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56.75% Naruto : Pure Blood / Chapter 84: chapter 75

Capítulo 84: chapter 75



Chapter 75~ Bullying the weak



Shikamaru and Naruto (clone) were heading toward an unknown destination. They were running at a very high speed.

While Naruto was leading the way, Shikamaru was following. It had been three hours since they departed from Konoha.

Shikamaru's heart was burning with rage because his sensei had been killed by two Akatsuki members, and now he was going to avenge his sensei.


He had full confidence in his friend. He simply wanted those two men to die. He glanced at the back of Naruto and felt a deep sense of gratitude toward his friend.

Sensing his emotions, Naruto spoke, "You don't have to feel that way, after all, I am your friend. Aren't I?" he asked Shikamaru. Shikamaru nodded in response.


Soon, they reached a bustling town, teeming with people. Naruto knew exactly where he had to go.

They weaved through the crowd, unnoticed by anyone. After all, this town had no ninjas.


Meanwhile, Hidan and Kakuzu were savoring their meal in a restaurant.

"Hey... it's been a while since we've killed anyone," Hidan said with a sinister grin, his eagerness to offer this town as a sacrifice to Lord Jashin evident. He was prepared to take the lives of everyone in the town.

Kakuzu regarded him with a measured gaze. "Don't be so hasty. Haven't you heard there are problems within the organization?" he cautioned.

Hidan shrugged, oblivious to the issues within the organization. "So, what does that have to do with me?" he asked his desire to kill these people unyielding.


"You moron," Kakuzu chided, " leader-sama had instructed us not to engage in unnecessary activities. Can't you sense his power? He's a walking monster. I advise you not to act recklessly; it won't end well for you." Kakuzu had personally experienced the sheer might of their leader, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of fear.

Hidan grumbled as he continued eating. "Tch... Why are you such a pussy?" he muttered under his breath.

"You!" Kakuzu's frustration was evident, his face contorted with irritation. He wanted to kill Hidan right there and then, but he knew he couldn't risk incurring the wrath of their leader. So, he endured Hidan's taunts.

"Hehe... Look, you haven't even laid a finger on me. You're such a pussy, Kakuzu... Hahaha," Hidan laughed loudly, continuing his provocations.

"I will kill you!" Kakuzu yelled in anger.

Hidan chuckled confidently, "You can't kill me; I'm immortal... Hahaha!"


They finished their bickering and completed their meal, oblivious to the fact that it would be their last.

Naruto and Shikamaru concealed themselves in the trees, hiding their presence expertly. Naruto relayed their position to Shikamaru, whispering, "They're on the move." He kept an eye on their every action.


"Do you want to eliminate them in the town or wait for them to leave?" Naruto asked his friend. He didn't have any qualms about killing them down within the town, but it was a different story for Shikamaru. He didn't want civilians to be caught in the crossfire.

In a hushed tone, Shikamaru responded, "We'll wait for them to leave." He was focused on the mission and didn't want to risk any mistakes.


Naruto nodded in agreement. They quietly began to trail Hidan and Kakuzu from the shadows, and before long, their targets exited the town.

The landscape shifted as they ventured into the forest. They were still within the Land of Fire, where dense woodlands stretched in every direction.


"Why do I have the feeling that someone is watching us?" Kakuzu said in a hushed voice, his decades of battle instincts alerting him to the presence of an unseen observer.

"Don't be so paranoid Dick," Hidan retorted, "You know we're immortal."

Kakuzu's expression darkened as Hidan's remarks continued to get on his nerves.

"Immortal my ass..." A voice cut through the air, and two figures landed in front of Kakuzu and Hidan. Naruto addressed them, each clone have a distinct personality, and this particular clone of Naruto was an arrogant Punk.

Kakuzu and Hidan frowned upon seeing the newcomers.


"You're the brat... we tortured your sensei right in front of you," Hidan said with a mocking laugh, twirling his scythe menacingly.


Sikamaru's face darkened, he was mocking his deceased sensei.

Kakuzu looked at the two boys, feeling a sense of foreboding when he gazed at Naruto.

''Die by my hands... you will be a fine sacrifice to Jashin-sama,'' Hidan yelled and launched himself at them. He didn't care about anything; in his opinion, he was immortal and no one could kill him. He was a loyal follower of Jashin-sama. Who could kill him?

Kakuzu observed Hidan and knew that the battle was inevitable. He assumed his battle stance.


Naruto's gaze fixed on Hidan, a look of disgust etched across his face. "The way you talk, it disgusts me," he said, his Otsutsuki genes fully on display.

"What did you say? I'll kill you, brat!" Hidan roared, changing his course to confront Naruto. He seethed with anger, so much so that he was willing to end the boy before him for the insult.

With a swift motion, he swung his scythe at Naruto's head, his sole intention to draw a single drop of blood, sealing Naruto's fate.

Naruto's gaze locked onto the incoming scythe, and everything seemed to slow down. The speed of the attack was nothing before his eyes.




Hidan swung his scythe with all his might, but he felt as if it had cut through nothing but air. His weapon had missed its mark.

