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14.28% Yu-Gi-Oh! The Supreme King Dragon's Advent / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Newcomer's Arrival

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1: The Newcomer's Arrival

This is a fanfiction. All the characters, cards, and places are respectively owned by the creators of Yu-Gi-Oh!

The sunlit courtyard of Heartland Academy buzzed with the energy of students rushing to their classes. Among the crowd, the brown haired boy Ren Hitorigoto stood, his vibrant red eyes scanning his surroundings with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Today was his first day at this school, and he hoped it would be a chance for new beginnings.

Taking a deep breath, Ren's expression transformed from his usual carefree smile to a serious, almost mysterious gaze. His mind conjured a dramatic monologue, a facade he had adopted to amuse himself and create an air of intrigue.

"The world is a stage, and I am the lead actor." Ren spoke on his mind, his voice carrying a hint of enigma. "But behind this mask of cheerful naivety lies a hidden past, a secret that will shape my destiny. Prepare yourselves for a tale of unexpected twists and turns."

Just as he finished his inner monologue, a stern voice cut through the air, calling Ren's name. The teacher stood at the door of the classroom, beckoning him inside. Ren's serious demeanor instantly vanished, and he returned to his facade—a happy-go-lucky young man.

Ren hurriedly made his way into the classroom, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar faces of his new classmates. The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned to him. With a shy smile, Ren stood at the front of the class, facing the expectant gazes of his peers.

"Uh, h-hey everyone!" Ren stammered, scratching the back of his head. "My name is Ren Hitorigoto, and, uh, I just transferred here. I hope we can all get along and have a great time together!"

A few polite nods and smiles greeted Ren's introduction, while others whispered among themselves, seemingly unimpressed. Nonetheless, Ren's optimism remained unscathed. He was determined to find his place in this new environment and forge bonds with his classmates.

He took his seat and Ren couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. The stark contrast between his enigmatic nature and his cheerful persona was sure to be quite a spectacle when it unfolds. Little did his classmates know, there's more to Ren than what meets the eye.

The class started and Ren made sure to listen carefully, or at least pretends that he does as he already know everything the teacher is discussing.

After the class ended, most of Ren's classmates surrounded him, throwing questions at his way left and right that he almost suffocates. Still, he answers all of them like the normal student he pretends to be.

"Hey, what are your hobbies?" A classmate asked.

Ren smiled, feigning a thoughtful expression. "Ah, my hobbies? Well, I love cooking. There's something soothing about creating delicious dishes from scratch. And when you finally get to taste the fruit of your labor, everything just feels worth it and refreshing, you know what I'm saying?"

Another student piped up, "Oh, that's interesting! What else do you enjoy?"

Ren chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Well, apart from cooking, I also take care of my cat, Nimi. She's quite a handful, but she's got a loving personality. And, oh! Did I mention I have a motorcycle? Riding through the wind, feeling the freedom... it's the best really."

His classmates exchanged intrigued glances; their interest piqued by Ren's unexpected hobbies. They were captivated by the contrast between his carefree nature and the hidden depths he alluded to.

With each question thrown his way, Ren answered effortlessly, weaving a web of half-truths and playful anecdotes. He managed to maintain the facade of an ordinary student, all the while leaving a trail of curiosity in his wake.

As Ren continued to engage in conversation with his classmates, a voice cut through the bustling chatter, instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with Heartland Academy.

"Hey, Hitorigoto! I couldn't help but be curious. Are you good at dueling?" An energetic student with tan skin, red eyes, and black and red spiked hair that points out and upward asked him, he has approached Ren with a wide grin on his face.

Ren's eyes widened momentarily, caught off guard by the boy's enthusiastic approach. But before he could even say anything, a girl with dark green hair tied into a side bun interjected.

