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100% RWBY: A New Start... Kinda? / Chapter 6: The Final Battle!... Ok, that´s Cringe...Part 1

Capítulo 6: The Final Battle!... Ok, that´s Cringe...Part 1

Let us go back a few minutes before Nick and his team arrived... about 30 minutes.

Si far, many students have been rescued from the forest and had been send back to their own towns, including a group of rude students that had the standard getup of a bully, but nobody cares about them anyways~

In one of the corners of the forest, 4 young students have reunited to become a team, a young man with a green spear, a woman of shoulder length blond pink hair and twin brother and sister, all of them with their own weapon at hand "Hey, Hey~, What should we do now~?" the pink haired woman said while keeping his eyes in the area for any sight of Grimms with a blue bow in hand.

"For now, i believe is more adequate that we hurry and reach the temple" Said the Young man with a green spear, just as his companions, he keeps a close eyes to the surroundings.

these group is conformed of students that didn´t graduate any recognized hunter academy, they are some of the students that were brought to beacon together by Professor Welt.

It was supposed to be a simple test, yeah it was supposed to.

*BAAMB* "Kyaaaa!" But the appearance if a huge Ursa Grimm, 2 of them, as well as a Death Stalker and a Nevermore, all showing up at the same time, fortunately there are other teams but only competent enough to keep each individual Grimm at bay.

They are currently facing one of the Ursas, with some difficulties because of the way the Ursa is acting.

It's constantly trying to go were the other Ursa is.

This behavior is strange for Grimms such as these, well, for Grimms in general, its like is trying to assist the other one, for the time being, the teams have done a good job keeping them at bay, but they are getting tired little by little.

"March!" the young woman of gray hair does to where her companion, the shoulder length pink haired girl, March Nanatsuki, was thrown "Stella, Protect March, Caelus, with me!" the spear wielder Young man, Xiao Dan Heng gave the orders and went towards the Ursa along side his other teammate, Caelus Rails. each one at towards the sides of the Ursa.

"Flames of Preservation!" With Caelus yell, a flame like aura covered both his and Dan Hengs body, boosting them in some way, this is Caelus Semblance, and Dan Heng didn't stay behind "Ways of the Adepts!" similar to Caelus Semblance, now a green wind like aura covered both of them.

The Uras saw both of them coming at high speed, but it ignored Dan Heng and lunged towards Caelus, while creating a strange dark aura of his own *GRAAAAAAARRR* With his roar, the aura expanded until it covered both of them, causing an immediate effect on them, a debuff effect.

Both semblance were still active, but with minor strength than it was "What!?" Caelus was the first one to catch on their situation, alarming him and making him lower his speed "Caelus, Move!" Dab Heng tried to warn him but it was to late, Ursa striked Caelus and send him flying towards a tree "ack!" while his aura and semblance protected him, the damage that he received was huge, his legs felt weak and he couldn't get up.

On the other hand, Dan Heng was not doing any better, two team mates down, and only him and Stella could continue fighting, the other two will need some time to recover, Stella immediately went to assist him after she saw how her brother was lunch by the Grimm "Any Ideas Dan Heng" Stella looked towards him while focusing her aura on her bat "... No other choice, we will need to continue fighting this thing until any of the other two recover-!" There was little that he could say, as the Ursa, with speed not possible for its size, went towards them instead of going to the other Ursa, but its path was cut short,

Multiple strange looking blades flew towards it, the Grimm used its arms to protect itself, having the blades piercing its arms, but no major damage in them "Or that's what you think eh? *snap*" with the snap of the fingers, the blades started to shine, followed by explosions in the Grimms arms, the blades exploded like bombs.

Stella and Dan Heng looked back to the one who assisted them, a young man of black hair, eyes and a formal black colored uniform, it was White "Introductions should be left for later, lets deal with this one" he said while making multiple blades appeared between his fingers "Right, thanks you for the assistance" with all said, Dan Heng, Whit and Stella continued Fighting The Ursa


Dan Hengs group wasn't the only one that came with professor Welt, another team came with them, this is a team formed by his own son and his teammates from the time before they came to Beacon, they are Joffrey Joyce Yang, aka Joey, Adam Eden, Bronya Grand and lastly Seele Vollerei.

they received the same training than Dan Hengs team, but that didn't change things on their end ether, they were having the same situation with their own Grimm, the second Ursa, just like the other, the Ursa was trying to get to were the other one was, keyword being "was", as the fight progressed, the team was starting to get exausted, and it seems like the Ursa decided to finish them off "God Dammit, what the hell is wrong with this thing!?" Seele is a schythe wielder, and with her semblance, Quantum Buterfly, she could accelerate to almos untraceble speed for short distance, she was trying to abuse this to increase the force in her attacks, but the only thing that she could do was leave marks and cuts, besides that she could feel that whe was getting slower "Seele, ficus!!" *Bang* *Bang* gun shots were heard from the back, that being Bronya and her rifle aimed to the Ursas Arm, it was going to hit Seele "Code I - The Mage!" at the moment, another pearson showed up in front of her, a young man with black hair and a great sword in color red with a black edge, Adam with his Blade, Trial of Fire, he used his semblance to increase their physical abilities as well as to create an aura shield around them.

