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45.45% Champion of the Sea (Pokemon SI) / Chapter 4: Ventures in Legacy

Capítulo 4: Ventures in Legacy

"Let's raise a glass to Alex Waterflower, the youngest champion in the storied history of the Indigo Conference. You've not only brought immeasurable glory to our beloved Cerulean City, but you stand as a remarkable epitome of the bright future that awaits this city. As you continue to excel and shatter records, may your journey be as boundless as the oceans that surround us, and may your spirit continue to inspire generations to come!"

As the mayor of Cerulean City raised his glass, the crowd followed suit, clinking their glasses together in a resounding toast. I smiled and reciprocated the gesture, all the while counting the minutes till I could get out of this mind numbing celebration at City Hall.

The closing ceremony after my match had simply been one of the greatest moments of my life. The feeling of standing on the top step, surrounded by my Pokemon as the Champion of Indigo handed me my trophy is truly indescribable. 

The roar of the crowd, the countless reporters vying for my attention, and the pride on the faces of my family made all my hard work and perseverance worth it. I had spent countless months training with my pokemon and continuous weeks at a time in the wilderness facing any strong opponent that crossed our path. My Pokemon showcased indomitable will and spirit and persevered through it all and well, the end result speaks for itself.

The mayor, on the other hand, did not even waste a day to arrange this shindig to appropriate my victory as a symbol of the growth and prosperity of Cerulean City under "his" watch. I honestly disliked politicians like him and found his attempts at maintaining his 'power' to be rather pointless, especially with the existence of tangible hard power in this world.

In spite of this, I did not let my true emotions show on my face and shook hands and mingled with the various department heads and businessmen who came to this celebration. I may find it tedious, but the businesses they represented employed hundreds or even thousands of citizens of Cerulean City and were a major driving force of our economy.

A rather unremarkable individual, with a portly frame and well tailored suit, was another in a long line of well wishers. He extended his hand and said, "Mr. Waterflower, congratulations on the amazing victory. I am Benjamin Ryder, the Head of Marketing and Trainer Relations for Silph Co. Do you have a minute?"

"Thank You. It means a lot. Sure I have time, what can I do for you, Mr. Ryder?"

"We at Silph were really impressed with your performance in the Indigo Conference. As you are well aware, Silph Co can provide you with a lot of resources and incentives. We have enough manpower to dredge the ocean for any Pokemon you may wish for. Our state of the art training facilities can help you bridge the gap to become a certified Elite Trainer. We can help bolster your popularity even further. Moreover, We have drafted a tentative sponsorship offer for you which is much more generous than our previous one."

Silph had clearly sent in a big gun to finally reel me in. He was obviously a very important individual in the company and his rather forward approach meant that they really wanted me and would be open to negotiate even higher. 

This was hardly a surprise. I had no sponsors beside the Cerulean City Gym. Throughout my journey, I had politely declined countless Sponsorship offers.

Basically, Sponsorships were given by companies to trainers who they found had a lot of potential and/or fit their brand image. The trainers would primarily receive monetary benefits which would greatly help them in the maintenance and growth of their Pokemon team and enable them to concentrate on their Pokemon and battling and not have to worry about money. The sponsor company could also provide the trainers with high quality pokemon food and/or other resources like evolution stones to aid in their growth.

In return, the sponsored trainer had to wear the logo of the company in a prominent position when competing in tournaments or exhibitions. They also had to ensure that the company advertisement was featured in any Pokemon battle video they uploaded to sites like BattleNet. They could also be called upon to attend events representing the company or even feature in advertisements the company recorded.

This was essentially a gamble by the companies. The sponsored trainer could become big, win a lot of tournaments, and have a dedicated fan base. This would in turn bring in a lot of new and loyal customers for their products. However, the sponsored trainers could also fail to reach expectations and waste the resources invested into him or her. More importantly, providing sponsorships was a tax deduction for these companies.

As the son of the Cerulean City Gym Leader, I was already well known even before starting my journey. Given my family's history and position, sponsoring me or my siblings early into our journey is like buying an asset for pennies on the dollar. 

My only sponsor, Cerulean City Gym, did not offer any products. This meant that whoever was able to sign me up now would benefit the most from my recent sharp increase in popularity and convert it into tangible wealth.

