The Slytherins and Gryffindorians piled merrily into the corridor, where half the class fell to the floor again in a fit of laughter.
- No, did you hear that? Say THAT!
- And to whom? SNAP!!! - Draco struggled to his feet - his stomach muscles were already cramping with laughter. - Sexy nose...
- Poor guy's probably never received such a compliment in his life! Oh, Merlin... What do we have next?
- Care of magical creatures instead of Char," Draco replied and immediately thought about it. - 'Damn, Potter's friends with that dimwitted Hagrid, he can get out of class.
- We'll see," Blaise responded, continuing to smile. - I've never laughed like that before! Eh, how heartfelt that was... "Sexy nose..."
- Yep, now we know what a shocked Snape looks like.
- And now we also know what an embarrassed Malfoy looks like," Blaise winked, for which he got elbowed in the side again.
Chuckling and bantering, the friends headed off in high spirits towards the exit of the castle. Draco was bursting with desire to provoke the Gryffindor boy into at least a verbal altercation, and now there was a real chance of getting another schoolboy-worthy rebuff from Potter, but on second thought, Draco decided to wait with the "attack" for now. Gotta give Potter some time to get angry!
Malfoy watched with interest as representatives of the two faculties gradually gathered for class outside Hagrid's hut. Every now and then bursts of laughter erupted from different directions, and the Slytherins poked their fingers at Potter, who, thankfully, still showed up surrounded by his red-haired retinue. The rest of the Gryffindors out of solidarity tried to be serious and even occasionally cast devastating glances at the Slytherins, but as soon as someone's voice was heard in the crowd, "Ah, sexy nose!" everyone else was throwing another hysterical fit, and now Potter was casting murderous glances at his laughing classmates. The whole school would soon know about the Gryffindor freak's stunt in Potions - no one doubted it!
The Golden Trio moved farther away from the merrymaking students, and Weasley and Granger began to argue passionately with the Gryffindor, who was hunched over on a rock with his head held low, arms outstretched to keep the overheated friends from getting too close.
Nudging Draco towards a nearby tree, Blaise sent the same eavesdropping spell that Draco himself had used not so long ago in the direction of the talkers.
- Nasty weasel! Harry, we have to get back at him!
- I'll have time to hit Malfoy, and more than once! But for now, I'm more worried about keeping my mouth shut. Merlin, how am I supposed to look Snape in the eye now!
Weasley chuckled, for which he was instantly slapped by Granger.
- It's not funny, Ron!" she said, smiling demurely in defiance.
- 'Oh, come on! Harry, compliment him more often so he never asks us for homework!
- Yeah, why don't you ask him out on a date too? - Harry's got a temper.
- Oh, no, I can't take that anymore.
- What the hell kind of crap is that? This sucks...
- Harry, why don't you go and see Madam Pomfrey after all?
Hermione lightly touched Potter's shoulder, causing him to twitch like an electric shock and quickly put her palm over his mouth.
- Harry! What's the matter with you? What are you saying?
- I'm saying, Hermione, you've got amazing legs! You just want to throw them on your shoulders and...
- Hey-hey! That's my girlfriend! - The redhead shrieked, and Hermione squeaked, blushing rapidly.
Potter groaned in frustration, and Draco grinned unknowingly behind the tree.
- I told you not to touch me! I can't control it. If this gets out to everyone, I'm lost!
Draco and Blaise looked at each other conspiratorially. They'd see to it that everyone knew!
- And eavesdropping isn't good! - The boys jumped up in surprise. Pansy was standing next to them, smiling sweetly.
- Have you lost your mind?! - Blaise clutched at his heart. - I almost had a heart attack!
The Gryffindors, hearing the noise, amicably turned their heads, glaring angrily at their three friends.
Another time, Malfoy would have rewarded the so inopportune friend with a few strong words, but right now he was only interested in Potter's eyes blazing with long-awaited anger. "Good, very good! We can go on the offensive soon!"
- Children, this way! - Hagrid's voice rang out from behind the hut, heralding the start of the lesson.
After walking around the ranger's cabin, they found themselves in a small clearing enclosed by a low fence. The Slytherins quickly parted to let their leader through, and Draco immediately forgot about Potter, or almost forgot. All his attention turned to the strange creature sitting in the middle of the clearing.
It (Draco was somehow certain that the creature was female) looked like a large cat, completely white in colour, but instead of hair its body was covered with long feathers that ...moved! Its ears were tasseled, and it had two bottomless wells of black eyes. The creature was not particularly beautiful, but everyone present felt its magical aura in an instant - the strange panther emanated so much heat that the temperature around the clearing was several degrees higher. Tranquillity and peace went through his body, making one feel boundless trust in this unusual creature.
- Hagrid, what is this miracle? - Hermione asked, when everyone had finally become accustomed to the strange sensation. - I've never seen anything like it!
- What was there to see, Hermione?! Meet Mariel, my friends - she's a Fater. - No one made a sound. - A Fater is a creature that feeds on positive human emotions. Joy, happiness and love are her best sources of energy and vitality, which is why faeters most often live where there are many people, and especially children. They can also become invisible. Unfortunately," Hagrid smiled sadly, "there are very few of them left. This little one was brought to me by an old acquaintance from New Zealand. There are only twenty of them left on the entire Earth.
Hagrid affectionately patted the fae on the head. The cat made a loud purr-like sound and its feathers fluffed up slightly, not stopping to move as if the wind was blowing them continuously.
- Faythers are brilliant empaths, she's the only one who can hear and feel everyone's emotions now. See how her feathers move? And now for the fun part... Tell me, are there any of you in love?
Blaise grinned crookedly, pointing a finger at Potter.
- I don't know about lovers, but there are definitely over-excited ones!