Panic crept over him as he frantically scanned his surroundings. "Where are you?" he yelled out in frustration.

"You are weak," Naruto's voice echoed from behind him.


Hidan swiftly turned and swung his scythe, but once more, it found only empty air to slice through.

"Pathetic," Naruto's voice taunted from somewhere nearby. "You call this speed... snails are faster than you. Come at me again, inferior creature."

Hidan seethed with anger, his fury growing by the second. Naruto's insults were more than he could bear; no one had humiliated him like this before.


"Why you!!! I will kill you, bastard!!!" Hidan screamed and once again lunged at Naruto.

As Hidan closed in, a sudden pain seared through his chest. To his horror, he looked down to see Naruto's hand piercing through his chest. Before he could react, Naruto swiftly yanked his hand out.

~~Thump~~ Thump~~

Hidan's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at his heart.


In an instant, Naruto crushed his heart in the palm of his hand.

"Oops... I crushed your heart," Naruto remarked casually while cleaning his hand.


Hidan was left stunned, unable to move. He knew he wouldn't die from this, but it wounded his pride deeply. However, before he could react or retaliate, Naruto swiftly grabbed Hidan's scythe and delivered a powerful kick to Hidan's left side.

Hidan's body was sent hurtling backward at incredible speed, tumbling across the ground several times before finally coming to a stop in front of Shikamaru.

Up until this point, Shikamaru had been watching the fight closely. He had already captured Kakuzu's shadow, ensuring that Kakuzu couldn't interfere in the battle between Naruto and Hidan.


While Naruto was toying with Hidan, he was also paying attention to Shikamaru. With his eyes, he watched how Shikamaru performed the hand signs, how his chakra molded within his body, and how the chakra flowed through him while executing the jutsu.

Naruto had a smile on his face; he had figured out how the Shadow Possession Jutsu worked and how Shikamaru had performed it. After all, there was nothing hidden from his eyes.


"So, this is one of the applications of Yin Release," Naruto mused silently.

"It's a shame the Nara clan didn't fully tap into the potential of their jutsu. They're born with this type of chakra, but it's nothing that I, Naruto, can't learn. It's just a simple application of Yin Release, and my mastery over Yin Release is already in its higher states."


Naruto thought to himself and twirled the scythe in his hand, which had a long chain attached to its handle and three blades.

"You've got a good weapon, insect. I'll be using it for a while," Naruto said, pointing 'his' scythe towards Hidan.


"You can take care of him," Naruto said to Sikamaru.

Shikamaru turned his attention to Hidan and nodded at Naruto. "I will kill him,"

Naruto wasted no time. He had accomplished his goal, and there was nothing left for him here. "It's fun time," he


Naruto leaped into the air, grabbed the chain, and swung the scythe with full force.


The scythe struck the ground where Kakuzu had stood just moments before.

"You dodged..." Naruto remarked as he landed on the ground, causing the earth beneath him to crack.


Black tentacles shot out from Kakuzu's arm, attempting to strike Naruto. Naruto skillfully used his scythe to deflect them.

"You're good at dodging," Kakuzu acknowledged.

"Don't get cocky," Naruto replied. "You're nothing special, just like your friend. You're both inferior creatures."

Naruto coated his scythe with wind chakra and swiftly cut through all of Kakuzu's tentacles.


Kakuzu showed no hesitation as he unleashed his black threads once more, launching an attack at Naruto. However, Naruto skillfully wielded his scythe, cutting down all of the threads effortlessly.

"Wind Style: Swirling Winds!" Naruto declared as he swung his scythe in a circular motion. A powerful current of wind erupted from his weapon, striking Kakuzu head-on.


Kakuzu was sent flying like a rocket, colliding with and shattering every tree in his path. The force was so tremendous that he didn't come to a stop for the next 3 kilometers.


Naruto examined his handiwork, this jutsu of his only worked when wielding a weapon. Since his battle with Kisame, he hadn't had access to a suitable weapon. Using this scythe felt right.

Surveying the devastated trees and the clear path in front of him, he muttered in a low voice, "I see... so he stopped."


Naruto then focused his senses on a nearby pebble, flicked his finger, and vanished from his current location, reappearing right in front of Kakuzu.


"So, you're still alive... You're one tough insect," Naruto muttered.

Kakuzu had so many internal injuries, but he was using his black threads to stitch them.

Meanwhile, Naruto closed his eyes and began molding his chakra into his chakra pathways.


Why is this shadow jutsu so rare? It's because, unlike the typical applications of Yin Release, this one is different.

Most Yin Release techniques are spiritual in nature, such as genjutsu or Yamanaka's mind jutsu, and many others based on Yin Release. These are not physical attacks; they operate on a spiritual level, invisible to normal eyes and untouchable.

However, shadow techniques and jutsu related to them are unique. They exist in a realm between the physical and spiritual. Shadows are both physical and spiritual entities. We can see them, but we can't touch them.


To use jutsu related to shadows, one must transform Yin chakra into both spiritual and physical forms simultaneously. This requires a deep understanding of Yin chakra, making it one of the most challenging chakra transformations.


