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61.42% The Return Of Joyboy! / Chapter 43: Chapter 43

Capítulo 43: Chapter 43

Garp was strolling around his ship when Bogard came in carrying a denden mushi in his hand.

"Vice Admiral Garp!" The man saluted, despite of Garp saying a zillion time that he didn't need to be so formal before him. "Fleet Admiral Sengoku wants to speak to you!"

"Thanks, Bogard!" Garp said with a smile and held his hand forward for the snail to be passed on.

"Garp," The low hiss in the voice of his best friend told him, or rather guaranteed him that he was in for a scolding.

"Senny! I swear I have not ate all your rice crackers or feed your goat my paper works for this and the last month!" Garp immediately said, which was rather a poor lie, to Sengoku to avoid his wrath.

"I- Wait! WHAT?" The other person on the snail screamed. "I swear Garp! I swear-!"

"If it wasn't that, then why are you so pissed off?" Garp asked with a laugh. He loved messing up with his best friend, but he better safe his hide when he reaches the Marine HQ. Who can blame him when the paper works were so boring and the rice crackers looked so appetizing?

"Yeah, about that," Sengoku seemed to come back on his track but not before saying, "Though I won't forget what you did."

Garp winced internally.


"Woah! Woah! Calm down," Garp tried to calm the screaming man, as he walked to his cabin away from the prying ears of the marines. It wasn't like he didn't trust them, but some information was better for less ears only. "What has my son done again?"

"IT'S NOT YOUR DAMN SON- I mean it is your son practically but it's your grandson!" Sengoku replied, catching himself a breath.

"Who?" Garp asked with an edge in his voice. He hasn't told Sengoku about any of his grandsons. So, how did Sengoku knew?! He was itching to ask about it. Many would say that Garp didn't know the art of secrecy but he knew it all well. He just hid it behind the stupid behavior of his.

Ace was out of question with him being son of Gol D. Roger, and then Luffy came to the mix, who was a big no! Even a tiny detail of his being can make him go down the same road as that of Ace, if it already wasn't worst with him being the son of Monkey D. Dragon and the sea. And then lastly Sabo. He never got a good chance to raise the boy, and now that he had gone off to be the second in command of the Revolutionary Army, he was a no go too! He faintly remembers him having one more grand kid, but he hasn't met them to know anything about them.

"Monkey D. Luffy!"

Garp froze for a moment, deciding not to speak. Luffy was in East Blue, away from Dragon and heck, him even! The brat didn't even sit still to meet him after he called in the Shell's Town.

"What the heck does he mean that he will reclaim the throne?!"

Was Garp's mind filling with panic? Heck, yeah!

"Bwahahaha!!!" Garp laughed trying to hide the sheer fear for Luffy's life. He had to keep repeating to himself in mind that Luffy is safer in his mother's arms than any place in the damn whole world. "So, he has started!"

"What do you mean 'started'?" Sengoku asked from the other side, with a pissed off expression.

"How did you talk to him? Heard about my cute little grandson, huh?" Garp asked with a smirk, wanting to squeeze out as much information he could without getting suspicious.

"Captain Nezumi of the 16th branch reported about him and you won't believe it. I heard that music! The forbidden music played in the Coconomi Islands. Not only that, your grandson doesn't give a damn if he becomes the enemy of the World Government."

"You were on line?" Garp asked hiding his frozen self. 'What the heck Luffy?'

"Yes, I wanted to confirm if the child was really a pirate, but after knowing that he is a D. and your grandkid, I am sure he is a menace," Sengoku said rubbing his temples and leaving out the words which his instincts screamed him about Monkey D. Luffy being the biggest headache for him out of the three Monkey D's he had ever got the chance to know.

"What can you expect from my grandkid, huh?" Garp asked smugly. He was definitely not trying to shift Sengoku's attention from the music tune he had mentioned.

He had known from the very beginning when Luffy would sing and dance to the beat which he loved from his very childhood, that it would be something forbidden in the eyes of the World Government. And here he was know trying to shift the topic and giving a chance to his silly grandson to escape.

"GARP!" Sengoku barked, but realized that he was overdoing it. But still things felt unsettling to him. "You are ordered to-"

"Capture him?" Garp asked with a raised eyebrow. If he was sent after his grandson, then he could see him more often and might even save him from the troubles which he seemed to attract.

"No! Not a chance!" Sengoku retorted, deflating Garp in an instant. "Return to the HQ."

"That's all?" Garp asked raising his eyebrow. He was sad that he won't be able to meet his favorite grandson any time soon.

