The mercenaries fought valiantly, sadly they gained more injuries from the damned monster's claws than they could inflict it.
The situation worsened when the half-orc grabbed one of them by foot and hurled him against a tree.
"Oi! Bulgogi!" the team yelled, glaring at the half-orc. "YOU DAMNED BEAST!" they yelled, lunging at him together.
However, the half-orc just continued to push, kick, or throw them. Some would find themselves crashing into rocks, some onto underbushes. Soon, fewer and fewer had enough health to stand to confront him.
Their groans and cries of pain filled the air, but everyone was alive thanks to their experience and relatively good level.
But there were still a lot of them and the years of fighting alongside each other honed their cooperation. They moved with precision, exploiting every opening they could find.
Thank you for your support, Alterrrans!!!!
Come on come on!