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Capítulo 155: Black Adam vs Justice League!



When the war began, it was like two powerful tides ready to collide, sweeping everything in their path. No one could stay unaffected, and no one could stop it.

But when Superman and the other members of the Justice League appeared in the center of the smoke and gunfire, forcefully putting an end to the ongoing battle, the war ceased.

Looking at the red and blue figures in the sky, along with other heroes who joined forces to save the world, whether soldiers gripping steel guns or stationed inside tanks, none could find the courage to continue killing.

"Easier than I imagined."

Although Hal Jordan said so, when he looked at the battlefield around him which was bombarded by artillery fire and littered with limbs, he no longer had the carefree attitude before, his face was gloomy and his lips pursed. 

After the United Nations honors ceremony, the Secretary-General inevitably entrusted the Justice League with the task of easing the tense international situation in the Middle East and putting an end to the war between Khandaq and its neighboring countries.

Saving lives was urgent, as every second of delay could mean more deaths in the war. They quickly gathered their members and rushed to the scene.

"War only brings pain and separation to people.

We will communicate with your leaders and ask them to stop the war."

On the grim battlefield, Clark frowned and spoke in a deep voice.

Preventing the current war actions was not the end.

Whether to engage in war, and when to engage, was never a decision for the soldiers who personally went on battlefields carrying guns and fighting with their lives.

"Go talk to Black Adam.

It's him who ordered his soldiers to attack, dragging us into this war."

A sergeant from the neighboring country threw his hat on the ground, eyes red.

His brother who had trained him died in this war, and his words stirred up a mix of grief and tension among the soldiers on the front lines.

"Calm down!"

In the Fenrir War Armor, lifting their arms towards each side, Batman sternly warned, preventing any rash movements.

War is like an unleashed wild horse. If you want to quickly eliminate it, only a greater force can restrain it, which is a helpless move.

"Even without Ares, humans would still fight each other."

Diana, carrying a sword and shield, shook her head and sighed.

"Let's go ask that Black Adam why he started this war."

The Flash clenched his fist in anger.

Everyone turned their gaze towards the direction of the Khandaq Palace.


Black Adam sat on the cold throne, his thoughts returning to a thousand years ago when he was a slave, oppressed by the pharaohs.

His wife and children died at the hands of soldiers under the pharaoh's command. Fueled by anger after gaining the power of the six gods, he lost control, destroying the palace and causing a catastrophe that resulted in countless deaths and injuries. The Eternal Council, which granted him his powers, imprisoned him.

In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed.

During that time, his homeland of Khandaq had been continuously occupied by surrounding nations. The once glorious Khandaq no longer existed, now a land overrun by mercenaries with various warlords exploiting its people.

The seal, accidentally broken by mercenaries seeking military funds through excavating ancient tombs, allowed him to return to the living world again.

"I owe this country a lot."

In the open-air palace, Black Adam looked out and saw the massive statue his compatriots had erected for him.

He became the hero representing resistance and justice. He was determined to do what a hero should do - liberate his compatriots from chaos and poverty, restoring the former glory of Khandaq, which had suffered centuries of oppression.

"Dictator, if you don't stop the war, you will die on your ridiculous throne!"

Suddenly, an angry voice interrupted his thoughts. A gigantic hand made of green energy, like opening a can, lifted the palace's dome!

Several figures appeared in the sky.

"Green Lantern!"

Batman shouted lowly, thinking that Green Lantern's actions and words were a bit too aggressive.

Their original intention was to come for peaceful negotiations first, and if that didn't work, then consider other methods.

"Compared to his madness declaring war on several nations, am I too radical?"

Hal Jordan, who had been holding back his anger, retorted. Tens of millions of people were living under the shadow of war due to the actions of the dictator in front of them.

"The world isn't that simple. If we want to gain people's trust, we need to act within the rules. We can't just do whatever we want."

Clark frowned, though he had no fondness for the warlord in front of him who was said to have superpowers.

But he understood Batman's thoughts. They had just gained some international trust, especially since this was their first time working together to maintain world peace. Acting recklessly without consideration would cause concern and tension in other countries.

The Justice League wants to protect the world, but not put itself above the world.

Hal Jordan was so angry that he couldn't speak, passing the initiative of the conversation to Batman and Superman.

Batman was about to say something.

Before he could speak, Black Adam, with a cold, marble-like expression, vanished from the throne. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared in front of the Fenrir Armor, throwing a powerful punch that blasted the air. The armor soared into the sky, creating a strong shockwave that threw the palace into chaos.

The Lasso of Truth caught Diana as she swung through the clouds, landing on top of a palace pillar. Her pupils contracted as she extended her hand to shield herself from the oncoming shockwave, focusing on the lightning figure amidst the dust and smoke.

"His speed... did you all see that?"

"I saw it, but he was faster than me. I couldn't react in time."

Clark's mind jolted, his fist clenched.

"He's in the sky, and he can fly too."

