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87.27% Superman (Marvel+DC) / Chapter 46: Chapter 46

Capítulo 46: Chapter 46


In a 20th century designed library, filled with books, atlases, and other important documents for historical data, there was one man sitting at a desk and doing some research. He was tall, about 6ft, handsome with a distinct jawline and his hair was jelled back. He was looking through books and old newspapers clipping but was partially focused on something that was out of place in a 20th century library. A highly advanced smart screen that was over half a century from being invented back in 1943. The reason the man was looking at the screen was because of the pictures of the people on them. Clark, Amaya, Dan Garrett, Carter, and Shayara but the person he was focusing on in particular was Amaya. He looked at her with longing like she was a lost love even though they didn't know each other. Technically speaking.

The door to the library opened and in walked the same blonde woman who infiltrated the SSR base with a British man wearing a western-style duster, and an Iranian-American woman with long black hair and a red jeweled necklace. "Wow. Still getting used to you in the duster, Rip."

"Yes, believe me I know it's a little jarring but I daresay I quite missed it." Rip replied.

"Definitely better than the suit you used to wear." The man pointed out.

"What was wrong with the suit?" Rip wondered only for Sara to roll her eyes.

"Nate, how's history going?" Sara asked him.

"Back on track to what it was supposed to be, Captain." Nate replied as they looked at the screen. "I just still can't believe all these changes. It's just ridiculous."

"I know. It's still flummoxing my brain as well and I've been a Time Master for decades. First and foremost, the changes with Vandal Savage which I'm not complaining about but with regards to Kendra and Carter, it's truly astonishing." Rip admitted as the woman with the red jeweled necklace looked at the pictures of Carter and Shayara Hall.

"So, these two were original members of the team?" She asked.

"Yeah, Carter and Kendra but they were different. Looked different too which is weird since they reincarnate, and they definitely didn't have advanced armor made of Nth metal when we met them." Sara answered. "You would have liked them, Zari."

"Carter and Kendra were with Ms. Lance and the others when I recruited them originally to go after Vandal Savage whose history has been altered. The Time Masters always theorized and discussed the implications of such drastic temporal changes to reality but obviously never had any way to test them. This is all new territory for us here but there is a new timeline which means that timeline is one we need to protect from fluctuation and alteration, especially by Thawne." Rip reminded them when Zari noticed Nate's gaze at Amaya's picture.

"Nate, you ok?" She asked him.

"Yeah. It's just…I remember everything from before. Everything that happened, me and Amaya dating but it doesn't hurt me like I thought it would." Nate admitted. "Why is it that certain things were changed the way they were and why are we the only ones who can remember the changes? I mean, don't get me wrong, some of the changes to reality and the timeline were good, I mean my family life especially but why? And how?"

"That Mr. Heywood is something that we will no doubt be discussing and investigating for a long time." Rip said before patting him on the shoulder. "I understand this is a big adjustment. Believe me, if anyone understands that it's me. Perhaps this is also a gift. But whatever the reason, we still have a job to do and history to protect."

"And it all starts here with him." Zari points at Clark's picture.

"For some unknown reason, Mr. Kent's history has been drastically altered as has everything else, but he is the focal point for all of it. The lynchpin as you can say for this new reality. His destiny and path through time affects us all and if Thawne gets his way, then everything that has happened can be changed." Rip said as Sara looked at the shelf that had a photo of her with her sister. Very recent photo.

"Then we'll make sure it stays on track. We beat Thawne before so we can do it again." Sara declared.

"Although to be honest the last time we did that we broke time." Nate pointed out.

"But we fixed it." Sara reminded him. "Give us a call if something happens."

Zambesi, Africa

Clark and the others helped Amaya tend to things in the village which mainly was them getting rid of the bodies, weapons, and destroyed vehicles. They scrounged up anything that could prove useful to the village like parts from the vehicles and some of the men took the rifles and guns along with any medical supplies or rations the Germans might have had. Clark and the others watched as the villagers went about their normal lives without a care in the world. He saw children play around with many of them hanging around Shayara and Carter, holding onto their large wings swinging around. Other children helped their parents with chores necessary for the village like mending clothes and making food. Things were peaceful and here it was like the rest of the world wasn't at war. And while a part of him would like nothing more than to experience that feeling again, he still had a job to do.

Clark was pulled out of his little pleasant thinking when he saw villagers struggling to move a large cart that had a wheel stuck in the ground, likely in a hole he made when he dropped in. They got an ox and tried to have it pull the cart, but the ox was being lazy, and the wheel was bent so it wasn't moving properly.

