A few kilometers from Iron Mountains.
"Are we there yet?" Bart asked Eloi, who in turn scratched his already high hairline.
Because they now had a beast, they naturally had to go to a Town or City to get rid of him for a lot of money.
You know, a strong half-orc like this could sell for a thousand gold, especially if sold in a city!
But the mountain range, Mount Rushless, was best handled towards the West due to better terrain, so they took the path there instead.
They were taking even longer than expected though. They got tired much easier than usual lately and they had to go through many stops, looking for water sources.
This had to do with many things. One, they were sweating too much and losing their water too quickly. And another—
"Let me go!" The large orc yelled and no matter how long they've been with this guy—no matter how well they tied the magic tool rope—his large overbearing frame was still as intimidating as ever.
Baku! Baku! Baku! Baku!
Come on come on! https://discord.gg/8fhaSMG2xq