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36.66% Naruto: Curse of the Ryugan / Chapter 22: Hiruzen's Secret Mission

Capítulo 22: Hiruzen's Secret Mission

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Tenjho Tenge


Meanwhile, back in Konoha... I present to you Chapter 22:

Last time:

Miwa lost it and screamed, "Feel the heaven's wrath you dirty old lecher!" as her fist hit his jaw with a satisfying crunch.

Hikari tried to intervene and said, "Stop Miwa-sama!"

Miwa turned to Hikari and said, "You and your kunoichi have done an admirable job. But now it is completed and that old coot is going to get what he so rightfully deserves! Get him girls!"

Pandemonium ensued as High Priest Wataru received a righteous ass kicking at the hands of the enlightened Priestesses of the Great Shrine of Flame. The amount of sheer feminine fury was staggering as the males in the crowd who had come to beat up the old codger decided it would be best to remain uninvolved. Wataru would wake up from his coma in a body cast at a hospital some time later…

On the positive side, no one in Fire Country doubted the righteousness of High Priestess Miwa-sama and her followers and the Festival of Flame was a huge success for them. The bewildered members of the Advanced Genin Class set out for home Sunday morning after receiving great praise from Miwa-sama for their diligent work and a commendation from her to the Hokage.

All in all, it had been a very disillusioning first mission…

Chapter 22

The Road to Konoha

It was morning and the Advanced Genin Class was marching towards Konoha. They were back in their black ANBU combat gear with Hikari in the lead. The group ran into some minor bandits but seeing a bunch of teenagers armed that heavily (and looking rather disgruntled) was enough to make them flee at the sight. Soon Maito Gai and Uzuki Yūgao appeared and greeted the class. They exchanged greetings and Yūgao informed them they would be heading straight to the Academy despite the fact it was Sunday as there were matters to discuss. Gai on the other hand praised their 'ever growing Flames of Youth' that still made most of the class (except his team of course) question Gai's sanity (again).

Yūgao briefly pulled Maya and Emi to the side and said with approval in her tone, "Shame the old man's true nature was exposed due to his drinking problem. Very nicely done girls; do make sure some facts never surface about how he got so drunk in your formal reports."

Maya's eyes nearly bulged out and she whispered in a panicked tone, "Are you saying to lie on our reports to Hokage-sama sensei?!" Emi had an equal look of shock written on her face.

Yūgao smiled and said, "You are never to lie to your superiors -ever. Omitting certain unrelated facts is not the same as lying. Do you understand ladies?" Both Emi and Maya quickly answered in the affirmative with a salute and Yūgao took them back to the rest of the group.

In the meantime; Naruto was talking with Hinata. "Shame I didn't know the old man was perving on you girls like that Hinata-chan. I'd have made a multi-use shock tag for you all to put in his underwear had I known. A little chakra and…zap!"

Hinata smiled. She'd really been angry but Naruto-kun cheered her up. She giggled picturing the old priest getting electrocuted in her mind while holding on to his groin in agony. "I may have to get one of those tags from you for future use Naruto-kun."

"Well, you seem much happier Hinata-chan." said Maya as she came back over from talking with Yūgao-sensei.

"Naruto-kun had some interesting ideas for dealing with future pervert problems." giggled Hinata. "I'm sure he can invent a tag for us to use in the future Maya-chan. What do you think is going on? I didn't expect Yūgao-sensei to have us attend class today."

Maya shrugged. "Beats me. I really don't know Hinata-chan. I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Konoha Ninja Academy

By mid-morning everyone was in the Academy classroom except Hikari who had been released to fill out her report to the Hokage. Yūgao stood up in front of her class. "There are two things we need to accomplish today. The first is to get your written reports filled out for Hokage-sama. You will submit them to Gai-sensei and myself. Once we've checked them over, we will present them to the Hokage's Office. This is no different from filling out the mission reports to me for your homework assignments. Yakumo, since this is your first time, I will help you out."

