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100% Highschool dxd react / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Capítulo 13: Chapter 13

On Screen

The realm of Eternal, Asgard

The golden palace of asgard where the norse god are resides and train asgardians to protect from attack from the outside. We can see two teenagers are now walking down the street of asgard.

"Hey theo what should we do now that mom and dad are not in asgard right now?" Said kate with her amazon armor eating an apple.

"I don't know." Said theodora with her asgardian armor. "Maybe we should go to another pantheon territory and see the scenery there!"

Kate stop and look at her sister. "Wait, did you just say go to other pantheon and see scenery?" She feels confused and suspicious of the way theo said.

"Yeah." theo stop and look at her sister. "I mean we go to other pantheon see scenery and go back to asgard."

"Wait, why do I have a feeling this is not just see the 'scenery'?" Kate ask.

Theo just smile at her and kate confirmed that theo not just going to see scenery but therr is more than that.

Off Screen

The gods and supernatural are wide eyed and jawdrop of what they see. They just see a golden kingdom with modern advance buildings and what shock them more the name of the kingdom.

"WHAT!" The norse gods are in shock to see asgard version from different dimension. They just see a golden kingdom with many gold buildings. This asgard is more beautiful and more majestic than their asgard.

"T-That is asgard?" Said a shock norse god.

"Odin's beard, that asgard is so shiny and full of gold." Said a norse god.

"Oh my, I really wanted to visit that asgard!" Said a norse goddess fascinated by the version of asgard from another universe.

"Holy shit look at all those gold!" Ajuka still can't take of his eyes from the screen.

Azazel whistle when he see the golden kingdom. "Now that is what I called the realm of eternal." He wouldn't mind to visit that asgard altough he already visit this asgard version but that asgard version compares nothing on his universe asgard.

"Oh my satan!" Serafall has sparkling eyes. "Look at all those shining golden buildings." She look at asgard fascinated.

Frigg shakes odin. "Honey, look that's asgard!" She looks at asgard in awe.

"Y-Yes, wife!" He woke up from his thoughts. "I am surprised this asgard is more golden and more advance than ours." Odin felt jealousy when he see the other asgard universe but he dismissed that because his other version rule that asgard.

"Holy shit loook at that asgard, is our universe asgard like that?" Issei look at asgard in awe.

"I-I think not!" Akeno stuttered. "Our asgard is not like that although our asgard is more like the norse and have modern buildings but not like that."

"Man, those asgard must be filthy rich if they have a kingdom made out of gold." Said saji.

They agreed to him this asgard must be very rich because of the gold. "I must have all those gold and that kingdom!" Tiamat in the forest of the underworld have sparkle eyes and fascinated to see the golden kingdom. She drooled and dreaming of swimming in a pool of mountain of gold in that kingdom and make it her home.

They are suddenly surprised of see two familiar people. "Oh my grandchildren!" Frigg is excited to see her grandchildrens from another universe.

"It seems like theo wanted to go to visit other pantheon." Loki see her other nephews from another universe wants to visit another pantheon.

"I wonder what pantheon would they visit?" Freya is curious.

"Why do I have a bad feeling that theo will not simply just visit and see the scenery of other pantheon?" Ajuka worried of what theo would say.

On Screen

"Of course we will confront the gods and talk with them." Theo smile.

Kate is shocked of what her sister just suggest. "Theo you know that is a bad idea. We can't just go and visit gods to talk to them. Remember we are from norse pantheon from another universe. What will others think of us?" Kate is talking much sense because other pantheon would be hostile if someone enter their territory not to mention a pantheon from another universe. They would not believe us or think they are crazy.

"Relax nothing will happen, come on let's go." Theo and kate fly to the gates of asgard, they can see the entirety of Asgard and they fly past colorful bridge.

Kate follow theo to the bifrost and meet heimdall. They finally at the gate and meet a tall man with golden armor, golden horn helmet, big long sword and golden eyes. Heimdall, The Gatekeeper of asgard and guardian of the bifrost.

"Hello heimdall."

"Hello to you to your higness."

Kate arrive at theo's side look at heimdall nod at him and he nod back. "Theo I think this is a bad idea." Kate didn't have a good feeling about this.

