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89.6% Demon King's Rebirth: Kaeru Chikara / Chapter 111: An Alliance Sealed by a Sunny Day (2)

Capítulo 111: An Alliance Sealed by a Sunny Day (2)

Quis' POV:

Power, wealth, fame, and everything else.

These words bring passion out of everyone. Even those who are saints can't help but feel the temptation these words hold. Unfortunately for the masses, not everyone can have these, as they are a rare commodity. So like anything else, this creates supply and demand and there's a lot more demand than supply, raising the value of these things even higher. So high, that certain people will do anything to get them. Thus, struggle is born.

Many people in this universe have taken control of this power, but only a few stand out. These would undoubtedly be the Sovereigns. The world has borne fruit to ten Sovereigns over recordable history, the most notable being the recent Code Sovereign, who rid the world of the barriers that separated each Region. Then there was also the Wood Sovereign who founded the Jungle Lotus Sect along with more, less flashy activities. And the Sword Sovereign who popularized the Sword Branch to a previously swordless world, and supposedly defended the entire Stone Kingdom with one longsword. The Slave Sovereign, the Fake Sovereign, the Dimensional Sovereign, the Calculator Sovereign; the list went on.

However, that's only the most powerful figures of recent history. The seemingly eldest form of power is held in the hands of the Gods. The Gods are plentiful and vary greatly; from the most solid god of Stone Mythology, God, to the pantheon of Gods held within Jungle Mythology. They are all held in high regard through the stories written about them. However, the world chooses to believe that these "mythologies" are nothing more than rumors and tales of the far past.

This, however, makes mythology even more popular. Instead of being a possibility of truth, it's viewed as fantastical tales woven with truths of the world. It was this kind of fantasy, these types of tales, that truly brought that child-like wonder out of people. It makes people feel like it has that possibility of perhaps being true, even though they "know" it isn't. It was exactly the type of wonder that I wished to harvest.

So when deciding the fantasy best suited to my goals, I went with mythology. This would bring the fantasy out of everyone, from kids to elders. But that couldn't be all. If I were just to put on a good show and then go on with my day, people would enjoy it, yes, but it wouldn't further my objective whatsoever. So not only did I have to reveal the mystic of mythology to them, bringing fantasy into reality, but I had to play it as something real, bringing reality into fantasy.

This, at first glance, this does seem somewhat silly. What? I dress up as a character and suddenly expect everyone to think I am that character? How ridiculous is that?! But to that, I ask, what exactly is it that everyone, who was ever anyone, did?

They played pretend.

They acted out a character that they weren't. Perhaps this persona eventually became who they ended up being, but either way, it started from a bluff. Us acting as avatars of these gods that no one believes in will, even if unbelievably, connect us to something mystical. The goal of this speech isn't to attract members but to get our word out there, say that we are different, and attract the attention of others, even if it isn't immediately positive.

This act, however, is only the introduction to these characters I'm building. When people walk away from this show, they'll think, "Huh, that's interesting." That's all. There might be some who immediately find dislike or like within it, but that's only the minority. Most will not be affected by this, which is fine. This process takes time and constant application. It's through our actions, not our words, that our characters will eventually integrate into their minds.

The most important action to take is to make yourself into a symbol. Connect yourself to an image, to an action, to something that the perverse side of human nature won't immediately kill off. And for us, that is the personification of these Gods. These God's symbols will become our own. Their colors will become ours. Their roles will become ours. And eventually, when people think of one of us ten, they'll think of our patron God and the divinity that we hold.

That, is how you make yourself stand out.

That, is how you forge a following.

That, is how you create a cult.


Opacus' POV:

Once the voice sounded out, an echo followed, and the smoke fully dissipated.

Now, in front of the crowd of people, were nine flashy people wearing flourished clothes, each boasting a different vibrant color and pattern. I analyzed each of them individually and listed them in my mind based on the names and faces I already knew.

Beulus: Deep purple robe with stitchings of grape vines and a crown of ivy.

The old man: Olive-colored robe lined with swirls and twists and turns giving dizzy to the eye.

Paxium: A robe split in two. One side green with flowers, the other black with one long horizontal strand of vivid orange. Connecting the two sides, a pomegranate.

Culdia: A robe of dark maroon, resembling blood, with a fog of some sort that hid the outlines of blades clashing, resembling a deep chaos.

