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3.57% Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love Story / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love Story Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love Story original

Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love Story

Autor: Hina5enpai

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1

Just a little bit of a disclaimer: Sasuke is kind of a dick in the first half of this fic, but I promise he cleans his act up!

Thanks for reading!


It was Halloween, of all days, when Sakura Haruno first met her new neighbor.

Her boyfriend, Sasuke Uchiha, had her apartment key. That usually wouldn't be a problem, but it's not every day the pair went to a party together. Sasuke attends parties regularly with Naruto and Hinata, his best friend and his best friend's girlfriend. The two men had really begun to embrace the college lifestyle in the past six months, and the Hyuuga woman often acts as their designated driver. Sakura, quite the opposite, could count the number of parties she's gone to since beginning college three years ago.

When her boyfriend invited her to join him at a costume party for the holiday, she'd been tempted to politely decline like usual. She said yes, though. There were two reasons for the change. The first was a little silly.

In March, Sakura turned twenty-one and hasn't so much as had a glass of wine with dinner since then. Getting drunk was overdue, and she could use the break from her school, work, then study routine.

The second reason was more significant. It really lit a fire under her. In all her timid glory, Hinata covertly informed the pink-haired woman that a redhead named Karin has been trying to make moves on Sasuke almost every time the trio goes to a party. For someone like Hinata to come forward, Sakura needed to take her warning seriously.

She and her boyfriend have been dating since their third year of high school, almost six years. In fact, they're serious enough that she's beginning to wonder if he's considering proposing in the next year or two.

Since the very beginning, the couple's been rocky. Both have dominant personalities, so they often butted heads and argued, but neither has even mentioned the concept of breaking up. They always kiss and make up shortly after fighting.

Currently, they're experiencing a bit of a dry spell. While Sasuke's sex drive isn't relatively as high as hers, that's not what's causing the problem. It's their busy schedules. When she's in the mood, Sasuke's either away or too tired. When he's in the mood, the same thing applies to Sakura. They're out of sync. Because of this, Sakura felt threatened by Hinata's warning.

She's still head over heels in love with her boyfriend and fears he'll grow bored of her if she doesn't do something soon. That's why she was half-drunkenly stumbling down the sidewalk toward her apartment well after midnight, mad as all get out.

Sasuke and the others forgot about her. They left the party to check out a different one. Sakura didn't find out until she received a text from the Uchiha man saying he was sorry and to feel free to join them. After sending him a lengthy text with her thoughts on the situation, she immediately left the party and began walking home.

She and Sasuke had chosen a couple's costume, him being a doctor and her a nurse. Sakura was a little annoyed that he chose it because she's literally going to school to become a doctor, but, as previously mentioned, she's eager to please him right now.

"Stupid fuckin' stockings…." she mumbled as she entered the apartment building and hit the button to call the elevator. Taking the stairs in her current condition could prove dangerous.

While she waited, her phone began ringing in her sexualized dress's pocket. Fishing it out, she clicked the green circle by Sasuke's name to accept his call, "What d'you want?" The elevator door opened with a ding, and the tipsy woman stepped inside, leaning against the wall after pushing the button to the fourth floor, the uppermost one.

Loud music could be heard on the other end of the line, but her boyfriend's voice was easy to hear above it, "Where are you? I thought you were coming to meet us." He handles his liquor much better than her, so he didn't sound drunk at all.

Sakura angrily bit at him, "Oh, now you remember I exist!"

Just before the elevator doors could close, a hand shot between them, and they reopened. Sakura turned her body slightly toward the wall, away from the tall man that entered. Her attire was rather embarrassing to be seen in, even in her drunken state.

"Come on, Sakura, don't be like that. I sent you the address. How long will it take you to get here?"

"Are you fucking-" Sakura gasped, realizing she wasn't alone in the elevator. Squeezing her eyes closed with a hot face, she turned her body further away from the silent stranger and lowered her voice to a hiss, "Are you fucking kidding me? You left me at some random person's house! I'm not gonna come out so you can do it again."

The line went dead, and the tipsy woman looked at her phone screen in disbelief. He hung up on her! Oh, he's so going to get it when she sees him next.

Angry tears welled in her eyes as she huffed and put her phone back in her pocket. The doors opened on the fourth floor, and she awkwardly kept her gaze lowered but apologized to the other person, "Sorry 'bout that."

"It's alright. Have a good night," a deep voice replied with a natural rasp. His tone was almost professional.