"Relax sis, nothing will happen." Theo wave her arm reassure her nothing bad will happen.

"Where are you two will be going?" Heimdall ask.

"We will going to visit other pantheon."

"And may I ask which pantheon will you two be visit?"

"It is the japanese pantheon."

"You mean the land of the rising sun, Where the gods like amaterasu and sussano resides?" Heimdall raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, that japanese pantheon." Theo nod in confirmation.

Off Screen

They see the girls are going to a golden dome sphere like dome with a rainbow bridge.

"What is that bridge?" Asia ask.

"I don't know but it is beautiful." Irina said.

"Father didn't that bridge looks familiar?" Thor look at odin.

Odin nod his head, that bridge with rainbow color does indeed look familiar. He remembers there is only one thing that match the description but he need to see first if his assumption is correct. "The rainbow bridge." He murmured.

They agree with irina that rainbow bridge is beautiful. They see the round globe golden building and meet with an imposing man with golden armor and big long sword. They are surprised to see the man name and his title.

"Wait, that is heimdall!" Frigg is surprised to see another version of heimdall from another universe.

"This heimdall is different from ours this one looks more serious." Frey look at heimdall in the screen. She realize this heimdall have more serious demeanor and take his job seriously. She has meet heimdall many times but this one is more intense and serious.

"I agree!" Odin said look at heimdall. "While our heimdall has the same armor, eyes and serious at guarding bifrost as the one on the screen, this one is on another level." He can feel the power and demeanor of this heimdall is on another level than his universe.

"Is it just me or his eyes just glow for a second?" Kiba ask.

"You're not the only one, I also realize his eyes just glow." Tsubaki said.

"He looks intimidating." Issei said.

"I feel this heimdall takes no joke on his job at guarding bifrost." Azazel is sweating because he can feel how powerful the gatekeeper and he knows that he won't lightly take a joke.

"He looks like a warrior." Ares said.

"I agree, he looks like a warrior with fighting and war experiance." Shiva can see in his eyes this heimdall is no joke, he can see the posture and the aura of a veteran warrior.

They hear theo and kate will go to the land of the rising sun, Japan.

"They will go visit japan?" Sona surprised.

"It seems like it." Rias confirm the words she said.

"Wonder what they will be doing when they arrive at japan?" Koneko ask.

"Well amaterasu seems like you two will be visited by two guest from another universe." Serafall look at japanese pantheon.

"I wonder what will those two will do? I hope nothing bad will happen." Amaterasu said with worried tone.

"Hey don't worry sis, I'm sure nothing bad will happen." Susano reassure her sister.

On Screen

"Do you the permission of your parents?" Heimdall ask them if they have permission to leave asgard.

"No we don't." Theo said to heimdall.

"Then I am sorry princess you can't leave asgard with your princess." Heimdall denied their request to go to midgard.

"Me and my sister will take responsibility for our actions." Theo still insisted heimdall to make them go to midgard.

"We do?" Kate look at her sister shocked.

"Yes, we do!" Theo winked at her sister.

Heimdall still silent looking at the two princesses, he is still yhinking wheter he will make them go to midgard or not more presice to the japanese pantheon territory. He close is eyes while kate and theo are nervous of the silent.

Heimdall finally open his eyes. "Alright, I will open the bifrost." Theo and kate sigh in relief. "Don't worry heimdall we will be careful." Theo reassured him that she and her sister will be safe and not get any attention.

They entered inside the large orb to see a set of steps in the center, surrounding a platform with a mechanism in its center. Around them, the walls of the orb were covered in large gears and mechanisms.

Off Screens

"Interesting mechanism they got there." Ajuka is intrigued about the design and wrote them down in his notebook.

Azazel also follow suit with ajuka's action also followed by gods and goddess who are interested in knowledge and crafts.

"Do asgard have that kind of... I don't know machine?" Issei ask.

"No we didn't have that kind of thing in asgard." Rossweise shook her head in denial.

"I wonder what might be that building do?" Frigg is interested about the building they just entered. She thinks it might be somekind of weapon or some sort.

On Screen

Heimdall inserted his large greatsword into the center mechanism, and suddenly bolts of whitish-blue lightning blasted outwards towards the ceiling and arcing throughout the area, the gears and mechanisms all over the room turning and activating.

