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Chapter 3 Curiosity

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so here's the new chapter, hope you all enjoy

and question which will be Iori's love interest




pls comment about the love interest here


– The next day –

[Air Temple]

It was morning in Republic City in which Korra is in her room getting ready to start her Airbending training with Tenzin, but first she'll eat some breakfast before starting.

She went to the dining room where she found Tenzin eating.

Korra: "Morning Tenzin"

Tenzin:"Good morning Korra, come join me your food is here"


While Korra was eating, she remembered the fight from yesterday where she met the man named 'Iori Yagami' who defeated 33 members of the Triple Threat Triad (including the other three that she met at the marketplace) and came out unscathed. She can tell that he's a blunt and serious guy but rude when they first met but what what makes him more unique are his purple flames and his Fighting style. 'How did he produce purple flames and the heat it emits are hotter than regular flames and what kind of fighting style did he used? from what I saw it involves slashing from his nails and it's incredibly violent.' "Korra?" her thoughts were interrupted when Tenzin called her.

Tenzin:"You were spacing out just now, is there something on your mind?" he asked

Korra:"Y-Yeah, lately I've been thinking about that guy I met at the marketplace."

Tenzin:"Can you describe him" he said

Korra:"Sure his name is Iori Yagami, he's a Firebender that can bend purple flames, he has red hair with long bangs, wears a white shirt and a black coat with a large white crescent moon crest on the back, red pants with belts attached on each knee and a black choker."

Tenzin:"Hmmm. The man that your describing is Chief Beifong's Interrogator"

Korra:"Wait so he works for the police?"

Tenzin:"No, she just call him whenever they need to get information out of criminals, his methods were... brutal, but they said not to worry cause it get the job done easy."

Korra:"How do you him by the way?"

Tenzin:"From Chief Beifong who told me that Iori was 17y/o when he had begun working as an Interrogator for a year and I overheard some police officers who were gossiping."

Korra:"Huh. Ok...."

She picked up the newspaper on the table to see what's going on, all of a sudden she spotted something that she liked when she was young but never got the chance since she's stuck in the south pole.

Korra:"And n the final round, the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout. What do you say we go to the arena and catch a few pro bending matches?"

Tenzin:" That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending"

Korra:"Come on, Tenzin, I've dreamed about seeing a pro bending match since I was a kid, and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena" she said and point her finger behind her outside the window.

Tenzin:"Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel your here to finish your Avatar training. so for the time being, I want you to remain on the island"

Korra:"Is that why you're keeping the white lotus sentries around to watch my every move?"

Tenzin:"Yes, in order to learn Airbending, I believe you require a calm, quiet environment, free from any distractions"

Korra:"All right you're the master"

[scene change to training grounds]

Tenzin:"So my mother informed me that you've never been able to Airbend before.

Korra:"Yeah, but I don't know why. The other elements came so easily to me. But every single time I've tried Airbending



Tenzin:"That's perfectly alright. We just need to be patient often the element that's the most difficult for the Avatar to master is the one most opposite to the Avatar's personality. For Aang it was Earthbending.

Korra:"Yeah. Well. I'm about as opposite an Airbender as you can get.

Tenzin:"Let's begin your first lesson.

They walked up to an Airbending training tool with Tenzins children waiting for them.

Ikki:"Korra's gonna Airbend!, Korra's gonna Airbend!

Korra: "What is that contraption?"

Tenzin:"A time honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of Airbending. Jinora would you like to explain this exercise?"

Jinora:"The goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them.

Korra:"Seems easy enough"

Ikki:" Jinora forgot to say you have to make it through while the gates are spinning.

Tenzin steps forward and unleashed a strong gust of wind making the gates spin.

Tenzin:"The key is to be like the lead, flow with the movements of the gates. Jinora will demonstrate.

Jinora steps in and weave her way through the spinning gates without touching them and sends a strong gust of wind making it faster.

Tenzin:"Airbending is all about spiral movements, when you meet resistance, you must be able to switch. direction at a moments notice."

Korra:"Let's do this" said with a determined look

but Korra kept on bumping each one and was sent back, land on her back.

She goes again but kept on bumping each gate.

Jinora:"Don't force your way through."

Ikki:"Dance. Dance like the wind." she encourages Korra

Meelo:"Be the leaf"

Korra fell on the ground and Tenzin sighs.