The purple haired swordswoman continued. "The second thing is tomorrow will be Uchiha Sasuke's court martial at 08:00. All of you will all be attending it. Report to class here at 07:00 and we will proceed as a group to the Hokage tower. Make sure you are clean for inspection. You were all witnesses to the event that led to this but I sincerely doubt any of you will be called upon to testify with the possible exception of Hinata. The chances of her being called upon are slim at best since the investigation has been completed. The main reason you are attending is so you can see how the military justice system works. It will be valuable to you in your ninja careers down the line. You will be there with the Jonin Council which contains the Clan heads. I expect all of you to be studious and silent. You are there to observe and have no say in the proceedings. Does everyone understand?" receiving a round of affirmatives Yūgao soon had her class working on their reports...

Hokage Tower

It was lunchtime and the Third Hokage was fed up. All the paperwork for Uchiha Sasuke's high-profile trial was finished and the mission reports were almost caught up. He thought aloud, "I have more pressing matters to attend to!" Donning his Hokage hat Sarutobi Hiruzen went on an S-class mission that he had to accomplish personally. Informing his secretary he would be out for a few hours he trudged off to face the music…

Natsume Clan Home

Hiruzen was scared. He had stealthily gone to several places having carefully researched his mission parameters. He knocked gently on the door of the Natsume residence and waited. 'You can do this Hiruzen! It is of great importance to the future.' he thought to himself. Satisfied with his mental pep talk the sixty-eight-year-old Hokage stood at attention as he heard soft footsteps coming towards the door. The door opened gently and he was greeted by Hyūga Natsu.

"Hokage-sama?" asked Natsu a bit shocked at his presence. "I-is there anything I can do for you my Lord?"

Hiruzen relaxed a bit. "There's no cause for alarm Natsu-san. I was wondering if Hyūga Hanako-sama was in the house. I would like to speak with her if she is not too busy."

Natsu looked a bit goggle eyed. "No, she is not in the house Hokage-sama." Hiruzen completely deflated as Natsu motioned to him, "Actually, Hanako-sama is standing right behind you."

Hiruzen's eyes went wide as he whipped around to face Hanako who was standing behind him. She'd been out doing a bit of shopping and saw the Hokage lurking around and decided to sneak up on him. Hanako had a rather wry smirk on her face as she said to Natsu, "Run along Natsu-san, the Hokage and I have matters to discuss."

Natsu bowed and closed the door behind her. "So Hiruzen; what brings your all the way out here with a bouquet of flowers hidden in your robes?"

Cursing the all-seeing byakugan silently to himself, Hiruzen bought out a beautiful bouquet he had stealthily procured at the Yamanaka Flower Shop. "These are for you Hanako-chan. Please accept them."

Hanako accepted them and said, "Belladonna Lilies, my favorites." She smelled them and said, "Thank you Hiruzen; I see you've been doing your research."

Seeing her face was hidden slightly behind the flowers so only her eyes could be seen, Hiruzen squirmed a bit. 'I haven't felt this nervous since I was a teenager! What is wrong with me?' the Hokage screamed in his head.

Hanako's eyes were glimmering with amusement. "Is there anything else Hokage-sama?"

Finally regaining his equilibrium, Hiruzen said, "Hanako-chan, will you please go out to dinner with me tonight?" He was sweating a river.

She closed her eyes for a moment. Opening them she said, "If you had come in person before instead of sending your ANBU in the past I would have accepted your invitation before. You are such a silly old man Hiruzen." she said with humor in her voice.

"Then you'll go out with me?!" asked the Hokage in both shock and hope.

"Yes Hiruzen, I'll go out with you." said Hanako showing her smile to him finally.

Hanako entered the Natsume residence a few minutes later holding her bouquet of flowers with a rather content looking smile on her face. She saw Hanabi, Aya and Natsu all standing there. "Can I help you ladies?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Is everything alright Obaa-chan?" asked Hanabi. "You were out there talking to Hokage-sama for a long while."

Aya saw the flowers and Hanako's smile. She said, "Did Hokage-sama bring you those flowers Obaa-chan?"

