Lillian along with the others pulled up seeing fires and bodies on the streets, she didn't see any infected roaming around which worried her while she commands the others to get ready while Wei was at the back hatch of the riot tank taking out the shields along with spears that had blades that could slice through things not only stabbing them.
" here you all will have the shields to block any incoming infected in case to many come that you can't kill off with your spears... there could be a lot of people infected inside so we need to be quiet and only use guns if we have a problem that we can't cut down." Wei said as he pointed at some swords, axes along with more spears that was shorter for the women to handle better.
Lillian walked up as Wei handed her a pair of Glaves that she hooks to her forearm that had a a long blade that she could make shoot out that was as long as her forearm as she hit the switch making the blade go back.
" you all worked hard on these " Lillian said smiling as she noticed hers had certain colors of purple swirling on some designs while two other Pairs inside the box had been for Ari and Len as he handed her one that had red designs on it one of the Glaves had a small shield on one arm. of them along with their names etched into them.
" thank you Wei " Len said smiling as Lillian helps her put them on and showing a small smile when Len got the hang of them quickly and was amazed that they wasn't that heavy as she thought they would be.
" here take these katanas so you can use the glaves im emergencies." Wei said as he chose two that had history from what he heard since they was hundreds of years old.
Lillian smiled widely at him then looked around at her men getting ready, K and a couple of his men was ready to go inside.
Wei handed Taylor a shield along with an axe that he picked up that was on some of the firetrucks he raided along with all the stuff inside the trucks including their outfits they use as his group drove a couple of the trucks back to the compound with the tanks full of water.
Taylor looked at the shield and axe then over at some of the guns which Wei closed the doors when everyone was out and ready.
" Jackson, Brady and bec...two of you will be up front while one at the back, only use the handheld weapons unless we have to... Lillian and the others will have their weapons ready just in case, Ali you'll stay inside the truck with Stormy" Wei said as the two women nodded their heads climbing inside the riot tank while they collected the keys from the other vehicles.
" L your men have their orders to make sure we can exit, if it gets to dangerous they fall back to their vehicles ready to move." Lillian said as the three men nodded their heads at her pulling out maces that had blades on them.
Ali kissed Jackson passionately as he smiled at her then closed the door on the driver's side mouthing a love you before the group makes their way inside the building with each of them having a empty duffle bag at their side so they can fill with things they might need.
Lillian was behind Jackson and Bec who was a huge muscular man that Wei made a larger shield for him so he could block more of those things if they swarm at them while he and the others can kill them with the maces, he will be their tank since he's built like one.
Bec decide on a axe that was a double blade one with a spear like end that he could use to pierce those things head if needed. He was the one who welded the axe making it just for himself.
Lillian went in behind the two men with the others behind her, they had flashlights they had to use since the electric wasn't working on the ground floor as she glanced around seeing the doors that's inside the lobby all closed.
" let's check to see if theres anything we'll need or any survivors alive." Lillian said as she pressed her ear piece connecting with Ali who blew her horn twice then waited to see if any infected would storm out or survivors as they looked around when they seen a body fall in front of the SUV that splattered on the concrete and then more started dropping like rain.
" Lillian I'm moving away from these buildings " Ali said as a few more bodies fall even collapsing a hood of a nearby car as she pulled down from the building parking in the middle of the street as stormy was looking at her computer screen watching the screens closely while moving the cameras around that was installed on the riot tank. Stormy is gathering data as much as she can to understand and fight theses things better.
" some infected are falling from the upper floors, it seems like their located in a hallway from how the busted large window looks." Stormy said over her radio as they watched over a dozen bodies that was falling until no more fail, Lillian moved over to the reception desk looking through the desks for keys so they can quietly enter rooms if needed and found the fire escape map.
" Ali look " Stormy said as they seen a few white towels and sheets that are now fluttering outside of some windows of that building along with a smaller building with only three floors toward the front of them.
" it seems you have survivors on the fifth and sixth floor, along with two more buildings with survivors " Ali said looking outside the window with her binoculars seeing a kid who looked to be nine years old waving at them through the window.
Ali opened the door checking her surroundings then waved at the kid then motioned the to stay out until they come which he nodded his head disappearing from the window as Ali stepped back inside the vehicle trying to get a look at the other windows when a weird looking jelly fish thing on the side of the building her friends and lover is inside sliding it's way up the building.
" Lillian there is a unknown creature that looks like some type of a blob on the outside between the first and second floor making it's way up" Ali said as She nodded her head for Stormy to have the large gun on top point towards the blob waiting on Lillian's instructions.
Ali seen some infected leaving some of the surrounding buildings walking from the side of them from the nearby ones.
" Stormy let's move to the back so they can't see us " Ali said as they sit in the back using the cameras to watch everything, they was a out sixteen dead people now out in the street standing in spot with their heads cocked as if listening for any noise that Ali recorded for Evelyn to see their behavior.
