Hello, it has come to my attention that in the previous chapter, I forgot to post the images for the weapons and armor so here are the images for the items alongside their stats.
-Neo malware-
Type- Armor
Color camo- Allows the user to change armor colors to fit the users liking or to fit the surrounding. Manual.
Repair- This armor can be repaired over time by the use of mana. Passive.
Stealth- The user's scent is repressed by 70%, the sound of the user's footsteps is repressed by 100%, and the user's presence is repressed by 40%. Passive.
Absorber- This armor can absorb certain properties of materials if it has been given a certain amount. Manual.
Adaptor- The higher the level the user is the strong the buff given by the armor is. Buff increases by times two per level. Passive.
Mana absorber- Any mana based attack is nullified by 45%. Passive.
STR +15
DEF +30
SPE +10
ACU +20
MANA +60
M-DEF +40
M-ATK +25
-Draco cyberiem-
Type- Axe
Dual mode- This axe can split up into two axes. Manual.
Recall- This axe on command within a 100-meter radius can be recalled back to the user. Manual.
Shock- At the cost of 40 Mana this axe will convert the mana into electricity and be coated in electricity or for 50 Mana can store this energy inside the axe and heat the blade enough to cleave through stone. Electric blade 20 damage, 60% paralyze, 30% stun. Heated blade 60 Damage, lasts three minutes. Manual.
STR +10
SPE +5
DEF -10
STA -5
ATK= 45
M-Atk= 35
-Mana guns-
Type- Duel handgun
Mana bullet- Instead of shooting metal projectiles these guns can shoot out mana projectiles. 1 Mana per bullet. 5 damage. After 40 shots a thirty-second reload is needed. Passive
Solid bullets- shoots solidified mana projectiles. 5 Mana per bullet. 15 damage. After 10 shots a 90-second reload is needed. Manual.
Laser round- These guns can charge up mana and shoot the mana out in the form of laser beams. 20 Mana per bullet. 35 Damage. After 1 shot a 50-second reload is needed. Manual.
ACU +30
SPE +15
DEF -5
M-DEF -5
M-ATK= 35
Mana= 50
-Techno's blade-
Type- Sword
Heated edge- Takes 20 Mana and heats the blade to 800 degrees Celsius. 40 damage. Manual.
Aura blade- Send out a flying slash with the element the user has the highest affinity with. 60 mana. Damage depends on the element. Manual.
The blade- To enemies an immaculate presence of death and despair and to allies a serene aura of hope that boosts their adrenaline. Less effective the stronger the target. Passive.
STR +20
SPE +15
M-DEF +20
STA -10
DEF -5
ATK= 25
M-ATK= 20
-Neo knife-
Type= Kunai
Regenerator- As long as a single blade remains you can duplicate it by feeding it 20 Mana. Manual.
Explosion- At the cost of 50 Mana the user sends out a signal to all Neo knives in a 50-meter radius to explode and those within proximity of the user will not detonate. Manual.
ACU +30
SPE +10
ATK= 25