So, how could the Nara clan use these jutsu? The answer lies in their genetics. This ability had mutated and been passed down from generation to generation within their genes. It was an innate part of their genetic makeup. Without it, they wouldn't have even known what Yin chakra was.


However, it was a different story for Naruto. He had mastered Yin chakra to a certain degree, and with his eyes, he had witnessed how the chakra constructs for shadow jutsu were formed.


And now, he was attempting it.

He focused intently on his chakra, using his eyes to observe the intricate process of chakra within his body. Soon enough, his shadows began to come to life, wriggling and responding to his control.

"Haha...Fuck I did it," he exclaimed with excitement. He manipulated his shadow, twisting it and warping it in astonishing ways.

Although the sun was in front of him, his shadow, which should have been behind him, now stretched out in front. This defiance of the laws of physics was a testament to the unconventional nature of shadow jutsu.


Like the Nara clan, Naruto had no shortage of chakra. In fact, he could use it as much as he desired.


Kakuzu had finished healing his body and began forming hand signs. "Boy, you will pay for this," he spat


Naruto kept his gaze fixed on Kakuzu. "Your hands are moving, and I don't like it," he remarked, and his shadow extended in a circular motion.


The earth turned black as Naruto's shadow extended in a circular pattern, covering an area of 50 meters.


Kakuzu's hands ceased their movements, and he found himself unable to even twitch a finger; the binding of the shadows was too powerful.


The trees that had been swaying in the wind froze in place, their leaves standing still, and the birds sat motionless. Everything seemed as if time had stopped, yet the howling of the wind still echoed in the surroundings. The eerie and horrifying stillness was an unsettling sight to behold.


Naruto began to walk on the shadows.


He tapped his scythe on the shadow, and the scythe remained frozen in place.

Naruto continued to move on the shadows, his black cloak fluttering. Everything was connected to him, and nothing stirred.

"I see that you have five hearts... and I don't want to kill you five times," he remarked to Kakuzu.


Kakuzu was undoubtedly shaken, although his face remained impassive. It wasn't that he wanted to appear cool; his facial expressions were simply frozen.

"I had been thinking of creating a new jutsu," Naruto began, "but I didn't get the time for that. This seems like the perfect chance."

He continued to approach Kakuzu at a measured pace, his eyes beginning to glow faintly


Naruto began to perceive the particles of different elements around him.

He wasn't pushing his eyes to the extreme, but he was using them enough to discern the elemental particles present in the vicinity.

He extended his left hand, and a minuscule ball of chakra concentrated in his palm. To the untrained eye, it appeared as nothing more than a spark.


But for Naruto, it was sufficiently large.

He extended his right hand, and wind chakra began to emanate from his palm, directed toward the small chakra ball. The wind chakra started swirling around the chakra ball.

From his left hand, pure chakra poured forth, splitting into thousands of threads that spun at a rapid pace above the wind chakra.

Another layer of wind chakra flowed from his right hand and started rotating along with the first layer of Rasengan. Due to its speed, the wind chakra split into thousands of sharp needles, all revolving at full speed.


The process continued, and in no time, the jutsu was complete. The Wind Style Rasengan was now fully formed.

The jutsu was flawless; there was no space between the layers of Rasengan. Every gap was filled with the whirling wind needles.

Naruto held the Rasengan in his right hand, and it emitted a hollowing sound, reminiscent of the wind cutting through everything in its path.


Naruto gazed at the Rasengan in his hand, murmuring, "Truly magnificent... a jutsu worthy of me," in a low voice.

He then turned his attention to Kakuzu, who remained frozen in place like a statue.


Naruto seamlessly controlled Yin chakra, wind chakra, and the Rasengan simultaneously, showcasing his superiority. His confident talk wasn't baseless; he possessed the power to back it up.

"Be grateful that you're the first test subject of my new creation," Naruto remarked before launching the Wind Style Rasengan at Kakuzu.


The Wind Style Rasengan struck Kakuzu, resulting in a deafening explosion. A white dome, formed of swirling wind and Rasengan, emerged. [an~image]

The sheer power of the attack defied the binding of Naruto's shadows. A massive crater was created, and inside the jutsu, every cell of Kakuzu's body was obliterated by the minuscule and razor-sharp wind needles.

These needles had become incredibly sharp and small due to the intense rotation, effectively annihilating every single cell of Kakuzu and ending his life within the swirling dome of wind and Rasengan.


"This is great," Naruto exclaimed while gazing at the lifeless body of Kakuzu.

"I wonder what will happen if I add other elements like water, lightning, fire, or earth into the Rasengan," Naruto pondered aloud in a hushed tone.



AN~ I hope you like the chapter, how do you like the personality of Naruto.

The training arc will start soon…

In the next chapter, someone is going to die Guess who is he/she

1. Kurotsuchi

2. Diedara

3. Zetsu

Do you like Kushina, I think there will be some mention of her in the next chapter. When do you want me revive her?

Before the war


After the war

If you like the chapter give me powrstones and add the novel to the library

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