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10.34% Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man / Chapter 5: Hypocrisy & Evolution

Capítulo 5: Hypocrisy & Evolution

-Peter in an Alley-

Peter stood in the light rain, watching the rich and entitled walk in and out of the art gallery just a couple of meters down the path. All dressed in their expensive suits or the latest fashion trends, seemingly lost in the countless pieces of art behind glass casings with their own 'opinions' on each art piece.

The gun was tucked in the pocket of his hood, he had a hand tightly wrapped around the handle, with a finger already set on the trigger.


He took a mental note of the time after a glance at his watch. He had eight minutes to prepare himself for the next step. Surprisingly he didn't think he would need to prepare himself any more than he already was. He was calm right now. Incredibly so for a teenager about to commit their first murder.

The act of taking human life was supposed to make him feel disgusted, repulsed, guilty, or something, but right now he was calmer than he felt in weeks.


He mentally counted down the minutes until his target's arrival.

He feels his heart skip a beat as he noticed the car arrive, his grip around the handle of the gun tightened as he watched the murderer who killed his loved ones get out of the front seat to open Mr. Fisk's door.

His heart suddenly started pounding in his chest, and sweat filled his forehead, thinking about doing the deed and actually doing it were two different things.

'It's now or never Peter.'

Taking a deep breath he reminded himself as to why he was here, why this was necessary.



But, just as he was about to take a step forward something wrapped itself around his waist, locking his arms to his sides and he was pulled into the dark alleyway, he felt something hit the back of his head and his vision went dark.

The noise got the attention of Fisk's protection detail for a moment, but they quickly shrugged it off when they noticed a stray cat rush out.


-Unknown location-

A few minutes later Peter opened his eyes to dark storm clouds, the soft raindrops hitting his face.

'What the hell happened?'

Confusion filled his mind. quickly checking his pockets.

'The gun, it's gone, wait how long was I out?.'

He glanced at his watch and was about to let out a curse when a voice startled him.


"You looking for this?"

Peter turned to look at the source, just now noticing that he was not alone on a rooftop.

The source of the voice was a well-built man dressed in a red armored suit with black outlines with two devil-like horns pointing out from the crown on his helmet, he had two button-like tools attached to his lift and right thigh, both having a red outline and white tips.

His face from the nose down was uncovered, but the man's visor from the nose up was too reflective, it matched the rest of his getup, Peter wondered if it was a special material of some sort considering how something like that would be very difficult to see under.

The stranger held out the gun by the muzzle for Petter to see.

After a couple of seconds of observing him, Peter pushed himself up to his feet as something clicked in his head.

"You're the devil of Hell's Kitchen, always thought you were some urban legend or something"

Peter recognized him from the described sightings of him in the newspaper articles he used to read when he was a fan of spider-women, he was about to go on until he remembered why he was here. He was a superhero based in Hell's Kitchen.

'I'm in Hell's Kitchen right now, fuck, but fuck it anyway, I don't have the time for this, the hell did he stop me for?'

His feelings quickly went from one of awe and curiosity to boiling anger.

" Wait what the hell are you doing I was just about to..." He stopped himself, this was a supposed 'Superhero' right in front of him, so he couldn't let his intentions slip.

" About to what kid?" The crimson-clad hero asked.

Peter looked away from him for a moment but turned to him with renewed passion behind his eyes.

'There's still time, I can make it if I rush.'

"Nothing...It's none of your damn business, just give my gun back" Peter demanded.

"No" The devil of Hell's Kitchen placed the gun behind him, his 'seen' Peters's expression before, at one point in his life when he was younger he was sure he once wore that very expression.

"Look kid I know what you were trying to do, but trust me when I tell you, it's not worth it"

Peter let out a sarcastic huff.

" And how exactly would you know, huh? listen to you? this has nothing to do with you, just give back my damn gun alright."

"And what get yourself killed trying to shoot one of the most well-protected men in this city"

That caused Peter to flinch.

" Maybe I just needed the gun for protection, ever think of that".

"I could hear your heartbeat from a hundred meters away kid, the way you were hunched over by the street, agitated like you were waiting for someone to arrive with your hands concealed in your pockets; the way your heartbeat picked up when Fisk's car arrived, hell I could even smell your aggression from far, and that's saying something, normally I'd have been a couple of matters closer to smell the pheromone people secret when they get agitated, stressed and angry but yours, smelt it from the roof, no, you and I both know you didn't hold onto the gun for protection kid, you were there to kill someone"

Peter was at a loss on how to reply to that.