"Come on!" The herder desperately tried to get the ox to move but it just chewed the blade of grass in its mouth much to everyone's frustration.

That's when Clark walked over and pet the ox on the head and undid the harness on it. It walked away with a happy moo before Clark picked the wagon up out of the hole it was stuck it and placed it on even ground. He then removed the broken wheel and two children rolled over the new one which he quickly replaced. It was all fixed up and the villagers thanked him before they pushed it through the village.

"You look like you've done that before." Amaya said as she walked over with Dan Garrett and Carter and Shayara Hall.

"Well, it's not exactly a tractor but I've done my fair share of wagon fixing. Before the war started, I was raised on a farm in America. My father taught me everything. By the time I was 15, I knew everything there was about farming and was helping my dad. When he passed away, I sort of took over running things." Clark smiled as he remembered fond memories.

"I'm sorry about your father's passing. He would be proud of you." Amaya said to him, and he smiled.

"Thank you." Clark replied before looking at Dan Garrett, Carter and Shayara. "So, I know that I'm usually the one that others look on in awe and confusion but it's a nice change of pace to be on the other side for once. I'm going to take a guess and say that you're not just an archaeologist and his guides?"

"No, I actually am an archaeologist or currently working on my doctorate at Yale University in Archaeology. I was here working/studying and things kind of got…complicated. Kind of unbelievable if you ask me." Dan pointed out.

"I work for the SSR and was recruited for a special weapons project that turned me into Superman. Believe me, I'll get it but I also understand that everyone has their secrets so broad strokes is ok." Clark assured him.

"All right, well, I've been here on the continent for about three years doing work on my doctorate in Archaeology for the university. With the war things were getting tense and many people I was working with fled but thankfully my work was focused in South Egypt, so I was able to avoid the goings on of the war. About a year ago, I managed to find the entrance to a long-lost tomb, supposedly the home of an ancient warrior. Legends has it that thousands of years ago there was once an ancient warrior, an evil god who reigned terror throughout Egypt and the neighboring Kingdoms. Under his command were four warriors of great strength and power, not to rival his but who followed his commands, but the legends spoke of a fifth. One who apparently bore the visage of the Khepri."

"What's a Khepri?" Clark wondered.

"The Ancient Egyptian god who represents the rising sun. He bore the face of a scarab." Dan explained. "Anyway, legend has it that the evil god and all his warriors were defeated and entombed in places that have been lost to history. Scholars and Archaeologists have been trying to find their tombs for centuries and many think they're just myths, but I finally managed to find one. With some help."

"We ran into him on his travels. He kind of stuck out even in Egypt with all the British and he desperately needed help to get around." Carter pointed out.

"He's not lying. I got lost." Dan admitted much to Clark and Amaya's amusement.

"We took pity on him and after a night of drinking and getting to know each other, we offered to help him find what he was looking for. Partially because we were interested in the tomb and its legend and partially because it seemed like fun. And a little for money as well." Shayara added.

"But it's with their help that I found it, and it was amazing. If there wasn't a war going on Yale would be sending teams to help me and I'd be guaranteed my doctorate for sure along with press coverage but unfortunately that's gonna have to wait. Still, I cataloged what I could, but this tomb was strange."

"Strange how?" Amaya wondered.

"Well, most Egyptian tombs are designed as houses of eternity, to commemorate the dead and where they were to be promised continuing into the afterlife to paradise. Only the most noble and wealthy could afford such extravagant tombs and the one I found was big. Nearly the same length as this village and hidden underground but there was no commemoration, no gold to honor the deceased, no Canopic jars, nothing. The only thing were murals of some kind of ancient battle and hieroglyphics. I'm still working on translating the writing but that's when I found a blue scarab. The only artifact." Dan recounted.

"About this big and it was covered in sand but once that was cleared it was as blue as a sapphire but definitely not one." Carter told them.

"And we would have missed it too on a second look. It was placed into the wall with the hieroglyphs almost like a drawing and it was wedged in their tight. Someone didn't want it out." Shayara added.

"But it turns out this artifact is special. Once I took it well…" Dan gestured to his suit that dematerialized around his body, so he was back in his regular clothes and then rematerialized over them. "…this happened."

"Wow…" Clark and Amaya were amazed. Clark especially, which was something to save given he was an alien.

"What exactly is it?" Amaya wondered.