Hanako nodded. "Yes, Hiruzen asked me to join him for a dinner date tonight. It seems I'll have to dress formal since we are going to the Golden Leaf restaurant. I trust you girls can help me pick out some appropriate attire?"

'Of course!" chorused the girls and Natsu much to Hanako's amusement. Their excitement was palpable.

The path to the Natsume residence

Naruto, Hinata and Maya were making their way back to the Natsume Clan home from the Academy when they saw Hiruzen leaving.

"…" said Maya as she involuntarily shivered.

Naruto looked pale. "Hinata-chan; could you use your byakugan and tell me if we're under a genjutsu? I think Hokage-Jijj is skipping our way with an enormous smile on his face…"

"Please don't make me use my byakugan on that sight Naruto-kun." said Hinata in a pleading voice.

Maya was quietly channeling chakra saying, "Genjutsu kai!" under her breath multiple times as the Hokage came skidding to a halt in front of the three teenagers.

Hiruzen smiled hugely at his surrogate grandson. Placing his hands on Naruto's shoulders he said, "Naruto-kun my boy; you were right. I finally got a date with Hanako-chan! I could just dance a jig!" The old man was obviously over the moon about this.

Suddenly Hiruzen felt a terrifying amount of killing intent coming off the two young kunoichi in training. "You'd better not try anything inappropriate with Hanako Obaa-sama." said Hinata with a byakugan glare that would freeze hell.

Maya's blue eyes were narrowed and hard as steel. "Yes, you better treat Obaa-chan right Hokage-sama. We will find out if you try anything perverse."

Hiruzen thought to himself, 'Good Lord what glares! It's like they are overprotective parents of a young girl on her first date!' Something told the Hokage that he shouldn't mess with Maya and Hinata even if he WAS the supreme commander of the village.

Feeling the tension Naruto said, "Hinata-chan, Maya-chan; why don't you head on to the house and see Hanako Obaa-chan? I'll talk with Hokage-Jiji about some house rules okay?"

Both girls nodded before they gave Hiruzen the evil eye once more and then went on to the house. Naruto-said, "Sorry Jiji; Maya-chan and Hinata-chan had to deal with a massive pervert that was older than you on our mission at the Great Shrine of Flame. They are a bit irritable around old men right now."

"I hadn't heard about it." said Hiruzen with a sigh of relief that the girls were gone. "What happened to the pervert?"

Naruto shrugged, "Last I heard the High Priest Wataru was in the hospital after all the priestesses and kunoichi nearly beat him into a coma. It was really awful to watch. The girls stomped a mud hole in his ass and walked it dry." Hiruzen paled. "Anyway, be good to Hanako Obaa-chan and don't stay out too late or your suffering will be legendary." He patted Hiruzen on the shoulder. "I hope you both have a nice time. See you later Jiji."

With that Naruto headed on to the Natsume Clan Home whistling and the slightly shaken Third Hokage went to make dinner reservations…

Natsume Clan Residence

When Naruto came in he saw a flurry of activity amongst the girls. They all seemed to have their bath supplies and were headed to the private Natsume hot springs in their yukatas with Hanako in tow. Seeing Hanako Obaa-chan seemed rather excited as well Naruto wisely stepped out of the way of the stampede. Deciding he would find out what was going on soon enough Naruto went and took a quick shower before her went to work in his fuinjutsu study…

Konoha Theatre House

Jiraiya was grumbling to himself as he haggled with scalpers at the sold-out Kabuki Theatre play 'The Trials of Tokugawa.' It was a remake of a tragic story that apparently had a happy ending instead of the star-crossed lovers dying at the end like in the original. The play had swept across the Elemental Nations like wildfire. What did that have to do with Jiraiya who thought Kabuki Theatre was just wrong because even the female roles were played by effeminate male actors? It was all his sensei's fault actually…


Jiraiya reported in to the Hokage's Office having been summoned for an emergency mission. He saw Hiruzen staring out the window of his office overlooking Konoha. Hiruzen turned to Jiraiya with steel in his eyes. Jiraiya stood at attention knowing this was The God of Shinobi he was dealing with; not just Sarutobi-sensei. "Reporting as ordered Hokage-sama." said Jiraiya respectfully.