"I called to inform you about your grandson's bounty poster," Sengoku said and from the snail kept on Garp's table, a picture processed itself.

Garp picked the paper only to end up cooing at the innocent and cute smile which Luffy was carrying.

"Ain't my Grandson so cute?" Garp asked with a smirk. "It makes me to want to coddle him with all my love."

A shiver ran down the spine of Sengoku, as he wiped the sweat from his face. He still couldn't believe how Garp even sported a kid and here he was acting so... sweet. It was unnerving.

"T-That's why I don't want you to go after him," Sengoku informed before hanging off hurriedly.


Below the azure sky and above the rocking waves in the East Blue a pirate ship sailed forward. A table filled with varieties of cuisines was laid on the deck, basking the rays of the sun, and inviting the crew members to grab a bite.

"It's all ready!" Sanji announced, once he completed setting the table, which Luffy had personally requested.

"Gotta wake Luffy up!" Usopp shouted from one corner of the deck. The said teen had been tinkering items from his gallery trying to build ammo, when Luffy had arrived, seemingly amazed by his work. But the little menace lost interest in his work soon enough and made a beeline for the figurehead, where he soon fell asleep.

"I'm up!" A voice shouted, which was none other than that of Luffy's. The smell of food never failed to wake the teen up.

"That's good," Usopp stated with a smile.

"Hey, Usopp! Wanna play tag after lunch?" Luffy asked grabbing his plate.

"Sure, I have completed my work," Usopp commented.

"Zoro should play too!" Luffy chirped looking at the swordsman who was coming down from the crow's nest.

"No way!" Zoro announced.

"Aww! Will Sanji and Nami play then?" Luffy asked looking at the two other crew members who instantly averted their eyes from the unintentional puppy eyes which Luffy let loose. If anybody saw those eyes, the small pirate crew was sure that they won't be able to deny the little gremlin's wish.

"I have to prepare meals for the dinner," Sanji excused himself quickly.

"I have maps to chart, sorry Luffy," Nami gave a reason soon enough. She would love to play with Luffy and Usopp but there was work to do. She was the navigator after all.

"Zoro!" Luffy asked in a whiny tone. "Play with us."

"Are you afraid that they will defeat you?" Sanji asked Zoro teasingly.

"Why you!" Zoro retorted instantly.

"Pwease~!" Luffy asked. He wanted to play. He could play with his sea friends too, but he wanted to play with them today and right now!

"Fine! Fine!" Zoro said with a grumble stuffing the onigiri which the cook had made.

"We got a member then," Usopp cheered with Luffy.

The lunch was going as usual, with Luffy trying to get a grab of other's food after finishing his.

"I needed to ask a question," Sanji said looking straight at Luffy, who cocked his head in response. He had known that Sanji was feeling confused about some matter regarding him but he hadn't asked it yet.

"Sanji can ask anything," Luffy replied with a smile.

"How can you swim while being a devil fruit user?"

The table fell silent, all eyes were on Luffy, looking for an answer.

"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed throwing his head back. He had thought that Sanji would ask more serious question and here he was! "Why wouldn't I able to swim?" Luffy asked instead with his D grin, which promised the listeners that they were in for something they would prefer not to hear.

"Devil fruit user sink in the ocean. They are hated by the sea in the exchange of their powers!" Sanji kept his point. None of the strawhats dared interrupt the conversation.

Zoro had known something was up but as long as he could fulfill his dreams and protect the dreams of his captain and his mates then he didn't need to know anything. He had faith in Luffy that he would tell them when he sees it fit, so he hadn't pressured on it much.

Nami had been suspicious of Luffy but the adorable and cute behavior of his had always kept her away from the questions which sprouted with Luffy's presence and behavior.

Usopp, on the other hand, was scared that if he tried to question Luffy then red eyes would wake up and it would not go well. So, he preferred to keep himself as if nothing ever happened and all that was happening was in his dreams, specially red eye Luffy.

Luffy nodded to Sanji's concerns, feeling the genuine worry rolling from him. Seriously, how many mother hens will he get?

"First," Luffy started by raising his index finger. "Don't call them devil fruit." Luffy stated with his blank face, which gave the Strawhats the intensity of seriousness in the conversation.

Luffy looked towards the ocean, breaking the blank face, with a sad smile resting on his face. "And she is only trying to gain back what she lost."

"What did she lose?" "Who is she?" "What do you mean?" "How do you know her?"

The questions were at once thrown at Luffy making him give a slight chuckle. Even though how much he would love to think that he hates that being, but he knew he couldn't.