"Yuma, hold on a second! You're clearly overwhelming Hitorigoto-kun." The girl exclaimed, gently placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. She turned towards Ren and extended her hand in a friendly gesture. "I'm Kotori Mizuki," she introduced herself. "And this hyperactive guy is Yuma Tsukumo. He might be a little too pushy, but he's actually a good guy." Kotori motioned toward Yuma, who gave a wave and a cheerful "Hey!"

Ren had hoped to keep his true dueling abilities hidden for now. Nevertheless, he flashed a friendly smile and gave Kotori an affirming handshake then replied, "It's fine, I was just surprised is all, you can just call me Ren by the way. And to answer your question Tsukumo-kun, Yeah, dueling is definitely an exciting hobby, but, uh, it's not really my forte… I'm more into other things."

Yuma's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. "You're not into dueling? But... it's so amazing! The thrill of the duel, the strategies, the bonds you form... It's like nothing else in the world!!"

Ren found himself in a difficult position. On one hand, he wanted to maintain his facade and keep his true abilities under wraps. On the other hand, he wants to test his strength against Yuma. He pondered for a moment, his mind racing to come up with an excuse.

"I appreciate the offer, guys." Ren said, scratching his head. "But I'm really more of a casual duelist. I've never really trained or competed. Maybe one day I'll give it a shot, but for now, I'm content just watching and cheering on."

"Yuma, not everyone feels the same way you do." Kotori gently reminded him. "Dueling may be your favorite activity, but that doesn't mean it has to be Ren's. Everyone has their own interests and hobbies, and we should respect that. Don't you think so?" She winked at Yuma.

"You're right, Kotori." Yuma admitted, a tinge of sadness lingering in his voice. "I guess I got caught up in my own excitement and forgot that not everyone feels the same way. Ren, I apologize if I seemed pushy."

"It's fine, I'd be a little sad too if my friends are not into the same things I like, but that's not an issue to still be friends with them, right?" Ren said with his usual cheerful and kind voice.

Yuma's sad expression disappeared, and he quickly regained his infectious enthusiasm. "Yeah, you're absolutely right! Well, if you ever change your mind, Ren, just let us know! We'd be more than happy to help you improve."

Ren nodded, relieved that Yuma and his friends seemed satisfied with his response. However, deep down, he knew that his path would inevitably intersect with the world of dueling, and he might have to confront them with his hidden talents sooner or later.

As the conversation shifted to other topics, Ren couldn't help but wonder how long he should keep his true abilities hidden. Little did he know, the secrets he held and the destiny that awaited him would soon intertwine with the lives of Yuma and his friends, forever altering the course of their journeys.

School day came to an end, Ren found himself walking through the bustling streets of Heartland City, his mind immersed in a whirlwind of thoughts. The events of the day played like a vivid movie in his mind, each scene etching itself into his memory.

With a carefree smile on his face, Ren weaved through the crowd, a stark contrast to the cool and mysterious aura he projected on his mind. People passed by, oblivious to the secrets he held within, the facade he carefully maintained.

In the depths of his thoughts, Ren's mind conjured another dramatic monologue, a private soliloquy that played out only within his own consciousness.

"The stage is set, and all I need is for the players to take their positions." Ren's voice echoed in his mind. "Within this grand theater called life, I navigate the delicate dance between truth and illusion. Each step, each interaction, is but a carefully chosen move in this intricate game."

He paused for a moment, his expression turning contemplative as his thoughts lingered on Yuma and his friends. The encounter with the passionate duelist and his infectious enthusiasm had left an impression on Ren, sparking a curiosity within him that he couldn't ignore.

"But what lies beyond?" Ren wondered, his eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "Perhaps, hidden beneath this world, lies a dormant truth waiting to be awakened. Maybe, just maybe, this dimension holds the answers I seek."

As Ren continued his solitary walk, his steps carried him further into the heart of the city, a landscape ripe with possibilities and untold adventures. The sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow upon the streets, and Ren couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the journey that lay ahead.