"I'm not sure. I believe it is a mystical artifact left behind by the Khepri, possibly even the weapon of a former champion but ever since I've found it it's been stuck on my body. Like I'm its new champion now. Believe me, I was very freaked out about what happened." Dan admitted.

"Very." Carter added.

"Like very freaked out. Think the biggest mental break down you have ever seen and then multiply it by two." Shayara joked.

"Ok, they get it." Dan stopped them there. "But after they managed to calm me down and I realized this thing wasn't going to eat me, something amazing happened."

"What?" Amaya asked.

"It bonded to me. I could hear the scarab speaking to me and I was its new guardian…whatever that means." Dan looked down at his hand and saw it transform into one of the antennae-like weapons from before and then into a long-serrated blade, then a hammer and then back into his hand. "This is the greatest archaeological find in history. The whole world will be amazed at it."

"You sure that's such a good idea?" Clark asked him.

"Why not? This is incredible. This will make the discover of King Tut's tomb look like nothing." Dan pointed out.

"I know but the tomb you found is enough of the discovery. You sure you want people to know about the scarab? Once that happens, sure you'll get some fame and attention but I'm sure it wouldn't be long before certain people would want to use you for their own gains, especially if they see what that suit could do." Clark warned him.

"Clark is right that a little caution is ideal. The Germans came to Zambesi for my totem so who's to say that once they learn of your scarab, they won't do the same?" Amaya added.

"Or worse, when you get back to America what if politicians and generals try to use you for their own personal gain? Believe me, I've seen how that goes and you can basically say goodbye to any decisions regarding your life from that point. All you'll be is their puppet. I've met people like that. They're not pleasant." Clark admitted, referring to Senator Brandt mixing in his words of warning with some of the things his father had warned him about. Dan took all that in which made his enthusiasm and eagerness slowly ebb away. "Look, Dan, I'm not trying to reduce the enormity of your discovery or your hard work. Finding it more than earns you your doctorate but I've learned that in regard to your own person and safety that somethings are best kept a secret."

"He's got a point, Dan, at least about the Scarab." Carter chimed in. "You can still catalogue and document the tomb. Just leave the scarab out of it."

"Carter's right. You'll get recognition for the discovery and the work there is definitely enough for you to get your doctorate. And honestly, after hearing what Superman said about you being their puppet, what's to stop them from trying to get that thing off you." Shayara warned him.

That seemed like a reasonable worry that Dan agreed with, and they made fair points. He could keep the scarab a secret while still getting the credit and recognition for the tomb discovery and all the pictures and hieroglyphs there would provide plenty of work and academic research. Unbeknownst to the others, the scarab on Dan's back glowed red on the six slits on the back and he winced a bit.

"You ok, Dan?" Amaya asked him.

"Yeah, sorry. That pinched nerve from before is still acting up." Dan covered himself. "And you make some good points. I'll really consider it. Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Clark replied before looking at Carter and Shayara. "You two didn't get your armor and wings from the tomb, did you?"

"No, our story is a little simpler but no less complicated." Carter remarked. "My real name is Khufu, and her real name is Chay-Ara, and they were the names we had in our first life."

"Your first life?" Clark was confused.

"In the days of ancient Egypt, I was Prince Khufu. And Shayara was Priestess Chay-Ara. We lived in Egypt during the reign of Pharoah Ramesses the 2nd. A lot of what happened back then is still kind of fuzzy but from what we've been able to remember, we discovered something special, a strange vessel that fell from the sky and with it we made these suits. Imparting us with great strength, our weapons, and the wings you've seen. But another, the villainous priest Hath-Set murdered us in a plot for the throne." Carter recounted.

"Our bodies and armor were entombed and ever since then we've been reincarnated in different times in different locations and in different bodies. When we're old enough we begin to remember our past and we find each other. If we're lucky we find our suits as well but then when we die it starts all over." Shayara said.

"Immortal lovers always finding true love but cursed to repeat over and over again." Clark said with it sounding like the plot of a romance novel. "And this has been going on since Ancient Egypt?"

"Yes. We don't know why we keep reincarnating but clearly our souls are fated to remain in the mortal world." Carter answered. "I know this was a lot to take in and you have no reason to believe us. No one does but that's the truth."

"Well, between what I can do, what happened to Garrett and Amaya's necklace, I think it's safe to say that there are some strange things out there in the world. Guess most people don't see it." Clark remarked before looking at Dan. "How did you take this news the first time?"

"Well, it sort of arose during my freak out. I wasn't doing well and might have cause a little ruckus and they needed to use their powers to calm me down." Dan answered.