Sakura looked up as he stepped out of the elevator, surprised to see thick black hair in a ponytail cascading down a broad back. The man was carrying a takeout bag from her favorite chicken place just down the road. She sometimes orders it when she's up late studying and everywhere else is closed, but she doesn't feel like cooking.

She walked behind him slowly, not wanting to be weird and get too close even though she was only heading toward her apartment and not following him.

'He's really tall. I barely come to his chest. I wonder if he's a bouncer or something,' the woman thought to herself. She'd definitely be scared to argue if someone as muscular as him tried to kick her out of a bar.

As they came nearer to her apartment, she began to get nervous. There was only one unit after hers, and it's been empty for over three months. Proving her hunch true, when Sakura stopped at her door, the man continued to the one right next door.

He glanced her way while fishing his keys from his pocket, offering the slightest hint of a smirk because he'd caught her staring. The man was rugged and handsome. The word "cute" didn't apply to him in the slightest.

Embarrassed, the woman frowned and faced her door, only to be unable to turn the door knob. In her inebriated state, she'd forgotten that Sasuke had her keys. Groaning, she lightly hit her head on the door and closed her eyes.

'I'm such an idiot. Now I'm gonna spend the night in the hallway,'

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" The man's voice shook her from her dread. She stepped back and looked over to see him watching her while holding his door open with one foot.

Her face warmed further despite already being flushed with alcohol. She waved a dismissive hand, leaning on the door for support because she was off-balance, "Oh, uh, yes! I'm fine. How are you?" She was mortified but tried to avert the topic from her situation, "You just moved in, right? Do you like it so far?"

Dark eyes looked at her, her apartment's door, and then her again. Rather than answer any of her questions, he sighed defeatedly, "Do you have a key?"

Sakura's face paled, and she stood straight, "Th-This is my apartment. I'm not trying to break in. I swear! Please don't call the cops!" For some reason, her mind jumped to the idea that the man would turn her in for burglary or something.

The semi-irritated expression on his face softened as the corner of his lips twitched like he was holding back a grin, "I didn't think you were. Is there someone you can call to let you in?"

Sasuke's the only person because he has her spare for when he stays the night and currently has her copy as well. Her pride would never let her call him for something like this. Not after he ditched her at the party and hung up on her. Tears welled in the drunk girl's eyes, and then Sakura was crying.

"No, I don't, and the office manager doesn't come in until six," her voice was unsteady and slurred.

She didn't bother stopping herself from stumbling, and her shoulder hit the wall as she reached up to wipe at her eyes, averting her gaze to the floor.

"...You really don't have a single person you can call?"

Sakura shook her head no. Her parents live over an hour away, and she knows for a fact all of her friends are as drunk as she is right now.

The man sighed, "You can crash at my place if you want. I have a sofa."

The college student met his eye firmly, trying to appear as though she wasn't weak, "I don't even know your name. You'll probably try to rape me or something."

He first looked offended, but then he approached while reaching into his pocket.

Sakura took a step back, lifting her hands into fists, "I-I have a boyfriend. He'll beat your ass if you lay a finger on me!"

"Here, look. I won't hurt you. You can even take a picture of it if you want. Send it to your boyfriend so he knows who to look for if you disappear." He pulled out his wallet and flipped it open so she could see his ID card, "You won't, but still."

Her brow furrowed, and she blinked as though trying to clear her vision. When the image didn't change, Sakura grabbed the wallet and held it closer to her face. There was no denying it. The man was related to her boyfriend in some way.

"Uchiha, Madara…."

She returned the wallet to its owner, looking at his features with new eyes. There's no doubt about it. That jawline only comes from one family. Sakura's stomach growled loudly before either person could say or do anything.

Madara's eyes widened slightly before he let out a small laugh, "I'll share."

Sakura was drunk; that's the only reason she gave in and followed the man. It had nothing to do with the chicken or the fact that he was pretty.

The pink-haired woman took her shoes off by the door, looking around and speaking honestly because liquor has always loosened her tongue, "I expected it to be messier in here."

The Uchiha man sat the food bag on the coffee table and disappeared into the hallway but responded casually, "It's only clean because I just moved in. Give me a couple weeks, and it'll look exactly how you imagined."

Sakura helped herself to sit on the large black sofa, admiring its soft texture with her fingers. Madara soon reappeared, sitting a pillow and blanket on the sofa's edge before turning into the kitchen to get utensils.

"Are you from Konoha originally?"

"I went to high school here but moved to Amegakure for work afterward. I got a new job, so now I'm back. What about you?"