"As I said to your representative before, I am not completely opposed to accepting Sponsorship. However, I will have to review your offer and get back to you."

Understanding the polite dismissal, he brought out a thick manila envelope and handed it to me before leaving. And that opened the floodgate.

In the next half hour, ten more representatives tried their luck at persuading me and handed me their offers after receiving a similar reply. Some tried to press on, but a stricter dismissal had them departing. The fact that they brought physical copies of their offers in person, showcased their urgency and that they held hope, however minor, that they would have been able to sway me enough to close the deal right there.

My father finally came to my rescue along with Chief Jenny, the Commissioner of the Cerulean City Police Department. Both he and Jenny chuckled when they saw the mounting pile of manila envelopes that I was carrying.

Being the dutiful son that I was, I foisted the pile onto him as soon as he reached me.

"I still remember how you used to beg your mother and me to include you in the political discussions. How are you enjoying them now"

"Ha Ha, laugh it up. I seriously cannot take this anymore. Even the champagne has stopped helping. We seriously need to leave fast and go to the fun party at the Gym. As an amazing older brother, I cannot keep my sisters waiting any longer."

"What is this other party I am hearing about?"

"Ah Chief Jenny, great to see you here. Are you as bored of this as I am?"

"I have grown used to these. They are kind of in the job description as Chief Of Police. Oh, I haven't congratulated you on your victory yet. To imagine, the same boy who used to tear up when the growlithe ran away from him, has grown into such a powerful trainer."

I did not miss my father's attempt to cover up his laughter. 

"Must you bring this up now?" I retorted with a playful grin. "I was only six back then. How would you react if those cute and fluffy Growlithe bolted as soon as you tried to pet and cuddle them? Hell, I didn't even understand at the time why they did that."

"Ok I'll drop it. Still, you should have let Milotic end the match instead of unnecessarily withdrawing her like that. She looked so sad."

"You know, you are just as bad as my sisters when it comes to spoiling her"

"Am not"

"Have you ever visited her without giving her a few treats and headpats? Yeah, I didn't think so. Speaking of my sisters, they were really tired after the match yesterday, so we decided to have a celebration at the gym tonight. You should join us."

"Sure. It should be much better than this."

My dad chose that moment to interject, "You know we can't leave until the Guest of Honor gives a speech, and even I want to leave quickly. So go up there, raise a glass, and give a toast."

"Can't we just sneak out? No one will notice."

"You are the Guest of Honor. Of course, they will notice. Just give a quick toast and let's go."

I picked up a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and, with a gentle clinking, captured everyone's attention.

"I'd like to express my gratitude to all of you for joining us in this celebration. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of my family and the Cerulean City Gym, as well as the dedication and hard work of my Pokémon. This evening, I also want to extend my thanks to each and every one of you for your contributions to the betterment of our beloved city. Your efforts have been instrumental in its growth and prosperity. My family has served as the protectors of this region for generations, and I am honored to continue that legacy to the best of my ability. I wish you all a delightful evening."

The crowd responded with polite applause, clearly satisfied with the brief toast. My father and Chief Jenny exchanged knowing glances, and it was time to make our exit from the endless parade of well-wishers and politics.

We navigated through the crowd, each step bringing me closer to the escape from the grandiose but tiresome celebration at City Hall. As we reached the exit, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The street outside was much quieter, and I felt a renewed sense of freedom.

The night air was cool, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of the nearby ocean. Cerulean City had always been a special place to me, a city of both fond memories and new beginnings. I took a deep breath, savoring the familiar sea breeze.

My father released his Slowbro and I followed suit with Gardevior. My Gardevior is a formidable Pokémon whose strength lay not only in power but in support. She may not be the most robust member of my team, but her utility was unmatched. With moves like Heal Pulse, Teleport, and Gravity, in addition to her ability, Telepathy, which enabled me to transmit images of moves and various strategies directly to my team, she was instrumental to the rapid growth and development of my Pokémon. 

Slowbro teleported my father and Chief Jenny to the front of the gym, while Gardevior did the same for me. My father, Chief Jenny, and I made our way toward the main arena, where the party was being held. The gym's lights illuminated the night with a warm, welcoming glow. The sound of laughter and celebration echoed from within.

