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58.33% Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans / Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-One: Anzo I

Capítulo 21: Chapter Twenty-One: Anzo I


December 1st, Year 68, Sarutobi Residence


"So, they have chosen you, huh?" My father asked rhetorically as he took a puff of smoke from his pipe.

I said nothing, simply waiting patiently in front of him to see what he wanted to say.

"You will be a good guide for young Kuro... He is the future of our village, teach him with integrity, don't hold back. Guide him and build trust. Sow the seed of the Will of Fire in him so that he may love and serve the village when his time comes," he said with a tinge of melancholy.

Sighing, I finally opened my mouth, "You should have taught the boy. He has so much potential, a Kage would have been the best teacher for him."

He shook his head at that and replied, "I am just an old man now, Anzo. I lost the qualification to teach young Kuro when I let my emotions take the better of me. But I think it's best if he learns under you until he is ready for something greater."

I raised my brows at that.

"You think really highly of that kid," I stated.

My father laughed and replied with conviction, "Listen, Anzo, that boy holds both the strength and character to be someone great! Yes, he shows his childish and lazy sides normally, but have you seen him be anything but 110% serious in the moments he is needed? Have you not witnessed his shadows? So never forget, he will be a pillar for Konoha. It's just a matter of time."

I nodded solemnly. I had worked with the boy during the Root investigation and extraction. He was beyond impressive. I had no doubts about teaching him. He was perfect ninja material.

But one thing I didn't understand was why they were trying to put him in a normal Genin team... That kid needed anything but normalcy.

After chatting for a few more minutes with my father, I made my way to the Hokage Tower. I needed to know my team assignment after all. I just hoped the other brats they added wouldn't hold Kuro back.

"Ah, so you have arrived, Anzo. Please come in," the Hokage greeted me with a genuine smile, which I gladly returned. Minato, my former classmate, had earned my respect for his contributions during the war and to the village afterwards.

"You are too kind, Hokage-sama. I am here for my team assignment," I said softly.

The Hokage chuckled, seeing through my skepticism, and asked, "You have something on your mind, don't you? You may speak freely."

I nodded and seized the opportunity, "May I know why you are trying to put someone like Kuro in a normal Genin team? He should already be beyond Chunin level if we simply consider his prowess as a ninja."

The Hokage chuckled at that and replied in understanding, "That is correct. By all means, Kuro should already be inducted into a special program and taught accordingly."

I nodded, waiting for the "but."

"But... Kuro isn't like the other prodigies," he said with a sigh. "If it were possible, Kuro would skip every opportunity to learn, and yet his foundation is perfection itself. He doesn't learn conventionally, and he doesn't respond well to orders and instructions unless it's a grave matter that involves the lives of those he cares for. But when things are serious, he is the best ally to have."

That wasn't news to me. As a Nara, Kuro was lazy yet prodigious, and he struggled with listening to tutors. But there was something more to it. From my interaction with the boy, I knew the took his duty extremely seriously, none of his laziness could be seen when it came to matters concerning his loved ones.

"You already know of his unique condition, I believe. So, this should be easy to explain... His condition is nothing short of miraculous. A person cannot survive with such a profound imbalance of Yin and Yang, coupled with that monstrous amount of chakra that seemingly came from nowhere... And yet, he is fine. More than fine, he is becoming a Chakra Monster…" he said with a serious tone.

I nodded, as I had read the confidential report on that very topic.

"So, after discussing with my advisors, Kuro's Kenjutsu and Fuinjutsu master, his parents, and even your father, we believe that what Kuro needs is guidance and teammates he can trust. He has strong connections within the village, through his family, the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance, and his friendship with the Uchiha prodigy. So, what he needs now are individuals he can rely on, go on missions with, and build a relationship of mutual trust. This Genin team is crucial for that," the Hokage explained.

After taking a moment to think, I nodded in understanding. It was indeed important to have teammates you could trust your life with. I couldn't help but feel grateful for my wife, who served as my second in command and had my back in countless situations.

