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78.84% The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning / Chapter 41: Thinking

Capítulo 41: Thinking

A little over three weeks have passed since the event that has been come to be known as "The Death of Enzo", and while his death, along with that of Logan Fell's weren't exactly big in terms of production, Jeremy could honestly say that what they lacked in pomp and circumstance, they more than made up for with the fruits they bore as a result of their demise.

'This is so fucking ridiculous,' Jeremy thought, as he made his way through the forest, running and zipping, his steps just barely discernable in the path he left behind, as his enhanced eyesight scanned the path each foot would take and allowed his body to make corrections to avoid the twigs and dry leaves that littered the ground.

'While my speed and reflexes are no where near that of a vampire, I can safely say that I have truly surpassed the human limit, and I seem to only get stronger. So far, I've learned that taking out newborns really don't bear many results as far as qualitative leaps in my gains go, however they still add a little something something. Though, the knowledge I gained from Vicki's friends could have really been thrown out. Such a bunch of fucking wastes of space.'

He dodged, dipped, ducked, dived, and dodged through the trees and branches, allowing his mind to process every spec of information that his senses were sending him, as he thought back to what he had accomplished in the weeks since Enzo's death.

'Using the remainder of Enzo's blood from the bullets, I was able to create more vampires out of the assholes, and I'm glad that I was able to confirm they were truly assholes after going through their memories, and to think I was considering letting them live since I didn't want to be a complete hypocrite. Fucking wastes the lot of them! But, I digress. I was able to create more vampires, and with them, gaining some gains was relatively easy, and using the one I let live who turned into a ripper, it was easy to control him with a steady game of withholding his next fix. Thus, bringing the people I needed to the warehouse and having him work his compulsion on them in order to get them to make the moves I needed them to make could not have been simpler.'

He stopped running as he came upon a deer in the distance.

'I have yet to actually compare my speed to anyone faster than a human, but if I were to measure, I would say that I'm at least twice as fast as the fastest human. Let's see how that stacks up against a deer.' So, with that thought and a pretty wide grin, he was off, running full speed at the deer, who had yet to catch the sound of his relatively silent steps. However, when he was within 20 feet, he went ahead and stepped on a medium sized stick.

Immediately, the deer's head snapped up and looked in his direction.

He wasn't sure what the deer saw from its eyes when it looked at him, but he was certain he clearly saw abject horror spread across its face before it bolted in the opposite direction from him.

'Hahahaha,' he imagined he looked something like Hisoka during that hunter exam with the way he was running, but since he was having fun, he decided to go all out.

Needless to say, the deer never stood a chance.

He stood over his conquest. One foot propped on its panting belly, as he surveyed his surroundings, doing his best impersonation of that guy with the beer barrel.

'So, I'm not flat out faster than a deer, huh. I believe they run at a maximum of thirty-five mph, compared to humans eight to twelve mph, and since the only reason I could catch it was by outlasting it and utilizing my superior agility and the lack of a need to slow down when making a turn around trees or changing direction, I would say that my speed should be somewhere around twenty-eight mph, in a straight line. It's good, but I'm certain most of that came from Enzo's quickening. The rest probably added a few small leaps in overall physique.'

He removed his foot from his defeated foe and gave the out of shape deer a quick pat on the belly in order to console it, before he was once more jogging through the forest and making his way back home, now that his morning workout was complete. After all, the sun was rising and Jenna and Elena aren't going to get themselves up.

Once he was done putting his girls through the works and leaving them flopped out on the couch, he made his way to his room, undressed, showered, dressed, and was out the door, and onto his new motorcycle, because why not?

Then, he was at the warehouse, which no longer looked completely subpar, but had a nice set up housing multiple computers, each connected to a specific section of the town, constantly recording what was going on there and sending alerts to his phone should any key phrases be used.

In a different section, he had some exercise equipment for himself, so he could push his body and test its limit in the privacy of his own lair.