As we entered the gym, my two youngest sisters, Lily and Misty, rushed over to greet me. They were excited and proud of my victory at the Indigo Conference, and I could see their admiration in their eyes. The bond between my family and our Pokémon ran deep, and I was grateful for their unending support

"Alex, you were amazing!" Lily exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Misty nodded her head vigorously. "Yeah, everyone at school kept talking about it and all my friends said that it was like you were invincible!"

An enormous smile erupted on my face. I ruffled their hair affectionately. "Thanks, you two. It meant a lot to have you there supporting me."

Taking advantage of the joyful atmosphere, I released the Pokémon I had brought with me. Milotic shot me a quick look showcasing her lingering annoyance at me and rushed eagerly to engage with Misty. Their playful interactions brought smiles all around. An entire afternoon of feeding Milotic treats, showering her with praise and brushing her was apparently not enough for her to forgive me yet.

Gyarados, in his exuberance, plunged into the pool, sending waves that playfully drenched Daisy, Violet, and their Pokémon. Vaporeon became the focus of Lily's attention as she brushed her with care and delight. Lapras, ever sociable, joined others in the pool. Meanwhile, Blastoise strutted around, displaying his strength to the younger Pokémon. His younger brother and sister were part of my sister's Pokemon team and he loved to play the part of the cool older brother. 

The pokemon I had not carried with me were already taking part in the celebration. Some were mingling with my father's pokemon while the rest were either playing with the other Gym Trainer's Pokemon or amongst themselves. Kingdra however hovered by my side acting as the ever vigilant protector.

"You know you should really loosen up. We are inside the gym, completely safe. We already celebrated as a team in the afternoon. Look at Blastoise over there showing off. Why don't you join them, show off to the kids how strong big bad Kingdra is. Have some fun!"

My only reply was a snort and I could practically feel him rolling his eyes. This was not the first time we had had this conversation.

Seeing my little sisters preoccupied with the Pokemon, I approached Daisy and Violet with Kingdra in tow.

"Big bro, how was the stuffy party with the boring old politicians?"

"As bad as you would expect."

Daisy chimed in "Anyway, remember you mentioned pokemon contests that happened in Hoenn?"

Daisy and Violet looked at me with eager anticipation, their eyes shining with curiosity. They were always enthusiastic about anything related to performance, and I couldn't help but smile at their excitement.

"Yeah, I remember mentioning the Pokémon Contests of Hoenn this morning," I replied. "They're a unique and exciting way to showcase a Pokémon's style, grace, and moves. It's not all about battles; it's more about a Pokémon's performance and appeal. Coordinators train their Pokémon to perform stunning combinations of moves with style and elegance."

Violet's eyes lit up. "That sounds amazing! Can you tell us more about them? Have you ever participated in one?"

I shook my head, "No I haven't participated in one but I did hear about them while I was traveling in Sinnoh. They were just recently started and haven't spread outside of Hoenn yet. Is this about selecting a region to travel to next season?"

"Yeah we were deciding between traveling to Hoenn or Sinnoh. Lily will also start her journey this year. We thought we could wait till Lily gets her required three badges and then we could all go together. The three sensational sisters taking the world by storm!!"

"The four Sensational Sisters, Daisy."

"Yes, four." Daisy's face turned into one of reluctant acceptance while Violet just looked on in awkwardness.

Daisy, Violet, and I had been the only ones who were old enough to remember the amazing moments we spent with mom. While me and Violet had pretty much gotten over the tragedy, Daisy still held some resentment towards Misty.

Both me and dad had tried our best to make her understand that Misty held no fault in the tragedy. She had mostly let go of it and was not cruel or unnecessarily mean to Misty. However, there were still the moments and occasional slip ups which showed why she still kept her distance from Misty.

I continued chatting with my sisters and then decided to catch up with Richard, the son of Uncle Maxwell, who held the position of Head Gym Trainer and served as my father's second in command. Richard had played a significant role in my journey as my Sinnoh traveling companion.

Being two years older than me, he took it upon himself to introduce me to the more relaxed side of life, dragging me to beach parties and various events with the aim of helping me loosen up. While I'd argue that I wasn't as dull and single-minded about Pokémon battles as he claimed, I couldn't deny that his efforts did have an impact. Those events had been genuinely enjoyable and did lead to some memorable encounters. All I will say is that surfer chicks are really wild.