'Smell anger? hear his heartbeat from meters away? guess that puts the Super in super-hero huh.'

His frustration boiled over before he could stop himself.

"So what if I was! huh, that piece of shit isn't innocent, you don't know what he did, what his man did, the media is lying, that person is a fucking scum, you don't understand what they did to me, the shit that they're responsible for! look I'm only asking you this once, just give me my gun and walk away"

Peter shouted, pleading with him, frustrated at the vigilante for stopping him while also understanding why he was being stopped.

"I know" The man replied solemnly.


"I know what he is kid, what they do, but there is a way to do things kid, rules and laws in place, lines we should never cross, without them, we're no better than the bad guys, they'll get what's coming, but it has to be done the right way"

"You know...YOU KNOW...Rules and Laws...hehe" Peter chuckled.

"Go home kid, this isn't worth your life, I-"

He tried to reason with the teen but was startled by a shout from him.

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT! Rules and Laws you said, I tried them, I'm not stupid, I went to the cops, tried collecting evidence, tried going through all the right channels, you know what they told me, 'Go home kid, it was just a shoot and run, this stuff happens all the time', the fucking good guys didn't believe a word I said, looked at me like some broken traumatized kid, the people they put away weren't even the right one's and they fucking knew that too, those asshole's didn't even care."

Peter was pissed, this damn HERO was giving him a lecture on morality of all things, about what was right and what was wrong, he was judging him, what gave him the right to do that Peter thought.

'What gives you the fucking right to judge me.'

"I could see it on their faces; they fucking knew it too, that's where your precious rules and laws get you, the wrong man paying for the wrong crime, You wanna know the worst part, the fucking prick, that god damn murderer is paying for my college fund like its some damn saintly act of kindness, what kind of twisted nut does that. huh tell me, It was then that I knew, they were dirty, those cops were fucking dirty, So tell me"

Peter, now enraged, spat the next sentence with disgust out at the listening superhero, coming close to his face with rage-filled eyes.


" The fuck am I supposed to do when the system meant to put the bad guys behind bars is doing everything it can to make sure they stay on the streets. well, TELL MEE?"

He raged at the red devil, who was silently listening to every word being said. He could understand where the teen was coming from but even so, what he was about to do was for the kid's sake.

That being said, the Devil of Hell's Kitchen remained silent, they both knew Peter was telling the truth, hell that was the very reason for his Devil alter ego, if the law was perfect he wouldn't need to do what he was doing right now.

If only...


"hmmph...hehehaha" Peter let out a small frustrated laugh, his face had an expression on his face that no one his age should have, one that told his story to those with the experience to understand.

The expression quickly vanished, a hard resolving look taking its place. Taking slow steps towards the hero until they were at arm's length from each other.

"You can't, can you, you-you already know about them and you haven't done anything about it, you plan to take him down the right way huh... You damn hypocrite... If you believed that you wouldn't need that shiny red suit of yours. You know if I met you weeks ago I would have believed you, but Spider-women showed me just how far you damn heroes can go when pushed, what lines you people are willing to cross to get shit done with enough reason, so stop acting so damn righteous, You're just one bad day away from being me... Sometimes this world doesn't need people like you playing hero and meddling with our lives, So just give me the damn gun and walk away"

The devil of Hell's Kitchen let out a sigh in preparation for what

was to come.

"Sorry, can't let you do that kid, I understand your frustration, I really do, like you wouldn't believe, but regardless, I can't let you do what you're about to do, for both our sakes, please go home kid."

He once again tried reasoning with Peter.

'8:37 I don't have much time left, I can make it if I just...'

Peter let out a growl and made a grab for the gun, only to meet air and tumble onto the floor as the hero swiftly side-stepped his attempt.

"Arrrrggg!" Peter growled, getting on his feet and going for a second attempt.

Only to fall again.

and again.

and again.

" Just give me the fucking gun!" Peter yelled in frustration as he attempted to punch the hero.

His fist was caught, and using Peter's own momentum and weight against him, the red devil flipped the teen on his back with a controlled tug and twist of his palm.