Outside, the bridge of rainbow light glowed and flowed towards the orb, said golden-bronze orb to be shown moving and spinning around slowly before picking up speed and spinning faster and faster. The spearpoint at the top of the orb spun likewise before lowering downwards towards the opposite end of Asgard. As it stopped, it glowed in bluish-white light and shot out the same light.

Off Screen

"Amazing!" Freya said. "That station must be how they teleport. It is the Bifrost."

"Bifrost?" Issei questioned.

"The Rainbow Bridge." Rossweise said. "That's what it is in the myths and it was used to go between Asgard and Midgard, or Earth."

"But since they are going to Japan, then in this world its a mode of transportation to the other worlds too." Akeno said.

"Magnificent crasftmen and enginering." Odin exclaimed amaze about this asgard bifrost. He never expected to see the bifrost on this universe was used like this nor the others.

On Screen

"Be warned." Heimdall said. "I will honor my sworn oath to protect this realm as its Gatekeeper. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, the Bifrost will remain closed to you and you will be left to."

Off Screen

"What! But that's kinda cruel, he just left them there." Asia look in horror.

"It's an admirable passion to his task." Michael said. "Even though he helps them with their journey, he chooses the lives of the many over the few."

"Yes, as you can see our heimdall will also the excatly the same as the one on the screen because that is his job as the gatekeeper." Frigg nod in acknowledgment and satisfied about heimdall taking serious on asgard safety.

On Screen

"And if you leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the Bifrost and destroy the planet with us in it." Kate informed.

"Presicely." Heimdall said.

Off Screen

"WHAT?!" Saji yelled out shock. "ITS THAT POWERFUL?!"

The supernaturals and gods were likewise shocked at the potential destructive power of the Bifrost.

"H-Holy shit! Does that thing is a bifrost or a mass destructive weapon?" Serafall look at the bifrost like a weapons of planetary destruction.

"O-Our bifrost is not that destructive nor reach that power." Rossweise look in disbelief at the information kate just said about the bifrost.

The norse gods are in shock and jawdrop at the infromation about the bifrost. They expect this asgard bifrost is just like them for transportation and go to other realms but have enough power to destroy a planet, that is not what their bifrost can do.

"Do-Does that mean they can just destroy our planet earth with bifrost?" Irina ask scared.

They heard what she said, they got pale and cold sweat. They didn't want to imagine planet earth was destroyed by the bifrost, they shudder at the thought.

On Screen

As he did, the light overtook them and they were pulled into the opening portal and blasted out.

The screen turned dark before lighting up quickly as kate and theo flew through a tube of the rainbow light of the Bifrost, flying closer and closer to the water and green planet of earth.

They arrived in a crash of light and a resounding crash. "It seems like we are arrive on earth." Theo look her sorrounding full of trees.

"It seems like we are in a forest." Kate look around and fly to the sky, theo loom at kate flying followed suit.

They fly and see a city up ahead. "Look there's a city up ahead." Kate pointed to the front.

"You're right there is a city." Theo smile and look at her sister. "Let's go there shall we?" Kate noed her head and they fly towards the outskirts of the city and began to change to modern chlotes.

Kate wears tight blue jeans with black belt, red sneakers, tight red shirt with lightning symbol and a brown jacket.

Theo wears tight black jeans with black belt, blue sneakers, tight black shirt with thunder symbol and a black jacket.

They tried to hide their hot figure but it didn't help them. They walk down on the street to see many passerby are looking at them. They thought they were foreigners and a supermodel because of their face and body many men and women are blushing towards them.

They walk through the city and found the name of this city name kyoto.

Off Screen

They see kate and theo arrive at the forest and they fly to search for a city. They see the city and change into modern chlotes. They are stunned at the beauty of those two not mention they are hot.

"Holy shit look at them!" Issei look at them with a pervert face koneko punch him.

"They are so hot." Saji also join issei while tsubaki punch him.

Many gods and goddesses are blushing and lust looking at the two goddess except for the norse gods.

"Hey lay your eyes on my grand daughters!" Frigg exclamied mad at them looking at her grand daughters with lust.

Yasaka and the japanese gods are surprised of where those two are. "So they are in kyoto." Amaterasu murmured.

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