More importantly, Richard was a remarkably skilled Ice specialist, ranking in the top 16 of the Sinnoh Lily of the Valley tournament, an achievement that spoke volumes about his abilities. Currently, he was fulfilling the role of a gym trainer in our gym, but I knew his ultimate aspiration was to establish an Ice-type Gym in Kanto

It was refreshing to catch up with Richard, who had a way of bringing some excitement into my otherwise Pokémon-focused life. As we talked about upcoming parties and potential adventures, I couldn't help but get swept up in his enthusiasm for experiencing life beyond battles.

The evening continued, with the gym's main arena filled with joyful laughter, Pokémon performances, and the energetic chatter of my family and friends. It was a delightful contrast to the formal gathering at City Hall.

The party eventually came to a close, leaving me seated on the beach beside the gym, watching Kingdra as he enjoyed the gentle embrace of the ocean. Kingdra had been my unwavering companion throughout the night. The only exception was when he used the combination of Whirlpool, Ice Beam, and Dragon Pulse to showcase an example of a contest performance at the insistence of my sisters. The performance had left everyone spell bound and was definitely one of the highlights of the night.

"What's on your mind?" 

A voice broke my reverie. It was my father, standing behind me, and he took a seat while waiting for my response. 

I looked out at the tranquil sea before answering, "I've been contemplating the sponsorship offers I received tonight and considering which member of the Elite Four to challenge for my Elite Trainer certification."

My father offered some advice. "You only just became the champion of the Indigo Conference. Give yourself a break. Enjoy the moment. Head to a party with Richard. You have two years to make that challenge. If you must think, ponder how to make use of the five million dollars you won, or even which Pokémon you want to acquire during your supervised entry into the Dragon's Den."

I couldn't help but express my wonder at the reward related to the Dragon's Den. "I still can't fathom how the League persuaded the Blackthorn Clan to allow the Indigo Conference champion an opportunity to capture one Pokémon from their dragon breeding ground."

He responded with a triumphant smirk "Like they had a choice. It's related to the War I mentioned. And before you ask, I am only legally allowed to tell you more details about the War after you become an Elite Rank trainer. Now, stop brooding and go enjoy yourself."

I voiced my reluctance. "I can't do that. I need to make a decision about sponsorship swiftly. This is the best time to negotiate favorable terms."

He queried, intrigued, "What's causing you such turmoil regarding sponsorship?"

I delved into my reasoning. "I was thinking about how to maximize the benefits I can extract from any sponsor. The Gym and you already provide all the resources my Pokémon need, like the best Pokémon food recipes tailored to optimize their growth. So, the only tangible benefit I can get is monetary compensation. Yet, the money they offer will pale in comparison to the profits they'll generate from products featuring my likeness. It's an imbalanced trade."

His solution was straightforward. "Then don't accept any sponsorship offer, just like I haven't. The Gym receives a substantial amount of money for running it and safeguarding the region. Additionally, I'm granted four million Pokédollars annually as an Elite Trainer in the service of the League. You'll receive the same when you become certified."

"Yes, but that's like leaving money on the table. We can leverage our popularity and credibility to earn so much more. You can never have too much money."

Dad laughed at that. "I can see why you were in such a dilemma. You could always sign a profit sharing agreement which will ensure you get a much larger sum. I think Cyrus, the Saffron City Gym Leader, has a profit sharing agreement with some telecommunications company."

I countered, highlighting the potential pitfalls. "Yes, but there are numerous tricks companies can use to cheat me out of my fair share. They could shift my product line to a wholly owned subsidiary and then artificially inflate their operational expenses, issue excessive loans to themselves, and charge exorbitant fees for using their own services like distribution and customer support. All of these tactics could eat into the profit margin, potentially even showing a loss on the books."

My father listened attentively, and I continued, "And that's not even accounting for the boost in credibility and popularity that the entire company would receive, while I'd only profit from products bearing my image."

He suggested an alternative. "Then why not consider a gross revenue-sharing agreement? It should eliminate most of those tricks."

I shook my head, explaining further. "The companies are aware of that as well, and none of them would be willing to sign such an agreement. It's entirely unprecedented."

My father prodded me. "When did you grow so cynical? You're shooting down every solution I propose. Do you have any ideas of your own?"