Hiruzen said authoritatively, "Jiraiya; I have a mission that only you can accomplish for me. It is of upmost importance and must be accomplished before five o'clock tonight. It is vital."

"You can count on me sensei." said Jiraiya determined. "Tell me what you need done and I'll make it happen."

The Third Hokage nodded as he sat down at his desk. "Jiraiya-kun, your mission is to go down to the Konoha Theatre House and procure me the best balcony seats in the building for the play The Trials of Tokugawa at seven tonight. You cannot fail my student."

Jiraiya face faulted. When he stood back up he asked incredulously, "What the hell?! You can't just go to the ticket booth sensei?! A genin could do that! Your grandson Konohamaru could do that!"

"It's not that simple Jiraiya-kun." said the elderly Sarutobi gravely. "The show is sold out and I need those tickets! You are almost as good at haggling as your wife but she's busy at the hospital. Besides, Tsunade-chan would murder me if I asked her to do it anyway! You are the only one I can count on Jiraiya-kun! You know I've never been good with scalpers! I'm desperate here!" pleaded the Hokage.

"Oh, good grief sensei!" said Jiraiya. "Why is it so bloody important to get the damn tickets anyway?"

"…" was the Third Hokage's answer.

"I'm waiting for an explanation sensei." said the Toad sanin rather irritably.

"…Alright; alright! I finally have a date with Hyūga Hanako-chan and I want to take her to a play tonight Jiraiya!" said Hiruzen completely flustered.

Jiraiya got a lecherous smile. "Well, why didn't you just say so sensei? It's my duty as a Super-Pervert to help my sensei get his groove on!"

Hiruzen just blushed.

Flashback end…

"My duty as a Super-Pervert…What the hell was I thinking?" muttered Jiraiya to himself. "Damn these tickets are going to be expensive…"

It took an hour and forty five minutes before Jiraiya had the tickets in hand looking a bit nonplussed at the cost. 'Sarutobi-sensei had better appreciate this…What a mission…'

Hokage's Office

Sarutobi Hiruzen had things set for his date. He had completely blown off his Hokage duties and cancelled the rest of his appointments for the day. He had tickets for the play at six and dinner reservations at the Golden Leaf at eight. He was hoping for a wonderful evening with Hanako-chan. Taking one last look at his picture of a young Hanako-chan in her bikini the Elderly Hokage rushed off to get prepared for tonight starting with a haircut…

Konoha Hospital

Tsunade was taking a break from her rounds and was talking with her husband Jiraiya who dropped in unexpectedly. "So Sarutobi-sensei finally got his dream date huh? Well good for him." She snorted. "I still can't believe he sent you on a mission to buy tickets."

Jiraiya looked a bit haggard. "Getting those tickets for Sensei wasn't easy. "I should have demanded S-class pay for it."

His wife chuckled. "Was it that bad Jiraiya-kun?" Seeing Jiraiya nodding emphatically she laughed and asked, "So what rank did he pay you for?"

Jiraiya's eyes suddenly widened. "Come to think of it he didn't pay me at all! Damn that old man. He owes me an exorbitant fee for those tickets!"

"Well, bother him about it tomorrow." said Tsunade with humor in her voice. "I'm sure his mind was elsewhere. If he actually gets laid tonight ask for A-rank pay."

"Good call Tsunade-chan." agreed Jiraiya with a smile. "For what it's worth I'd like for Sarutobi-sensei to have a nice time. Hanako-sama is a beautiful woman even at her age."

Tsunade said, "I agree. The two of them do make a good match you know."

Sarutobi Clan Compound, 3:30 PM

"Say again Dad?" asked Sarutobi Asuma with an ornery smile as he handed Hiruzen his clothes.