– 3 days later –

[Republic City Police Headquarters]

In the Interrogation room, we see Chief Beifong and five guards waiting by the door. Then all of a sudden they heard a scream inside, it's been a year since Iori agreed to be a Interrogator and no matter how many times they've seen his brutal ways, they are still not ok with it, only Lin who was unnerved with it but you could see sweat trailing down on her face. The screams got louder by the second and causing everyone to feel a shiver on their back then scream subsided, silence filled the room.




Everyone waited for 5 minutes and outcomes Iori.

Iori:"All done" said with a stone cold face

Lin and the five guards looked inside and was baffled at the scene, the thief that he interrogated was beaten up black and blue his face swollen, black eye on the left side and looked traumatized, this thief was in possession of 3 million yuan that he stole at the bank some months ago and by the looks of it he told Iori everything just to stop on what he's doing to him.

Lin"Where is it?"

Iori:" It's in his house, a brown chest in the basement " he said with a apathetic face

"Sigh. Alright, pick him up and treat his injuries and send a squad to retrieve the stolen money" she ordered the guards

They carried the thief to the infirmary and Lin handed Iori his payment for the day.

Lin:"Thanks again kid, I'll call you when I need you" she said in a satisfied tone

Iori:"Hn." that's all he said. Lin is already used to it so she brushed it off.

[Iori POV]

After I exit the headquarters, I put on my headphones and selected a song by shuffle.

{Play American Idiot by Green Day}

As I slightly bob my head to the music I think to myself.

'Its been 3 days and I think Korra is training for her Airbending and tonight will be her debut in pro bending, hmmm, I'll go their and see if Korra made any progress.'

– Timeskip, Night time –

[Third person POV]

We see hundred of people gathering in the arena tonight and we see Iori at front row center, crossing his legs and put his right hand on his head supporting it while waiting for the match.

Announcer:"Looks like the Fire Ferrets have 'Ferreted' out a last minute replacement Waterbender. Let's see if she's another diamond in the rough, like the brothers from the school of hard knocks."

After the referee blows the whistle the match starts.

Iori paid close attention on Korra after getting some foul's and losing 2 rounds, when she was pushed back to the edge she suddenly used Airbending movements to dodge the attacks and starts counter attacking. Iori cracked a smirk on her improvement and the Fire Ferrets were able to overpower the opposing team and. won. The crowd goes wild especially Tenzin but quickly fixes himself when some people looked at him. After Mako and Bolin congratulated Korra she looked at the crowed and was surprised when she saw Iori at front row giving her a slow clap.

[Outside the Arena]

The three were at the back of the arena discussing about the championship

Bolin:"Wooo!! Yeah!! with Korra on our side the championship is going to be a breeze!"

Korra and Mako laughed at Bolin's antics when they saw Iori leaning at the rails looking at them, Korra approached Iori and said

Korra:"Hey Iori haven't seen you since the fight I saw you at front row" she said with her hand on her hip

Iori walked Infront of them and said

Iori:"Congratulations on your win" said on a straight face with no emotions.

the three sweat dropped when they heard his response

All of a sudden they were ambushed by 15 thugs

Thug leader:"Hey your the avatar right!? If we beat you we'll be famous!" said in a arrogant tone

"Looks like trouble finds me whenever I go" Iori murmured

"Hey what's you-" Mako was cut off by Iori and said "I'll make this quick and easy, stay out of it you'll only get on my way" in his usual apathetic tone. They don't know how to respond if he's being confident or arrogant.


Iori rushed forward the thug leader and used

'127 Shiki Aoibana' launching him back, then quickly used 'Ge-Shiki Yuriori' when he sensed someone behind him, he expertly strike anyone down until the number of opponents was reduced to 6. Iori backed away then decided to use Orochi Lightning to end it quick. Iori kneels down then flies straight using 'Sugukumei Genei Shinshi' at the remaining opponents and electrified them.


"Burn off...LOSERS!" he said after getting up and send a glare at the thugs on the ground, after fixing his clothes he said to the three that they'll meet again sometime and proceeds to leave without hearing a response back. Leaving a jaw dropped Mako and Bolin and Korra who had Stars in her eyes "Remind me not to mess with him" said Bolin but only received a nod from his brother, Korra on the other hand

Korra:'He can also bend lightning and it's on a whole new level!, he's so cool!' she happily said in thought.

Then they saw an airship floating down and out comes Chief Beifong and the police when Lin saw the damage and the amount of unconscious bodies she sighed heavily knowing who did this, she ordered her men to pick them up and head back.

To be continued

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