Off to the side, was a nifty corner, with a nice little set-up that included a tv, video games, and a couch that was currently being occupied by his blood addicted vampire that was still undergoing training to become the best tool he could be. What's his name you might wonder? Who gives a shit. He was addicted to plenty of hard shit and now he's addicted to blood, and just like the waste he always was, he depends on his dealer to get it, and as long as he gets his fix, he's more than happy to sit around doing nothing at all but wasting away. So, all in all pretty much perfect for Jeremy's purposes and the real reason he decided to collect the druggies in the first place. It was only this one's luck that he was the one who turned into a ripper. Honestly, if none of them did, Jeremy would have probably collected their blood, removed all of their heads, and then gone out of town to pick up some of the other lost causes from their memories.

In the weeks since Enzo's demise, Jeremy has been making the absolute most of the vampire's ability to compel when it came to setting up his base of operations, making sure Logan's disappearance can be blamed on a trail he created that made it look like he was in a relationship with a vampire that he kept secret in order to protect their life, which ended with him either dead after leaving town or turned after leaving town. Who knows, the trail ends there. While also, working on his ability to wield a sword, due to it never truly being one of the areas he worked on in his past life, since...well...who the fuck practices with swords in the modern era? Knives, he already had quite the mastery, but swords, that he had to build upon.

Fortunately, his ability to become one with his body carried over from his past life, making his brain that seemed capable of truly anything, allow him to see progress at a speed that could be called unparalleled.

Once he used Logan's memories to move around his assets and acquire everything he had to his name, while making a heavy use of vervain to sell the majority of it off quickly with no paper trail, he started to establish his own means of income.

He went to the closest city and purchased the equipment he would need to set up surveillance in town and went around with his handy dandy vampire in the trunk to compel himself a workforce that slept during the day and worked throughout the night, and then were promptly made to forget everything once the work was done and were sent on their way.

The more sensitive areas in town, such as the Lockwood Manor, Salvatore Boarding House, his house, the school, different locations connected to the council, and a few others, he did himself, since he could only trust himself to get in and out without being seen.

In places such as the homes of his friends...which was pretty much two and a half (vicki is the half), he only set up surveillance outside those locations, since he respects the privacy of others.

In truth, the only thing that he hadn't been able to accomplish in these three weeks, is get Emily to perform a binding oath with him, which is exactly what it sounds like.

He wanted her to pledge herself to him in magic, and while he already enjoyed the sweet taste of victory that came with her admitting her lost when it came time to call in their bet, that was no longer enough.

For you see, he had an idea.

A grand idea.

An idea so grand that if it were to be implemented and succeeded, he would see himself unbound by the laws of this universe, but in order to do that, it would take a very long time and garner him a whole lot of enemies, and while Emily was quite the capable witch even when on the other side and using her grimoire to fuel her magic, it was nothing compared to what she could do in the land of the living with her own body and her own magic.

However, he knew that as soon as he started putting into action the act of pulling her from the other side, he was going to garner a whole hell of a lot of attention, especially from Qetsiyah, who was not only the creator of the other side, but also the one who was going to tell him how to pull his favorite with into the land of the living. However, he wasn't truly worried about her opposition. After all, he was probably the only entity on the planet that could cause an immortal a true death, consuming their soul and all. So, for her, he was pretty much the answer to all of her woes.

The problem was, Qetsiyah was connected to the travelers, who were connected to some others, who were connected to some others, in truth he didn't really know because he pretty much skipped around during all that shit. But, what he did know was that Qetsiyah was just too fabulously high profile for him to make contact and establish a connection with her for it to go unnoticed, and even if it did, beheading Silas certainly would not. His death would ring through magic itself, and plenty would take notice.

So, the first thing he wanted was a fully capable Emily. A capable Bonnie. And loyalty through it all. Now, while he could swing that with Bonnie over time, the same could not be said for Emily, no matter how much she wanted. She was just too connected to her ancestors. Which is why, he wanted to replace that bond with his own. Now, would that likely weaken her, being that she could no longer draw from their magic? Sure. But, it would also free her, which was what he needed, since eventually he would make all those bitches kneel or it was off with their heads.

Now, while that was endgame, the bonding that Jeremy wanted her to do in the present was simply one that swore loyalty. That way, when he started to make his moves and garner attention and it was inevitably traced back to Emily and her concealment of him, she could use the excuse of their pact that he forced on her through threat of Bonnie or some shit like that. Hopefully, by that time, he would already have met with the OG and had her pulled from the other side. However, should she be discovered before that, an oath would be the perfect excuse for her to continue providing him support or at least information, no matter what her ancestors say.