Hiruzen grit his teeth. "I said I'm going on a date and I wanted to wear my formal Sarutobi clan robes instead of my Hokage robes." said the elder Sarutobi as he was fiddling with his seldom worn formal clan kimono.

Asuma handed Hiruzen his obi. He noted his Father had a haircut and manicure as well. "So who is the lucky lady Dad? She must be something special for you to be going to all this trouble just for a meal."

"We're going to see a play and then go over to the Golden Leaf for dinner and dancing." explained Hiruzen as he imagined slow dancing with Hanako-chan. "As for whom it is; I am escorting Hyūga Hanako-chan and short of an invasion of the village I don't want to be interrupted by anybody. I want this to be a perfect romantic date for both of us."

Asuma raised his eyebrows. "Isn't she a little young for you Dad? She can't be older than fifty. Of course, if she's into older men…"

Hiruzen got a flat look at his son. "Asuma, I am sixty eight and Hanako-chan is sixty two. She fought along with me in the Second Shinobi War."

"She's that old? Damn Dad, she's quite a looker. I'd have never guessed." said Asuma approving of his Father's tastes. "So, are you planning to bring her home with you or to a hotel after your date so you can have some privacy?"

Hiruzen got a slight nosebleed at the thought and giggled perversely as he thought of his photo of Hanako-chan in her bikini. 'Oh the possibilities…' he mentally giggled. Then images of Hinata and Maya's burning eyes flashed into his brain and made him shiver. He took a pontificating tone with his son. "Hanako-chan isn't that kind of woman. She is a Lady and I will treat her as such."

Asuma just waggled his eyebrows suggestively and said, "Well, I won't wait up late for you."

Hiruzen just sighed at his son's antics…

Natsume Clan Home

Naruto was working away in his study. He was going to ask if everything was okay when the girls got out of the hot springs but had been informed by Aya-chan that the ladies were all going to be very busy getting Hanako Obaa-chan ready for her date and not to get in the way. 'At least they didn't confine me to my room.' thought the blonde as he put the finishing touches on the counterseal for the Caged Bird Seal he created for Hinata-chan and her family. 'Done at last. That damned Caged Bird juinjutsu the Hyūga Clan uses is history.' About that time, he heard a knock on his door. He opened it and saw Hanabi standing there with stars in her eyes. Smiling, he asked, "What is it Hanabi-chan?"

Hanabi smiled and said, "Naruto nii-san; you have to come see Hanako Obaa-chan! She looks so amazing! We want your approval since you know Hokage-sama's tastes better than we do. That and you're a boy of course." The seven-year-old eagerly grabbed his hand and dragged him out to the bedroom that Hanako stayed in. Quickly knocking; Hanabi said, "I have Naruto nii-san with me; can I bring him in?" Hearing a chorus of 'Yes' from the girls Hanabi opened the door while eagerly saying, "Come on Naruto nii-san!"

Naruto came in smiling and saw the girls all surrounding Hanako who had a rather content looking smile on her face. Hinata said, "Naruto-kun; what do you think?" as they stepped aside so he could see Hanako.

Naruto was amazed. Hanako was wearing a dark blue formal kimono with floral prints and the Hyūga Clan crest. She looked absolutely stunning. Her silver hair was up in her traditional ponytail but she had ribbons in her hair that accentuated her beauty. Hanako also was wearing makeup. It was minimalist but it complimented her features perfectly. "Well Naruto-kun; what do you think?" asked Hanako sounding just like her granddaughter.

Naruto said, "Obaa-chan…you look spectacular! Jiji is going to have his mind shut down when he sees you like this!"

Hanako smiled appreciatively. 'I've still got it.' she smirked mentally to herself. "I'm glad you approve Naruto-kun. Let's hope Hiruzen likes it too."

"Oh, I guarantee he will!" said Naruto happily. 'He'd better or else…' thought Naruto darkly. Unaware that Naruto was thinking of cruel punishments for his Jiji if he upset Hanako Obaa-chan; the girls were all very pleased with blonde ninja's enthusiastic approval.

