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9.37% What Makes A Hero(Itachi/Injustice) / Chapter 3: Chapter III: The Amulet

Capítulo 3: Chapter III: The Amulet

Explosions were heard inside the Penitentiary followed up by guards being gunned down.

"Andre is it right?"


The man in the purple suit walked up to the cell, "That's good. Be a bit embarrassing if I'd massacred all the way to the wrong cell. I hear you have something for me?"

While chaos was being raised in the Penitentiary the Justice League was spending time with their heros, the Justice Society up in the watchtower, ignorant of what was to come.

Batman and Superman looked down at Earth. "The world looks smaller from here. It's dangerous being so distant. I don't think people should see it this way."

"I couldn't disagree more, Bruce. From here, you can't see any division. There are no borders, no beliefs keeping people apart. No "US" and "THEM". I wish everyone could see this. See it as one planet. A world we have to protect. Now... and in the future. I've been thinking about what comes next. About legacy. You have a legacy already. You mentored Barbera and Cass, and you raised Dick and Tim, and Damien"-"The jury's still out on Damien."

Superman looked at Batman, "No isn't. He's a good kid. He's just angry."

Batman had his arms crossed. "So was Jason."

"Damien isn't Jason."

Batman pointed at himself with a thumb, "I started this... I became Batman for my parents. But at some stage, I evolved. I started fighting for my children. So they have something better. So they can be better."

Superman lifted a finger, "That's what I want, too."

"You have a legacy, Clark. But I don't think that's what you're really talking about here. Have you and Lois started talking?"

Superman put both hands up, "About kids?" He looked down. "I.... It's difficult. I think we both want the same thing, but there's a fear there."

"Of course. But there are people you can talk to, Clark."

The Old Green Lantern walked in with open arms along with Amazing Man.

The Lantern smirked, "The World's Finest."

Amazing man asked, "What are you boys talking about?"

Superman turned around, "We're talking about legacies, Will."

Batman pointed at Superman, "Superman of all people doesn't think he has one."

Amazing man pointed at Superman with raised eyebrows. "Really? X ray vision, telescopic vision, and microscopic vision, and he still can't see it?"

Batman couldn't help but smirk. "Apparently not."

Superman shrugged his shoulders, "See what?"

Green Lantern stated, "You may not have noticed, but you're Superman. You've inspired your entire generation and the next."

Amazing Man put an arm on Superman's shoulder. "Your entire legacy is alive in every hero on the planet, son..... but I understand wanting to know a piece of you will go on after you're gone."

While this was happening Itachi and Co reached the Penitentiary, but they were a few minutes late. After walking through the hole in the wall they walked past all the dead bodies and reached the only open cell in the whole wing.

Nightwing put a hand on his chin. "Seems like he only came here for one guy."

Batman walked in with a scowl harder than usual. Nightwing waved a hand, "You couldn't have done anything more, Batman. We followed the plan precisely."

Huntress stated, "Nightwing and I were here three minutes and forty five seconds after the alarm sounded. By then, The Joker was gone."

Batman walked up to the broken cell door. "Who did he break out?"

Gordon walked up behind Batman. "A man named Andre Chavard. He's 86 years old."

"Andre Chavard?"

"You know the name?"

Batman put a hand on his chin. "Perhaps, what else do we know, Gordon?"

"Chavard had been here for 55 years. He was just denied parole on compassionate grounds."

"Why compassionate grounds?"

Huntress stated, "He's dying, Batman."

A van stopped in front of a suburban house. "As promised, your chariot has brought you to your grandson's house, Andre. In you go, remember, if you try to run, I'll break both your legs and another surprise body part."

Harly poked into the front seat, "Good luck, Andre!"

"Th-thank you, Ms. Quinn."

Andre walked up to the door of his grandson's house and he rang the doorbell. Soon after a man opened the door and asked, "Who's there?"

Andre rubbed the back of his head. "Stefan Chavard?"


"Do you know who I am?"

I know who you are. What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to meet you and to say, more than anything.... I'm sorry."

