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14.7% Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day / Chapter 1: When Skies Turn Grey (1/2)

Capítulo 1: When Skies Turn Grey (1/2)


Monday, May 13th, 2023

"I'm sorry, I don't see you... that way," she whispered gently, her voice laced with regret. The words hung in the air, a fragile thread that threatened to unravel their friendship.

He felt as though a thousand knives pierced his heart, but he fought to maintain composure, not wanting to let his disappointment show. His face tightened ever so slightly, a fleeting expression of pain and sadness flashed across his features.

The corners of his lips quivered, betraying the struggle to keep his emotions in check. His eyes, once filled with hope, dimmed with a mix of resignation and hurt.

"Sorry, Kian," she said, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "I value our friendship too much to let anything come between us, and I hope you understand that. You mean a lot to me, but I just don't see us in that way."

A flicker of pain and regret passed over his features. The corners of his lips fell further, revealing the constant struggle to contain his emotions.

With a deep breath, he summoned the strength to respond. His voice trembled, a delicate tremor dancing in his words. "Ahh... that's... that's good," he stammered, his voice faltering as he carefully chose his next words. He forced a weak smile, concealing his true emotions behind a fragile façade.

The café continued to buzz with life around them, unaware of the delicate moment unfolding at their table. The clinking of teaspoons against porcelain cups and the gentle hum of conversation became a distant backdrop to their silent exchange.

The familiar sights and sounds that once brought comfort now only served as a stark reminder of their diverging paths.

Tap, Tap, Tap


In the year 1973, the world entered a period of heavy rainfall that showered the entire globe, causing floods and turmoil.

Everyone questioned if it was the onset of Armageddon, an apocalyptic event that seemed to embody the anger of nature itself.

However, amidst this chaotic deluge, a select few individuals knew that there was a hidden magic within the rain, a secret knowledge that eluded the masses.

Unbeknownst to this, Kian- a sixteen-year-old boy navigating the complexities of adolescence, felt lost and disheartened after experiencing rejection, he found himself adrift amidst the tempestuous emotions both within himself and in the world outside.

As the rain poured relentlessly from the heavens, its fury seemed to mirror Kian's own inner turmoil. Unaware of the enchantment swirling around him, he sought solace and understanding amidst the torrential downpour.

The rain, oblivious to the impact it had on humanity 50 years ago, continued its relentless cascade, holding within it the seeds of magic and transformation.

The author ponders what sorts of experiences Kian will encounter on his journey.

Reflecting on the recent unfortunate rejection, Kian found himself engulfed in a sombre mood, a melancholic frown adorning his face as he recollected the events of yesterday.

"Don't ponder, write about how sad I am! I've just been rejected, geez! And the rain... It's nice," said Kian in exasperation.

"Well, Kian, things are not going to be getting easier from here on out," said the author.

"I don't care! I've just been rejected. Can't you write about how sad I am instead?"

"Beware of the Raina'd," said the author.


"Nothing, nothing. You're just going to be fighting a lot of things and people, oh! and you might fall in love..." the author replied.

"Enough talk. more writing"

As I reminisced on a certain event, the memories played in my mind like a movie, except this time, I watched myself from a distance. The rain tapped gently on the windowpane, creating a soothing rhythm that harmonised with my thoughts.

Lost in contemplation, I found myself drawn back to that pivotal moment, where her gentle rejection hung heavy in the air.

"The rain..." I whispered, my voice trailing off in reflection.

A teenage boy sat in a worn-out armchair, his dishevelled black hair clung damply to his forehead, it fell in tousled waves, creating a captivating contrast against his fair complexion.

Its unique hue appeared almost like the depths of a midnight sky, which a mysterious allure to his overall appearance. Despite the dampness, his hair retained its color vibrancy, as if reflecting his resilience amidst the challenges he faced.

His Cerulean eyes were like the calmest depths of the ocean, which held an enchanting mix of sorrow and determination. The vibrant shade of blue mirrored the vast expanse of the sea, hinting at the depth of emotions within him.

His eyes, brimming with a poignant blend of sorrow and unwavering determination, fixated upon the rain-soaked world beyond the windowpane.