At 5:00 PM sharp Hiruzen picked up his lovely date and everyone wished that he and Hanako had a good time…with the unspoken threat that they were all going to be watching him like hawks. The rather nervous Hokage bid everyone farewell and Hanako did her best to hide her amusement at her date's frightened expression…

After dinner in Hinata's room

Hinata was very pent up worrying about her Obaa-chan and the trial the next day when she invited Naruto to come to her room a talk. The talking soon turned to kissing and making out on the bed. Eventually Hinata was against the wall. Once the silencing seals were up Naruto was kissing her neck and mouth passionately. Her yukata was wide open and revealed Hinata only had on a pair of panties underneath. Both ninja in training were totally enraptured in a lust filled haze and Naruto started suckling on her breasts each in turn which made her gasp and sigh in pleasure. Finally, Hinata grabbed his face and pulled him up for a soul searing kiss.

She purred seductively, "Naruto-kun, do you want to be my good boy?" as they stared deeply into each other's lust filled eyes. Seeing him nod eagerly Hinata said, "Get on your knees Naruto-kun." Naruto acquiesced to her hands pushing him down gently to his knees. She hooked her thumbs under the elastic of her soaking wet panties and slowly, erotically pulled them down… "Eat me Naruto-kun…" she said in a lust filled voice.

Naruto was wide eyed but once his mind clicked with what she wanted he wasted no time in tasting his indigo haired girlfriend for the first time. In his hazy mind he'd do anything she asked at this point. 'So this is what my Hinata-chan tastes like…' he thought absentmindedly as he gripped her hips to hold her steady against the wall. Hinata was completely overwhelmed by the sensations and fiercely gripped Naruto's spiky blond hair to pull him in for more as she panted and moaned his name while grinding herself into him hard.

"Oh gods!" she ground out through gritted teeth as her lover continued to devour her. When she finally reached her orgasm she cried out and her knees nearly gave out. Hinata was barely holding herself up by resting her back up against the wall. She was panting heavily and when she looked down she saw Naruto smiling up at her with hungry, lustful eyes.

Naruto took a long lick that made her entire body shiver. He said huskily, "Mmmm…I want to taste more of my Hinata-chan…"

He was about to dive in again when she said, "Bed…please." Obliging her Naruto carried her over to the bed and laid her down before he continued pleasuring her and loving all the magical sounds she made, both soft and loud. He brought her to her climax twice more before she was totally spent. When he finally laid down on top of her she tongue kissed him passionately and said, "I love you Naruto-kun. I love my taste in your hot mouth." Her whole body was flushed as they continued to kiss each other at a gentler and more romantic pace. Hinata finally sighed contentedly and said, "Will you stay here and cuddle with me tonight Naruto-kun? I want to sleep in your arms."

Naruto smiled and said, "Anything you want Hinata-chan. I love you." He got up and turned off the light. Lying back down he spooned her with his body under the sheets and Hinata was soon comfortably sleeping in what seemed like an instant to him. He thought to himself as he dozed off, 'I wonder if Maya-chan will taste just as good…I'll find out soon and please her too…My girlfriends are so amazing…"

Both of them slept peacefully dreaming of each other that night…

Hours later, Front Porch

As it turned out both Hanako and Hiruzen had a wonderful time and when he dropped her off, the Hokage was rewarded with a short but very fiery kiss on the lips that nearly curled his toes. When Sarutobi Hiruzen made it back home around ten thirty he was basically walking on air…it seemed both Grandmother and granddaughter had a way with their men.

Hanako came in and found Hanabi, Aya and Natsu waiting for her. 'I guess Hinata-chan, Maya-chan and Naruto-kun have all settled in for the night. Then again, they are used to getting up at 3:00 in the morning.' Smiling, Hanako said, "Well, it looks like you three have been waiting up for me."

Aya said, "Hanako Obaa-chan, did you have a nice time? Maya nee-can was worried Hokage-sama might do something perverse with you."

"Hinata nee-chan said the same thing." chimed in Hanabi. "Is everything okay?"