"Caw caw!"

A voice interrupted the conversation. A news coo landed just before Luffy, observing him.

"A bird?" Zoro asked looking at the thing which started approaching Luffy.

"It's a news coo, dumbass!" Sanji said with fake annoyance and saw Luffy offering a crumb of his bread to the news coo, which... was shocking to say the least. The boy who loved to devour any food in his sight was offering some to the news coo. The shock was enough to make the Strawhats forget their earlier conversation and look at Luffy with horrified eyes.

"Luffy are you okay?" Nami jumped right from her seat. "You are not sick right?" She asked placing her palm on the teen's forehead only to feel the familiar warmth and heat rolling off the teen.

"I'm fine," Luffy answered petting the news coo, which cawed happily.

"Then... food? You?" Usopp inquired with broken words.

"He was hungry," Luffy said gaining a caw from the news coo.

"Caw caw!" The bird cawed gaining the attention of the crew members. It was carrying a newspaper on his beak and offering it to Luffy.

"Thank you so much birdy!" Luffy said taking the newspaper from the bird, as it gave a final nod to Luffy before flying to the sky.

"What was that?" Usopp asked looking at the free newspaper in Luffy's hands.

"Seems like Luffy's charms work even on the birds," Nami whispered, when an idea struck her mind of how she could gain the newspapers without spending any money.

"Here," Luffy said passing the newspaper to Nami. He wasn't interested in news, not when the winds can do the same for him from anywhere.

But as he was passing the newspaper, a single sheet of paper swirled in the air and rested on the table, electing various reactions from the crew.



Meanwhile, a meeting progressed in the Marine HQ.

"So in short our branch forces are unable to deal with this particular crew?" A marine asked.

"Yes," The one who was placing his opinions answered. "Captain Axe Hand Morgan of Shell's Town, and Captain Nezumi of Coconomi Islands, they both fell victim to this pirate crew."

"Not to mention that this boy defeated Buggy The Clown, 15 million beli, Pirate Fleet Admiral Don Krieg, 17 million beli and the Fishman Pirate's Arlong The saw, 20 million beli," Another person added.

"Not only that, he had declared himself as an enemy of the World Government to the Fleet Admiral, who have personally demanded the amount on the head of this innocent looking boy," The marine informant who had been there during the talk informed.

"Even though the average bounty in East Blue is 3 million, 50 million beli on the head of this boy seems justified."


"Shishishishishi!!!" Luffy laughed cheerfully holding his bounty poster which showed his face perfectly. "Looks like we're wanted now! It says 50 million beli!"

"How the hell did you even get this high of a bounty?!!!!" Nami shrieked, not getting the situation at all. 50 million beli was way too high for a East Blue pirate and nonetheless a kid! What are the marines thinking? Or have they caught news of the devil fruit Luffy bears?! That sure gave a chill to her.

"Look! My picture's here for the whole world to see! I will soon be famous!" Usopp boasted proudly pointing the back of his head at the bounty poster.

"That's just the back of your head!" Sanji retorted with a sulked expression.

"Don't be jealous now! Once we become more infamous, we might all get one," Usopp stated making Sanji jump up with happiness.

The day won't be far when Sanji would also have his very own bounty poster. The thought itself was making him feel all giddy, knowing that all the beautiful ladies in the world will soon enough see his face, and would want to date him.

"It's only 50 million beli," Luffy's voice cut through the celebrations.

"That was what I was telling you! 50 million beli is way too high for a East Blue pirate!" Nami yelled, not getting the real emotions behind the words Luffy said.

Luffy pouted before saying, "My real bounty is way too high than this." Luffy declared with a huff, bringing silence on the boat.

"What?" Luffy asked seeing the hung expression of his friends. He was pissed off that he was way too behind that of Ace's and Sabo's real bounties. Heck, even his real bounty! They were sure going to laugh at him.

"WHAT?!!" The strawhats asked together.

"Don't tell me the World Government knows of your fruit?!" Nami shrieked with Usopp, as tears rolled off their face in fear of their own lives.

"No way," Luffy announced.

"It's one of his jokes, I'm sure of it," Sanji said trying to relax Nami.


"In any case, we can't afford to just loiter around the East Blue any longer," Nami said cutting Luffy mid sentence.

"With that high of a bounty, bounty hunters and marines are bound to come after us," Zoro gave a piece of his thought, gulping down a bottle of booze.

"We need to enter the Grand Line as soon as possible," Nami said wiping the sweat which trickled off her skin.