Inside the house, clean lines and open spaces defined the architecture, allowing natural light to flood the rooms. Contemporary artwork adorned the walls, adding vibrant pops of colour to the neutral palette.

The furniture exuded a sleek and minimalist style, with smooth surfaces and clean designs. A central coffee table displayed carefully placed books and a vase of fresh flowers.

A state-of-the-art sound system graced a shelf, ready to fill the space with music at any moment.

In the corner, a stylish fireplace added warmth and cosines, blending harmoniously with the room's aesthetic. Personal mementos, like a family photo and cherished artwork, infused the space with sentimental value.

Through wide windows, the rain cast a mesmerizing display, transforming the landscaped garden into a shimmering tapestry of greens.

Neatly trimmed hedges and well-tended flower beds brought tranquillity to the scene, their vibrant colours contrasting the grey skies above.

Despite the elegant ambiance, a sense of comfort pervaded the air. Cosy throw blankets draped the armchair, dog-eared books rested on the side table, and a pair of worn sneakers lay near the entrance—a testament to the house's status as a cherished home, brimming with memories.

Dressed in a wrinkled grey shirt, he wore his heartache like a heavy cloak. With sleeves rolled up, his fingers traced the window, longingly. Traces of dirt and dust on his clothes spoke of a desperate search for answers in a world turned upside down.

Leaning forward, his elbows on his knees, he carried the weight of his troubled thoughts. Exhaustion and tension etched lines on his face, a testament to sleepless nights and worry.

As he exhaled, a heavy sigh of resignation and determination escaped his lips. His gaze remained fixed on the raindrops falling with melancholic grace.

Gazing out the window, where the raindrops fell with a gentle melancholy. Each drop seemed to carry a story of its own, a tale of longing and healing. The corners of his lips turned downward, mirroring the sadness that permeated the air.

His eyes wandered along the path of the rain, a mixture of contemplation and wistfulness shining in their depths.

The furrow of his brow conveyed a touch of sorrow, as if I were empathizing with the raindrops themselves, understanding their longing for something just out of reach.

"It's sad," I finally added, my words barely audible, as if trying to capture the depth of emotions that the rain evoked. My voice carried a hint of resonance, a gentle tremor that echoed the pitter-patter of rain against the windowpane.

I pressed my palm against the cool glass, feeling the slight chill seep through my skin. It mirrored the heaviness in my heart, a weight I couldn't quite shake.

The touch of my hand against the window conveyed a yearning to touch the intangible, to bridge the gap between what I desired and what reality offered.

The lines etched on my forehead deepened, etching a portrait of longing and contemplation.

Shadows danced across my face, cast by the grey clouds outside, amplifying the pensiveness etched upon my features. I breathed in deeply, my chest rising and falling with a sigh, as if inhaling the essence of the rain itself.

Standing up from my chair, I walked out of my room, the creak of the door resonating in the stillness of the house. The sound of raindrops hitting the windowpane filled the air, a gentle melody that called to something deep within me.

I glanced back at my room, taking in the familiar sights that had become my refuge. The room was adorned with a blend of comfort and personality, reflecting my tastes and aspirations.

The walls, painted in a calming shade of blue, exuded a sense of tranquility and peace. Sunlight filtered through the partially drawn curtains, casting a soft glow that danced upon the surfaces.

A wooden desk stood against one wall, cluttered with books, papers, and a scattering of pens. The desk bore the marks of countless hours of contemplation and creativity, each scratch and scuff telling a story of ideas birthed and dreams pursued.

A reading lamp, its light warm and inviting, sat atop the desk, ready to illuminate the pages of the next adventure.

Beside the desk, a bookshelf stretched from floor to ceiling, housing a collection of worlds and emotions bound within ink and paper.

The shelves overflowed with books of various genres, their spines worn from countless readings and treasured discoveries. Each volume whispered promises of knowledge, escape, and inspiration, inviting me to lose myself within their pages.

A comfortable bed, adorned with a quilted coverlet, occupied the center of the room. It beckoned with a promise of rest and solace, its pillows plump and inviting.

Above the bed, a small shelf showcased photographs capturing moments of joy, love, and friendship. Smiling faces frozen in time served as a reminder of the connections that nurtured my spirit.

