None of them noticed the very subtle mood of wistfulness that passed by their boss' eyes, hyperfocused on their new tasks at hand.
Sheila grinned, then scooted closer to her. Looking around the themed houses near them with shining eyes. "So…where are we going to live?"
This made her pause. She hadn't really thought about it yet in the sense that she was just 'copy and pasting' the module as she saw fit.
She looked at the custom houses that were definitely hundreds of times better than those in Royal Territory, and wondered the answer to the nurse's question.
Each module had good bedrooms (though no beds yet), bathrooms, toilets, and a private yard on both sides.
It was just that she wanted a much larger yard so she could have her private gardens and experimental fields close to home. This was pretty much a basic requirement for her house, which all her family members were very kind to always provide her with.
Thank you soooo much for the support guys!! Added thank you's to the angels who took an extra step to vote and/or send gifts!!! *HUGS*
Come on come on!