I laid out my ideal solution. "The perfect approach would be if the companies granted me a stake in their business for representing them. However, I'm sure no successful company in their right mind would offer me part ownership. 

With the five million I won from the Conference, I've saved around eight million Pokédollars. I can use this money to acquire small companies that manufacture aquatic-themed items, such as fishing rods and surfboards. Plus, there's that ultra-expensive grooming kit company that recently went bankrupt. Milotic adores their products, which could be a strong selling point."

My father looked shaken at that. "Please tell me you don't believe you can actually run these companies. You're an incredible trainer and have the potential to maybe even become the Champion one day. You can't seriously think this is a good idea..."

I tried to reassure him and calm him down 

"Dad, I don't believe I can run these companies. I am, and will always be, a Pokémon trainer. 

What I'm proposing is using my money to acquire and merge these companies, becoming a paid spokesperson for this new entity. 

Then, I'd offer up to 50% of the shares to a company like Silph Co., which excels in marketing and distribution, at a discounted price. The parent company would oversee the day-to-day operations and gain the desired boost in popularity because I essentially represent one of their subsidiary companies."

My father took some time to think, calming down from the initial shock. Kingdra, my ever-loyal companion, had returned from the ocean and was now hovering beside me, listening to our conversation.

After a pause, my father inquired, "I don't understand why, though. Why would a company like Silph Co. invest in this convoluted scheme of yours? There are plenty of companies that sell items like fishing rods and bait. Why can't they just acquire a similar business and do it themselves? Most importantly, why do you even want to do all this and use your own money? You could just relax and receive millions of dollars every year from a sponsor."

Ironically, these were the same questions I had asked myself before my father joined me on the beach. In the end, the answer was quite simple.

"The company would want to invest in this convoluted scheme for one simple reason. It is what we represent. For centuries, the Cerulean City Gym has been the premier Water Type Gym in Indigo. The people of Indigo trust us. If a customer is searching for a water themed product, they are much more likely to purchase one from a company owned and endorsed by us.

This, in essence, will be like a 50% profit-sharing agreement for the parent company. However, they won't be able to employ any tricks to cut into our share of the profits because we'll own at least 50% of the company.

As for why I should risk my money, I stand to earn much more from this than a regular sponsorship, especially in the long term. Crucially, if this succeeds, I'll own at least fifty percent of a growing, high-performing asset."

My father sat there in silence as he contemplated my words. Kingdra chimed in and nodded his head showing his complete support of my words.

To help sway the decision further, I added, "Sponsorships make the most sense for talented but unproven trainers. The companies gamble, and we know that when they win, they win big. I am the youngest winner of the Indigo Conference in history, and there's a very high chance I'll become an Elite trainer this year. I'm already a proven commodity. It doesn't make sense to let those companies make the lion's share of the profit."

The silence continued for a few more minutes. Eventually, my father spoke, pondering my proposal, "If you go through with this, the new company will essentially represent the Cerulean Gym and our legacy. I'll contact our lawyer and accountant tomorrow, and if they agree that your idea is feasible, I'll contribute seven million dollars, making a total of fifteen million. 

Most importantly, we'll have to ensure that we retain controlling ownership of this company. You're right in saying that we'll be leveraging our reputation and credibility, so we must ensure that each of our products matches, if not exceeds, the competition. We have more than enough money to live comfortably. Are you certain you want to take this risk?"

I could feel the pressure of a vast ocean pressing on my shoulders as he looked into my eyes. I considered the vast expanse of the future and the potential rewards it held. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I responded with a single word, "Yes."


I wanted to use his win in the Indigo conference as a starting point and explore how he navigates through the business and political aspects of the Pokemon world and how he proceeds from there. After all, he is just seventeen years old. He may decide to take up the Gym Leader mantle and help his family reach greater heights or make a bid for the Elite Four or even attempt to become the Champion instead of Lance.

I really want to know what you think about the idea of establishing a company. I just want to reassure you that this will never become the main focus of the fanfic. So please review if you liked it.

Some people found the battle to be one sided and I kind of agree. I mainly wrote the battle to showcase just how strong Alex has grown after five years of dedicated training using all his meta knowledge. He is closer in power to the Elite Four than he is to Henry, the Indigo Conference Finalist. 

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