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0.71% DxD: Infernal Destroyer / Chapter 1: DXD 0001: Prologue
DxD: Infernal Destroyer DxD: Infernal Destroyer original

DxD: Infernal Destroyer

Autor: Addyctive7

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: DXD 0001: Prologue

The cry of a child reverberated through the entire room; with that cry, concentrated traces of crimson-red energy were released throughout the room. One with a keen eye would notice that whatever surface was graced by that energy, started disappearing as if it had never existed.

"Ahh!" The nurse that was holding the baby collapsed as she dropped him to the ground. Her hands had already disappeared as she collapsed. But just before the baby touched the ground, he was caught by a regal-looking man with black hair and violet eyes. At the same time, the effect of the energy was brought to a halt by that man's mere presence.

"Atavism…" He whispered under his breath before giving a glance at the mother of the baby who was still moaning in pain, her stomach still inflated from the presence of another baby in her womb.

"How peculiar…" He noticed that although everything was being affected by the Power of Destruction that was released by the baby, the mother and the child in her womb were just fine even though the mother had no immunity to the power.

Everyone else had already been corroded before he arrived, the doctor and the nurses had already collapsed as they moaned in pain.

"Zagan! Bring the extra doctors and nurses to deliver your other child." He said with a dignified voice.

"A-ancestor… At once." The man named Zagan instantly entered the room and was confused before leaving to call the doctors.

After that, the person who was called Ancestor by Zagan stood at the side with the now asleep baby in his arms as the doctors and nurses shuffled around and delivered the other baby. There was a weak crimson glow around the man's body and it was as if the people in the room didn't even notice his presence while he examined the baby in his arms.

After a while, he sighed and walked out of the room, unnoticed by anyone. Standing in the verandah that was outside the room, he said, "Abaddon #%@&# Bael." He said for no one to hear, but immediately, a torrent of crimson energy exploded out of the child's body as if acknowledging the name.

"Never tell anyone your true name, little Abaddon… Now you'll be better able to control your energy…" He stated in a dignified voice as he looked at the child's peaceful face.

A while later, the crying of another child was heard within the room as he brought Abaddon back to the room where his mother was lying in a semi-conscious state with her child in her arms. There was a faint anxiety in her eyes as she looked around for her other child, but was too weak to do anything. The man who was called Zagan was sitting by his wife as he held her free hand in comfort.

The man with her baby in his arms who was addressed as Ancestor by Zagan looked at the other child and said under his breath, "Unfit… Though understandable." With that, he dispersed the red glow and made his presence known.

"A-ancestor…" The woman's eyes widened as she said in a hoarse voice. Zagan also stood up and respectfully turned to look at the dignified man. "His name is Abaddon, Misla, Zagan." He said before handing Abaddon to the new mother and disappearing as if he was never there.

Zagan was frozen in place as he looked at Abaddon in his mother's arms. He'd just woken up and was cooing to his mother while gazing at his sleeping twin every once in a while.

"He named my child…" Zagan muttered under his breath as he had disbelief marred all over his face.

"Abbadon Bael… Son of Zagan Bael, Lord Bael… Acknowledged by the first head of the House of Bael, Zekram Bael… Has a nice ring to it…" He thought as he gently caressed the head of his son.

A few years later, Zekram and Zagan were in Zekram's office as they talked about business.

"How's Abaddon doing?" Zekram asked after they were done with their business talk.

"He's doing splendidly. He will do great as the next heir of the house of Bael." Zagan said, "Though I hope he can be separated from that waste Sairaorg…" He said in distaste.

Zekram ignored his descendant's complaints and said, "That's good. He should be turning 7 soon, right?" He asked.

"In a week, Ancestor. On the first of August according to the human calendar." He answered.

"Good. I will be preparing for his Evil Piece bestowal ceremony so that he can start recruiting his peerage soon. I'll have the Satans bring the general ceremony up by 6 months." Zekram stated, his voice heavy and dignified as his words had Zagan take a short breath. He nonchalantly mentioned commanding the Satans to move up the bestowal ceremony as if it was nothing.

It always awed Zagan when he realized just how much influence his ancestor had in the political landscape of the Underworld.

"As you command, Ancestor. Are any specific people to be invited?" He asked. "Do as you wish. It doesn't matter." He said with a calculating glint in his eyes though that was gone within a second, replaced by his dignified demeanor.

"Should I invite Vanelana?" He asked. "As I said, do as you wish. It doesn't matter." He left everything to the head of the house. He didn't have to care about any of this stuff, nor was interested in caring.

"If I may ask, Ancestor…" Zagan was hesitant. "Ask away." Zekram permitted. "Why are you so interested in Abaddon? I've never seen you take such an interest in a mere descendent, even if it was an heir. You even went so far as to change the naming tradition for him." He asked, referring to how Abaddon's name started with an 'A' while all known heirs of the Bael clan were named with a 'Z'.

