As for the other ones in the tunnel, they had quickly run back as fast as they could, not caring who they stepped on in the stampede.
They were lucky that the tunnel descended a little, so the water stopped following them at some point after gaining a bit of elevation. However, no one dared be complacent and they ran as fast as they could towards the exit.
"Go back! Run!" They yelled to the confused people who were just entering. They literally had to push people which almost caused a few brawls, except the perpetrators looked genuinely scared and they wondered what they saw underneath.
The water had, in fact, long stopped being a threat, but they still ran as if their lives depended on it.
When they got up to safety, they were barely breathing from exhaustion.
Baltimore, who had been losing his patience, was on the verge of skewering these losers. "What's going on?!"
"Milord!" One of the men said, gasping. "Water! Took goblins! Gone!"
Is it a stupid rule?
Come on come on!