"Stay down kid, just stop this and go home, please, I don't wanna hurt you. You may think that you want to do this and that you need to do this, but this won't help you. The only thing you'll succeed in doing is getting yourself killed".

Peter pushed himself up in a huff, gasping for air, looking at the devil who didn't even seem at all exhausted.

" Just shut up already, God are all heroes self-righteous pricks like you" Peter muttered under his breath.

Shooting to his feet, this time forgetting the gun altogether and going in for a punch, followed by another, and another, and another, all missing the devil who bobbed and weaved and dodged each of his attempts, slapping a few of them away as if he was swatting a fly.

"YAH!" Peter yelled in frustration, his attempt getting more desperate, his arms now flailing wildly, trying to just get a hit on the damn elusive vigilante.

-Ten minutes later-

"Huff...huff...huff...huff" Peter was on his back again for the something-eth time. He lost count, not that he was even counting, to begin with. He took a breath and pushed himself up, taking a glance at the source of his anger and frustration.

The damned devil looked relatively calm like this was all a walk in the park to him, as if this was all just normal.

The Devil of Hell's Kitchen was surprised, contrary to what he thought the kid was getting faster, instead of tiring himself out. The kid got faster, his action more controlled, and his punches a little stronger.

The kid was like him, a natural-born fighter, he kind of understood what Sticks said about some people just being born with a gift for violence.

He stood silent and stoic, watching the panting teen get on his feet again, if anything he admired the kid's tenacity.

'Superheroes...That's so fucking unfair, at this rate I'll run out of time, damn it, why? why? why? why? why? why? WHY? WHY? Why was this happening to me? the fuck is this world so unfair? These damn Superheroes? What the fuck was wrong with this world? Spider-woman was willing to kill me when I was-NO she did kill me, she fucking broke me down into a mesh of flesh and broken bones, and this self-righteous hypocritic retard is here lecturing me on the right way when he put countless thugs in the hospital with broken bones. What the fuck is wrong with super-powered people fucking with me. I can't fucking win at all against them. If only I was stronger, faster...FUUCK.'

Peter panted heavily as he pushed himself to his feet, bruises from getting thrown on his back over and over again riddled his body, but giving up was the last thing on his mind, he went on another punch, a right hook.

He missed, but that didn't deter Peter.

He simply tried again.

{Host has now witnessed the double standards and hypocrisy of heroes}

{Host now understands the frustration and unfairness of facing an unbeatable foe that is a righteous hero}

{Slot one conditions have been met}

{Incarnation of Garou: Unsealed(Partial seal lifted);State: Passive(awaiting evolution)}

The red devil's instincts suddenly went on full alert. He swiftly dodged to the left as a fist flew past, just inches from his face faster than before, stronger too.

Time seemed to slow as his heightened senses picked a rapid shift in Peter's movements. He quickly lifted his left hand up in a guarded motion, meeting the back of Peter's leg. A kick with enough force to surprise the crime fighter, making him take a few steps back while the gun slipped from his finger sliding in front of the teen.

Peter promptly fell to his knees in front of the gun. He was done, tiered and aching and he knew it, his body was riddled with pain, the other guy must have noticed because he made no move forward to take the gun, even after Peter pulled that last hit out of by sure dumb luck.

He used the momentum of the last punch to quickly switch to a high back kick, something that came naturally to him for some reason but left his legs and other parts of his body hurting like crazy because he just wasn't used to moving like that despite how natural it felt, the human body can only handle so much when pushed beyond what it was accustomed to.

"Feeling better now?" the devil asked. Rubbing his arm.

"Even if you pick that gun up you won't make it kid, I took us a couple of blocks away while you were out, Go, home kid, this will be the last time I ask you nicely, think about those that care about you, think about his for a minute and walk away… This isn't worth it your life." The devil had a rough bruise on his left cheek, not noticeable under the lighting but it was there.

"HeeheheHAAHA... sniff..hahaha..sniff..sob.." Peter out a melancholic sound that was half a laugh and half a cry, the rain hid his tears well. It's over and Peter knew it, even if he wanted to try again, that devil would be here to stop him.

Peter pushed himself up, gun in hand, and walked forward with a defeated sigh, sniffing lightly as he whipped his eyes, he walked past the Devil of Hell's kitchen without so much a glance in his direction, and the Devil made no move to stop.