The man came to sit on the floor between the coffee table and sofa, taking the large carryout bowl from its bag and opening it. Then, he handed Sakura a fork and plate, wordlessly gesturing for her to help herself.

He clicked the large television onto a random cop show so the room wouldn't be too silent.

She looked between him and the chicken before sliding down to sit beside him, picking up one of the mini drumsticks with her bare fingers and responding as she blew on it so it wouldn't burn her mouth, "Born and raised here. I'm going to school."

Madara watched in surprise as she ate with none of the delicate facades that most women try to upkeep around men. Barbecue sauce was all over her fingers, but she didn't notice or care. When she glanced at him, he snapped out of it and mirrored her casual approach, not bothering with a fork.

She hummed, speaking only after swallowing the food, "My dad always used to say that if a woman is good at eating barbecue, she's wife material."

The Uchiha man made an amused sound and watched as she placed the bone on the bowl lid, grabbing another piece, "Is that so?"

Sakura narrowed her eyes at him, "Duh. He's my dad. He wouldn't lie. Watch, I'm so fuckin' good at this." She put the flat in her mouth, and the Uchiha watched in confusion until she pulled it out a few moments later, and all the meat was gone from the bones. "Ta-da!"

He covered his mouth with the back of his hand as he laughed, "That is pretty impressive."

A small giggle left her lips as she leaned against the front of the sofa, feeling much happier with just a little food in her stomach. Her dad also told her that nothing fixes a bad day like good food.

The pair ate silently for a few minutes, absently watching the tv as though they did this every day. When there was only one left, they both reached for it and glanced at one another in surprise. Sakura backed off, smiling guiltily, "Go ahead. I'm the one who came in here and stole half of your meal."

Madara shook his head, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips, "I haven't had dinner with another person in a long time. It's alright." If she wasn't drunk, the pink-haired woman would've insisted, but she was, so she laughed to herself and happily ate the last wing.

Still, she motioned for the man to stop when he tried to get up to throw away the bag, "Let me get it, old man."

He wasn't that old. She saw his ID card, so she knew he was only twenty-seven. It's just that he was so different from the other men in her life. Sasuke, Naruto, and her other male friends at school still haven't developed the bulkier frame of a man. Madara had, and even though she was very much loyal to her boyfriend, Sakura could appreciate sexy when she saw it.

She threw everything away in the kitchen before stepping out and wandering down the hall, "Gotta pee."

This apartment was set up exactly like hers, so she knew where it was. After doing her business, Sakura caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror while washing her hands. Her long pink hair was curled and cascading around her shoulders, and her makeup still looked perfect even though she'd been crying out in the hall.

A few hair ties were on the bathroom counter. When she saw them, she decided to wash her face so her skin wouldn't break out overnight. Once her skin was clean and clear, she exited the room, halfway through the process of tossing her hair up into a messy bun while crossing the den to sit beside Madara on the floor again, "I stole one; hope that's okay."

He made some noncommittal sound but didn't say anything.

For the next hour, the two chatted casually. Sakura told him about her studies and dream of becoming a doctor. Madara told her about his new job as a security guard, claiming to be unable to share much information due to the nature of the work but not coming off as rude. Eventually, Sakura realized she was falling asleep sitting up and collapsed onto the sofa, curling up with the blanket he'd offered.

"D'you always stay up this late?" her voice was softer as she lay there with closed eyes. The gentle hum of the television was doing wonders to lull her to sleep.

"Yeah, I forget that normal people sleep a full eight hours. I'll get out of here so you can get some rest."

Sakura sighed, the alcohol making her warm and happy, "G'night, Madara. Thanks for saving my ass tonight."

The man chuckled softly as he disappeared down the hall and into his bedroom.

It was still dark outside when Sakura's phone rang loudly, waking her from a deep, drunken sleep. Groaning, she grabbed the device from the coffee table, blindly answering the call, "Hello?"

"I'm at your place, and you're not here. Where are you?"

Emerald green eyes shot open in realization. Slowly, Sakura sat up and looked around, mortified. The memories of what happened just hours ago flooded back in, and she slapped a hand to her forehead. She was beyond humiliated. Not only did she have a new neighbor, but she obviously left an awful first impression on him by drunkenly impeding like she had.


"I'll be out in a sec; hold on." She didn't bother waiting for his response and hung up the phone like he had on her. Her obsessive-compulsive disorder wouldn't allow her to leave without tidying the area, so she folded the blanket and placed the pillow on top of it. In the kitchen, she found a notepad magnified to the refrigerator and wrote a short note there for Madara to see when he woke up.