Telferr: A steel-grey coated robe with the insignia of an anvil right in the middle of it. Near her outline, visions of fire.

Vernam: A pure white robe with bolts of blue and purple lightning dancing across it.

Onvima: A robe filled with pink along with black printed text on every nook and cranny of it.

Hasrem: Robe of cold blue giving shivers of winter, and decorations of wheat giving ideas of harvest.

The only one I didn't recognize: A soothing warm sky-blue robe with nothing else but two small white wings that sprouted out of her shoulders.

I looked over them again and confirmed the odd feeling in my stomach. Among them carried a great number, but still one was missing. Quis. Before any more thoughts of mine could be formulated concerning the missing member, the man in the middle, Onvima, stepped out in front and reached into his robe before pulling out a lyre. What else to do with such a thing than to play it? So he did.

His hands connected to the strings, creating an impressive relay of sound that strangely enough, wasn't limited to the instrument's size. It was a fairly bright song, and as it reached its apparent ending, the same booming voice from before sounded out, now accompanied by this light music.

"These Gods, now long gone and turned into folktale, live through these avatars, giving unto them their mental prowess and skills in forms that a mortal body can endure. Standing before are these nine avatars. The Thinking Avatar of Athena, Senex, and the Bloody Avatar of Ares, in particular, are on thin ice with each other, unable to see eye to eye."

Once the disembodied voice finished its narration, a familiar smoke took the scene, and when it disappeared, the people were all gone except for two, the old man and Culdia. It was at this point that the music took a drastic change from the image of a beautiful valley to the sight of lighting and dark clouds that were far away, but you knew were incoming. It was anxiety-inducing.

Then, with a voice that encompassed the entire field, the old man spoke, "Don't you see Culdia, or the "Bloody Avatar", your idea is just not correct in the least. It involves too many casualties."

Culdia, then suddenly snapped back, "The more the better! It's the threat of constant death itself that makes war so beautiful in the first place. You, on the other hand, can only think of plans that lead to a boring conclusion with no room for error."

The old man gave a sarcastic smile and quipped back, "And that is why I am the strategist and you are not."

Culdia was about to say something back, when as if showing up from nowhere, Hasrem suddenly appeared behind the both of them, "Are you two fighting again? How many times must I tell you both have your positions within the faction? You can give your ideas to another, but the final decision is up to the holder of the position."

Then, showing up from the edge of the faraway jungle, and getting to the action within a couple of seconds, Paxium dressed in her unique clothing compared to the other nine said compassionately, "Oh Hasrem, just because you supposed to remedy these arguments doesn't mean you should waste your time with these two. You're the Growing Avatar of Demeter, you don't have to always be warm and kind, some coldness keeps people in check."

Suddenly the music turned heavy, making it hard to breathe as almost an entirely different person came out of Paxium, saying with bloodlust, "And some punishment will make them regret!" Suddenly Paxium's face along with the music turned back to how it was and, as if talking to herself but at the same time not, she said, "Fragitus, don't just come out like that without saying anything."


The thunder entered my ears after the sight of lightning touching the ground entered my eyes. With her hair slightly shaking with blue light dancing across it, Vernam entered the scene, "Senex, Culdia, Hasrem, even the Judge and Punisher have joined the fun. This is something worth spending time to see."

Timed perfectly with her arrival, the music turned up a notch, making things seem even more erratic and intense. Culdia suddenly snapped at Vernam, "If it isn't the leech of the century. At least Senex contributes something. I don't even know what you do except for maybe fighting a thing or two every now and then."

With that in the air, the look on Hasrem's face turned sour, "Now now, let's not get out of line. Everyone has their own job within the order of things. It's not fair to just-"

"Well she's right. I don't really remember what Vernam has actually, done, you know."

Vernam turned to the origin of this voice, Paxium, and lashed back, "I got to a point of high power! That's what's important!... Nothing else to say huh? Maybe instead of hiding behind Paxium, you should come out and speak to me like a real person Fragitus!"

"Hmm, this is quite intriguing. I came here because a loud noise was interrupting my training, but I didn't expect to find all of you here. Also, where is-"

"Good. Good! Telferr, I need you to tell me who contributes to most to the faction out of all of us, no, that's obvious, actually, who contributes the least. Yes. Tell us who has done the least for the faction."