"Wait, Nami!" Luffy interjected. "I want to visit one Island before we leave to the Grand Line."

"Which one?" Nami asked, already wishing that it should have not any marine bases in it.

"Loguetown! The Island of the beginning and end!" Luffy announced and for the nth time Nami wished for the Gods to listen to her plea for once, since Loguetown was indeed a Marine base.

"The place where the Pirate King died, huh?" Zoro asked with a smirk.

"Yep!" Luffy announced bouncing on his feet. "I want to see the place where he was executed!"

That made the other Strawhats realize that they also want something before the real game begins.

"I'll be able to stock up on fresh produce," Sanji vouched. "And fresh women," Sanji muttered to himself with heart eyes.

"Then I'm going on a shopping spree too," Usopp declared his intention.

"I need swords, can't really practice 3 sword style with one," Zoro said but instantly regretted when Nami turned towards him.

"I'll happily lend you some money, at 300% interest that is," Nami announced, making Zoro sweat drop.

"That's too much!" Zoro replied instantly.

"You want or not?" Nami asked with beli signs in her eyes.

"Damn witch," Zoro cursed under his breath.


On a certain Island, a drunkard and his crew were suffering from their hangovers, trying to find peace on the inhabited island. But the arrival of a certain man changed everything.

"It's Hawkeyes!" A pirate screamed as he watched Hawkeye get down from his boat and leap on the shore with ease.

"No need to get antsy, I've no business with the rest of you," Mihawk said taking strides towards the easygoing and reckless man for whom he had arrived.

"Captain!!" A pirate rushed ahead of Mihawk. They have all seen, except for the newbies, the fight Mihawk and Shanks always put on when they face each other. The whole Island gets annihilated during the process. It was luck that they always met in inhabited islands, otherwise lots and lots of people would have suffered.

"Hawkeyes," Shanks pronounced the name, seeing his rival and yet friend standing before him. "I'm not in a mood to fight today."

Mihawk tsked. "I've not come to settle things with a man with a hangover." Mihawk stated. "I came across some pirates and saw the boy whose story you always tell me."

Mihawk passed the bounty poster to Shanks.

"Luffy!" Shanks said with a big smile on his face. "He has grown up a lot!" Shanks said looking at the cherry smile on the little boy's face.

"Let's drink up! It's time for party!" Shanks announced jumping from his place. His hangover and headache was all forgotten.

"Drink? Weren't you having a hangover few moments ago?" Mihawk asked as he saw the careless man gulp down a bottle of sake.

"You dumbass!" Shanks teased Mihawk placing his hand around his shoulders. "How could I not drink on a day as joyous as this?"

Mihawk's lips twitched. The man before him never changes.

The party progressed in full force till the night time, and that was when he found Shanks sitting alone on the beach looking over the sea with a smile on his face and a bottle of booze in one of his hand.

"You are curious about him," Shanks stated before even Mihawk could say anything.

"Monkey D. Luffy is in enigma," Mihawk stated, deciding to not beat around the bush. But that got a full blown laughter from the red hair man in response.

"He sure is. He does the most unpredictable thing," Shanks stated with his goofy smile. "Tell me Hawkey, how did the meeting go?"

Mihawk looked at the man for a second, before deciding to take a seat and narrate the story.

At the ending, he asked, "What is his devil fruit? What is he?"

"You better not tell the word 'devil fruit' before him," Shanks stated with an easygoing smile, but that soon turned to a serious one. "Mihawk, I know you have questions about the boy but I can't say someone's secret which would be sure to guarantee a fate worse than death."

Mihawk chose to stay quiet for a minute. Shanks had never been this serious about anything. He wonders what future will this Monkey D. Luffy bring to the World.

"Promise me that you will not report your encounter with Luffy and his behavior to the World Government," Shanks asked looking straight at Mihawk.

Mihawk huffed before averting his eyes. How much he will deny that Shanks is only a rival to him but it isn't that way. Shanks is his friend, or more like best friend, so Mihawk nodded to the man, promising him.


In a village of windmills, smile and cheers rose from every house which knew the little menace who had created his space in their hearts. The little sunshine had finally taken the first step towards his goal and it's very proof was relayed by the sheet of paper which was being spread throughout the village.

"Look at his smile!" A fisherman said looking at the sunny grin which was displayed on the bounty poster.

"He looks so happy!" Makino said smiling at the little boy which she had helped to raise until he was taken away. The little boy who had returned to them and brought the sunshine with him to their little village was now a wanted man.