The Ursa stroked the shield, while Adam took Seele to a safe distance from it "Hahh, geez, that was close, thanks for the save Adam" said Seele while looking at her Frontline r companion "Save that for later, we need a plan, any ideas Joey?"

At his word everyone looked at the young man behind them, the leader of their team who, during the entire fight, has been using his semblance to grant passive stamina and health regeneration, Mark of Reason is the name and it shows as magic circles surrounding him and appearing behind those that are affected by it, of course this is not all that it can do, but explanations for later "For now focus and keep it at bay, our reinforcements have arrived" it's all that Joey said while another person showed up in front of them, with a rifle in hand aimingg to the Grimm "Just in time i suppoused"

"Who the hell are you!?" Seele was already on edge with the Grimms strength, and now someone showed up out of nowhere "Introductions later, lets kill the target first" thats all that the Fanus Gunner, Eustace said before pulling the trigger *Bang*

A Flash of light flew from the rifle towards the grimm, and when it tried to block it with its arm, it went flying *GRRRAAAGGG*

The Ursa landed, just to see its paw missing "Hmm, 4 Charges and i could only take its paw, this will be tough" Eustace started reloading his rifle for the next shot "We should assist him as well, Adan abd Seele to the front, Bronya offer support from the back, i will continue giving restoration and attacking as well, focus on the left paw"



"Aaaaah! Help me, someone!" Jaune Arc is not having a good day.

All he wanted was to become a hero like his grandfather, but his father constantly stopped him from taking any class or training for hunters, even to the point that he didn´t even knew about aura or semblance, talking about being sheltered, dear god.

In any case, his decire was clear, to be a hunter, a legend, a hero... but the reality was different.

First, he was shown how behind he was from other students with their equipment, all hunter cadets are tasked to create their own weapon, or at least thats what he heard from his newly made friend, Ruby.

Second, he was thrown hundreds of miles at high speed, something that could kill any civilian with any training, or him in other words, as well as seeing how others dealed with this as if it was something casual or normal.

Lastly, Third, the Grimm, creatures that he has only seen through reports, stories or pictures, these weren´t creatures that could be just kill by anyone, the strength and resilience that they had is something antinatural, include that to the different varieties that exist and they are a real catastrophe... but this wasn't enough to make him give up "WAAAA!" or Kneel "HEELPP MEEE!", he will persist "OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD!!" and he. will. become a HERO... i think? "For the love of any god out there, can somebody takes this freaking scorpion away please!!!!!"

Or dear hero in training is currently doing laps around a huge stone bridge, running from a Death Stalker, a type of Grimm similar to a scorpion, just a few times bigger than one "Take this~!" another person showed up jumping towards the Grimm with a silver hammer with some pink coloring in some parts of it *BANG* the impact pushed the Grimm back, distance enough for two other people showed up, a man in green garbs with customized handguns that has dagger baldes on it and a woman with red hair in a bronze armor wielding a spear and a shield.

"God, that was close, thanks Nora" Jaune said to the woman with the hammer, Nora Valkyrie, who only showed a carefree and happy smile "Hehe~, Don't mention it".

"What's the plan, we can't really just keep on going on circles with this thing" the man in green, Lie Ren directed the question to the group, only for Jaune to answer him with determination in his voice, he might not be the strongest or the one with the most experience, but he trust his keen eyes for this situation, he could grasp how the Grimm moved, the limbs and muscle movement before it did something "The first is to take care of that Sting some how, whenever it would attack with it, worst it will move it's pincers out of the way, the problem is it's speed, wee Ned to be careful with it" the Death Stalker had mainly two ways to attack, the pincers and the sting at the end of its tail, while it's huge, the speed of the pincers is not a problem, the sting on the other hand is a different issue all together "Nora and I will distract it, Pyrrha and Ren focus on shooting the tail, try to aim as close to the sing as possible"

"Understood!" The plan of action was set, Jaune and Nora started to draw it's attention, Nora jumping around and striking ether the head or the sides of the body while evading the pincers, while Jaune used his shield to defend himself from the pincers attacks while striking back and keeping watch of the sting, and finally, One and Pyrrha, with her spear transformed into a rifle, focused on aiming to the tail, while also offering support in choosing the pincers in case that it attacks the front liners when they were busy in ether defending or evading the other pincer.