The students chuckled again as the brunette stood a little away from everyone else, trying to avoid possible contact with anyone else and staring at the white cat without looking away.
Hagrid paid no attention to the Slytherin's remark and glanced around again.
- Hermione, you are in love, aren't you?
- Yes," she nodded and smiled at a blushing Ron.
- 'Then just stroke Marielle and we'll see what happens. - Hagrid stepped closer to the students stretched in a row, beckoning the cat behind him.
"What a big one!" - Draco thought. Next to the half-giant she seemed the size of an ordinary panther, but as soon as she got closer the boys took a startled step back - the creature was as tall as the sixth formers themselves.
- Don't be afraid, Hermie, remember, Mariel can sense you and would never hurt anyone who was in her good graces.
Draco was standing fairly close, so he could clearly see the trepidation with which Granger raised her hand, intending to touch the face of the fae. The creature, however, stared unblinkingly into the girl's eyes with its black eyes. As her palm rested on the panther's feathered head, something happened... The moving feathers instantly fluffed up, making the faerie even more imposing in size, but they were no longer white - within seconds becoming orange, then green, yellow, purple! No one in the room could contain a reverent smile as the creature shone all the colours of the rainbow, sparkling and shimmering in the sun! It was amazingly beautiful! Then Draco noticed something else - the fae's eyes were also changing! The black iris was gradually getting lighter until finally it was crystal blue. Mariel purred feline-like as she continued to caress Hermione.
The charm of the moment was broken by someone else's loud sobs - Hagrid smiling dotingly, wiping away the tears with his beard.
- Isn't she adorable! - The half giant blew his nose loudly into a large pink handkerchief.
- Lovely..." Weasley affirmed, though it was to his girlfriend.
- Faythers sense love, and the stronger she is, the brighter the colours on her feathers will shine. And the eyes become...
- ...the colour of a lover's eyes! - Hermione, who had guessed for him, agreed.
The students gasped in delight! Those nearby decided to verify this and tried to look into the eyes of an embarrassed Ron. Indeed, the same blue eyes!
- Now, if you're not afraid to let everyone here know how you feel, you can pet her!
The Gryffindors nodded enthusiastically, quickly lining up. The Slytherins, with embarrassed glances, followed suit as well - curiosity this time trumped pride. Blaise dragged Draco to the row of students who were talking impatiently, waiting for their chance to touch this unusual creature.
Some people's touches left the feathers white and fluffy, while others made them sparkle brightly in different colours again, making it obvious that one was in a state of tender emotion. Every now and then one could hear the giggles of girls trying to ask each other the name of their beloved. But for some, the glow of feathers was a complete surprise.
- It's no mistake, a faire knows and understands your feelings far better than you do. It is what you really feel. It's just a matter of figuring out who it's for.
- That overgrown overgrowth is a bit too eloquent today, don't you think, Blaise?
- Yeah," he agreed, then rubbed his chin thoughtfully. - I don't think any of the three girls I'm seeing now will want to see me again when the pussy skin stays white.
- Um, are you so sure you're not in love with anyone?
- Absolutely," he nodded again. - Are you?
Draco grimaced in response, still not dignifying his friend with an answer. "Oh, yeah... Love, what a pointless, useless thing!"
The empathic panther purred happily at every touch, enjoying the attention on her person. She was obviously enjoying herself immensely.
- Harry, why are you so far away from everyone? - Hagrid asked. Potter was still standing a little away from the line of students. There was a cheerful whisper in the crowd, among which Malfoy distinctly heard the word "bestiality". - Pet her!
The cat meowed, confirming the teacher's suggestion, and headed towards the Gryffindor himself, while Draco, meanwhile, felt strangely curious.
- Hagrid, would you please not...? - he asked the boy hopefully.
- Yes, he should, she even decided to get to know you.
- Hello," Potter said as the cat approached him. Apparently the faerie magic had temporarily diminished the effects of the Dragonflame, because now Potter looked a lot better than he had in the last half hour.
- Can I pet you?
Receiving a satisfied "Meow!" in response, he reached out and placed his hand gently between the creature's ears.
And Draco lost his ability to see. Everyone in the clearing was simply blinded by the bright flickering light! When the Slytherin managed to open his tear-stained eyes, he thought he was inside a kaleidoscope - the whole clearing was enveloped in a multicoloured warm glow! The trees, the grass, the air all around were glowing as if it were the height of summer, not the middle of October! Malfoy focused his gaze on Potter, who seemed to glow as if he were stroking the cat himself. A gentle smile played on his lips, and his beautiful green eyes sparkled happily. A tender smile? Beautiful eyes? "Where did I get such girlish expressions in my head!" But a completely different thought loomed in the Slytherin's mind a second later, echoing with some discomfort around his chest: "Potter's in love with someone.
- Harry..." exhaled Hagrid in amazement. - 'That's delightful! I'm so happy for you!..! Such strong feelings!
Everyone exhaled in friendship as Harry lowered his hand, smiling embarrassedly.
The cat returned to its previous position, and when the Gryffindor smiled sadly after it, Malfoy felt an unusual heaviness on his soul again. "Potter's in love..." - The insistent thought pulsed on the edge of his mind again and again, making him feel unaccustomed emotions.
"What do I care, after all, if he's in love or not!"
Clenching his fists, the Slytherin turned away, immediately discovering that he was hardly the last in line. In front of him, Blaise stroked the cat affectionately, its feathers remaining perfectly white, confirming that Zabini's heart was indeed free.
Draco touched the fae's neck, struck by the unusual softness of the ruffling feathers, and immediately froze...
In front of his eyes, the white was rapidly disappearing, replaced by green, yellow, red... "How is that possible! I'm pretty sure I'm not in love with anyone...!"
It just can't be...
"That's just impossible," he thought again as the panther's eyes turned from black to emerald green in a split second.