'I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll pay you back. Thanks again for the help.'

Then she left the apartment as quietly as possible. The door to her own apartment was unlocked, and she glared at her boyfriend the moment she laid eyes on him. He was halfway undressed so he could go to bed and looked at her with an irritated expression, "Where were you?"

As she reached behind her to unzip her costume and slide it off, Sakura mumbled, "The new neighbor let me crash on their couch." Her breath caught in her throat when warm hands slid around her hips from behind. She could feel Sasuke's body against her back.

He dipped down to kiss the spot where her shoulder met her neck, voice quiet, "Are you still mad?"

Sakura turned in his arms and accepted him when he kissed her, feeling giddy. As smooth as butter, they moved backward until he sat on the edge of the bed, and she climbed onto his lap.

She'll let him get away with it this one time, but he'd better not make it a habit.

Madara Uchiha is a workaholic. He works, eats, sleeps, and repeats. That's been his life for a decade now, since graduating high school. Someone with his family name would usually be expected to go to college and land some great paying job with benefits and a respectable title, but he didn't need all that.

Just days after his eighteenth birthday, he was recruited by Danzo, who happened to witness a fight between him and a jackass that tried to mug him. Madara was offered a position as a bodyguard for one of the mysterious man's employees and has since worked his way up in the ranks.

The reason he moved into this sad excuse for an apartment is that he was offered the highest-paying job he's had to date: Danzo's personal guard.

Two others hold the same title, and they're a married couple, as odd of a concept as that is. The man was a tall, lanky fellow with bright orange hair and at least a dozen piercings in total, named Yahiko. His codename at work is "Pain". The woman was a curvy, serious woman with blue hair and orange eyes named Konan, or "Angel".

Madara's codename is "Ghost". When given that information, he scoffed because it felt like a bunch of adults were trying to roleplay as spies. Danzo insisted, though, and his new position pays well over six figures a year, so Madara bit his tongue and accepted the cheesy nickname.

He was given a few weeks to relocate and settle in but didn't get a choice in where he lived because his boss requested he stay in one of the apartment buildings he owns. This shithole was the least awful option.

The air was getting colder, especially at night. Madara could see his breath upon exhaling as he walked down the sidewalk toward his new home. He's never been much of a cook, so he was relieved that at least there were plenty of restaurants in the neighborhood. He has two more weeks of relaxation before he'll have to report to Danzo for his new assignment.

"...stupid fucking stockings…."

The Uchiha man's eyes lifted to see a thin, scantily clad woman stumbling drunkenly up the steps to the very same apartment building where he resides. His gaze wandered to her backside, and he allowed himself a moment to appreciate the view before averting his eyes. It's been over a month since he was last with a woman, so he was feeling slightly frustrated. Work and relocating have kept him too busy to meet anyone.

Upon entering the building, Madara was shocked to realize that the woman he'd been checking out had pink hair, of all things. He thought there was no way it was natural but commended her on making it seem so because even her brows were the pastel color.

"-now you remember I exist!"

Madara slowed his footsteps. The attractive woman in the sexy nurse costume was angry, and he doesn't have patience for short-tempered women on a good day. For some reason, he reached forward and stopped the elevator doors from closing. Cursing himself inwardly, he stepped inside and saw she was headed to the same floor as him.

"Are you fucking-"

The Uchiha man closed his eyes and bit back the urge to defeatedly sigh. He knew he should've taken the stairs. They reopened when the woman suddenly spoke in a much quieter voice, though still upset.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You left me at some random person's house! I'm not gonna come out so you can do it again."

'Someone left her alone dressed like that and drunk? She's lucky no one took advantage of her.'

Madara tried not to be offended when he glanced over and realized the woman had angled her body away from him. He's tall and muscular. If he were a woman, he'd be uneasy running into someone who looks like him at night, too. It doesn't help that he knows how dangerous he really is, either.

The woman was obviously hung up on by whoever she'd been talking to because she gasped quietly before grumbling drunkenly under her breath.

When the elevator doors finally opened on the top floor, Madara stepped forward to leave, only to pause when she spoke in a much calmer voice, "Sorry 'bout that." 'Is that an accent, or is she just slurring because she's drunk? It's hard to tell.'

He averted his gaze and continued walking, "It's alright. Have a good night."