Hanako chuckled. "None of you have to worry; we had a very nice time and Hiruzen was a perfect gentleman. We decided to go out again next weekend."

"Really? That's wonderful Hanako-sama!" said Natsu with enthusiasm.

"So tell us about your date Obaa-chan!" said Aya excitedly.

Hanako found them all to be completely wound up, so she decided to indulge the girls a bit. (It wasn't like anything X-rated was going on…yet). "Well, we went to see the Kabuki play The Trials of Tokugawa at the theatre house…"

Sarutobi Clan Compound

Asuma was up enjoying a cigarette outside when he saw his Father gliding back through the compound gates. The jonin hadn't seen his Father looking so full of life since before his Mother Biwako died. Grinning to himself he thought, 'Guess I'll have to tease the old man a bit before I turn in for the night…' As it turned out he thoroughly enjoyed hearing his Father talking about what a wonderful time he had with Hanako-chan. It was like listening to a teenager the way Hiruzen went on.

When Asuma went to bed around midnight he felt closer to his Father than he had in years. 'I think that Hanako-sama and retiring again from the Hokage's position are the best things that have happened to Dad in years. I kind of want to meet Hanako-sama now.' Smiling, Asuma turned out his light to dream about a certain red eyed jonin named Kurenai…

Natsume Clan Home 3:00 AM

Maya woke up automatically at 3:00 for the Advanced Genin Class and hopped out of bed tiredly. After yawning and taking a good stretch she heard talking out in the hall and poked her head out the door. She saw Naruto leaving Hinata's room and the two of them kissing passionately before Naruto slipped out of Hinata's arms. 'I wonder if they went all the way…" Maya thought deviously. As Naruto went back towards his room Maya whispered, "Naruto-kun…"

Naruto jumped a little before he came over to Maya and hugged her. "Good morning Maya-chan." he whispered to her.

Maya smiled and said, "Good morning, Naruto-kun. Did you pop Hinata-chan's cherry last night to relieve her stress?"

Naruto kissed Maya's ear as he moved his hands down to knead Maya's firm rear end. She gasped as he whispered, "No but it was a close thing. I'd like to stay with you tonight and make you smile if you'll let me."

She blushed in the low light and then smiled before she put a love bite on Naruto's neck. "I think that can be arranged lover." she said excitedly.

"Good." said the blonde. "I love you Maya-chan. I need to take a shower…unless you want to join me."

Maya pulled back and gave Naruto a hungry smile. "I love you too Naruto-kun. You run along. We'll play together tonight. I need to get all the details from Hinata-chan." smacking Naruto's rear lightly Maya shot back into her room to shower.

It wasn't until all three teens were inhaling their breakfasts at 3:30 that they all remembered they didn't have to go to the Academy till 7:00 and then go to see Sasuke at his god damned trial…

"…Well, this sucks." said Maya "We've got three hours and nothing to do but wait around for that trial."

Hinata nodded in agreement. "It is irritating. On the positive side at least we didn't have our weapons on yet Maya-chan."

Naruto took a sip of his juice. "Well, we're supposed to be neat and clean, so a morning spar is out. I guess Obaa-chan must have slept in. What do you girls think?"

Maya smiled brightly with a gleam in her eye. "I think this is an ideal time for you to do the dishes Naruto-kun. Come on Hinata-chan; we ladies have much to discuss." With that, Maya eagerly dragged a startled Hinata away to interrogate her about what she and Naruto did the previous night.

"So not fair leaving me with all the dishes." thought Naruto aloud. He was left to his own devices while his two girlfriends talked and giggled about things behind closed doors and a silencing seal.

Konoha Council Chambers 7:45 AM

The Advanced Genin class was ushered in by Uzuki Yūgao and Maito Gai. Gai's team was also present so they too would understand court proceedings. The ANBU Brats marched in silence and were seated. The Jonin Council and prosecuting lawyers (hired by the Hyūga Clan) were all already present and talking in soft tones. The head of the prosecution was Hyūga Bengoshi who was both a veteran shinobi and lawyer. He was talking to Hiashi quietly when they both saw Hinata come in looking very professional and intimidating in her ANBU style uniform.