" Lillian you have over sixteen dead out in the street now while the blob thing seems to slowly moved up as if it's waiting on something" Ali said watching the blob on one screen while Stormy was watching the dead and nearby surroundings on a couple others. They watched it slide into a nearby window stretching itself making itself longer and wider, they watched the blob pull a couple infected into its massive body and it was like the bodies melted leaving bones that dropped out on the street.
" Lillian that blob is dangerous, it can digest bodies in a matter of minutes then spits the bones out ... it looks like it's gotten bigger " Ali said staring the creature down, she looked over at the flame throwers seeing one gone so she sighed in relief and mumbling to herself.
Lillian moved through the lobby clearing the rooms on that floor to only find some hard liquor that Bec loaded up inside a box placing it by the wall near the front door with a smile on his face.
They moved to the first floor that was clear of any debri or blood unlike the lobby that was full of it, she knows they've either went up or out of that hallway window.
They went by each door only hearing the deafening silence on this floor, she tapped her knuckles gently on each door to be met by something slamming into a few of the doors with light groans coming from them.
" let's move to the second floor " Lillian said as Bec went first seeing a few dead on the stairs that he hit with his shield sending the three flying back as him and Jackson made quick work of killing them off.
Lillian patted them on the back as they sweep the second floor finding some apartment doors open with body parts here and there along with puddles of blood as she walked to a door that had bloody hand prints all over the front of it so she tapped her knuckles on the door waiting a few minutes as the door opened showing a woman who was in her early twenties with a couple of more women along with a older couple who had tears in their eyes seeing Lillian who gave them a small smile.
" Pack some things you'll take in one small bag with any important things, we're going to check the rest of the floors then I'll be back to get you all " Lillian said with a smile as she swept her eyes over each individual for any signs of blood on them or signs of them being sick or paleness when she couldn't see anuthing, she looked back at Brady who nodded his head going inside the apartment to wait for the team.
" Brady when we clear more floors, I'll radio you to move them out so get your weapons ready when that happens you'll meet Ali and storm out front to load them inside one of the vehicles, have the men in the lobby help you out to load them inside one of the vehicles then secure them " Lillian said as Brady closed the door and locking it while he smiled at the people who was packing some stuff to take with them as they all sit on the couch and chairs waiting. Brady also was looking for any wounds, blood and the way people look when sick.
When the team went to the next floor Ami and Storm had sent a few drones up to keep an eye on the surroundings when storm seen a notification of movement coming from the street.
" We have movement Ami...there seems to be several cars heading this way " Ami said as they pulled up in the middle of the street, three cars that had four to six people in each one got out with weapons.
They watched the group hit a shoo that was across the street and used weapons to clear out any of the infected that was inside the store and started bagging up any useful items along with food.
" Lillian we have armed survivors across the street from the apt. building you're in" Ami aaid over the radio while watching the screens with stormy who was getting nervous.
" just stay hidden from them, pull the Riot vehicle behind the building from the side your sitting on them wait by or close to the fire escape for us " Lillian said then radioed the others to make sure they had the extra car keys to the vehicles that they pulled on the other side of the building opposite of where Ali pulled the riot vehicle. They all replied yes to what she asked them as the radio went silent after she said we got some infected ahead, Ali kept her eyes on the survivors who was still inside the store.
Lillian went to the next floor finding most of the doors open with more dead they had to quickly kill before moving on to the fourth floor as Taylor was getting more anxious looking at some of the dead bodies on this floor as the team swiftly was killing the ones who seemed to be standing in spot until they seen them and then the dead would run or walk towards them.. Lillian opened the locked doors to only find empty rooms then they moved up to the fifth floor, a couple apartments were full of the undead that were eating on the people who lived there and she slowly closed the door to block their view. Ali's voice came through her ear piece.
" That blob thing seems to be moving right along with you all from the outside also we have other survivors from a smaller building while you have those two to check out..... we can get to the child " Ali said as Lillian stopped on the stairs well seeing a large amount of blood on the last few steps, Lillian sighed.
" ok just wait on us and if there ard I mean that Ali " Lillian whispered when she heard some small nail like tapping in the hallway along with a bunch of low moaning and scratching.
" Bec be ready and Taylor you need to watch our backs with your shield along with Wei " Lillian whispered then motioned them to be ready as Wei smiled nodding his head at the katanas he gave the girls when they was at the SUV when he gave them the Glaves.
" no firearms unless we have to use them " Lillian said tapping on Becs shoulder letting him move forward when they seen over twenty of those dead things around a doorway trying to get in, they seen claw marks riddled through out the door while the creaking of the wood almost giving way to break in.