"Ah. Got it." Clark replied.

"You're being fairly reasonable and understanding about all of this." Amaya said to Clark.

"Well, this is all strange but believe me I've heard stranger." Clark admitted.

"Really? Like what?" Shayara asked.

"Ah, I'm not at liberty to say but having said that, I can understand the desire to not have something personal spread about me without my consent. It may not mean much but you have my word that what was said here today will not be shared with anyone. I promise." Clark told them.

"Thank you, Captain." Amaya said to him.

"We appreciate that." Carter stated with Shayara and Dan giving him smiles. Clark smiled back when he wanted to know something.

"So, you three have just been in Africa this whole time?"

"After the tomb discovery, the war was getting bad in North Africa so heading back to America the normal way wasn't safe. And I was able to spend more time in the tomb, but we quickly found other things to do." Dan said.

"We helped local villages and when things in North Africa were getting bad, we provided a little unseen help every now and then." Carter admitted.

Shayara grinned at those fond memories. "Sabotaging supply lines and vehicles, sending intel to the British by working with their information and spy networks, and we did some occasional ambushes. All the Germans saw were us and no one would believe them when they would say flying Hawks took them out."

"Well, on behalf of the war effort, thank you." Clark expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome. And speaking of the war and not to break up this lovely moment but I can't help but ask a question and I'm hoping the answer is yes. Is the group that we just dealt with all the Germans in Africa?" Dan Garrett asked, hoping the answer was yes so that this was over.

"No." Clark answered and got sighs from everyone "Sorry to say but according to the lieutenant at the border crossing there were two men in armored suits which means there's still another Maschinensoldaten out there and from how he described what happened and, from the intelligence I received, there's still more SS and Hydra soldiers out there with more gear and vehicles."

"Ok, but that still doesn't explain why they're here in the first place. I mean, there's a war they're fighting in Europe and from what I hear it's not going their way so why come back here especially after they were kicked out?" Shayara asked.

"They're here looking for something, from someplace in particular but I have no idea why this group came to Zambesi." Clark answered when he saw Amaya touch her necklace. "Amaya?"

"They came here for me. The commander recognized my necklace and wanted it." She answered. "This necklace is of great importance to my family and Zambesi."

"It must be. I've never seen a necklace allow a person to fly or hit with the force of an elephant and I've seen some strange things, not counting these three." Clark referred to Dan, Carter, and Shayara.

"As the legend goes, an ancient warrior named Tantu had been granted the power of the Orisha, the gods giving him the power over the elements. Air, water, fire, earth, and spirit, controlling them via special totems to protect this land. After his death, his totems were given to five villages, and each were sworn to protect it and Zambesi." Amaya touched her necklace. "My village was given the Spirit Totem, created by the trickster God Anasi to harness the ashe, or lifeforce of the animal kingdom. It has been in my family for generations. Belonging to my grandmother, than my mother and now the responsibility and protection of this land falls to me."

"So, they must have come here for the necklace. I always heard that the Nazis have some weird obsession with the occult and magic. No offense." Dan Garrett said to Amaya.

"None taken."

"Well, it's in safe hands now and they're not getting it. Felt nice fighting alongside another woman. Fighting alongside Carter gets boring." Shayara remarked making Amaya, Clark, and Dan Garrett chuckle while Carter just rolled his eyes. "So, if this group was here for that necklace what about the rest? You think they're nearby?"

"Possibly or they could have been a detachment sent to retrieve it while the main force proceeds to their objective. It's what I would do." Clark admitted. "They're likely still heading south."

"To Wakanda?" Amaya asked and Clark looked at her. "I imagine they came all this way to look for Vibranium in Wakanda. They're not the first ones to do so."

"You know about Wakanda?" Clark asked her and she nodded.

"I do. Wakanda and Zambesi have a close relationship stretching back to long before I was born and longer still. While Wakanda keeps itself closed off to others, Zambesi is one place they do not do such a thing." She replied.

"Would there be anyway for you to get in contact with them? I need to warn them about what's coming. They're in danger." Clark told her and Amaya was about to answer when they saw the villagers rushing to the entrance.

"What's going on?" Carter wondered.

"The Germans must have come looking for their friends." Dan Garrett assumed when a child ran over to Amaya and spoke to her in the local Xhosa dialect.

"Easy, my friends. It's not them." Amaya put them at ease. "It would seem you will be able to tell the Wakandans yourself, Captain. The King is here."

"Hopefully this goes better than my last meeting with politicians." Clark muttered.



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