As he headed toward his apartment, he was acutely aware of her heels clicking against the floor as she walked behind him. His left hand twitched by his side, itching for the small pistol tucked into the back of his jeans under his jacket. In his line of work, it wouldn't be unusual for someone to stalk and even attempt to kill him. Deep down, he didn't think Danzo's enemies would send someone like this pink-haired woman as an executioner, but he also knows better than to make assumptions based on appearance alone.

When he reached into his pocket for his keys once at his door, he glanced over to see eyes the color of emeralds staring at him, hazy with inebriation. An attractive blush dusted her cheeks and nose, making the rest of her skin appear fairer.

'She's my neighbor? How come I haven't seen her until now? I wouldn't forget a woman like her.'

The woman was the opposite of his usual type. Madara usually prefers curvy women with dark features. This person was bright and slender, and her features were more youthful than the women he's grown used to as of late.

He made himself look away and unlocked his apartment door. When he opened it, he froze when a thumping sound met his ears. Chancing one last glance at the pink thing that lives next door, he simultaneously wanted to laugh and sigh defeatedly when he saw her standing there like she'd just accepted her doom. Madara is many things, but he cannot leave a drunk girl alone when something's wrong. His mother raised him better than that.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?"

The woman turned to look at him like a deer caught in headlights before nervously babbling, "Oh, uh, yes! I'm fine. How are you?" The Uchiha man opened his mouth to reply, but she continued, "You just moved in, right? Do you like it so far?"

'...She's embarrassed.'

Madara internally argued with himself over what he should do. On the one hand, he's had a long week moving and unpacking his belongings. All he wants to do is eat dinner, watch TV, and go to bed. Babysitting a drunk girl who looks like she might not legally be of age to even drink isn't what he had in mind for the night.

On the other, he couldn't in good conscience leave her out in the hallway all night. She could catch a cold, and then she'll remember him as the mean neighbor man who turned a blind eye.

Sighing again, he asked, "Do you have a key?"

The woman's face comically paled, and she appeared tense, "Th-This is my apartment. I'm not trying to break in. I swear! Please don't call the cops!"

He could've laughed. Little did she know, he's the furthest thing from a cop. Instead, he shook his head, "I didn't think you were. Is there someone you can call to let you in?"

The amusement disappeared when the pink-haired girl began softly crying. Madara began to the back of his mind, he was a little awestruck that she didn't look awful. Every person he's ever seen cry has looked terrible while doing so, but not this one. It was like watching an actress on tv, where it didn't seem genuine, but this woman was obviously too drunk to be faking it.

'What did I say!'

"No, I don't, and the office manager doesn't come in until six."

Madara's limbs tightened when she stumbled to lean against the wall. He's been a bodyguard for over nine years. Acting when someone around him is in danger is in his blood. That being said, he remained still because they don't know one another, and it might scare her if he were to rush to her side.

"...You really don't have a single person you can call?"

It looked increasingly like he'd be on babysitting duty tonight. She shook her head, wiping delicately at her eyes with manicured fingers.

Madara sighed for the millionth time that night, "You can crash at my place if you want. I have a sofa."

Rather than be offended, he was relieved to see her offer the unexpected response of firmly staring him down as though warning him to back off, "I don't even know your name. You'll probably try to rape me or something."

'At least she's not a complete idiot.'

He reached into his pocket and crossed the distance between them, lifting a brow at her when she raised her fists despite visibly trembling, "I-I have a boyfriend. He'll beat your ass if you lay a finger on me!"

'Figures. It's for the best, anyway. If I hook up with my neighbor, it'll be awkward after I kick her out in the morning.'

"Here, look. I won't hurt you. You can even take a picture of it if you want. Send it to your boyfriend so he knows who to look for if you disappear." He pulled out his wallet and flipped it open so she could see his ID card, "You won't, but still."

Her expression was almost humorous as she grabbed his wallet and brought it closer to her face, "Uchiha, Madara…." Then she returned it and began staring at him like he'd grown a second head. The Uchiha in question felt a little awkward, worried she recognized his last name and started making assumptions about him as a result.

His concern was interrupted by a loud growl from her stomach. This time, Madara couldn't hold back his laugh and tilted his head, lifting the bag in his hand slightly, "I'll share."

Then the woman followed him into his apartment like a lost puppy. The man could've rolled his eyes. Of course, he knows he isn't going to do anything to her, but she doesn't.

'Maybe she's stupid after all.'

At least he could be sure no one else would get the chance to harm her.

He watched as she made herself at home, politely taking her heels off at the door and drunkenly commenting, "I expected it to be messier in here."