Bengoshi was taken a little aback. 'Hiashi-sama said our Byakugan Hime Hinata-sama had changed but I had no idea. She looks absolutely fearsome. What happened to the shy and passive girl I knew?' He walked over and saw Hinata was sitting and talking in low tones with the Natsume heiress and the Isuzu heiress as well. On her other side was the heir of Uzu. (The matter of Naruto's Royalty was relayed to all present in the court to prevent it from being a distraction if brought up). Bengoshi stood before Hinata and bowed deeply. "I bid you greetings Hinata-hime. I assure you that the Uchiha will be brought to justice for his criminal acts against you, I-"

Bengoshi was silenced by Hinata's byakugan glare and subtle killing intent that Hanako had taught her to use. Hinata asked frostily, "Still trying to get the Hyūga Elders out of their jail cells for their criminal acts against me Bengoshi-san?"

The Hyūga lawyer gulped heavily. "No Hinata-hime, I would not sully my hands or the Hyūga Clan any further with their ilk. I just wanted to assure you that-"

"I don't need or care for your assurances Bengoshi." said Hinata coldly. "Just perform the task that Hiashi-sama is paying you to do. I'm sure it can't be too difficult given all the evidence against the Uchiha. Go do your job and leave me out of it. I want nothing to do with you. I'm just an observer anyway."

Bengoshi saw that Hinata's attitude was cold as liquid nitrogen and it frightened him. 'I need to get back into her good graces for the time she becomes Hyūga Clan Head. I have no doubt she'll succeed Hiashi-sama now.' "I will do my best Hinata-hime. If you'll please excuse me." He rapidly retreated back across the chamber to his desk sweating. 'It is as Hiashi-sama says. She's just like her Grandmother Hanako-sama. I dare not cross her.'

Hiashi saw his daughter from across the chamber and saw her cold reception to Bengoshi. It was with a mixture of both sadness and great pride that he looked at her now. Hinata had become a fearsome and beautiful kunoichi without his help and would make a fine successor to him someday. '…If I can convince her to ever come back. Word has slowly leaked throughout the clan of her abuse and many are furious at the main house. All those guilty are in jail but I can't fault the branch house for being outraged. I wish she would come and talk to me but she's quite busy according to Kaa-san.'

The defense lawyers came in along with Sasuke who was in a wheelchair. He looked like hell. They sat down with their backs facing the Advanced Genin Class and opposite the prosecuting lawyers and the Jonin Council. Minutes later the Third Hokage entered in his official robes looking deadly serious . Flanking him were Jiraiya and ANBU Commander Dragon. "All rise for Hokage-sama." said the bailiff. After everyone stood (including Sasuke with some help) they were told to be seated.

The bailiff announced, "Today's trial is to judge Uchiha Sasuke for the accused crimes of attempted murder against his fellow Konoha comrade Hyūga Hinata, repeated insubordination, directly disobeying the orders of a superior officer and endangering others through illegal use of weapons in a spar."

"The Chief Prosecutor is Hyūga Bengoshi and the Head of the Defense is Bōgyo Hideo."

"Presiding over this trial are The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen-sama, Jiraiya-sama of the sannin and ANBU Commander Dragon."

Receiving a nod from the Hokage the bailiff said, "Let the trial of the accused Uchiha Sasuke now begin!"


Okay, this wasn't meant to be a cliffhanger. I originally intended to have Sasuke's trial be over and done in this chapter but things just didn't go as planned and I ran out of space. The way this trial will go is going to be a mishmash of court styles to suit the storyline so don't expect it to follow a particular set of rules. (My degree is in Military History, not Law). Anyway, if all goes according to plan the Advanced Genin Class will be graduated and given Team assignments by chapter 25 (give or take a chapter). As for the next chapter; what will Old One Nut/Sasuke's final fate be? See you next time. Blue out. 6/18/23

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