Stefan went wide eyed as he looked past Andre. "Oh my God! Is that The Joker?!?!"

Joker waved, "HI, kid!"

Stefan raised a fist and his voice, "You show up out of nowhere, in the middle of the night, to apologize, and you bring a homicidal maniac to my home?"

Joker agreed, "I'm with the kid, Andre. This is poorly thought out."

Andre pulled at his collar. "Yeah... yeah. I suppose it is." He turned and started walking away. "I'm sorry. I hope you have a good life, Stefan. It was good to meet you... even if I messed it up. I'm glad our name goes on and is made better."

Later down the road while hitting pedestrians, "I gave you... whatever that was. Let's talk about this.... power of a God."


Joker pointed at Andre, "Excuse me?"

Harley leaned in, "Ah...Andre. Joker doesn't really like that answer."

"Are you trying to double cross me?"

Andre pointed at himself, "I don't care. I'm 86 years old and a dead man anyway. I have nothing. I am nothing. There's nothing you can take away."

Joker suddenly turned the car around and a sinister smile appeared on his face. "Oh, but, Andre, you really didn't think this through. You just showed me where the only person you care about lives."

Later after some violent convincing Andre changed his mind and was willing to tell Joker about the power. They entered an abandoned house and sat down in the rotting chairs.

"In 1945 Hitler put a gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger. What only a few know is... it wasn't his choice."

Joker leaned on the fireplace with his eyelids hanging low. "Oh. Hey. I didn't realize this was a whole story time thing." He walked up to his two henchmen in Joker masks. "You get me a cozy rug. You, light a fire."

"How big do you want the fire, boss?"

Joker raised a brow, "What?"

Harley leaned into Joker's ear, "Ned's an arsonist."

Joker put his hands on his hips. "Gary? Are you an arsonist too?"


"Okay Gary, you're in charge of the fire."

"Ned, you're in charge of the rug."

Ned held up his fire gun and started bouncing in place. "Do you want the rug on fire?"

"Why would I want the rug on fire?"

"Everything's better on fire."

Joker shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "Gary. Kill Ned."


"That's a convenient assassin. Sorry about that, Andre. You were talking about Hitler?"

"It began in Egypt in 1942..."

While Andre told his story Superman and Lois were visiting the best doctor they knew to consult them on if they could have a baby or not."

"A doctor's office with no light is a little... strange."

Superman reassured her, "McNider is the greatest doctor in the world, but Dr. Mid-Nite can only see in the dark."

An owl sound was heard. "Also he has an owl. I admit, that's a little strange. He's in an office just up ahead."

"Superman. Lois. I'm glad you came to see me."

Lois raised a hand, "I can't really see you, but thank you for doing this."

"It's my pleasure. I hope I can help you find what you're searching for."

Down in challenger deep 35,800 feet down below the surface, Joker, Harley, Andre, and Black Manta were searching for the stone that would grant Joker the power of a God.

"Do you have it, Black Manta?"

"I have something on the sensors below the seafloor. And it certainly doesn't belong here.

Black Manta shot his eye beams at the spot in the ocean floor where the sensor was the strongest. And beneath it there was a box wrapped in chains. "Incredible. How did this get here, Joker?"

He brought it into the ship and asked again, "What is this?"

Joker put his arms behind his back. "You'll find out."

"Well, maybe I'll find out for myself? Maybe something so well hidden is valuable?"

Joker grabbed the amulet with the Ankh engraved on the gem, "Sure. And maybe, one day, you'll be deep under the sea, and--when you least expect it--you'll discover tiny holes in all your breathing equipment?"

"Andre, No!" Harley called out as Andre reached for the amulet, but he was quickly backhanded by Joker.

"Did you plan to take the amulet for yourself? Have a little fun with the short time you have left? Oh that's so naughty, Andre. The time you have left just got a lot shorter."

Joker wrapped the amulet around his neck and his appearance suddenly changed. Going from a purple and green suit to a hero like suit 2ith purple boots and cape along with a green top and black pants. Red lighting arked from the amulet.