Peter stopped at the stairway leading down the side of the building.

"Maybe one day you'll lose something precious to these people, I hope you have the strength to follow your righteous way then, You god damn hypocrite." Peter all but spat as he shakily made his way down into the dark alley.

"I hope so too kid, God knows I need it" The devil muttered, watching as Peter made his way into the streets with a limp in his step, away from the direction of the Art Gallery. He was sure that Peter wouldn't do anything drastic.

-40 minutes later-

Peter walked down the out a store, following the path onto a bring, liming all the way. He stopped by the pharmacy to get something for his wounds and pain.

He popped two pills, painkillers, in his mouth and continued his limping pace, a plastic of medication in hand.

He was just going through the motions, he could catch the bus but decided to just take the walk home, to gather his thoughts.

Thoughts that just left him frustrated and angry.

Thoughts that he couldn't grasp, thoughts he had to come to terms with.

The only thing that kept coming back to him was just one simple question

'What the hell am I supposed to do now?'.

He just couldn't think of anything.

He was twenty minutes from his house if he took the alley on the left.

Slowly he limped his way across the bridge, falling to notice the five thugs in front of him. All drunk and high, cracking jokes and smoking with a can in hand. Their car was parked on the sidewalk.

"I ain't joking man, I grabbed her by the hair and just put her down and was like aahh....ahhh yeah you like that," The one nearest to the railing of the bridge said.

"hahaha...well daamn, dude you serious?" another laughed out asking.

"Yeah man, the bitch was totally into it, hehehe got her dits right here "

He replied as he held up his phone, only to drop it when Peter absent-mindedly bump into him.

" Yo, the fuck man" The thug was quick to shove Peter into the road. His friends quickly gathered around him.

"Watch where you fucking going, aight" he stormed over to Peter, friends in tow.

Peter was already pissed, agitated, tiered, hurt, defeated, frustrated, and downright infuriated, his mind a mess, his emotions a mess.

So his reaction wasn't hard to predict. The plastic in his hands with his medical supplies fell into the snow.

'Can't even get a fucking break.'

The thug was about to grab Peter by the shirt but Peter's fist met his face first, he flipped in the air and fell on his back without much resistance.

"What the hell?"

"Get him"

"Fucking bitch"

They rushed Peter.

He tried to defend himself but in his current state, there was only much he could do. He got a few good hits leaving one with a nosebleed and another with a busted lip before he was beaten into the ground.

Punches, stomps, and kicks came from everywhere.

"Fuck you, fuck you, you fucking mother fucking bitch"

"You mother fucker that's for my nose"

They continued to rain insults and attacks on him, and after a few minutes, they moved away, Peter was left bleeding and hardly recognizable, his face all messed up with blood everywhere, and his whole body was covered in pain. The first one broke the group up, turns out he was their leader.

'It's hurting AGain.' Flashes once again bombarded his mind, broken bones, twisted arm, torn flash, a white-gloved hand almost taking his chin off.

"Aww, look the poor fuckers shaking, hahaha. Pick the fucker up, drag him over there" he ordered.

Two of the thugs, bleeding nose and busted lips roughly grabbed each of his arms and dragged him to the railing of the bridge roughly shoving him against it.

Peter's gun slipped out of his pocket and clattered onto the snow for the thugs to see.

"Ohoho, I see now, little bitch here had a wittle pea shooter in his pants and thought he THE MAN! Hahaha" The leader laughed, his groupies laughing with him as bent down to pick the gun up.

"Is that what you thought? huh?" he bent down slowly as he placed the gun on Peter's head and clicked off the safety.

Peter just stared down blankly, lost in his own mind. The pain-numbing, his ears ringing.

'Why does this hurt so much, why am I so weak, why the hell is this happening to me?'.

"That yo ass could just do whatever the fuck you wanted to cause you had a gun" the leader chuckled.

"Naa man, shit don't work that way, time for the Prowler to show you how the world really works" he was about to stand back up but slipped on the wet pavement on the sidewalk.


"wa-what the fuck man!?!" shouted Nosebleed.

"shit fuck" one of the men ducked into the corner.

"Holy fuck! the shits fucking loaded" the leader shouted.

"you didn't fucking check" busted lip called from his huddled position in the back.

"Na man, any of you got hit" The leader replied.