The Flash, running along the palace wall towards the dome's edge, exclaimed. He had a clear view of Black Adam's speed, but he couldn't fly.

"Be careful; he also possesses formidable lightning abilities."

Batman, stabilized in the armor after being punched hundreds of meters into the air, scanned the data on the holographic display and warned everyone.

"Just the lightning energy carried in that punch could power a city for decades."

Black Adam hovered in the air, lightning coursing over his imposing black armor as he looked down upon everyone.

"Who gave you the audacity to trespass into my palace and discuss whether you should be more friendly to me as if I didn't exist?"

"Black Adam, we didn't come for war."

Clark, the strongest present, flew up, his fists clenched in front of Black Adam, restraining the urge to attack.

"You've escalated the global tension, and ordered soldiers to invade several nations. If you think you can do whatever you want just because of your strength, you're wrong!"

Conquering a nation within three days, then declaring war on several neighboring countries in the name of the ruler of Khandaq, the world witnessed the power and madness of a superhuman. 

However, the world was unaware that judging from Black Adam's brief display of power and speed, he was even more formidable than they initially thought.

This might be a powerful superpower threatening them as much as the aliens they had faced before.


Ignoring Clark's warning, Black Adam launched a sudden attack, a punch accompanied by intense lightning aimed at Clark. Clark retaliated with a powerful counterpunch.

In a brief moment, the two exchanged several blows. Clark felt that the strength in Black Adam's fists was slightly superior, and the powerful lightning attached to them caused a numbing and painful sensation. His movements slowed for a moment.


Black Adam's fist struck Clark's chin forcefully, creating a miniature shockwave. Accompanied by dazzling lightning, it surged towards the sky. The wind whistled in Clark's ears as he was thrown into the clouds, his face expressing pain.


The Flash and Green Lantern's faces changed. One attacked from the left, a lightning-like figure striking towards Black Adam's head, while the other, encapsulated in an energy-formed missile, aimed straight at him.

Black Adam accurately caught the incoming Flash, the astonishing speed accumulating strength in his fist only slightly tilting Black Adam's head. It was as if he had been punched by a woman, an air of contempt in his posture.

The other strong hand crushed the Green Lantern's energy construct, grabbing his neck, and depriving him of breath.

Like holding two chicks, he ascended into the sky, casually tossing the two battered heroes aside.

Clark flew back at an incredible speed, catching the Flash, his eyes filled with anger.

"Black Adam, does this mean you don't intend to stop the war?"

"Superman, I've been hearing about you since I broke the seal. 

The Justice League? You've all come today, but where's that Beyonder?" Black Adam surveyed the scene, sneering with disdain.

"This is the country I rule. It's none of your business to interfere!"

"Have you forgotten that not even half a month ago, nobody here knew you!"

Normally silent but with a somewhat irritable temperament, Arthur couldn't stand Black Adam's arrogant attitude. He roared, leaping and thrusting his trident through the air. The sharp weapon pierced through the air, but Black Adam firmly caught the trident's shaft, releasing lightning. However, he didn't anticipate encountering a resistance of energy.

Arthur's trident, although appearing ancient, was, in fact, a high-tech weapon from the Atlantean lineage, capable of firing energy attacks.

Black Adam remained expressionless, increasing the lightning output, and overpowering the energy resistance. Smoke emanated from Arthur's body, electrocuted and in agonizing pain. He let go, falling, and Cyborg, flying upward, caught him, his palm transforming into a sonic cannon, blasting at Adam's body.

The energy exploded at his chest, but Black Adam's body slightly tilted as if he had been pushed, showing no other signs of reaction.

He raised his hand, and lightning, like the wrath of gods, struck Cyborg, sending him plummeting from the sky.


Steel stood up, and the data displayed in front of his eyes became temporarily distorted and blurry and his body swayed.

"Damn it, the powerful electric interference caused some issues in my systems."


Almost every member of the League had been thoroughly beaten by now. Diana, enraged, leaped forward with her sword.

Glancing at this woman in ancient clothing, Black Adam originally didn't bother to dodge. However, when the sharp sword, the Sword of Hephaestus, cut through the air almost silently, he hastily evaded. The two figures passed each other, leaving a bloody gash on his face.

"You can actually hurt me."

Black Adam touched the blood on his face. Since being chosen by the wizard, he had a physique rivaling that of a god and had never been injured. He glared darkly at Diana.

"I sense the aura of the gods in you. The feeling you give me is very similar to my Lasso of Truth and the Sword of Hephaestus."

With just a hand's width of distance to evade her slashing strike, Diana took off her Divine Shield from her back, holding the sword defensively like preparing for an attack from a ferocious beast, on high alert!

"Who are you?"

If Ares wasn't killed by David and this guy exerted more pressure on her than Ares, she would suspect that this war-loving man might also be Ares's handwriting.

"I was chosen to guard this world. 

But because of certain actions, I was betrayed and sealed for a thousand years before returning to the world."