"I understand your intention, Hokage-sama. I will guide Kuro to the best of my abilities, help him understand the importance of teamwork, and assist him in his personal growth. Now, who else will be joining my squad? Will you consider transferring the Uchiha prodigy to the team so that Kuro can have someone he already trusts?" I asked, knowing that it was a logical question.

The Hokage chuckled and replied, "Yes, that would have been the ideal scenario. Uchiha Izuna and Kuro have a strong bond and have trained together extensively. They would make a formidable duo. However, Uchiha Izuna will be participating in the Chunin qualifying exams in a few days, which is merely a formality for her to showcase her skills. So, for now, she cannot be part of a 'Genin' team with Kuro. But I am certain that they will become an incredible duo in the future."

I let out a sigh, understanding the circumstances. It would have been great to teach Uchiha Izuna, as she had the potential to become an exceptional ANBU, much like the older Uchiha genius, Uchiha Shisui. However, I didn't show my thoughts on my face as I continued the conversation.

"Then, who will be joining my team? Please, Hokage-sama, try to select capable individuals who even if can't keep up with Kuro, can at least support him. If there are no suitable candidates from the academy, we can consider adding promising individuals from the ANBU program. There is a boy from the recently rescued Root program who is showing great potential and could provide excellent support for Kuro in the future," I suggested, knowing that this team would need to cater to Kuro's unique needs. The higher-ups had invested significant resources and placed high hopes in the boy.

The Hokage acknowledged my concerns and assured me, "I understand your concerns Anzo. And don't worry, we did find a very interesting graduate, while the other one forced her way through to graduate to not fall behind her rival." He seemed quite amused when he said that.

Curious, I waited for him to continue, eager to learn about these new additions to the team.

"You had expressed interest in having Uchiha Izuna on your team. While she won't be able to join, another young prodigy has emerged within the Uchiha clan. This individual awakened her Sharingan even earlier than Uchiha Izuna, though it was only by a difference of two days. She has developed a rivalry of sorts with Kuro, although they are not yet on the same skill level. However, she compensates with unwavering determination, hard work, and a strong will not to lose to Kuro."

I couldn't help but be surprised by this revelation. The Uchiha clan seemed to possess an abundance of geniuses. It made me contemplate the potential they held. Internally, I let out a sigh at the thought.

"I am aware of whom you are speaking, Hokage-sama, but isn't Uchiha Izumi still in the academy?" I questioned, seeking clarification.

"Was," the Hokage corrected me. "She demanded to graduate forcefully upon learning that Kuro would be graduating early. We put her through a more advanced test to determine her capabilities, and guess what," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

So, a genius who has someone to chase huh… Interesting. Maybe I can make something out of her.

"She passed I assume." I said rhetorically.

"That she did, and not only that, she managed hold her ground for 10 minutes against one of her Chunin instructors when showcasing her skills as a ninja," the Hokage revealed.

I couldn't help but be impressed. A nine-year-old holding her ground against a Chunin instructor was no small feat. While it may pale in comparison to individuals like Kuro and Uchiha Izuna, who possessed extraordinary talents at such a young age, it was still remarkable in its own right. This Uchiha Izumi had potential, and perhaps with the right guidance, she could flourish

I nodded in appreciation of Izumi's talent, acknowledging that she would be able to keep up with the team. However, I was curious about the other new graduate mentioned by the Hokage.

"What about the other one? You mentioned a new graduate. Is he considered the rookie of the year? I haven't heard of any other exceptional talents graduating this year," I inquired, expressing my curiosity.

The Hokage smiled and clarified, "He isn't the rookie of the year. While his grades were good, they weren't outstanding. His proficiency in the academy's ninjutsu is satisfactory for a Genin, and he has a solid foundation in taijutsu."

I furrowed my brow, finding it difficult to comprehend why the Hokage would highlight this particular individual.

"Forgive me, Hokage-sama, but he doesn't strike me as anyone exceptional," I admitted, voicing my doubts.

The Hokage chuckled in response and dropped a surprising piece of information, "What if I were to tell you that he has caught the attention of one of the Sannin?"

My eyes widened in shock. "Jiraiya-sama sees potential in this boy?" I exclaimed, surprised by the prospect.