"Some pieces are still missing, but it doesn't matter. I'll be able to find them soon enough, and the moment I do... the chessboard of fate will tremble beneath my fingertips. Every move, every calculated step, will be part of my symphony of strategy, orchestrating the downfall of those who go in the way of my goal." Ren made a smirk full of animosity and confidence.

He knew that his path was about to converge with Yuma and his friends, and that their fates would intertwine in ways neither of them could yet comprehend. Ren couldn't deny the flicker of excitement that stirred within him, the sense of being on the precipice of a thrilling and transformative chapter of his life.

With each passing moment, the weight of his hidden past and the mysteries that surrounded him grew heavier, urging him forward into the unknown. Ren Hitorigoto, the happy-go-lucky student with a secret to protect and a goal to achieve, embraced the uncertainty, ready to uncover the truth that awaited him.

As Ren strolled through the busy city, his eyes caught sight of a familiar school uniform worn by a lone figure sitting on the swing at the park. Approaching her with an almost reverent hesitation, Ren found himself mesmerized by her appearance.

Her porcelain skin, as if kissed by moonlight, radiated an otherworldly allure. Her eyes, a captivating shade of dark pink, shimmered with a hidden depth, reflecting a myriad of emotions. And then there was her hair—a tapestry of contrasting hues that defied convention. Dark blue tresses cascaded down her back, interwoven with delicate strands of light blue, like whispers of a midnight breeze. It was as though the heavens themselves had painted her into existence.

But beneath the surface of her breathtaking beauty lies the sullen expression on the girl's otherwise flawless visage. Ren couldn't help but feel a tug at his heartstrings, he felt an urge to reach out and offer some kindness. He approached her, taking a seat on the swing beside hers and asked, "Hey, is everything okay?"

"What's it to you?" The girl retorted, her tone laced with annoyance. "I don't need your sympathy or anyone else's for that matter."

Ren held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "Aw, come on now." he teased lightly. "It's a beautiful day, and you're here all by yourself. You're practically begging for someone to come at your aid. Plus, who wouldn't want to enjoy a breezy sunset like this? It's the perfect way to blow off some steam."

The girl's expression softened slightly, and she sighed. "It's nothing," she said, looking away. "Just some stupid family affairs."

Ren tilted his head curiously, sensing that there was more to the story. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked, flashing her a friendly smile.

"I may not know all the details, but sometimes it helps to talk about what's bothering you. It's not good to keep everything bottled up, you know? Specially if a family member is concerned." He added.

There was a flicker of vulnerability in the girl's eyes as she hesitated, contemplating whether to open up to this stranger. Something about Ren's demeanor, his genuine care and willingness to listen, prompted her to take a leap of faith.

She let out a sigh, her voice barely above a whisper. "Fine, if you really wanna know, I got into a fight with my brother, Ryoga. He's always so overprotective and strict. We had another argument, and I can't stand it anymore. It's like he doesn't trust me at all."

Ren nodded empathetically, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Ah, the joys of family dynamics. I can say I've had the same experience since I was a tad bit strict to my little sister as well, but I know what it's like when someone tries to control your every move, so I decided to loosen up and trust her, I realized that my paranoid worries has made more harm than good, and that I'm just here to guide her, not control her. Maybe your brother cares about you a lot, but he's just going about it the wrong way. You guys should make up and show him that you can handle things on your own, prove to him that you're capable."

Her gaze softened, and a glimmer of hope danced in her eyes. She felt a sense of comfort in Ren's presence, his words resonating with her own experiences. Perhaps this encounter was more than mere chance. The girl looked at him for a moment, studying him closely, before finally nodding. "Thanks. Maybe I'll take your advice and try to find a way to make my brother see things differently. You're not so bad, uhh…" she said, a small smile playing on her lips before it turns into that of confusion as she didn't have Ren's name.

Ren smiled, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. "Hitorigoto, Ren Hitorigoto. I'll take that as a compliment, umm..."

"Kamishiro… name is Rio Kamishiro," Rio chuckled, with a faint smile on her lips.