The fight went on for a while but no damage was seen in the group, thanks to Jaune's observation, he and Nora could actually predict the movements of the sting, evading in time, and there was no need to worry about any follow up attack, for some reason, whenever the Grimm used the Sting, it waited until it draw it back to try and attack with the pincers.

After some time of attacking evading and shooting the tail, Jaune saw the chance, the Grimm attacked with the sting and it got stuck for a moment, witch he took it and attacked the end of the tail, where it connected the sting to it "Take This!" with his sword, he slashed the sting, but maybe due to his lack of strength or aura, the cut was not enough to severe the sting but to just leave it clinging to the tail.

*SCREEEERCH* The Grimm felt the attack, and filled with rage, it drew out the tail from the ground, just what Jaune needed "Pyrrha!, The Tail!" just whit that order, Pyrrha took her shield and throw it towards the sting, with all her strength and focusing on its target, witch stroked in the right point, cutting the sting off and falling into the body of the Grimm, but that is not enough "Nora! the Sting!" looking at the sting now stuck in the Grimms body Nora got the idea and started running to it "Roger That Leader!" in the mean time, the Grimm was still alive "Ren with me, we must not let it run away" Jaune started running towards it with sword and shield ready "Understood" followed by Ren who kept shooting at the Grimm, forcing it to cover it's body with the pincers, leaving space for Jaune to go past it and start attacking the body "And down you go~!" and the final blow was from Nora, Hitting the Sting and Piercing the Grimm *SCREEeeee* falling down and killing it.

For Pyrrha, Ren and Nora this was a success, but for Jaune it was an achievement, the first Grimm that they took down and he helped in the process guiding them with options in where to strike... but something was off, Jaune felt that, while the Grimm was killed and it might have been a bit to risky, it wasn't difficult, in fact "...Something is not right, this was too easy" like reading his thoughts "So you think so too right Pyrrha" yes, they had seen other Grimms around beowolfs and normal Ureas, in fact, Nora came mounted in an Ursa, and they were somewhat tough, about the same as the Death Stalker, and then it Clicked.

The team was currently in front of the Grimm, originally they were going to pass the bridge to get the artefact and assist Ruby's team, but they saw the other two bigger Ursa fighting the other teams, so it was a better option to help them, until Jaune yelled "Get out of the way!!"

Nora, Ren and Pyrrha got startled and turned to Jaune, but they also saw the Death Stalker, or more specifically, they saw that it wasn't there, by instinct alone Pyrrha turned to the sky, and there it was, the scorpion, with the possibly little strength that it had left, had jumped and was about to crush them, at that moment "ELEMENTAL HERO: CLAYMAN!" Another voice sounded from the other side of the Bridge, a young man carrying a huge sword, and besides him was a masive humanoid being made of earth, his earth elemental Clayman.

Jaiden speeded up until he was at the appropriate reach, Clayman is a summon that has the 2nd longest range of all his summons with a range of 15m.

Once on range, Clayman separated from Jaiden and stood were the others were, just in time to caught the grimm and throw it out of the bridge *SCREEEeeee~*

"Hell, Yeah, just in time!" A clean victory in his books, now with the grimm out of the equation, he turned towards the group to confirm their safety "Everyone alright here?"

"Yeah, thanks for the safe man, thought they were goners for a moment" Jaune answered with clear relive, even if he alerted his team mates, there was not enough time for them to react "I´m Jaune Arc by the way" Jaune introduced himself, followed by the others "Lie Ren, Thank you for the assistance" Ren said calmly, contrary to the next one "Hi~ I´m Nora Valkyrie, You save or beacons so you are my new friend~!" and the last one being Pyrrha "I am Pyrrha Nikos, its nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too guys" Jaiden cancelled Calman´s summon and put his blade in his shoulder "The Name is Jaiden Yuki, a hunter apprentice like you guys, now the-" *BOMB*

Sounds of explosions came from around them, just to see how the other groups were already done with their own Grimms, all that was left was to finish the test itself "Well, lets go to the other side, once we have each of us our artifacts we can speak calmly over some food" Jaiden started walking towards the end of the bridge and Jaune and the others followed closely.


I´m going to leave it here, next is from the point of view of team rwby and Nick.

Now... let me rant a bit ok?

*Breath in~*












See ya next time~

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