The Hokage shook his head, denying my assumption. "No, it was not Jiraiya-sensei who recognized the boy's skill. It was Lady Tsunade."

Now that was truly unexpected. Lady Tsunade, renowned for her discerning eye and high standards, had taken notice of this new graduate. I eagerly requested more information from the Hokage.

"Please, tell me more, Hokage-sama," I urged, eager to understand the reasoning behind Lady Tsunade's interest.

The Hokage complied, "His name is Yakushi Kabuto, age 11, a new graduate of the Academy, completed his ninja studies in 5 years. An orphan found during the Third war, and taken in by Yakushi Nono, who has taken a liking to the boy and adopted him as her son. She has taught him her skills in Medical Ninjutsu, and basics of being a Ninja." He said with a look of appreciation.

As the Hokage shared this information, a sense of recognition washed over me. The name Yakushi held significance in my memory. Yakushi Nono, the former ANBU operative known as the "Wandering Miko," who had left ANBU during the war to work in the Medical Corps before becoming a matron at the orphanage.

The Hokage continued, "His foundations are solid, though he lacks anything more than that being an orphan and ex-ANBU Yakushi Nono, thought it would be prudent not to teach the boy more than the basics till he became an official Ninja and received permission to learn. Surprisingly, he was also on the list of Danzo's potential recruits to their Root programme, but never got the chance to approach. Which further compels us to the boy's potential."

I decided to ask a question, "So even Danzo had his eyes on him… Was he really not indoctorined to Root's cause?"

The Hokage assured me, "No, we conducted a thorough investigation, and Kabuto remained untouched by Root's influence. He is a pure-hearted individual with a strong desire to assist his adoptive mother and his fellow orphans. Under Yakushi Nono's guidance, he has acquired proficiency in medical ninjutsu and has been lending his skills at the hospital for extra income. Lady Tsunade noticed his exceptional chakra control when he was assisting in the emergency room and was impressed by his abilities," he concluded with a smile.

Taking a moment to ponder the situation, I realized that although Kabuto lacked extensive training, he possessed potential. He was driven by a genuine desire. Paired with an Uchiha specializing in close-range combat it seemed like a promising team could be developed.

Amused by the team's composition, I commented, "A close-range Uchiha, a solid medical ninja, and a walking shadow monster who is also a sensor and Fuinjutsu master... Sounds like a walking nightmare..."

The Hokage shared my amusement, before turning serious, he asked, "You understand your duty, don't you?" His words carried the weight of his position as the village's leader.

Kneeling respectfully, I received my mission and replied, "As the Hokage commands."

Satisfied with my commitment, the Hokage nodded before dismissing me. Using body flicker, I swiftly disappeared from the office.

Before officially meeting my students the following day, I decided to observe them in their everyday lives, gaining insight into their personalities and abilities.

I began my observation with Yakushi Kabuto, the orphan who had been working at the hospital. True to the Hokage's words, he displayed a level of focus beyond his peers as he skillfully utilized medical ninjutsu to heal an elderly woman with a sprained ankle. It was evident that his abilities were already sufficient to join the ranks of the medical corps.

A sense of satisfaction radiated from his smile upon successfully completing the treatment. Witnessing his interactions with patients and fellow nurses, I noted the dedication and compassion he exhibited.

Mentally acknowledging the need to provide proper guidance on his journey, I moved on to the next student

Then I proceeded to check on the Uchiha girl.

She used to live outside the Uchiha compound not too long ago, because of her non Uchiha father. But that came to an end due to her remarkable feat of awakening the Sharingan at the tender age of 8. Her family was invited back to the compound for her achievement.

After showing my identity to the Uchiha sentries, I gained access to the compound and sought out the girl.

I found her engaged in rigorous taijutsu training with a woman, whom I believe was the girl's mother named Hazuki Uchiha.

The girl's skills in taijutsu were solid, and it appeared that she was making great strides in mastering the Uchiha clan's distinctive combat style. I observed them for a while, noting the girl's goal-oriented mindset and determination to become stronger. These were positive signs, and if what the Hokage had mentioned was true, the presence of Kuro as a rival would likely propel her beyond her perceived limits.