The two swung back and forth. Rio and Ren fell into a comfortable banter, their conversation flowing easily. Ren couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with Rio, recognizing a tiny bit resemblance to his little sister.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the park, Ren and Rio continued their conversation, forging a connection that held the potential to transform both of their lives. Little did they know that their encounter would set in motion a series of events that would unravel the mysteries surrounding them and the destiny that awaited them.

In the midst of their animated exchange, a rustle of leaves caught Ren's attention. He turned his head, his eyes lit up with joy as a small cat emerged from behind a nearby bush. Its sleek fur glistened in the fading sunlight as it cautiously approached the swinging pair. Ren couldn't contain his excitement, his heart swelling with affection for these furry creatures.

"Kamishiro-san, look! It's a cat!" Ren exclaimed, his voice filled with delight. "Isn't it adorable?"

Rio's eyes widened with a mixture of fear and apprehension as she caught sight of the approaching feline. A wave of panic washed over her, and she instinctively recoiled, her body tensing up. "No, no, get it away from me!" she cried out, her voice trembling.

Ren's surprise was evident as he witnessed Rio's reaction. He couldn't understand why someone wouldn't find the presence of a cat comforting and charming. But he respected her fears and immediately halted the swing's gentle motion. "Hey, it's okay." he reassured Rio, his voice calm and soothing. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Cats are usually quite friendly and gentle."

Tears welled up in Rio's eyes as she tried to steady her breathing. She felt a bit embarrassed by her strong reaction, especially in front of Ren, but her ailurophobia was deeply ingrained. She mustered the courage to explain, her voice still quivering slightly. "I'm sorry, Hitori. It's just... I've had this fear of cats for as long as I can remember. I can't explain it. It's irrational, I know."

Ren's empathetic nature kicked in, and he moved closer to Rio, placing a comforting hand on her own. "You don't have to apologize, Kamishiro-san. We all have our own fears. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe facing your fear could help you overcome it, but only if you're ready and comfortable doing so."

Rio sniffled and wiped away her tears, appreciating Ren's understanding and kindness. She took a deep breath, her determination slowly replacing her fear. "Perhaps you're right." she whispered, her voice gaining strength as she trust her newly made friend. "Maybe it's time for me to confront this fear and overcome it once and for all."

Ren smiled warmly at Rio, proud of her willingness to confront her fears. "I'll be here with you every step of the way. We'll take it at your pace, and if it becomes too overwhelming, we can always take a step back. Facing our fears is a journey, and I believe in you."

As the warm evening breeze swept through the park, Ren, still filled with his playful spirit, leaned down to scoop up the cat in his arms. Its soft purrs resonated against his chest, a comforting melody that resonated with his love for animals.

"Kamishiro-san, look." Ren said, holding the cat out towards her. "I think he likes you. Maybe it sensed your kind heart."

Rio hesitated; her eyes fixed on the cat nestled in Ren's embrace. She admired his courage and kindness, seeing his genuine efforts to help her overcome her fear. Taking a deep breath, she extended her trembling hand toward the cat, her fingertips just inches away.

But before her hand could make contact, the sound of an approaching motorcycle pierced through the air, disrupting the tranquil atmosphere of the park. Ren and Rio turned their heads, their eyes widening as Rio's brother, Ryoga Kamishiro, roared into view on his bike.

Ryoga's intense gaze fell upon the scene before him—an unfamiliar boy holding his sister's hand outstretched toward a cat. His protective instincts surged, fueled by the recent argument he had with Rio and his constant worry for her safety. He parked his motorcycle nearby and strode towards them with an expression of both concern and suspicion.

"What's going on here?" Ryoga demanded, his voice laced with tension. "Who are you, and what are you doing with my sister?"

Rio's heart sank as she saw the conflict brewing in her brother's eyes. She quickly withdrew her hand and stepped back, her voice trembling slightly. "Ryoga, please calm down. It's not what you think. This is Hitorigoto. He... he helped me today when I was feeling down."