"Our village will become known for being the home of a famous pirate!" A villager said raising his glass.

"Look at the bounty! What has he done to piss off the marines?" Another villager asked followed by a laugh.

"Stop celebrating, you fools!" A grumpy voice stated, pointing his cane to the villagers who were partying. "Just what is there to be happy about having a criminal come from our village?"

"But chief, look how happy Luffy looks!" Makino said with a laugh.

"A pirate is a pirate!" Mayor Wood Slap retorted in an instant.

"It's his dream after all," Makino asked pouring the Mayor a drink.

"Is it his dream... or his fate?"


Somewhere else in the East Blue,

"Luffy is in the eyes of Sengoku," Garp stated in the safety of his office.

"Why is Sengoku after him?" A deep voice from other side spoke, which was of none other Dragon.

"Senny heard the forbidden music and Luffy's wish to be the King," Garp informed, which made the snail close his eyes shut for a second.


"Apparently a marine was spying Luffy when the music was being played," Garp stated, and not for the first time Dragon wished that his son could stop playing with the marines and try to be stubble. The years in the Revolutionary Army had helped the brat but the lessons drilled were gone the moment he was outside of the Army.

"I'll look into it," Dragon said before disconnecting the call.

"Luffy," He whispered looking at the picture of his boy. He really wishes to give him an earful but the boy had gone ahead and left the snail with Makino.

Nevertheless a proud smile crept on his face, as he picked up the bounty poster of his kid and placed it in his drawer, among the bounty poster of Ace and Sabo and of Luffy. There were posters ranging from their accomplishments in the Army as well as their current lifes. Even the snippets of the newspapers were there, which mentioned his kids name.

The three of them had made him proud.

"It's our little buddy!!" A voice interrupted Dragon's thoughts as he was forced to look into the cheers which were rising throughout the base. He closed the drawer as he took his steps towards the door.

To his astonishment, the whole corridor was bustling with cheers and if that was not enough to give away Dragon of what was happening then the bounty posters on the walls were a clear symbol.

"He has made the record!" A voice cheered and it was of none other than Sabo's. "Look at my baby brother, how adorable he is!"

To Dragon's amusement, Sabo, the second brocon after Ace, was leading the party in the galley.

"Little Lu has done it!"

"It's party time!"

Dragon will excuse them this once, but he seriously needs to limit themselves. They had made a similar ruckus when Ace got his fist bounty. Well, he will see another side this once... again.


On Shells town, a teenager was sweeping the floor in a marine base, when he got a glimpse of the latest bounty poster released recently.

"Wahhhhh!!" He fell on his ass in an instant. "What the hell, Luffy? How did you get a bounty of 50 million belli!?"

"Don't slack of," A low voice told Coby, making the boy instantly stand up and get a hold of his broom.

"Don't scare me that way, Helmeppo," Coby said before looking at the bounty again. "Luffy, I'll work as hard as you and soon I'll be a full fledged marine. You wait and see!"


Deuce had just woken up and he can give you in written that he was not ready for this. For their ship was not only hosting a party in the middle of the New World, leaving them at the mercy of the crazy weather of the New World but also there were bounty posters of the little menace all over the ship. And above that, his crazy captain whom he had swore to follow was going crazy as each second was passing.

"LOOK AT HIS SMILE!!!" Ace shouted for the whole world to hear, but it was enough to brust Deuce's eardrums. "MY BABY BROTHER IS SO ADORABLEEEE!!"

"Shut up, Ace!" Deuce said in annoyance, even if he was happy but not on the edge like Ace. "It's just 6 o' clock!" He was not ready for this. Who the hell even woke this guy and placed the bounty poster in his hands. Not to mention, how the hell did he get his hands on at least a hundred of the similar bounty poster this early?!

"I DON'T THINK SO!" Ace shouted once more, jumping from one table to another. Now that Deuce is clearly awake, he noticed the other crew members awake and going with the flow.

Even their newest recruit was cheering as much as Ace. Seriously, the duo were really reckless. Specially the girl whom they have saved from some curse was cheering for Luffy and claimed to know him personally.

"This is a song for my cute, adorable little brother!" Ace said clearing his throat.

Well, Deuce won't regret joining Ace, however crazy song he will come up for the little menace. So, he sat sipping wine with a smile on his face.


I'm so sorry. Totally sorry!!! I really didn't mean to. But it just happened. I forgot to post here. I am so sorry!!!!!

I won't be repeating that again. So I hope that you guys could forgive me.

Have a nice day/night.

Sorry once again.

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