Black Mantis got in a defensive stance. "What the hell?"


"Harley. The energy I'm connected to... the awesome abilities at my fingertips..."

"Uh huh, I really like what it's done with your hair."

Joker played with it. "Right? It has, like... a bounce."

Andre pointed a rifle at Joker. "You will never get a chance to use that."

Black Mantis held up a hand. "Fire that in here and you all die."

"I am not afraid to die. After the war, I spent twenty years in the suicide squadron."

Harly asked, "Really?"

"But I'm truly sorry to take you with me, Ms. Quinn. Goodbye." Andre pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. "It's.... not working."

Joker walked around him. "Yes it is, but you're not. Because I'm already in your head. And it's so boring in there. Climbers into the airlock, Andre."

"Puddin, maybe he doesn't have to"-"CLOSE YOUR DAMN MOUTH! DON'T TELL ME HOW TO EXACT RETRIBUTION!... Black Manta... Eject him."

Andre stepped into the airlock with a blank expression on his face. The airlock opened and the rushing water forced him out into the open sea where he was crushed by the pressure of the deep. Red mist came out of his body, but that red slowly started glowing green.

Joker looked out the window, "What is that light?"

Black Manta answered, "There's someone outside."

Joker saw Alan Scott, the Green Lantern outside of the sub and his eyes glowed red as he smiled, "Well that is just perfect. What a great toy to play with."

A couple hours later Joker is in one of his many hideouts with Harley. "What are you doin' now, Mistah J?"

"I'm flying over New York."

Harley tilted her head, "What's it like?"

"It's terrifying, and I love it."

"Have you squished anyone with a giant green hand yet?"

"I told you Harley. This is a fact finding mission. I have plans that require subtlety and secrecy. And then I will squish people with a giant green hand.

Joker inside Alan Scott's body arrived at the Justice Society headquarters in New York. He poked around hunched over until he found a computer in the wall. "PLEASE HOLD FOR A FULL BODY SCAN. WELCOME, GREEN LANTERN."

"What's happenin?"

"I'm operating a whole other person here, Harley. I need to concentrate."

Harley pouted, "Aww. Give me somethin'."

"Fine. They have a very polite security system..... and trouble letting go of the past." Joker said as he entered the trophy room. "Talk about being full of themselves. They have a whole room full of trophies."

"You collect trophies."

"I don't."

Harley put a hand on Joker's shoulder, "What about that Mobster guy's feet?"

Joker scowled, "They weren't trophies. I genuinely liked his shoes. The feet were just in....."

"Puddin'? Ya just stopped talkin' there. Is everything okay?"

Joker peered at a picture of the Justice Society and Justice League together, all happy.

"Hmmm. Look at the Justice League, with their heros. I was right. This is going to hurt them so much. Hmm. Who is this man dropped over you, Batsy? And what is that expression on your face? It looks like.... respect." Joker pointed at Wildcat in the picture frame, "I'll definitely torture you first. Now to see if I can get into their system." He walked over to the big computer on the other side of the room.

The computer opened just by looking at him. "Get me a pen, Harley."

She put a hand on her chin and looked up. "Um.... I don't think we have any pens that don't squirter acid."

"I need to write things down!"

"I think the kid who lived here had crayons."

"Green Lantern?"

Green Lantern smiled, "Hello, fellow hero."

Harley raised a brow, "Who are you talking to?"

"I don't know. Some of these Justice Society types are pretty obscure."

Sandman walked forward, "What are you doing here? I thought Hourman was scheduled for the morning?"

Green Lantern was silent and he asked, "Are you okay?"

Green Lantern looked at him, "Can we talk?"


"Not here. It's not safe."

They both went outside and walked down an alleyway. "What's going on? Why weren't the headquarters safe?"

"I think someone's infiltrated the Justice Society."

They both stopped walking and Green Lantern hid something behind his back.

"What? How?"