Ren, feeling the sudden shift in the atmosphere, gently placed the cat back on the ground and approached Ryoga with an open and friendly demeanor. "Umm… Hello, I'm Ren Hitorigoto. We just met today, and I assure you, there's nothing wrong going on. I found your little sister here, upset on the swing, and we started talking. That's all."

Ryoga studied Ren, his protective instincts still on high alert. His sister's safety was paramount to him, and he wasn't willing to let just anyone enter her life. And in one swift movement, Rio's brother grabbed Ren by his collar.

Ren tried to maintain his composure despite the aggressive reaction. He understood the older brother's concern, but he didn't want this misunderstanding to escalate further. With a calm but firm voice, he replied, "I understand your worry, Kamishiro… kun? Kamishiro-nii? but I assure you, I have no ill intentions towards your sister. We were simply having a conversation and offering each other support."

Ryoga's grip on Ren's collar tightened, his voice tinged with annoyance, feeling as if he was being mocked. "You have quite the humor huh, you bastard."

Rio, witnessing the altercation, immediately strode over, her voice laced with annoyance.

"Ryoga, let him go!" she demanded, her tone firm and unwavering. "Hitori is just a friend who happened to find me when I needed someone to talk to. You can't just go around accusing everyone who shows me kindness!

Ren maintained his calm demeanor, carefully choosing his words, "Kamishiro, I understand your concern, but your sister is a strong and independent person. She has a voice and can make her own choices. I'm not here to replace you or take advantage of her. I'm just here to help her, nothing more."

Ryoga's face flushed with anger as he tightened his grip on Ren's collar, his voice seething with rage.

"Stop talking as if you know her!" he growled, his words dripping with contempt. "You're just some stranger who came out of nowhere, trying to weasel your way into my sister's good graces. Well, let me make this clear: You're not tricking her!"

With a forceful shove, Ryoga pushed Ren down to the ground, causing him to stumble backward. The intensity in Ryoga's eyes seemed to intensify as he stood over Ren, asserting his dominance.

"Stay away from my sister." he hissed, his voice filled with a mix of warning and superiority. "I won't let you take advantage of Rio. She doesn't need your so-called friendship or whatever you're offering. We take care of our own."

Ren's eyes locked onto Ryoga's, unwavering and determined, despite being on the receiving end of Ryoga's aggression.

"A-At least hear her out! She's not a mindless being who needs someone to dictate what she can and cannot do!" Ren pleaded, his voice tinged with an earnest appeal. "As an older brother myself, I know for the fact that we're only here to guide our siblings on what's right and wrong. In the end, they should be the one to choose their own fate!"

Ryoga's anger surged, his face contorted with frustration as he misinterpreted Ren's words as a challenge to his own capability as an older brother. The fire in his eyes intensified, and he lashed out in a fit of fury.

"So you're implying that I'm incompetent as an older brother!?" Ryoga seethed, his voice trembling with rage. "If you're looking for a fight, then prepare to eat dirt you bastard!"

Ryoga then equipped his Duel equipment, planning on destroying Ren on a duel.

Ren's expression softened, his tone now resolute yet compassionate. He realized that for Ryoga, actions spoke louder than words, and perhaps only through a duel could he truly comprehend their intentions.

"If a duel is what it takes for you to hear us out, then I accept your challenge wholeheartedly." Ren declared, his voice carrying an unwavering conviction. "I'll make sure that Kamishiro-san's voice will reach you. "

With the tension filling the air, Ryoga and Ren readied themselves for the duel. Duel Disks strapped securely to their wrists, they activated their own D-Gazers, the devices humming to life as they synchronized with their consciousness. The futuristic technology enhanced their connection to the game, turning their every move and strategy into reality.

Their gazes locked, both brothers stood poised for the clash that would settle their dispute. The tension grew palpable as the surroundings consciously faded into the background, leaving only the area they're in to give the vibe of a duel arena as their battleground.

As the first cards were drawn, the atmosphere crackled with energy. The stage was set, and the duel began.

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