through those bandits like butter, and their bullets couldn't lay a finger on ya! It was freakin' awesome!"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Ryuma's lips as he glanced at Rio. "Heh, Rio. Seems like this new power I've got is somethin' else. The human body's capable of some mind-blowin' stuff in this world."

Just as Ryuma was baskin' in his triumph, his sharpened hearing caught a faint sound from the nearby bushes. It was a subtle noise, one only his heightened senses could pick up. Curiosity ignited within him, and without a moment's hesitation, he dashed swiftly towards the source.

Meanwhile, hidden among the bushes, Ace and Sabo exchanged panicked whispers. Fear gripped 'em as they realized they'd been found out.

Ace's voice quivered as he spoke, "Oh shit, Sabo! He's onto us! He's gonna think we're more bandits!"

Equally alarmed, Sabo tried to calm his friend. "We gotta explain ourselves quick! He helped us that day, so he should remember us... If we—"

Ryuma's swift movements drew him closer to the sound's origin, his senses attuned to every damn detail. Bursting through the foliage, his eyes widened in surprise as he laid eyes on the faces he least expected to see here.

Standing before him were Ace and Sabo, both lookin' like they'd seen a ghost.

Realizin' who it was, Ryuma let out a disappointed sigh before sheathin' his sword. He grinned and said, "Well, well, well... Didn't expect to find you two hidin' here. Mind tellin' me what the hell you're doin'?"

Ace and Sabo struggled to come up with a decent response. They sure as hell couldn't spill the beans 'bout their plan to swipe the bandits' treasure. They had no idea how Ryuma would react if he found out. If it were someone else, they might've taken the risk, but witnessin' Ryuma's strength firsthand made 'em think twice.

Ace furrowed his brows, his mind racin' to concoct a convincin' lie. He shot a quick glance at Sabo, silently conveyin' their predicament.

After what felt like an eternity of silence and contemplation, the two boys reached an agreement.

Sabo took a deep breath, tryin' to sound as casual as possible. "Well, y'see... We were just passin' through this area and heard the sound of a ruckus. So, bein' the curious little shits we are, we decided to check it out."

Ace chimed in, attemptin' a nonchalant tone. "Yeah, it was a damn coincidence, ya know? We never expected to stumble upon somethin' like this."

Ryuma's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Really?" He obviously wasn't buyin' their story. He questioned, "Are you sure there ain't somethin' else you were after?"

Ace and Sabo shifted uncomfortably, their hearts racin' with unease. They'd hoped Ryuma would swallow their tale, but his discernin' gaze made 'em doubt the effectiveness of their ruse.

Sabo stammered slightly, his nervousness leakin' into his voice. "Nah, nah! That's the whole story. We were just damn curious, alright? No harm intended or anythin'."

Ace jumped in hastily, his eyes dartin' between Ryuma and Sabo. "Yeah, we swear. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. We didn't really think it through."

Ryuma smirked slyly and said, "Well, if that's the case, I suppose you don't want any of their treasure, huh?" He chuckled to himself. "Since you two weren't here for that..."

Before Ryuma could finish his sentence, Ace and Sabo interrupted in unison, "We want it! That ain't fair! We were here for it before you!"

Hearin' their response, Ryuma's grin widened. "Oh? What's that I just heard?"

Both Sabo and Ace realized they slipped up big time.

With the cat outta the bag, they decided to come clean. "Alright... we were here to steal their treasure... but you beat us to it."

"I see... I see... So, you two scallywags wanna be pirates when you grow up, huh? That's why you're both hustlin' for funds... Makes sense," muttered Ryuma, his understanding evident as he listened to Ace and Sabo's reason for wanting to nick the bandits' loot. Course, he already had an inkling of their motives.

They were sittin' 'round the bonfire, the crocodile Ryuma bagged earlier bein' grilled to perfection. Seizin' the chance, the three lads—or four if ya count Rio—got acquainted with each other.

"What 'bout you? Why were you scrapin' with those bandits?" Ace asked, curious 'bout why a bloke like Ryuma would tangle with a bunch of lowlifes.

Sabo nodded in agreement, addin', "Yeah, ain't you a noble? Seems mighty odd for a highfalutin' noble to be mixin' it up with bandits out here in the boonies."

Ryuma was caught off guard by Sabo's question. "A noble?" he pondered, then glanced at his fancy duds and realized why they thought so. He chuckled and shook his head. "I ain't no noble."

"Not a noble?" Both Sabo and Ace were flabbergasted. Ryuma looked the part, no doubt.

Ryuma nodded, sayin', "Yup... I reckon I'm just like you two... an orphan. I hail from the other side of the capital, a small backwater village called Vrichfield. Been fendin' for myself there for the past four years. Few months back, I up and moved to the capital to broaden my horizons, so to speak. I wear these fancy togs to blend in with the highfalutin' folks in High Town and Town Center. It helps to avoid unnecessary trouble if folks think you're a noble. Not every bloke's got the stones to cross a noble, y'know?" He paused and flashed a proud grin. "As for why I scrap with bandits, there are two reasons. First off, it's a chance for me to test my fightin' skills and gain some experience. And second, I ain't gotta fret 'bout money, 'cause I make off with their ill-gotten gains. Been doin' it for over a year now, and I've relieved more than a few bandit crews of their loot."

"That's... amazin'," nodded Ace and Sabo in admiration, also finally gettin' where Ryuma was comin' from.

Then Sabo's gaze fell on Rio perched on Ryuma's shoulder. He asked, "And what 'bout him? How come he talks like us?"

"'Cause I'm a clever little bugger!" Rio piped up, his chest puffed with pride.

"That don't explain why you've got the gift of gab!" Ace exclaimed, skeptical of Rio's explanation. He'd seen plenty of smart critters in the forest over the years, but none that could talk like Rio.

Ryuma shrugged. "Honestly, I dunno why Rio can speak. His mum wasn't no chatterbox, that's for sure." He paused, ponderin' the question, then added, "There are all sorts of oddities in this world, and Rio here's just one of 'em."

Ace and Sabo couldn't help but nod. "Guess that makes sense," they muttered.

The conversation lapsed into silence. After a while, Sabo looked straight at Ryuma and said, "Hey, Ryuma... reckon you could teach us?"

Ryuma looked puzzled. "Teach you what?"

"How to throw down," Sabo replied.

Ace couldn't believe what Sabo was askin' of Ryuma. He hadn't expected Sabo to make such a request.

Sabo cut Ace off and pressed on, "I mean, it's clear as day that you're strong. While we ain't pushovers for our age, there's still a big gap between us and the folks livin' in the Grey Terminal. If we were stronger, things would be a tad easier, y'know?" He paused for a moment, then continued, "Don't get me wrong, we ain't askin' for your help for free. In return for your teachin', we'll do anythin' you need, as long as it ain't completely mental and within our capabilities."

Though Ace didn't fully agree with Sabo, he, too, fixed his gaze on Ryuma. He admired Ryuma's strength, and if he could become as mighty as Ryuma, life would be a damn sight easier.

"Teach you, huh?" Ryuma mused, his face displaying deep thought.

He'd be lyin' if he said their request didn't surprise him. After contemplatin' for a while, he nodded. "A'ight... I don't mind." He paused, then added with a grin, "But in return for me teachin' you two, I want half of your treasure for the next three years. Deal?"

Ace and Sabo exchanged glances, reachin' an unspoken agreement, before nodding in unison. "Deal!" they confirmed with mighty grin.




Author's Note:

Tried writing using slang, village tone, and rough language, let me know what you guys think of this type of writing style.

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