Telferr just walked forward with her shoulders raised, "How should I know? Everyone does their own tasks and things haven't fallen apart yet." As she said this, the music turned even more intense, almost reaching the level it did when Paxium, or Fragitus I should say, said something sinister.

Once Telferr said this casually, Culdia turned back to Vernam and said smugly, "See, she doesn't want to answer because she knows you can't handle the truth. It's quite unfortunate. You're even more useless than the avatar of a blacksmith who can only use swords, not create them."

"You piece of shit! This is why no one likes you! All you do, all the time is just compare others to each other and only end up degrading both of them."

"Guys, seriously, there is no reason for this useless bickering."

The music grew faster and harder.

"I think, I think we should just walk away from this. There is no use in fighting with friends-"

"Screw that! I want to see what happens! We! Are! Staying!"

Faster and harder.

"Seriously, you think I'm a piece of work?! Take a look at yourself, take a look at Fragitus, at Senex, at everyone here! We all have problems Vernam, I just have the ability to tell them to your face. If I didn't do this, then everyone would just be living in a fantasy!"

"What was that about me Culdia? Do you want me the strategize how to pummel you into the ground?"

Faster and harder.

"It's not that serious people. There is no reason to be acting stupid just because of one comment."

"Oh so now I'm stupid?! God! How much do you guys want to say about me today?! Come on, just take it all out! You might as well do it now when I'm defenseless!"

Faster and harder.

Voices merged as the arguing grew more intense and unintelligible.

Faster and harder!

The voices got even louder, and shouting became normal. I could see some people in my peripheral vision covering their ears with their hands, and some even lowered their heads in discomfort.

Faster and harder!!!

The voices reached a peak of argument, and then suddenly.

Slower and softer...

The music turned down a notch when, as if falling from the heavens, the girl I didn't recognize earlier, slowly glided onto the ground. As the music turned softer and more heavenly, the people's yelling also died down and instead turned their attention to the girl who had just touched the ground.

She opened her eyes gently and said, "Everyone. I recommend you cease your foolishness at once. The Sun is coming."

Her words were quieter than anyone else's up until that point, but the weight they held was much greater than any other word. It was because her words caused us to look up at the sun. It was in the middle of the sky now.

Suddenly, in the bottom of my vision, I could see the dirt erupt, causing me to look over at it. Out of this dirt came a man riding on two wooden swords into the sky. His robe was the same color as the golden sun rays that spread onto him with no patterns, unlike the other robes I've seen up til now. He stood above the audience and blocked the sun making him both hard to see and impossible to take your eyes off of.

He looked at almost everyone in the crowd and, as the music cut, said these simple words:

"The sun rises

So do I

The sun sets

So do I

The sun stands

So do I

The sun lights

So do I

The sun leads

So do I

From the earth, I rise

To ye lamb and ye host, live

Find solitude in life, in the sun

Without it, all are lost and killed by the night.


The sun gives life

So do I."

Once he finished reciting some sort of poem, the crowd filled with smoke, blocking the outside world from us.

And by the time the smoke thinned out enough to see through it, everyone was already gone.

I turned around, and around, and around again, thinking about the poem Quis gave.

His words were obvious, his meaning, obvious, his meaning to me, however, hidden.

I walked through the crowd of people who talking to each other about what just happened, unable to concentrate on their words as my head was speaking louder. I felt my head beating with vigor as I solved the puzzle Quis had just given me, and then suddenly I stopped.

"Oh, I see now. This is what he meant earlier... What an interesting young man."

I turned around, looking at the people around me who were ravenously talking about the strange, yet amazing performance they just witnessed and then said to myself.

"Hook, line, and sinker. Ey Quis?"

End of Prologue

MrChill MrChill

Powerstones and/or a review are very much appreciated, so give some and be appreciated very much!

Well, simply put, I love this chapter. This chapter is so weird on so many levels, both because the subject itself is sort of strange and the lens we see it through is even stranger. I also made my first poem, ever, and I think it's decent. It does what I wanted it to do and it has an interesting meter, so I'm happy with it. Also, I'm sure that you're wondering why I haven't uploaded in two/three days. Simply put, I was sick. I had a pretty bad fever and stomach troubles, and it lingered a bit through the couple of days after I got through the main turbulence. I'm feeling better now though so expect to see daily uploads again. Also also, just wanna say thanks for still supporting me through powerstones even though I couldn't give you content in exchange, it was very heartwarming to see.

Thank you.

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