Satisfied with my observations thus far, I swiftly traveled to locate my third and most significant student—the one who would require careful guidance.

Only to come face to face with a familiar ANBU operative.

"Dog, what brings you here?" I asked the boy, already aware of his purpose for being present.

Without even looking up from his Icha Icha book, he lazily replied, "Commander-sama, you already know why I'm here. But why aren't you wearing your mask?"

Chuckling, I responded, "Well, I am no longer your commander, boy. Hanako will be taking over for me."

His reaction was expected, as a shiver ran down his spine. "The Vice-Commander will be taking over? Why though?"

Knowing my wife's distaste for his perverted reading material, I couldn't help but find the situation amusing. "I've chosen to become a Jonin instructor for one of the troublesome kids," I said with a smirk.

He seemed to understand the implication and directed his gaze towards a boy and girl sitting together, engaged in conversation. Meanwhile, they kept a watchful eye on three little boys playing in the sandbox, one of them being the Hokage's son.

"So, he's finally becoming a Genin, huh? I wonder how long that will last..." Dog's annoyed tone reflected his sentiment.

"It all depends on his motivation," I replied, chuckling at the thought. "According to your teacher, if I were to mention that becoming a Chunin would lead to fewer missions, he would seize the opportunity without hesitation." To that Dog nodded in agreement.

I contemplated getting closer to eavesdrop on their conversation, but Dog stopped me, expressing exhaustion in his tone. "Listen, Commander, we have already been noticed... He is our best sensor, remember? The reason he hasn't acknowledged our presence or done anything is because he knows that I am guarding Naruto and you may just be a colleague. I highly not recommend eavesdropping on them… If you want to know what they're discussing, you'll have to read their lips as long as he allows it."

With a sigh that revealed his familiarity with such situations, Dog's weariness was palpable. And indeed, it was an interesting thought to consider.

Kuro's conversation with Uchiha Izuna intrigued me, and I decided to read their lips to gain further insight.

"I think we can make a team once you become a Chunin, because after I become a Chunin, I won't be bound to my Genin team anymore and can start or lead my own," Izuna said with a smile.

Kuro, with a nonchalant demeanor, responded while yawning, "Sounds too troublesome to be a Chunin... But if you promise not to go on more than the bare minimum of missions, I will think about it."

Exasperated yet amused, Izuna sighed and playfully remarked, "When you talk like that, Kuro-kun, you don't look cute at all."

Kuro gave her an annoyed look and groaned, "Stop using my own words against me, you damned troublesome Uchiha!"

Giggling mischievously, Izuna replied, "I don't think I will, until you become a Chunin, Kuro-kun."

Kuro groaned again and looked at the sky, muttering something incomprehensible, eliciting laughter from the girl beside him.

Witnessing their interaction, the three toddlers rushed towards them, curious about what was happening. The older kids, Kuro and Izuna, focused their attention on the little ones with smiles on their lips.

I turned to Dog, meeting his eyes with a significant gaze. He understood the unspoken message.

"They are really compatible, aren't they?" Dog remarked rhetorically.

I simply nodded, feeling a tinge of regret that I couldn't have them together in my team. But such is life, I suppose.

"Please guide him well, Commander," Dog said, his final words before returning to his reading.

I observed the scene below for a while more before going my own way.

Having seen the members of my team with my own eyes, I was beyond satisfied.

Now hopefully I can live long enough to see them flourish. I will guide them to be their best selves, until I can no longer.

That's a promise.


Welp that's that! I know many of you wanted Izuna, as it was obvious that she should be in his team, but she already has a Genin team, and you usually don't just change the teams on a whim. Also, the reason Kuro is even in a Genin team is as how Minato explained. And finally, the choice of Anko, was nonplausable as she was already a Chunin at this time, while for Yamato he is 8 years older than Kuro's batch. And was a Chunin at the age of 6.

Also a thanks to Datperson for becoming a patron!

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LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

What do we say to our teammates?- I got your back Dawg!

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