Black Adam, towering above, spread his hands.

"When I returned, I swore to restore the glory of this country!"

"Your way of restoring glory is by plunging it into the swamp of war?" Clark couldn't stand this shameless statement and threw a punch, joining Batman, Diana, and others in launching an attack.

Cyborg and Arthur also regrouped and attacked together.

The entire League besieged Black Adam, with energy and lightning flying in all directions.

However, Black Adam possessed the powers of the Egyptian six gods - Shu's endurance, Horus's speed, Amun's strength, Zehuti's wisdom, the power of Atum, which is an aspect Ra, Mehen's courage - combining the strongest advantages of the Egyptian six gods. In every aspect, he was invincible!

Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Arthur, being lower in the league in terms of power, couldn't match Black Adam in any aspect. They were quickly defeated and sent flying, powerless to fight back.

The Flash continued to attack Black Adam with astonishing speed, circling the battlefield. His speed even surpassed that of Black Adam, making him elusive like a play of light and shadows. However, when Black Adam waved his hand, releasing a barrage of lightning that covered the entire palace, there were fewer and fewer places for him to dodge.


As the electricity spread, the once-dodging spots became scarcer. The Flash, unable to evade, was hit by the electric currents. If he weren't endowed with superhuman speed, he would have turned into ashes in an instant. Nonetheless, he felt like he had been electrocuted, emitting smoke and falling stiffly to the ground.

Soon, only three individuals with remaining combat strength were left in the field.

Batman's Fenrir Armor had a significant resistance to Black Adam's lightning due to its ability to absorb energy. However, its speed was too slow, almost becoming a living target. It was constantly being blasted away, only to fly back and be beaten back again in an unending cycle.

Fenrir Armor was not in its complete form like it would be in the future. Batman hadn't developed an auxiliary calculation system capable of capturing the Flash's speed. Facing Black Adam, he was helpless.


"Except for defense, you're useless, you annoying fly!"

Aware of Fenrir's formidable defense, Black Adam decided not to waste too much effort. He forcefully punched the gigantic mech into the sky, then turned to avoid Diana's Sword of Hephaestus, and with another punch, sent her flying.

"Your weapons are troublesome, your strength isn't far from mine, but it's a pity your speed is too slow."


With a powerful defense from Fenrir, Black Adam decided to throw a heavy punch, sending the colossal mech soaring into the sky. He then turned to dodge Diana's Sword of Hephaestus, and with another punch, sent her flying.

Diana had previously used her Bracelets of Submission to absorb the lightning and counterattack, nearly causing Black Adam to suffer. The sharp Sword of Hephaestus was a weapon he had never seen before, capable of cutting through even divine bodies like his.


Using the sword as support, Diana spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at him with anger. However, after being severely injured, she temporarily lost the strength to continue the fight.

"Black Adam!"

Enraged, Clark threw punches like meteors.

"Superman, you are indeed as powerful as the rumors say, and you look even younger."

The collision of the two bodies created a force that stirred up a shockwave. The surrounding palaces collapsed like a house of cards. Black Adam was sent flying dozens of meters but stabilized himself. Electric eyes shot out two lightning flashes, hitting Clark's face and tossing his head.

"But I found that divine power seems to be your weakness. 

Originally, it would take ten points of strength to hurt your body, but with lightning, I only need three or even two points, and it's enough!"


Clark yelled in pain as Black Adam chased after him with overwhelming force and released lightning to hit his chest. The dazzling lightning like a waterfall drowned him.

He didn't know why Black Adam's lightning could easily hurt him. He obviously didn't feel this way at all when he was hit by natural lightning before.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Seizing the moment when Clark's body was stiffened by the electricity, Black Adam violently pressed him to the ground. Cracks like a spiderweb emerged on the palace grounds, and the heavy and forceful fist, surpassing the speed of a hurricane, pounded Clark's head like a meteor shower, smashing him towards the depths of the earth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In just a few seconds, Clark received countless punches, his head battered and bloody, consciousness blurred.

Batman, speeding back from the sky, was hit by Black Adam's counterattack and sent flying, crashing into a series of pillars. His Prometheus metal battle armor, forged with expensive and top-secret materials, showed signs of damage, with dents and smoke rising from the damaged components.

"The Justice League?"

Ignoring the almost-flattened palace after the fierce battle, Black Adam's robust figure soared, indifferent as he glanced at the blood from Superman on his fist. Overlooking the defeated heroes, his icy voice, like that of a god on high, carried a hint of killing intent and a clear warning.

"I don't care how you fly around and act as heroes elsewhere, but remember, from now on, Khandaq is off-limits for the Justice League! My mercy will be given only once!"

"Off-limits for the Justice League? 

Although I'm not a permanent member of the League, does this also include me?"

At that moment, accompanied by a rumbling thunder, a voice suddenly echoed from the sky.


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

TheBoredWriter69 TheBoredWriter69

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