"Like this." Green Lantern plunged a knife made out of green energy into Sandman's stomach, and he smashed his head into the ground. "Let's see who you are under that mask, shall we?" He took off his mask. "Right.... Well, that's cleared nothing up."


Green Lantern lifted him up. "Who's Alan? Are you Alan or am I? Hello?"

Harley put her hands behind her head. "What's happening now?"

"Now? Now I have to dump a body. I think I'm getting the hang of this," He said as he flew through the air. Suddenly he was surrounded by green spirits. "Oh yes. This is going to be a lot of fun..... huh?"

His costume started to fade away. "What the hell is this?"

His powers stopped working and they both started falling from the sky. "AAAAAAAGHHHHHH."

Joker stopped controlling his body and Harley put her hands on his shoulders. 'What's wrong?!"

Joker was wide eyed. "I think... I think Green Lantern's power has a time limit. Heh. Ah ha ha ha ha ha! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!"

The next morning Itachi finished eating breakfast and he sparred with Nightwing more. This time the fight lasted a lot longer, but Nightwing still won. They were both sweating heavily and Nightwing helped Itachi off the ground. Batman and Damien walked past them, "Itachi, come with me."

Itachi followed behind and they both got into the Batwing. "Where are you two going?"

"New York, we got a disturbing report, but I want to confirm it first. I'll tell you later."

The Batwing quickly flew off and Itachi sunk into his chair again, still not completely used to the feeling.

"I've heard that you deduced all of our identities."

Itachi looked at him. "Yes."

"You did what?"

"Damien, quiet. It's extremely impressive that you could do that in such a short amount of time..... I still don't completely trust you, but we can work together."

Itachi sighed, "Batman, you're the only reason I can even communicate with anyone here, and you and Superman saved my life when I first got to this world. I have no reason to betray any of you."

Batman's eyes narrowed. "You're right, but I still don't know anything about you besides some of your abilities."

"You mean my past?"


Itachi looked outside the window, 'How might he react to knowing my past?'

Batman glanced at him, "If you plan on telling the Justice League, then you should tell everyone. Some of them are already interested in meeting you."

Itachi nodded and they continued their flight until they arrived at the crime scene. They both hopped down and Itschi asked, "Who was this?"

"This was Sandman."

A cop walked over, "There were two victims, but the other"-"I know what happened to the other one."

Another cop walked over. "What's so special about this guy? Did you know him?"

"I did. His name was Wesley Dodds. Come on, we're going to see Alan Scott."

Damien raised a brow, "Green Lantern is the suspect?"

"Yes, judging by the stab wound and that he's in the hospital, he's the only suspect."

They arrived at the headquarters and Batman walked in while Itachi and Damien waited outside.

Soon both Hal Jordan and Jay Garrick arrived outside the building. "Hal!

"Jay, I came as soon as I heard. How's Alan?"

"Doctor Mid-Nite has done all he can. But we don't know what will happen next. You heard what Batman thinks happened?'

"I did. Are you buying it for a second?"

"Of course not. Alan has been my friend for.... too many years to count. Especially because some of those years get fuzzy when you add up the time we all spent together trapped in another dimension. There's no way he hurt Dodds."

Green Lantern clenched his fist. "I agree. I don't care what it looks like. Until I know this wasn't an attack, I'm not leaving him alone."

Superman walked in and consoled them when Batman finished his interrogation, and after Superman walked out Batman asked, "What did you learn?"

"I didn't go in there to interrogate him, Batman."

Damien raised a brow, "What? That's not how good cop, bad cop works."

"In this case, Damien, it was bad cop, no cop."

Batman walked close to Superman, "You could hear Jim's heartbeat. See his eyes. Was he nervous? Was he lying?"


Starman stated, "We're missing something. Security footage shows Green Lantern and Sandman talking here. Alan was accessing classified information."

Batman finished for him, "Then they left together. After which, all evidence points to Green Lantern stabbing Sandman in the chest from a blade made of ring energy."

Itachi asked, "What information did Alan access?"

Batman answered, "The names and addresses of the entire Justice Society."

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