"damn, all good here"

"you missed me bitch"

"then we goo..." The leader was about to sigh when he noticed the blood quickly filling the snow around Peter, all flowing from his stomach.

"Yo man what the fuck you actually shot him," Busted nose said in a panicked tone, only to receive a punch to the face.


"Dude we gotta go, now before the boys in blue show up"

"Shut the fuck up, all yo asses, it was an accident aight" Their leader stated in a warning tone, moving the gun over each of them.

They all gulped and nodded.

"aight man, we get it, les just get the fuck outta here."

'IT HURTS, Why does it always come to this?.'

Peter felt a sharp pain in his stomach and saw thick blood on his hand when he tried to feel it, his vision went white.

'No… Stop it, IT HUrts, am I gonna die here, again, IT HURTS SO MUCH, just what the hell is this world so unfair, it's like the world's out to get me. This fucking weakling shot me, they made me bleed, fuuck this scum, fuck all of this to HELL.'

As he slowly bled out, he didn't notice the shift in his thoughts from panic into an uncontrollable rage, nor how his lips gradually twisted into a bloodied smirk; his fist balling up, nor the excitement that overtook whatever he was feeling before.

Something clicked in his consciousness.

"Now help he toss the bod-"

{Slot 1: Incarnation of Garou; State: Active}

Why does this feel so good right now?

The pain went away. Gone as the world came back into focus.

Why did he find his current self so disgustingly weak? and why did he find all this funny? 

A smile crept onto his features. 

Was this it? Was this all he could amount to? To die to a bunch of street thugs? 

'Ain't that a comedy or was it a tragedy? that's not funny..Then why is all this so damn funny.'

"hehehahahhahaahHAHAHA" Peter interrupted with a low chuckle that blew into a twisted laugh, his face was twisted into a psychotic predatory grin.

'And why the hell can't i stop laughing?' he felt himself utter the next few words before he could stop himself. 

Why? He had no fucking idea. How? he didn't fucking care.

"Can't believe I lost to a bunch of pussies, you fucking losers"

Peter's eyes had an odd glint as he stared at the piece of shit who shot him.

"what the fu-"


Their leader didn't even have the time to finish, when Peter's fist once again met his face, only this time it took out a couple of teeth, broke his nose, shattered his jaw, and launched him into the lamppost on the opposite side of the round, a crack was heard as the post bent over from the new dent in it.

The next to go were nosebleed and busted lips. He simultaneously backhanded one off the bridge and grabbed the other by the face lifting him up before slamming him into the hood of the car leaving another seizable dent.

Peter looked at the remaining two, one of them now visibly pissing his pants. Both their eyes were wide with fear.

-thirty seconds later-

{Slot 1: Incarnation of Garou; State: Passive}

Peter came back to his senses after mercilessly beating the last thug within an inch of his life. His hands bleeding, but the blood was no longer his own.

He took panting breaths and held his hands over his bullet wound, adding pressure to stop the bleeding.

He looked at the sorry state of the thug beneath him but held no sympathy for him.

'One less piece of shit to walk the streets,' his thoughts echoed.

He slowly limped over to pick up the gun putting it into the plastic when he picked that up too.

'Can't go to the hospital, don't know how many irregularities are left in my blood from the serum...Almost home...'

Peter limped down the street, slowly, leaning against anything he could for support.

'Wait, the serum, maybe I could use that, yes, that'll work if I can, I can just go.. to go home.'

Peter's panting got weaker, and he slowly walked across the quiet streets.

Peter tripped over his own foot.


He crashed into his porch, shakily reaching for the opening of the door, he didn't lock it tonight, he didn't see the reason to.

He fell into the door as it swung open, getting blood all over the floor.

It took him a lot of effort to make it up the stairs and into his room, only for him to fall again.

'Come on Pete... just a little more.. almost there... just a little more... almost there Pete.'

He dragged himself with every ounce of strength he had left, his blood pooling on the floor. He made it to the desk and reached for the drawer.

' That's it... almost there..yes... the syringe... yes.. got it.'

He grabbed the serum and pushed himself against the desk, his legs sprawled out lazily in front of him, he moved the serum up to his wrist.


"Hahaha, fuck" Peter let out a tired, almost pitiful laugh, accepting his fight with little effort.