Zekram had an out-of-character smirk on his face as he said, "If you don't know then you're not ready to know." He stated, "Dismissed." He wasn't willing to entertain Zagan any longer.

"What do you know of an Atavistic descendent, Zagan… He will be the one to change the landscape of the entire Supernatural world when he grows up." He muttered with a faraway look in his eyes.

"Out of my way." A seven your old child said. He had jet-black hair and violet eyes, the trademark of the Bael Clan. He was looking at the two guards that were stopping him from entering the Bestowal grounds of the Underworld. It was his birthday today and he was to be bestowed his Evil Pieces.

Although he was just 7 years old, his words weren't to be questioned as his voice may not have been deep, but there was a huge amount of weight behind his words.

The two guards looked at the prideful face of the child in front of them with a dismayed look as they said, "Heir Bael, we have received specific orders that we are not to allow your brother to enter the grounds. You are more than allowed to enter, but that's not the case for your brother." One of the guards said.

"Who do you think you are to stop my brother from entering the ceremonial grounds." He was still calm, but the voice of the child send shivers down the guard's spine. This wasn't due to the child's natural charisma. He had a soft child-like voice that would make anyone swoon. It wasn't even due to the fact that he was the heir of the family, Abaddon.

The guards' reaction was solely due to the fact that Abaddon was unconsciously infusing his voice with his Power of Destruction and making it sound terrifying to the listeners.

The two guards looked at each other with hopelessness as they said, "I'm sorry, but these are our orders."

Abaddon was about to continue but was stopped by Sairaorg, who pulled at his sleeve, "It's okay, brother. I told you I wouldn't be able to come. I'll go back and play by myself." He smiled and said to Abaddon with a steady tone.

Heading his brother's calm words, instead of being placated, Abaddon's fury started bubbling even more. The calm tone suggested that Sairaorg was used to this kind of treatment and his presence had failed to do anything to stop this discrimination.

"Shut it. And call me big brother. I'm 5 minutes older than you." Abaddon stated with a prideful voice and turned to look at the guards.

"One last chance. Do you really want to step on my pride?" He asked with a soft voice. This time there was no infusion of the power of destruction, nor was there any trick involved. Abaddon's words made the two guards feel momentarily suffocated.

"Please understand, Heir. We cannot allow this." They stated. At this point, Abaddon's fury had reached the tipping point as he looked down for a moment before looking right into the eyes of the two guards.

"How…" A deep crimson started bubbling up around Abaddon which started affecting everything around him. "DARE…" He glared at the two guards that shivered with the presence of the most fearsome power in the entirety of the underworld. "YOU…" All of that bubbling power exploded outward in an uncontrolled manner and started destroying everything that was touched by it.

Those two guards were the first to bear the brunt as they deployed magic circles to shield themselves. But they were being corroded quickly. Sadly for the two guards, they were too slow to react as their shields were destroyed within moments and the power of destruction started destroying their bodies.

In this huge explosion of pure destruction energy, everything around him was destroyed, except for Sairaorg, who wasn't even affected by the indiscriminate attack. Even in his unconscious state, Abaddon was protecting his brother from being harmed by his power.

Soon, the power of destruction waned off, and everything in a radius of 15 meters was completely wiped out as if it had never existed, including those guards. The only thing that was fine was the ground directly under Abaddon and Sairaorg, as around them was a crater with a depth of 15 meters.

"Let's go, little brother." Abaddon's demeanor changed instantly as he turned cheery and grabbed Sairaorg before jumping over the crater.

All this was witnessed by one person who was hiding his presence from the two kids. 'Pride and Wrath are the most prominent. He might just break the sin code and become 7 sins incarnate…' Zekram thought with interest. 'Then again, we derive power from our sin… If he has all 7, all that does is increase his potential even more.' This whole scenario was an artificial one as Zekram had wanted to test Abaddon. And he was glad to say that his test was overwhelmingly successful.

These guards were merely low-level devils who had no right to protect the entrance to the most prominent ceremony of the underworld. Countless people and many prominent clan heirs were here. The security wasn't something that could be breached by a 7-year-old, no matter how strong.

After he moved into the ceremonial grounds, Abaddon was greeted by a wide procession of people and saw his father waiting for him with a light scowl on his face. Abaddon's face was indifferent as he walked up to his father and stood there with his brother.

"I thought I said that he's not allowed," Zagan commented to Abaddon.

"I thought differently," Abaddon answered and didn't say anything more.

Zagan's face twitched with fury, but he took a deep breath and didn't say anything more.

With this, the bestowal of the Evil Pieces commenced and Abaddon was the first to receive his pieces. Followed by the other prominent heirs of this generation from houses such as Gremory, Sitri, Agares, Astaroth, etc.