"It's only clean because I just moved in. Give me a couple weeks, and it'll look exactly how you imagined," he responded casually, but really he was thinking about how much shorter she seemed after removing her shoes. After finding a spare blanket and pillow in the hallway closet, he entered the kitchen to get utensils and plates.

"Are you from Konoha originally?"

Madara didn't want to, but he answered carefully, "I went to high school here but moved to Amegakure for work afterward. I got a new job, so now I'm back. What about you?"

He came to sit between the coffee table and the sofa, his back against the new piece of furniture. He clicked on the TV and handed the pink-haired woman a plate and fork.

To his surprise, she looked at him, then at the food, then dropped the utensil and opted to use her hands.

"Born and raised here. I'm going to school."

Madara watched, stunned, as she ate as casually as if they were old friends.

When she noticed, she smiled knowingly, "My dad always used to say that if a woman is good at eating barbecue, she's wife material."

'She's not what I expected.'

The Uchiha man expected her to be just like any other woman, infinitely concerned with how she's perceived, to adjust her actions according to what she assumed those around her preferred.

"Is that so?"

She dropped the blank bone on the bowl's lid and went for another, giving him a look that said she wanted him to quit staring at eat.

Emerald eyes narrowed at him, "Duh. He's my dad. He wouldn't lie. Watch, I'm so fuckin' good at this." She put the flat in her mouth, and the Uchiha watched in confusion until she pulled it out a few moments later, and all the meat was gone from the bones. "Ta-da!"

'She's not what I expected at all,' he mused while covering his mouth with the back of his hand, chuckling genuinely for the first time in a long time.

"That is pretty impressive."

With a bit of food in her stomach, the woman crying in the hallway just minutes ago seemed happy as can be.

The pair ate silently for a few minutes, absently watching the tv as though they did this every day. When there was only one left, they both reached for it and glanced at one another in surprise. The attractive girl backed off, smiling guiltily, "Go ahead. I'm the one who came in here and stole half of your meal."

Madara responded honestly for the first time since meeting her, "I haven't had dinner with another person in a long time. It's alright." If she wasn't drunk, she might've insisted, but she was, so he watched as she laughed to herself and happily ate the last wing.

When he moved to clear the coffee table, she waved a hand, making a noise that told him she wanted him to stop what he was doing, "Let me get it, old man."

The bodyguard's calm expression was no longer genuine. 'Old man? I'm not even thirty! How young is she? I swear to God, if she's a minor, I'm gonna find her parents and find out why they let their underage daughter wander the streets like that.'

She threw everything away in the kitchen before stepping out and wandering down the hall, "Gotta pee."

Madara stole a glance at her backside as she walked away, cursing inwardly when she turned into the room and out of sight. He got up and washed his hands in the kitchen, only to freeze when reaching for the hand towel when he realized he was smiling to himself. Frowning, he returned to the living room.

After tonight, he can't see her again, so he can't get used to having company like this. It's much too dangerous for anyone to be around him, especially someone as vulnerable as the petite woman in his bathroom. Even if she weren't in danger, she has a boyfriend who would undoubtedly be uncomfortable with their friendship if he's even relatively sane.

'If I had a girl like her, I'd hesitate to let her out of sight.'

"I stole one; hope that's okay."

Madara looked up as she walked around the coffee table to plop down near him like before, forcing a sound of acknowledgment to leave his chest. Gone was the makeup, and she'd tossed her thick hair into a charming messy bun. He wasn't confident he could say something because he was stunned by how attractive she still appeared.

Eventually, he came to his senses, and the two spent the next couple of hours chatting as though having coffee together as companions. The Uchiha man found it surprisingly easy to talk to her and actually listened when she spoke. She wasn't dull like he finds most women who blabber endlessly.

She's studying to become a doctor. Madara never would've guessed because she seemed like a stuck-up rich girl to the naked eye. Her hair was perfect, even after being carelessly tossed up. Her nails were freshly manicured, her skin was fair and clear, and her teeth were perfectly straight and pearly white. She could've been a model, for all he knew.

As vaguely as possible, he told her about his job, dumbing it down to a simple bodyguard contract. There's no reason for her to know who he works for or how dangerous his career can get.

Before long, the interesting woman began to fall asleep sitting up and climbed up onto the sofa to curl up under the blanket.

Soon after, he shut the television off and bid her good night.

In the morning, she was gone, like a ghost, like his codename. Madara let out a bitter laugh as he looked at the note on his refrigerator.

'I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll pay you back. Thanks again for the help.'

He didn't even get her name.

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