Bec was the first to take a large swipe of his axe into the crowd of dead making sure to take their heads off, Jackson used his spear doing a cutting motion as well then stabbed a few in their heads while Lillian moved in doing the same while the others heard noises coming from behind them. Lillian saw something small quickly crawl upstairs not letting her get a good look, but it seemed to be a size of a basket ball with several legs that made her think of spider legs.
Taylor's eyes went wide seeing three dogs or what used to be dogs with their flesh ripped leaving chunks of meat missing as their jaws were protruding a couple inches out showing its gums and teeth from what normal dogs would have as the skin was drawn halfway back showing the large teeth.
A large growl got all their attention as Lillian looked behind them as the three large K9s was staring them down, Wei readied his shield and spear.
" pay attention " Wei said as Lillian nodded her head letting Len take her place as she gets behind Wei letting her sword out out from her glave as she gripped her katana tight, looking for a weakness with the dogs.
" make good use of those shields then stick them in the head using the spears, if we have to we'll use the guns " Lillian said as she kept her shotgun close to her side so it wouldn't be in the way but ready to fire.
One of the dogs ran at the almost knocking Wei over but Taylor was quick enough to bury his axe in the things back making it welp loudly, Taylor pulled his axe out while Wei kept stabbing the thing in the side of its head trying to get penetrate the skull that seems to be reinforced with something.
Len was helping clear the undead that was pushing forward as Bec used the shield to hold back the 12 that was left.
" K help Lillian " Jackson said as a man turned jogging over to Lillian when the other two dogs ran toward them as Taylor pressed his legs to the ground firmly with K at his back helping when the larger dog jumped on the shield snapping it's long jaw at his face as they push it off making it land sideways as Lillian pierced one through its mouth out the back of its head hitting the floor dead.
" there is a weakness through its mouth or under the jaw to it's brain " Lillian said as she helped Wei burying her sword up through its head making the dog drop dead.
Only one left that slowly backed away from the group with a menacing look, Lillian stepped forward as the dog kept taking steps back and turned running up another stair well. Lillian turned seeing only eight dead left but how tired the group was that kept hacking away at them. Lillian runs over taking a head off one that almost took a bite out of Len while she was killing the two in front of her while Bec cut down three in a row, Taylor buried his Axe in the back of ones head after the group finished when the last one dropped dead.
" speak at the door " Lillian said to Len who looked down at the people or what use to be living people making her heart ache.
" we're here to help... Taylor is with us " Len said as Taylor jogged over tapping the door with tears in his eyes, they heard things moving from the door then ten minutes later someone opened the door with a loud creak as if it's going to fall down from its hinges.
A girl who looked to be eighteen years old and a boy who looked to be eight years old and another girl stood behind him who was in her twenties as Taylor hugged his sister tight .
" noona your here " Taylor said dragging the other girl and boy into the hug with his sister, he looked around to find his grandma but didn't see her.
" where's mama " Taylor said looking around when he heard scratching on the back bedroom door as his sister started to cry more.
" when this started happening, she saved David from being attacked by the neighbors dog and I called noona to help with the wound since grandma said we wasn't aloud to open the door.... she even checked Noona for any wounds when she came in then told us about all the things she witnessed coming home from working at a hospital a week ago. She said how the dead wouldn't stay down and all the nurses along with Drs was showing the same signs, she stopped going to work and kept David here " The girl said as she looked at the bedroom when a loud gargling noise was heard from behind the door, Lillian made everyone go inside the apartment then had Bec secure the door.
" your names " Lillian said looking around the apartment then sighed and looked out the window to the nearby apartment seeing a middle aged man staring at them.
" he's a survivor " Lillian said as she got a weird feeling looking at the man, she noticed a rope coming from their window this with a small basket on the rope.
" Who is he " Lillian asked as Taylor's sister walked over to him since she was shy, he smiled then walked her over to Lillian.
" Ash this is Lillian, she saved me and also came to save you all " Taylor said as the girl smiled then hugged Lillian catching her off guard.
" he's been sending us some dry food since we were out of food here " Ash said then looked over to the man who kept pointing to something below them, Ash sighed then looked down from the closed window but couldn't see anything.
The man pulled the basket over putting a note inside then put a bag of peanuts on top so the note wouldn't fly away as he sent it back.
" he was a doctor but he worked at the University as a professor until this happened " Ash said as Rebecca walked over opening the window taking the contents out and handing the boy the bag of nuts that had chocolate mixed in.
Rebecca furrowed her brows then went pale as she quickly shut the window pulling Ash along with David away.
" he said a creature is slowly approaching our window, he also said it's a new type that is hard to kill... even bullets probably won't work and to run " Rebecca said grabbing a few bags she had prepared and took the bag of nuts away shoving them in the boys backpack then pulled them over where she had duck tape with some magazines taping them to the boy and girls body parts especially their arms and legs.
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