His hands were shaking no matter how hard he tried to force himself he couldn't bring himself to do the deed. The serum slipped from his hands and rolled away.

He was left there in a pool of his own blood, his head down, eyes blank, his thoughts empty

Just waiting to die.

The sound of steady footsteps caused him to look up.

His eyes widened as they came to a stop in front of him.

"Uncle Ben..." He whispered, whizzing in pain.

In front of him was his uncle, dressed in the same get-up he always wore, looking down on him.


Blood spilled out of his lips, Peter whipped it away without breaking eye contact.

"What? Huh…the hell are looking… at huh?." Peter could stand those eyes staring at him. Not like that. 

'Please...stop it'.

But his uncle's look hurt Peter more than the pain he was feeling, something in him broke at that moment.

"Don't give that have no right to judge me... what did you expect me to do... I went to the cops... fuck tone of help they were..." Peter tiredly went on in front of the spirit of his dead uncle.


More blood spilled from his lips.

"Damn it STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT... The fuck did you expect me to do huh... if you're so disappointed in me then why didn't you stop me huh!...that's right you can't... you know why cause your fucking died... And they-their responsible for it..." His voice getting louder, firmer, stronger the more he talked, something slowly taking root in the dying teen.

"So you know what... FUCK YOU AND YOUR DAMN LOOK... Your dead... and Aunt May... Aunty Ma..sniff... yeah.. that's right Fuck can't stop me even if you were alive.. not anymore... so just stand there and watch me...huff..Watch me drag this asshole into the light... How far would I go if...huff... if I couldn't fail huh... Just stand there in whatever heaven you are in and watch me fly... This time next year I'll the... the strongest thing can judge me when we meet again...haahhaha...I doubt it'd be anytime soon...I have this feeling... you see .. so... just... huff.. watch ... me... cough... cough... amma take them all... out ... in ... one.....shot...."

Peter's last words left his body with a deep exhale of his last breath.

{Host has the will and spirit to pursue strength immeasurable}

{Will of Saitama: Unsealed(Partial Seal lifted)State: Active(Awaiting evolution)

The spirit of his uncle bent down and distorted into an image of a woman in a purple and yellow hooded clock.

An elegant purple shoulder pad on each shoulder, bright glowing yellow eyes focused on Peters's form, with long dark silky black hair, pale features, with plump natural purple lips, she had an ethereal beauty not suited for a mortal woman.

"Usually people try their best to stay away from me, they struggle, fight, bargain, doing everything in their power to at least avoid the slightest possibility of me," she said in a melodious voice.

"But you just couldn't help yourself away could you," she slowly reached up and held his cheek in the palm of her hand.

"I don't blame you, what I have is to die for" she joked.

As she did so, black particles formed around Peter. His blood slowly evaporated into black particles until there was nothing left.

His wounds healed up at an extreme rate as the bullet in his stomach was forced out.

"How strange, your soul is mine yet it is eternally bound to your body. You're such a flirt aren't you, waltzing carelessly into my domain as if it were your own... Hehehehe… who would have thought," The woman giggled as she continued to stare at Peter as if he were the interesting thing in the world

"Only to return to your body taking a minuscule piece of me with you, leaving a piece of your mortality with me, such a thief you are" Slowly she held his other cheek with her other arm.

She moved closer, kneeling next to the teen, taking his head then gently placing it on her lap.

"I don't mind though, this has been some of the most interesting moments in my existence, entertain me more, my little thief." She moved her closed lips just inches from his.

"It seems we are fated to each other, I will be the last to remain after all life ends and you will be that last soul at the end of this universe. Your nature and mine complement each other"

Death understood now, his nature and hers. Behind her, the entity that once kept her at bay hugged her tightly, its hands now only two wrapping around her waist. Its eyes closed with its head leaning on her back. Almost as if to welcome a part of it, it missed dearly.

Death paid no mind to it, relishing in the comfort of its hug.

They were both the same thing, two parts of the same whole.

"While others live to perish, you perish to live, quite ironic" She gave him a soft peck on the lips.

{Slot 3 Conditions Met}

{Ajin: Awakened(Awaiting evolution)

State: Passive}

"Show me how far you can fly, Peter, after all, we have an eternity together heheehahahaha" She giggled once more as both entities faded into black mist.