'Hmm…' Zekram had a thoughtful look on his face as he looked at Abaddon talking with the multiple heirs of the houses. His gaze alternated between Rias and Abaddon who had only exchanged perfunctorily before parting. 'The kid's just too prideful…' He smiled as he realized that Abaddon was deliberately keeping everyone at arm's length while socializing just enough to not be considered too much of an asshole.

"Zagan." He called. "A-ancestor… Please stop sneaking up on me." Zagan said as shivers ran down his spine.

"You would be able to detect me if you were good enough with the power of Destruction. It's a simple trick to coat yourself with it. But you're too boorish to learn it." He said with disapproval.

"It's not simple, Ancestor." He said with a wry smile. "It's practically impossible for me to learn without enough time and talent." He said. "Excuses." He snorted, "Arrange for a king piece for the kid. If it's too late, the piece won't be able to withstand his power of Destruction." He said.

"Are you sure? The king piece for him? Wouldn't it hamper him in his later years?" He asked with concern.

"The king piece provides almost 100 times boost to your base power, but the drawback is that it's too volatile and can harm the user when it can't handle their power. But you see… Its issues can be resolved as long as he can induce a mutation in it." Zekram stated.

"But…" Zagan was hesitant. "No buts. He is getting a king piece one way or the other." He said with a tone of finality. "Fine…" Zagan said with a resigned tone, "What if he fails to mutate it?" He asked. "Then I'll destroy the king piece." He stated nonchalantly.

"What?!" Zagan was surprised at his ancestor's words. "What? Did you think that I would leave my heir to die if he can't induce a mutation in the king piece?" Zekram smirked. "Unlike you, I have brought the Power of Destruction to its extremity and can even destroy concepts. This is nothing."

"Thank you, Ancestor. I'll get right on it." Zagan agreed.

"Also… I need you to contact Hades." He stated as he thoughtfully looked at Abaddon.

"Hades? May I ask why?" Zagan asked.

"No. Just contact him." He stated to the disgruntled agreement of Zagan.

Almost 9 years after getting his Evil Pieces, Abaddon was the undisputed leader of the rating games within the youth of the Underworld, and his personal strength was off the charts, almost approaching the level of an Ultimate class as a mere 17-year-old devil. Though this gave rise to a problem. He never bothered getting a peerage. He could easily solo any rating game which never made him want to get a peerage.

"You need to socialize," Zekram stated as he looked at Abaddon who had now grown up to look like a mature adult. With very light stubble on his face, his jet black hair shining and his striking purple eyes, he was both similar to his ancestor and not.

"Why?" He asked nonchalantly.

"You're too much of a shut-in. Yes, you're strong, very strong. But you need to explore the world." Zekram stated. "Too troublesome," Abaddon said lazily. "I don't care. A lot of your power comes from the King Piece and I don't think I need to tell you its drawbacks again." He said.

"Yeah…" He said with an annoyed expression. "Unless you mutate it, you will hit a ceiling one day and lose everything," Zekram said.

"I didn't ask you to give me the King Piece…" He mumbled. "And then you wouldn't have been able to win everything without even having a peerage. Are you strong and talented? Yes, immensely so. But your success has a lot to do with the King Piece inside you. And you have to leverage its power to its fullest." He explained seriously.

"Come on, old man. You know that I've tried. I haven't been able to do anything about it." Abaddon said.

"That's why you have to make friends and talk to more people. It will broaden your horizons and may give you some idea." He said.

"But—" He was interrupted. "Recently, I had a devil sniffing around about king pieces, and that would've led to you. I've snuffed the issue, but that's left a free territory in the human world. Kuoh Town, I think it's called. Both the Gremory and Sitri heirs are taking care of that territory. Go there, maybe you'll learn something from them. Both of them have some good qualities." He stated.

"Like what?" He snorted, "I can beat them both 10 times over and still have enough juice left to fight against Sairaorg." He said proudly.

"Power is not everything. I've told you this hundreds of times. The Sitri heir is an amazing tactician, to the extent that even I'm impressed by her capabilities sometimes. And your cousin Rias is the best peerage manager I've seen in recent times. Every single member of her weak and tiny peerage would instantly give up their lives for her, without any question." He explained.

"If I go, will you get off of my back?" He asked, exasperated.

"Good. You leave tomorrow." He smiled.

"Ugh…" He groaned as he walked out. "Also, keep your Queen slot free. I have someone planned for you once you reach Satan class." He said.

"Not planning to get a peerage anyway, old man." Abaddon had to get the last word in.


This is a new story guys, give me some power stones so that the story can get up on the rankings and get more people to read it! Thank you.

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Addyctive7 Addyctive7


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