'Though, now that I think about it, they really do have no reason to see me as a threat, seeing as how whenever I do a quickening, I can have Emily shield me from their sight...though they will definitely question how I became so strong when I'm clearly human. Or, if I can gain other aspects of the supernatural, they will question that as well. So, what it really comes down to is, who the fuck are they to question me!?'

Those were the thoughts that went through Jeremy's mind when he decided to just say fuck trying to make nice with a bunch of dead women and to take preparations in case they decided to get gangsta.

'As the OG Peggie said through Sharon to Cap, "accept what you can, and what you can't slice with a sword".' So, with that accurate quote from the Civil War movie, Jeremy decided to wait and see what Emily could come up with, since she was against the oath. Though, it wasn't like he didn't understand why. After all, she did trust a Gilbert once in the past, only for that to result in her getting shit on.

So, with that, Jeremy began to check his monitors and scan to see if any alerts came in that weren't significant enough to go to his phone.

Once he saw that everything was still stale in his small town, he got to work sending out a few messages and responses to a few people. One of which was Anna, who he learned would be joining him at Mystic Falls high in the start of the next semester, and would apparently be joining the sophomore class, just like him. (A/N: I've decided to make Jeremy one year younger than Elena in this fic, simply because it makes more sense for him to be at least 16, looking the way he does and hooking up with grown ass women, which he will. Now, will I go back through the previous chapters and change this....).

However, what the scheming little vampire did not know was that Jeremy had already sent an email to his guidance counselor to move up a grade, and after the test he would take over the summer, he would be a junior, just like his sister/cousin, making it easier for him to gain access to his people and for them to gain access to him, which is the real reason he's doing it.

After all, if he is going to be the one they come to for support, he has to be seen as, at the very least, an equal in most things, and superior in everything else.

With that done, he began scanning the camera feeds to check and see if any of his girls were out and about.

'Elena it is way too early to be going to the fucking graveyard. I know that's where you're going! She thinks I don't know, but I know! I'll just set that camera to alert me when she arrives, and set a reminder to check the set up to make sure it's hidden and can get at least enough sunlight to keep in fully powered. Next, Bonnie hasn't left the house yet, and Caroline, oh there was a motion alert a few minutes ago...she looks dressed for a run...hmm, might as well join her.' He gets up to go and pull some workout clothes from the drawers that he keeps in his shower area, but stops and turns back before getting too far.

'First, let's check on Vicki,' he thinks as he goes through the motion alerts and sees that only Matt has been coming and going from the house.

'*Sigh* Vicki is still staying hunkered down and out of sight. By this point, I truly expected her, at the very least, tell someone, like Matt or Tyler, and at the very most, while being fueled by Big Dick Energy, to come to me and question what the fuck all that was or at least vent out her feelings. But, instead, she hasn't even left the house, and from what I saw when I did a quick walkthrough a few nights ago, she spends most of her time in bed or watching some mind-numbing nonsense. If this continues, Matt will likely give in and demand an explanation. Though, it's likely that he's just glad that she's not out there getting drunk or high, so he might just let the behavior continue.'

He stops looking at the feed, and goes to get himself changed.

'Well, too bad Matty-boy, but that chick has had three weeks to get her head on straight and her thoughts in order. The fact that she hasn't descended into a drug and sex fueled binge in order to empty her mind is a very positive outcome, so it's sad to say, but she is now mine. Though, I really am sorry to disturb your peace, Matt.'

Immediately after he finished that thought about Matt once more wondering where his sister is going, his thoughts changed to...

'Caroline, here I come! It should be about time to harvest that land and plant some seeds. This virgin body is truly not one I can get used to and I refuse to let Carol be the first to pop this cherry, no matter how soft that ass is. Connections and feelings are what matters the most. Therefore, Carol can be second.'

Once more he was off to get shit done and go for a run.


(A/N: We are going to be doing a few time skips, however I did not want his first time, second time, third time, any time, to be through a re-cap or flashback. That's just a waste of some good immersion. So, enjoy you romantics and you degens.)

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