{Integration 55%}

{Commencing Evolution}


{All conditions met-Evolution Complete}

{Host Detail

Name: Peter Benjamin Parker

Species: Tri-brid; Human Mutate(Homo Supreme), Demi-Human, Abstract Entity;

Verse: Marvel;

Universe: Unspecified(Admin Accord Restriction);

Variant: Unspecified(Admin Accord Restriction);


Fragment Slot Compatibility 5;

Slot 6-? sealed

Linked Fragments

Slot One

Fragment: Quarth

The incarnation of Garou

State: Passive

Ability Granted to host: Homo-Supreme

Passive State

-Host has an innate supernatural talent able to almost instantly learn hand-to-hand and martial art fighting styles he witnessed before and can instinctively utilize Garou's fighting prowess that is limited to his physical capabilities

-His instincts are refined the more he exerts himself through combat experience and his physical body will continue to evolve the more damage he takes in a fight with his Upper limit being a Unknown.

Active State

-Garou's personality traits will slowly influence and merge with the host and may over-right the host and take over in moments of extreme physical stress or when he feels intense fear against an unbeatable foe

Slot Two:

Fragment Variant: Quarth

Will of Saitama

State: Passive

Abilities granted to Host: Homo-Supreme

Passive State

-Host is now compelled to complete Saitama's Training regimen for complete activation for a specified number of years

-The stronger the host gets the more he loses touch with his humanity

-There is no upper limit to the host's increase in physical strength, speed, stamina, and so on

-Perfect Strength adjustment allows the host to adjust his growing strength to one of his opponents

-Dampened emotions

Active State

-Condition- Completion of Saitama's Training regiment

-Host gains a supernatural boost in strength but has little control over it, activates under intense physical stress

condition met: have slots filled by variants from the same world

Bonus Slot active

Side effect gained: The Cruelty of Mercy

Due to the nature of Garou, Sataima, and the host, the host Peter Parker is now incapable of causing too much harm to any individual he deems innocent and is unable to kill human opponents though in this way he can brutally beat them to the point of death ensuring their survival, however, anything he doesn't consider human he can kill.

Slot 3

Fragment Variant: Darth23423*


State: Passive (Self-Aware)

Ability Granted to host:

Passive state

-Ajin is in a form of hibernation but is still aware of the host's actions

-Activates upon host death and grants the host immortality through death

-Grants the host usage of its bandages which are stronger and more durable than most materials on earth with no limit to how long they can go

-Given the nature of the entity it is invisible to most as are its bandages however should Peter choose they can become visible

-In order to see the entity one must have experienced death in the past

Active State

-The entity manifests into the real world as a bipedal female covered in shadow matter with various arms wrapped in bandages and an array of bandages that act according to its will

-The entity may seek to protect the host in its own way because it acts out the host's subconscious desire.

Slot 4

Fragment: Darth23423*


State: Dormant

Activation condition - User must consume human blood that's not his own

Ability Granted to host:

-Host is still a human but possesses a Kagune Rinkaku at the base of his spine and once activated will actively seek to consume blood instead of human flesh

Slot 5 compatibility reached

Multi-Fandom Power Package Up-link Generated

Link Forged

Slot Five:

Fragment Variant: MisfortunateBloke2334

Host: Kamijou Toma

Fable: On-going

Fandom: Anime/Manga

World: A Certain Verse

Universe: Unspecified

State: Passive

Ability Granted to host: Imagine Breaker(Altered State)

Passive State

-Grants the host the ability to cancel out any phenomenon considered supernatural by the average human though it is restricted to his arms and anything they come in physical contact with, but this effect varies depending on the state and nature of the object itself.

-Has a field of thirty centimeters around the host that has this effect but only works with abilities below a certain threshold

-This ability is powered by the unconscious desire of all of humanity to return to a time when everything is normal

Active State

-Create's a zone around him that cancels out any supernatural phenomenon, turning everything back into what it would be if the world was normal

- The Radius of the zone varies in size, depending on the host's desire, however, this active state can only last as long as the host has the mental fortitude to handle the subconscious desire of all of humanity, which will influence the host's very being.

Fable Fusion Protocol- Phase 2 Complete

Evolution complete

Physical State: Stable

Mental State: Stable

Emotional State: Stable


-End of Chapter-

Othniel_Seth Othniel_Seth

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