Against the opposite wall, a wooden wardrobe stood tall and sturdy, its doors closed to hide the secrets within.

The wardrobe held a collection of clothes, neatly folded and hanging, reflecting my personal style and evolving identity. It stood as a gateway to self-expression, offering a myriad of choices to match my mood or embrace a new persona.

The room exuded a sense of cosiness, an intimate space where my thoughts, dreams, and aspirations could freely roam.

It was a haven of comfort, a sanctuary where I could retreat from the outside world and delve into the depths of my imagination. And now, as I stepped out into the hallway, the raindrops outside echoed the emotions that stirred within me, a gentle reminder of the ever-changing nature of life.

"Ahh, I need to get some fresh air," I muttered to myself, drawn to the enticing scent of petrichor that wafted through the open window.

As I stepped out into the hallway, the rain continued its gentle serenade. I could hear my mother's voice coming from the living room, her words muffled by the distance.

"...really appreciate your help, Mom," my sister's voice carried from the living room, gratitude woven into her words.

I smiled, heartened by their conversation, and made my way towards the source of their voices.

The hardwood floor felt cool beneath my bare feet, a stark contrast to the warmth and comfort of my room.

The sound of rain intensified, falling in a rhythmic symphony that seemed to echo my own mixed emotions.

"Kian, put your socks on. Your feet are going to stink up the house," my mother admonished, her tone laced with exasperation. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched me, her face displaying a mix of concern and annoyance.

I glanced at her, catching the slight crease forming between her brows and the pursing of her lips. Her expression reflected a mother's worry, a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the home.

The furrowed brow conveyed her genuine concern for the comfort of everyone in the house, while the pursed lips hinted at a touch of frustration.

"Sorry, Mum, and they don't stink!"" I replied, realizing my mistake. I hurriedly stepped back, reaching for my socks and shoes. As I bent down to put on my socks, a sense of remorse flickered across my face.

The corners of my mouth turned downward, mirroring my acknowledgement of the inconvenience I had caused. The crease on my forehead deepened slightly, revealing a hint of self-reproach.

"Yeah, for sure they don't," my sister chimed in, tilting her head and giving me a playful smirk. Her tone carried a mix of teasing and amusement.

Her raised eyebrow and mischievous smile conveyed her light-heartedness, as if finding humour in the situation. The crinkle at the corner of her eyes indicated a joyous familiarity, a sibling dynamic built on playful banter.

As I quickly finished putting on my socks and shoes, I straightened up and met my mother's gaze. I offered her a sheepish smile, a blend of remorse and gratitude for her care.

My eyes softened, conveying my appreciation for her guidance and the love that lay beneath her concern.

"Kian, where are you going?" my mother's concerned voice echoed through the hallway, reaching my ears. I turned to face her, a flicker of determination in my eyes.

"I'm heading out, Mum, just for a walk," I replied, trying to reassure her.

"But it's raining?" she questioned, her voice filled with worry. She knew well the discomfort that came with being caught in a downpour.

"That's exactly why," I whispered, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I stepped outside, the cool touch of raindrops greeting my skin, leaving a trail of delicate kisses.

The misty air carried the familiar scent of petrichor, a fragrance of earth and nature, invigorating my senses.

My eyes scanned the surroundings, witnessing the transformation of the world around me.

The rain painted everything in shades of grey, as if washing away the worries and troubles that had burdened my mind. The Droplets danced on leaves and shimmered on the asphalt, creating a shimmering canvas of life and renewal.

The sound of rain intensified, the pitter-patter growing louder with each step.

It harmonized with the symphony of nature, the chirping of birds seeking refuge and the distant rumble of thunder. It was as if the rain spoke in whispers, carrying secrets of the universe, inviting me to listen and ponder.

As I ventured further, the sensation of the rain touching my face heightened, the coolness of each droplet awakening my senses.

The rhythmic sound of rain hitting the ground created a soothing rhythm that resonated deep within me. It was a sensory experience which reminded me of the beauty and resilience of nature, and in that moment, I felt alive, connected to something greater.

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Do you like it? I hope, you did, And comment something if your interested in more

Also try reading the Sypnosis to find something and peice the puzzles

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